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- --
- --[[
- New Dex
- Final Version
- Developed by Moon
- Modified for Infinite Yield
- Dex is a debugging suite designed to help the user debug games and find any potential vulnerabilities.
- This is the final version of this script.
- You are encouraged to edit, fork, do whatever with this. I pretty much won't be updating it anymore.
- Though I would appreciate it if you kept the credits in the script if you enjoy this hard work.
- If you want more info, you can join the server:
- Note that very limited to no support will be provided.
- ]]
- local nodes = {}
- local selection
- local clonerefs = cloneref or function(...) return ... end
- local EmbeddedModules = {
- Explorer = function()
- --[[
- Explorer App Module
- The main explorer interface
- ]]
- -- Common Locals
- local Main,Lib,Apps,Settings -- Main Containers
- local Explorer, Properties, ScriptViewer, Notebook -- Major Apps
- local API,RMD,env,service,plr,create,createSimple -- Main Locals
- local function initDeps(data)
- Main = data.Main
- Lib = data.Lib
- Apps = data.Apps
- Settings = data.Settings
- API = data.API
- RMD = data.RMD
- env = data.env
- service = data.service
- plr = data.plr
- create = data.create
- createSimple = data.createSimple
- end
- local function initAfterMain()
- Explorer = Apps.Explorer
- Properties = Apps.Properties
- ScriptViewer = Apps.ScriptViewer
- Notebook = Apps.Notebook
- end
- local function main()
- local Explorer = {}
- local tree,listEntries,explorerOrders,searchResults,specResults = {},{},{},{},{}
- local expanded
- local entryTemplate,treeFrame,toolBar,descendantAddedCon,descendantRemovingCon,itemChangedCon
- local ffa = game.FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA
- local getDescendants = game.GetDescendants
- local getTextSize = service.TextService.GetTextSize
- local updateDebounce,refreshDebounce = false,false
- local nilNode = {Obj ="Folder")}
- local idCounter = 0
- local scrollV,scrollH,clipboard
- local renameBox,renamingNode,searchFunc
- local sortingEnabled,autoUpdateSearch
- local table,math = table,math
- local nilMap,nilCons = {},{}
- local connectSignal = game.DescendantAdded.Connect
- local addObject,removeObject,moveObject = nil,nil,nil
- addObject = function(root)
- if nodes[root] then return end
- local isNil = false
- local rootParObj = ffa(root,"Instance")
- local par = nodes[rootParObj]
- -- Nil Handling
- if not par then
- if nilMap[root] then
- nilCons[root] = nilCons[root] or {
- connectSignal(root.ChildAdded,addObject),
- connectSignal(root.AncestryChanged,moveObject),
- }
- par = nilNode
- isNil = true
- else
- return
- end
- elseif nilMap[rootParObj] or par == nilNode then
- nilMap[root] = true
- nilCons[root] = nilCons[root] or {
- connectSignal(root.ChildAdded,addObject),
- connectSignal(root.AncestryChanged,moveObject),
- }
- isNil = true
- end
- local newNode = {Obj = root, Parent = par}
- nodes[root] = newNode
- -- Automatic sorting if expanded
- if sortingEnabled and expanded[par] and par.Sorted then
- local left,right = 1,#par
- local floor = math.floor
- local sorter = Explorer.NodeSorter
- local pos = (right == 0 and 1)
- if not pos then
- while true do
- if left >= right then
- if sorter(newNode,par[left]) then
- pos = left
- else
- pos = left+1
- end
- break
- end
- local mid = floor((left+right)/2)
- if sorter(newNode,par[mid]) then
- right = mid-1
- else
- left = mid+1
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(par,pos,newNode)
- else
- par[#par+1] = newNode
- par.Sorted = nil
- end
- local insts = getDescendants(root)
- for i = 1,#insts do
- local obj = insts[i]
- if nodes[obj] then continue end -- Deferred
- local par = nodes[ffa(obj,"Instance")]
- if not par then continue end
- local newNode = {Obj = obj, Parent = par}
- nodes[obj] = newNode
- par[#par+1] = newNode
- -- Nil Handling
- if isNil then
- nilMap[obj] = true
- nilCons[obj] = nilCons[obj] or {
- connectSignal(obj.ChildAdded,addObject),
- connectSignal(obj.AncestryChanged,moveObject),
- }
- end
- end
- if searchFunc and autoUpdateSearch then
- searchFunc({newNode})
- end
- if not updateDebounce and Explorer.IsNodeVisible(par) then
- if expanded[par] then
- Explorer.PerformUpdate()
- elseif not refreshDebounce then
- Explorer.PerformRefresh()
- end
- end
- end
- removeObject = function(root)
- local node = nodes[root]
- if not node then return end
- -- Nil Handling
- if nilMap[node.Obj] then
- moveObject(node.Obj)
- return
- end
- local par = node.Parent
- if par then
- par.HasDel = true
- end
- local function recur(root)
- for i = 1,#root do
- local node = root[i]
- if not node.Del then
- nodes[node.Obj] = nil
- if #node > 0 then recur(node) end
- end
- end
- end
- recur(node)
- node.Del = true
- nodes[root] = nil
- if par and not updateDebounce and Explorer.IsNodeVisible(par) then
- if expanded[par] then
- Explorer.PerformUpdate()
- elseif not refreshDebounce then
- Explorer.PerformRefresh()
- end
- end
- end
- moveObject = function(obj)
- local node = nodes[obj]
- if not node then return end
