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- andrewdo@ai2:/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/scripts$ ./
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 7.03174 562 677
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "a", "a", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "red", "red", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "cat", "cat", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "fastly", "fastly", "RB", "I-ADVP", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl\\np,
- t(s:dcl\\np, "jumped", "jump", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np),
- t(((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np))/np, "onto", "onto", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "table", "table", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "which", "which", "WDT", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/pp, "is", "be", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "in", "in", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "kitchen", "kitchen", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "of", "of", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% a red cat fastly jumped onto the table which is in the kitchen of the house .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, a), word(1002, red), word(1003, cat), word(1004, fastly), word(1005, jumped), word(1006, onto), word(1007, the), word(1008, table), word(1009, which), word(1010, is), word(1011, in), word(1012, the), word(1013, kitchen), word(1014, of), word(1015, the), word(1016, house), word(1017, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "JJ"), pos(1003, "NN"), pos(1004, "RB"), pos(1005, "VBD"), pos(1006, "IN"), pos(1007, "DT"), pos(1008, "NN"), pos(1009, "WDT"), pos(1010, "VBZ"), pos(1011, "IN"), pos(1012, "DT"), pos(1013, "NN"), pos(1014, "IN"), pos(1015, "DT"), pos(1016, "NN"), pos(1017, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1007]:A, [1012]:B, [1015]:C], [[1008]:pred(A, table, n, 0), [1013]:pred(B, kitchen, n, 0), [1016]:pred(C, house, n, 0)]), drs([[1001]:D, [1005]:E, [1010]:F], [[1002]:pred(D, red, a, 0), [1003]:pred(D, cat, n, 0), [1005]:pred(E, jump, v, 0), [1005]:rel(E, D, agent, 0), [1010]:pred(F, be, v, 0), [1010]:rel(F, A, agent, 0), [1014]:rel(B, C, of, 0), [1011]:rel(F, B, in, 0), []:pred(F, event, n, 1), [1004]:pred(E, fastly, a, 0), []:pred(E, event, n, 1), [1006]:rel(E, A, onto, 0)])) ).
- %%% _____________ ______________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 | | x3 x4 x5 |
- %%% |-------------| |--------------|
- %%% (| table(x0) |+| red(x3) |)
- %%% | kitchen(x1) | | cat(x3) |
- %%% | house(x2) | | jump(x4) |
- %%% |_____________| | agent(x4,x3) |
- %%% | be(x5) |
- %%% | agent(x5,x0) |
- %%% | of(x1,x2) |
- %%% | in(x5,x1) |
- %%% | event(x5) |
- %%% | fastly(x4) |
- %%% | event(x4) |
- %%% | onto(x4,x0) |
- %%% |______________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 10.1806 1444 2064
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- fa(s:dcl,
- fa(s:dcl/s:dcl,
- t((s:dcl/s:dcl)/np, "After", "after", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Slitscan", "Slitscan", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-ORG"))),
- rp(s:dcl,
- lp(s:dcl,
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl,
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Laney", "Laney", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-PER")),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/pp, "heard", "hear", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "about", "about", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "another", "another", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "job", "job", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "from", "from", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Rydell", "Rydell", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-LOC")))),
- conj(np\\np, np,
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "night", "night", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "security", "security", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "man", "man", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "at", "at", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "Chateau", "Chateau", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-LOC")))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O")))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% After Slitscan , Laney heard about another job from Rydell , the night security man at the Chateau .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "After"), word(1002, "Slitscan"), word(1003, (",")), word(1004, "Laney"), word(1005, heard), word(1006, about), word(1007, another), word(1008, job), word(1009, from), word(1010, "Rydell"), word(1011, (",")), word(1012, the), word(1013, night), word(1014, security), word(1015, man), word(1016, at), word(1017, the), word(1018, "Chateau"), word(1019, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "IN"), pos(1002, "NNP"), pos(1003, (",")), pos(1004, "NNP"), pos(1005, "VBD"), pos(1006, "IN"), pos(1007, "DT"), pos(1008, "NN"), pos(1009, "IN"), pos(1010, "NNP"), pos(1011, (",")), pos(1012, "DT"), pos(1013, "NN"), pos(1014, "NN"), pos(1015, "NN"), pos(1016, "IN"), pos(1017, "DT"), pos(1018, "NNP"), pos(1019, ".")],
- [ne(1002, "I-ORG"), ne(1004, "I-PER"), ne(1010, "I-LOC"), ne(1018, "I-LOC")],
- smerge(drs([[1002]:A, [1004]:B, []:C, [1010]:D, [1014]:E, [1013]:F, [1012]:G, [1017]:H], [[1002]:named(A, slitscan, org, 0), [1004]:named(B, laney, per, 0), [1008]:pred(C, job, n, 0), [1010]:named(D, rydell, loc, 0), [1014]:pred(E, security, n, 0), [1013]:pred(F, night, n, 0), [1015]:pred(G, man, n, 0), []:rel(E, G, nn, 0), []:rel(F, G, nn, 0), [1018]:named(H, chateau, loc, 0)]), drs([[1001]:I, []:J], [[1001]:pred(I, after, v, 0), [1001]:pred(J, proposition, n, 1), []:pred(I, event, n, 1), [1001]:rel(I, A, agent, 0), [1001]:rel(I, J, theme, 0), [1001]:prop(J, drs([[1005]:K, [1007]:L], [[1005]:pred(K, hear, v, 0), [1005]:rel(K, B, agent, 0), [1008]:pred(L, job, n, 0), [1007]:not(drs([], [[]:eq(L, C)])), [1009]:rel(L, D, from, 0), [1006]:rel(K, L, about, 0), [1016]:rel(G, H, at, 0), [1006]:rel(K, G, about, 0), []:pred(K, event, n, 1)]))])) ).
- %%% _________________________ ___________________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 | | x8 x9 |
- %%% |-------------------------| |---------------------------|
- %%% (| named(x0,slitscan,org) |+| after(x8) |)
- %%% | named(x1,laney,per) | | proposition(x9) |
- %%% | job(x2) | | event(x8) |
- %%% | named(x3,rydell,loc) | | agent(x8,x0) |
- %%% | security(x4) | | theme(x8,x9) |
- %%% | night(x5) | | __________________ |
- %%% | man(x6) | | | x10 x11 | |
- %%% | nn(x4,x6) | | x9:|------------------| |
- %%% | nn(x5,x6) | | | hear(x10) | |
- %%% | named(x7,chateau,loc) | | | agent(x10,x1) | |
- %%% |_________________________| | | job(x11) | |
- %%% | | __________ | |
- %%% | | | | | |
- %%% | | __ |----------| | |
- %%% | | | | x11 = x2 | | |
- %%% | | |__________| | |
- %%% | | from(x11,x3) | |
- %%% | | about(x10,x11) | |
- %%% | | at(x6,x7) | |
- %%% | | about(x10,x6) | |
- %%% | | event(x10) | |
- %%% | |__________________| |
- %%% |___________________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 13.801 3332 5053
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% Rydell was a big quiet Tennessean with a sad shy grin , cheap sunglasses , and a walkie-talkie screwed permanently into one ear .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "Rydell"), word(1002, was), word(1003, a), word(1004, big), word(1005, quiet), word(1006, "Tennessean"), word(1007, with), word(1008, a), word(1009, sad), word(1010, shy), word(1011, grin), word(1012, (",")), word(1013, cheap), word(1014, sunglasses), word(1015, (",")), word(1016, and), word(1017, a), word(1018, "walkie-talkie"), word(1019, screwed), word(1020, permanently), word(1021, into), word(1022, one), word(1023, ear), word(1024, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "NNP"), pos(1002, "VBD"), pos(1003, "DT"), pos(1004, "JJ"), pos(1005, "JJ"), pos(1006, "NN"), pos(1007, "IN"), pos(1008, "DT"), pos(1009, "JJ"), pos(1010, "JJ"), pos(1011, "NN"), pos(1012, (",")), pos(1013, "JJ"), pos(1014, "NNS"), pos(1015, (",")), pos(1016, "CC"), pos(1017, "DT"), pos(1018, "NN"), pos(1019, "VBD"), pos(1020, "RB"), pos(1021, "IN"), pos(1022, "CD"), pos(1023, "NN"), pos(1024, ".")],
- [ne(1001, "I-PER")],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1003]:B, [1008]:C, [1002]:D, [1013, 1014]:E, [1002]:F], [[1001]:named(A, rydell, per, 0), [1004]:pred(B, big, a, 0), [1005]:pred(B, quiet, a, 0), [1006]:pred(B, tennessean, n, 0), [1009]:pred(C, sad, a, 0), [1010]:pred(C, shy, a, 0), [1011]:pred(C, grin, n, 0), []:pred(D, event, n, 1), [1013]:pred(E, cheap, a, 0), [1014]:pred(E, sunglass, n, 0), []:pred(F, event, n, 1), [1007]:rel(B, C, with, 0), [1007]:rel(B, E, with, 0), [1002]:prop(D, drs([], [[1002]:eq(A, B)])), [1002]:prop(F, drs([], [[1002]:eq(A, B)]))]), drs([[1017]:G, [1019]:H, [1022, 1023]:I], [[1022]:card(I, 1, ge), [1018]:pred(G, "walkie-talkie", n, 0), [1019]:pred(H, screw, v, 0), [1023]:pred(I, ear, n, 0), [1020]:pred(H, permanently, a, 0), []:pred(H, event, n, 1), [1019]:rel(H, G, agent, 0), [1021]:rel(H, I, into, 0)])) ).
