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- -- The utility reads characters from stdin, removes the characters
- -- that are not needed, replaces spaces with underscores and replaces
- -- Cyrillic letters with the corresponding Latin letters or their
- -- combinations. Then it sends the result to stdout.
- import Data.Char (toLower, ord)
- import System.Exit (die)
- import qualified Data.Set as Set
- main :: IO ()
- main = do
- input <- getContents
- if null input
- then die "No input!"
- else
- mapM_ (putStrLn .
- cyrillicToLatin .
- spacesToUnderscores .
- extraCharsToHyphens .
- stringToLower) $
- lines input
- stringToLower :: String -> String
- stringToLower = map toLower
- requiredChars :: String
- requiredChars = [' ', '-', '_'] ++ ['0' .. '9'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['А' .. 'Ё'] ++ ['а' .. 'ё']
- cyrillicReplacements :: [String]
- cyrillicReplacements = ["a", "b", "v", "g", "d", "ye", "zh", "z", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "r", "s", "t", "u", "f", "h", "ts", "ch", "sh", "shch", "-", "y", "-", "e", "yu", "ya", "-", "yo"]
- requiredCharsSet :: Set.Set Char
- requiredCharsSet = Set.fromList requiredChars
- extraCharsToHyphens :: String -> String
- extraCharsToHyphens = map (\x -> if Set.member x requiredCharsSet then x else '-')
- spacesToUnderscores :: String -> String
- spacesToUnderscores [] = []
- spacesToUnderscores (x:xs)
- | x == ' ' = '_' : spacesToUnderscores xs
- | otherwise = x : spacesToUnderscores xs
- cyrillicToLatin :: String -> String
- cyrillicToLatin [] = []
- cyrillicToLatin (x:xs) = aux x ++ cyrillicToLatin xs
- where
- aux char
- | char `elem` ['а' .. 'ё'] = cyrillicReplacements !! (ord char - 1072)
- | otherwise = [char]
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