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- -- Decompiled with Konstant V2.1, a fast Luau decompiler made in Luau by plusgiant5 (
- -- Decompiled on 2024-11-17 00:25:02
- -- Luau version 6, Types version 3
- -- Time taken: 0.001435 seconds
- local module = {}
- local function _(arg1, arg2, arg3) -- Line 11, Named "Lerp"
- return arg1 + (arg2 - arg1) * arg3
- end
- local var2_upvw = 0
- function module.create(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) -- Line 16
- --[[ Upvalues[1]:
- [1]: var2_upvw (read and write)
- ]]
- return {
- Target =;
- Position =;
- Velocity =;
- Mass = arg2 or 0;
- Force = arg3 or 0;
- Damping = arg4 or 0;
- Speed = arg5 or 0;
- shove = function(arg1_2, arg2_2) -- Line 29, Named "shove"
- end;
- update = function(arg1_3, arg2_3) -- Line 34, Named "update"
- return 0
- end;
- }
- end
- return module
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