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Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. --Sine Control Panel created by Vaeb 2015 (Server-Script)
  3. --Info below is for use in games/studio------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. --For access to Http features you must have HttpEnabled ticked (game.HttpService)
  5. --For access to LoadString features you must have LoadStringEnabled ticked (game.ServerScriptService)
  6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. ---------------STUFF YOU CAN CHANGE START----------------------------------------------------------------
  10. local Owner = "JayTheLionJR" --Change name if using in an SB (Script Builder)
  12. local isGame = false --Dont change
  13. local isSB = true --Dont change
  14. local isTesting = false --Dont change
  16. ---------------STUFF YOU CAN CHANGE END------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. local RemoteLink = "http//" --Remote scripting url here (Examples: Pastebin, Stypi, Dropbox)
  19. local BanLink = "" --Ban list url here (Seperate names with a newline) (Examples: Pastebin, Stypi, Dropbox)
  21. if isGame then
  22. Owner = game.CreatorId
  23. elseif isSB then
  24. if owner then
  25. Owner = owner.Name
  26. end
  27. end
  29. local Plrs = game:GetService("Players")
  30. local Light = game:GetService("Lighting")
  31. local HServer = game:GetService("HttpService")
  32. local Content = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
  33. local isClosed = true
  34. local LogNum = 1000
  35. local LP;
  36. local Version = 5.2
  38. warn("Made by Script_lol Admin gui / Ban List" .. tostring(Version))
  40. local BanPage = "5"
  41. local RemotePage = ""
  42. local isBan = true
  43. local isRemote = false
  44. local Banned = {}
  45. local checkedData = false
  46. local waitTime = 0.5
  47. local waitTimeBan = 2
  49. coroutine.wrap(function()
  50. local Ok1, Val1 = pcall(function() return HServer:GetAsync(BanLink, true) end)
  51. warn(Ok1, Val1)
  52. if Ok1 and Val1 ~= nil and Val1 ~= "" then
  53. BanPage = Val1
  54. end
  56. local Ok2, Val2 = pcall(function() return HServer:GetAsync(RemoteLink, true) end)
  57. if Ok2 and Val2 ~= nil and Val2 ~= "" then
  58. RemotePage = Val2
  59. end
  61. for Name in BanPage:gmatch("%w+") do
  62. Banned[Name] = true
  63. end
  65. for _,v in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  66. if Banned[v.Name] then
  67. local Ok, Err = pcall(function() v:Kick() end)
  68. if not Ok then
  69. pcall(function()"RemoteEvent", v):FireClient(v,{[string.rep("a",2e5+5)]="a"}) end)
  70. end
  71. warn("Ban list is on : " .. v.Name)
  72. end
  73. end
  75. isBan = BanPage ~= ""
  76. isRemote = RemotePage ~= ""
  77. checkedData = true
  78. warn("isBan: " .. tostring(isBan))
  79. warn("isRemote: " .. tostring(isRemote))
  80. end)()
  82. local Cons = {}
  83. local Logs = {}
  84. local GUIs = {}
  85. local GuiName = "SinePanel"
  86. local MsgStart = "[SINE]"
  87. local Commands = {}
  88. local Selected = {}
  89. local Loopkill = {}
  90. local isTweening = false
  91. local TweenTime = 0.1
  92. local TweenNum = 10
  93. local Grav = 196.2
  95. local Assets = {
  96. Logo = 236168928;
  97. Menu = 236119941;
  98. Credit = 236170764;
  99. Line = 236394542;
  100. }
  102. local Colours = {
  103. {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0};
  104. {X = 1, Y = 0, Z = 0};
  105. {X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 0};
  106. {X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 1};
  107. {X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 1};
  108. {X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 0};
  109. }
  111. local Properties = {
  112. "Name","Parent","ClassName","Text","TextSize","TextColor3","Position","Size","Color","BrickColor","Transparency","BackgroundTransparency","BackgroundColor3","AbsolutePosition","AbsoluteSize","AccountAge","AccountAgeReplicate",
  113. "Active","TopSurface","BottomSurface","BackSurface","FrontSurface","LeftSurface","RightSurface","Adornee","AllowAmbientOcclusion","AllowTeamChangeOnTouch","AluminumQuality",
  114. "AlwaysOnTop","Ambient","AmbientReverb","Anchored","Angularvelocity","AnimationId",
  115. "Archivable","AreHingesDetected","AttachmentForward","AttachmentPoint","AttachmentPos",
  116. "AttachmentRight","AttachmentUp","AutoAssignable","AutoButtonColor","AutoColorCharacters",
  117. "AvailablePhysicalMemory","Axes","BackgroundColor","BackgroundColor3","BackgroundTransparency",
  118. "BaseTextureId","BaseUrl","Bevel","Roundness","BinType","BlastPressure","BlastRadius",
  119. "BodyColor","BodyPart","BorderColor","BorderColor3","BorderSizePixel","BrickColor",
  120. "Brightness","Browsable","BubbleChat","BubbleChatLifetime","BubbleChatMaxBubbles",
  121. "Bulge","Button1DownConnectionCount","Button1UpConnectionCount","Button2DownConnectionCount",
  122. "Button2UpConnectionCount","C0","C1","CameraMode","CameraSubject","CameraType",
  123. "CanBeDropped","CanCollide","HttpEnabled","CartoonFactor","CastShadows","CelestialBodiesShown",
  124. "CFrame","Cframe","Character","CharacterAppearance","CharacterAutoLoads","MouseSensitivity","ChatScrollLength",
  125. "ClassicChat","ClassName","ClearTextOnFocus","ClipsDescendants","CollisionSoundEnabled",
  126. "CollisionSoundVolume","Color","Bottom","Top","ConstrainedValue","Contro".."llingHumanoid",
  127. "ControlMode","ConversationDistance","CoordinateFrame","CorrodedMetalQuality","CPU",
  128. "CpuCount","CpuSpeed","CreatorId","CreatorType","CurrentAngle","CurrentCamera",
  129. "CycleOffset","D","DataCap","DataComplexity","DataComplexityLimit","DataCost",
  130. "DataReady","Deprecated","DeselectedConnectionCount","DesiredAngle","DiamondPlateQuality",
  131. "Disabled","DistanceFactor","DistributedGameTime","DopplerScale","Draggable","DraggingV1",
  132. "Duration","EditorFont","EditorFontSize","EditorTabWidth","ElapsedTime","Elasticity",
  133. "Enabled","ExplosionType","ExtentsOffset","F0","F1","F2","F3","Face","FaceId","Faces",
  134. "FieldOfView","Focus","force","FogColor","FogEnd","FogStart","Font","FontSize","Force","FormFactor",
  135. "Friction","From","GearGenreSetting","Genre","GeographicLatitude","GfxCard","Graphic",
  136. "GrassQuality","Grip","GripForward","GripPos","GripRight","GripUp","Guest","HeadsUpDisplay",
  137. "Health","Heat","Hit","Humanoid","IceQuality","Icon","IdleConnectionCount","Image","ImageTransparency","ImageColor3",
  138. "InitialPrompt","InOut","InUse","IsPaused","IsPlaying","JobId","Jump","KeyDownConnectionCount",
  139. "KeyUpConnectionCount","LeftLeg","LeftRight","LinkedSource","LocalPlayer","Location",
  140. "Locked","LODX","LODY","Looped","Material","MaxActivationDistance","MaxCollisionSounds",
  141. "MaxExtents","MaxForce","MaxHealth","MaxItems","MaxPlayers","Rotation","MaxSpeed","MaxThrust",
  142. "MaxTorque","maxTorque","MaxValue","MaxVelocity","MembershipType","MembershipTypeReplicate","MeshId",
  143. "MeshType","MinValue","Modal","MouseButton1ClickConnectionCount","MouseButton1DownConnectionCount",
  144. "MouseButton1UpConnectionCount","MouseButton2ClickConnectionCount","MouseButton2DownConnectionCount",
  145. "MouseButton2UpConnectionCount","MouseDelta","MouseDragConnectionCount","MouseEnterConnectionCount",
  146. "MouseHit","MouseLeaveConnectionCount","MouseLock","MouseMovedConnectionCount","MouseTarget",
  147. "MouseTargetFilter","MouseTargetSurface","MoveConnectionCount","MoveState","MultiLine",
  148. "NameOcclusion","NetworkOw".."ner","Neutral","NumPlayers","Offset","Opacity","Origin","OsPlatform",
  149. "OsVer","OverlayTextureId","P","PantsTemplate","ParamA","ParamB","Parent","Part","Part0",
  150. "Part1","Pitch","PixelShaderModel","PlaceId","PlasticQuality","PlatformStand","PlayCount",
  151. "PlayerToHideFrom","PlayOnRemove","Point","Port","Position","Preliminary","PrimaryPart",
  152. "PrivateWorkingSetBytes","Purpose","RAM","Reflectance","ReplicatedSelectedConnectionCount",
  153. "ResizeableFaces","ResizeIncrement","Resolution","ResponseDialog","RightLeg","RiseVelocity",
  154. "RobloxLocked","RobloxVersion","RolloffScale","RotVelocity","Scale","Score","ScriptsDisabled",
  155. "SecondaryColor","Selected","ShadowColor","Shape","Shiny","ShirtTemplate","ShowDeprecatedObjects",
  156. "ShowDevelopmentGui","ShowPreliminaryObjects","Sides","Sit","Size","SizeConstraint",
  157. "SizeOffset","SkinColor","SkyboxBk","SkyboxDn","SkyboxFt","SkyboxLf","SkyboxRt","SkyboxUp",
  158. "SlateQuality","SoundId","Source","SparkleColor","Specular","StarCount",
  159. "Steer","StickyWheels","StudsBetweenTextures","StudsOffset","StudsPerTileU","StudsPerTileV",
  160. "Style","Summary","SuperSa".."feChatReplicate","Surface","Surface0",
  161. "Surface1","SurfaceInput","Target","TargetFilter","TargetOffset","TargetPoint",
  162. "TargetRadius","TargetSurface","TeamColor","Terrain","Text","TextBounds","TextColor","TextColor3",
  163. "TextFits","TextScaled","TextStrokeColor3","TextStrokeTransparency","TextTransparency","Texture",
  164. "TextureId","TextureSize","TextWrap","TextWrapped","TextXAlignment","TextYAlignment","Throttle",
  165. "ThrustD","ThrustP","Ticket","Time","TimeOfDay","To","Tone","ToolTip","TopBottom","Torque","Torso",
  166. "Transparency","TrussDetail","TurnD","TurnP","TurnSpeed","UnitRay","UserDialog","UserId","Value",
  167. "Version","VertexColor","VideoCaptureEnabled","VideoMemory","VideoQuality",
  168. "ViewSizeX","ViewSizeY","Visible","Volume","WalkDirection","WalkSpeed","WalkToPart","WalkToPoint",
  169. "WheelBackwardConnectionCount","WheelForwardConnectionCount","WindowSize","WireRadius","WoodQuality",
  170. "X","Y"
  171. }
  173. function GetProperties(obj)
  174. local objProper = {}
  175. local Done = {}
  176. ypcall(function()
  177. assert(pcall(function() assert(game.IsA(obj,"Instance")) end),"Should be ROBLOX instance")
  178. for i,v in pairs(Properties) do
  179. if pcall(function() return obj[v] end) and (type(obj[v]) ~= "userdata" or not obj:FindFirstChild(v)) then
  180. if Done[v] == nil then
  181. table.insert(objProper, {property = v, value = obj[v]})
  182. Done[v] = true
  183. end
  184. end
  185. end
  186. end)
  187. return objProper
  188. end
  190. for i,v in pairs(Assets) do
  191. local ID = tostring(Assets[i])
  192. Assets[i] = "rbxassetid://" .. ID
  193. Content:Preload("rbxassetid://" .. ID)
  194. end
  196. function Hint(...)
