
Predator Eyes Of The Demon 74

Feb 6th, 2024
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  1. Epi, short for Epsilon, four meters long from snout to tail-tip, 861.8 kilos of muscle and violence. Epi's eyes moved independently of each other, giving her almost 360-degree vision horizontally, and 0- to 90-degree vision vertically. On Kivi, everything was potential prey to something else. Yellabeasts needed the forward-facing sight of a predator, but also full awareness to avoid the things-swimming, walking, and flying things that wanted to eat them. Both Omi and Tau had mottled, slate-gray fur, solid legs that ended in claws adept at both burrowing and shredding prey, and bulbous protrusions at the front of their heavy heads, between the eyes, just above pincer-like jaws that ended in jet-black shovels of serrated bone.
  3. Those protrusions hid the Yellabeasts' deadliest weapon, a barbed "tongue" that could stretch out almost six meters to first hammer prey with a 15,000 kPa concussive blow, then drag the prey back to where those claws could pin it, allowing the serrated jaws to rip free chest-sized chunks.-pg.401 chpt.15
  6. C-Level Lodge Project Admin reports that Bioteam is projected to hit targets for subject length, weight and ferocity. The current Yellabeast generation, Gen6, is the largest yet. Individuals are trending 18% heavier and 12.5% longer than Gen5. Gen6 is, on average, 693% heavier and 418% longer
  7. than indigenous specimens of T. hateicus.
  8. Extrapolation models indicate Gen6, when mature, will satisfy all project targets.-pg.409-410 chpt.15
  10. Those people on the floor. Lewis recognized them. Peter Van and Carla Abadi.
  12. "Run," Lewis said, even though they couldn't hear him.
  14. The blurry figure leapt over them. From where the blurry figure had come, more movement.
  16. "No," Lewis said.
  18. Omi barreled down the corridor like an agile bull with stubby eyes for horns, eyes aimed at Peter and Carla. Thick muscles rippled beneath mottled fur. Carla heard Omi, or saw it or both-and scrambled to her feet to run. The tongue hit in the lower back, so hard it almost snapped her in two. Before she hit the floor, the barbed tongue yanked back, pulling her along like a broken rag doll. Claws pinned her to the ground. She lurched violently when the Yellabeast bit into her side, snapping ribs and spine as it tore free a chunk.-pg.408 chpt.15
Tags: Predator
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