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- #!/bin/bash
- ##########################################################################################
- # PS_MultiCrack
- # Fully cracks LM Half Chall passwords from an input file using Rcrack_mt and John
- #
- #
- # Requirements:
- # -Rcracki_mt, Rainbow tables, and John
- #
- # To Add:
- # - Stats for number of hashes cracked, number not found, total time
- # - Delete the previous temp files on startup
- # - Add option to load a config file, or just take the RT and Rcrack paths as parameters
- #
- #
- # Originally written by Karl Fosaaen
- # Twitter: @kfosaaen
- # Translated to bash by Ryan Gandrud
- # Twitter: @siegenapster
- #
- ##########################################################################################
- #Setup your local directories for stuff here
- #This should be your John\Run directory
- John_DIR=~/Desktop/Scripts/john-1.7.9-jumbo-6/run
- #Where your rcrack_mt.exe lives
- rcrack_DIR=~/Desktop/rcracki_mt_0.7.0_src/rcracki_mt/rcracki_mt
- #Where your halflmchall Rainbow tables are
- rtables_DIR=~/Desktop/Cracking/halflmchall
- #Checks your ARGS
- if [ $# -eq 2 ]
- then
- input_file=$1
- output_file=$2
- #Writes your output file to the dir that you run this from
- home_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
- file_to_write="$home_DIR/$output_file"
- half_hash_loc="$home_DIR/halfhash.txt"
- else
- if [ $# -eq 1 ]
- then
- echo "No second argument supplied"
- fi
- if [ $# -eq 0 ]
- then
- echo "No arguments supplied"
- fi
- if [ $# -gt 2 ]
- then
- echo "Too many arguments supplied"
- fi
- fi
- #Just some global variables
- LineNum=1
- LineValid="true"
- #Verify the hashes in the file before trying to open them
- while read -r p; do
- #The read -r makes backslash does not act as an escape character.
- #Resets each iteration
- input_type="DEFAULT"
- #Check if it's DOMAIN\User
- username_check=$(echo $p | cut -f1 -d:)
- #Write-Host "Line"$username_check
- #Checks if the Domain is after the second :, if so, then it's John format
- domain_check=$(echo $p | cut -f3 -d:)
- #Write-Host "Line"$domain_check
- #Length of 48
- lmhash_check=$(echo $p | cut -f4 -d:)
- #Write-Host "Line"$lmhash_check
- #Length of 48
- ntlmhash_check=$(echo $p | cut -f5 -d:)
- #Write-Host "Line"$ntlmhash_check
- #Length of 16
- salt_check=$(echo $p | cut -f6 -d:)
- #Write-Host "Line"$salt_check
- #Check if third field is empty. If so, then format is John
- if [ ${#domain_check} -ge 1 ]
- then
- input_type="JOHN"
- fi
- #Check if username contains \. If so, if input_type is still DEFAULT, then there is an error in formatting.
- if [[ ! "$username_check" == *'\'* ]]
- then
- if [ $input_type == "DEFAULT" ]
- then
- echo -e "Line"$LineNum" is not properly formatted at the Domain\Username. Add a \\ \n\n$p\n\nProper hash format is:\n\nDomain\USER:::LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\nor\nUSER::Domain:LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\n"
- exit
- fi
- fi
- #Check if lmhash_check is a valid lm hash length
- if [ ${#lmhash_check} -ne 48 ]
- then
- echo -e "Line $LineNum is not properly formatted at the LMHASH.\n\n$p\n\nCheck your hashes and/or your colons.\nProper hash format is:\n\nDomain\USER:::LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\nor\nUSER::Domain:LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\n"
- exit
- fi
- if [ ${#ntlmhash_check} -ne 48 ]
- then
- echo -e "Line $LineNum is not properly formatted at the NTLMHASH.\n\n$p\n\nCheck your hashes and/or your colons.\nProper hash format is:\n\nDomain\USER:::LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\nor\nUSER::Domain:LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\n"
- exit
- fi
- if [ ${#salt_check} -ne 16 ]
- then
- echo -e "Line $LineNum is not properly formatted at the SALT.\n\n$p\n\nCheck your hashes and/or your colons.\nProper hash format is:\n\nDomain\USER:::LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\nor\nUSER::Domain:LMHASH:NTLMHASH:1122334455667788\n"
- exit
- fi
- LineNum=$(($LineNum + 1))
- #This is the input file for the while loop above
- done < $input_file
- #Start the big loop
- while read -r p; do
- #parsing the hash
- domain=$(echo $p | cut -f3 -d:)
- lmhash=$(echo $p | cut -f4 -d:)
- ntlmhash=$(echo $p | cut -f5 -d:)
- salt=$(echo $p | cut -f6 -d:)
- if [ ${#domain} -ge 1 ]
- then
- username=$(echo $p | cut -f1 -d:)
- domain=$(echo $p | cut -f3 -d:)
- username_to_crack=$username'\'$domain
- correct_string=$username_to_crack":::"$lmhash":"$ntlmhash":"$salt
- else
- username_to_crack=$(echo $p | cut -f1 -d:)
- correct_string=$p
- fi
- #Check if the hash is already in john.pot
- pot_file_loc=$John_DIR"/john.pot"