- local oldPar = node.Parent
- local newPar = nodes[ffa(obj,"Instance")]
- if oldPar == newPar then return end
- -- Nil Handling
- if not newPar then
- if nilMap[obj] then
- newPar = nilNode
- else
- return
- end
- elseif nilMap[newPar.Obj] or newPar == nilNode then
- nilMap[obj] = true
- nilCons[obj] = nilCons[obj] or {
- connectSignal(obj.ChildAdded,addObject),
- connectSignal(obj.AncestryChanged,moveObject),
- }
- end
- if oldPar then
- local parPos = table.find(oldPar,node)
- if parPos then table.remove(oldPar,parPos) end
- end
- node.Id = nil
- node.Parent = newPar
- if sortingEnabled and expanded[newPar] and newPar.Sorted then
- local left,right = 1,#newPar
- local floor = math.floor
- local sorter = Explorer.NodeSorter
- local pos = (right == 0 and 1)
- if not pos then
- while true do
- if left >= right then
- if sorter(node,newPar[left]) then
- pos = left
- else
- pos = left+1
- end
- break
- end
- local mid = floor((left+right)/2)
- if sorter(node,newPar[mid]) then
- right = mid-1
- else
- left = mid+1
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(newPar,pos,node)
- else
- newPar[#newPar+1] = node
- newPar.Sorted = nil
- end
- if searchFunc and searchResults[node] then
- local currentNode = node.Parent
- while currentNode and (not searchResults[currentNode] or expanded[currentNode] == 0) do
- expanded[currentNode] = true
- searchResults[currentNode] = true
- currentNode = currentNode.Parent
- end
- end
- if not updateDebounce and (Explorer.IsNodeVisible(newPar) or Explorer.IsNodeVisible(oldPar)) then
- if expanded[newPar] or expanded[oldPar] then
- Explorer.PerformUpdate()
- elseif not refreshDebounce then
- Explorer.PerformRefresh()
- end
- end
- end
- Explorer.ViewWidth = 0
- Explorer.Index = 0
- Explorer.EntryIndent = 20
- Explorer.FreeWidth = 32
- Explorer.GuiElems = {}
- Explorer.InitRenameBox = function()
- renameBox = create({{1,"TextBox",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),,0.51764708757401,1),BorderMode=2,ClearTextOnFocus=false,Font=3,Name="RenameBox",,0.69803923368454,0.69803923368454),,26,0,2),,200,0,16),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,Visible=false,ZIndex=2}}})
- renameBox.Parent = Explorer.Window.GuiElems.Content.List
- renameBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- if not renamingNode then return end
- pcall(function() renamingNode.Obj.Name = renameBox.Text end)
- renamingNode = nil
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end)
- renameBox.Focused:Connect(function()
- renameBox.SelectionStart = 1
- renameBox.CursorPosition = #renameBox.Text + 1
- end)
- end
- Explorer.SetRenamingNode = function(node)
- renamingNode = node
- renameBox.Text = tostring(node.Obj)
- renameBox:CaptureFocus()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- Explorer.SetSortingEnabled = function(val)
- sortingEnabled = val
- Settings.Explorer.Sorting = val
- end
- Explorer.UpdateView = function()
- local maxNodes = math.ceil(treeFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y / 20)
- local maxX = treeFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local totalWidth = Explorer.ViewWidth + Explorer.FreeWidth
- scrollV.VisibleSpace = maxNodes
- scrollV.TotalSpace = #tree + 1
- scrollH.VisibleSpace = maxX
- scrollH.TotalSpace = totalWidth
- scrollV.Gui.Visible = #tree + 1 > maxNodes
- scrollH.Gui.Visible = totalWidth > maxX
- local oldSize = treeFrame.Size
- treeFrame.Size =,(scrollV.Gui.Visible and -16 or 0),1,(scrollH.Gui.Visible and -39 or -23))
- if oldSize ~= treeFrame.Size then
- Explorer.UpdateView()
- else
- scrollV:Update()
- scrollH:Update()
- renameBox.Size =,maxX-100,0,16)
- if scrollV.Gui.Visible and scrollH.Gui.Visible then
- scrollV.Gui.Size =,16,1,-39)
- scrollH.Gui.Size =,-16,0,16)
- Explorer.Window.GuiElems.Content.ScrollCorner.Visible = true
- else
- scrollV.Gui.Size =,16,1,-23)
- scrollH.Gui.Size =,0,0,16)
- Explorer.Window.GuiElems.Content.ScrollCorner.Visible = false
- end
- Explorer.Index = scrollV.Index
- end
- end
- Explorer.NodeSorter = function(a,b)
- if a.Del or b.Del then return false end -- Ghost node
- local aClass = a.Class
- local bClass = b.Class
- if not aClass then aClass = a.Obj.ClassName a.Class = aClass end
- if not bClass then bClass = b.Obj.ClassName b.Class = bClass end
- local aOrder = explorerOrders[aClass]
- local bOrder = explorerOrders[bClass]
- if not aOrder then aOrder = RMD.Classes[aClass] and tonumber(RMD.Classes[aClass].ExplorerOrder) or 9999 explorerOrders[aClass] = aOrder end
- if not bOrder then bOrder = RMD.Classes[bClass] and tonumber(RMD.Classes[bClass].ExplorerOrder) or 9999 explorerOrders[bClass] = bOrder end
- if aOrder ~= bOrder then
- return aOrder < bOrder
- else
- local aName,bName = tostring(a.Obj),tostring(b.Obj)
- if aName ~= bName then
- return aName < bName
- elseif aClass ~= bClass then
- return aClass < bClass
- else
- local aId = a.Id if not aId then aId = idCounter idCounter = (idCounter+0.001)%999999999 a.Id = aId end
- local bId = b.Id if not bId then bId = idCounter idCounter = (idCounter+0.001)%999999999 b.Id = bId end
- return aId < bId
