
Gen 6 update

May 30th, 2014
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  1. 1 Chespin 0 x49
  2. 2 Quilladin 0 x96
  3. 3 Chesnaught 0 x92
  4. 4 Fennekin 6.5
  5. 5 Braixen 7.5
  6. 6 Delphox 10 x39
  7. 7 Froakie 4
  8. 8 Frogadier 5.5 x42
  9. 9 Greninja 10
  10. 10 Bunnelby 0 x89
  11. 11 Diggersby 0 x95
  12. 12 Fletchling 4.5 x63
  13. 13 Fletchinder 8 x54
  14. 14 Talonflame 10
  15. 15 Scatterbug 5 x94
  16. 16 Spewpa 7.5 x91
  17. 17 Vivillon 7 x43
  18. 18 Litleo 4.5 x78
  19. 19 Pyroar 6.5
  20. 20 FlabΓ©bΓ© 3.5 x64
  21. 21 Floette 6.5 x32
  22. 22 Florges 10
  23. 23 Skiddo 0 x71
  24. 24 Gogoat 5 x55
  25. 25 Pancham 10
  26. 26 Pangoro 4 x33
  27. 27 Furfrou 0 x88
  28. 28 Espurr 0 x36
  29. 29 Meowstic 6
  30. 30 Honedge 8.5 x68
  31. 31 Doublade 10 x61
  32. 32 Aegislash 10
  33. 33 Spritzee 4.75 x77
  34. 34 Aromatisse 6.5 x87
  35. 35 Swirlix 7 x84
  36. 36 Slurpuff 8.5 x93
  37. 37 Inkay 2 x44
  38. 38 Malamar 2.25 x48
  39. 39 Binacle 3 x98
  40. 40 Barbaracle 3.25 x97
  41. 41 Skrelp 9 x67
  42. 42 Dragalge 10
  43. 43 Clauncher 6.75 x62
  44. 44 Clawitzer 7.5 x47
  45. 45 Helioptile 4.25 x60
  46. 46 Heliolisk 4.75 x35
  47. 47 Tyrunt 6.75 x45
  48. 48 Tyrantrum 8.25
  49. 49 Amaura 10
  50. 50 Aurorus 10
  51. 51 Sylveon 4.5 x31
  52. 52 Hawlucha 5 x73
  53. 53 Dedenne 10 x85
  54. 54 Carbink 7 x82
  55. 55 Goomy 5.75 x46
  56. 56 Sliggoo 7.75 x56
  57. 57 Goodra 9.75
  58. 58 Klefki 0 x52
  59. 59 Phantump 8 x34
  60. 60 Trevenant 8.5
  61. 61 Pumpkaboo 6 x40
  62. 62 Gourgeist 6.5
  63. 63 Bergmite 0 x80
  64. 64 Avalugg 4.75 x83
  65. 65 Noibat 4.5 x51
  66. 66 Noivern 8.75
  67. 67 Xerneas 10
  68. 68 Yveltal 7.5
  69. 69 Zygarde 8 x70
  70. 70 Diancie 6.5
  71. Mega Abomasnow 0 x76
  72. Mega Absol 7.5
  73. Mega Aerodactyl 6.5 x59
  74. Mega Aggron 7 x74
  75. Mega Alakazam 10
  76. Mega Ampharos 10
  77. Mega Banette 10
  78. Mega Blastoise 7 x37
  79. Mega Blaziken 4.5 x69
  80. Mega Charizard X 8.5
  81. Mega Charizard Y 8.5
  82. Mega Garchomp 5 x81
  83. Mega Gardevoir 10 x38
  84. Mega Gengar 10
  85. Mega Gyarados 0 x72
  86. Mega Heracross 0 x90
  87. Mega Houndoom 10
  88. Mega Kangaskhan 0 x79
  89. Mega Lucario 10 x50
  90. Mega Manectric 6 x65
  91. Mega Mawile 5.25
  92. Mega Medicham 3.5 x57
  93. Mega Mewtwo X 8.5 x86
  94. Mega Mewtwo Y 8.5 x53
  95. Mega Pinsir 0 x75
  96. Mega Scizor 7.25 x66
  97. Mega Tyranitar 4.75 x58
  98. Mega Venusaur 7.75
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