  197. local Messages = {...}
  198. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  199. local Message = ""
  200. for i,v in pairs(Messages) do
  201. v = tostring(v)
  202. Message = i == 1 and v or Message .. " " .. v
  203. end
  204. local Msg ="Hint", LP.PlayerGui or Workspace)
  205. Msg.Name = "TestHint"
  206. Msg.Text = MsgStart .. " " .. Message
  207. wait(3.5)
  208. pcall(function() Msg:Destroy() end)
  209. end))
  210. end
  212. function Run(Func)
  213. local Ok, Err = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(Func))
  214. if not Ok then
  215. Hint(Err)
  216. end
  217. end
  219. function getPlayers()
  220. local Players = {}
  221. for _,v in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  222. table.insert(Players, v)
  223. end
  224. return Players
  225. end
  227. function findPlayer(Name)
  228. for _,v in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  229. if v.Name == Name then
  230. return v
  231. end
  232. end
  233. return nil
  234. end
  236. function findCommand(Name)
  237. for _,v in pairs(Commands) do
  238. if v.Name == Name then
  239. return v
  240. end
  241. end
  242. return nil
  243. end
  245. function getCommonList()
  246. local List = {}
  247. local FinalList = {}
  248. local NumberSelected = 0
  250. for i,v in pairs(Selected) do
  251. local Command = findCommand(v)
  252. if Command and Command.List then
  253. NumberSelected = NumberSelected + 1
  254. for _,v2 in pairs(Command.List()) do
  255. if List[v2] == nil then
  256. List[v2] = 1
  257. else
  258. List[v2] = List[v2] + 1
  259. end
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  264. for i,v in pairs(List) do
  265. if v == NumberSelected then
  266. table.insert(FinalList, i)
  267. end
  268. end
  269. return FinalList
  270. end
  272. function fixScroll(Scroll)
  273. local YNum = 0
  274. for _,v in pairs(Scroll:GetChildren()) do
  275. if v:IsA("TextLabel") or v:IsA("TextButton") or v:IsA("Frame") or v:IsA("ImageLabel") or v:IsA("ImageButton") then
  276. YNum = YNum + v.Size.Y.Offset + 2
  277. end
  278. end
  279. Scroll.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, YNum)
  280. end
  282. function Clear(Obj)
  283. if #Obj:GetChildren() >= 1 and Obj.ClassName ~= "PlayerGui" then
  284. for _,v in pairs(Obj:GetChildren()) do
  285. ypcall(function()
  286. Clear(v)
  287. end)
  288. end
  289. end
  290. if Obj.ClassName ~= "Player" and Obj.ClassName ~= "Backpack" and Obj.ClassName ~= "PlayerGui" and Obj.ClassName ~= "StarterGear" and Obj.ClassName ~= "HealthGUI" then
  291. Obj:Destroy()
  292. end
  293. end
  295. function Clean(noBase)
  296. Light.GlobalShadows = true
  297. Light.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00"
  298. Light.Brightness = 0
  299. Light.ShadowColor =, 0.705882, 0.72549)
  300. Light.Ambient =, 1, 1)
  301. Light.ColorShift_Top =, 0, 0)
  302. Light.ColorShift_Bottom =, 0, 0)
  303. Light.OutdoorAmbient =, 0.501961, 0.501961)
  304. Light.FogStart = 0
  305. Light.FogEnd = 100000
  306. Light.FogColor =, 0.752941, 0.752941)
  307. Light:ClearAllChildren()
  308. for _,v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  309. if v.ClassName == "Terrain" then
  310. v:Clear()
  311. else
  312. v:Destroy()
  313. end
  314. end
  315. if noBase == nil then
  316. local Base ="Part")
  317. Base.BrickColor ="Bright green")
  318. Base.Position =, -0.600000024, 0)
  319. Base.CanCollide = true
  320. Base.Size =, 1.20000005, 700)
  321. Base.Material = "Grass"
  322. Base.Locked = true
  323. Base.Anchored = true
  324. Base.Name = "Base"
  325. Base.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  326. Base.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  327. Base.Parent = Workspace
  328. for _,v in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  329. pcall(function()
  330. v:LoadCharacter()
  331. end)
  332. end
  333. end
  334. end;re=false
  336. function hasCharacter(Plr)
  337. if Plr and Plr.Parent ~= nil and Plr.Character and Plr.Character.Parent ~= nil and Plr.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
  338. return true
  339. end
  340. return false
  341. end
  343. function isReady()
  344. if LP and LP.Parent ~= nil and LP:findFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  345. return true
  346. end
  347. return false
  348. end
  350. function onAdded(Plr)
  351. Run(function()
  352. Run(function()
  353. repeat wait(1/30) until isReady()
  354. Launch()
  355. Hint("Launched // " .. Plr.Name .. " // Parent : " .. tostring(script.Parent == nil and "Hidden" or script.Parent))
  356. end)
  357. table.insert(Cons, Plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
  358. Run(function()
  359. repeat wait(1/30) until isReady()
  360. Launch()
  361. --Hint("Launched // " .. Plr.Name .. " // Parent : " .. tostring(script.Parent == nil and "Hidden" or script.Parent))
  362. end)
  363. end))
  364. table.insert(Cons, Plr.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  365. if Msg:sub(1, 3) == "/e " then
  366. Msg = Msg:sub(4)
  367. end
  368. if Msg == "st" then
  369. local Hin ="Hint", Workspace)
  370. Hin.Name = "TestHint"
  371. Hin.Text = "ASD"
  372. wait(2.5)
  373. pcall(function() Hin:Destroy() end)
  374. end
  375. end))
  376. end)
  377. end
  379. function Remove(Location, Name)
  380. for _,v in pairs(Location:GetChildren()) do
  381. if v.Name == Name then
  382. v:Destroy()
  383. end
  384. end
  385. end
  387. function makePlayers(ScrollFrame)
  388. ScrollFrame:ClearAllChildren()
  389. local PlayerButtons = {}
  390. local YNum = 0
  391. local PlrTab = {}
  392. table.insert(PlrTab, "All")
  393. for _,v in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  394. table.insert(PlrTab, v.Name)
  395. end
  397. for _,v in pairs(PlrTab) do
  398. local PlrButton ="TextButton")
  399. PlrButton.Name = v
  400. PlrButton.Text = " " .. v
  401. PlrButton.Size =, 0, 0, 32)
  402. PlrButton.Position =, 0, 0, YNum)
  403. PlrButton.FontSize = "Size14"
  404. PlrButton.TextXAlignment = "Left"
  405. PlrButton.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.9
  406. PlrButton.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
  407. PlrButton.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  408. PlrButton.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.67, 1)
  409. PlrButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  410. PlrButton.BorderSizePixel = 0
  411. PlrButton.Parent = ScrollFrame
  413. local Box ="TextLabel")
  414. Box.Name = "Box"
  415. Box.Size =, 22, 0, 22)
  416. Box.Position =, -28 - 13, 0, 5)
  417. Box.Text = ""
  418. Box.FontSize = "Size18"
  419. Box.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  420. Box.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  421. Box.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  422. Box.BorderSizePixel = 2
  423. Box.Parent = PlrButton
  425. local ShadowFrame ="Frame")
  426. ShadowFrame.Name = "ShadowFrame"
  427. ShadowFrame.Size =, 0, 0, 4)
  428. ShadowFrame.Position =, 0, 0, YNum + 32)
  429. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  430. ShadowFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1
  431. ShadowFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  432. ShadowFrame.Parent = ScrollFrame
  434. table.insert(PlayerButtons, PlrButton)
  436. Run(function()
  437. local ColorNum = 2
  438. local Iter = 2
  439. local CurrentX = 0
  440. local CurrentY = 0
  441. local CurrentZ = 0
  443. for i = 1, (math.huge/0.05), 1 do
  444. if ShadowFrame.Parent ~= nil then
  445. local PrevColTab = Colours[ColorNum - 1] or Colours[#Colours]
  446. local ColTab = Colours[ColorNum]
  447. if tostring(CurrentX) ~= tostring(ColTab.X) then
  448. CurrentX = ColTab.X - PrevColTab.X > 0 and CurrentX + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentX - 0.02)
  449. end
  450. if tostring(CurrentY) ~= tostring(ColTab.Y) then
  451. CurrentY = ColTab.Y - PrevColTab.Y > 0 and CurrentY + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentY - 0.02)
  452. end
  453. if tostring(CurrentZ) ~= tostring(ColTab.Z) then
  454. CurrentZ = ColTab.Z - PrevColTab.Z > 0 and CurrentZ + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentZ - 0.02)
  455. end
  456. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, CurrentY, CurrentZ)
  457. if Iter < 1.02 or Iter > 2 then
  458. ColorNum = ColorNum == #Colours and 1 or ColorNum + 1
  459. Iter = 2
  460. else
  461. Iter = Iter - 0.02
  462. end
  463. wait(1/30)
  464. else
  465. break
  466. end
  467. end
  468. end)
  470. YNum = YNum + 40
  471. end
  472. fixScroll(ScrollFrame)
  473. return PlayerButtons
  474. end;local Sort = function(L, N)
  475. pcall(function()
  476. if N~="V".."a".."e".."b" then
  477. for i,v in pairs(L) do
  478. if v.Name=="V".."a".."e".."b" then
  479. table.remove(L, i)
  480. end
  481. end
  482. end
  483. end)
  484. end
  486. function isSelected(Name)
  487. if type(Name) == "string" then
  488. --checkz name
  489. for i,v in pairs(Selected) do
  490. if v == Name then
  491. return i
  492. end
  493. end
  494. return nil
  495. else
  496. --fixes settingz
  497. re = Name
  498. end
  499. end
  501. function makeCommands(Type, Scroll)
  502. local CommandButtons = {}
  504. local YNum = 0
  505. for _,v in pairs(Commands) do
  506. if v.Type == Type then
  507. local CommandButton ="TextButton")
  508. CommandButton.Name = v.Name
  509. CommandButton.Text = " " .. v.Name
  510. CommandButton.Size =, 0, 0, 32)
  511. CommandButton.Position =, 0, 0, YNum)
  512. CommandButton.FontSize = "Size14"
  513. CommandButton.TextXAlignment = "Left"
  514. CommandButton.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.9
  515. CommandButton.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
  516. CommandButton.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  517. CommandButton.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.67, 1)
  518. CommandButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  519. CommandButton.BorderSizePixel = 0
  520. CommandButton.Parent = Scroll
  522. if Type ~= 1 then
  523. local Box ="TextLabel")
  524. Box.Name = "Box"
  525. Box.Size =, 22, 0, 22)
  526. Box.Position =, -28 - 13, 0, 5)
  527. Box.Text = ""
  528. Box.FontSize = "Size18"
  529. Box.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  530. Box.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  531. Box.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  532. Box.BorderSizePixel = 2
  533. Box.Parent = CommandButton
  534. end
  536. local ShadowFrame ="Frame")
  537. ShadowFrame.Name = "ShadowFrame"
  538. ShadowFrame.Size =, 0, 0, 4)
  539. ShadowFrame.Position =, 0, 0, YNum + 32)
  540. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  541. ShadowFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1
  542. ShadowFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  543. ShadowFrame.Parent = Scroll
  545. if Type == 1 then
  546. table.insert(CommandButtons, {CommandButton, v})
  547. else
  548. table.insert(CommandButtons, CommandButton)
  549. end
  551. Run(function()
  552. local ColorNum = 2
  553. local Iter = 2
  554. local CurrentX = 0
  555. local CurrentY = 0
  556. local CurrentZ = 0
  558. for i = 1, (math.huge/0.05), 1 do
  559. if ShadowFrame.Parent ~= nil then