- %%% ______________________ ___________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 | | x6 x7 x8 |
- %%% |----------------------| |-------------------|
- %%% (| named(x0,rydell,per) |+| |x8| >= 1 |)
- %%% | big(x1) | | walkie-talkie(x6) |
- %%% | quiet(x1) | | screw(x7) |
- %%% | tennessean(x1) | | ear(x8) |
- %%% | sad(x2) | | permanently(x7) |
- %%% | shy(x2) | | event(x7) |
- %%% | grin(x2) | | agent(x7,x6) |
- %%% | event(x3) | | into(x7,x8) |
- %%% | cheap(x4) | |___________________|
- %%% | sunglass(x4) |
- %%% | event(x5) |
- %%% | with(x1,x2) |
- %%% | with(x1,x4) |
- %%% | _________ |
- %%% | | | |
- %%% | x3:|---------| |
- %%% | | x0 = x1 | |
- %%% | |_________| |
- %%% | _________ |
- %%% | | | |
- %%% | x5:|---------| |
- %%% | | x0 = x1 | |
- %%% | |_________| |
- %%% |______________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Rydell", "Rydell", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-PER")),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "was", "be", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "a", "a", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "big", "big", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "quiet", "quiet", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "Tennessean", "tennessean", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "with", "with", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "a", "a", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "sad", "sad", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "shy", "shy", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "grin", "grin", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))),
- conj(np\\np, np,
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "cheap", "cheap", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "sunglasses", "sunglass", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"))))))))),
- lp(s:dcl\\s:dcl,
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O"),
- conj(s:dcl\\s:dcl, s:dcl,
- t(conj, "and", "and", "CC", "O", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "a", "a", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "walkie-talkie", "walkie-talkie", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- bxc((s:dcl\\np)/pp,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/pp, "screwed", "screw", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- t((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np), "permanently", "permanently", "RB", "I-ADVP", "O")),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "into", "into", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "one", "one", "CD", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "ear", "ear", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 9.201 336 460
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% Concrete beams overhead had been hand-painted to vaguely resemble blond oak .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "Concrete"), word(1002, beams), word(1003, overhead), word(1004, had), word(1005, been), word(1006, "hand-painted"), word(1007, to), word(1008, vaguely), word(1009, resemble), word(1010, blond), word(1011, oak), word(1012, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "NNP"), pos(1002, "VBZ"), pos(1003, "NN"), pos(1004, "VBD"), pos(1005, "VBN"), pos(1006, "JJ"), pos(1007, "TO"), pos(1008, "RB"), pos(1009, "VB"), pos(1010, "JJ"), pos(1011, "NN"), pos(1012, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A], [[1001]:named(A, concrete, nam, 0)]), drs([[1002]:B, []:C], [[1002]:pred(B, beam, v, 0), [1002]:pred(C, proposition, n, 1), []:pred(B, event, n, 1), [1002]:rel(B, A, agent, 0), [1002]:rel(B, C, theme, 0), [1002]:prop(C, drs([[1003]:D, [1006]:E, []:F], [[1003]:pred(D, overhead, n, 0), [1006]:pred(F, proposition, n, 1), []:pred(E, event, n, 1), [1006]:rel(E, F, theme, 0), [1006]:prop(E, drs([], [[1006]:pred(D, "hand-painted", a, 0)])), [1006]:prop(F, drs([[1010, 1011]:G, [1009]:H], [[1010]:pred(G, blond, a, 0), [1011]:pred(G, oak, n, 0), [1009]:pred(H, resemble, v, 0), [1008]:pred(H, vaguely, a, 0), []:pred(H, event, n, 1), [1009]:rel(H, D, agent, 0), [1009]:rel(H, G, patient, 0)]))]))])) ).
- %%% ________________________ ____________________________________
- %%% | x0 | | x1 x2 |
- %%% |------------------------| |------------------------------------|
- %%% (| named(x0,concrete,nam) |+| beam(x1) |)
- %%% |________________________| | proposition(x2) |
- %%% | event(x1) |
- %%% | agent(x1,x0) |
- %%% | theme(x1,x2) |
- %%% | ___________________________ |
- %%% | | x3 x4 x5 | |
- %%% | x2:|---------------------------| |
- %%% | | overhead(x3) | |
- %%% | | proposition(x5) | |
- %%% | | event(x4) | |
- %%% | | theme(x4,x5) | |
- %%% | | __________________ | |
- %%% | | | | | |
- %%% | | x4:|------------------| | |
- %%% | | | hand-painted(x3) | | |
- %%% | | |__________________| | |
- %%% | | ________________ | |
- %%% | | | x6 x7 | | |
- %%% | | x5:|----------------| | |
- %%% | | | blond(x6) | | |
- %%% | | | oak(x6) | | |
- %%% | | | resemble(x7) | | |
- %%% | | | vaguely(x7) | | |
- %%% | | | event(x7) | | |
- %%% | | | agent(x7,x3) | | |
- %%% | | | patient(x7,x6) | | |
- %%% | | |________________| | |
- %%% | |___________________________| |
- %%% |____________________________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Concrete", "Concrete", "NNP", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/s:dcl, "beams", "beam", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl,
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "overhead", "overhead", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/(s:pt\\np), "had", "have", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(s:pt\\np,
- t((s:pt\\np)/(s:adj\\np), "been", "be", "VBN", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(s:adj\\np,
- t((s:adj\\np)/(s:to\\np), "hand-painted", "hand-painted", "JJ", "I-ADJP", "O"),
- fa(s:to\\np,
- bxc((s:to\\np)/(s:b\\np),
- t((s:to\\np)/(s:b\\np), "to", "to", "TO", "I-VP", "O"),
- t((s:to\\np)\\(s:to\\np), "vaguely", "vaguely", "RB", "I-VP", "O")),
- fa(s:b\\np,
- t((s:b\\np)/np, "resemble", "resemble", "VB", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "blond", "blond", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "oak", "oak", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 15.1619 2902 4964
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- ba(s:dcl,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "chairs", "chair", "NNS", "I-NP", "O")),
- lp(s:dcl\\np,
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- fa((s:dcl\\np)/(s:dcl\\np),
- t(((s:dcl\\np)/(s:dcl\\np))/np, "like", "like", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "rest", "rest", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "of", "of", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "furniture", "furniture", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "in", "in", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- ba(np:nb/n,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "Chateau", "Chateau", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-LOC")),
- t((np:nb/n)\\np, "\\"s", "\\"s", "POS", "B-NP", "O")),
- t(n, "lobby", "lobby", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))),
- lp(s:dcl\\np,
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/(s:pss\\np), "were", "be", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- ba(s:pss\\np,
