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- --[[
- This is the main script for the gun
- The only thing you should change is the settings
- Don't change anything else or you might risk breaking the gun
- If you have any questions / comments / concerns / sandwiches, message me
- Enjoy!
- ______ ______ __ ______ _ ______
- / _/ _/ /_ __/_ _______/ /_ ____ / ____/_ _______(_)___ ____ / / /
- / // / / / / / / / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ /_ / / / / ___/ / __ \/ __ \ / // /
- / // / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / __/ / /_/ (__ ) / /_/ / / / / / // /
- / // / /_/ \__,_/_/ /_.___/\____/_/ \__,_/____/_/\____/_/ /_/ _/ // /
- /__/__/ /__/__/
- --]]
- repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:IsDescendantOf(game.Workspace)
- wait(1 / 20)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ IGNORE MODEL ]--------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Ignore_Code = script:WaitForChild("Ignore_Code")
- repeat wait() until Ignore_Code.Value ~= 0
- local Ignore_Model = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Ignore_Model_"..Ignore_Code.Value)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ CONSTANTS ]-----------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Gun = script.Parent
- local Handle = Gun:WaitForChild("Handle")
- local AimPart = Gun:WaitForChild("AimPart")
- local Main = Gun:WaitForChild("Main")
- local Ammo = Gun:WaitForChild("Ammo")
- local ClipSize = Gun:WaitForChild("ClipSize")
- local StoredAmmo = Gun:WaitForChild("StoredAmmo")
- local LethalGrenades = Gun:WaitForChild("LethalGrenades")
- local TacticalGrenades = Gun:WaitForChild("TacticalGrenades")
- local S = require(Gun:WaitForChild("SETTINGS"))
- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Character = Player.Character
- local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- local Torso = Character:WaitForChild("Torso")
- local Head = Character:WaitForChild("Head")
- local HRP = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local Neck = Torso:WaitForChild("Neck")
- local LArm = Character:WaitForChild("Left Arm")
- local RArm = Character:WaitForChild("Right Arm")
- local LLeg = Character:WaitForChild("Left Leg")
- local RLeg = Character:WaitForChild("Right Leg")
- local M2 = Player:GetMouse()
- local Main_Gui = script:WaitForChild("Main_Gui")
- local RS = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped
- local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
- local ABS, HUGE, FLOOR, CEIL = math.abs, math.huge, math.floor, math.ceil
- local RAD, SIN, ATAN, COS = math.rad, math.sin, math.atan2, math.cos
- local VEC3 =
- local CF, CFANG =, CFrame.Angles
- local INSERT = table.insert
- local MaxStamina = S.SprintTime * 60
- local MaxSteadyTime = S.ScopeSteadyTime * 60
- local LethalIcons = {
- "";
- "";
- "";
- }
- local TacticalIcons = {
- "";
- "";
- }
- local Ignore = {
- Character;
- Ignore_Model;
- }
- local StanceOffset = {
- VEC3(0, 0, 0);
- VEC3(0, -1, 0);
- VEC3(0, -3, 0);
- }
- local Shoulders = {
- Right = Torso:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder");
- Left = Torso:WaitForChild("Left Shoulder")
- }
- local ArmC0 = {
- CF(-1.5, 0, 0) * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0);
- CF(1.5, 0, 0) * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0);
- }
- local Sine = function(X)
- return SIN(RAD(X))
- end
- local Linear = function(X)
- return (X / 90)
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ VARIABLES ]-----------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Selected = false
- local Idleing = false
- local Walking = false
- local Running = false
- local Aimed = false
- local Aiming = false
- local Reloading = false
- local BreakReload = false
- local Knifing = false
- local ThrowingGrenade = false
- local MB1_Down = false
- local CanFire = true
- local KnifeReady = true
- local CanRun = true
- local RunTween = false
- local Run_Key_Pressed = false
- local ChargingStamina = false
- local AimingIn = false
- local AimingOut = false
- local Stamina = S.SprintTime * 60
- local CurrentSteadyTime = S.ScopeSteadyTime * 60
- local CameraSteady = false
- local TakingBreath = false
- local Grip = nil
- local Aimed_GripCF = nil
- local Gui_Clone = nil
- local CurrentSpread = S.Spread.Hipfire
- local CurrentRecoil = S.Recoil.Hipfire
- local AmmoInClip = 0
- local Stance = 0
- local StanceSway = 1
- local CameraSway = 1
- local HeadRot = 0
- local ArmTilt = 0
- local LastBeat = 0
- local Parts = {}
- local Connections = {}
- local PrevNeckCF = {
- C0 = nil;
- C1 = nil;
- }
- local Keys = {}
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ PRE-LOADING ]---------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
- ContentProvider:Preload(S.ExplosionSound)
- ContentProvider:Preload(S.KnifeMeshId)
- ContentProvider:Preload(S.KnifeTextureId)
- ContentProvider:Preload(S.BulletHoleTexture)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ ANIMATIONS ]----------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local AnimAng = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
- local AnimCF = function(State, Ang)
- if State ~= "Running" then
- if (not Aimed) then
- if State == "Idleing" then
- return CF(
- RAD(SIN(Ang)) / 2 * StanceSway,
- 1 + RAD(SIN(Ang * 5 / 2)) / 2 * StanceSway, 0
- )
- elseif State == "Walking" then
- return CF(
- RAD(SIN(Ang)) * 2 * StanceSway,
- 1 + RAD(ABS(SIN(Ang))) * 2 * StanceSway, 0
- ) * CFANG(0, RAD(SIN(Ang)) / 3, 0)
- end
- elseif Aimed then
- if State == "Idleing" then
- return CF(
- RAD(SIN(Ang)) / 4 * StanceSway,
- 1 + RAD(SIN(Ang * 5 / 2)) / 4 * StanceSway, 0
- )
- elseif State == "Walking" then
- return CF(
- RAD(SIN(Ang)) / 3 * StanceSway,
- 1 + RAD(ABS(SIN(Ang))) / 3 * StanceSway, 0
- )
- end
- end
- elseif State == "Running" then
- return CF(
- SIN(Ang) / 6 * StanceSway,
- 0.9 + ABS(SIN(Ang)) / 5 * StanceSway, 0
- ) * CFANG(0, -RAD(SIN(Ang)) * 7, 0)
- end
- end
- function Animate()
- local IsIdleing = false
- local IsWalking = false
- local IsRunning = false
- spawn(function()
- while Selected do
- IsIdleing = Idleing and (not Walking) and (not Reloading) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) and Selected
- IsWalking = (not Idleing) and Walking and (not Running) and (not Reloading) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) and Selected
- IsRunning = (not Idleing) and Walking and Running and (not Aiming) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) and Selected
- RS:wait()
- end
- IsIdleing = false
- IsWalking = false
- IsRunning = false
- end)
- spawn(function()
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0), Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0), Sine, 0.15)
- local PreviousArmTilt = ArmTilt
- while Selected do
- repeat RS:wait() until (ArmTilt ~= PreviousArmTilt) or (not Selected)
- if (not IsRunning) and (not Aimed) and (not Reloading) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) and Selected then
- PreviousArmTilt = ArmTilt
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0), Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0), Sine, 0.15)
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- end
- end)
- spawn(function()
- while Selected do
- if IsIdleing then
- if (not Aimed) and (not Aiming) then
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 70, 0, 70),
-, -35, 0, -35),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- S.PlayerAnimations and 0.15 or 0,
- true
- )
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, AnimCF("Idleing", AnimAng[1]), CF(), Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0), Sine, 0.15)
- else
- if (not LWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not RWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not ABWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not AnimWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then
- LWeld.C0, LWeld.C1 = ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left
- RWeld.C0, RWeld.C1 = ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right
- AnimWeld.C0 = CF(0, 1, 0)
- Grip.C1 = CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0)
- end
- end
- elseif Aimed and (not Aiming) then
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Left, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Right, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, AnimCF("Idleing", AnimAng[2]), CF(), Sine, 0.15)
- else
- if (not LWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not RWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not ABWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not AnimWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then
- LWeld.C0, LWeld.C1 = ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Left
- RWeld.C0, RWeld.C1 = ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Right
- AnimWeld.C0 = CF(0, 1, 0)
- Grip.C1 = Aimed_GripCF
- end
- end
- end
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- wait(0.15)
- RunTween = false
- while IsIdleing do
- if (not LWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not RWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not ABWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not AnimWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then
- if (not Aimed) and (not Aiming) then
- AnimWeld.C0 = AnimCF("Idleing", AnimAng[1])
- AnimAng[1] = AnimAng[1] + 0.03 * StanceSway
- elseif Aimed and (not Aiming) then
- AnimWeld.C0 = AnimCF("Idleing", AnimAng[2])
- AnimAng[2] = AnimAng[2] + 0.015 * StanceSway
- end
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- AnimAng[1], AnimAng[2] = 0, 0
- end
- end
- if IsWalking then
- if (not Aimed) and (not Aiming) then
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 150, 0, 150),
-, -75, 0, -75),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- S.PlayerAnimations and 0.15 or 0,
- true
- )
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, AnimCF("Walking", AnimAng[3]), CF(), Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0), Sine, 0.15)
- else
- if (not LWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not RWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not ABWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not AnimWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then
- LWeld.C0, LWeld.C1 = ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left
- RWeld.C0, RWeld.C1 = ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right
- AnimWeld.C0 = CF(0, 1, 0)
- Grip.C1 = CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0)
- end
- end
- elseif Aimed and (not Aiming) then
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Left, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Right, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, AnimCF("Walking", AnimAng[4]), CF(), Sine, 0.15)
- else
- if (not LWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not RWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not ABWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not AnimWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then
- LWeld.C0, LWeld.C1 = ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Left
- RWeld.C0, RWeld.C1 = ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Right
- AnimWeld.C0 = CF(0, 1, 0)
- Grip.C1 = Aimed_GripCF
- end
- end
- end
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- wait(0.15)
- RunTween = false
- while IsWalking do
- if (not LWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not RWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not ABWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))
- and (not AnimWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode"))then
- if (not Aimed) and (not Aiming) then
- AnimWeld.C0 = AnimCF("Walking", AnimAng[3])
- AnimAng[3] = AnimAng[3] + 0.15 * StanceSway
- elseif Aimed and (not Aiming) then
- AnimWeld.C0 = AnimCF("Walking", AnimAng[4])
- AnimAng[4] = AnimAng[4] + 0.1 * StanceSway
- end
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- AnimAng[3], AnimAng[4] = 0, 0
- end
- end
- if IsRunning then
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 200, 0, 200),
-, -100, 0, -100),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- S.PlayerAnimations and 0.15 or 0,
- true
- )
- local LArmCF = CF(0, 0.7 - (SIN(AnimAng[5]) + 1)/15, 0)
- local LArmAng = CFANG(RAD(ABS(COS(AnimAng[5]))) * 10 + RAD(35), RAD(-30), RAD((SIN(AnimAng[5]) + 1) * 15 - 40))
- local RArmCF = CF(0, (SIN(AnimAng[5]) + 1)/2, 0)
- local RArmAng = CFANG(RAD(ABS(COS(AnimAng[5]))) * 10 + RAD(20), 0, RAD(50 + (SIN(AnimAng[5]) + 1) * 5))
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], LArmCF * LArmAng, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], RArmCF * RArmAng, Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, AnimCF("Running", AnimAng[5]), CF(), Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CFANG(0, RAD(-5), 0), Sine, 0.15)
- else
- LWeld.C0, LWeld.C1 = ArmC0[1], LArmCF * LArmAng
- RWeld.C0, RWeld.C1 = ArmC0[2], RArmCF * RArmAng
- AnimWeld.C0 = CF(0, 0.9, 0)
- Grip.C1 = CFANG(0, RAD(-5), 0)
- end
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- RunTween = true
- wait(0.15)
- while IsRunning do
- if (not Aiming) then
- AnimWeld.C0 = AnimCF("Running", AnimAng[5])
- AnimAng[5] = AnimAng[5] + 0.18
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- AnimAng[5] = 0
- end
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ GUN SETUP ]-----------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Gun.Name = S.GunName