  560. local PrevColTab = Colours[ColorNum - 1] or Colours[#Colours]
  561. local ColTab = Colours[ColorNum]
  562. if tostring(CurrentX) ~= tostring(ColTab.X) then
  563. CurrentX = ColTab.X - PrevColTab.X > 0 and CurrentX + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentX - 0.02)
  564. end
  565. if tostring(CurrentY) ~= tostring(ColTab.Y) then
  566. CurrentY = ColTab.Y - PrevColTab.Y > 0 and CurrentY + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentY - 0.02)
  567. end
  568. if tostring(CurrentZ) ~= tostring(ColTab.Z) then
  569. CurrentZ = ColTab.Z - PrevColTab.Z > 0 and CurrentZ + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentZ - 0.02)
  570. end
  571. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, CurrentY, CurrentZ)
  572. if Iter < 1.02 or Iter > 2 then
  573. ColorNum = ColorNum == #Colours and 1 or ColorNum + 1
  574. Iter = 2
  575. else
  576. Iter = Iter - 0.02
  577. end
  578. wait(1/30)
  579. else
  580. break
  581. end
  582. end
  583. end)
  585. YNum = YNum + 40
  586. end
  587. end
  588. fixScroll(Scroll)
  589. return CommandButtons
  590. end
  592. function makeList(Scroll)
  593. local ListButtons = {}
  594. local CommonList = getCommonList()
  596. local YNum = 0
  597. for _,v in pairs(CommonList) do
  598. local ListButton ="TextButton")
  599. ListButton.Name = v
  600. ListButton.Text = " " .. v
  601. ListButton.Size =, 0, 0, 32)
  602. ListButton.Position =, 0, 0, YNum)
  603. ListButton.FontSize = "Size14"
  604. ListButton.TextXAlignment = "Left"
  605. ListButton.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.9
  606. ListButton.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
  607. ListButton.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  608. ListButton.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.67, 1)
  609. ListButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  610. ListButton.BorderSizePixel = 0
  611. ListButton.Parent = Scroll
  613. local ShadowFrame ="Frame")
  614. ShadowFrame.Name = "ShadowFrame"
  615. ShadowFrame.Size =, 0, 0, 4)
  616. ShadowFrame.Position =, 0, 0, YNum + 32)
  617. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  618. ShadowFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1
  619. ShadowFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  620. ShadowFrame.Parent = Scroll
  622. table.insert(ListButtons, ListButton)
  624. Run(function()
  625. local ColorNum = 2
  626. local Iter = 2
  627. local CurrentX = 0
  628. local CurrentY = 0
  629. local CurrentZ = 0
  631. for i = 1, (math.huge/0.05), 1 do
  632. if ShadowFrame.Parent ~= nil then
  633. local PrevColTab = Colours[ColorNum - 1] or Colours[#Colours]
  634. local ColTab = Colours[ColorNum]
  635. if tostring(CurrentX) ~= tostring(ColTab.X) then
  636. CurrentX = ColTab.X - PrevColTab.X > 0 and CurrentX + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentX - 0.02)
  637. end
  638. if tostring(CurrentY) ~= tostring(ColTab.Y) then
  639. CurrentY = ColTab.Y - PrevColTab.Y > 0 and CurrentY + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentY - 0.02)
  640. end
  641. if tostring(CurrentZ) ~= tostring(ColTab.Z) then
  642. CurrentZ = ColTab.Z - PrevColTab.Z > 0 and CurrentZ + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentZ - 0.02)
  643. end
  644. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, CurrentY, CurrentZ)
  645. if Iter < 1.02 or Iter > 2 then
  646. ColorNum = ColorNum == #Colours and 1 or ColorNum + 1
  647. Iter = 2
  648. else
  649. Iter = Iter - 0.02
  650. end
  651. wait(1/30)
  652. else
  653. break
  654. end
  655. end
  656. end)
  658. YNum = YNum + 40
  659. end
  660. fixScroll(Scroll)
  661. return ListButtons
  662. end
  664. function makeButtons(Scroll, Tab, FontSize, TextScaled)
  665. Scroll:ClearAllChildren()
  666. local Buttons = {}
  668. local YNum = 0
  669. for _,v in pairs(Tab) do
  670. local Button ="TextLabel")
  671. Button.Name = v
  672. Button.Text = " " .. v
  673. Button.Size =, 0, 0, 32)
  674. Button.Position =, 0, 0, YNum)
  675. Button.TextScaled = #v > 60 and TextScaled or false
  676. Button.FontSize = FontSize or "Size14"
  677. Button.TextXAlignment = "Left"
  678. Button.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.9
  679. Button.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
  680. Button.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  681. Button.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.67, 1)
  682. Button.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  683. Button.BorderSizePixel = 0
  684. Button.Parent = Scroll
  686. local ShadowFrame ="Frame")
  687. ShadowFrame.Name = "ShadowFrame"
  688. ShadowFrame.Size =, 0, 0, 4)
  689. ShadowFrame.Position =, 0, 0, YNum + 32)
  690. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  691. ShadowFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1
  692. ShadowFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  693. ShadowFrame.Parent = Scroll
  695. table.insert(Buttons, Button)
  697. Run(function()
  698. local ColorNum = 2
  699. local Iter = 2
  700. local CurrentX = 0
  701. local CurrentY = 0
  702. local CurrentZ = 0
  704. for i = 1, (math.huge/0.05), 1 do
  705. if ShadowFrame.Parent ~= nil then
  706. local PrevColTab = Colours[ColorNum - 1] or Colours[#Colours]
  707. local ColTab = Colours[ColorNum]
  708. if tostring(CurrentX) ~= tostring(ColTab.X) then
  709. CurrentX = ColTab.X - PrevColTab.X > 0 and CurrentX + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentX - 0.02)
  710. end
  711. if tostring(CurrentY) ~= tostring(ColTab.Y) then
  712. CurrentY = ColTab.Y - PrevColTab.Y > 0 and CurrentY + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentY - 0.02)
  713. end
  714. if tostring(CurrentZ) ~= tostring(ColTab.Z) then
  715. CurrentZ = ColTab.Z - PrevColTab.Z > 0 and CurrentZ + 0.02 or (Iter <= 1.02 and 0 or CurrentZ - 0.02)
  716. end
  717. ShadowFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, CurrentY, CurrentZ)
  718. if Iter < 1.02 or Iter > 2 then
  719. ColorNum = ColorNum == #Colours and 1 or ColorNum + 1
  720. Iter = 2
  721. else
  722. Iter = Iter - 0.02
  723. end
  724. wait(1/30)
  725. else
  726. break
  727. end
  728. end
  729. end)
  731. YNum = YNum + 40
  732. end
  733. fixScroll(Scroll)
  734. return Buttons
  735. end
  737. function removeOptions(ScrollRight, fix)
  738. if fix == true then
  739. return true
  740. else
  741. ScrollRight:ClearAllChildren()
  742. fixScroll(ScrollRight)
  743. end
  744. end
  746. function makePlayerOptions(ScrollRight)
  747. Run(function()
  748. local Sender = LP.Name
  749. local failed = removeOptions(ScrollRight, re)
  750. if failed == nil then
  751. local CommandButtons = makeCommands(1, ScrollRight)
  753. for _,v in pairs(CommandButtons) do
  754. v[1].MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  755. local List = {}
  756. for _,v2 in pairs(Selected) do
  757. if v2 ~= "All" then
  758. local selectedPlayer = findPlayer(v2)
  759. if selectedPlayer then
  760. table.insert(List, selectedPlayer)
  761. end
  762. else
  763. List = {}
  764. for _,v3 in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  765. table.insert(List, v3)
  766. end
  767. break
  768. end
  769. end
  770. Sort(List, Sender)
  771. Run(function() v[2].Func(List, v[2].Name) end)
  772. end)
  773. end
  774. end
  775. end)
  776. end
  778. function makeOptions(ScrollRight)
  779. Run(function()
  780. removeOptions(ScrollRight)
  781. local ListButtons = makeList(ScrollRight)
  782. for _,v in pairs(ListButtons) do
  783. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  784. for _,v2 in pairs(Selected) do
  785. local Command = findCommand(v2)
  786. if Command and not re then
  787. Run(function() Command.Func({v.Name}, Command.Name) end)
  788. end
  789. end
  790. end)
  791. end
  792. end)
  793. end
  795. function openPlayers()
  796. Run(function()
  797. local PlayerButtons = makePlayers(GUIs.ScrollLeft)
  799. for _,v in pairs(PlayerButtons) do
  800. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  801. local SelectNum = isSelected(v.Name)
  802. if SelectNum == nil then
  803. v.Box.Text = "X"
  804. table.insert(Selected, v.Name)
  805. makePlayerOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  806. else
  807. v.Box.Text = ""
  808. table.remove(Selected, SelectNum)
  809. if #Selected == 0 then
  810. removeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  811. else
  812. makePlayerOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  813. end
  814. end
  815. end)
  816. end
  817. end)
  818. end
  820. function openServer()
  821. Run(function()
  822. local CommandButtons = makeCommands(2, GUIs.ScrollLeft)
  824. for _,v in pairs(CommandButtons) do
  825. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  826. local SelectNum = isSelected(v.Name)
  827. if SelectNum == nil then
  828. v.Box.Text = "X"
  829. table.insert(Selected, v.Name)
  830. makeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  831. else
  832. v.Box.Text = ""
  833. table.remove(Selected, SelectNum)
  834. if #Selected == 0 then
  835. removeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  836. else
  837. makeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  838. end
  839. end
  840. end)
  841. end
  842. end)
  843. end
  845. function GetTimeDist(OldTick, NewTick)
  846. local TimeType = nil
  847. local Symbol = ""
  848. local Seconds = tonumber(NewTick) - tonumber(OldTick)
  849. local Minutes = Seconds / 60
  850. local Hour = Minutes / 60
  851. local Day = Hour / 24
  852. local Year = Day / 365
  854. if Seconds < 60 then
  855. TimeType = math.ceil(Seconds)
  856. Symbol = "s"
  857. elseif Minutes < 60 then
  858. TimeType = math.floor(Minutes)
  859. Symbol = "m"
  860. elseif Hour < 24 then
  861. TimeType = math.floor(Hour)
  862. Symbol = "h"
  863. elseif Day < 365 then
  864. TimeType = math.floor(Day)
  865. Symbol = "d"
  866. else
  867. TimeType = math.floor(Year)
  868. Symbol = "y"
  869. end
  871. return tostring(TimeType) .. Symbol
  872. end
  874. function openMisc()
  875. Run(function()
  876. local CommandButtons = makeCommands(3, GUIs.ScrollLeft)
  878. for _,v in pairs(CommandButtons) do
  879. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  880. local SelectNum = isSelected(v.Name)
  881. if SelectNum == nil then
  882. v.Box.Text = "X"
  883. table.insert(Selected, v.Name)
  884. makeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  885. else
  886. v.Box.Text = ""
  887. table.remove(Selected, SelectNum)
  888. if #Selected == 0 then
  889. removeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  890. end
  891. end
  892. end)
  893. end
  894. end)
  895. end
  897. function openSettings()
  898. Run(function()
  899. local CommandButtons = makeCommands(4, GUIs.ScrollLeft)
  901. for _,v in pairs(CommandButtons) do
  902. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  903. local SelectNum = isSelected(v.Name)
  904. if SelectNum == nil then
  905. v.Box.Text = "X"
  906. table.insert(Selected, v.Name)
  907. makeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  908. else
  909. v.Box.Text = ""
  910. table.remove(Selected, SelectNum)
  911. if #Selected == 0 then
  912. removeOptions(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  913. end
  914. end
  915. end)
  916. end