- t(s:pss\\np, "oversized", "oversize", "VBN", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa((s:pss\\np)\\(s:pss\\np),
- t(((s:pss\\np)\\(s:pss\\np))/np, "to", "to", "TO", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/s:em, "extent", "extent", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:em,
- t(s:em/s:dcl, "that", "that", "IN", "I-SBAR", "O"),
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- fa(np,
- t(np/(s:dcl\\np), "whoever", "whoever", "WP", "I-NP", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl\\np,
- t(s:dcl\\np, "sat", "sit", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np),
- t(((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np))/np, "in", "in", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- t(np, "them", "they", "PRP", "I-NP", "O")))),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/(s:pss\\np), "seemed", "seem", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(s:pss\\np,
- t((s:pss\\np)/pp, "built", "build", "VBN", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "to", "to", "TO", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "a", "a", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "smaller", "smaller", "JJR", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "scale", "scale", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))))))))))))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The chairs , like the rest of the furniture in the Chateau "s lobby , were oversized to the extent that whoever sat in them seemed built to a smaller scale .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, chairs), word(1003, (",")), word(1004, like), word(1005, the), word(1006, rest), word(1007, of), word(1008, the), word(1009, furniture), word(1010, in), word(1011, the), word(1012, "Chateau"), word(1013, "\\"s"), word(1014, lobby), word(1015, (",")), word(1016, were), word(1017, oversized), word(1018, to), word(1019, the), word(1020, extent), word(1021, that), word(1022, whoever), word(1023, sat), word(1024, in), word(1025, them), word(1026, seemed), word(1027, built), word(1028, to), word(1029, a), word(1030, smaller), word(1031, scale), word(1032, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NNS"), pos(1003, (",")), pos(1004, "IN"), pos(1005, "DT"), pos(1006, "NN"), pos(1007, "IN"), pos(1008, "DT"), pos(1009, "NN"), pos(1010, "IN"), pos(1011, "DT"), pos(1012, "NNP"), pos(1013, "POS"), pos(1014, "NN"), pos(1015, (",")), pos(1016, "VBD"), pos(1017, "VBN"), pos(1018, "TO"), pos(1019, "DT"), pos(1020, "NN"), pos(1021, "IN"), pos(1022, "WP"), pos(1023, "VBD"), pos(1024, "IN"), pos(1025, "PRP"), pos(1026, "VBD"), pos(1027, "VBN"), pos(1028, "TO"), pos(1029, "DT"), pos(1030, "JJR"), pos(1031, "NN"), pos(1032, ".")],
- [ne(1012, "I-LOC")],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1025]:B, [1019]:C, [1005]:D, [1008]:E, [1011]:F, [1013]:G], [[1002]:pred(A, chair, n, 0), [1025]:pred(B, thing, n, 12), [1020]:pred(C, extent, n, 0), [1022]:whq([], drs([[1022]:H], [[1022]:pred(H, thing, n, 12)]), H, drs([[1023]:I, [1027]:J, [1029]:K], [[1023]:pred(I, sit, v, 0), [1023]:rel(I, H, agent, 0), []:pred(I, event, n, 1), [1024]:rel(I, B, in, 0), [1027]:pred(J, build, v, 0), [1030]:pred(K, smaller, a, 0), [1031]:pred(K, scale, n, 0), [1027]:rel(J, H, patient, 0), [1028]:rel(J, K, to, 0), [1020]:rel(J, C, rel, 0)])), [1006]:pred(D, rest, n, 0), [1009]:pred(E, furniture, n, 0), [1012]:named(F, chateau, loc, 0), [1014]:pred(G, lobby, n, 0), [1013]:rel(G, F, of, 0)]), drs([[1017]:L], [[1017]:pred(L, oversize, v, 0), [1017]:rel(L, A, patient, 0), [1018]:rel(L, C, to, 0), []:pred(L, event, n, 1), [1010]:rel(E, G, in, 0), [1007]:rel(D, E, of, 0), [1004]:rel(L, D, like, 0)])) ).
- %%% ____________________________________ _________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 | | x11 |
- %%% |------------------------------------| |-----------------|
- %%% (| chair(x0) |+| oversize(x11) |)
- %%% | thing(x1) | | patient(x11,x0) |
- %%% | extent(x2) | | to(x11,x2) |
- %%% | ___________ ________________ | | event(x11) |
- %%% | | x7 | | x8 x9 x10 | | | in(x4,x6) |
- %%% | |-----------| |----------------| | | of(x3,x4) |
- %%% | | thing(x7) | ? | sit(x8) | | | like(x11,x3) |
- %%% | |___________| | agent(x8,x7) | | |_________________|
- %%% | | event(x8) | |
- %%% | | in(x8,x1) | |
- %%% | | build(x9) | |
- %%% | | smaller(x10) | |
- %%% | | scale(x10) | |
- %%% | | patient(x9,x7) | |
- %%% | | to(x9,x10) | |
- %%% | | rel(x9,x2) | |
- %%% | |________________| |
- %%% | rest(x3) |
- %%% | furniture(x4) |
- %%% | named(x5,chateau,loc) |
- %%% | lobby(x6) |
- %%% | of(x6,x5) |
- %%% |____________________________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 15.9775 2682 4412
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% Rydell used his straw to stir the foam and ice remaining at the bottom of his tall plastic cup , as though he were hoping to find a secret prize .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "Rydell"), word(1002, used), word(1003, his), word(1004, straw), word(1005, to), word(1006, stir), word(1007, the), word(1008, foam), word(1009, and), word(1010, ice), word(1011, remaining), word(1012, at), word(1013, the), word(1014, bottom), word(1015, of), word(1016, his), word(1017, tall), word(1018, plastic), word(1019, cup), word(1020, (",")), word(1021, as), word(1022, though), word(1023, he), word(1024, were), word(1025, hoping), word(1026, to), word(1027, find), word(1028, a), word(1029, secret), word(1030, prize), word(1031, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "NNP"), pos(1002, "VBD"), pos(1003, "PRP$"), pos(1004, "NN"), pos(1005, "TO"), pos(1006, "VB"), pos(1007, "DT"), pos(1008, "NN"), pos(1009, "CC"), pos(1010, "NN"), pos(1011, "VBG"), pos(1012, "IN"), pos(1013, "DT"), pos(1014, "NN"), pos(1015, "IN"), pos(1016, "PRP$"), pos(1017, "JJ"), pos(1018, "NN"), pos(1019, "NN"), pos(1020, (",")), pos(1021, "IN"), pos(1022, "IN"), pos(1023, "PRP"), pos(1024, "VBD"), pos(1025, "VBG"), pos(1026, "TO"), pos(1027, "VB"), pos(1028, "DT"), pos(1029, "JJ"), pos(1030, "NN"), pos(1031, ".")],
- [ne(1001, "I-PER")],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1003]:B, [1007]:C, [1013]:D, [1018]:E, [1016]:F], [[1003, 1016, 1023]:pred(A, male, a, 0), [1001]:named(A, rydell, per, 0), [1004]:pred(B, straw, n, 0), [1003]:rel(B, A, of, 0), [1008]:pred(C, foam, n, 0), [1010]:pred(C, ice, n, 0), [1014]:pred(D, bottom, n, 0), [1018]:pred(E, plastic, n, 0), [1017]:pred(F, tall, a, 0), [1019]:pred(F, cup, n, 0), []:rel(E, F, nn, 0), [1016]:rel(F, A, of, 0)]), drs([[1002]:G, []:H, [1021]:I], [[1002]:pred(G, use, v, 0), [1002]:pred(H, proposition, n, 1), [1021]:pred(I, proposition, n, 1), []:pred(G, event, n, 1), [1002]:rel(G, B, patient, 0), [1002]:rel(G, A, agent, 0), [1002]:rel(G, H, theme, 0), [1021]:rel(G, I, as, 0), [1002]:prop(H, drs([[1011]:J, [1006]:K], [[1011]:pred(J, remain, v, 0), [1011]:rel(J, C, agent, 0), []:pred(J, event, n, 1), [1015]:rel(D, F, of, 0), [1012]:rel(J, D, at, 0), [1006]:pred(K, stir, v, 0), []:pred(K, event, n, 1), [1006]:rel(K, B, agent, 0), [1006]:rel(K, C, patient, 0)])), [1021]:prop(I, drs([[1025]:L, []:M], [[1025]:pred(L, hope, v, 0), [1025]:pred(M, proposition, n, 1), []:pred(L, event, n, 1), [1025]:rel(L, A, agent, 0), [1025]:rel(L, M, theme, 0), [1025]:prop(M, drs([[1028]:N, [1027]:O], [[1029]:pred(N, secret, a, 0), [1030]:pred(N, prize, n, 0), [1027]:pred(O, find, v, 0), []:pred(O, event, n, 1), [1027]:rel(O, A, agent, 0), [1027]:rel(O, N, patient, 0)]))]))])) ).