- end
- end
- end
- Explorer.Update = function()
- table.clear(tree)
- local maxNameWidth,maxDepth,count = 0,1,1
- local nameCache = {}
- local font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- local size =,20)
- local useNameWidth = Settings.Explorer.UseNameWidth
- local tSort = table.sort
- local sortFunc = Explorer.NodeSorter
- local isSearching = (expanded == Explorer.SearchExpanded)
- local textServ = service.TextService
- local function recur(root,depth)
- if depth > maxDepth then maxDepth = depth end
- depth = depth + 1
- if sortingEnabled and not root.Sorted then
- tSort(root,sortFunc)
- root.Sorted = true
- end
- for i = 1,#root do
- local n = root[i]
- if (isSearching and not searchResults[n]) or n.Del then continue end
- if useNameWidth then
- local nameWidth = n.NameWidth
- if not nameWidth then
- local objName = tostring(n.Obj)
- nameWidth = nameCache[objName]
- if not nameWidth then
- nameWidth = getTextSize(textServ,objName,14,font,size).X
- nameCache[objName] = nameWidth
- end
- n.NameWidth = nameWidth
- end
- if nameWidth > maxNameWidth then
- maxNameWidth = nameWidth
- end
- end
- tree[count] = n
- count = count + 1
- if expanded[n] and #n > 0 then
- recur(n,depth)
- end
- end
- end
- recur(nodes[game],1)
- -- Nil Instances
- if env.getnilinstances then
- if not (isSearching and not searchResults[nilNode]) then
- tree[count] = nilNode
- count = count + 1
- if expanded[nilNode] then
- recur(nilNode,2)
- end
- end
- end
- Explorer.MaxNameWidth = maxNameWidth
- Explorer.MaxDepth = maxDepth
- Explorer.ViewWidth = useNameWidth and Explorer.EntryIndent*maxDepth + maxNameWidth + 26 or Explorer.EntryIndent*maxDepth + 226
- Explorer.UpdateView()
- end
- Explorer.StartDrag = function(offX,offY)
- if Explorer.Dragging then return end
- Explorer.Dragging = true
- local dragTree = treeFrame:Clone()
- dragTree:ClearAllChildren()
- for i,v in pairs(listEntries) do
- local node = tree[i + Explorer.Index]
- if node and selection.Map[node] then
- local clone = v:Clone()
- clone.Active = false
- clone.Indent.Expand.Visible = false
- clone.Parent = dragTree
- end
- end
- local newGui ="ScreenGui")
- newGui.DisplayOrder = Main.DisplayOrders.Menu
- dragTree.Parent = newGui
- Lib.ShowGui(newGui)
- local dragOutline = create({
- {1,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="DragSelect",,0,1,0),}},
- {2,"Frame",{,1,1),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={1},,0,0,1),ZIndex=2,}},
- {3,"Frame",{,1,1),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={1},,0,1,-1),,0,0,1),ZIndex=2,}},
- {4,"Frame",{,1,1),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={1},,1,1,0),ZIndex=2,}},
- {5,"Frame",{,1,1),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={1},,-1,0,0),,1,1,0),ZIndex=2,}},
- })
- dragOutline.Parent = treeFrame
- local mouse = Main.Mouse or service.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local function move()
- local posX = mouse.X - offX
- local posY = mouse.Y - offY
- dragTree.Position =,posX,0,posY)
- for i = 1,#listEntries do
- local entry = listEntries[i]
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(entry) then
- dragOutline.Position =,entry.Indent.Position.X.Offset-scrollH.Index,0,entry.Position.Y.Offset)
- dragOutline.Size =,entry.Size.X.Offset-entry.Indent.Position.X.Offset,0,20)
- dragOutline.Visible = true
- return
- end
- end
- dragOutline.Visible = false
- end
- move()
- local input = service.UserInputService
- local mouseEvent,releaseEvent
- mouseEvent = input.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- move()
- end
- end)
- releaseEvent = input.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- newGui:Destroy()
- dragOutline:Destroy()
- Explorer.Dragging = false
- for i = 1,#listEntries do
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(listEntries[i]) then
- local node = tree[i + Explorer.Index]
- if node then
- if selection.Map[node] then return end
- local newPar = node.Obj
- local sList = selection.List
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local n = sList[i]
- pcall(function() n.Obj.Parent = newPar end)
- end
- Explorer.ViewNode(sList[1])
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- Explorer.NewListEntry = function(index)
- local newEntry = entryTemplate:Clone()
- newEntry.Position =,0,0,20*(index-1))
- local isRenaming = false
- newEntry.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- local node = tree[index + Explorer.Index]
- if not node or selection.Map[node] or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then return end
- newEntry.Indent.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Button
- newEntry.Indent.BorderSizePixel = 0
- newEntry.Indent.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- end)
- newEntry.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- local node = tree[index + Explorer.Index]
- if not node or selection.Map[node] or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then return end
- newEntry.Indent.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end)