- Gun.ToolTip = S.Description
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ PRE-CONNECTIONS ]-----------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RS:connect(function()
- local Forward = (Keys["w"] or Keys[string.char(17)])
- local Backward = (Keys["s"] or Keys[string.char(18)])
- local Right = (Keys["d"] or Keys[string.char(19)])
- local Left = (Keys["a"] or Keys[string.char(20)])
- if (Forward or Backward or Right or Left) then
- Walking, Idleing = true, false
- elseif (not (Forward and Backward and Right and Left)) then
- Walking, Idleing = false, true
- end
- end)
- M2.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) Keys[Key] = true end)
- M2.KeyUp:connect(function(Key) Keys[Key] = false end)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ WELDING ]-------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- spawn(function()
- for _, v in pairs(Gun:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and v ~= Handle then
- if v:FindFirstChild("MainWeld") then v.MainWeld:Destroy() end
- if (not v:FindFirstChild("WeldCF")) then
- local WeldCF ="CFrameValue")
- WeldCF.Name = "WeldCF"
- WeldCF.Value = Handle.CFrame:toObjectSpace(v.CFrame)
- WeldCF.Parent = v
- end
- INSERT(Parts, {Obj = v, Weld = nil})
- v.Anchored = false
- end
- end
- Handle.Anchored = false
- end)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ MAIN PROGRAM ]--------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ ARM CREATION FUNCTION ]-----------------------------------------
- function CreateArms()
- local Arms = {}
- for i = 0, 1 do
- local ArmModel ="Model")
- ArmModel.Name = "ArmModel"
- local Arm ="Part")
- Arm.BrickColor = (S.FakeArmRealBodyColor and (i == 0 and LArm.BrickColor or RArm.BrickColor) or S.FakeArmColor)
- Arm.Transparency = S.FakeArmTransparency
- Arm.Name = "Arm"
- Arm.CanCollide = false
- Arm.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1)
- Arm.Parent = ArmModel
- local ArmMesh ="SpecialMesh")
- ArmMesh.MeshId = "rbxasset://fonts//rightarm.mesh"
- ArmMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
- ArmMesh.Scale = VEC3(0.65, 1, 0.65)
- ArmMesh.Parent = Arm
- local Sleeve1 ="Part")
- Sleeve1.BrickColor ="Sand green")
- Sleeve1.Name = "Sleeve1"
- Sleeve1.CanCollide = false
- Sleeve1.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1)
- Sleeve1.Parent = ArmModel
- local Sleeve1Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Sleeve1Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0.66, 0)
- Sleeve1Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.656, 0.35, 0.656)
- Sleeve1Mesh.Parent = Sleeve1
- local Sleeve1Weld ="Weld")
- Sleeve1Weld.Part0 = Arm
- Sleeve1Weld.Part1 = Sleeve1
- Sleeve1Weld.Parent = Arm
- local Sleeve2 ="Part")
- Sleeve2.BrickColor ="Sand green")
- Sleeve2.Name = "Sleeve2"
- Sleeve2.CanCollide = false
- Sleeve2.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1)
- Sleeve2.Parent = ArmModel
- local Sleeve2Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Sleeve2Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0.46, 0)
- Sleeve2Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.75, 0.1, 0.75)
- Sleeve2Mesh.Parent = Sleeve2
- local Sleeve2Weld ="Weld")
- Sleeve2Weld.Part0 = Arm
- Sleeve2Weld.Part1 = Sleeve2
- Sleeve2Weld.Parent = Arm
- local Glove1 ="Part")
- Glove1.BrickColor ="Black")
- Glove1.Name = "Glove1"
- Glove1.CanCollide = false
- Glove1.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1)
- Glove1.Parent = ArmModel
- local Glove1Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Glove1Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, -0.4, 0)
- Glove1Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.657, 0.205, 0.657)
- Glove1Mesh.Parent = Glove1
- local Glove1Weld ="Weld")
- Glove1Weld.Part0 = Arm
- Glove1Weld.Part1 = Glove1
- Glove1Weld.Parent = Arm
- local Glove2 ="Part")
- Glove2.BrickColor ="Black")
- Glove2.Name = "Glove2"
- Glove2.CanCollide = false
- Glove2.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1)
- Glove2.Parent = ArmModel
- local Glove2Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Glove2Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, -0.335, 0)
- Glove2Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.69, 0.105, 0.69)
- Glove2Mesh.Parent = Glove2
- local Glove2Weld ="Weld")
- Glove2Weld.Part0 = Arm
- Glove2Weld.Part1 = Glove2
- Glove2Weld.Parent = Arm
- local Glove3 ="Part")
- Glove3.BrickColor ="Black")
- Glove3.Name = "Glove3"
- Glove3.CanCollide = false
- Glove3.Size = VEC3(1, 2, 1)
- Glove3.Parent = ArmModel
- local Glove3Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Glove3Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0.2 * ((i * 2) - 1), -0.8, 0)
- Glove3Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.257, 0.205, 0.657)
- Glove3Mesh.Parent = Glove3
- local Glove3Weld ="Weld")
- Glove3Weld.Part0 = Arm
- Glove3Weld.Part1 = Glove3
- Glove3Weld.Parent = Arm
- table.insert(Arms, {Model = ArmModel, ArmPart = Arm})
- end
- return Arms
- end
- --------------------[ MATH FUNCTIONS ]------------------------------------------------
- function NumLerp(A, B, Alpha)
- return (A + ((B - A) * Alpha))
- end
- function RAND(Min, Max, Accuracy)
- local Inverse = 1 / (Accuracy or 1)
- return (math.random(Min * Inverse, Max * Inverse) / Inverse)
- end
- --------------------[ TWEEN FUNCTIONS ]-----------------------------------------------
- function TweenJoint(Joint, NewC0, NewC1, Alpha, Duration)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- local TweenIndicator = nil --At the current moment, this is how the script determines whether the function is already tweening a joint
- local NewCode = math.random(-1e9, 1e9) --This creates a random code between -1000000000 and 1000000000
- if (not Joint:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then --If the joint isn't being tweened, then
- TweenIndicator ="IntValue")
- TweenIndicator.Name = "TweenCode"
- TweenIndicator.Value = NewCode
- TweenIndicator.Parent = Joint
- else
- TweenIndicator = Joint.TweenCode
- TweenIndicator.Value = NewCode --If the joint is already being tweened, this will change the code, and the tween loop will stop
- end
- local MatrixCFrame = function(CFPos, CFTop, CFBack)
- local CFRight = CFTop:Cross(CFBack)
- return CF(
- CFPos.x, CFPos.y, CFPos.z,
- CFRight.x, CFTop.x, CFBack.x,
- CFRight.y, CFTop.y, CFBack.y,
- CFRight.z, CFTop.z, CFBack.z
- )
- end
- local LerpCF = function(StartCF, EndCF, Alpha)
- local StartTop = (StartCF * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0)).lookVector
- local StartBack = -StartCF.lookVector
- local EndTop = (EndCF * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0)).lookVector
- local EndBack = -EndCF.lookVector
- local StartPos = StartCF.p
- local EndPos = EndCF.p
- local NewCF = MatrixCFrame(
- StartPos:lerp(EndPos, Alpha),
- StartTop:lerp(EndTop, Alpha),
- StartBack:lerp(EndBack, Alpha)
- )
- return NewCF
- end
- local StartC0 = Joint.C0
- local StartC1 = Joint.C1
- local X = 0
- while true do
- local NewX = X + math.min(1.5 / math.max(Duration, 0), 90)
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- if TweenIndicator.Value ~= NewCode then break end --This makes sure that another tween wasn't called on the same joint
- if (not Selected) then break end --This stops the tween if the tool is deselected
- if NewC0 then Joint.C0 = LerpCF(StartC0, NewC0, Alpha(X)) end
- if NewC1 then Joint.C1 = LerpCF(StartC1, NewC1, Alpha(X)) end
- if X == 90 then break end
- RS:wait() --This makes the for loop step every 1/60th of a second
- end
- if TweenIndicator.Value == NewCode then --If this tween functions was the last one called on a joint then it will remove the code
- TweenIndicator:Destroy()
- end
- end))
- end
- function RotCamera(RotX, RotY, SmoothRot, Duration)
- spawn(function()
- if SmoothRot then
- local TweenIndicator = nil
- local NewCode = math.random(-1e9, 1e9)
- if (not Camera:FindFirstChild("TweenCode")) then
- TweenIndicator ="IntValue")
- TweenIndicator.Name = "TweenCode"
- TweenIndicator.Value = NewCode
- TweenIndicator.Parent = Camera
- else
- TweenIndicator = Camera.TweenCode
- TweenIndicator.Value = NewCode
- end
- local Step = math.min(1.5 / math.max(Duration, 0), 90)
- local X = 0
- while true do
- local NewX = X + Step
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- if TweenIndicator.Value ~= NewCode then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local CamRot = Camera.CoordinateFrame - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p
- local CamDist = (Camera.CoordinateFrame.p - Camera.Focus.p).magnitude
- local NewCamCF = CF(Camera.Focus.p) * CamRot * CFANG(RotX / (90 / Step), RotY / (90 / Step), 0)
- Camera.CoordinateFrame = CF(NewCamCF.p, NewCamCF.p + NewCamCF.lookVector) * CF(0, 0, CamDist)
- if X == 90 then break end
- RS:wait()
- end
- if TweenIndicator.Value == NewCode then
- TweenIndicator:Destroy()
- end
- else
- local CamRot = Camera.CoordinateFrame - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p
- local CamDist = (Camera.CoordinateFrame.p - Camera.Focus.p).magnitude
- local NewCamCF = CF(Camera.Focus.p) * CamRot * CFANG(RotX, RotY, 0)
- Camera.CoordinateFrame = CF(NewCamCF.p, NewCamCF.p + NewCamCF.lookVector) * CF(0, 0, CamDist)
- end
- end)
- end
- --------------------[ GUI SETUP FUNCTION ]--------------------------------------------
- function ConvertKey(Key)
- if Key == string.char(8) then
- return "BKSPCE"
- elseif Key == string.char(9) then
- return "TAB"
- elseif Key == string.char(13) then
- return "ENTER"
- elseif Key == string.char(17) then
- return "UP"
- elseif Key == string.char(18) then
- return "DOWN"
- elseif Key == string.char(19) then
- return "RIGHT"
- elseif Key == string.char(20) then
- return "LEFT"
- elseif Key == string.char(22) then
- return "HOME"
- elseif Key == string.char(23) then
- return "END"
- elseif Key == string.char(27) then
- return "F2"
- elseif Key == string.char(29) then
- return "F4"
- elseif Key == string.char(30) then
- return "F5"
- elseif Key == string.char(32) or Key == " " then
- return "F7"
- elseif Key == string.char(33) or Key == "!" then
- return "F8"
- elseif Key == string.char(34) or Key == '"' then
- return "F9"
- elseif Key == string.char(35) or Key == "#" then
- return "F10"
- elseif Key == string.char(37) or Key == "%" then
- return "F12"
- elseif Key == string.char(47) or Key == "/" then
- return "R-SHIFT"
- elseif Key == string.char(48) or Key == "0" then
- return "L-SHIFT"
- elseif Key == string.char(49) or Key == "1" then
- return "R-CTRL"
- elseif Key == string.char(50) or Key == "2" then
- return "L-CTRL"
- elseif Key == string.char(51) or Key == "3" then
- return "R-ALT"
- elseif Key == string.char(52) or Key == "4" then
- return "L-ALT"
- else
- return string.upper(Key)
- end
- end
- function CreateControlFrame(Key, Desc, Num)
- local Controls = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("HUD"):WaitForChild("Controls")
- local C ="Frame")
- C.BackgroundTransparency = ((Num % 2) == 1 and 0.7 or 1)
- C.BorderSizePixel = 0
- C.Name = "C"..Num
- C.Position =, 0, 0, Num * 20)
- C.Size =, 0, 0, 20)
- local K ="TextLabel")
- K.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- K.Name = "Key"
- K.Size =, 45, 1, 0)
- K.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold
- K.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14
- K.Text = Key
- K.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
- K.TextScaled = (string.len(Key) > 5)
- K.TextWrapped = (string.len(Key) > 5)
- K.Parent = C
- local D ="TextLabel")
- D.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- D.Name = "Desc"
- D.Position =, 50, 0, 0)
- D.Size =, -50, 1, 0)
- D.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold
- D.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14
- D.Text = "- "..Desc
- D.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
- D.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- D.Parent = C
- C.Parent = Controls
- end
- function SetUpGui()
- local HUD = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("HUD")
- local Scope = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("Scope")
- local Grenades = HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades")
- local Controls = HUD:WaitForChild("Controls")
- local CurrentNum = 1
- if S.CanChangeStance then
- local Dive = (S.DolphinDive and " / Dive" or "")
- CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.LowerStanceKey), "Lower Stance"..Dive, CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.RaiseStanceKey), "Raise Stance", CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- end
- CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.ReloadKey), "Reload", CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- if S.CanKnife then
- CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.KnifeKey), "Knife", CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- end
- if S.Throwables then
- CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.LethalGrenadeKey), "Throw Lethal", CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.TacticalGrenadeKey), "Throw Tactical", CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- else
- Grenades.Visible = false
- HUD.Position =, -200, 1, -100)
- HUD.Size =, 175, 0, 50)
- end
- CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.SprintKey), "Sprint", CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- if S.ADSKey ~= "" then