- %%% ______________________ ____________________________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 | | x6 x7 x8 |
- %%% |----------------------| |------------------------------------|
- %%% (| male(x0) |+| use(x6) |)
- %%% | named(x0,rydell,per) | | proposition(x7) |
- %%% | straw(x1) | | proposition(x8) |
- %%% | of(x1,x0) | | event(x6) |
- %%% | foam(x2) | | patient(x6,x1) |
- %%% | ice(x2) | | agent(x6,x0) |
- %%% | bottom(x3) | | theme(x6,x7) |
- %%% | plastic(x4) | | as(x6,x8) |
- %%% | tall(x5) | | _________________ |
- %%% | cup(x5) | | | x9 x10 | |
- %%% | nn(x4,x5) | | x7:|-----------------| |
- %%% | of(x5,x0) | | | remain(x9) | |
- %%% |______________________| | | agent(x9,x2) | |
- %%% | | event(x9) | |
- %%% | | of(x3,x5) | |
- %%% | | at(x9,x3) | |
- %%% | | stir(x10) | |
- %%% | | event(x10) | |
- %%% | | agent(x10,x1) | |
- %%% | | patient(x10,x2) | |
- %%% | |_________________| |
- %%% | ___________________________ |
- %%% | | x11 x12 | |
- %%% | x8:|---------------------------| |
- %%% | | hope(x11) | |
- %%% | | proposition(x12) | |
- %%% | | event(x11) | |
- %%% | | agent(x11,x0) | |
- %%% | | theme(x11,x12) | |
- %%% | | __________________ | |
- %%% | | | x13 x14 | | |
- %%% | | x12:|------------------| | |
- %%% | | | secret(x13) | | |
- %%% | | | prize(x13) | | |
- %%% | | | find(x14) | | |
- %%% | | | event(x14) | | |
- %%% | | | agent(x14,x0) | | |
- %%% | | | patient(x14,x13) | | |
- %%% | | |__________________| | |
- %%% | |___________________________| |
- %%% |____________________________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Rydell", "Rydell", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-PER")),
- ba(s:dcl\\np,
- rp(s:dcl\\np,
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- fa((s:dcl\\np)/(s:to\\np),
- t(((s:dcl\\np)/(s:to\\np))/np, "used", "use", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "his", "his", "PRP$", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "straw", "straw", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(s:to\\np,
- t((s:to\\np)/(s:b\\np), "to", "to", "TO", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(s:b\\np,
- t((s:b\\np)/np, "stir", "stir", "VB", "I-VP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- ba(n,
- t(n, "foam", "foam", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- conj(n\\n, n,
- t(conj, "and", "and", "CC", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "ice", "ice", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))),
- lx(np\\np, s:ng\\np,
- ba(s:ng\\np,
- t(s:ng\\np, "remaining", "remain", "VBG", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa((s:ng\\np)\\(s:ng\\np),
- t(((s:ng\\np)\\(s:ng\\np))/np, "at", "at", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "bottom", "bottom", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "of", "of", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "his", "his", "PRP$", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "tall", "tall", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "plastic", "plastic", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "cup", "cup", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))))))))),
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O")),
- fa((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np),
- t(((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np))/s:poss, "as", "as", "IN", "I-SBAR", "O"),
- fa(s:poss,
- t(s:poss/s:dcl, "though", "though", "IN", "I-SBAR", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl,
- t(np, "he", "he", "PRP", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/(s:ng\\np), "were", "be", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(s:ng\\np,
- t((s:ng\\np)/(s:to\\np), "hoping", "hope", "VBG", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(s:to\\np,
- t((s:to\\np)/(s:b\\np), "to", "to", "TO", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(s:b\\np,
- t((s:b\\np)/np, "find", "find", "VB", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "a", "a", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "secret", "secret", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "prize", "prize", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 attempt nospan at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 parsed at B=0.03, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 18.65 7118 15807
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- ba(np,
- lp(np,
- t(lqu, "``", "``", "LQU", "O", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "A", "a", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "little", "little", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "tribute", "tribute", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "to", "to", "TO", "I-PP", "O"),
- rp(np,
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Gibson", "Gibson", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-PER")),
- t(rqu, "\\"\\"", "\\"\\"", "RQU", "O", "O"))))),
- lx(np\\np, s:dcl,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- t(np, "You", "you", "PRP", "I-NP", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl\\np,
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/pp, "look", "look", "VBP", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "like", "like", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "cat", "cat", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "that", "that", "WDT", "B-NP", "O"),
- ba(s:dcl\\np,
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "swallowed", "swallow", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "canary", "canary", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"))),
- lp((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np),
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O"),
- rtc((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np),
- fc(s:dcl/s:dcl,
- tr(s:dcl/(s:dcl\\np),
- lp(np,
- t(lqu, "``", "``", "LQU", "O", "O"),
- t(np, "he", "he", "PRP", "I-NP", "O"))),
- t((s:dcl\\np)/s:dcl, "said", "say", "VBD", "I-VP", "O")),
- t(comma, ",", ",", ",", "O", "O")))))))),
- lx((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np), s:ng\\np,
- fa(s:ng\\np,
- fa((s:ng\\np)/np,
- t(((s:ng\\np)/np)/np, "giving", "give", "VBG", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "her", "her", "PRP$", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "a", "a", "DT", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "puzzled", "puzzled", "JJ", "I-VP", "O"),
