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- /* Ancient code published for archival purposes. May or may not work or be relevant.
- Feel free to do whatever you want with this, if anything.
- Archive from 2017-10-07 - contents may be older. */
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name MPP cursor socket script :P
- // @namespace
- // @version 0.1
- // @description Fill the room with loads of crazy cursors XD
- // @author
- // @match*
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- //---------------------------------
- //Paste the below script on the VPN's tab(s)
- MPP.client.sendArray([{ m: "userset", set: { name: 'MPPCS #Loading' } }])
- setInterval(function(){ MPP.client.sendArray([{ m: "userset", set: { name: 'MPPCS #' + Math.random() } }]) }, 1000);
- MPP.client.on('m', msg => {
- MPP.client.sendArray([{"m":"m","x":msg.x,"y":msg.y}]);
- });
- MPP.client.on('n', n=>{ if(n.n[0].n[0] == '\0'){ var s = ""; for(var x = 0; x < n.n.length; x++) s += n.n[x].n;; } });
- //A js command for relocating room easily.
- MPP.client.on("a",function(msg){if("/js"))try{"MPPCS: "+eval(msg.a.slice(4)))}catch(err){"Error: "+err)}})
- //MPP.client.setChannel("lolwutsecretlobbybackdoor")
- //setTimeout(function(){ MPP.client.setChannel("lolwutsecretlobbybackdoor"); }, 50000);
- //Paste the below script on your main tab.
- Name = '' //Your name goes here
- MPP.client.sendArray([{ m: "userset", set: { name: 'MPPCS #1 - Host' + Name } }])
- //Customsend made by Ming!, or atleast he gave it to me, so i assume he made it.
- MPP.customsend = function(m){ var arr = []; ('\0' + m).match(/.{1,5}/g).forEach((a)=>arr.push({n:a})); MPP.client.sendArray([{m: 'n', t: 0, n: arr}]); };
- // MPP.customsend('Online');
- MPP.customsend('Connected');
- //And finally paste this on this your main tab to relocate all the bots to another room.
- speechmarks = '"';
- roomname = "lolwutsecretlobbybackdoor"; //Name of room that you want to relocate to goes here.
-'Relocating bots to ' + roomname + '!')
- message = "/js MPP.client.setChannel(" + speechmarks + roomname + speechmarks + ");"
- MPP.customsend('' + message + '');
- setTimeout(function(){ MPP.client.setChannel( roomname ); }, 3000);
- setTimeout(function(){ MPP.customsend('System connected to room ' + roomname) }, 5000);
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