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- elif msg.text.lower().startswith("getnum:"):
- if msg._from in creator:
- group = client.getChats(to);chat = group.extra.groupExtra if msg.toType == 2 else None
- if not group:return
- from SmsActivationv2 import SmsActivation
- sep = text.split(":")
- text = text.replace(sep[0] + ":","")
- api = SmsActivation()
- idPhone, phoneNumber = api.getPhone(text)
- if idPhone and phoneNumber:
- print(f"idPhone: {idPhone}")
- print(f"PhoneNumber: {phoneNumber}")
- tx = f"idPhone: {idPhone}"+"\n"
- tx += f"PhoneNumber: {phoneNumber}"+""
- try:client.sendMessage(to, tx)
- except Exception as e:client.sendMessage(to, str(e))
- pin = api.waitingCode(idPhone)
- if pin == False:client.sendMessage(to, "time out!!")
- else:print(pin);client.sendMessage(to,"OtpCode : " + str(pin))
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