- if [ -a $pot_file_loc ]
- then
- done="false"
- while read -r q; do
- #Parsing the john.pot file
- pot_hash_start=$(echo $q | cut -f4 -d$)
- pot_hash=$(echo $pot_hash_start | cut -f1 -d:)
- prev_pass=$(echo $pot_hash_start | cut -f2 -d:)
- if [ "$pot_hash" == "$ntlmhash" ]
- then
- prev_cracked="Previously Cracked:"$username_to_crack" "$prev_pass
- `echo $prev_pass" ("$username_to_crack")" >> $file_to_write`
- echo -e $prev_cracked
- done="true"
- fi
- done < $pot_file_loc
- else
- echo "No john.pot file available"
- done="false"
- fi
- #If hash not found in john.pot, start the cracking loop
- if [ $done == "false" ]
- then
- echo "$username_to_crack is going to get cracked"
- file_loc=$home_DIR"/current.txt"
- echo $correct_string > $file_loc
- HALFHASH=${lmhash:0:16}
- rcrack_command=$rcrack_DIR" -h "$HALFHASH" "$rtables_DIR" -o halfhash.txt"
- rcrack=`$rcrack_command`
- #If the halfhash.txt is created, then continue cracking
- if [ -a $half_hash_loc ]
- then
- #Parse out the seed to pipe into john
- Del_Half="true"
- while read -r z; do
- seedin1=$z
- seed=$(echo $z | cut -f2 -d:)
- done < $half_hash_loc
- cd $John_DIR
- #Writing own custom john.conf file for LM cracking
- Conftowrite="[Incremental:LM]\nFile = lanman.chr\nMinLen = 1\nMaxLen = 7\nCharCount = 69\n\n[List.External:HalfLM]\nvoid init()\n{\n word[14] = 0;\n}\n\nvoid filter()\n{\n word[13] = word[6];\n word[12] = word[5];\n word[11] = word[4];\n word[10] = word[3];\n word[9] = word[2];\n word[8] = word[1];\n word[7] = word[0];\n word[6] = '"${seed:6:1}"';\n word[5] = '"${seed:5:1}"';\n word[4] = '"${seed:4:1}"';\n word[3] = '"${seed:3:1}"';\n word[2] = '"${seed:2:1}"';\n word[1] = '"${seed:1:1}"';\n word[0] = '"${seed:0:1}"';\n}\n\n[List.Rules:Wordlist]\n:\n-c T0Q\n-c T1QT[z0]\n-c T2QT[z0]T[z1]\n-c T3QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]\n-c T4QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]\n-c T5QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]\n-c T6QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]\n-c T7QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]\n-c T8QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]\n-c T9QT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]\n-c TAQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]\n-c TBQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]T[zA]\n-c TCQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]T[zA]T[zB]\n-c TDQT[z0]T[z1]T[z2]T[z3]T[z4]T[z5]T[z6]T[z7]T[z8]T[z9]T[zA]T[zB]T[zC]"
- john_temp_folder=$John_DIR"/tmpcrack"
- if [ -a $john_temp_folder ]
- then
- echo -e $Conftowrite > tmpcrack/john.conf
- touch tmpcrack/john.dict
- touch tmpcrack/john.session
- else
- mkdir $john_temp_folder
- echo -e $Conftowrite >> tmpcrack/john.conf
- touch tmpcrack/john.dict
- touch tmpcrack/john.session
- fi
- #Commands to execute for cracking with john
- LMCrackerComm="./john -format:netlm -config:tmpcrack/john.conf -external:HalfLM -incremental:LM -session:tmpcrack/john.session $file_loc"
- LMShowComm="./john -format:netlm -show $file_loc"
- NTLMCrackerComm="./john -format:netntlm -config:tmpcrack/john.conf -wordlist:tmpcrack/john.dict --rules -user:$username_to_crack -session:tmpcrack/john.session $file_loc"
- #Crack the LM
- LMCracker=`$LMCrackerComm`
- #Get the LM from the -show command
- LMShow=`$LMShowComm`
- seed2=$(echo $LMShow | cut -f2 -d:)
- echo $seed2 >> tmpcrack/john.dict
- #Crack the NTLM
- NTLMCracker=`$NTLMCrackerComm > /dev/null`
- #Clean up temp files
- `rm -rf tmpcrack`
- #Run john a third time to output the case-sensitive password for easier parsing
- John_command3="./john -format:netntlm -show "$file_loc
- ntlm_return=`$John_command3`
- final_username=$(echo $ntlm_return | cut -f1 -d:)
- final_pass=$(echo $ntlm_return | cut -f2 -d:)
- if [ "$final_username" == "$username" ]
- then
- echo -e $final_pass" ("$username")" >> $file_to_write
- echo -e "\nSuccessfully cracked "$username_to_crack" - Password is "$final_pass"\n"
- elif [ "$final_username" = "$username_to_crack" ]
- then
- echo -e $final_pass" ("$username_to_crack")" >> $file_to_write
- echo -e "\nSuccessfully cracked "$username_to_crack" - Password is "$final_pass"\n"
- fi
- #If the halflm is not found in the rainbow tables
- else
- echo -e "The hash for "$username_to_crack" was not found in the rainbow tables."
- echo -e "The hash for "$username_to_crack" was not found in the rainbow tables." >> $file_to_write
- Del_Half="false"
- fi
- #Clean up temp files
- cd $home_DIR
- if [ $Del_Half == "true" ]
- then
- `rm halfhash.txt`
- fi
- `rm current.txt`
- fi
- #This is the input file for the while loop above
- done < $input_file
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