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- <!--
- // [Theme]
- KH3 Menu theme
- by //
- + basic html and css knowledge is required to customize this theme
- + feel free to edit and custom the theme to your liking,
- but don't redistribute, use as a base, or claim as your own
- + please do not move or remove the credit
- + all icons custom were made by me for this theme, so please do not redistribute elsewhere
- Credits
- + based off of kh3 ui
- Version 1.01 - fixed bugs
- -->
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- <meta name="select:sora exp" content="40%" />
- <meta name="select:sora exp" content="50%" />
- <meta name="select:sora exp" content="60%" />
- <meta name="select:sora exp" content="70%" />
- <meta name="select:sora exp" content="80%" />
- <meta name="select:sora exp" content="90%" />
- <meta name="select:sora exp" content="100%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="0%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="10%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="20%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="30%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="40%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="50%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="60%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="70%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="80%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="90%" />
- <meta name="select:donald exp" content="100%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="0%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="10%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="20%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="30%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="40%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="50%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="60%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="70%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="80%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="90%" />
- <meta name="select:goofy exp" content="100%" />
- <meta name="text:Sora" content="Sora" />
- <meta name="text:Donald" content="Donald" />
- <meta name="text:Goofy" content="Goofy" />
- <meta name="text:sora level" content="30" />
- <meta name="text:donald level" content="29" />
- <meta name="text:goofy level" content="28" />
- <meta name="text:sora hp" content="200/200" />
- <meta name="text:sora mp" content="100/120" />
- <meta name="text:donald hp" content="180/190" />
- <meta name="text:donald mp" content="110/130" />
- <meta name="text:goofy hp" content="150/170" />
- <meta name="text:goofy mp" content="90/90" />
- <meta name="text:equipment" content="Equipment" />
- <meta name="text:equipment description" content="Change your equipment" />
- <meta name="text:abilities" content="Abilities" />
- <meta name="text:abilities description" content="Choose your active abilities" />
- <meta name="text:abilities link" content="/ask" />
- <meta name="text:cuisine" content="Cuisine" />
- <meta name="text:cuisine description" content="Consume food you've bought or cooked" />
- <meta name="text:cuisine link" content="/submit" />
- <meta name="text:items" content="Items" />
- <meta name="text:items description" content="Browse and use items in your possession" />
- <meta name="text:items link" content="/archive" />
- <meta name="text:customize" content="Customize" />
- <meta name="text:customize description" content="Customize your menus" />
- <meta name="text:customize link" content="/customize" />
- <meta name="text:help" content="Help" />
- <meta name="text:help description" content="You can customize these descriptions" />
- <meta name="text:help link" content="/" />
- <meta name="text:config" content="Config" />
- <meta name="text:config description" content="You can customize the titles too" />
- <meta name="text:config link" content="" />
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- }
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- padding:10%;
- border-width:0px; transition:.6s;
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- <body>
- <div class="eggs">
- <div class="timeof">
- <div class="clocky">
- <b>Time</b>
- <div id="time"></div>
- </div>
- <span class="far fa-clock"></span>
- </div>
- <a href="">
- <div class="timeof">
- <div class="clocky">
- <b>Theme</b>
- <div id="them"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="eggo">
- <div class="egg"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </a>
- </div>
- <div class="h1">
- </div>
- <div class='h2'>
- </div>
- <nav>
- <div class="mickey">
- <img src="">
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- <span class="fa fa-bars"></span>
- <div class="menu">MENU</div>
- </nav>
- <aside>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="/">
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- </a>
- </li>
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