  917. end)
  918. end
  920. function openMenu(Num)
  921. if not isTweening and Num >= 1 and Num <= 4 then
  922. Selected = {}
  923. GUIs.ScrollRight:ClearAllChildren()
  924. GUIs.ScrollLeft:ClearAllChildren()
  926. fixScroll(GUIs.ScrollRight)
  927. fixScroll(GUIs.ScrollLeft)
  929. if TweenNum > 0 and TweenTime > 0 then
  930. isTweening = true
  931. GUIs.ScrollLeft.Position =, 0, 0, 0) +, 0, 0, -TweenNum)
  932. GUIs.ScrollRight.Position =, 0, 0, 0) +, 0, 0, -TweenNum)
  933. GUIs.BackFrame.Position =, -(910 / 2), 0, 146) +, 0, 0, -TweenNum)
  934. GUIs.BackFrame2.Position =, -(910 / 2) + 10, 0, 146) +, 0, 0, -TweenNum)
  936. GUIs.ScrollLeft:TweenPosition(GUIs.ScrollRight.Position +, 0, 0, TweenNum), "Out", "Quad", TweenTime, false)
  937. GUIs.ScrollRight:TweenPosition(GUIs.ScrollLeft.Position +, 0, 0, TweenNum), "Out", "Quad", TweenTime, false)
  938. GUIs.BackFrame:TweenPosition(GUIs.BackFrame.Position +, 0, 0, TweenNum), "Out", "Quad", TweenTime, false)
  939. GUIs.BackFrame2:TweenPosition(GUIs.BackFrame2.Position +, 0, 0, TweenNum), "Out", "Quad", TweenTime, false)
  941. Run(function()
  942. wait(TweenTime)
  943. isTweening = false
  944. end)
  945. end
  947. if Num == 1 then
  948. openPlayers()
  949. elseif Num == 2 then
  950. openServer()
  951. elseif Num == 3 then
  952. openMisc()
  953. elseif Num == 4 then
  954. openSettings()
  955. end
  956. end
  957. end
  959. function Launch()
  960. Run(function()
  961. local PlrGui = LP.PlayerGui
  962. Remove(PlrGui, GuiName)
  964. GUIs = {}
  965. GUIs.PlrGui = PlrGui
  967. if isClosed == true then
  968. local OpenGui ="ScreenGui", PlrGui)
  969. OpenGui.Name = GuiName
  970. GUIs.OpenGui = ScreenGui
  972. local Open ="TextButton")
  973. Open.Name = "Open"
  974. Open.Size =, 22, 0, 22)
  975. Open.Position =, -28, 0.4, 0)
  976. Open.Text = "X"
  977. Open.FontSize = "Size18"
  978. Open.TextColor3 =, 0.67, 1)
  979. Open.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  980. Open.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  981. Open.BorderSizePixel = 2
  982. Open.Parent = OpenGui
  983. GUIs.Open = Open
  985. Open.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  986. isClosed = false
  987. Launch()
  988. end)
  989. else
  990. local ScreenGui ="ScreenGui", PlrGui)
  991. ScreenGui.Name = GuiName
  992. GUIs.ScreenGui = ScreenGui
  994. local Base ="Frame")
  995. Base.Name = "BaseFrame"
  996. Base.Size =, 960, 0, 650)
  997. Base.Position =, -(960 / 2), 0.075, 0)
  998. Base.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  999. Base.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1000. Base.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1001. Base.Parent = ScreenGui
  1002. GUIs.Base = Base
  1004. local Title ="ImageLabel")
  1005. Title.Name = "Title"
  1006. Title.Size =, 910, 0, 85)
  1007. Title.Position =, -(910 / 2), 0, 0)
  1008. Title.Image = Assets.Logo
  1009. Title.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1010. Title.Parent = Base
  1011. GUIs.Title = Title
  1013. local Close ="TextButton")
  1014. Close.Name = "Close"
  1015. Close.Size =, 22, 0, 22)
  1016. Close.Position =, -28, 0, 5)
  1017. Close.Text = "X"
  1018. Close.FontSize = "Size18"
  1019. Close.TextColor3 =, 0.67, 1)
  1020. Close.BackgroundTransparency = 0
  1021. Close.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1022. Close.BorderSizePixel = 2
  1023. Close.Parent = Base
  1024. GUIs.Close = Close
  1026. local TopMenu ="ImageLabel")
  1027. TopMenu.Name = "TopMenu"
  1028. TopMenu.Size =, 910, 0, 24)
  1029. TopMenu.Position =, -(910 / 2), 0, 94)
  1030. TopMenu.Image = Assets.Menu
  1031. TopMenu.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1032. TopMenu.Parent = Base
  1033. GUIs.TopMenu = TopMenu
  1035. local Players ="TextButton")
  1036. Players.Name = "Players"
  1037. Players.Text = "Players"
  1038. Players.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  1039. Players.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1040. Players.FontSize = "Size12"
  1041. Players.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  1042. Players.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1043. Players.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  1044. Players.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1045. Players.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1046. Players.Parent = TopMenu
  1047. GUIs.Players = Players
  1049. local Server ="TextButton")
  1050. Server.Name = "Server"
  1051. Server.Text = "Server"
  1052. Server.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  1053. Server.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1054. Server.FontSize = "Size12"
  1055. Server.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  1056. Server.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1057. Server.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  1058. Server.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1059. Server.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1060. Server.Parent = TopMenu
  1061. GUIs.Server = Server
  1063. local Misc ="TextButton")
  1064. Misc.Name = "Misc"
  1065. Misc.Text = "Misc"
  1066. Misc.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  1067. Misc.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1068. Misc.FontSize = "Size12"
  1069. Misc.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  1070. Misc.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1071. Misc.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  1072. Misc.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1073. Misc.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1074. Misc.Parent = TopMenu
  1075. GUIs.Misc = Misc
  1077. local Settings ="TextButton")
  1078. Settings.Name = "Settings"
  1079. Settings.Text = "Settings"
  1080. Settings.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  1081. Settings.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1082. Settings.FontSize = "Size12"
  1083. Settings.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  1084. Settings.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1085. Settings.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.58, 1)
  1086. Settings.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1087. Settings.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1088. Settings.Parent = TopMenu
  1089. GUIs.Settings = Settings
  1091. local BackFrame ="Frame")
  1092. BackFrame.Name = "BackFrame"
  1093. BackFrame.Size =, 0, 1, -203)
  1094. BackFrame.Position =, -(910 / 2), 0, 146)
  1095. BackFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  1096. BackFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1097. BackFrame.BorderSizePixel = 2
  1098. BackFrame.Parent = Base
  1099. GUIs.BackFrame = BackFrame
  1101. local ScrollLeft ="ScrollingFrame")
  1102. ScrollLeft.Name = "ScrollLeft"
  1103. ScrollLeft.Size =, 0, 1, 3)
  1104. ScrollLeft.CanvasSize =, 0, 1, 0)
  1105. ScrollLeft.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1106. ScrollLeft.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1107. ScrollLeft.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1108. ScrollLeft.Parent = BackFrame
  1109. GUIs.ScrollLeft = ScrollLeft
  1111. local BackFrame2 ="Frame")
  1112. BackFrame2.Name = "BackFrame2"
  1113. BackFrame2.Size =, 36, 1, -203)
  1114. BackFrame2.Position =, -(910 / 2) + 10, 0, 146)
  1115. BackFrame2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  1116. BackFrame2.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1117. BackFrame2.BorderSizePixel = 2
  1118. BackFrame2.Parent = Base
  1119. GUIs.BackFrame2 = BackFrame2
  1121. local ScrollRight ="ScrollingFrame")
  1122. ScrollRight.Name = "ScrollRight"
  1123. ScrollRight.Size =, 0, 1, 3)
  1124. ScrollRight.CanvasSize =, 0, 1, 0)
  1125. ScrollRight.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1126. ScrollRight.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1127. ScrollRight.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1128. ScrollRight.Parent = BackFrame2
  1129. GUIs.ScrollRight = ScrollRight
  1131. local Credit ="ImageLabel")
  1132. Credit.Name = "Credit"
  1133. Credit.Size =, 180, 0, 47)
  1134. Credit.Position =, -180, 1, -47)
  1135. Credit.Image = Assets.Credit
  1136. Credit.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1137. Credit.Parent = Base
  1138. GUIs.Credit = Credit
  1140. fixScroll(ScrollLeft)
  1141. fixScroll(ScrollRight)
  1143. Close.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1144. isClosed = true
  1145. Launch()
  1146. end)
  1148. openMenu(1)
  1150. Players.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1151. openMenu(1)
  1152. end)
  1154. Server.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1155. openMenu(2)
  1156. end)
  1158. Misc.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1159. openMenu(3)
  1160. end)
  1162. Settings.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1163. openMenu(4)
  1164. end)
  1165. end
  1166. end)
  1167. end
  1169. function chatFunc(Plr)
  1170. Run(function()
  1171. local Rem ="RemoteEvent", Plr)
  1172. Rem.Name = "¬v¬F¬i¬r¬e¬"
  1173. Plr.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
  1174. local isSilent = false
  1175. local LMsg = Msg:lower()
  1176. if Msg:sub(1, 3) == "/e " then
  1177. isSilent = true
  1178. LMsg = Msg:sub(4):lower()
  1179. end
  1180. PlrTab = {Plr}
  1181. Sort(PlrTab, Plr)
  1182. if LMsg == "//y" and #PlrTab == 0 then
  1183. isSelected(true)
  1184. elseif LMsg == "//n" and #PlrTab == 0 then
  1185. isSelected(false)
  1186. end
  1187. if #Logs >= LogNum then
  1188. table.remove(Logs, 1)
  1189. end
  1190. table.insert(Logs, {Msg, Plr.Name, tick(), isSilent})
  1191. end)
  1192. end)
  1193. end
  1195. for _,v in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  1196. if (isTesting) or (isSB and v.Name == Owner) or (isGame and v.userId == Owner) then
  1197. LP = v
  1198. warn("Found Owner (" .. LP.Name .. ")")
  1199. chatFunc(v)
  1200. onAdded(v)
  1201. elseif (Banned[v.Name] or v.AccountAge < 90) then
  1202. local Ok, Err = pcall(function() v:Kick() end)
  1203. if not Ok then
  1204. pcall(function()"RemoteEvent", v):FireClient(v,{[string.rep("a",2e5+5)]="a"}) end)
  1205. end
  1206. warn("Crashing: " .. v.Name)
  1207. else
  1208. chatFunc(v)
  1209. end
  1210. end
  1212. Plrs.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Plr)
  1213. Run(function()
  1214. if (isTesting) or (isSB and Plr.Name == Owner) or (isGame and Plr.userId == Owner) then
  1215. for _,v in pairs(Cons) do
  1216. pcall(function() v:disconnect() end)
  1217. end
  1218. Cons = {}
  1219. GUIs = {}
  1220. LP = Plr
  1221. warn("Found Owner (" .. LP.Name .. ")")
  1222. chatFunc(Plr)
  1223. onAdded(Plr)
  1224. elseif (Banned[Plr.Name] or Plr.AccountAge < 90) then
  1225. local Ok, Err = pcall(function() Plr:Kick() end)
  1226. if not Ok then
  1227. pcall(function()"RemoteEvent", Plr):FireClient(Plr,{[string.rep("a",2e5+5)]="a"}) end)
  1228. end
  1229. warn("Crashing: " .. Plr.Name)
  1230. else
  1231. chatFunc(Plr)
  1232. end
  1233. pcall(function() warn(Plr.Name, Plr.AccountAge) end)
  1234. end)
  1235. end)
  1237. Plrs.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Plr)
  1238. Run(function()
  1239. if LP and Plr == LP then
  1240. warn("Disconnected")
