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- // ByteBoozer Decruncher /HCL May.2003
- // B2 Decruncher December 2014
- .importonce
- .filenamespace b2
- // You must set .const B2_ZP_BASE prior the import of this file
- .if (B2_ZP_BASE > $ff) {
- .error "B2_ZP_BASE must be in zeropage. Was $" + toHexString(B2_ZP_BASE,4)
- }
- .label zp_base = B2_ZP_BASE
- .label bits = zp_base
- .label put = zp_base + 2
- .macro @B2_DECRUNCH(addr) {
- ldy #<addr
- ldx #>addr
- jsr b2.Decrunch
- }
- .macro GetNextBit() {
- asl bits
- bne DgEnd
- jsr GetNewBits
- DgEnd:
- }
- .macro GetLen() {
- lda #1
- GlLoop:
- :GetNextBit()
- bcc GlEnd
- :GetNextBit()
- rol
- bpl GlLoop
- GlEnd:
- }
- Decrunch:
- sty Get1+1
- sty Get2+1
- sty Get3+1
- stx Get1+2
- stx Get2+2
- stx Get3+2
- ldx #0
- jsr GetNewBits
- sty put-1,x
- cpx #2
- bcc *-7
- lda #$80
- sta bits
- DLoop:
- :GetNextBit()
- bcs Match
- Literal:
- // Literal run.. get length.
- :GetLen()
- sta LLen+1
- ldy #0
- LLoop:
- Get3:
- lda $feed,x
- inx
- bne *+5
- jsr GnbInc
- L1: sta (put),y
- iny
- LLen:
- cpy #0
- bne LLoop
- clc
- tya
- adc put
- sta put
- bcc *+4
- inc put+1
- iny
- beq DLoop
- // Has to continue with a match..
- Match:
- // Match.. get length.
- :GetLen()
- sta MLen+1
- // Length 255 -> EOF
- cmp #$ff
- beq End
- // Get num bits
- cmp #2
- lda #0
- rol
- :GetNextBit()
- rol
- :GetNextBit()
- rol
- tay
- lda Tab,y
- beq M8
- // Get bits < 8
- M_1:
- :GetNextBit()
- rol
- bcs M_1
- bmi MShort
- M8:
- // Get byte
- eor #$ff
- tay
- Get2:
- lda $feed,x
- inx
- bne *+5
- jsr GnbInc
- jmp Mdone
- MShort:
- ldy #$ff
- Mdone:
- //clc
- adc put
- sta MLda+1
- tya
- adc put+1
- sta MLda+2
- ldy #$ff
- MLoop:
- iny
- MLda:
- lda $beef,y
- sta (put),y
- MLen:
- cpy #0
- bne MLoop
- //sec
- tya
- adc put
- sta put
- bcc *+4
- inc put+1
- jmp DLoop
- End:
- rts
- GetNewBits:
- Get1:
- ldy $feed,x
- sty bits
- rol bits
- inx
- bne GnbEnd
- GnbInc:
- inc Get1+2
- inc Get2+2
- inc Get3+2
- GnbEnd:
- rts
- Tab:
- // Short offsets
- .byte %11011111 // 3
- .byte %11111011 // 6
- .byte %00000000 // 8
- .byte %10000000 // 10
- // Long offsets
- .byte %11101111 // 4
- .byte %11111101 // 7
- .byte %10000000 // 10
- .byte %11110000 // 13
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