- newEntry.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- end)
- newEntry.MouseButton1Up:Connect(function()
- end)
- newEntry.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent
- local mouse = Main.Mouse or plr:GetMouse()
- local startX = mouse.X
- local startY = mouse.Y
- local listOffsetX = startX - treeFrame.AbsolutePosition.X
- local listOffsetY = startY - treeFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y
- releaseEvent = clonerefs(game:GetService("UserInputService")).InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- end
- end)
- mouseEvent = clonerefs(game:GetService("UserInputService")).InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local deltaX = mouse.X - startX
- local deltaY = mouse.Y - startY
- local dist = math.sqrt(deltaX^2 + deltaY^2)
- if dist > 5 then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- isRenaming = false
- Explorer.StartDrag(listOffsetX,listOffsetY)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- newEntry.MouseButton2Down:Connect(function()
- end)
- newEntry.Indent.Expand.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- local node = tree[index + Explorer.Index]
- if not node or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then return end
- Explorer.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(newEntry.Indent.Expand.Icon, expanded[node] and "Collapse_Over" or "Expand_Over")
- end)
- newEntry.Indent.Expand.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- local node = tree[index + Explorer.Index]
- if not node or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then return end
- Explorer.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(newEntry.Indent.Expand.Icon, expanded[node] and "Collapse" or "Expand")
- end)
- newEntry.Indent.Expand.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- local node = tree[index + Explorer.Index]
- if not node or #node == 0 then return end
- expanded[node] = not expanded[node]
- Explorer.Update()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end)
- newEntry.Parent = treeFrame
- return newEntry
- end
- Explorer.Refresh = function()
- local maxNodes = math.max(math.ceil((treeFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y) / 20),0)
- local renameNodeVisible = false
- local isa = game.IsA
- for i = 1,maxNodes do
- local entry = listEntries[i]
- if not listEntries[i] then entry = Explorer.NewListEntry(i) listEntries[i] = entry Explorer.ClickSystem:Add(entry) end
- local node = tree[i + Explorer.Index]
- if node then
- local obj = node.Obj
- local depth = Explorer.EntryIndent*Explorer.NodeDepth(node)
- entry.Visible = true
- entry.Position =,-scrollH.Index,0,entry.Position.Y.Offset)
- entry.Size =,Explorer.ViewWidth,0,20)
- entry.Indent.EntryName.Text = tostring(node.Obj)
- entry.Indent.Position =,depth,0,0)
- entry.Indent.Size =,-depth,1,0)
- entry.Indent.EntryName.TextTruncate = (Settings.Explorer.UseNameWidth and Enum.TextTruncate.None or Enum.TextTruncate.AtEnd)
- if (isa(obj,"LocalScript") or isa(obj,"Script")) and obj.Disabled then
- Explorer.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(entry.Indent.Icon, isa(obj,"LocalScript") and "LocalScript_Disabled" or "Script_Disabled")
- else
- local rmdEntry = RMD.Classes[obj.ClassName]
- Explorer.ClassIcons:Display(entry.Indent.Icon, rmdEntry and rmdEntry.ExplorerImageIndex or 0)
- end
- if selection.Map[node] then
- entry.Indent.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.ListSelection
- entry.Indent.BorderSizePixel = 0
- entry.Indent.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- else
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(entry) then
- entry.Indent.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Button
- else
- entry.Indent.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end
- end
- if node == renamingNode then
- renameNodeVisible = true
- renameBox.Position =,depth+25-scrollH.Index,0,entry.Position.Y.Offset+2)
- renameBox.Visible = true
- end
- if #node > 0 and expanded[node] ~= 0 then
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(entry.Indent.Expand) then
- Explorer.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(entry.Indent.Expand.Icon, expanded[node] and "Collapse_Over" or "Expand_Over")
- else
- Explorer.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(entry.Indent.Expand.Icon, expanded[node] and "Collapse" or "Expand")
- end
- entry.Indent.Expand.Visible = true
- else
- entry.Indent.Expand.Visible = false
- end
- else
- entry.Visible = false
- end
- end
- if not renameNodeVisible then
- renameBox.Visible = false
- end
- for i = maxNodes+1, #listEntries do
- Explorer.ClickSystem:Remove(listEntries[i])
- listEntries[i]:Destroy()
- listEntries[i] = nil
- end
- end
- Explorer.PerformUpdate = function(instant)
- updateDebounce = true
- Lib.FastWait(not instant and 0.1)
- if not updateDebounce then return end
- updateDebounce = false
- if not Explorer.Window:IsVisible() then return end
- Explorer.Update()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- Explorer.ForceUpdate = function(norefresh)
- updateDebounce = false
- Explorer.Update()
