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- data = read.csv("tecator.csv", header=TRUE)
- data =
- n = dim(data)[1]
- set.seed(12345)
- id = sample(1:n, floor(n*0.5))
- data = subset(data,
- select = -c(Protein, Moisture, Sample))
- train = data[id,]
- test = data[-id,]
- train_x = subset(train, select = -c(Fat))
- train_y = train$Fat
- test_x = subset(test, select = -c(Fat))
- test_y = test$Fat
- fit1 = lm( formula = train_y ~ ., data=train_x)
- summary(fit1)
- train_mse = mean((fit1$residuals)^2)
- test_pred = predict(fit1, test_x)
- # Getting EXTREMELY high value? why?
- test_mse = mean((test_y - test_pred)^2)
- # very low mse, overfit?
- train_mse
- # test mse is 722, overfit on training data?
- test_mse
- # Question 2 & 3
- # Special for lasso
- # is that alpha=1
- library(glmnet)
- fit_lasso = glmnet(as.matrix(train_x),
- train_y,
- alpha=1,
- family="gaussian")
- # when lambda is ~ -0.3 we can see 3 coefficients
- # that are not 0
- plot(fit_lasso, xvar="lambda")
- # Ridge
- # special for ridge is that alpha=0
- fit_ridge = glmnet(as.matrix(train_x),
- train_y,
- alpha=0,
- family="gaussian")
- plot(fit_ridge, xvar="lambda")
- # Conclusions:
- # Both ridge and lasso regression have the
- # same charectaristics in that they both
- # introduce a penalty parameter lambda.
- # But we can see that in LASSO regression
- # we penalize the fetures much harder than
- # in the ridge regression. For almost
- # every lambda, we can see that in LASSO, almost always
- # some features are completely removd (set to zero),
- # meanwhile in ridge regression we dont completely remove
- # the features but just reguralize them.
- # Question 5
- cv_fit = cv.glmnet(as.matrix(train_x),
- train_y,
- alpha=1,
- family="gaussian",
- nfolds=10)
- # By looking at this plot
- # if the dots are within the grey bars,
- # it means that it is NOT statistically
- # significantly better and vice versa
- plot(cv_fit)
- # optimal lambda
- log(cv_fit$lambda.min)
- # 9 features used
- coef(cv_fit, s="lambda.min")
- newfit = glmnet(as.matrix(train_x),
- train_y,
- alpha=1,
- family="gaussian",
- lambda=cv_fit$lambda.min)
- yhat = predict(newfit, as.matrix(test_x), nfolds=10)
- plot(test_y, yhat, col="blue")
- lines(x=c(0:100), y=(0:100))
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