- local Hold = (S.HoldMouseOrKeyToADS and "HOLD " or "")
- CreateControlFrame(Hold..ConvertKey(S.ADSKey).." OR R-MOUSE", "Aim Down Sights", CurrentNum)
- CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1
- end
- Controls.Size =, 0, 0, CurrentNum * 20)
- Controls.Position =, 0, 0, -(CurrentNum * 20) - 80)
- if S.GuiScope then
- Scope:WaitForChild("Img").Image = S.GuiId
- Scope:WaitForChild("Steady").Text = "Hold "..ConvertKey(S.ScopeSteadyKey).." to Steady"
- end
- if HUD:FindFirstChild("Co") then
- HUD.Co:Destroy()
- end
- local Co ="TextLabel")
- Co.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Co.Name = "Co"
- Co.Position =, 0, 1, 5)
- Co.Size =, 0, 0, 20)
- Co.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold
- Co.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14
- Co.Text = ("noisuFobruT yb detpircs tiK nuG"):reverse()
- Co.TextColor3 =, 1, 0)
- Co.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
- Co.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Right
- Co.Parent = HUD
- HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades"):WaitForChild("Lethals"):WaitForChild("Icon").Image = LethalIcons[S.LethalGrenadeType]
- HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades"):WaitForChild("Tacticals"):WaitForChild("Icon").Image = TacticalIcons[S.TacticalGrenadeType]
- end
- --------------------[ FIRING FUNCTIONS ]----------------------------------------------
- function Fire_Gun()
- local FireSound = Handle:FindFirstChild("FireSound")
- local FlashGui = Main:FindFirstChild("FlashGui")
- local FlashFX = Main:FindFirstChild("FlashFX")
- if FireSound then FireSound:Play() end
- local MockSpread = (
- ((not Aimed) and CurrentSpread <= S.Spread.Max and Idleing)
- and CurrentSpread * S.Spread.Multiplier or CurrentSpread
- )
- CurrentSpread = (MockSpread >= S.Spread.Max and S.Spread.Max or MockSpread)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for _ = 1, (S.GunType.Shot and S.ShotAmount or 1) do
- local BSpread = CFANG(
- RAD(RAND(-CurrentSpread, CurrentSpread) / 20),
- RAD(RAND(-CurrentSpread, CurrentSpread) / 20),
- RAD(RAND(-CurrentSpread, CurrentSpread) / 20)
- )
- local OriginCF = (Aimed and (S.GuiScope and Head.CFrame or Handle.CFrame) or Head.CFrame)
- local OriginPos = Main.CFrame.p
- local Direction = (CF(OriginCF.p, OriginCF.p + OriginCF.lookVector) * BSpread).lookVector
- if S.InstantHit then
- local HitObj, HitPos = AdvRayCast(Main.CFrame.p, Direction, S.BulletRange)
- local HitHumanoid = nil
- if HitObj then
- if S.GunType.Explosive then
- if S.ExplosionSound ~= "" then
- local SoundPart ="Part")
- SoundPart.Transparency = 1
- SoundPart.Anchored = true
- SoundPart.CanCollide = false
- SoundPart.CFrame =
- SoundPart.Parent = game.Workspace
- local Sound ="Sound")
- Sound.Pitch = S.ExplosionSoundPitch
- Sound.SoundId = S.ExplosionSound
- Sound.Volume = S.ExplosionSoundVolume
- Sound.Parent = SoundPart
- Sound:Play()
- delay(1 / 20, function()
- SoundPart:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- CreateBulletHole(HitPos, HitObj)
- CreateShockwave(HitPos, S.ExplosionRadius)
- local E ="Explosion")
- E.BlastPressure = S.ExplosionPressure
- E.BlastRadius = S.ExplosionRadius
- E.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = (S.RangeBasedDamage and 0 or 1)
- E.ExplosionType = S.ExplosionType
- E.Position = HitPos
- E.Hit:connect(function(HObj, HDist)
- if HObj.Name == "Torso" and (not HObj:IsDescendantOf(Character)) then
- if S.RangeBasedDamage then
- local Dir = (HObj.Position - HitPos).unit
- local H, P = AdvRayCast(HitPos - Dir, Dir, 999)
- local RayHitHuman = H:IsDescendantOf(HObj.Parent)
- if (S.RayCastExplosions and RayHitHuman) or (not S.RayCastExplosions) then
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HObj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and HitHumanoid.Health > 0 and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local DistFactor = HDist / S.ExplosionRadius
- local DistInvert = math.max(1 - DistFactor,0)
- local NewDamage = DistInvert * S.Damage
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(NewDamage)
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- else
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HObj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and HitHumanoid.Health > 0 and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- E.Parent = game.Workspace
- else
- HitHumanoid = Damage(HitObj, HitPos)
- end
- end
- local FinalHitPos = HitPos
- if S.Penetration > 0 and (not S.GunType.Explosive) then
- FinalHitPos = PenetrateWall(HitPos, Direction, HitHumanoid, OriginPos)
- end
- if S.BulletTrail and S.TrailTransparency ~= 1 then
- local Trail ="Part")
- Trail.BrickColor = S.TrailColor
- Trail.Transparency = S.TrailTransparency
- Trail.Anchored = true
- Trail.CanCollide = false
- Trail.Size = VEC3(1, 1, 1)
- local Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0, -(FinalHitPos - OriginPos).magnitude / 2)
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(S.TrailThickness, S.TrailThickness, (FinalHitPos - OriginPos).magnitude)
- Mesh.Parent = Trail
- Trail.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Trail.CFrame = CF(OriginPos, FinalHitPos)
- delay(S.TrailVisibleTime, function()
- if S.TrailDisappearTime > 0 then
- local X = 0
- while true do
- if X == 90 then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local NewX = X + (1.5 / S.TrailDisappearTime)
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- local Alpha = X / 90
- Trail.Transparency = NumLerp(S.TrailTransparency, 1, Alpha)
- RS:wait()
- end
- Trail:Destroy()
- else
- Trail:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- end
- else
- local Bullet = CreateBullet(Direction)
- local LastPos = Main.CFrame.p
- local TotalDistTraveled = 0
- local HitHumanoid = nil
- spawn(function()
- while true do
- RS:wait()
- if TotalDistTraveled >= S.BulletRange then
- Bullet:Destroy()
- break
- end
- local DistTraveled = (Bullet.Position - LastPos).magnitude
- local HitObj, HitPos = AdvRayCast(LastPos, (Bullet.Position - LastPos).unit, DistTraveled)
- if HitObj then
- if S.GunType.Explosive then
- if S.ExplosionSound ~= "" then
- local Sound ="Sound")
- Sound.Pitch = S.ExplosionSoundPitch
- Sound.SoundId = S.ExplosionSound
- Sound.Volume = S.ExplosionSoundVolume
- Sound.Parent = Bullet
- Sound:Play()
- end
- CreateBulletHole(HitPos, HitObj)
- CreateShockwave(HitPos, S.ExplosionRadius)
- local E ="Explosion")
- E.BlastPressure = S.ExplosionPressure
- E.BlastRadius = S.ExplosionRadius
- E.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = (S.RangeBasedDamage and 0 or 1)
- E.ExplosionType = S.ExplosionType
- E.Position = HitPos
- E.Hit:connect(function(HObj, HDist)
- if HObj.Name == "Torso" and (not HObj:IsDescendantOf(Character)) then
- if S.RangeBasedDamage then
- local Dir = (HObj.Position - HitPos).unit
- local H, P = AdvRayCast(HitPos - Dir, Dir, 999)
- local RayHitHuman = H:IsDescendantOf(HObj.Parent)
- if (S.RayCastExplosions and RayHitHuman) or (not S.RayCastExplosions) then
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HObj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and HitHumanoid.Health > 0 and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local DistFactor = HDist / S.ExplosionRadius
- local DistInvert = math.max(1 - DistFactor,0)
- local NewDamage = DistInvert * S.Damage
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(NewDamage)
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- else
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HObj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and HitHumanoid.Health > 0 and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- E.Parent = game.Workspace
- else
- HitHumanoid = Damage(HitObj, HitPos)
- end
- if S.Penetration > 0 and (not S.GunType.Explosive) then
- PenetrateWall(HitPos, (Bullet.Position - LastPos).unit, HitHumanoid, OriginPos, Bullet)
- else
- Bullet:Destroy()
- end
- break
- else
- LastPos = Bullet.Position
- TotalDistTraveled = TotalDistTraveled + DistTraveled
- end
- end
- end)
- if S.BulletTrail and S.TrailTransparency ~= 1 then
- spawn(function()
- local LastPos2 = nil
- while true do
- if LastPos2 then
- if (not Bullet:IsDescendantOf(game)) then break end
- Bullet.CFrame =, Bullet.CFrame.p + Bullet.Velocity)
- local Trail ="Part")
- Trail.BrickColor = S.TrailColor
- Trail.Transparency = S.TrailTransparency
- Trail.Anchored = true
- Trail.CanCollide = false
- Trail.Size = VEC3(1, 1, 1)
- local Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0, -(Bullet.Position - LastPos2).magnitude / 2)
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(S.TrailThickness, S.TrailThickness, (Bullet.Position - LastPos2).magnitude)
- Mesh.Parent = Trail
- Trail.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Trail.CFrame = CF(LastPos2, Bullet.Position)
- delay(S.TrailVisibleTime, function()
- if S.TrailDisappearTime > 0 then
- local X = 0
- while true do
- if X == 90 then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local NewX = X + (1.5 / S.TrailDisappearTime)
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- local Alpha = X / 90
- Trail.Transparency = NumLerp(S.TrailTransparency, 1, Alpha)
- RS:wait()
- end
- Trail:Destroy()
- else
- Trail:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- LastPos2 = Bullet.Position
- else
- LastPos2 = Main.CFrame.p
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local RecoilX = RAD(CurrentRecoil * RAND(1, 1.5, 0.1)) * StanceSway
- local RecoilY = RAD(CurrentRecoil * RAND(-2, 2, 0.1)) * StanceSway
- RotCamera(RecoilX, RecoilY, true, 0.06)
- delay(0.05, function()
- RotCamera(-RecoilX / 5, -RecoilY / 5, true, 0.1)
- end)
- if Idleing and (not Walking) and (not Aimed) then
- local SpreadScale = (CurrentSpread / S.Spread.Max) * 50
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 70 + 2 * SpreadScale, 0, 70 + 2 * SpreadScale),
-, -35 - SpreadScale, 0, -35 - SpreadScale),
- "Out", "Linear", 0.1, true
- )
- end
- local KickSide = (
- (
- {
- CurrentRecoil * (RAND(1, 5, 1) / 150);
- CurrentRecoil * (RAND(1, 5, 1) / -150)
- }
- )[math.random(1, 2)]
- ) * StanceSway
- local KickBack = CurrentRecoil * StanceSway * 0.3
- local KickUp = RAD(90 + (CurrentRecoil * RAND(1.3, 1.4, 0.01) * StanceSway))
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, CF(KickSide, 1, -KickBack), CFANG(KickUp - RAD(90), 0, 0), Linear, 1 / 12)
- if FlashFX then FlashFX.Enabled = true end
- if FlashGui then
- FlashGui.Enabled = true
- FlashGui.Label.Rotation = RAND(0, 360)
- end
- delay(1 / 30, function()
- if Idleing and (not Walking) and (not Aimed) then
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 70, 0, 70),
-, -35, 0, -35),
- "Out", "Linear", S.AimSpeed, (not Aimed)
- )
- end
- if (not Aiming) and (not RunTween) then
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, CF(0, 1, 0), CF(), Linear, 0.15)
- end
- if FlashFX then FlashFX.Enabled = false end
- if FlashGui then FlashGui.Enabled = false end
- end)
- end
- function MarkHit()
- spawn(function()
- if Gui_Clone:IsDescendantOf(game) then
- Gui_Clone.HitMarker.Visible = true
- local StartMark = tick()
- LastMark = StartMark
- wait(0.5)
- if LastMark <= StartMark then
- Gui_Clone.HitMarker.Visible = false
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- --------------------[ ADS FUNCTIONS ]-------------------------------------------------
- function AimGun()
- if (Camera.CoordinateFrame.p - Camera.Focus.p).magnitude > 1 or Reloading or Knifing or ThrowingGrenade then return end
- local Scope = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("Scope"):WaitForChild("Img")
- local Steady = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("Scope"):WaitForChild("Steady")
- Aimed = true
- Aiming = true
- CurrentRecoil = S.Recoil.Aimed
- CurrentSpread = S.Spread.Aimed
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,
- S.AimAnimation and S.AimSpeed or 0,
- true
- )
- if S.AimAnimation then
- local CurrentFOV = Camera.FieldOfView
- local CurrentCameraOffset = Humanoid.CameraOffset
- local CurrentTrans = Scope.BackgroundTransparency
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Left, Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Right, Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(AnimWeld, CF(0, 1, 0), CF(), Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, Aimed_GripCF, Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- local X = 0
- while true do
- local NewX = X + 1.5 / S.AimSpeed
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- if (not Aimed) then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local Alpha = 1 - COS(RAD(X))
- Camera.FieldOfView = NumLerp(CurrentFOV, S.MaxZoom, Alpha)
- if S.GuiScope then
- Scope.BackgroundTransparency = NumLerp(CurrentTrans, 0, Alpha)
- end
- if X == 90 then break end
- RS:wait()
- end
- else
- LWeld.C0, LWeld.C1 = ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Left
- RWeld.C0, RWeld.C1 = ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_Aimed.Right
- AnimWeld.C0 = CF(0, 1, 0)
- Grip.C1 = Aimed_GripCF
- LWeld2.C1, RWeld2.C1 = CF(), CF()
- Camera.FieldOfView = S.MaxZoom
- end
- Aiming = (not Aimed)
- if (not Aiming) and S.GuiScope then
- spawn(function()
- Steady.Visible = true
- Scope.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Scope.ImageTransparency = 0
- local Gun_Model ="Model")
- Gun_Model.Name = "Gun_Model"
- for _, Obj in pairs(Gun:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- local ObjClone = Obj:Clone()
- ObjClone.Parent = Gun_Model