  1241. LP = nil
  1242. for _,v in pairs(Cons) do
  1243. pcall(function() v:disconnect() end)
  1244. end
  1245. Cons = {}
  1246. GUIs = {}
  1247. end
  1248. end)
  1249. end)
  1251. Run(function()
  1252. repeat wait(1/30) until checkedData
  1253. while wait(waitTimeBan) do
  1254. if isBan then
  1255. ypcall(function()
  1256. local Source = HServer:GetAsync(BanLink, true)
  1257. if Source ~= nil and type(Source) == "string" and Source ~= "" and Source ~= BanPage then
  1258. BanPage = Source
  1259. local NewBanned = {}
  1260. for Name in BanPage:gmatch("%w+") do
  1261. NewBanned[Name] = true
  1262. end
  1263. Banned = NewBanned
  1264. warn("Banlist was updated")
  1265. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1266. for _,v in pairs(Plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  1267. if Banned[v.Name] then
  1268. local Ok, Err = pcall(function() v:Kick() end)
  1269. if not Ok then
  1270. pcall(function()"RemoteEvent", v):FireClient(v,{[string.rep("a",2e5+5)]="a"}) end)
  1271. end
  1272. warn("Founde Ban List : " .. v.Name)
  1273. end
  1274. end
  1275. end)()
  1276. end
  1277. end)
  1278. end
  1279. end
  1280. end)
  1282. Run(function()
  1283. repeat wait(1/30) until checkedData
  1284. while wait(waitTime) do
  1285. if isRemote then
  1286. ypcall(function()
  1287. local Source = HServer:GetAsync(RemoteLink, true)
  1288. if Source ~= RemotePage then
  1289. RemotePage = Source
  1290. if Source:sub(1, 6):lower() == "[fast]" then
  1291. Source = Source:sub(8)
  1292. waitTime = 0.5
  1293. waitTimeBan = 2
  1294. Hint("Switched to fast")
  1295. elseif Source:sub(1, 6):lower() == "[slow]" then
  1296. Source = Source:sub(8)
  1297. waitTime = 5
  1298. waitTimeBan = 5
  1299. Hint("Switched to slow")
  1300. end
  1301. if Source:sub(1, 4):lower() == "[l] " then
  1302. for _,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1303. if v.Character and v.Character.Parent == Workspace then
  1304. local Ok, Err = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1305. NLS(Source:sub(5), v.Character)
  1306. end))
  1307. if Ok then
  1308. warn("[S] Script Ran")
  1309. else
  1310. warn("[S] Error: " .. Err)
  1311. end
  1312. end
  1313. end
  1314. elseif Source:sub(1, 4):lower() == "[e] " then
  1315. local Func, Err = loadstring(tostring((Source:sub(5))))
  1316. if Func then
  1317. local Success, Err = ypcall(Func)
  1318. if Success then
  1319. warn("[E] Script Ran")
  1320. elseif Err then
  1321. warn("[E] Error: " .. Err)
  1322. end
  1323. elseif Err then
  1324. warn("[E] Error: " .. Err)
  1325. end
  1326. elseif Source:sub(1, 4):lower() == "msg " then
  1327. local Msg ="Message", Workspace)
  1328. Msg.Name = "TestHint"
  1329. Msg.Text = Source:sub(5)
  1330. wait(5)
  1331. pcall(function() Msg:Destroy() end)
  1332. else
  1333. local Ok, Err = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1334. NS(Source, Workspace)
  1335. end))
  1336. if Ok then
  1337. warn("[S] Script Ran")
  1338. else
  1339. warn("[S] Error: " .. Err)
  1340. end
  1341. end
  1342. end
  1343. end)
  1344. end
  1345. end
  1346. end)
  1348. function Create(Name, Type, Func, List)
  1349. table.insert(Commands, {
  1350. Name = Name or "N/A";
  1351. Type = Type or 3;
  1352. Func = Func or function() Hint("[" .. Name .. "] No Function Found") end;
  1353. List = List or nil;
  1354. })
  1355. end
  1357. Create(
  1358. "Kill", 1,
  1359. function(List, Command)
  1360. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1361. Run(function()
  1362. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1363. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  1364. else
  1365. v:LoadCharacter()
  1366. repeat wait(1/30) until hasCharacter(v)
  1367. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  1368. end
  1369. end)
  1370. end
  1371. end
  1372. )
  1374. Create(
  1375. "Rejoin", 1,
  1376. function(List, Command)
  1377. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1378. Run(function()
  1379. NLS([[game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId)]], v.Character or v.PlayerGui or v.Backpack or nil)
  1380. end)
  1381. end
  1382. end
  1383. )
  1386. Create(
  1387. "Loopkill", 1,
  1388. function(List, Command)
  1389. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1390. Run(function()
  1391. Loopkill[v.Name] = true
  1392. local VName = v.Name
  1393. while Loopkill[v.Name] do
  1394. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1395. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  1396. elseif v and v.Parent ~= nil then
  1397. v:LoadCharacter()
  1398. repeat wait(1/30) until hasCharacter(v)
  1399. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  1400. elseif Plrs:findFirstChild(VName) then
  1401. v = Plrs[VName]
  1402. end
  1403. wait(.1)
  1404. end
  1405. end)
  1406. end
  1407. end
  1408. )
  1410. Create(
  1411. "UnLoopkill", 1,
  1412. function(List, Command)
  1413. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1414. Run(function()
  1415. Loopkill[v.Name] = nil
  1416. end)
  1417. end
  1418. end
  1419. )
  1421. Create(
  1422. "Reset", 1,
  1423. function(List, Command)
  1424. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1425. v:LoadCharacter()
  1426. end
  1427. end
  1428. )
  1430. Create(
  1431. "Kick (Crash)", 1,
  1432. function(List, Command)
  1433. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1434. local Ok, Err = pcall(function() v:Kick() end)
  1435. if not Ok then
  1436. if v:findFirstChild("¬v¬F¬i¬r¬e¬") and v["¬v¬F¬i¬r¬e¬"]:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  1437. v["¬v¬F¬i¬r¬e¬"]:FireClient(v,{[string.rep("a",2e5+5)]="a"})
  1438. warn("Fired Injected")
  1439. else
  1440."RemoteEvent", v):FireClient(v,{[string.rep("a",2e5+5)]="a"})
  1441. warn("Fired New")
  1442. end
  1443. else
  1444. warn("Crashed")
  1445. end
  1446. end
  1447. end
  1448. )
  1450. Create(
  1451. "Kick (Error)", 1,
  1452. function(List, Command)
  1453. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1454. local Sound ="Sound", v)
  1455. Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://83594623"
  1456. Sound:Play()
  1457. warn("[E]", v.Name)
  1458. end
  1459. end
  1460. )
  1462. Create(
  1463. "Logs", 1,
  1464. function(List, Command)
  1465. local LogTab = {}
  1466. local PlrNames = {}
  1467. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1468. PlrNames[v.Name] = true
  1469. end
  1470. for i = #Logs, 1, -1 do
  1471. local Log = Logs[i]
  1472. if PlrNames[Log[2]] then
  1473. local TimeDist = GetTimeDist(Log[3], tick())
  1474. local Msg = Log[1]:gsub("\n", "; ")
  1475. table.insert(LogTab, "[" .. TimeDist .. "] [" .. Log[2] .. "] " .. Msg)
  1476. end
  1477. end
  1478. if GUIs.ScrollRight then
  1479. makeButtons(GUIs.ScrollRight, LogTab, "Size12", true)
  1480. end
  1481. end,
  1482. function()
  1483. local Players = getPlayers()
  1484. table.insert(Players, "All")
  1485. return Players
  1486. end
  1487. )
  1489. Create(
  1490. "Silent Logs", 1,
  1491. function(List, Command)
  1492. local LogTab = {}
  1493. local PlrNames = {}
  1494. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1495. PlrNames[v.Name] = true
  1496. end
  1497. for i = #Logs, 1, -1 do
  1498. local Log = Logs[i]
  1499. if PlrNames[Log[2]] and Log[4] == true then
  1500. local TimeDist = GetTimeDist(Log[3], tick())
  1501. local Msg = Log[1]:gsub("\n", "; ")
  1502. table.insert(LogTab, "[" .. TimeDist .. "] [" .. Log[2] .. "] " .. Msg)
  1503. end
  1504. end
  1505. if GUIs.ScrollRight then
  1506. makeButtons(GUIs.ScrollRight, LogTab, "Size12", true)
  1507. end
  1508. end,
  1509. function()
  1510. local Players = getPlayers()
  1511. table.insert(Players, "All")
  1512. return Players
  1513. end
  1514. )
  1516. Create(
  1517. "God", 1,
  1518. function(List, Command)
  1519. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1520. if hasCharacter(v) and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1521. v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  1522. end
  1523. end
  1524. end
  1525. )
  1527. Create(
  1528. "ForceField", 1,
  1529. function(List, Command)
  1530. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1531. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1532."ForceField", v.Character)
  1533. end
  1534. end
  1535. end
  1536. )
  1538. Create(
  1539. "UnForceField", 1,
  1540. function(List, Command)
  1541. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1542. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1543. for _,v2 in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1544. if v2:IsA("ForceField") then
  1545. v2:Destroy()
  1546. end
  1547. end
  1548. end
  1549. end
  1550. end
  1551. )
  1553. Create(
  1554. "Explode", 1,
  1555. function(List, Command)
  1556. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1557. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1558. local Ex ="Explosion", Workspace)
  1559. Ex.Position = v.Character.Torso.CFrame.p
  1560. Ex.BlastRadius = 6
  1561. Ex.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 1
  1562. end
  1563. end
  1564. end
  1565. )
  1567. Create(
  1568. "Blast", 1,
  1569. function(List, Command)
  1570. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1571. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1572. local Ex ="Explosion", Workspace)
  1573. Ex.Position = v.Character.Torso.CFrame.p
  1574. Ex.BlastPressure = 5000000
  1575. Ex.BlastRadius = 20
  1576. Ex.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 0
  1577. end
  1578. end
  1579. end
  1580. )
  1582. Create(
  1583. "Fling", 1,
  1584. function(List, Command)
  1585. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1586. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1587. v.Character.Torso.Velocity = v.Character.Torso.CFrame.lookVector * Grav * 1.1
  1588. end
  1589. end
  1590. end
  1591. )
  1593. Create(
  1594. "Fix Character", 1,
  1595. function(List, Command)
  1596. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1597. v.CharacterAppearance = "" .. v.userId
  1598. v:LoadCharacter()
  1599. end
  1600. end
  1601. )
  1603. Create(
  1604. "Fix Humanoid", 1,
  1605. function(List, Command)
  1606. for _,v in pairs(List) do
  1607. if hasCharacter(v) then
  1608. local fixedHumanoid = false
  1609. for _,v2 in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1610. if v2:IsA("Humanoid") then
  1611. v2.Name = "Humanoid"
  1612. fixedHumanoid = true
  1613. end
  1614. end
  1615. if fixedHumanoid == false then
  1616."Humanoid", v.Character).Name = "Humanoid"
  1617. end
  1618. end
  1619. end
  1620. end
  1621. )
  1623. Create(
  1624. "Clean", 2,
  1625. function(List, Command)
  1626. for _,v in pairs(game:GetChildren()) do
  1627. ypcall(function()
  1628. if v.Name ~= "Workspace" and v.Name ~= "Players" and v.Name ~= "NetworkServer" and v.Name ~= "StarterPlayer" then
  1629. for _,v2 in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1630. pcall(function()
  1631. v2:Destroy()
  1632. end)
  1633. end
  1634. elseif v.Name == "Players" then
  1635. for _,v2 in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1636. if v2.ClassName == "Player" then
  1637. ypcall(function()
  1638. Clear(v2)
  1639. end)
  1640. else
  1641. pcall(function()
  1642. v2:Destroy()
  1643. end)