- if not norefresh then Explorer.Refresh() end
- end
- Explorer.PerformRefresh = function()
- refreshDebounce = true
- Lib.FastWait(0.1)
- refreshDebounce = false
- if updateDebounce or not Explorer.Window:IsVisible() then return end
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- Explorer.IsNodeVisible = function(node)
- if not node then return end
- local curNode = node.Parent
- while curNode do
- if not expanded[curNode] then return false end
- curNode = curNode.Parent
- end
- return true
- end
- Explorer.NodeDepth = function(node)
- local depth = 0
- if node == nilNode then
- return 1
- end
- local curNode = node.Parent
- while curNode do
- if curNode == nilNode then depth = depth + 1 end
- curNode = curNode.Parent
- depth = depth + 1
- end
- return depth
- end
- Explorer.SetupConnections = function()
- if descendantAddedCon then descendantAddedCon:Disconnect() end
- if descendantRemovingCon then descendantRemovingCon:Disconnect() end
- if itemChangedCon then itemChangedCon:Disconnect() end
- if Main.Elevated then
- descendantAddedCon = game.DescendantAdded:Connect(addObject)
- descendantRemovingCon = game.DescendantRemoving:Connect(removeObject)
- else
- descendantAddedCon = game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(obj) pcall(addObject,obj) end)
- descendantRemovingCon = game.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(obj) pcall(removeObject,obj) end)
- end
- if Settings.Explorer.UseNameWidth then
- itemChangedCon = game.ItemChanged:Connect(function(obj,prop)
- if prop == "Parent" and nodes[obj] then
- moveObject(obj)
- elseif prop == "Name" and nodes[obj] then
- nodes[obj].NameWidth = nil
- end
- end)
- else
- itemChangedCon = game.ItemChanged:Connect(function(obj,prop)
- if prop == "Parent" and nodes[obj] then
- moveObject(obj)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- Explorer.ViewNode = function(node)
- if not node then return end
- Explorer.MakeNodeVisible(node)
- Explorer.ForceUpdate(true)
- local visibleSpace = scrollV.VisibleSpace
- for i,v in next,tree do
- if v == node then
- local relative = i - 1
- if Explorer.Index > relative then
- scrollV.Index = relative
- elseif Explorer.Index + visibleSpace - 1 <= relative then
- scrollV.Index = relative - visibleSpace + 2
- end
- end
- end
- scrollV:Update() Explorer.Index = scrollV.Index
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- Explorer.ViewObj = function(obj)
- Explorer.ViewNode(nodes[obj])
- end
- Explorer.MakeNodeVisible = function(node,expandRoot)
- if not node then return end
- local hasExpanded = false
- if expandRoot and not expanded[node] then
- expanded[node] = true
- hasExpanded = true
- end
- local currentNode = node.Parent
- while currentNode do
- hasExpanded = true
- expanded[currentNode] = true
- currentNode = currentNode.Parent
- end
- if hasExpanded and not updateDebounce then
- coroutine.wrap(Explorer.PerformUpdate)(true)
- end
- end
- Explorer.ShowRightClick = function()
- local context = Explorer.RightClickContext
- context:Clear()
- local sList = selection.List
- local sMap = selection.Map
- local emptyClipboard = #clipboard == 0
- local presentClasses = {}
- local apiClasses = API.Classes
- for i = 1, #sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- local class = node.Class
- if not class then class = node.Obj.ClassName node.Class = class end
- local curClass = apiClasses[class]
- while curClass and not presentClasses[curClass.Name] do
- presentClasses[curClass.Name] = true
- curClass = curClass.Superclass
- end
- end
- context:AddRegistered("CUT")
- context:AddRegistered("COPY")
- context:AddRegistered("PASTE", emptyClipboard)
- context:AddRegistered("DUPLICATE")
- context:AddRegistered("DELETE")
- context:AddRegistered("RENAME", #sList ~= 1)
- context:AddDivider()
- context:AddRegistered("GROUP")
- context:AddRegistered("UNGROUP")
- context:AddRegistered("SELECT_CHILDREN")
- context:AddRegistered("JUMP_TO_PARENT")
- context:AddRegistered("EXPAND_ALL")
- context:AddRegistered("COLLAPSE_ALL")
- context:AddDivider()
- if expanded == Explorer.SearchExpanded then context:AddRegistered("CLEAR_SEARCH_AND_JUMP_TO") end
- if env.setclipboard then context:AddRegistered("COPY_PATH") end
- context:AddRegistered("INSERT_OBJECT")
- context:AddRegistered("SAVE_INST")
- context:AddRegistered("CALL_FUNCTION")
- context:AddRegistered("VIEW_CONNECTIONS")
- context:AddRegistered("GET_REFERENCES")
- context:AddRegistered("VIEW_API")
- context:QueueDivider()
- if presentClasses["BasePart"] or presentClasses["Model"] then
- context:AddRegistered("TELEPORT_TO")
- context:AddRegistered("VIEW_OBJECT")
- end
- if presentClasses["TouchTransmitter"] then context:AddRegistered("FIRE_TOUCHTRANSMITTER", firetouchinterest == nil) end
- if presentClasses["ClickDetector"] then context:AddRegistered("FIRE_CLICKDETECTOR", fireclickdetector == nil) end
- if presentClasses["ProximityPrompt"] then context:AddRegistered("FIRE_PROXIMITYPROMPT", fireproximityprompt == nil) end
- if presentClasses["Player"] then context:AddRegistered("SELECT_CHARACTER") end