- local W ="Weld")
- W.Part0 = ObjClone
- W.Part1 = Obj
- W.Parent = ObjClone
- local PrevTrans ="NumberValue")
- PrevTrans.Name = "PrevTrans"
- PrevTrans.Value = Obj.Transparency
- PrevTrans.Parent = Obj
- Obj.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- Gun_Model.Parent = Character
- end)
- spawn(function()
- while Aimed do
- local Ang = (CameraSteady and 0 or (Idleing and AnimAng[2] or AnimAng[4]))
- if CameraSway ~= 0 then
- local OffsetX, OffsetY = 0, 0
- if Idleing then
- OffsetX = (RAD(COS(Ang * 5 * (CameraSway ^ 0.4))) / 40) * (CameraSway ^ 1.2) * StanceSway * S.ScopeSway
- OffsetY = (RAD(COS(Ang * 2 * (CameraSway ^ 0.4))) / 40) * (CameraSway ^ 1.2) * StanceSway * S.ScopeSway
- else
- OffsetX = (RAD(COS(Ang * 3/2 * (CameraSway ^ 0.4))) / 25) * (CameraSway ^ 1.2) * StanceSway * S.ScopeSway
- OffsetY = (RAD(COS(Ang * 3/5 * (CameraSway ^ 0.4))) / 25) * (CameraSway ^ 1.2) * StanceSway * S.ScopeSway
- end
- RotCamera(OffsetX, OffsetY)
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- function UnAimGun(Exception)
- local Scope = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("Scope"):WaitForChild("Img")
- local Steady = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("Scope"):WaitForChild("Steady")
- if (not Exception) then
- if (not Aimed) then return end
- if (Reloading and Exception) or Knifing and (not ThrowingGrenade) then return end
- CurrentRecoil = S.Recoil.Hipfire
- CurrentSpread = ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- if Walking and Aimed then
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 150, 0, 150),
-, -75, 0, -75),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- S.AimAnimation and S.AimSpeed or 0,
- true
- )
- elseif Idleing then
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 70, 0, 70),
-, -35, 0, -35),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- S.AimAnimation and S.AimSpeed or 0,
- true
- )
- end
- Aimed = false
- Aiming = true
- if S.GuiScope then
- spawn(function()
- local Gun_Model = Character:FindFirstChild("Gun_Model")
- if Gun_Model then
- Gun_Model:Destroy()
- end
- for _, Obj in pairs(Gun:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- local PrevTrans = Obj:FindFirstChild("PrevTrans")
- Obj.Transparency = PrevTrans.Value
- PrevTrans:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- if S.AimAnimation then
- local CurrentFOV = Camera.FieldOfView
- local CurrentCameraOffset = Humanoid.CameraOffset
- local CurrentTrans = (Scope.BackgroundTransparency == 1 and (S.GuiScope and 0 or 1) or Scope.BackgroundTransparency)
- Scope.ImageTransparency = 1
- Steady.Visible = false
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0), Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- if S.PlayerAnimations then
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0), Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0), Sine, S.AimSpeed)
- end
- local X = 0
- while true do
- local NewX = X + 1.5 / S.AimSpeed
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- if Aimed then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local Alpha = 1 - COS(RAD(X))
- Camera.FieldOfView = NumLerp(CurrentFOV, 70, Alpha)
- Scope.BackgroundTransparency = NumLerp(CurrentTrans, 1, Alpha)
- if X == 90 then break end
- RS:wait()
- end
- else
- Scope.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Scope.ImageTransparency = 1
- Steady.Visible = false
- LWeld.C0, LWeld.C1 = ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left
- RWeld.C0, RWeld.C1 = ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right
- Grip.C1 = CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0)
- LWeld2.C1, RWeld2.C1 = CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0), CFANG(0, RAD(ArmTilt), 0)
- Camera.FieldOfView = 70
- end
- Aiming = Aimed
- else
- if S.GuiScope then
- spawn(function()
- local Gun_Model = Character:FindFirstChild("Gun_Model")
- if Gun_Model then
- Gun_Model:Destroy()
- end
- for _, Obj in pairs(Gun:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- local PrevTrans = Obj:FindFirstChild("PrevTrans")
- Obj.Transparency = PrevTrans.Value
- PrevTrans:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- spawn(function()
- Aimed = false
- Aiming = false
- CurrentRecoil = S.Recoil.Hipfire
- CurrentSpread = ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- if (not Walking) then
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 70, 0, 70),
-, -35, 0, -35),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- S.AimAnimation and S.AimSpeed or 0,
- true
- )
- else
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Box:TweenSizeAndPosition(
-, 150, 0, 150),
-, -75, 0, -75),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- S.AimAnimation and S.AimSpeed or 0,
- true
- )
- end
- local CurrentFOV = Camera.FieldOfView
- local CurrentCameraOffset = Humanoid.CameraOffset
- local CurrentTrans = (Scope.BackgroundTransparency == 1 and (S.GuiScope and 0 or 1) or Scope.BackgroundTransparency)
- Scope.ImageTransparency = 1
- Steady.Visible = false
- if LWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode") then LWeld.TweenCode:Destroy() end
- if RWeld:FindFirstChild("TweenCode") then RWeld.TweenCode:Destroy() end
- if Grip:FindFirstChild("TweenCode") then Grip.TweenCode:Destroy() end
- if LWeld2:FindFirstChild("TweenCode") then LWeld2.TweenCode:Destroy() end
- if RWeld2:FindFirstChild("TweenCode") then RWeld2.TweenCode:Destroy() end
- if S.AimAnimation then
- local X = 0
- while true do
- local NewX = X + 1.5 / S.AimSpeed
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- if Aimed then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local Alpha = 1 - COS(RAD(X))
- Camera.FieldOfView = NumLerp(CurrentFOV, 70, Alpha)
- Scope.BackgroundTransparency = NumLerp(CurrentTrans, 1, Alpha)
- if X == 90 then break end
- RS:wait()
- end
- else
- Scope.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Scope.ImageTransparency = 1
- Steady.Visible = false
- Camera.FieldOfView = 70
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- --------------------[ TEXTURE CREATION FUNCTIONS ]------------------------------------
- function CreateBullet(Direction)
- local Origin = Gun.Main.CFrame.p
- local BulletMass = S.BulletSize.X * S.BulletSize.Y * S.BulletSize.Z
- local BulletCF = CF(Origin, Origin + Direction)
- local Bullet ="Part")
- Bullet.BrickColor = S.BulletColor
- Bullet.Name = "Bullet"
- Bullet.CanCollide = false
- Bullet.FormFactor = "Custom"
- Bullet.Size = S.BulletSize
- Bullet.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
- Bullet.TopSurface = "Smooth"
- local Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Mesh.Scale = S.BulletMeshSize
- Mesh.Parent = Bullet
- local BF ="BodyForce")
- BF.force = VEC3(0, BulletMass * (196.2 - S.BulletDropPerSecond), 0)
- BF.Parent = Bullet
- Bullet.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Bullet.CFrame = BulletCF + Direction * 3
- Bullet.Velocity = Direction * S.BulletVelocity
- return Bullet
- end
- function CreateBulletHole(HitPos, HitObj)
- local SurfaceCF = GetHitSurfaceCFrame(HitPos, HitObj)
- local SurfaceDir = CF(HitObj.CFrame.p, SurfaceCF.p)
- local SurfaceDist = SurfaceDir.lookVector * (HitObj.CFrame.p - SurfaceCF.p).magnitude / 2
- local SurfaceOffset = HitPos - SurfaceCF.p + SurfaceDist
- local SurfaceCFrame = SurfaceDir + SurfaceDist + SurfaceOffset
- local HitMark ="Part")
- HitMark.BrickColor ="Black")
- HitMark.Transparency = 1
- HitMark.Anchored = true
- HitMark.CanCollide = false
- HitMark.FormFactor = "Custom"
- HitMark.Size = VEC3(1, 1, 0.2)
- HitMark.TopSurface = 0
- HitMark.BottomSurface = 0
- local Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0, -0.05)
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(S.BulletHoleSize, S.BulletHoleSize, 0)
- Mesh.Parent = HitMark
- local Decal ="Decal")
- Decal.Face = Enum.NormalId.Front
- Decal.Texture = S.BulletHoleTexture
- Decal.Parent = HitMark
- HitMark.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- HitMark.CFrame = SurfaceCFrame
- if (not HitObj.Anchored) then
- local Weld ="Weld", HitMark)
- Weld.Part0 = HitObj
- Weld.Part1 = HitMark
- Weld.C0 = HitObj.CFrame:toObjectSpace(SurfaceCFrame)
- HitMark.Anchored = false
- end
- delay(S.BulletHoleVisibleTime, function()
- if S.BulletHoleDisappearTime > 0 then
- local X = 0
- while true do
- if X == 90 then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local NewX = X + (1.5 / S.BulletHoleDisappearTime)
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- local Alpha = X / 90
- Decal.Transparency = NumLerp(0, 1, Alpha)
- RS:wait()
- end
- HitMark:Destroy()
- else
- HitMark:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- end
- function CreateShockwave(Center, Radius)
- local Shockwave ="Part")
- Shockwave.BrickColor = S.ShockwaveColor
- Shockwave.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
- Shockwave.Name = "Shockwave"
- Shockwave.Anchored = true
- Shockwave.CanCollide = false
- Shockwave.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
- Shockwave.Size = VEC3(1, 1, 1)
- Shockwave.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Shockwave.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- local Mesh ="SpecialMesh")
- Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3()
- Mesh.Parent = Shockwave
- Shockwave.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Shockwave.CFrame = CF(Center)
- spawn(function()
- for i = 0, 1, (1 / (60 * S.ShockwaveDuration)) do
- local Scale = 2 * Radius * i
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(Scale, Scale, Scale)
- Shockwave.Transparency = i
- RS:wait()
- end
- Shockwave:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- --------------------[ HIT HANDLING FUNCTIONS ]----------------------------------------
- function Damage(HitObj, HitPos)
- local HeadVal = S.Multipliers.Head
- local ChestVal = S.Multipliers.Chest
- local LimbsVal = S.Multipliers.Limbs
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then
- if HitObj and HitObj.Parent then
- local HumanoidFound = false
- local HitHumanoid = nil
- if HitObj.Parent.ClassName == "Hat" then
- if FindFirstClass(HitObj.Parent.Parent, "Humanoid") then
- HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HitObj.Parent.Parent, "Humanoid")
- HumanoidFound = true
- if HitHumanoid.Health > 0 then
- if IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(S.Damage * RAND(HeadVal, HeadVal + 0.1, 0.01))
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if FindFirstClass(HitObj.Parent, "Humanoid") then
- HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HitObj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- HumanoidFound = true
- if HitHumanoid.Health > 0 then
- if IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- local ChosenDamage = 0
- if HitObj.Name == "Head" then
- ChosenDamage = S.Damage * RAND(HeadVal, HeadVal + 0.1, 0.01)
- elseif HitObj.Name == "Torso" then
- ChosenDamage = S.Damage * RAND(ChestVal, ChestVal + 0.1, 0.01)
- else
- ChosenDamage = S.Damage * RAND(LimbsVal, LimbsVal + 0.1, 0.01)
- end
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(ChosenDamage)
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if (not HumanoidFound) then
- if S.BulletHoles then
- CreateBulletHole(HitPos, HitObj)
- end
- if S.Shockwaves then
- CreateShockwave(HitPos, S.ShockwaveRadius)
- end
- end
- return HitHumanoid
- end
- end
- end
- function PenetrateWall(HitPos, Direction, HitHumanoid, OriginPos, Bullet)
- local HitDist = (HitPos - OriginPos).magnitude
- local Thickness, Wall, WallHitPos = 0, nil, nil
- for i = 0.1, S.Penetration, 0.1 do
- local WallRay = + (Direction * i), -Direction)
- local TempWall, TempWallHitPos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(WallRay, Ignore)
- if TempWall then
- Thickness = i
- Wall, WallHitPos = TempWall, TempWallHitPos
- break
- end
- end
- if Wall then
- CreateBulletHole(WallHitPos, Wall)
- if S.InstantHit then
- local HitObj2, HitPos2 = nil, nil
- if HitHumanoid then
- HitObj2, HitPos2 = AdvRayCast(WallHitPos, Direction, S.BulletRange - HitDist, {HitHumanoid.Parent,unpack(Ignore)})
- else
- HitObj2, HitPos2 = AdvRayCast(WallHitPos, Direction, S.BulletRange - HitDist)
- end
- Damage(HitObj2, HitPos2)
- return HitPos2
- else
- local LastPos = WallHitPos
- local TotalDistTraveled = 0
- spawn(function()
- while true do
- RS:wait()
- if TotalDistTraveled >= S.BulletRange - HitDist then
- Bullet:Destroy()
- break
- end
- local DistTraveled = (Bullet.Position - LastPos).magnitude
- local NewDirection = (Bullet.Position - LastPos).unit
- local TempHitObj, TempHitPos = nil, nil
- if HitHumanoid then
- TempHitObj, TempHitPos = AdvRayCast(LastPos, NewDirection, DistTraveled, {HitHumanoid.Parent,unpack(Ignore)})
- else
- TempHitObj, TempHitPos = AdvRayCast(LastPos, NewDirection, DistTraveled)
- end
- if TempHitObj then
- Damage(TempHitObj, TempHitPos)
- Bullet:Destroy()
- return TempHitPos
- else
- LastPos = Bullet.Position
- TotalDistTraveled = TotalDistTraveled + DistTraveled
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- else
- if Bullet then Bullet:Destroy() end
- return HitPos
- end
- end
- function IsEnemy(Human)
- local Plyr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Human.Parent)
- if (not Plyr) then return S.CanDamageNPCs end
- return S.AllowFriendlyFire or (Plyr.TeamColor ~= Player.TeamColor or Plyr.Neutral)
- end
- --------------------[ RELOAD FUNCTIONS ]----------------------------------------------
- function ReloadAnim()