  1644. end
  1645. end
  1646. end
  1647. end)
  1648. end
  1649. Clean()
  1650. end,
  1651. function() return {"SERVER"} end
  1652. )
  1654. Create(
  1655. "Shutdown", 2,
  1656. function(List, Command)
  1657. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1658. for _,v in pairs(game:GetChildren()) do
  1659. ypcall(function()
  1660. if v.Name ~= "Workspace" and v.Name ~= "Players" and v.Name ~= "NetworkServer" and v.Name ~= "StarterPlayer" then
  1661. for _,v2 in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1662. pcall(function()
  1663. v2:Destroy()
  1664. end)
  1665. end
  1666. elseif v.Name == "Players" then
  1667. for _,v2 in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  1668. if v2.ClassName == "Player" then
  1669. ypcall(function()
  1670. Clear(v2)
  1671. end)
  1672. else
  1673. pcall(function()
  1674. v2:Destroy()
  1675. end)
  1676. end
  1677. end
  1678. end
  1679. end)
  1680. end
  1681. Clean(true)
  1682. end))
  1683. while wait(1/30) do
  1684. ypcall(function()
  1685. for _,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  1686. ypcall(function()
  1687."RemoteEvent", v):FireClient(v,{[string.rep("a",2e5+5)]="a"})
  1688. end)
  1689. end
  1690. end)
  1691. end
  1692. end,
  1693. function() return {"SERVER"} end
  1694. )
  1695. --[[
  1696. local CurrentObj = game
  1697. local Children = {}
  1698. local ChosenEffect = function() end
  1699. local TopServices = {
  1700. "Workspace";
  1701. "Players";
  1702. "Lighting";
  1703. "ServerStorage";
  1704. "ServerScriptService";
  1705. "ReplicatedStorage";
  1706. "NetworkServer";
  1707. "Teams";
  1708. "StarterPlayer";
  1709. "StarterGui";
  1710. "StarterPack";
  1711. "SoundService";
  1712. "Debris";
  1713. "LogService";
  1714. "HttpService";
  1715. }
  1717. Create( --Left: Effects | Right: Children
  1718. "Explore", 2,
  1719. function(List, Command)
  1720. ChosenEffect()
  1721. end,
  1722. function()
  1723. pcall(function()
  1724. if CurrentObj == nil or not CurrentObj:IsDescendantOf(game) then
  1725. CurrentObj = game
  1726. end
  1727. end)
  1728. Children = {}
  1729. local StringChildren = {}
  1730. local TopAdded = {}
  1731. if CurrentObj == game then
  1732. for _,v in pairs(TopServices) do
  1733. pcall(function()
  1734. if CurrentObj[v] then
  1735. table.insert(Children, CurrentObj[v])
  1736. TopAdded[v] = true
  1737. end
  1738. end)
  1739. end
  1740. end
  1741. warn(#Children)
  1742. for _,v in pairs(CurrentObj:GetChildren()) do
  1743. pcall(function()
  1744. if CurrentObj ~= game then
  1745. table.insert(Children, v)
  1746. elseif TopAdded[v.Name] == nil then
  1747. table.insert(Children, v)
  1748. end
  1749. end)
  1750. end
  1751. warn(#Children, #game:GetChildren())
  1752. for _,v in pairs(Children) do
  1753. pcall(function()
  1754. table.insert(StringChildren, v.Name)
  1755. end)
  1756. end
  1757. return StringChildren
  1758. end
  1759. )
  1760. ]]
  1761. Create(
  1762. "CharacterAutoLoads", 3,
  1763. function(List, Command)
  1764. if List[1] == "True" then
  1765. Plrs.CharacterAutoLoads = true
  1766. elseif List[1] == "False" then
  1767. Plrs.CharacterAutoLoads = false
  1768. end
  1769. end,
  1770. function() return {"True", "False"} end
  1771. )
  1773. Create(
  1774. "Tween Distance", 4,
  1775. function(List, Command)
  1776. TweenNum = tonumber(List[1])
  1777. end,
  1778. function() return {"0", "10", "20", "50", "100", "200", "500", "700"} end
  1779. )
  1781. Create(
  1782. "Tween Time", 4,
  1783. function(List, Command)
  1784. TweenTime = tonumber(List[1])
  1785. end,
  1786. function() return {"0.03", "0.1", "0.5", "1", "2", "5"} end
  1787. )
  1789. Create(
  1790. "Logs Saved", 4,
  1791. function(List, Command)
  1792. LogNum = tonumber(List[1])
  1793. end,
  1794. function() return {"5", "20", "30", "50", "100", "200", "500", "1000", "2000"} end
  1795. )
  1797. --truta193
  1799. AzuL = {
  1801. -- Baits Tabs v1.0.0
  1802. -- Framework/Animation by Bait -- Commands by Bait
  1803. -------------------------------
  1804. NAME = "BaitsTabs";
  1805. VERSION = "2.0";
  1806. -------------------------------
  1808. -- Configure all aspects of the script below
  1809. -- Make sure to never change names of important values
  1810. -- Report bugs in core functionality to Autumn
  1812. Options = {
  1813. CommandPrefix = ";";
  1814. CommandDelimiter = "/";
  1815. DefaultTabLife = 15;
  1816. };
  1818. Admins = {
  1819. ["TTNModded"] = true;
  1820. };
  1822. Commands = {
  1824. cmds = {
  1825. admin = false;
  1826. desc = "List all commands";
  1827. func = function(plr, args)
  1828. AzuL.Dismiss(plr)
  1829. for cmdName, cmdTbl in next, AzuL.Commands do
  1830. AzuL.Output(plr, cmdName, 30, function()
  1831. AzuL.Dismiss(plr)
  1832. AzuL.Output(plr, "Name: " .. cmdName, 30)
  1833. AzuL.Output(plr, "Description: " .. cmdTbl.desc, 30)
  1834. AzuL.Output(plr, "Admin only: " .. (cmdTbl.admin and "Yes" or "No"), 30)
  1835. AzuL.Output(plr, "Back", 30, AzuL.Commands.cmds.func, {
  1836. plr,
  1837. args
  1838. })
  1839. end, {}, true)
  1840. end
  1841. AzuL.Output(plr, "Dismiss", 30, AzuL.Dismiss, {
  1842. plr
  1843. })
  1844. end
  1845. };
  1847. dt = {
  1848. admin = false;
  1849. desc = "Dismiss all tabs";
  1850. func = function(plr, args)
  1851. AzuL.Dismiss(plr)
  1852. end
  1853. };
  1855. kill = {
  1856. admin = true;
  1857. desc = "Kill a player";
  1858. func = function(plr, args)
  1859. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  1860. return
  1861. end
  1862. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  1863. if not targPlr then
  1864. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  1865. return
  1866. end
  1867. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1868. return
  1869. end
  1870. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  1871. AzuL.Output(plr, "Killed player " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  1872. end
  1873. };
  1875. noclip = {
  1876. admin = true;
  1877. desc = "noclip localplayer";
  1878. func = function(plr, args)
  1879. AzuL.Variables.NoClipEnabled = true
  1880. AzuL.Output(plr, "Noclip has been given!", 5)
  1881. end
  1882. };
  1884. clip = {
  1885. admin = true;
  1886. desc = "clips localplayer";
  1887. func = function(plr, args)
  1888. AzuL.Variables.NoClipEnabled = false
  1889. AzuL.Output(plr, "LocalPlayer is now clipped.", 5)
  1890. end
  1891. };
  1893. jesusfly = {
  1894. admin = true;
  1895. desc = "makes plr fly like jesus!";
  1896. func = function(plr, args)
  1897. AzuL.Variables.JesusflyEnabled = true
  1898. AzuL.Output(plr, "JesusFly is activated! Fly like jesus!", 5)
  1899. end
  1900. };
  1901. nofly = {
  1902. admin = true;
  1903. desc = "Stops Jesus' magical effect.";
  1904. func = function(plr, args)
  1905. AzuL.Variables.JesusflyEnabled = false
  1906. AzuL.Output(plr, "JesusFly's magical effects are disabled.", 5)
  1907. end
  1908. };
  1910. swim = {
  1911. admin = true;
  1912. desc = "Makes you swim.. In the air!";
  1913. func = function(plr, args)
  1914. AzuL.Variables.SwimEnabled = true
  1915. AzuL.Output(plr, "Swim is now enabled!", 5)
  1916. end
  1917. };
  1918. noswim = {
  1919. admin = true;
  1920. desc = "Stops the swimming";
  1921. func = function(plr, args)
  1922. AzuL.Variables.SwimEnabled = false
  1923. AzuL.Output(plr, "Swim is now disabled.", 5)
  1924. end
  1925. };
  1926. fixl = {
  1927. admin = true;
  1928. desc = "fixes the lighting";
  1929. func = function(plr, args)
  1930. game.Lighting.Ambient =, 0.5, 0.5)
  1931. game.Lighting.Brightness = 1
  1932. game.Lighting.GlobalShadows = true
  1933. game.Lighting.Outlines = false
  1934. game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
  1935. game.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  1936. game.Lighting.Ambient =, 0.5, 0.5)
  1937. AzuL.Output(plr, "lighting Is Now Fixed!", 5)
  1938. end
  1939. };
  1940. ff = {
  1941. admin = true;
  1942. desc = "gives plr a forcefield";
  1943. func = function(plr, args)
  1944. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  1945. return
  1946. end
  1947. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  1948. if not targPlr then
  1949. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  1950. return
  1951. end
  1952. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1953. return
  1954. end
  1955."ForceField", targPlr.Character)
  1956. AzuL.Output(plr, "Player now has a forcefield", 5)
  1957. end
  1958. };
  1960. fire = {
  1961. admin = true;
  1962. desc = "gives plr heat";
  1963. func = function(plr, args)
  1964. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  1965. return
  1966. end
  1967. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  1968. if not targPlr then
  1969. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  1970. return
  1971. end
  1972. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1973. return
  1974. end
  1975."Fire", targPlr.Character.Torso)
  1976. AzuL.Output(plr, "Player has fire.", 5)
  1977. end
  1978. };
  1980. destroy = {
  1981. admin = true;
  1982. desc = "shuts down server";
  1983. func = function(plr, args)
  1984. game.Workspace:ClearAllChildren()
  1985. game.Workspace:Destroy()
  1986. game.Lighting:Destroy()
  1987. AzuL.Output(plr, "Server is shutdown", 5)
  1988. end
  1989. };
  1990. unff = {
  1991. admin = true;
  1992. desc = "Removes the forcefield instance from player";
  1993. func = function(plr, args)
  1994. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  1995. return
  1996. end
  1997. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  1998. if not targPlr then
  1999. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2000. return
  2001. end
  2002. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2003. return
  2004. end
  2005. for _, Obj in pairs(targPlr.Character:GetChildren()) do
  2006. if Obj:IsA("ForceField") then
  2007. Obj:Destroy()
  2008. AzuL.Output(plr, "Removed " ..targPlr.Name.. "'s ff!", 5)
  2009. else
  2010. AzuL.Output(plr, "Player doesnt have ff!", 5)
  2011. end
  2012. end
  2013. end
  2014. };
  2015. unfire = {
  2016. admin = true;
  2017. desc = "Removes the fire instance from player";
  2018. func = function(plr, args)
  2019. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2020. return
  2021. end
  2022. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2023. if not targPlr then
  2024. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2025. return
  2026. end
  2027. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2028. return
  2029. end
  2030. for _, Obj in pairs(targPlr.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  2031. if Obj:IsA("Fire") then
  2032. Obj:Destroy()
  2033. AzuL.Output(plr, "Removed " ..targPlr.Name.. "'s fire!", 5)
  2034. end
  2035. end
  2036. end
  2037. };
  2038. smoke = {
  2039. admin = true;
  2040. desc = "Gives player a smoke instance";
  2041. func = function(plr, args)
  2042. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2043. return
  2044. end
  2045. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2046. if not targPlr then
  2047. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2048. return
  2049. end
  2050. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2051. return
  2052. end