- if presentClasses["Players"] then context:AddRegistered("SELECT_LOCAL_PLAYER") end
- if presentClasses["LuaSourceContainer"] then context:AddRegistered("VIEW_SCRIPT") end
- if sMap[nilNode] then
- context:AddRegistered("REFRESH_NIL")
- context:AddRegistered("HIDE_NIL")
- end
- Explorer.LastRightClickX, Explorer.LastRightClickY = Main.Mouse.X, Main.Mouse.Y
- context:Show()
- end
- Explorer.InitRightClick = function()
- local context =
- context:Register("CUT",{Name = "Cut", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Cut", DisabledIcon = "Cut_Disabled", Shortcut = "Ctrl+Z", OnClick = function()
- local destroy,clone = game.Destroy,game.Clone
- local sList,newClipboard = selection.List,{}
- local count = 1
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local inst = sList[i].Obj
- local s,cloned = pcall(clone,inst)
- if s and cloned then
- newClipboard[count] = cloned
- count = count + 1
- end
- pcall(destroy,inst)
- end
- clipboard = newClipboard
- selection:Clear()
- end})
- context:Register("COPY",{Name = "Copy", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Copy", DisabledIcon = "Copy_Disabled", Shortcut = "Ctrl+C", OnClick = function()
- local clone = game.Clone
- local sList,newClipboard = selection.List,{}
- local count = 1
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local inst = sList[i].Obj
- local s,cloned = pcall(clone,inst)
- if s and cloned then
- newClipboard[count] = cloned
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- clipboard = newClipboard
- end})
- context:Register("PASTE",{Name = "Paste Into", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Paste", DisabledIcon = "Paste_Disabled", Shortcut = "Ctrl+Shift+V", OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- local newSelection = {}
- local count = 1
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- local inst = node.Obj
- Explorer.MakeNodeVisible(node,true)
- for c = 1,#clipboard do
- local cloned = clipboard[c]:Clone()
- if cloned then
- cloned.Parent = inst
- local clonedNode = nodes[cloned]
- if clonedNode then newSelection[count] = clonedNode count = count + 1 end
- end
- end
- end
- selection:SetTable(newSelection)
- if #newSelection > 0 then
- Explorer.ViewNode(newSelection[1])
- end
- end})
- context:Register("DUPLICATE",{Name = "Duplicate", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Copy", DisabledIcon = "Copy_Disabled", Shortcut = "Ctrl+D", OnClick = function()
- local clone = game.Clone
- local sList = selection.List
- local newSelection = {}
- local count = 1
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- local inst = node.Obj
- local instPar = node.Parent and node.Parent.Obj
- Explorer.MakeNodeVisible(node)
- local s,cloned = pcall(clone,inst)
- if s and cloned then
- cloned.Parent = instPar
- local clonedNode = nodes[cloned]
- if clonedNode then newSelection[count] = clonedNode count = count + 1 end
- end
- end
- selection:SetTable(newSelection)
- if #newSelection > 0 then
- Explorer.ViewNode(newSelection[1])
- end
- end})
- context:Register("DELETE",{Name = "Delete", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Delete", DisabledIcon = "Delete_Disabled", Shortcut = "Del", OnClick = function()
- local destroy = game.Destroy
- local sList = selection.List
- for i = 1,#sList do
- pcall(destroy,sList[i].Obj)
- end
- selection:Clear()
- end})
- context:Register("RENAME",{Name = "Rename", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Rename", DisabledIcon = "Rename_Disabled", Shortcut = "F2", OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- if sList[1] then
- Explorer.SetRenamingNode(sList[1])
- end
- end})
- context:Register("GROUP",{Name = "Group", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Group", DisabledIcon = "Group_Disabled", Shortcut = "Ctrl+G", OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- if #sList == 0 then return end
- local model ="Model",sList[#sList].Obj.Parent)
- for i = 1,#sList do
- pcall(function() sList[i].Obj.Parent = model end)
- end
- if nodes[model] then
- selection:Set(nodes[model])
- Explorer.ViewNode(nodes[model])
- end
- end})
- context:Register("UNGROUP",{Name = "Ungroup", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Ungroup", DisabledIcon = "Ungroup_Disabled", Shortcut = "Ctrl+U", OnClick = function()
- local newSelection = {}
- local count = 1
- local isa = game.IsA
- local function ungroup(node)
- local par = node.Parent.Obj
- local ch = {}
- local chCount = 1
- for i = 1,#node do
- local n = node[i]
- newSelection[count] = n
- ch[chCount] = n
- count = count + 1
- chCount = chCount + 1
- end
- for i = 1,#ch do
- pcall(function() ch[i].Obj.Parent = par end)
- end
- node.Obj:Destroy()
- end
- for i,v in next,selection.List do
- if isa(v.Obj,"Model") then
- ungroup(v)
- end
- end
- selection:SetTable(newSelection)
- if #newSelection > 0 then
- Explorer.ViewNode(newSelection[1])
- end
- end})
- context:Register("SELECT_CHILDREN",{Name = "Select Children", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "SelectChildren", DisabledIcon = "SelectChildren_Disabled", OnClick = function()
