

Jul 20th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. local function main()
  2. local ci, computer, component = component.invoke, computer or require("computer"), require("component")
  4. local function bi(a, m, ...)
  5. local r = table.pack(pcall(ci, a, m, ...))
  6. return r[1] and table.unpack(r, 2, r.n) or nil, r[2]
  7. end
  9. local e = component.list("eeprom")()
  10. computer.getBootAddress = function() return bi(e, "getData") end
  11. computer.setBootAddress = function(a) return bi(e, "setData", a) end
  13. local s, g = component.list("screen")(), component.list("gpu")()
  14. if g and s then bi(g, "bind", s) end
  16. local function tryLoad(a)
  17. local h, r = bi(a, "open", "/init.lua")
  18. if not h then return nil, "Failed to open /init.lua: " .. tostring(r) end
  19. local b = ""
  20. repeat
  21. local d, r = bi(a, "read", h, math.huge)
  22. if not d and r then bi(a, "close", h) return nil, "Failed to read /init.lua: " .. tostring(r) end
  23. b = b .. (d or "")
  24. until not d
  25. bi(a, "close", h)
  26. local i, l = load(b, "=init")
  27. return i or nil, "Failed to load /init.lua: " .. tostring(l)
  28. end
  30. local l = {}
  31. for a in component.list("filesystem") do
  32. local b = bi(a, "getLabel") or "Unnamed Drive"
  33. if b ~= "tmpfs" then table.insert(l, { address = a, label = b }) end
  34. end
  36. local function displayError(msg)
  37. local g = component.list("gpu")()
  38. local w, h = bi(g, "getResolution")
  39. local boxX, boxY = math.floor((w - 80) / 2), math.floor((h - 6) / 2)
  40. bi(g, "setBackground", 0x001f3f) bi(g, "fill", boxX, boxY, 80, 6, " ")
  41. bi(g, "setForeground", 0xFF4500)
  42. bi(g, "set", boxX + math.floor((80 - #msg) / 2), boxY + 3, msg)
  43. computer.beep(800, 1) computer.beep(800, 0.5) computer.beep(800, 0.5)
  44. while computer.pullSignal() ~= "key_down" do end
  45. computer.shutdown(true)
  46. end
  48. local function displayMenu(sI)
  49. local g = component.list("gpu")()
  50. local w, h = bi(g, "getResolution")
  51. local boxX, boxY = math.floor((w - 60) / 2), math.floor((h - (#l + 4)) / 2)
  52. bi(g, "setBackground", 0x001f3f) bi(g, "fill", boxX, boxY, 60, #l + 4, " ")
  53. bi(g, "setForeground", 0xFFFFFF)
  54. bi(g, "set", boxX + 2, boxY + 1, "Select OS to boot:")
  55. for i, o in ipairs(l) do
  56. bi(g, "setForeground", i == sI and 0xFFD700 or 0xFFFFFF)
  57. bi(g, "set", boxX + 2, boxY + i + 2, o.label .. " (" .. o.address .. ")")
  58. end
  59. computer.beep(800, 0.1)
  60. end
  62. local sI = math.ceil(#l / 2)
  63. displayMenu(sI)
  64. while true do
  65. local e = { computer.pullSignal() }
  66. if e[1] == "key_down" then
  67. if e[4] == 200 and sI > 1 then sI = sI - 1 displayMenu(sI)
  68. elseif e[4] == 208 and sI < #l then sI = sI + 1 displayMenu(sI)
  69. elseif e[4] == 28 then
  70. local o = l[sI]
  71. local i, r = tryLoad(o.address)
  72. if i then
  73. computer.setBootAddress(o.address)
  74. computer.beep(800, 0.2) computer.beep(800, 0.6) computer.beep(800, 0.2)
  75. return i()
  76. else
  77. displayError("ERROR: Unable to boot from " .. o.label .. ". Check the device and try again.")
  78. computer.beep(800, 0.1) computer.beep(800, 0.1) computer.beep(800, 0.1)
  79. end
  80. end
  81. end
  82. end
  83. end
  85. main()
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