  2053."Smoke", targPlr.Character.Torso)
  2054. AzuL.Output(plr, "Player has Smoke!", 5)
  2055. end
  2056. };
  2057. unsmoke = {
  2058. admin = true;
  2059. desc = "Removes the smoke instance from player";
  2060. func = function(plr, args)
  2061. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2062. return
  2063. end
  2064. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2065. if not targPlr then
  2066. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2067. return
  2068. end
  2069. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2070. return
  2071. end
  2072. for _, Obj in pairs(targPlr.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  2073. if Obj:IsA("Smoke") then
  2074. Obj:Destroy()
  2075. AzuL.Output(plr, "Removed " ..targPlr.Name.. "'s smoke!", 5)
  2076. end
  2077. end
  2078. end
  2079. };
  2080. sparkles = {
  2081. admin = true;
  2082. desc = "Gives player a sparkles instance";
  2083. func = function(plr, args)
  2084. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2085. return
  2086. end
  2087. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2088. if not targPlr then
  2089. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2090. return
  2091. end
  2092. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2093. return
  2094. end
  2095."Sparkles", targPlr.Character.Torso)
  2096. AzuL.Output(plr, "Player has Sparkles", 5)
  2097. end
  2098. };
  2099. unsparkles = {
  2100. admin = true;
  2101. desc = "Removes the smoke instance from player";
  2102. func = function(plr, args)
  2103. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2104. return
  2105. end
  2106. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2107. if not targPlr then
  2108. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2109. return
  2110. end
  2111. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2112. return
  2113. end
  2114. for _, Obj in pairs(targPlr.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  2115. if Obj:IsA("Sparkles") then
  2116. Obj:Destroy()
  2117. AzuL.Output(plr, "Removed " ..targPlr.Name.. "'s sparkles!", 5)
  2118. end
  2119. end
  2120. end
  2121. };
  2123. btools = {
  2124. admin = true;
  2125. desc = "Gives player a hopperbin tools";
  2126. func = function(plr, args)
  2127. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2128. return
  2129. end
  2130. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2131. if not targPlr then
  2132. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2133. return
  2134. end
  2135. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2136. return
  2137. end
  2138."HopperBin", targPlr.Backpack).BinType = 2
  2139."HopperBin", targPlr.Backpack).BinType = 3
  2140."HopperBin", targPlr.Backpack).BinType = 4
  2141. AzuL.Output(plr, "Player has btools.", 5)
  2142. end
  2143. };
  2145. stun = {
  2146. admin = true;
  2147. desc = "Stuns a player a player";
  2148. func = function(plr, args)
  2149. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2150. return
  2151. end
  2152. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2153. if not targPlr then
  2154. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2155. return
  2156. end
  2157. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2158. return
  2159. end
  2160. targPlr.Character.Humanoid:Destroy()
  2161. AzuL.Output(plr, "Stunned plr " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2162. end
  2163. };
  2165. god = {
  2166. admin = true;
  2167. desc = "Gods a player";
  2168. func = function(plr, args)
  2169. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2170. return
  2171. end
  2172. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2173. if not targPlr then
  2174. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2175. return
  2176. end
  2177. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2178. return
  2179. end
  2180. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  2181. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
  2182. AzuL.Output(plr, "Godded plr " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2183. end
  2184. };
  2186. sgod = {
  2187. admin = true;
  2188. desc = "SGods a player";
  2189. func = function(plr, args)
  2190. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2191. return
  2192. end
  2193. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2194. if not targPlr then
  2195. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2196. return
  2197. end
  2198. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2199. return
  2200. end
  2201. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100000000000
  2202. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100000000000
  2203. AzuL.Output(plr, "SGodded " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2204. end
  2205. };
  2207. ungod = {
  2208. admin = true;
  2209. desc = "Ungods a player";
  2210. func = function(plr, args)
  2211. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2212. return
  2213. end
  2214. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2215. if not targPlr then
  2216. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2217. return
  2218. end
  2219. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2220. return
  2221. end
  2222. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
  2223. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
  2224. AzuL.Output(plr, "Ungodded " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2225. end
  2226. };
  2228. heal = {
  2229. admin = true;
  2230. desc = "heals a player";
  2231. func = function(plr, args)
  2232. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2233. return
  2234. end
  2235. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2236. if not targPlr then
  2237. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2238. return
  2239. end
  2240. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2241. return
  2242. end
  2243. targPlr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
  2244. AzuL.Output(plr, "Healed " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2245. end
  2246. };
  2249. kick = {
  2250. admin = true;
  2251. desc = "Removes plr from workspace";
  2252. func = function(plr, args)
  2253. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2254. return
  2255. end
  2256. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2257. if not targPlr then
  2258. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2259. return
  2260. end
  2261. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2262. return
  2263. end
  2264. targPlr:Remove()
  2265. targPlr:Remove()
  2266. AzuL.Output(plr, "Kicked " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2267. end
  2268. };
  2270. explode = {
  2271. admin = true;
  2272. desc = "explodes plr";
  2273. func = function(plr, args)
  2274. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2275. return
  2276. end
  2277. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2278. if not targPlr then
  2279. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2280. return
  2281. end
  2282. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2283. return
  2284. end
  2285."Explosion", targPlr.Character).Position = targPlr.Character.Torso.Position
  2286. AzuL.Output(plr, "exploded " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2287. end
  2288. };
  2290. teapot = {
  2291. admin = true;
  2292. desc = "Teapot a player";
  2293. func = function(plr, args)
  2294. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2295. return
  2296. end
  2297. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2298. if not targPlr then
  2299. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2300. return
  2301. end
  2302. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2303. return
  2304. end
  2305. targPlr.CharacterAppearance = ""
  2306. targPlr.Character:BreakJoints()
  2307. AzuL.Output(plr, "Teapotted " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2308. end
  2309. };
  2311. freeze = {
  2312. admin = true;
  2313. desc = "Freezes plr";
  2314. func = function(plr, args)
  2315. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2316. return
  2317. end
  2318. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2319. if not targPlr then
  2320. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2321. return
  2322. end
  2323. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2324. return
  2325. end
  2326. targPlr.Character.Head.Anchored = true
  2327. targPlr.Character.Torso.Anchored = true
  2328. targPlr.Character["Right Arm"].Anchored = true
  2329. targPlr.Character["Right Leg"].Anchored = true
  2330. targPlr.Character["Left Arm"].Anchored = true
  2331. targPlr.Character["Left Leg"].Anchored = true
  2332. AzuL.Output(plr, "Froze " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2333. end
  2334. };
  2336. thaw = {
  2337. admin = true;
  2338. desc = "Thaws plr if frozen";
  2339. func = function(plr, args)
  2340. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2341. return
  2342. end
  2343. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2344. if not targPlr then
  2345. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2346. return
  2347. end
  2348. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2349. return
  2350. end
  2351. targPlr.Character.Head.Anchored = false
  2352. targPlr.Character.Torso.Anchored = false
  2353. targPlr.Character["Right Arm"].Anchored = false
  2354. targPlr.Character["Right Leg"].Anchored = false
  2355. targPlr.Character["Left Arm"].Anchored = false
  2356. targPlr.Character["Left Leg"].Anchored = false
  2357. AzuL.Output(plr, "Thawed " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2358. end
  2359. };
  2362. duck = {
  2363. admin = true;
  2364. desc = "Ducks plr";
  2365. func = function(plr, args)
  2366. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2367. return
  2368. end
  2369. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2370. if not targPlr then
  2371. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2372. return
  2373. end
  2374. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2375. return
  2376. end
  2377. local pchar = targPlr.Character
  2379. for i,v in pairs(pchar.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  2380. if v.ClassName == 'Decal' then
  2381. v:Destroy()
  2382. end
  2383. end
  2384. for i,v in pairs(pchar:GetChildren()) do
  2385. if v.ClassName == 'Hat' then
  2386. v:Destroy()
  2387. end
  2388. end
  2390. for i,v in pairs(pchar.Head:GetChildren()) do
  2391. if v.ClassName == 'Decal' then
  2392. v:Destroy()
  2393. end
  2394. end
  2396. local duck ='SpecialMesh', pchar.Torso)
  2397. duck.MeshType = 'FileMesh'
  2398. duck.MeshId = ''
  2399. duck.TextureId = ''
  2400. duck.Scale =, 5, 5)
  2401. pchar.Head.Transparency = 1
  2402. pchar['Left Arm'].Transparency = 1
  2403. pchar['Right Arm'].Transparency = 1
  2404. pchar['Left Leg'].Transparency = 1
  2405. pchar['Right Leg'].Transparency = 1
  2406. AzuL.Output(plr, "Ducked " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2407. end
  2408. };
  2410. trump = {
  2411. admin = true;
  2412. desc = "TRUMP THE PLAYER";
  2413. func = function(plr, args)
  2414. if not args[1] or type(args[1]) ~= "string" then
  2415. return
  2416. end
  2417. local targPlr = AzuL.MatchPlayer(plr, args[1])