- local newSelection = {}
- local count = 1
- local sList = selection.List
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- for ind = 1,#node do
- local cNode = node[ind]
- if ind == 1 then Explorer.MakeNodeVisible(cNode) end
- newSelection[count] = cNode
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- selection:SetTable(newSelection)
- if #newSelection > 0 then
- Explorer.ViewNode(newSelection[1])
- else
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- end})
- context:Register("JUMP_TO_PARENT",{Name = "Jump to Parent", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "JumpToParent", OnClick = function()
- local newSelection = {}
- local count = 1
- local sList = selection.List
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- if node.Parent then
- newSelection[count] = node.Parent
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- selection:SetTable(newSelection)
- if #newSelection > 0 then
- Explorer.ViewNode(newSelection[1])
- else
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- end})
- context:Register("TELEPORT_TO",{Name = "Teleport To", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "TeleportTo", OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- local isa = game.IsA
- local hrp = plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if not hrp then return end
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- if isa(node.Obj,"BasePart") then
- hrp.CFrame = node.Obj.CFrame + Settings.Explorer.TeleportToOffset
- break
- elseif isa(node.Obj,"Model") then
- if node.Obj.PrimaryPart then
- hrp.CFrame = node.Obj.PrimaryPart.CFrame + Settings.Explorer.TeleportToOffset
- break
- else
- local part = node.Obj:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart",true)
- if part and nodes[part] then
- hrp.CFrame = nodes[part].Obj.CFrame + Settings.Explorer.TeleportToOffset
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end})
- context:Register("EXPAND_ALL",{Name = "Expand All", OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- local function expand(node)
- expanded[node] = true
- for i = 1,#node do
- if #node[i] > 0 then
- expand(node[i])
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1,#sList do
- expand(sList[i])
- end
- Explorer.ForceUpdate()
- end})
- context:Register("COLLAPSE_ALL",{Name = "Collapse All", OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- local function expand(node)
- expanded[node] = nil
- for i = 1,#node do
- if #node[i] > 0 then
- expand(node[i])
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1,#sList do
- expand(sList[i])
- end
- Explorer.ForceUpdate()
- end})
- context:Register("CLEAR_SEARCH_AND_JUMP_TO",{Name = "Clear Search and Jump to", OnClick = function()
- local newSelection = {}
- local count = 1
- local sList = selection.List
- for i = 1,#sList do
- newSelection[count] = sList[i]
- count = count + 1
- end
- selection:SetTable(newSelection)
- Explorer.ClearSearch()
- if #newSelection > 0 then
- Explorer.ViewNode(newSelection[1])
- end
- end})
- local clth = function(str)
- if str:sub(1, 28) == "game:GetService(\"Workspace\")" then str = str:gsub("game:GetService%(\"Workspace\"%)", "workspace", 1) end
- if str:sub(1, 27 + #plr.Name) == "game:GetService(\"Players\")." .. plr.Name then str = str:gsub("game:GetService%(\"Players\"%)." .. plr.Name, "game:GetService(\"Players\").LocalPlayer", 1) end
- return str
- end
- context:Register("COPY_PATH",{Name = "Copy Path", OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- if #sList == 1 then
- env.setclipboard(clth(Explorer.GetInstancePath(sList[1].Obj)))
- elseif #sList > 1 then
- local resList = {"{"}
- local count = 2
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local path = "\t"..clth(Explorer.GetInstancePath(sList[i].Obj))..","
- if #path > 0 then
- resList[count] = path
- count = count+1
- end
- end
- resList[count] = "}"
- env.setclipboard(table.concat(resList,"\n"))
- end
- end})
- context:Register("INSERT_OBJECT",{Name = "Insert Object", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "InsertObject", OnClick = function()
- local mouse = Main.Mouse
- local x,y = Explorer.LastRightClickX or mouse.X, Explorer.LastRightClickY or mouse.Y
- Explorer.InsertObjectContext:Show(x,y)
- end})
- context:Register("CALL_FUNCTION",{Name = "Call Function", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 66, OnClick = function()
- end})
- context:Register("GET_REFERENCES",{Name = "Get Lua References", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 34, OnClick = function()
- end})
- context:Register("SAVE_INST",{Name = "Save to File", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Save", OnClick = function()
- end})
- context:Register("VIEW_CONNECTIONS",{Name = "View Connections", OnClick = function()
- end})
- context:Register("VIEW_API",{Name = "View API Page", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "Reference", OnClick = function()
- end})
- context:Register("VIEW_OBJECT",{Name = "View Object (Right click to reset)", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 5, OnClick = function()
