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- ##############################################################################
- # Automation requirements: all z-wave devices should contain
- # enabled 'sensor.*_node_status' and 'button.*_ping' entities
- # This automation is pressing ping button up to 5 times every 15 seconds until
- # a node becomes alive. The automation is queued to avoid zwave network traffic jam.
- alias: Z-Wave - PING dead nodes
- description: ""
- trigger:
- - platform: state
- entity_id:
- - sensor.myot_node_status
- - sensor.panel_alarmu_node_status
- - sensor.roleta_agatka_dach_node_status
- - sensor.termostat_zuzia_node_status
- to: dead
- condition: []
- action:
- - repeat:
- while: '{{ states(trigger.entity_id) == "dead" and repeat.index <= 5 }}'
- sequence:
- - service: persistent_notification.create
- data:
- title: 'Waking up - {{ states("sensor.date_time") }}'
- message: '{{ device_attr(device_id(trigger.entity_id), "name") }} - try no. {{ repeat.index }}'
- #use ping buttons as the service is deprecated
- - service:
- target:
- entity_id: '{{ trigger.entity_id | regex_replace(find="sensor.(.*)_node_status", replace="button.\\1_ping", ignorecase=False) }}'
- - wait_template: '{{ states(trigger.entity_id) == "alive" }}'
- timeout:
- seconds: 15
- mode: queued
- ######################################################################
- # Template to collect _node_status entities for non-battery powered z-wave devices
- # Pinging battery powered devices repeatedly is not good idea as they need to be woken up.
- # The output of this temlate can be used in the trigger definition of the automation above.
- # Using the template in the trigger or in a template sensor is not recommended because
- # it will be executed on each state change of each z-wave entity causing resource loss.
- {% set all_nodes = expand(integration_entities('Z-Wave JS') ) |
- selectattr('entity_id', 'search', 'node_status') |
- map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}
- {%- set ns = namespace(entities = []) %}
- {% for n in all_nodes %}
- {% if states(n.split('_node')[0] + '_battery_level') == 'unknown' %}
- {% set ns.entities = ns.entities + [n] %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- - {{ns.entities | join('\n- ')}}
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