- t(n, "look", "look", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% `` A little tribute to Gibson "" You look like the cat that swallowed the canary , `` he said , giving her a puzzled look .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, ``), word(1002, "A"), word(1003, little), word(1004, tribute), word(1005, to), word(1006, "Gibson"), word(1007, "\\"\\""), word(1008, "You"), word(1009, look), word(1010, like), word(1011, the), word(1012, cat), word(1013, that), word(1014, swallowed), word(1015, the), word(1016, canary), word(1017, (",")), word(1018, ``), word(1019, he), word(1020, said), word(1021, (",")), word(1022, giving), word(1023, her), word(1024, a), word(1025, puzzled), word(1026, look), word(1027, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "LQU"), pos(1002, "DT"), pos(1003, "JJ"), pos(1004, "NN"), pos(1005, "TO"), pos(1006, "NNP"), pos(1007, "RQU"), pos(1008, "PRP"), pos(1009, "VBP"), pos(1010, "IN"), pos(1011, "DT"), pos(1012, "NN"), pos(1013, "WDT"), pos(1014, "VBD"), pos(1015, "DT"), pos(1016, "JJ"), pos(1017, (",")), pos(1018, "LQU"), pos(1019, "PRP"), pos(1020, "VBD"), pos(1021, (",")), pos(1022, "VBG"), pos(1023, "PRP$"), pos(1024, "DT"), pos(1025, "JJ"), pos(1026, "NN"), pos(1027, ".")],
- [ne(1006, "I-PER")],
- smerge(drs([[1006]:A, [1008]:B, [1011]:C, [1015]:D], [[1019]:pred(A, male, a, 0), [1006]:named(A, gibson, per, 0), [1008]:pred(B, person, n, 1), [1012]:pred(C, cat, n, 0), [1016]:pred(D, canary, n, 0)]), drs([[1002]:E, [1009]:F, [1020]:G, []:H, [1022, 1024, 1025, 1026]:I, [1024]:J, [1023]:K, [1022]:L], [[1003]:pred(E, little, a, 0), [1004]:pred(E, tribute, n, 0), []:pred(E, topic, a, 1), [1005]:rel(E, A, to, 0), [1009]:pred(F, look, v, 0), [1009]:rel(F, B, agent, 0), [1020]:pred(G, say, v, 0), [1020]:pred(H, proposition, n, 1), []:pred(G, event, n, 1), [1020]:rel(G, A, agent, 0), [1020]:rel(G, H, theme, 0), [1020]:prop(H, drs([[1014]:M], [[1014]:pred(M, swallow, v, 0), []:pred(M, event, n, 1), [1014]:rel(M, C, agent, 0), [1014]:rel(M, D, patient, 0)])), [1010]:rel(F, C, like, 0), []:pred(F, event, n, 1), []:rel(F, E, rel, 0), [1025]:pred(J, puzzled, a, 0), [1026]:pred(J, look, n, 0), [1023]:pred(K, her, n, 0), [1022]:pred(L, give, v, 0), []:pred(L, event, n, 1), [1022]:rel(L, I, agent, 0), [1022]:rel(L, J, recipient, 0), [1022]:rel(L, K, theme, 0)])) ).
- %%% ______________________ ___________________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 | | x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 |
- %%% |----------------------| |---------------------------|
- %%% (| male(x0) |+| little(x4) |)
- %%% | named(x0,gibson,per) | | tribute(x4) |
- %%% | person(x1) | | topic(x4) |
- %%% | cat(x2) | | to(x4,x0) |
- %%% | canary(x3) | | look(x5) |
- %%% |______________________| | agent(x5,x1) |
- %%% | say(x6) |
- %%% | proposition(x7) |
- %%% | event(x6) |
- %%% | agent(x6,x0) |
- %%% | theme(x6,x7) |
- %%% | _________________ |
- %%% | | x12 | |
- %%% | x7:|-----------------| |
- %%% | | swallow(x12) | |
- %%% | | event(x12) | |
- %%% | | agent(x12,x2) | |
- %%% | | patient(x12,x3) | |
- %%% | |_________________| |
- %%% | like(x5,x2) |
- %%% | event(x5) |
- %%% | rel(x5,x4) |
- %%% | puzzled(x9) |
- %%% | look(x9) |
- %%% | her(x10) |
- %%% | give(x11) |
- %%% | event(x11) |
- %%% | agent(x11,x8) |
- %%% | recipient(x11,x9) |
- %%% | theme(x11,x10) |
- %%% |___________________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 6.02587 406 481
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The monkey heard about the very next ship which is yellow and green .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, monkey), word(1003, heard), word(1004, about), word(1005, the), word(1006, very), word(1007, next), word(1008, ship), word(1009, which), word(1010, is), word(1011, yellow), word(1012, and), word(1013, green), word(1014, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "VBD"), pos(1004, "IN"), pos(1005, "DT"), pos(1006, "RB"), pos(1007, "JJ"), pos(1008, "NN"), pos(1009, "WDT"), pos(1010, "VBZ"), pos(1011, "JJ"), pos(1012, "CC"), pos(1013, "JJ"), pos(1014, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1005]:B], [[1002]:pred(A, monkey, n, 0), [1007]:pred(B, next, a, 0), [1008]:pred(B, ship, n, 0), [1006]:pred(B, very, a, 0)]), drs([[1003]:C, [1011]:D, [1013]:E], [[1003]:pred(C, hear, v, 0), [1003]:rel(C, A, agent, 0), []:pred(D, event, n, 1), []:pred(E, event, n, 1), [1004]:rel(C, B, about, 0), [1011]:prop(D, drs([], [[1011]:pred(B, yellow, a, 0)])), [1013]:prop(E, drs([], [[1013]:pred(B, green, a, 0)])), []:pred(C, event, n, 1)])) ).
- %%% ____________ _____________________
- %%% | x0 x1 | | x2 x3 x4 |
- %%% |------------| |---------------------|
- %%% (| monkey(x0) |+| hear(x2) |)
- %%% | next(x1) | | agent(x2,x0) |
- %%% | ship(x1) | | event(x3) |
- %%% | very(x1) | | event(x4) |
- %%% |____________| | about(x2,x1) |
- %%% | ____________ |
- %%% | | | |
- %%% | x3:|------------| |
- %%% | | yellow(x1) | |
- %%% | |____________| |
- %%% | ___________ |
- %%% | | | |
- %%% | x4:|-----------| |
- %%% | | green(x1) | |
- %%% | |___________| |
- %%% | event(x2) |
- %%% |_____________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "monkey", "monkey", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/pp, "heard", "hear", "VBD", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "about", "about", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- fa(n/n,
- t((n/n)/(n/n), "very", "very", "RB", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n/n, "next", "next", "JJ", "I-NP", "O")),
- t(n, "ship", "ship", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "which", "which", "WDT", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/(s:adj\\np), "is", "be", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- ba(s:adj\\np,
- t(s:adj\\np, "yellow", "yellow", "JJ", "I-ADJP", "O"),
- conj((s:adj\\np)\\(s:adj\\np), s:adj\\np,
- t(conj, "and", "and", "CC", "I-ADJP", "O"),
- t(s:adj\\np, "green", "green", "JJ", "I-ADJP", "O"))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 2.56495 166 188
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(np,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "Brit", "Brit", "NNP", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "lives", "life", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "in", "in", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "red", "red", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The Brit lives in the red house .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, "Brit"), word(1003, lives), word(1004, in), word(1005, the), word(1006, red), word(1007, house), word(1008, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NNP"), pos(1003, "NNS"), pos(1004, "IN"), pos(1005, "DT"), pos(1006, "JJ"), pos(1007, "NN"), pos(1008, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1002]:A, [1001]:B, [1005]:C], [[1003]:pred(B, life, n, 0), []:rel(A, B, nn, 0), [1002]:named(A, brit, nam, 0), [1006]:pred(C, red, a, 0), [1007]:pred(C, house, n, 0)]), drs([], [[]:pred(B, topic, a, 1), [1004]:rel(B, C, in, 0)])) ).
