
headshots ghoul

Sep 24th, 2022
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  1. He wasn't fast enough.
  2. The ghoul came at me with a dreadful howl. I didn't have enough energy left to lift my body up off the floor and face my killer head-on;
  3. Fortunately, I did have energy enough to draw the .44 from my duster pocket. I'd like to tell you that I waited till the last second for the perfect shot, coolly facing down the ghoul with nerves of steel. The truth is that my nerves were pretty much shot, and I was too tired to panic. I barely got the sights lined up before the ghoul's jaws opened wide enough to engulf my entire head.
  4. I never consciously pulled the trigger, but the gun roared, and the ghoul's head snapped back before it crashed into me. There was pain and I suddenly couldn't breathe.
  5. "Harry!" Thomas cried.
  6. The weight vanished from my chest and I sucked in a breath. I got my left hand free and pounded at the ghoul with the .44.
  7. "Easy!" Murphy shouted. "Easy, Harry!" Her small, strong fingers caught my wrist and eased the gun out of it. I dimly realized that I was lucky it hadn't gone off again while I was thrashing around with it.
  8. Thomas flung the ghoul off me, and it landed in a heap. The back upper quarter of its head was gone. Just gone.
  9. "Nice shot," Marcone noted. I looked back to see him lifting a pale and sweating Hendricks, getting one of the big man's arms over his shoulder and supporting his weight. "Shall we?"
  12. White Night chapter 40, Page 429
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