

Jul 29th, 2023
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  1. {
  2. "LastTimePlayed": "2023-07-29T21:55:59.5176772",
  3. "Binned": false,
  4. "ShowType": "TALLTALES",
  5. "Score": 206,
  6. "Title": "\"Summer of Imagination\"",
  7. "Summary": "Timmy's grandpa reminisces about his wild youth in the summer of love, sharing stories of parties, concerts, and even a dance-off with Jimi Hendrix. But as Timmy digs deeper, he discovers that his grandpa's tales may not be entirely true. Nonetheless, Timmy enjoys his grandpa's imaginative stories and heads off to play, leaving Grandpa to enjoy his favorite TV show and rest.",
  8. "FullText": null,
  9. "Prompt": "Grampa talks about his wild and racy lovelife back in the summer of love in the 60s.",
  10. "Prompter": "deki_developer",
  11. "Scenes": [
  12. {
  13. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  14. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  15. "DialogLine": "Timmy, did I ever tell you about the time I was a heartbreaker in the summer of love?",
  16. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa sitting in the stuffed lazyboy chair, smoking a cigar, relaxed",
  17. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/727666600.jpg",
  18. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  19. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1527814411.mp3"
  20. },
  21. {
  22. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  23. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  24. "DialogLine": "No, Grandpa! Tell me all about it!",
  25. "VisualDescription": "Timmy sitting on the living room floor, looking up at Grandpa with an excited expression",
  26. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-1354014297.jpg",
  27. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  28. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1493709210.mp3"
  29. },
  30. {
  31. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  32. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  33. "DialogLine": "Well, back in '69, I was known as \"Smooth Steve\", the ladies couldn't resist me!",
  34. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa winking and pointing with his cigar",
  35. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-1784581836.jpg",
  36. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  37. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-2122585760.mp3"
  38. },
  39. {
  40. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  41. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  42. "DialogLine": "Wow, Grandpa! Were you really that popular?",
  43. "VisualDescription": "Timmy wide-eyed, leaning in closer to Grandpa",
  44. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/1909814064.jpg",
  45. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  46. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1032367002.mp3"
  47. },
  48. {
  49. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  50. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  51. "DialogLine": "Oh, you bet, Timmy! I had a different date every night of the week!",
  52. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa chuckling, reminiscing",
  53. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-689834699.jpg",
  54. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  55. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1110519080.mp3"
  56. },
  57. {
  58. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  59. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  60. "DialogLine": "Did you really go to all those parties and concerts?",
  61. "VisualDescription": "Timmy looking skeptical, trying to spot the exaggeration",
  62. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-1191422861.jpg",
  63. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  64. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1320973201.mp3"
  65. },
  66. {
  67. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  68. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  69. "DialogLine": "Absolutely, Timmy! I partied with the biggest names, even had a dance-off with Jimi Hendrix!",
  70. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa's eyes sparkling with excitement",
  71. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/699177117.jpg",
  72. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  73. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-179388196.mp3"
  74. },
  75. {
  76. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  77. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  78. "DialogLine": "Really, Grandpa? You danced with Jimi Hendrix?",
  79. "VisualDescription": "Timmy smirking, knowing Grandpa is exaggerating",
  80. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/129471447.jpg",
  81. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  82. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1986825656.mp3"
  83. },
  84. {
  85. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  86. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  87. "DialogLine": "Well, maybe not exactly, but I did see him perform once and I could've sworn he looked straight at me!",
  88. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa grinning mischievously",
  89. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-18863486.jpg",
  90. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  91. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/2036779459.mp3"
  92. },
  93. {
  94. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  95. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  96. "DialogLine": "Haha, Grandpa! I knew there had to be something!",
  97. "VisualDescription": "Timmy giggling, enjoying the game of guessing the fib",
  98. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-2094220484.jpg",
  99. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  100. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1935047432.mp3"
  101. },
  102. {
  103. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  104. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  105. "DialogLine": "Ah, Timmy, you caught me! But hey, it's more fun to imagine, isn't it?",
  106. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa laughing, embracing the joy of storytelling",
  107. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-581895632.jpg",
  108. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  109. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1796620107.mp3"
  110. },
  111. {
  112. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  113. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  114. "DialogLine": "Definitely, Grandpa! Your stories are the best!",
  115. "VisualDescription": "Timmy beaming, appreciating Grandpa's vivid imagination",
  116. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-572511552.jpg",
  117. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  118. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-296957251.mp3"
  119. },
  120. {
  121. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  122. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  123. "DialogLine": "But that's a story for another day, your Grandpa needs to rest for a while now.",
  124. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa yawning and stretching, ready to take a nap",
  125. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-444155731.jpg",
  126. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  127. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1248032300.mp3"
  128. },
  129. {
  130. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  131. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  132. "DialogLine": "Okay, Grandpa. I'll let you rest. Maybe I'll go outside and play.",
  133. "VisualDescription": "Timmy standing up, looking content",
  134. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/1741083115.jpg",
  135. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  136. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1617239535.mp3"
  137. },
  138. {
  139. "SpeakerName": "Grandpa",
  140. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  141. "DialogLine": "Ah, Hogan's Heroes are on now and I don't want to miss it. Why don't you go play outside for a bit?",
  142. "VisualDescription": "Grandpa reaching for the remote, eager to watch his favorite show",
  143. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/1911827556.jpg",
  144. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  145. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1197607016.mp3"
  146. },
  147. {
  148. "SpeakerName": "Timmy",
  149. "SsmlVoiceGender": "Male",
  150. "DialogLine": "Okay, Grandpa! Have a good nap! I'll be back later.",
  151. "VisualDescription": "Timmy waving and heading towards the door, full of energy and excitement",
  152. "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/879107563.jpg",
  153. "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  154. "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-171654695.mp3"
  155. }
  156. ],
  157. "Characters": [
  158. {
  159. "Name": "Grandpa",
  160. "AltNames": null,
  161. "Description": "An old man who likes to tell entertaining if not factual stories.",
  162. "VoiceProfile": {
  163. "VoiceName": "en-US-Wavenet-J",
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  165. "VoiceGender": "Male",
  166. "SpeakingRate": 0.8500000238418579,
  167. "Pitch": -5.199999809265137
  168. }
  169. },
  170. {
  171. "Name": "Timmy",
  172. "AltNames": null,
  173. "Description": "A boy who loves stories.",
  174. "VoiceProfile": {
  175. "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-F",
  176. "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  177. "VoiceGender": "Female",
  178. "SpeakingRate": 1.0399999618530273,
  179. "Pitch": 3.5
  180. }
  181. }
  182. ],
  183. "GeneratedTime": "2023-07-29T21:40:36.6846115",
  184. "FinishRequested": false,
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  192. "YTX": false,
  193. "UpVotes": 1,
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  195. "@metadata": {
  196. "@collection": "Episodes",
  197. "Raven-Clr-Type": "GenTV.Episodes.Episode, GenTV"
  198. }
  199. }
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