- %%% ____________________ ___________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 | | |
- %%% |--------------------| |-----------|
- %%% (| life(x1) |+| topic(x1) |)
- %%% | nn(x0,x1) | | in(x1,x2) |
- %%% | named(x0,brit,nam) | |___________|
- %%% | red(x2) |
- %%% | house(x2) |
- %%% |____________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 4.78749 194 241
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "Swede", "swede", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- fa((s:dcl\\np)/pp,
- t(((s:dcl\\np)/pp)/np, "keeps", "keep", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "dogs", "dog", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "as", "as", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "pets", "pet", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The Swede keeps dogs as pets .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, "Swede"), word(1003, keeps), word(1004, dogs), word(1005, as), word(1006, pets), word(1007, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "VBZ"), pos(1004, "NNS"), pos(1005, "IN"), pos(1006, "NNS"), pos(1007, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A], [[1002]:pred(A, swede, n, 0)]), drs([[1004]:B, [1003]:C, [1006]:D], [[1004]:pred(B, dog, n, 0), [1003]:pred(C, keep, v, 0), [1006]:pred(D, pet, n, 0), []:pred(C, event, n, 1), [1003]:rel(C, A, agent, 0), [1003]:rel(C, B, patient, 0), [1005]:rel(C, D, as, 0)])) ).
- %%% ___________ ________________
- %%% | x0 | | x1 x2 x3 |
- %%% |-----------| |----------------|
- %%% (| swede(x0) |+| dog(x1) |)
- %%% |___________| | keep(x2) |
- %%% | pet(x3) |
- %%% | event(x2) |
- %%% | agent(x2,x0) |
- %%% | patient(x2,x1) |
- %%% | as(x2,x3) |
- %%% |________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 1.38629 77 101
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(np:nb,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "Dane", "Dane", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-ORG"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "drinks", "drink", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "tea", "tea", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The Dane drinks tea .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, "Dane"), word(1003, drinks), word(1004, tea), word(1005, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NNP"), pos(1003, "NNS"), pos(1004, "NN"), pos(1005, ".")],
- [ne(1002, "I-ORG")],
- smerge(drs([[1003]:A, [1002]:B, [1001]:C], [[1003]:pred(A, drink, n, 0), [1004]:pred(C, tea, n, 0), []:rel(A, C, nn, 0), []:rel(B, C, nn, 0), [1002]:named(B, dane, org, 0)]), drs([], [[]:pred(C, topic, a, 1)])) ).
- %%% ____________________ ___________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 | | |
- %%% |--------------------| |-----------|
- %%% (| drink(x0) |+| topic(x2) |)
- %%% | tea(x2) | |___________|
- %%% | nn(x0,x2) |
- %%% | nn(x1,x2) |
- %%% | named(x1,dane,org) |
- %%% |____________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 4.33073 334 378
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The green house is on the immediate left of the white house .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, green), word(1003, house), word(1004, is), word(1005, on), word(1006, the), word(1007, immediate), word(1008, left), word(1009, of), word(1010, the), word(1011, white), word(1012, house), word(1013, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "JJ"), pos(1003, "NN"), pos(1004, "VBZ"), pos(1005, "IN"), pos(1006, "DT"), pos(1007, "JJ"), pos(1008, "NN"), pos(1009, "IN"), pos(1010, "DT"), pos(1011, "JJ"), pos(1012, "NN"), pos(1013, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1006]:B], [[1011]:pred(A, white, a, 0), [1003, 1012]:pred(A, house, n, 0), [1002]:pred(A, green, a, 0), [1007]:pred(B, immediate, a, 0), [1008]:pred(B, left, n, 0)]), drs([[1004]:C], [[1004]:pred(C, be, v, 0), [1004]:rel(C, A, agent, 0), [1009]:rel(B, A, of, 0), [1005]:rel(C, B, on, 0), []:pred(C, event, n, 1)])) ).
- %%% _______________ ______________
- %%% | x0 x1 | | x2 |
- %%% |---------------| |--------------|
- %%% (| white(x0) |+| be(x2) |)
- %%% | house(x0) | | agent(x2,x0) |
- %%% | green(x0) | | of(x1,x0) |
- %%% | immediate(x1) | | on(x2,x1) |
- %%% | left(x1) | | event(x2) |
- %%% |_______________| |______________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "green", "green", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/pp, "is", "be", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "on", "on", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "immediate", "immediate", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "left", "left", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "of", "of", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "white", "white", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 1.38629 150 176
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The green house "s owner drinks coffee .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, green), word(1003, house), word(1004, "\\"s"), word(1005, owner), word(1006, drinks), word(1007, coffee), word(1008, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "JJ"), pos(1003, "NN"), pos(1004, "POS"), pos(1005, "NN"), pos(1006, "NNS"), pos(1007, "NN"), pos(1008, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1006]:B, [1005]:C, [1004]:D], [[1002]:pred(A, green, a, 0), [1003]:pred(A, house, n, 0), [1006]:pred(B, drink, n, 0), [1005]:pred(C, owner, n, 0), [1007]:pred(D, coffee, n, 0), []:rel(B, D, nn, 0), []:rel(C, D, nn, 0), [1004]:rel(D, A, of, 0)]), drs([], [[]:pred(D, topic, a, 1)])) ).
- %%% _____________ ___________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 | | |
- %%% |-------------| |-----------|
- %%% (| green(x0) |+| topic(x3) |)
- %%% | house(x0) | |___________|
- %%% | drink(x1) |
- %%% | owner(x2) |
- %%% | coffee(x3) |
- %%% | nn(x1,x3) |
- %%% | nn(x2,x3) |
- %%% | of(x3,x0) |
- %%% |_____________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(np:nb,
- fa(np:nb,
- ba(np:nb/n,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "green", "green", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- t((np:nb/n)\\np, "\\"s", "\\"s", "POS", "B-NP", "O")),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "owner", "owner", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "drinks", "drink", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "coffee", "coffee", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 4.33073 200 232
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "owner", "owner", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "who", "who", "WP", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "smokes", "smoke", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "Pall", "Pall", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-ORG"),
- t(n, "Mall", "Mall", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-ORG")))))),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "rears", "rear", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "birds", "bird", "NNS", "I-NP", "O")))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The owner who smokes Pall Mall rears birds .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, owner), word(1003, who), word(1004, smokes), word(1005, "Pall"), word(1006, "Mall"), word(1007, rears), word(1008, birds), word(1009, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "WP"), pos(1004, "VBZ"), pos(1005, "NNP"), pos(1006, "NNP"), pos(1007, "VBZ"), pos(1008, "NNS"), pos(1009, ".")],
- [ne(1005, "I-ORG"), ne(1006, "I-ORG")],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1005, 1006]:B], [[1002]:pred(A, owner, n, 0), [1005, 1006]:named(B, pall_mall, org, 0)]), drs([[1004]:C, [1008]:D, [1007]:E], [[1004]:pred(C, smoke, v, 0), []:pred(C, event, n, 1), [1004]:rel(C, A, agent, 0), [1004]:rel(C, B, patient, 0), [1008]:pred(D, bird, n, 0), [1007]:pred(E, rear, v, 0), []:pred(E, event, n, 1), [1007]:rel(E, A, agent, 0), [1007]:rel(E, D, patient, 0)])) ).
- %%% _________________________ ________________
- %%% | x0 x1 | | x2 x3 x4 |
- %%% |-------------------------| |----------------|
- %%% (| owner(x0) |+| smoke(x2) |)
- %%% | named(x1,pall_mall,org) | | event(x2) |
- %%% |_________________________| | agent(x2,x0) |
- %%% | patient(x2,x1) |
- %%% | bird(x3) |
- %%% | rear(x4) |
- %%% | event(x4) |
- %%% | agent(x4,x0) |
- %%% | patient(x4,x3) |
- %%% |________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 4.02535 340 404
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, owner), word(1003, of), word(1004, the), word(1005, yellow), word(1006, house), word(1007, smokes), word(1008, "Dunhill"), word(1009, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "IN"), pos(1004, "DT"), pos(1005, "JJ"), pos(1006, "NN"), pos(1007, "VBZ"), pos(1008, "NNP"), pos(1009, ".")],
- [ne(1008, "I-ORG")],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1004]:B, [1008]:C], [[1002]:pred(A, owner, n, 0), [1005]:pred(B, yellow, a, 0), [1006]:pred(B, house, n, 0), [1008]:named(C, dunhill, org, 0)]), drs([[1007]:D], [[1003]:rel(A, B, of, 0), [1007]:pred(D, smoke, v, 0), []:pred(D, event, n, 1), [1007]:rel(D, A, agent, 0), [1007]:rel(D, C, patient, 0)])) ).