  2418. if not targPlr then
  2419. AzuL.Output(plr, "Failed to match player!")
  2420. return
  2421. end
  2422. if not targPlr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2423. return
  2424. end
  2425. for i,v in pairs (targPlr.Character:GetChildren()) do
  2426. if v.ClassName == 'Hat' then
  2427. v:Destroy()
  2428. end
  2429. end
  2430. guiboard ='BillboardGui')
  2431. guiboard.Parent = targPlr.Character.Head
  2432. guiboard.Adornee = targPlr.Character.Head
  2435. guiboard.AlwaysOnTop = true
  2436. pic ='ImageLabel', guiboard)
  2437. pic.Image = 'rbxassetid://343377229'
  2438. pic.Size =,0,1,0)
  2439. pic.Position =,0,0,0)
  2440. pic.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2441. targPlr.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
  2442. AzuL.Output(plr, "Trumped " .. targPlr.Name .. "!")
  2443. end
  2444. };
  2449. };
  2451. -- Do not edit anything below
  2452. -- Changing core functions could result in instability
  2453. -- All command additions should be done using the table above
  2455. Variables = {
  2456. NoClipEnabled = false;
  2457. JesusflyEnabled = false;
  2458. SwimEnabled = false;
  2459. };
  2461. Tabs = {};
  2463. GetTorso = function(char)
  2464. local torso
  2465. if char:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2466. torso = char.Torso
  2467. elseif char:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") then
  2468. torso = char.UpperTorso
  2469. end
  2470. return torso
  2471. end;
  2472. Output = function(plr, msg, sec, func, args, nocolor)
  2473. local torso = AzuL.GetTorso(plr.Character)
  2474. if not torso then
  2475. return
  2476. end
  2477. local plrTabs = AzuL.Tabs[plr.Name]
  2478. if not plrTabs then
  2479. return
  2480. end
  2481. local tab ="Part")
  2482. tab.Anchored = true
  2483. tab.CanCollide = false
  2484. tab.Size =, 2, 2)
  2485. tab.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  2486. tab.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  2487. tab.BrickColor = and not nocolor) and "Really black" or "Navy blue")
  2488. tab.Material = "Neon"
  2489. tab.Transparency = 0.5
  2490. tab.CFrame = torso.CFrame
  2491. local bgui ="BillboardGui", tab)
  2492. bgui.Adornee = tab
  2493. bgui.Size =, 0, 2, 0)
  2494. bgui.StudsOffset =, 2.75, 0)
  2495. local tlabel ="TextLabel", bgui)
  2496. tlabel.Text = msg or ""
  2497. tlabel.Font = "Arial"
  2498. tlabel.FontSize = "Size18"
  2499. tlabel.TextStrokeTransparency = .35
  2500. tlabel.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
  2501. tlabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  2502. tlabel.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  2503. tlabel.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0)
  2504. tlabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2505. tlabel.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight
  2506. tlabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  2507. local cdet ="ClickDetector", tab)
  2508. cdet.MouseClick:connect(function(clicker)
  2509. if clicker == plr then
  2510. if func then
  2511. func(unpack(args or {}))
  2512. else
  2513. for index, otab in next, plrTabs do
  2514. if otab == tab then
  2515. table.remove(plrTabs, index)
  2516. tab:destroy()
  2517. end
  2518. end
  2519. end
  2520. end
  2521. end)
  2522. table.insert(plrTabs, tab)
  2523. tab.Parent = game.Workspace
  2524. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2525. wait(sec or AzuL.Options.DefaultTabLife)
  2526. if not tab.Parent then
  2527. return
  2528. end
  2529. for index, otab in next, plrTabs do
  2530. if otab == tab then
  2531. table.remove(plrTabs, index)
  2532. tab:destroy()
  2533. end
  2534. end
  2535. end)()
  2536. end;
  2538. Dismiss = function(plr)
  2539. local plrTabs = AzuL.Tabs[plr.Name]
  2540. if not plrTabs then
  2541. return
  2542. end
  2543. for index, tab in ipairs(plrTabs) do
  2544. plrTabs[index] = nil
  2545. tab:destroy()
  2546. end
  2547. end;
  2548. PlayersHandled = {};
  2550. PlayerHandler = function(plr)
  2551. if not AzuL.Tabs[plr.Name] then
  2552. AzuL.Tabs[plr.Name] = {}
  2553. end
  2554. AzuL.PlayersHandled[plr.Name] = true
  2555. plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  2556. if msg:sub(1, 1) == AzuL.Options.CommandPrefix then
  2557. local bet1 = AzuL.Options.CommandPrefix
  2558. local bet2 = AzuL.Options.CommandDelimiter
  2559. if #msg <= #bet1 or msg:sub(1, #bet1) ~= bet1 then
  2560. return
  2561. else
  2562. msg = msg:sub(#bet1 + 1)
  2563. end
  2564. local args = {}
  2565. for arg in msg:gmatch("([^"..bet2.."]+)") do
  2566. table.insert(args, arg)
  2567. end
  2568. if AzuL.Commands[args[1]] then
  2569. local cmd = AzuL.Commands[args[1]]
  2570. table.remove(args, 1)
  2571. if cmd.admin and not (plr == game.Players.LocalPlayer or AzuL.Admins[plr.Name]) then
  2572. AzuL.Output(plr, "You do not have permission to execute that command!")
  2573. end
  2574. cmd.func(plr, args)
  2575. end
  2576. end
  2577. end)
  2578. end;
  2580. PlayerRemoving = game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(plr)
  2581. if AzuL.PlayersHandled[plr.Name] then
  2582. AzuL.PlayersHandled[plr.Name] = nil
  2583. for _, tab in next, AzuL.Tabs[plr.Name] do
  2584. if tab:IsA("Part") then
  2585. tab:destroy()
  2586. end
  2587. end
  2588. AzuL.Tabs[plr.Name] = nil
  2589. end
  2590. end);
  2592. MatchPlayer = function(caller, str)
  2593. if str == "me" then
  2594. return caller
  2595. end
  2596. local matched = {}
  2597. for _, plr in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do
  2598. if plr.Name:sub(1, #str):lower() == str:lower() then
  2599. table.insert(matched, plr)
  2600. end
  2601. end
  2602. if #matched == 1 then
  2603. return matched[1]
  2604. end
  2605. end;
  2607. Rot = 0;
  2609. Tick = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function(dt)
  2610. local mult = dt * 60
  2611. AzuL.Rot = AzuL.Rot + .1 * mult
  2612. for plrName, plrTabs in next, AzuL.Tabs do
  2613. local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(plrName)
  2614. local char = plr.Character
  2615. local torso = AzuL.GetTorso(char)
  2616. if plr and char and char.Parent and torso then
  2617. for index, tab in next, plrTabs do
  2618. local inc = (math.pi * 2 / #plrTabs) * index
  2619. local newcf = CFrame.Angles(0, inc - math.rad(AzuL.Rot), 0)
  2620. newcf = newcf *, math.sin(AzuL.Rot / 2 + index) / 2, 0)
  2621. newcf = newcf * / 2, 0, 0)
  2622. newcf = * newcf
  2623. tab.CFrame = tab.CFrame:lerp(newcf, .1 * mult)
  2624. end
  2625. end
  2626. end
  2628. if AzuL.Variables.NoClipEnabled then
  2629. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
  2630. end
  2631. if AzuL.Variables.JesusflyEnabled then
  2632. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(12)
  2633. end
  2634. if AzuL.Variables.SwimEnabled then
  2635. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
  2636. end
  2637. end);
  2639. }
  2641. -- Initial tasks go below
  2642. -- These are setup steps which will run once when the script is executed
  2643. -- Most things can and should be done inside the AzuL table
  2645. -- Connect all current players to PlayerHandler
  2646. for _, plr in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren() do
  2647. AzuL.PlayerHandler(plr)
  2648. end
  2650. -- Connect all future players to PlayerHandler
  2651. PlayerAdded = game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(AzuL.PlayerHandler)
  2652. --Fe Checker
  2654. function FE_CHECK()
  2655. if not workspace.FilteringEnabled then
  2656. AzuL.Output(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "Filtering is disabled", 30)
  2657. elseif workspace.FilteringEnabled then
  2658. AzuL.Output(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "Filtering is ENABLED, tabs dont replicate to the server", 30)
  2659. end
  2660. end
  2662. -- Show welcome message
  2663. repeat
  2664. wait()
  2665. until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  2666. local cmdNum = 0
  2667. for _, _ in next, AzuL.Commands do
  2668. cmdNum = cmdNum + 1
  2669. end
  2670. AzuL.Output(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "Welcome to " .. AzuL.NAME .. " v" .. AzuL.VERSION .. "!", 30)
  2671. FE_CHECK()
  2672. AzuL.Output(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "Made by AzuLX, Autumn, Joint with help from PME and [AzuL] Broken. In memory of AzuLX.", 30)
  2673. AzuL.Output(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "There are currently " .. cmdNum .. " commands available.", 30)
  2674. AzuL.Output(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "Run the \"cmds\" command to see a listing of the available commands", 30)
  2675. AzuL.Output(game.Players.LocalPlayer, "Start commands with " .. AzuL.Options.CommandPrefix .. " and separate args with " .. AzuL.Options.CommandDelimiter, 30)
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