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, 0.15)
- local Speed = S.ReloadTime / 2
- local Mag_Parts = {}
- for _, Obj in pairs(Gun:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj.Name == "Mag" and Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- INSERT(Mag_Parts, {Original = Obj, Clone1 = Obj:Clone(), Clone2 = Obj:Clone()})
- end
- end
- local W1 = nil
- local W2 = nil
- local SequenceTable = {
- function()
- for Index, Mag in pairs(Mag_Parts) do
- Mag.Original.Transparency = 1
- Mag.Clone1.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Mag.Clone1.CanCollide = true
- if Index ~= 1 then
- local W ="Weld")
- W.Part0 = Mag_Parts[1].Clone1
- W.Part1 = Mag.Clone1
- W.C0 = Mag_Parts[1].Clone1.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Mag.Clone1.CFrame)
- W.Parent = Mag_Parts[1].Clone1
- end
- end
- W1 ="Weld")
- W1.Part0 = Mag_Parts[1].Clone1
- W1.Part1 = Handle
- W1.C0 = Mag_Parts[1].Original.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Handle.CFrame)
- W1.Parent = Mag_Parts[1].Clone1
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0, 0.61, 0) * CFANG(RAD(70), 0, 0), Linear, 0.5 * Speed)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0.4, 0.09, -0.21) * CFANG(RAD(-20), RAD(3), 0), Linear, 0.5 * Speed)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CFANG(0, RAD(10), 0), Linear, 0.5 * Speed)
- wait(0.5 * Speed)
- end;
- function()
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0.4, -0.01, -0.31) * CFANG(RAD(-22), RAD(3), 0), Sine, 0.3 * Speed)
- wait(0.2 * Speed)
- end;
- function()
- W1:Destroy()
- Mag_Parts[1].Clone1.Velocity = Handle.Velocity + Handle.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(VEC3(0,-1,0)) * 20
- spawn(function()
- while Mag_Parts[1].Clone1.Velocity.magnitude > 0.1 do wait() end
- for _, Mag in pairs(Mag_Parts) do
- Mag.Clone1.Anchored = true
- Mag.Clone1:BreakJoints()
- end
- end)
- for Index, Mag in pairs(Mag_Parts) do
- Mag.Clone2.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- if Index ~= 1 then
- local W ="Weld")
- W.Part0 = Mag_Parts[1].Clone2
- W.Part1 = Mag.Clone2
- W.C0 = Mag_Parts[1].Clone2.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Mag.Clone2.CFrame)
- W.Parent = Mag_Parts[1].Clone2
- end
- end
- W2 ="Weld")
- W2.Part0 = FakeLArm
- W2.Part1 = Mag_Parts[1].Clone2
- W2.C0 = CF(0, -1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, 0)
- W2.Parent = FakeLArm
- wait(0.1)
- end;
- function()
- local FakeLArmCF = LWeld.Part0.CFrame * ArmC0[1] * (CF(0.3, 1.85, -0.31) * CFANG(RAD(-20), RAD(30), RAD(-60))):inverse()
- local FakeRArmCF = RWeld.Part0.CFrame * ArmC0[2] * (CF(0.4, -0.1, -0.21) * CFANG(RAD(-20), RAD(5), RAD(10))):inverse()
- local HandleCF = FakeRArm.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Grip.Part0.CFrame * Grip.C0)
- local Mag_Original_CF = Handle.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Mag_Parts[1].Original.CFrame)
- local MagC0 = FakeLArmCF:toObjectSpace(FakeRArmCF * HandleCF * Mag_Original_CF)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0.3, 1.85, -0.31) * CFANG(RAD(-20), RAD(30), RAD(-60)), Sine, 0.6 * Speed)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0.4, -0.1, -0.21) * CFANG(RAD(-20), RAD(5), RAD(10)), Sine, 0.6 * Speed)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CF(), Sine, 0.6 * Speed)
- TweenJoint(W2, MagC0, CF(), Sine, 0.6 * Speed)
- wait(0.7 * Speed)
- end;
- function()
- for _, Mag in pairs(Mag_Parts) do
- Mag.Original.Transparency = 0
- Mag.Clone2:Destroy()
- end
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Sine, 0.5 * Speed)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Sine, 0.5 * Speed)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0), Sine, 0.5 * Speed)
- wait(0.5 * Speed)
- end;
- }
- for _,ReloadFunction in pairs(SequenceTable) do
- if BreakReload then
- break
- end
- ReloadFunction()
- end
- if W1 then W1:Destroy() end
- if W2 then W2:Destroy() end
- for _, Mag in pairs(Mag_Parts) do
- Mag.Clone1:Destroy()
- Mag.Clone2:Destroy()
- end
- end
- function Reload()
- Running = false
- if Ammo.Value < ClipSize.Value and (not Reloading) and StoredAmmo.Value > 0 then
- AmmoInClip = (AmmoInClip == 0 and Ammo.Value or AmmoInClip)
- Ammo.Value = 0
- Reloading = true
- if Aimed then UnAimGun(S.ReloadAnimation) end
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Reload.Visible = true
- if Handle:FindFirstChild("ReloadSound") then Handle.ReloadSound:Play() end
- if S.ReloadAnimation then
- wait()
- ReloadAnim()
- else
- local StartReload = tick()
- while true do
- if BreakReload then break end
- if (tick() - StartReload) >= S.ReloadTime then break end
- RS:wait()
- end
- end
- if (not BreakReload) then
- if StoredAmmo.Value >= ClipSize.Value then
- Ammo.Value = ClipSize.Value
- if AmmoInClip > 0 then
- StoredAmmo.Value = StoredAmmo.Value - (ClipSize.Value - AmmoInClip)
- else
- StoredAmmo.Value = StoredAmmo.Value - ClipSize.Value
- end
- elseif StoredAmmo.Value < ClipSize.Value and StoredAmmo.Value > 0 then
- Ammo.Value = StoredAmmo.Value
- StoredAmmo.Value = 0
- end
- end
- BreakReload = false
- Reloading = false
- if Selected then
- AmmoInClip = 0
- Gui_Clone.CrossHair.Reload.Visible = false
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------[ EXTERNAL DATA LOCATING FUNCTIONS ]-----------------------------
- function FindFirstClass(Object, Class)
- local FoundObject = nil
- for _, Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj.ClassName == Class then
- FoundObject = Obj
- break
- end
- end
- return FoundObject
- end
- function IsIgnored(Obj)
- for _,v in pairs(Ignore) do
- if Obj == v or Obj:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function GetHitSurfaceCFrame(HitPos,Obj)
- local SurfaceCF = {
- {"Back",Obj.CFrame * CF(0,0,Obj.Size.z)};
- {"Bottom",Obj.CFrame * CF(0,-Obj.Size.y,0)};
- {"Front",Obj.CFrame * CF(0,0,-Obj.Size.z)};
- {"Left",Obj.CFrame * CF(-Obj.Size.x,0,0)};
- {"Right",Obj.CFrame * CF(Obj.Size.x,0,0)};
- {"Top",Obj.CFrame * CF(0,Obj.Size.y,0)}
- }
- local ClosestDist = HUGE
- local ClosestSurface = nil
- for _,v in pairs(SurfaceCF) do
- local SurfaceDist = (HitPos - v[2].p).magnitude
- if SurfaceDist < ClosestDist then
- ClosestDist = SurfaceDist
- ClosestSurface = v
- end
- end
- return ClosestSurface[2]
- end
- function AdvRayCast(Origin, Direction, Dist, CustomIgnore)
- local NewIgnore = (CustomIgnore and CustomIgnore or Ignore)
- local NewRay =, Direction * (Dist > 999 and 999 or Dist))
- local HitObj, HitPos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(NewRay, NewIgnore)
- local LastPos = HitPos
- local FinalHitObj, FinalHitPos = nil, nil
- local RepTimes = math.floor(Dist / 999)
- if (not HitObj) and (Dist > 999) then
- for i = 0, RepTimes do
- local NewDist = (i == RepTimes and (Dist - (LastPos - Origin).magnitude) or 999)
- local Ray2 =, Direction * NewDist)
- local HitObj2, HitPos2 = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(Ray2, NewIgnore)
- if i ~= RepTimes then
- if HitObj2 then
- FinalHitObj, FinalHitPos = HitObj2, HitPos2
- break
- end
- elseif i == RepTimes then
- FinalHitObj, FinalHitPos = HitObj2, HitPos2
- end
- LastPos = HitPos2
- end
- return FinalHitObj, FinalHitPos
- elseif HitObj or (Dist <= 999) then
- return HitObj, HitPos
- end
- end
- --------------------[ KNIFING FUNCTION ]----------------------------------------------
- function KnifeAnim()
- local Connection = nil
- local Blade ="Part")
- Blade.BrickColor ="Really black")
- Blade.Name = "Blade"
- Blade.CanCollide = false
- Blade.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- Blade.Size = VEC3(0.5, 2.5, 1)
- local Mesh ="SpecialMesh")
- Mesh.MeshId = S.KnifeMeshId
- Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
- Mesh.TextureId = S.KnifeTextureId
- Mesh.Parent = Blade
- Blade.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- local BladeWeld ="Weld")
- BladeWeld.Part0 = Blade
- BladeWeld.Part1 = FakeLArm
- BladeWeld.C0 = CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(180))
- BladeWeld.C1 = CF(0, -1, 0.75)
- BladeWeld.Parent = Blade
- Connection = Blade.Touched:connect(function(Obj)
- if Obj then
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(Obj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(HitHumanoid.MaxHealth)
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- end)
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(90), 0), Linear, 0.05)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(-0.1, 0.2, -0.1) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-20)), Linear, 0.05)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CFANG(RAD(-30), 0, 0), Linear, 0.1)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CF(), Linear, 0.1)
- spawn(function()
- local Force = HRP.CFrame.lookVector * 8e4
- local BF ="BodyForce")
- BF.force = Force
- BF.Parent = HRP
- delay(0.03, function()
- BF.force = -Force / 2
- wait(0.03)
- BF:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- wait(0.05)
- RotCamera(RAD(6), 0, true, 0.1)
- delay(0.1, function()
- RotCamera(RAD(-2), 0, true, 0.05)
- end)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0.8, 1.7, 0.2) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-80)), Linear, 0.06)
- wait(0.2)
- Connection:disconnect()
- wait(0.2)
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CF(), Linear, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Linear, 0.15)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Linear, 0.15)
- Blade:Destroy()
- end
- --------------------[ GRENADE FUNCTIONS ]---------------------------------------------
- function CreateGrenade()
- local Grenade ="Model")
- local Center ="Part")
- Center.BrickColor = S.GrenadeColor
- Center.Name = "Center"
- Center.CanCollide = false
- Center.Elasticity = 0
- Center.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- Center.Size = S.GrenadeSize
- Center.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Center.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Center.Parent = Grenade
- local Mesh1 ="SpecialMesh")
- Mesh1.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
- Mesh1.Parent = Center
- return Grenade
- end
- function CreateKnife()
- local Knife ="Part")
- Knife.BrickColor = S.GrenadeColor
- Knife.Name = "Knife"
- Knife.CanCollide = false
- Knife.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- Knife.Size = VEC3(1, 1, 3)
- local Mesh ="SpecialMesh")
- Mesh.MeshId = ""
- Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.FileMesh
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- Mesh.Parent = Knife
- return Knife
- end
- function CreateTarget()
- local Target ="Model")
- local Center ="Part")
- Center.BrickColor ="Bright red")
- Center.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
- Center.Transparency = 0.3
- Center.Name = "Center"
- Center.Anchored = true
- Center.CanCollide = false
- Center.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- Center.Size = VEC3(4, 0.2, 4)
- Center.Parent = Target
- local CylinderMesh ="CylinderMesh")
- CylinderMesh.Parent = Center
- local Line ="Part")
- Line.BrickColor ="Bright red")
- Line.Transparency = 0.3
- Line.Name = "Line"
- Line.CFrame = Center.CFrame *, 5.1, 0)
- Line.Anchored = true
- Line.CanCollide = false
- Line.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- Line.Size = VEC3(0.4, 10, 0.4)
- Line.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Line.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Line.Parent = Target
- return Target
- end
- function DetonateExplosive(Grenade)
- CreateShockwave(Grenade.Position, S.GrenadeBlastRadius)
- local GrenadePos = Grenade.Position
- local E ="Explosion")
- E.BlastPressure = S.GrenadeBlastPressure
- E.BlastRadius = S.GrenadeBlastRadius
- E.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = (S.GrenadeRangeBasedDamage and 0 or 1)
- E.ExplosionType = S.GrenadeExplosionType
- E.Position = GrenadePos
- E.Hit:connect(function(HObj, HDist)
- if HObj.Name == "Torso" and (not HObj:IsDescendantOf(Character)) then
- if S.GrenadeRangeBasedDamage then
- local ClosestPart = nil
- local ClosestDist = math.huge
- for _, P in pairs(HObj.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- if P:IsA("BasePart") then
- local Dist = (GrenadePos - P.Position).magnitude
- if Dist < ClosestDist then
- ClosestPart = P
- ClosestDist = Dist
- end
- end
- end
- local Dir = (ClosestPart.Position - GrenadePos).unit
- local H, P = AdvRayCast(GrenadePos, Dir, 999)
- local RayHitHuman = H:IsDescendantOf(HObj.Parent)
- if (S.GrenadeRayCastExplosions and RayHitHuman) or (not S.GrenadeRayCastExplosions) then
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HObj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and HitHumanoid.Health > 0 and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local DistFactor = ClosestDist / S.GrenadeBlastRadius
- local DistInvert = math.max(1 - DistFactor,0)
- local NewDamage = DistInvert * S.LethalGrenadeDamage
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(NewDamage)
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- else
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(HObj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and HitHumanoid.Health > 0 and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- E.Parent = game.Workspace
- wait()
- Grenade.Parent:Destroy()
- end
- function DetonateSmoke(Grenade)
- CreateShockwave(Grenade.Position, S.GrenadeEffectRadius)
- local GrenadePos = Grenade.Position
- spawn(function()
- for i = 1, math.floor(S.GrenadeEffectRadius / 5) + RAND(5, 10) do
