

May 16th, 2016
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YAML 1.37 KB | None | 0 0
  1. auto-update: true
  2. use-old-bid-logic: false
  3. allow-bid-on-own-auction: false
  4. log-auctions: true
  5. default-starting-bid: 0
  6. max-starting-bid: 10000
  7. default-bid-increment: 1
  8. min-bid-increment: 1
  9. max-bid-increment: 100
  10. max-buynow: 5000
  11. expire-buynow-at-first-bid: false
  12. default-auction-time: 60
  13. min-auction-time: 20
  14. max-auction-time: 120
  15. allow-max-bids: true
  16. allow-buynow: true
  17. allow-early-end: false
  18. allow-gamemode-creative: false
  19. allow-damaged-items: false
  20. allow-gamemode-change: false
  21. allow-arenas: false
  22. max-auction-queue-length: 5
  23. min-auction-interval-secs: 10
  24. auction-start-tax: 0
  25. auction-end-tax-percent: 0
  26. deposit-tax-to-user: ''
  27. cancel-prevention-seconds: 15
  28. cancel-prevention-percent: 50
  29. anti-snipe: true
  30. anti-snipe-prevention-seconds: 15
  31. anti-snipe-extension-seconds: 10
  32. allow-sealed-auctions: true
  33. allow-unsealed-auctions: true
  34. allow-renamed-items: true
  35. broadcast-bid-updates: true
  36. allow-auto-bid: true
  37. suppress-countdown: false
  38. allow-inferior-item-name-logic: false
  39. auctionscope-change-check-interval: 20
  40. banned-items:
  41. - 7
  42. - 383;63
  43. taxed-items:
  44.   '0': 100%
  45. disabled-commands-participating:
  46. - /ma join
  47. - /mobarena join
  48. - /arena join
  49. disabled-commands-inscope: {}
  50. banned-lore:
  51. - mcMMO Ability Tool
  52. auction-scopes:
  53.   default:
  54.     name: Default Auction Scope
  55.     type: worlds
  56.     worlds:
  57.    - '*'
  58.     config:
  59.       disabled-commands-inscope: {}
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