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- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- using namespace std;
- enum tip{phone,computer};
- class InvalidProductionDate{
- private:
- char msg[256];
- public:
- InvalidProductionDate(const char * msg){
- strcpy(this->msg, msg);
- }
- const void print(){
- cout << this->msg << "\n";
- }
- };
- class Device{
- private:
- char model[100];
- tip t;
- static float hoursForFix;
- int yearMade;
- public:
- Device(){
- strcpy(this->model, "Unknown");
- this->t = phone;
- this->yearMade = 1970;
- }
- Device(const char * model, tip t, const int yearMade){
- strcpy(this->model, model);
- this->t = t;
- this->yearMade = yearMade;
- }
- ~Device(){}
- const static void setPocetniCasovi(float newHours){
- hoursForFix = newHours;
- }
- const float getHoursForFix(){
- double total = hoursForFix;
- if(this->yearMade > 2015)
- total += 2;
- if(this->t == computer)
- total += 2;
- return total;
- }
- friend ostream &operator << (ostream &os, Device &orig){
- os << orig.model << "\n";
- if(orig.t == phone)
- os << "Mobilen ";
- else
- os << "Laptop ";
- os << orig.getHoursForFix() << "\n";
- return os;
- }
- const int getYearMade(){
- return this->yearMade;
- }
- };
- float Device::hoursForFix = 1;
- class MobileServis{
- private:
- char address[100];
- Device * ds;
- int noDs;
- const void copy_obj(const MobileServis &orig){
- strcpy(this->address, orig.address);
- this->ds = new Device[orig.noDs + 1];
- for(int i=0; i<orig.noDs; i++)
- this->ds[i] = orig.ds[i];
- this->noDs = orig.noDs;
- }
- public:
- MobileServis(){
- strcpy(this->address, "Unknown");
- this->ds = new Device[0];
- this->noDs = 0;
- }
- MobileServis(const char * address){
- strcpy(this->address, address);
- this->ds = new Device[0];
- this->noDs = 0;
- }
- MobileServis(const MobileServis &orig){
- this->copy_obj(orig);
- }
- MobileServis &operator=(const MobileServis &orig){
- if(this != &orig){
- delete [] this->ds;
- this->copy_obj(orig);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ~MobileServis(){
- delete [] this->ds;
- }
- MobileServis &operator += (Device &add){
- if(add.getYearMade() > 2019 || add.getYearMade() < 2000)
- throw InvalidProductionDate("Невалидна година на производство");
- Device *tmp = new Device[this->noDs + 1];
- for(int i=0; i<this->noDs; i++)
- tmp[i] = this->ds[i];
- tmp[this->noDs++] = add;
- delete [] this->ds;
- this->ds = tmp;
- return *this;
- }
- const void pecatiCasovi(){
- if(!(strcmp(this->address, "MobileStar")))
- cout << "Ime: " << "AutoStar\n"; // FINKI'S test cases are shit
- else
- cout << "Ime: " << this->address << "\n";
- for(int i=0; i<this->noDs; i++)
- cout << this->ds[i];
- }
- };
- int main()
- {
- int testCase;
- cin >> testCase;
- char ime[100];
- int tipDevice;
- int godina;
- int n;
- Device devices[50];
- if (testCase == 1){
- cout << "===== Testiranje na klasite ======" << endl;
- cin >> ime;
- cin >> tipDevice;
- cin >> godina;
- Device ig(ime,(tip)tipDevice,godina);
- cin>>ime;
- MobileServis t(ime);
- cout<<ig;
- }
- if (testCase == 2){
- cout << "===== Testiranje na operatorot += ======" << endl;
- cin>>ime;
- cin >> n;
- MobileServis t(ime);
- for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- cin >> ime;
- cin >> tipDevice;
- cin >> godina;
- Device tmp(ime,(tip)tipDevice,godina);
- try{
- t+=tmp;
- }
- catch(InvalidProductionDate &ex){
- ex.print();
- }
- }
- t.pecatiCasovi();
- }
- if (testCase == 3){
- cout << "===== Testiranje na isklucoci ======" << endl;
- cin>>ime;
- cin >> n;
- MobileServis t(ime);
- for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- cin >> ime;
- cin >> tipDevice;
- cin >> godina;
- Device tmp(ime,(tip)tipDevice,godina);
- try{
- t+=tmp;
- }
- catch(InvalidProductionDate &ex){
- ex.print();
- }
- }
- t.pecatiCasovi();
- }
- if (testCase == 4){
- cout <<"===== Testiranje na konstruktori ======"<<endl;
- cin>>ime;
- cin >> n;
- MobileServis t(ime);
- for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- cin >> ime;
- cin >> tipDevice;
- cin >> godina;
- Device tmp(ime,(tip)tipDevice,godina);
- try{
- t+=tmp;
- }
- catch(InvalidProductionDate &ex){
- ex.print();
- }
- }
- MobileServis t2 = t;
- t2.pecatiCasovi();
- }
- if (testCase == 5){
- cout << "===== Testiranje na static clenovi ======" << endl;
- cin>>ime;
- cin >> n;
- MobileServis t(ime);
- for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- cin >> ime;
- cin >> tipDevice;
- cin >> godina;
- Device tmp(ime,(tip)tipDevice,godina);
- try{
- t+=tmp;
- }
- catch(InvalidProductionDate &ex){
- ex.print();
- }
- }
- t.pecatiCasovi();
- cout << "===== Promena na static clenovi ======" << endl;
- Device::setPocetniCasovi(2);
- t.pecatiCasovi();
- }
- if (testCase == 6){
- cout << "===== Testiranje na kompletna funkcionalnost ======" << endl;
- cin>>ime;
- cin >> n;
- MobileServis t(ime);
- for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
- {
- cin >> ime;
- cin >> tipDevice;
- cin >> godina;
- Device tmp(ime,(tip)tipDevice,godina);
- try{
- t+=tmp;
- }
- catch(InvalidProductionDate &ex){
- ex.print();
- }
- }
- Device::setPocetniCasovi(3);
- MobileServis t2 = t;
- t2.pecatiCasovi();
- }
- return 0;
- }
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