- local Size = RAND(S.GrenadeEffectRadius * 0.6, S.GrenadeEffectRadius * 0.8)
- local Dist = RAND(0, S.GrenadeEffectRadius - Size)
- local XRot, YRot = RAD(RAND(0, 180, 10)), RAD(RAND(0, 360, 10))
- local RotLV = (CFANG(0, YRot, 0) * CFANG(XRot, 0, 0)).lookVector
- local Pos = GrenadePos + (RotLV * VEC3(Dist, Dist / 2, Dist))
- local Smoke ="Part")
- Smoke.Transparency = 1
- Smoke.Name = "Smoke"
- Smoke.Anchored = true
- Smoke.CanCollide = false
- Smoke.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
- Smoke.Size = VEC3(1, 1, 1)
- Smoke.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Smoke.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- local Mesh ="SpecialMesh")
- Mesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Sphere
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(Size, Size, Size)
- Mesh.Parent = Smoke
- Smoke.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Smoke.CFrame = CF(Pos)
- spawn(function()
- local Trans = RAND(0.3, 0.5, 0.01)
- for X = 0, 90, 2 do
- Smoke.CFrame = CF(GrenadePos:lerp(Pos, Sine(X)))
- Smoke.Transparency = NumLerp(1, Trans, Sine(X))
- RS:wait()
- end
- wait(S.GrenadeEffectTime)
- for X = 0, 90, 0.5 do
- Smoke.CFrame = CF(Pos:lerp(Pos + VEC3(0, 20, 0), 1 - COS(RAD(X))))
- Smoke.Transparency = NumLerp(Trans, 1, Sine(X))
- RS:wait()
- end
- Smoke:Destroy()
- end)
- if i % 3 == 0 then
- RS:wait()
- end
- end
- end)
- wait()
- Grenade.Parent:Destroy()
- end
- function ThrowGrenade(Type)
- local Grenade0 = nil
- if S.TrajectoryAssist then
- spawn(function()
- local X = 0
- local Vel = (Type == 1 and S.LethalGrenadeThrowVelocity or S.TacticalGrenadeThrowVelocity)
- local GetX = function(Ang, T)
- local Vx = Vel * math.cos(Ang)
- return Vx * T
- end
- local GetY = function(Ang, T)
- local V0y = Vel * math.sin(Ang)
- local Vy = V0y + (-196.2 * T)
- return (Vy * T) - (-98.1 * T * T)
- end
- local Target = CreateTarget()
- Target.Parent = game.Workspace
- Target.PrimaryPart = Target:WaitForChild("Center")
- while (Keys[S.LethalGrenadeKey] or Keys[S.TacticalGrenadeKey]) and Selected do
- X = X + math.rad(10)
- for _,v in pairs(Target:GetChildren()) do
- v.Transparency = 0.2 + ((math.sin(X) + 1) / 5)
- end
- local Lines = {}
- local LastX, LastY = nil, nil
- for T = 0, 10, 0.1 do
- local XPos = GetX(math.rad(7) - HeadRot, T)
- local YPos = GetY(math.rad(7) - HeadRot, T)
- if LastX and LastY then
- local LookV3 = HRP.CFrame.lookVector
- local LastPos = (Head.CFrame * CF(1.5, 0, 0)).p + (LookV3 * LastX) + VEC3(0, LastY, 0)
- local NewPos = (Head.CFrame * CF(1.5, 0, 0)).p + (LookV3 * XPos) + VEC3(0, YPos, 0)
- local LineCF = CF(LastPos, NewPos)
- local Dist = (LastPos - NewPos).magnitude
- local NewDist = Dist
- local H, P = AdvRayCast(LastPos, (NewPos - LastPos), 1, {Camera, unpack(Ignore)})
- if H then
- NewDist = (P - LastPos).magnitude
- local SurfaceCF = GetHitSurfaceCFrame(P, H)
- local SurfaceDir = CF(H.CFrame.p, SurfaceCF.p)
- local SurfaceDist = SurfaceDir.lookVector * (H.CFrame.p - SurfaceCF.p).magnitude / 2
- local SurfaceOffset = P - SurfaceCF.p + SurfaceDist
- local SurfaceCFrame = SurfaceDir + SurfaceDist + SurfaceOffset
- Target:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(SurfaceCFrame * CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, 0))
- Target.Parent = Camera
- else
- Target.Parent = nil
- end
- local Line ="Part")
- Line.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()
- Line.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
- Line.Transparency = 0.2 + ((math.sin(X) + 1) / 5)
- Line.Anchored = true
- Line.CanCollide = false
- Line.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- Line.Size =, 0.4, NewDist)
- Line.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Line.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Line.CFrame = LineCF + (LineCF.lookVector * NewDist / 2)
- Line.Parent = Camera
- table.insert(Lines, Line)
- LastX,LastY = XPos,YPos
- if H then break end
- else
- LastX,LastY = XPos,YPos
- end
- end
- wait()
- for _,Line in pairs(Lines) do
- Line:Destroy()
- end
- end
- Target:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- local AnimTable = {
- function()
- TweenJoint(LWeld, CF(-1.5, 0, 0), CF(0, 0.6, 0), Linear, 0.2)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, CF(1.5, 0, 0) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-10)), CF(0, 0.6, 0), Linear, 0.2)
- TweenJoint(Grip, Grip.C0, CFANG(0, RAD(10), 0), Linear, 0.2)
- wait(0.3)
- end;
- function()
- Grip.Part0 = Torso
- Grip.C1 = CF(-1, 0.5, -0.5)
- if S.LethalGrenadeType == 3 and Type == 1 then
- Grenade0 = CreateKnife()
- Grenade0.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- local Weld ="Weld")
- Weld.Part0 = FakeRArm
- Weld.Part1 = Grenade0
- Weld.C0 = Grip.C0
- Weld.C1 = CF(0, 0, -0.5) * CFANG(RAD(90), RAD(90), 0)
- Weld.Parent = Grenade0
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, 0.3)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, 0.3)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0, 0.5, 0.1) * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0), Sine, 0.3)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0, 0.4, 0.1) * CFANG(RAD(-80), 0, 0), Sine, 0.3)
- wait(0.3)
- else
- Grenade0 = CreateGrenade()
- Grenade0.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- local Weld ="Weld")
- Weld.Part0 = FakeRArm
- Weld.Part1 = Grenade0:WaitForChild("Center")
- Weld.C0 = Grip.C0
- Weld.Parent = Grenade0:WaitForChild("Center")
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(80), 0), Linear, 0.25)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(-80), 0), Linear, 0.25)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(-0.2, 0.8, 0.1) * CFANG(RAD(10), 0, RAD(-30)), Linear, 0.25)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0.2, 0.8, 0.1) * CFANG(RAD(10), 0, RAD(30)), Linear, 0.25)
- wait(0.3)
- end
- end;
- function()
- repeat wait() until (not Keys[S.LethalGrenadeKey]) and (not Keys[S.TacticalGrenadeKey]) or (not Selected)
- end;
- function()
- if S.LethalGrenadeType ~= 3 or Type == 2 then
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(45), 0), Sine, 0.2)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CFANG(0, RAD(-45), 0), Sine, 0.2)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0, 0.8, 0.1), Sine, 0.2)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0, 0.8, 0.1), Sine, 0.2)
- wait(0.2)
- end
- end;
- function()
- if S.LethalGrenadeType ~= 3 or Type == 2 then
- TweenJoint(LWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, 0.3)
- TweenJoint(RWeld2, CF(), CF(), Sine, 0.3)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], CF(0, 0.5, 0.1) * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0), Sine, 0.3)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0, 0.4, 0.1) * CFANG(RAD(-80), 0, 0), Sine, 0.3)
- wait(0.3)
- end
- end;
- function()
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], CF(0, 0.8, 0.1) * CFANG(RAD(-10), 0, 0), Sine, 0.1)
- wait(0.07)
- end;
- function()
- local Main = nil
- Grenade0:Destroy()
- if S.LethalGrenadeType == 3 and Type == 1 then
- local Grenade1 = CreateKnife()
- Main = Grenade1
- Grenade1.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Main.CFrame = FakeRArm.CFrame * Grip.C0 * CF(0, 0.5, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(90))
- Main.Velocity = Main.Velocity + ((Head.CFrame * CFANG(RAD(7), 0, 0)).lookVector * S.LethalGrenadeThrowVelocity)
- Main.RotVelocity = (Main.CFrame * CFANG(RAD(90), 0, 0)).lookVector * 20
- else
- local Grenade1 = CreateGrenade()
- Main = Grenade1:WaitForChild("Center")
- local Sound ="Sound")
- Sound.SoundId = (Type == 1 and "rbxassetid://180302005" or "rbxassetid://156283116")
- Sound.Volume = 1
- Sound.PlayOnRemove = true
- Sound.Parent = Main
- Grenade1.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Main.CanCollide = true
- Main.CFrame = FakeRArm.CFrame * Grip.C0
- if Type == 1 then
- Main.Velocity = Main.Velocity + ((Head.CFrame * CFANG(RAD(7), 0, 0)).lookVector * S.LethalGrenadeThrowVelocity)
- elseif Type == 2 then
- Main.Velocity = Main.Velocity + ((Head.CFrame * CFANG(RAD(7), 0, 0)).lookVector * S.TacticalGrenadeThrowVelocity)
- end
- end
- spawn(function()
- if Type == 1 then
- if S.LethalGrenadeType == 1 then
- if S.TimerStartOnHit then
- local Detonated = false
- Main.Touched:connect(function(Obj)
- if IsIgnored(Obj) or Detonated then return end
- Main.Velocity = Main.Velocity / 4
- Detonated = true
- wait(S.DetonationTime)
- DetonateExplosive(Main)
- end)
- else
- spawn(function()
- local Touched = false
- Main.Touched:connect(function(Obj)
- if IsIgnored(Obj) or Touched then return end
- Touched = true
- Main.Velocity = Main.Velocity / 4
- end)
- end)
- wait(S.DetonationTime)
- DetonateExplosive(Main)
- end
- elseif S.LethalGrenadeType == 2 then
- local Detonated = false
- local GrenadeCF = nil
- Main.Touched:connect(function(Obj)
- if IsIgnored(Obj) or Detonated then return end
- GrenadeCF = Main.CFrame
- local W ="Weld")
- W.Name = "Semtex"
- W.Part0 = Main
- W.Part1 = Obj
- W.C0 = GrenadeCF:toObjectSpace(Obj.CFrame)
- W.Parent = Main
- Main.ChildRemoved:connect(function(C)
- if C.Name == "Semtex" then
- local W ="Weld")
- W.Name = "Semtex"
- W.Part0 = Main
- W.Part1 = Obj
- W.C0 = GrenadeCF:toObjectSpace(Obj.CFrame)
- W.Parent = Main
- end
- end)
- if S.TimerStartOnHit then
- Detonated = true
- wait(S.DetonationTime)
- DetonateExplosive(Main)
- end
- end)
- if (not S.TimerStartOnHit) then
- wait(S.DetonationTime)
- Detonated = true
- DetonateExplosive(Main)
- end
- elseif S.LethalGrenadeType == 3 then
- local Touched = false
- Main.Touched:connect(function(Obj)
- if IsIgnored(Obj) or Touched then return end
- Touched = true
- local W ="Weld")
- W.Name = "Sticky"
- W.Part0 = Main
- W.Part1 = Obj
- W.C0 = Main.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Obj.CFrame)
- W.Parent = Main
- Main.ChildRemoved:connect(function(C)
- if C.Name == "Sticky" then
- local W ="Weld")
- W.Name = "Sticky"
- W.Part0 = Main
- W.Part1 = Obj
- W.C0 = Main.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Obj.CFrame)
- W.Parent = Main
- end
- end)
- if Obj then
- if Obj.Parent.ClassName == "Hat" then
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(Obj.Parent.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(HitHumanoid.MaxHealth)
- MarkHit()
- end
- else
- local HitHumanoid = FindFirstClass(Obj.Parent, "Humanoid")
- if HitHumanoid and IsEnemy(HitHumanoid) then
- local CreatorTag ="ObjectValue")
- CreatorTag.Name = "creator"
- CreatorTag.Value = Player
- CreatorTag.Parent = HitHumanoid
- HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(HitHumanoid.MaxHealth)
- MarkHit()
- end
- end
- end
- wait(3)
- Main:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- elseif Type == 2 then
- if S.TacticalGrenadeType == 1 then
- if S.TimerStartOnHit then
- local Detonated = false
- Main.Touched:connect(function(Obj)
- if IsIgnored(Obj) or Detonated then return end
- Main.Velocity = Main.Velocity / 2
- Detonated = true
- wait(S.DetonationTime)
- DetonateSmoke(Main)
- end)
- else
- spawn(function()
- local Touched = false
- Main.Touched:connect(function(Obj)
- if IsIgnored(Obj) or Touched then return end
- Touched = true
- Main.Velocity = Main.Velocity / 2
- end)
- end)
- wait(S.DetonationTime)
- DetonateSmoke(Main)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- if S.GrenadeTrail and S.GrenadeTrailTransparency ~= 1 then
- spawn(function()
- local LastPos = nil
- while true do
- if LastPos then
- if (not Main:IsDescendantOf(game))
- or (Main.Name == "Knife" and FindFirstClass(Main, "Weld")) then
- break
- end
- local Trail ="Part")
- Trail.BrickColor = S.GrenadeTrailColor
- Trail.Transparency = S.GrenadeTrailTransparency
- Trail.Anchored = true
- Trail.CanCollide = false
- Trail.Size = VEC3(1, 1, 1)
- local Mesh ="BlockMesh")
- Mesh.Offset = VEC3(0, 0, -(Main.Position - LastPos).magnitude / 2)
- Mesh.Scale = VEC3(S.GrenadeTrailThickness, S.GrenadeTrailThickness, (Main.Position - LastPos).magnitude)
- Mesh.Parent = Trail
- Trail.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- Trail.CFrame = CF(LastPos, Main.Position)
- delay(S.GrenadeTrailVisibleTime, function()
- if S.GrenadeTrailDisappearTime > 0 then
- local X = 0
- while true do
- if X == 90 then break end
- if (not Selected) then break end
- local NewX = X + (1.5 / S.GrenadeTrailDisappearTime)
- X = (NewX > 90 and 90 or NewX)
- local Alpha = X / 90
- Trail.Transparency = NumLerp(S.GrenadeTrailTransparency, 1, Alpha)
- RS:wait()
- end
- Trail:Destroy()
- else
- Trail:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- LastPos = Main.Position
- else
- LastPos = Main.Position
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- end
- wait(0.2)
- end;
- function()
- TweenJoint(RWeld, CF(1.5, 0, 0) * CFANG(0, 0, RAD(-10)), CF(0, 0.6, 0), Linear, 0.2)
- wait(0.3)
- end;
- function()
- Grip.Part0 = RArm
- Grip.C1 = CFANG(0, RAD(20), 0)
- TweenJoint(LWeld, ArmC0[1], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left, Linear, 0.2)
- TweenJoint(RWeld, ArmC0[2], S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right, Linear, 0.2)
- wait(0.2)
- end;
- }
- for _,F in pairs(AnimTable) do
- if (not Selected) then
- break
- end
- F()
- end
- if (not Selected) and Grenade0 then
- Grenade0:Destroy()
- end
- end
- --------------------[ CAMERA STEADYING FUNCTIONS ]------------------------------------
- function SteadyCamera()
- Gui_Clone.Scope.Steady.Text = "Steadying..."