- %%% _______________________ ________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 | | x3 |
- %%% |-----------------------| |----------------|
- %%% (| owner(x0) |+| of(x0,x1) |)
- %%% | yellow(x1) | | smoke(x3) |
- %%% | house(x1) | | event(x3) |
- %%% | named(x2,dunhill,org) | | agent(x3,x0) |
- %%% |_______________________| | patient(x3,x2) |
- %%% |________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "owner", "owner", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "of", "of", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "yellow", "yellow", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "smokes", "smoke", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Dunhill", "Dunhill", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-ORG")))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 2.56495 202 239
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(np,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "owner", "owner", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "living", "living", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "in", "in", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "center", "center", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "drinks", "drink", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "milk", "milk", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The owner living in the center house drinks milk .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, owner), word(1003, living), word(1004, in), word(1005, the), word(1006, center), word(1007, house), word(1008, drinks), word(1009, milk), word(1010, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "NN"), pos(1004, "IN"), pos(1005, "DT"), pos(1006, "NN"), pos(1007, "NN"), pos(1008, "NNS"), pos(1009, "NN"), pos(1010, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1002]:A, [1001]:B, [1008]:C, [1007]:D, [1006]:E, [1005]:F], [[1002]:pred(A, owner, n, 0), [1003]:pred(B, living, n, 0), []:rel(A, B, nn, 0), [1008]:pred(C, drink, n, 0), [1007]:pred(D, house, n, 0), [1006]:pred(E, center, n, 0), [1009]:pred(F, milk, n, 0), []:rel(C, F, nn, 0), []:rel(D, F, nn, 0), []:rel(E, F, nn, 0)]), drs([], [[]:pred(B, topic, a, 1), [1004]:rel(B, F, in, 0)])) ).
- %%% ___________________ ___________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 | | |
- %%% |-------------------| |-----------|
- %%% (| owner(x0) |+| topic(x1) |)
- %%% | living(x1) | | in(x1,x5) |
- %%% | nn(x0,x1) | |___________|
- %%% | drink(x2) |
- %%% | house(x3) |
- %%% | center(x4) |
- %%% | milk(x5) |
- %%% | nn(x2,x5) |
- %%% | nn(x3,x5) |
- %%% | nn(x4,x5) |
- %%% |___________________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 2.19722 155 176
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The Norwegian lives in the first house .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, "Norwegian"), word(1003, lives), word(1004, in), word(1005, the), word(1006, first), word(1007, house), word(1008, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "JJ"), pos(1003, "NNS"), pos(1004, "IN"), pos(1005, "DT"), pos(1006, "JJ"), pos(1007, "NN"), pos(1008, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1005]:B], [[1002]:pred(A, norwegian, a, 0), [1003]:pred(A, life, n, 0), [1006]:pred(B, first, a, 0), [1007]:pred(B, house, n, 0)]), drs([], [[]:pred(A, topic, a, 1), [1004]:rel(A, B, in, 0)])) ).
- %%% _______________ ___________
- %%% | x0 x1 | | |
- %%% |---------------| |-----------|
- %%% (| norwegian(x0) |+| topic(x0) |)
- %%% | life(x0) | | in(x0,x1) |
- %%% | first(x1) | |___________|
- %%% | house(x1) |
- %%% |_______________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(np,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "Norwegian", "norwegian", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "lives", "life", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/np, "in", "in", "IN", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "first", "first", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 7.39388 457 578
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The owner who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, owner), word(1003, who), word(1004, smokes), word(1005, "Blends"), word(1006, lives), word(1007, next), word(1008, to), word(1009, the), word(1010, one), word(1011, who), word(1012, keeps), word(1013, cats), word(1014, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "WP"), pos(1004, "VBZ"), pos(1005, "NNPS"), pos(1006, "VBZ"), pos(1007, "JJ"), pos(1008, "TO"), pos(1009, "DT"), pos(1010, "NN"), pos(1011, "WP"), pos(1012, "VBZ"), pos(1013, "NNS"), pos(1014, ".")],
- [ne(1005, "I-ORG")],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1005]:B, [1009]:C], [[1002]:pred(A, owner, n, 0), [1005]:named(B, blends, org, 0), [1010]:pred(C, one, n, 0)]), drs([[1004]:D, [1006]:E, [1013]:F, [1012]:G], [[1004]:pred(D, smoke, v, 0), []:pred(D, event, n, 1), [1004]:rel(D, A, agent, 0), [1004]:rel(D, B, patient, 0), [1006]:pred(E, live, v, 0), [1006]:rel(E, A, agent, 0), [1013]:pred(F, cat, n, 0), [1012]:pred(G, keep, v, 0), []:pred(G, event, n, 1), [1012]:rel(G, C, agent, 0), [1012]:rel(G, F, patient, 0), [1008]:rel(E, C, to, 0), []:pred(E, event, n, 1)])) ).
- %%% ______________________ ________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 | | x3 x4 x5 x6 |
- %%% |----------------------| |----------------|
- %%% (| owner(x0) |+| smoke(x3) |)
- %%% | named(x1,blends,org) | | event(x3) |
- %%% | one(x2) | | agent(x3,x0) |
- %%% |______________________| | patient(x3,x1) |
- %%% | live(x4) |
- %%% | agent(x4,x0) |
- %%% | cat(x5) |
- %%% | keep(x6) |
- %%% | event(x6) |
- %%% | agent(x6,x2) |
- %%% | patient(x6,x5) |
- %%% | to(x4,x2) |
- %%% | event(x4) |
- %%% |________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "owner", "owner", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "who", "who", "WP", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "smokes", "smoke", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Blends", "Blends", "NNPS", "I-NP", "I-ORG"))))),
- ba(s:dcl\\np,
- t(s:dcl\\np, "lives", "live", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np),
- t(((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np))/pp, "next", "next", "JJ", "I-ADVP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "to", "to", "TO", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "one", "one", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "who", "who", "WP", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "keeps", "keep", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "cats", "cat", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 7.19143 468 574
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The owner who keeps the horse lives next to the one who smokes Dunhills .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, owner), word(1003, who), word(1004, keeps), word(1005, the), word(1006, horse), word(1007, lives), word(1008, next), word(1009, to), word(1010, the), word(1011, one), word(1012, who), word(1013, smokes), word(1014, "Dunhills"), word(1015, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "WP"), pos(1004, "VBZ"), pos(1005, "DT"), pos(1006, "NN"), pos(1007, "VBZ"), pos(1008, "JJ"), pos(1009, "TO"), pos(1010, "DT"), pos(1011, "CD"), pos(1012, "WP"), pos(1013, "VBZ"), pos(1014, "NNP"), pos(1015, ".")],
- [ne(1014, "I-ORG")],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1005]:B, [1010]:C, [1014]:D], [[1002]:pred(A, owner, n, 0), [1006]:pred(B, horse, n, 0), [1011]:card(C, 1, ge), [1011]:pred(C, thing, n, 12), [1014]:named(D, dunhills, org, 0)]), drs([[1004]:E, [1007]:F, [1013]:G], [[1004]:pred(E, keep, v, 0), []:pred(E, event, n, 1), [1004]:rel(E, A, agent, 0), [1004]:rel(E, B, patient, 0), [1007]:pred(F, live, v, 0), [1007]:rel(F, A, agent, 0), [1013]:pred(G, smoke, v, 0), []:pred(G, event, n, 1), [1013]:rel(G, C, agent, 0), [1013]:rel(G, D, patient, 0), [1009]:rel(F, C, to, 0), []:pred(F, event, n, 1)])) ).
