

Feb 5th, 2018
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  1. ON *:TEXT:!shoot:#: {
  2.   if (!%duck) {
  3.     if (!%noduckshoot) {
  4.       set -u60 %noduckshoot 1
  5.       msg $chan $nick shoots in the air and scares away some birds in the distance... the gunshot echoes till the other side of the lake...
  6.     }
  7.     elseif (%noduckshoot) {
  8.       msg $chan $nick shoots at what looks like a duck shape but it actualy was a weirdly shaped branch...
  9.     }
  10.   }
  11.   if (%duck) {
  12.     var %dtime = $calc(($ticks - %duck) / 1000)
  13.     unset %duck
  14.     .timerduckend* off
  15.     if (%dtime < %duckrecord) || (!%duckrecord) {
  16.       if (%duckrecord) { var %diftime = $calc(%duckrecord - %dtime) }
  17.       globalmsg -n $iif($nick $network == %ducknick %ducknet, $nick of $network beat their own record of %duckrecord seconds with a shot at %dtime seconds, $nick on $network shot the duck in %dtime seconds.  $iif(%diftime, $v1 seconds faster than %ducknick of %ducknet))
  18.       set %ducknet $network
  19.       set %ducknick $nick
  20.       set %duckrecord %dtime
  21.     }
  22.     if (%dtime > %duckrecord) {
  23.       var %diftime = $calc(%dtime - %duckrecord)
  24.       globalmsg -n $nick of $network shot the duck in %dtime seconds. $iif($nick $network == %ducknick %ducknet, %diftime seconds slower than the record they set [ %duckrecord seconds ], %diftime seconds slower than %ducknick of %ducknet [ %duckrecord seconds ])
  25.     }
  26.   }
  27. }
  29. alias duck {
  30.   set %duck $ticks
  31.   globalmsg -n QUACK QUACK!!!
  32.   .timerduckend1 1 15 unset %duck
  33.   .timerduckend2 1 15 globalmsg -n The duck flew away...
  34.   .timerduckstart 1 $rand(1700,3600) duck
  35. }
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