- Gui_Clone.Scope.Steady.TextColor3 =, 1, 0)
- CameraSteady = true
- local OriginalSway = CameraSway
- for X = 0, 90, 1.5 / 0.6 do
- if (not Run_Key_Pressed) then break end
- local Alpha = SIN(RAD(X))
- CameraSway = NumLerp(OriginalSway, 0, Alpha)
- RS:wait()
- end
- while Run_Key_Pressed and Aimed do
- if CurrentSteadyTime > 0 then
- local NewSteadyTime = CurrentSteadyTime - 1
- CurrentSteadyTime = (NewSteadyTime < 0 and 0 or NewSteadyTime)
- CameraSway = 0
- elseif CurrentSteadyTime == 0 then
- break
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- CameraSteady = false
- spawn(function()
- for X = 0, 90, 1.5 / 0.2 do
- local Alpha = math.log10(X) / math.log10(90)
- CameraSway = NumLerp(0, 3, Alpha)
- RS:wait()
- end
- for X = 0, 90, 1.5 / S.ScopeSteadyTime do
- if CameraSteady then break end
- local Alpha = SIN(RAD(X))
- CameraSway = NumLerp(3, 1, Alpha)
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- RetakeBreath()
- end
- function RetakeBreath()
- local Steady = Gui_Clone.Scope.Steady
- Steady.Text = "Re-taking Breath"
- Steady.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
- TakingBreath = true
- while TakingBreath do
- if CurrentSteadyTime < MaxSteadyTime then
- local NewSteadyTime = CurrentSteadyTime + (S.ScopeSteadyTime / S.SteadyCooldownTime)
- CurrentSteadyTime = (NewSteadyTime > MaxSteadyTime and MaxSteadyTime or NewSteadyTime)
- elseif CurrentSteadyTime >= MaxSteadyTime then
- break
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- if TakingBreath then
- Steady.Text = "Hold "..ConvertKey(S.ScopeSteadyKey).." to Steady"
- Steady.TextColor3 =, 1, 0)
- TakingBreath = false
- end
- end
- --------------------[ SPRINTING FUNCTIONS ]-------------------------------------------
- function MonitorStamina()
- while Run_Key_Pressed do
- if (not Aimed) and (not Aiming) then
- break
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- while Run_Key_Pressed and (not Aiming) and (not Aimed) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) do
- local Forward = (Keys["w"] or Keys[string.char(17)])
- local Backward = (Keys["s"] or Keys[string.char(18)])
- if (Forward and (not Backward))
- and Walking and (Stamina > 0) then
- if Stance == 1 or Stance == 2 then Stand() end
- local NewStamina = Stamina - 1
- Stamina = (NewStamina < 0 and 0 or NewStamina)
- Running = true
- elseif (not (Forward and (not Backward)))
- or (not Walking) or (Stamina == 0) then
- break
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- Running = false
- RechargeStamina()
- end
- function RechargeStamina()
- ChargingStamina = true
- while ((not Run_Key_Pressed) or (Stamina < MaxStamina)) and (not Running) do
- if Stamina < MaxStamina then
- local NewStamina = Stamina + (S.SprintTime / S.StaminaCoolTime)
- Stamina = (NewStamina > MaxStamina and MaxStamina or NewStamina)
- elseif Stamina >= MaxStamina then
- break
- end
- RS:wait()
- end
- ChargingStamina = false
- end
- --------------------[ STANCE FUNCTIONS ]----------------------------------------------
- function Stand(OnDeselected)
- local LHip = Torso["Left Hip"]
- local RHip = Torso["Right Hip"]
- local Root = HRP.RootJoint
- Stance = 0
- if S.StanceAnimation and (not OnDeselected) then
- spawn(function()
- local PreviousOffset = Humanoid.CameraOffset
- local PreviousRootP = Root.C0.p
- for X = 0, 90, 1.5 / S.StanceChangeSpeed do
- if Stance ~= 0 then break end
- local Alpha = Sine(X)
- Humanoid.CameraOffset = PreviousOffset:lerp(StanceOffset[1], Alpha)
- Root.C0 = CF(PreviousRootP:lerp(VEC3(), Alpha)) * CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(180))
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- TweenJoint(ABWeld, CF(), CF(), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- TweenJoint(LHip, CF(-1, -1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0), CF(-0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- TweenJoint(RHip, CF(1, -1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0), CF(0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- elseif OnDeselected then
- Humanoid.CameraOffset = StanceOffset[1]
- ABWeld.C0 = CF()
- ABWeld.C1 = CF()
- LHip.C0 = CF(-1, -1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0)
- LHip.C1 = CF(-0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0)
- RHip.C0 = CF(1, -1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0)
- RHip.C1 = CF(0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0)
- Root.C0 = CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(180))
- end
- end
- function Crouch()
- local LHip = Torso["Left Hip"]
- local RHip = Torso["Right Hip"]
- local Root = HRP.RootJoint
- Stance = 1
- if S.StanceAnimation then
- spawn(function()
- local PreviousOffset = Humanoid.CameraOffset
- local PreviousRootP = Root.C0.p
- for X = 0, 90, 1.5 / S.StanceChangeSpeed do
- if Stance ~= 1 then break end
- local Alpha = Sine(X)
- Humanoid.CameraOffset = PreviousOffset:lerp(StanceOffset[2], Alpha)
- Root.C0 = CF(PreviousRootP:lerp(VEC3(0, -1, 0), Alpha)) * CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(180))
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- TweenJoint(ABWeld, CF(0, 0, -1 / 16), CF(), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- TweenJoint(LHip, CF(-1, -0.5, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0), CF(-0.5, 0.5, 1) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), RAD(-90)), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- TweenJoint(RHip, CF(1, -0.5, 0.25) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0), CF(0.5, 0.5, 1) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- else
- Humanoid.CameraOffset = StanceOffset[2]
- ABWeld.C0 = CF(0, 0, -1 / 16)
- ABWeld.C1 = CF()
- LHip.C0 = CF(-1, -0.5, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0)
- LHip.C1 = CF(-0.5, 0.5, 1) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), RAD(-90))
- RHip.C0 = CF(1, -0.5, 0.25) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0)
- RHip.C1 = CF(0.5, 0.5, 1) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0)
- Root.C0 = CF(0, -1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-90), 0, RAD(180))
- end
- end
- function Prone()
- local LHip = Torso["Left Hip"]
- local RHip = Torso["Right Hip"]
- local Root = HRP.RootJoint
- Stance = 2
- if S.StanceAnimation then
- spawn(function()
- local PreviousOffset = Humanoid.CameraOffset
- local PreviousRootP = Root.C0.p
- for X = 0, 90, 1.5 / S.StanceChangeSpeed do
- if Stance ~= 2 then break end
- local Alpha = Sine(X)
- Humanoid.CameraOffset = PreviousOffset:lerp(StanceOffset[3], Alpha)
- Root.C0 = CF(PreviousRootP:lerp(VEC3(0, -2.5, 1), Alpha)) * CFANG(RAD(180), 0, RAD(180))
- RS:wait()
- end
- end)
- TweenJoint(ABWeld, CF(0, 0, -1 / 8), CF(), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- TweenJoint(LHip, CF(-1, -1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0), CF(-0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- TweenJoint(RHip, CF(1, -1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0), CF(0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0), Sine, S.StanceChangeSpeed)
- else
- Humanoid.CameraOffset = StanceOffset[3]
- ABWeld.C0 = CF(0, 0, -1 / 8)
- ABWeld.C1 = CF()
- LHip.C0 = CF(-1, -1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0)
- LHip.C1 = CF(-0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(0, RAD(-90), 0)
- RHip.C0 = CF(1, -1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0)
- RHip.C1 = CF(0.5, 1, 0) * CFANG(RAD(-180), RAD(90), 0)
- Root.C0 = CF(0, -2.5, 1) * CFANG(RAD(180), 0, RAD(180))
- end
- end
- function Dive(Speed)
- local DiveVelocity = (HRP.CFrame * CFANG(RAD(18),0,0)).lookVector * Speed * (35 / 16) * 4e3
- HRP.Velocity = VEC3()
- Torso.Velocity = VEC3()
- local BF ="BodyForce")
- BF.force = DiveVelocity
- BF.Parent = HRP
- delay(0.05, function()
- Prone()
- local Start = tick()
- while true do
- wait()
- if (tick() - Start) > 0.1 then break end
- BF.force = -HRP.Velocity * 700
- end
- BF:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- --------------------[ KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS ]--------------------------------------------
- function KeyDown(K)
- local Key = string.lower(K)
- if Key == S.LowerStanceKey and S.CanChangeStance then
- if (not Running) then
- if Stance == 0 then
- Crouch()
- elseif Stance == 1 then
- Prone()
- end
- elseif S.DolphinDive then
- delay(1 / 30,function()
- CanRun = false
- Dive(S.BaseWalkSpeed)
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- wait(S.DiveRechargeTime)
- CanRun = true
- end)
- end
- end
- if Key == S.RaiseStanceKey and S.CanChangeStance then
- if (not Running) then
- if Stance == 2 then
- Crouch()
- elseif Stance == 1 then
- Stand()
- end
- end
- end
- if Key == S.ADSKey then
- if S.HoldMouseOrKeyToADS then
- if (not AimingIn) and (not Aimed) then
- AimingIn = true
- AimGun()
- AimingIn = false
- end
- else
- if Aimed then
- UnAimGun()
- else
- AimGun()
- end
- end
- end
- if Key == S.ReloadKey then
- if (not Reloading) and (not Running) then
- Reload()
- end
- end
- if Key == S.KnifeKey and S.CanKnife then
- if KnifeReady and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- if Aimed then UnAimGun(true) end
- BreakReload = true
- Knifing = true
- KnifeReady = false
- KnifeAnim()
- BreakReload = false
- Knifing = false
- delay(S.KnifeCooldown, function()
- KnifeReady = true
- end)
- end
- end
- if Key == S.LethalGrenadeKey and S.Throwables then
- if (not Knifing) and (not Running) and (not Aimed) and (not Aiming) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- if LethalGrenades.Value > 0 then
- LethalGrenades.Value = LethalGrenades.Value - 1
- ThrowingGrenade = true
- ThrowGrenade(1)
- ThrowingGrenade = false
- end
- end
- end
- if Key == S.TacticalGrenadeKey and S.Throwables then
- if (not Knifing) and (not Running) and (not Aimed) and (not Aiming) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- if TacticalGrenades.Value > 0 then
- TacticalGrenades.Value = TacticalGrenades.Value - 1
- ThrowingGrenade = true
- ThrowGrenade(2)
- ThrowingGrenade = false
- end
- end
- end
- if Key == S.SprintKey then
- Run_Key_Pressed = true
- if Aimed and (not Aiming) then
- TakingBreath = false
- SteadyCamera()
- end
- if CanRun then
- if (not Idleing) and Walking and (not Running) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- if Reloading then BreakReload = true end
- MonitorStamina()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function KeyUp(K)
- local Key = string.lower(K)
- if Key == S.ADSKey then
- if S.HoldMouseOrKeyToADS then
- if (not AimingOut) and Aimed then
- AimingOut = true
- UnAimGun()
- AimingOut = false
- end
- end
- end
- if Key == S.SprintKey then
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- Running = false
- if (not ChargingStamina) then
- RechargeStamina()
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------[ END FUNCTIONS ]-------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ TOOL SELECTION AND DESELECTION ]--------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function OnEquipped(M_Icon)
- wait(math.random(10, 40) / 100)
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and (not Selected) and Gun.Parent == Character then
- Selected = true
- BreakReload = false
- --------------------[ FAILSAFE RESETING ]-------------------------------------
- for _, GM in pairs(Ignore_Model:GetChildren()) do
- if GM.Name == "Gun_Ignore_"..Player.Name then
- GM:Destroy()
- end
- end
- for _,c in pairs(Connections) do
- c:disconnect()
- end
- Connections = {}
- --------------------[ CREATING IGNORE MODELS ]--------------------------------
- Gun_Ignore ="Model")
- Gun_Ignore.Name = "Gun_Ignore_"..Player.Name
- Gun_Ignore.Parent = Ignore_Model
- --------------------[ MODIFYING THE PLAYER ]----------------------------------
- M_Icon.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\Blank.png"
- Gui_Clone = Main_Gui:Clone()
- Gui_Clone.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
- SetUpGui()
- Shoulders.Right.Part1 = nil
- Shoulders.Left.Part1 = nil
- PrevNeckCF.C0 = Neck.C0
- PrevNeckCF.C1 = Neck.C1
- BG ="BodyGyro", HRP)
- BG.maxTorque = VEC3(HUGE, HUGE, HUGE)
- BG.Name = "BG"
- BG.P = 1e5
- BG.cframe = CF(Torso.CFrame.p, Torso.CFrame.p + Torso.CFrame.lookVector)
- local PlayerFolder ="Model")
- PlayerFolder.Name = "PlayerFolder"
- PlayerFolder.Parent = Gun_Ignore
- local AnimBase ="Part")
- AnimBase.Transparency = 1
- AnimBase.Name = "AnimBase"
- AnimBase.CanCollide = false
- AnimBase.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- AnimBase.Size = VEC3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- AnimBase.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- AnimBase.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- AnimBase.Parent = PlayerFolder
- AnimWeld ="Weld")
- AnimWeld.Part0 = AnimBase
- AnimWeld.Part1 = Head
- AnimWeld.C0 = CF(0, 1, 0)
- AnimWeld.Parent = AnimBase
- local ArmBase ="Part")
- ArmBase.Transparency = 1
- ArmBase.Name = "ArmBase"
- ArmBase.CanCollide = false
- ArmBase.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- ArmBase.Size = VEC3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- ArmBase.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- ArmBase.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- ArmBase.Parent = PlayerFolder
- ABWeld ="Weld")
- ABWeld.Part0 = ArmBase
- ABWeld.Part1 = AnimBase
- ABWeld.Parent = ArmBase
- local LArmBase ="Part")
- LArmBase.Transparency = 1
- LArmBase.Name = "LArmBase"
- LArmBase.CanCollide = false
- LArmBase.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- LArmBase.Size = VEC3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- LArmBase.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- LArmBase.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- LArmBase.Parent = PlayerFolder
- local RArmBase ="Part")
- RArmBase.Transparency = 1
- RArmBase.Name = "RArmBase"
- RArmBase.CanCollide = false
- RArmBase.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
- RArmBase.Size = VEC3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- RArmBase.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- RArmBase.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- RArmBase.Parent = PlayerFolder
- LWeld ="Weld")
- LWeld.Name = "LWeld"
- LWeld.Part0 = ArmBase
- LWeld.Part1 = LArmBase
- LWeld.C0 = ArmC0[1]
- LWeld.C1 = S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Left
- LWeld.Parent = ArmBase
- RWeld ="Weld")
- RWeld.Name = "RWeld"
- RWeld.Part0 = ArmBase
- RWeld.Part1 = RArmBase
- RWeld.C0 = ArmC0[2]
- RWeld.C1 = S.ArmC1_UnAimed.Right