- %%% ________________________ ________________
- %%% | x0 x1 x2 x3 | | x4 x5 x6 |
- %%% |------------------------| |----------------|
- %%% (| owner(x0) |+| keep(x4) |)
- %%% | horse(x1) | | event(x4) |
- %%% | |x2| >= 1 | | agent(x4,x0) |
- %%% | thing(x2) | | patient(x4,x1) |
- %%% | named(x3,dunhills,org) | | live(x5) |
- %%% |________________________| | agent(x5,x0) |
- %%% | smoke(x6) |
- %%% | event(x6) |
- %%% | agent(x6,x2) |
- %%% | patient(x6,x3) |
- %%% | to(x5,x2) |
- %%% | event(x5) |
- %%% |________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(s:dcl,
- ba(s:dcl,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "owner", "owner", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "who", "who", "WP", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "keeps", "keep", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "horse", "horse", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))),
- ba(s:dcl\\np,
- t(s:dcl\\np, "lives", "live", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- fa((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np),
- t(((s:dcl\\np)\\(s:dcl\\np))/pp, "next", "next", "JJ", "I-ADVP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "to", "to", "TO", "I-PP", "O"),
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "one", "one", "CD", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "who", "who", "WP", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "smokes", "smoke", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- t(n, "Dunhills", "Dunhills", "NNP", "I-NP", "I-ORG"))))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 2.63906 151 182
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The owner who smokes Bluemasters drinks beer .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, owner), word(1003, who), word(1004, smokes), word(1005, "Bluemasters"), word(1006, drinks), word(1007, beer), word(1008, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "NN"), pos(1003, "WP"), pos(1004, "VBZ"), pos(1005, "NNS"), pos(1006, "NNS"), pos(1007, "NN"), pos(1008, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A], [[1002]:pred(A, owner, n, 0)]), drs([[1006]:B, [1005]:C, [1005, 1006, 1007]:D, [1004]:E], [[1006]:pred(B, drink, n, 0), [1005]:pred(C, bluemaster, n, 0), [1007]:pred(D, beer, n, 0), [1004]:pred(E, smoke, v, 0), []:pred(E, event, n, 1), []:pred(A, topic, a, 1), []:rel(B, D, nn, 0), []:rel(C, D, nn, 0), [1004]:rel(E, A, agent, 0), [1004]:rel(E, D, patient, 0)])) ).
- %%% ___________ ________________
- %%% | x0 | | x1 x2 x3 x4 |
- %%% |-----------| |----------------|
- %%% (| owner(x0) |+| drink(x1) |)
- %%% |___________| | bluemaster(x2) |
- %%% | beer(x3) |
- %%% | smoke(x4) |
- %%% | event(x4) |
- %%% | topic(x0) |
- %%% | nn(x1,x3) |
- %%% | nn(x2,x3) |
- %%% | agent(x4,x0) |
- %%% | patient(x4,x3) |
- %%% |________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(np,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "owner", "owner", "NN", "I-NP", "O")),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/(s:dcl\\np), "who", "who", "WP", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(s:dcl\\np,
- t((s:dcl\\np)/np, "smokes", "smoke", "VBZ", "I-VP", "O"),
- lx(np, n,
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "Bluemasters", "bluemaster", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "drinks", "drink", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "beer", "beer", "NN", "I-NP", "O"))))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 1.94591 162 189
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The German smokes Prince .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, "German"), word(1003, smokes), word(1004, "Prince"), word(1005, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "JJ"), pos(1003, "NNS"), pos(1004, "NNP"), pos(1005, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1003]:A, [1001]:B], [[1003]:pred(A, smoke, n, 0), [1002]:pred(B, german, a, 0), []:rel(A, B, nn, 0), [1004]:named(B, prince, nam, 0)]), drs([], [[]:pred(B, topic, a, 1)])) ).
- %%% ______________________ ___________
- %%% | x0 x1 | | |
- %%% |----------------------| |-----------|
- %%% (| smoke(x0) |+| topic(x1) |)
- %%% | german(x1) | |___________|
- %%% | nn(x0,x1) |
- %%% | named(x1,prince,nam) |
- %%% |______________________|
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "German", "german", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "smokes", "smoke", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"),
- rp(n,
- t(n, "Prince", "Prince", "NNP", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O")))))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 parsed at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 coverage 100%
- 1 stats 2.77259 173 197
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 1 (100.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- ccg(1,
- rp(np,
- ba(np,
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "The", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "Norwegian", "norwegian", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "lives", "life", "NNS", "I-NP", "O"))),
- fa(np\\np,
- t((np\\np)/pp, "next", "next", "IN", "B-NP", "O"),
- fa(pp,
- t(pp/np, "to", "to", "TO", "I-PP", "O"),
- fa(np:nb,
- t(np:nb/n, "the", "the", "DT", "I-NP", "O"),
- fa(n,
- t(n/n, "blue", "blue", "JJ", "I-NP", "O"),
- t(n, "house", "house", "NN", "I-NP", "O")))))),
- t(period, ".", ".", ".", "O", "O"))).
- id(rte, [1]).
- ',
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- id(rte,1).
- %%% The Norwegian lives next to the blue house .
- sem(1,
- [word(1001, "The"), word(1002, "Norwegian"), word(1003, lives), word(1004, next), word(1005, to), word(1006, the), word(1007, blue), word(1008, house), word(1009, ".")],
- [pos(1001, "DT"), pos(1002, "JJ"), pos(1003, "NNS"), pos(1004, "IN"), pos(1005, "TO"), pos(1006, "DT"), pos(1007, "JJ"), pos(1008, "NN"), pos(1009, ".")],
- [],
- smerge(drs([[1001]:A, [1006]:B], [[1002]:pred(A, norwegian, a, 0), [1003]:pred(A, life, n, 0), [1007]:pred(B, blue, a, 0), [1008]:pred(B, house, n, 0)]), drs([], [[1004]:pred(A, next, n, 0), [1005]:rel(A, B, to, 0), []:pred(A, topic, a, 1)])) ).
- %%% _______________ ___________
- %%% | x0 x1 | | |
- %%% |---------------| |-----------|
- %%% (| norwegian(x0) |+| next(x0) |)
- %%% | life(x0) | | to(x0,x1) |
- %%% | blue(x1) | | topic(x0) |
- %%% | house(x1) | |___________|
- %%% |_______________|
- '
- };
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- cd /var/lib/myfrdcsa/sandbox/nutcracker-1.0/nutcracker-1.0/candc && bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- # this file was generated by the following command(s):
- # bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- 1 attempt nospan at B=0.075, K=20
- 1 attempt nospan at B=0.03, K=20
- 1 attempt nospan at B=0.01, K=20
- 1 attempt nospan at B=0.005, K=20
- 1 attempt nospan at B=0.001, K=150
- 1 failed no span at B=0.001, K=150
- Attempted: 1. Completed: 0 (0.00%).
- $VAR1 = {
- 'DRS' => '%%% This file was generated by the following command:
- %%% bin/boxer --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.drs --resolve --vpe --box
- :- multifile sem/5, id/2.
- :- discontiguous sem/5, id/2.
- :- dynamic sem/5, id/2.
- ',
- 'CCG' => '% this file was generated by the following command(s):
- % bin/candc --input /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.met --output /var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/data/candc/candc-text.ccg --models models/boxer --candc-printer boxer
- :- op(601, xfx, (/)).
- :- op(601, xfx, (\\)).
- :- multifile ccg/2, id/2.
- :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2.
- id(rte, [1]).
- '
- };
- andrewdo@ai2:/var/lib/myfrdcsa/codebases/internal/perllib/scripts$
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