

Jul 31st, 2017
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  1. Merchants, certain information has turned out to be clear that is causing me grave concerns and i feel it is my commitment to alert each and every one of you.
  3. We all in all know the scaling performance has caused an enormous break, realizing bitcoin forking into the bound to be "Bitcoin Cash".
  5. I know many have gigantic belonging and hold subsidizes in bitcoin, and are "hodlers" and will never offer, so when the offering starts, you may lose everything in case you don't similarly offer.
  7. Obliging colleagues, this is certaintly not going to be honorable men.
  9. Certain information has come back to light from room channels, sources i can't reveal ~ despite creating this post will in all likelihood uncover my source - anyway i feel by divine creatures will, I should alert every one of you.
  11. Offering is coming. Offering any similarity of which hasn't been seen since MtGox period.
  13. Starting at now as i compose this, warships of bitcoin are being shorted on each noteworthy exchange.
  15. Men of respect, The foe, the gigantic blockers, have plotted and joined together. The chinese, Jihan and co have collected a course of action to supplant bitcoin with bitcoin cash.
  17. The plan goes thusly:
  19. Chinese excavators (f2pool, antpool et cetera et cetera) have formed with critical exchanges (by methods for/huobi/okcoin et cetera) to help and dispatch bitcoin cash.
  21. At first they will let everyone who needs to offer, offer.
  23. Once the coin has bottomed out, and everyone who expected to offer has sold, they [chinese diggers/jihad/chinese exchanges] will begin hoarding bundles and loads of bitcoin cash.
  25. They will then begin to attract the cost to around 0.1 BCC/BTC - 10%
  27. The gigantic pools won't mine it ~ they will allow the more diminutive pools to see the benefits from mining this expensive, yet low inconvenience coin and start mining it.
  29. A short time later, the greater pools will join, and as we likely am mindful, jihad has ALOT of hashing influence, their course of action is for bitcoin cash to have more hashing impact than bitcoin ~ and lets be reasonable, once t he chinese move over, that is essentially it.
  31. Around this time, the 'hard fork' range of segwit 2x is not going to happen ~ it never was - Bitcoin cash will then be seen as the main NYA coin..
  33. By at that point, Bitcoin cash will be on all genuine chinese exchanges, possibly some western exchanges aswell, and have predominant part hashing impact. Western associations and other merchant providers (BitPay - @Spair) et cetera - paid off by bitmain et cetera will oblige the new bitcoin cash story and will push for the 'bitcoin cash' to be called "bitcoin" on each one of their stages, leaving just coinbase et all which will then be the deviants..
  35. Directly comes the frightening part, The old bitcoin, the bitcoin we know and love, will get DESTROYED.
  37. What chooses a coins accomplishment ? It's market top.
  39. Gigantic obsolete blockers and diggers will dump bitcoin back to the base, they will remove really billions of dollars from bitcoin. They will use the money to help the promoting, and headway, or 'bitcoin cash' - Think, Bitcoin focus - FIRED. Think - forbes article, "why bitcoin excavators and associations are moving to bitcoin cash" - think - "Why the market is chosing bitcoin cash as bitcoin not bitcoin focus" - They wil lsay the market has talked, that people have voted with their money.
  41. Right now, immense tremendous shorts are being fabricated, starting at now on finex, shorts are at 32k - not seen since $200 these sorts of amounts of shorts, and its climbing, all the t ime, dependably, they have ALOT of coins to short.
  43. The most horrifying kind of offering, is the place it never skips and if you review MtGox from $1000 to $70, you'll remember what no sways feels like ~ and I can tell you. This won't be any better.
  45. Favorable circumstances all, review - sensible advised.
  47. The accompanying is I got, i also have some slack and message logs, I will manage them later when i get back, i essentially need to avow what I can safely reveal first for my own protection.
  49. Email from [alice] to [bob] - " "
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