- RWeld.Parent = ArmBase
- LWeld2 ="Weld")
- LWeld2.Name = "LWeld"
- LWeld2.Part0 = LArmBase
- LWeld2.Part1 = LArm
- LWeld2.Parent = LArmBase
- RWeld2 ="Weld")
- RWeld2.Name = "RWeld"
- RWeld2.Part0 = RArmBase
- RWeld2.Part1 = RArm
- RWeld2.Parent = RArmBase
- if S.PlayerArms then
- FakeLArm = LArm:Clone()
- FakeLArm.Parent = PlayerFolder
- FakeLArm.Transparency = S.FakeArmTransparency
- FakeLArm:BreakJoints()
- LArm.Transparency = 1
- local FakeLWeld ="Weld")
- FakeLWeld.Part0 = FakeLArm
- FakeLWeld.Part1 = LArm
- FakeLWeld.Parent = FakeLArm
- FakeRArm = RArm:Clone()
- FakeRArm.Parent = PlayerFolder
- FakeRArm.Transparency = S.FakeArmTransparency
- FakeRArm:BreakJoints()
- RArm.Transparency = 1
- local FakeRWeld ="Weld")
- FakeRWeld.Part0 = FakeRArm
- FakeRWeld.Part1 = RArm
- FakeRWeld.Parent = FakeRArm
-"Humanoid", PlayerFolder)
- for _,Obj in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("CharacterMesh") or Obj:IsA("Shirt") then
- Obj:Clone().Parent = PlayerFolder
- end
- end
- else
- local ArmTable = CreateArms()
- ArmTable[1].Model.Parent = PlayerFolder
- ArmTable[2].Model.Parent = PlayerFolder
- FakeLArm = ArmTable[1].ArmPart
- LArm.Transparency = 1
- local FakeLWeld ="Weld")
- FakeLWeld.Part0 = FakeLArm
- FakeLWeld.Part1 = LArm
- FakeLWeld.Parent = FakeLArm
- FakeRArm = ArmTable[2].ArmPart
- RArm.Transparency = 1
- local FakeRWeld ="Weld")
- FakeRWeld.Part0 = FakeRArm
- FakeRWeld.Part1 = RArm
- FakeRWeld.Parent = FakeRArm
- end
- --------------------[ MODIFYING THE GUN ]-------------------------------------
- for _, Tab in pairs(Parts) do
- local Weld ="Weld")
- Weld.Name = "MainWeld"
- Weld.Part0 = Handle
- Weld.Part1 = Tab.Obj
- Weld.C0 = Tab.Obj.WeldCF.Value
- Weld.Parent = Handle
- Tab.Weld = Weld
- end
- Grip = RArm:WaitForChild("RightGrip")
- local HandleCF = ArmBase.CFrame * ArmC0[2] * S.ArmC1_Aimed.Right:inverse() * CF(0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0)
- local HandleOffset = AimPart.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Handle.CFrame)
- Aimed_GripCF = (Head.CFrame * HandleOffset):toObjectSpace(HandleCF)
- --------------------[ CONNECTIONS ]-------------------------------------------
- INSERT(Connections, Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
- OnUnequipped(true)
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, M2.Button1Down:connect(function()
- MB1_Down = true
- if S.GunType.Auto and (not S.GunType.Semi) and (not S.GunType.Burst) then
- if (not CanFire) then return end
- CanFire = false
- if (not Running) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- CurrentSpread = (
- Aimed and S.Spread.Aimed or
- ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- )
- while MB1_Down and (not Reloading) do
- if Knifing and (not ThrowingGrenade) then break end
- if Running then break end
- if Ammo.Value > 0 then
- Ammo.Value = Ammo.Value - 1
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then
- if Aimed and Run_Key_Pressed and S.UnSteadyOnFire then
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- CurrentSteadyTime = 0
- end
- Fire_Gun()
- end
- end
- if Ammo.Value == 0 and S.AutoReload then
- wait(0.2)
- Reload()
- end
- wait(60 / S.FireRate)
- end
- end
- CanFire = true
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto) and S.GunType.Burst then
- if (not CanFire) then return end
- CanFire = false
- if (not Running) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- CurrentSpread = (
- Aimed and S.Spread.Aimed or
- ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- )
- for i = 1, S.BurstAmount do
- if Ammo.Value > 0 then
- Ammo.Value = Ammo.Value - 1
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then
- if Aimed and Run_Key_Pressed and S.UnSteadyOnFire then
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- CurrentSteadyTime = 0
- end
- Fire_Gun()
- end
- end
- if Ammo.Value == 0 and S.AutoReload then
- wait(0.2)
- Reload()
- break
- end
- wait(S.BurstTime / S.BurstAmount)
- end
- end
- wait(S.BurstWait)
- CanFire = true
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto) and S.GunType.Semi then
- if (not CanFire) then return end
- CanFire = false
- if (not Running) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- CurrentSpread = (
- Aimed and S.Spread.Aimed or
- ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- )
- if Ammo.Value > 0 then
- Ammo.Value = Ammo.Value - 1
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then
- if Aimed and Run_Key_Pressed and S.UnSteadyOnFire then
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- CurrentSteadyTime = 0
- end
- Fire_Gun()
- end
- end
- if Ammo.Value == 0 and S.AutoReload then
- wait(0.2)
- Reload()
- end
- wait(60 / S.FireRate)
- end
- CanFire = true
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto) and (not S.GunType.Semi) and (not S.GunType.Burst) and S.GunType.Shot then
- if (not CanFire) then return end
- CanFire = false
- if (not Running) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- CurrentSpread = (
- Aimed and S.Spread.Aimed or
- ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- )
- if Ammo.Value > 0 then
- Ammo.Value = Ammo.Value - 1
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then
- if Aimed and Run_Key_Pressed and S.UnSteadyOnFire then
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- CurrentSteadyTime = 0
- end
- Fire_Gun()
- end
- end
- if Ammo.Value == 0 and S.AutoReload then
- wait(0.2)
- Reload()
- end
- wait(60 / S.FireRate)
- end
- CanFire = true
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto) and (not S.GunType.Semi) and S.GunType.Burst and (not S.GunType.Shot) then
- if (not CanFire) then return end
- CanFire = false
- if (not Running) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- CurrentSpread = (
- Aimed and S.Spread.Aimed or
- ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- )
- for i = 1, S.BurstAmount do
- if Ammo.Value > 0 then
- Ammo.Value = Ammo.Value - 1
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then
- if Aimed and Run_Key_Pressed and S.UnSteadyOnFire then
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- CurrentSteadyTime = 0
- end
- Fire_Gun()
- end
- end
- if Ammo.Value == 0 and S.AutoReload then
- wait(0.2)
- Reload()
- break
- end
- wait(S.BurstTime / S.BurstAmount)
- end
- end
- wait(S.BurstWait)
- CanFire = true
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto) and (not S.GunType.Burst) and (not S.GunType.Shot) and S.GunType.Explosive then
- if (not CanFire) then return end
- CanFire = false
- if (not Running) and (not Knifing) and (not ThrowingGrenade) then
- CurrentSpread = (
- Aimed and S.Spread.Aimed or
- ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- )
- if Ammo.Value > 0 then
- Ammo.Value = Ammo.Value - 1
- if Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then
- if Aimed and Run_Key_Pressed and S.UnSteadyOnFire then
- Run_Key_Pressed = false
- CurrentSteadyTime = 0
- end
- Fire_Gun()
- end
- end
- if Ammo.Value == 0 and S.AutoReload then
- wait(0.2)
- Reload()
- end
- wait(60 / S.FireRate)
- end
- CanFire = true
- end
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, M2.Button1Up:connect(function()
- MB1_Down = false
- CurrentSpread = (
- Aimed and S.Spread.Aimed or
- ((Idleing and (not Walking)) and S.Spread.Hipfire or S.Spread.Walking)
- )
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, M2.Button2Down:connect(function()
- if S.HoldMouseOrKeyToADS then
- if (not AimingIn) and (not Aimed) then
- AimingIn = true
- AimGun()
- AimingIn = false
- end
- else
- if Aimed then
- UnAimGun()
- else
- AimGun()
- end
- end
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, M2.Button2Up:connect(function()
- if S.HoldMouseOrKeyToADS then
- if (not AimingOut) and Aimed then
- AimingOut = true
- UnAimGun()
- AimingOut = false
- end
- end
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, M2.KeyDown:connect(KeyDown))
- INSERT(Connections, M2.KeyUp:connect(KeyUp))
- INSERT(Connections, RS:connect(function()
- local CrossHair = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("CrossHair")
- local HitMarker = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("HitMarker")
- local HUD = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("HUD")
- CrossHair.Position =, M2.X, 0, M2.Y)
- HitMarker.Position =, M2.X - 13, 0, M2.Y - 13)
- local Clip_Ammo_L = HUD:WaitForChild("Ammo"):WaitForChild("Clip")
- local Stored_Ammo_L = HUD:WaitForChild("Ammo"):WaitForChild("Stored")
- Clip_Ammo_L.Text = Ammo.Value
- Clip_Ammo_L.TextColor3 = (Ammo.Value <= (ClipSize.Value / 3) and, 0, 0) or, 1, 1))
- Stored_Ammo_L.Text = StoredAmmo.Value
- Stored_Ammo_L.TextColor3 = (StoredAmmo.Value <= (ClipSize.Value * 2) and, 0, 0) or, 1, 1))
- local Lethal_Grenade_Num_L = HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades"):WaitForChild("Lethals"):WaitForChild("Num")
- Lethal_Grenade_Num_L.Text = LethalGrenades.Value
- Lethal_Grenade_Num_L.TextColor3 = (LethalGrenades.Value < 3 and, 0, 0) or, 1, 1))
- local Tactical_Grenade_Num_L = HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades"):WaitForChild("Tacticals"):WaitForChild("Num")
- Tactical_Grenade_Num_L.Text = TacticalGrenades.Value
- Tactical_Grenade_Num_L.TextColor3 = (TacticalGrenades.Value < 3 and, 0, 0) or, 1, 1))
- local Mode = HUD:WaitForChild("Mode"):WaitForChild("Main")
- if S.GunType.Auto
- and (not S.GunType.Semi)
- and (not S.GunType.Burst)
- and (not S.GunType.Explosive) then
- Mode.Text = "Auto"
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto)
- and S.GunType.Burst
- and (not S.GunType.Explosive) then
- Mode.Text = "Burst"
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto)
- and S.GunType.Semi
- and (not S.GunType.Explosive) then
- Mode.Text = "Semi"
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto)
- and (not S.GunType.Semi)
- and (not S.GunType.Burst)
- and S.GunType.Shot
- and (not S.GunType.Explosive) then
- Mode.Text = "Shotgun"
- elseif (not S.GunType.Auto)
- and (not S.GunType.Semi)
- and S.GunType.Burst
- and (not S.GunType.Shot)
- and (not S.GunType.Explosive) then
- Mode.Text = "Burst"
- elseif S.GunType.Explosive then
- Mode.Text = "Explosive"
- end
- if tick() - LastBeat > (Humanoid.Health / 75) then
- LastBeat = tick()
- HUD.Health.Tray.Beat:TweenPosition(
-, -21, 0, 0),
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,
- 0.7 - ((100 - Humanoid.Health) / 400),
- false,
- function()
- HUD.Health.Tray.Beat.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- )
- end
- HUD.Health.Num.Text = CEIL(Humanoid.Health).."%"
- HUD.Health.Num.TextColor3 = (
- (Humanoid.Health > 200 / 3) and, 1, 1) or
- (Humanoid.Health <= 200 / 3 and Humanoid.Health > 100 / 3) and, 1, 0) or
- (Humanoid.Health <= 100 / 3) and, 0, 0)
- )
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, RS:connect(function()
- local MDir = M2.UnitRay.Direction.unit
- local HRPCF = HRP.CFrame * CF(0, 1.5, 0) * CF(Humanoid.CameraOffset)
- Neck.C0 = Torso.CFrame:toObjectSpace(HRPCF)
- if MDir.y == MDir.y then
- HeadRot = -math.asin(MDir.y)
- Neck.C1 = CFANG(HeadRot,0,0)
- local RotTarget = VEC3(MDir.x,0,MDir.z)
- local Rotation = CF(Torso.Position,Torso.Position + RotTarget)
- BG.cframe = Rotation
- local MouseX = FLOOR((M2.X - M2.ViewSizeX / 2) + 0.5)
- local MouseY = FLOOR((M2.Y - M2.ViewSizeY / 2) + 0.5)
- local AppliedMaxTorque = nil
- if (Camera.CoordinateFrame.p - Head.Position).magnitude < 0.6 then
- if (MouseX >= 50 or MouseX <= -50)
- or (MouseY >= 50 or MouseY <= -50) then
- AppliedMaxTorque = VEC3()
- else
- AppliedMaxTorque = VEC3(HUGE,HUGE,HUGE)
- end
- else
- AppliedMaxTorque = VEC3(HUGE,HUGE,HUGE)
- end
- if (not S.RotateWhileSitting) and Humanoid.Sit then
- AppliedMaxTorque = VEC3()
- end
- BG.maxTorque = AppliedMaxTorque
- end
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, RS:connect(function()
- local Forward = (Keys["w"] or Keys[string.char(17)])
- local Backward = (Keys["s"] or Keys[string.char(18)])
- local Right = (Keys["d"] or Keys[string.char(19)])
- local Left = (Keys["a"] or Keys[string.char(20)])
- local WalkingForward = (Forward and (not Backward))
- local WalkingBackward = ((not Forward) and Backward)
- local WalkingRight = (Right and (not Left))
- local WalkingLeft = ((not Right) and Left)
- ArmTilt = (
- ((WalkingForward or WalkingBackward) and WalkingRight) and 5 or
- ((WalkingForward or WalkingBackward) and WalkingLeft) and -5 or
- ((not (WalkingForward and WalkingBackward)) and WalkingRight) and 10 or
- ((not (WalkingForward and WalkingBackward)) and WalkingLeft) and -10 or 0
- )
- end))
- INSERT(Connections, RS:connect(function()
- if (not Idleing) and Walking then
- if Running then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = S.SprintSpeed
- else
- local SpeedRatio = (S.AimedWalkSpeed / S.BaseWalkSpeed)
- if Stance == 0 then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (Aimed and S.AimedWalkSpeed or S.BaseWalkSpeed)
- elseif Stance == 1 then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (Aimed and S.CrouchWalkSpeed * SpeedRatio or S.CrouchWalkSpeed)
- elseif Stance == 2 then
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (Aimed and S.ProneWalkSpeed * SpeedRatio or S.ProneWalkSpeed)
- end
- end
- else
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
- end
- StanceSway = 1 - (0.25 * Stance)
- end))
- --------------------[ ANIMATE GUN ]-------------------------------------------
- Animate()
- end
- end
- function OnUnequipped(DeleteTool)
- if Selected then
- Selected = false
- BreakReload = true
- --------------------[ MODIFYING THE PLAYER ]----------------------------------
- Camera.FieldOfView = 70
- game:GetService("UserInputService").MouseIconEnabled = true
- Gui_Clone:Destroy()
- BG:Destroy()
- RArm.Transparency = 0
- LArm.Transparency = 0
- Shoulders.Right.Part1 = RArm
- Shoulders.Left.Part1 = LArm
- Neck.C0 = PrevNeckCF.C0
- Neck.C1 = PrevNeckCF.C1
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
- --------------------[ RESETING THE TOOL ]-------------------------------------
- Gun_Ignore:Destroy()
- Aimed = false
- for _, Tab in pairs(Parts) do
- Tab.Weld:Destroy()
- Tab.Weld = nil
- end
- for _,c in pairs(Connections) do
- c:disconnect()
- end
- Connections = {}
- if DeleteTool then
- Camera:ClearAllChildren()
- Gun:Destroy()
- end
- if S.StandOnDeselect and Stance ~= 0 then Stand(true) end
- end
- end
- Gun.Equipped:connect(OnEquipped)
- Gun.Unequipped:connect(function() OnUnequipped(false) end)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------[ END PROGRAM ]---------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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