- local sList = selection.List
- local isa = game.IsA
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- if isa(node.Obj,"BasePart") or isa(node.Obj,"Model") then
- workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = node.Obj
- break
- end
- end
- end, OnRightClick = function()
- workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = plr.Character
- end})
- context:Register("FIRE_TOUCHTRANSMITTER",{Name = "Fire TouchTransmitter", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 37, OnClick = function()
- local hrp = plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if not hrp then return end
- for _, v in ipairs(selection.List) do if v.Obj and v.Obj:IsA("TouchTransmitter") then firetouchinterest(hrp, v.Obj.Parent, 0) end end
- end})
- context:Register("FIRE_CLICKDETECTOR",{Name = "Fire ClickDetector", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 41, OnClick = function()
- local hrp = plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if not hrp then return end
- for _, v in ipairs(selection.List) do if v.Obj and v.Obj:IsA("ClickDetector") then fireclickdetector(v.Obj) end end
- end})
- context:Register("FIRE_PROXIMITYPROMPT",{Name = "Fire ProximityPrompt", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 124, OnClick = function()
- local hrp = plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if not hrp then return end
- for _, v in ipairs(selection.List) do if v.Obj and v.Obj:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then fireproximityprompt(v.Obj) end end
- end})
- context:Register("VIEW_SCRIPT",{Name = "View Script", IconMap = Explorer.MiscIcons, Icon = "ViewScript", OnClick = function()
- local scr = selection.List[1] and selection.List[1].Obj
- if scr then ScriptViewer.ViewScript(scr) end
- end})
- context:Register("SELECT_CHARACTER",{Name = "Select Character", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 9, OnClick = function()
- local newSelection = {}
- local count = 1
- local sList = selection.List
- local isa = game.IsA
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- if isa(node.Obj,"Player") and nodes[node.Obj.Character] then
- newSelection[count] = nodes[node.Obj.Character]
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- selection:SetTable(newSelection)
- if #newSelection > 0 then
- Explorer.ViewNode(newSelection[1])
- else
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- end})
- context:Register("SELECT_LOCAL_PLAYER",{Name = "Select Local Player", IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = 9, OnClick = function()
- pcall(function() if nodes[plr] then selection:Set(nodes[plr]) Explorer.ViewNode(nodes[plr]) end end)
- end})
- context:Register("REFRESH_NIL",{Name = "Refresh Nil Instances", OnClick = function()
- Explorer.RefreshNilInstances()
- end})
- context:Register("HIDE_NIL",{Name = "Hide Nil Instances", OnClick = function()
- Explorer.HideNilInstances()
- end})
- Explorer.RightClickContext = context
- end
- Explorer.HideNilInstances = function()
- table.clear(nilMap)
- local disconnectCon ="Folder").ChildAdded:Connect(function() end).Disconnect
- for i,v in next,nilCons do
- disconnectCon(v[1])
- disconnectCon(v[2])
- end
- table.clear(nilCons)
- for i = 1,#nilNode do
- coroutine.wrap(removeObject)(nilNode[i].Obj)
- end
- Explorer.Update()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- Explorer.RefreshNilInstances = function()
- if not env.getnilinstances then return end
- local nilInsts = env.getnilinstances()
- local game = game
- local getDescs = game.GetDescendants
- --local newNilMap = {}
- --local newNilRoots = {}
- --local nilRoots = Explorer.NilRoots
- --local connect = game.DescendantAdded.Connect
- --local disconnect
- --if not nilRoots then nilRoots = {} Explorer.NilRoots = nilRoots end
- for i = 1,#nilInsts do
- local obj = nilInsts[i]
- if obj ~= game then
- nilMap[obj] = true
- --newNilRoots[obj] = true
- local descs = getDescs(obj)
- for j = 1,#descs do
- nilMap[descs[j]] = true
- end
- end
- end
- -- Remove unmapped nil nodes
- --[[for i = 1,#nilNode do
- local node = nilNode[i]
- if not newNilMap[node.Obj] then
- nilMap[node.Obj] = nil
- coroutine.wrap(removeObject)(node)
- end
- end]]
- --nilMap = newNilMap
- for i = 1,#nilInsts do
- local obj = nilInsts[i]
- local node = nodes[obj]
- if not node then coroutine.wrap(addObject)(obj) end
- end
- --[[
- -- Remove old root connections
- for obj in next,nilRoots do
- if not newNilRoots[obj] then
- if not disconnect then disconnect = obj[1].Disconnect end
- disconnect(obj[1])
- disconnect(obj[2])
- end
- end
- for obj in next,newNilRoots do
- if not nilRoots[obj] then
- nilRoots[obj] = {
- connect(obj.DescendantAdded,addObject),
- connect(obj.DescendantRemoving,removeObject)
- }
- end
- end]]
- --nilMap = newNilMap
- --Explorer.NilRoots = newNilRoots
- Explorer.Update()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- Explorer.GetInstancePath = function(obj)
- local ffc = game.FindFirstChild
- local getCh = game.GetChildren
- local path = ""
- local curObj = obj
- local ts = tostring
- local match = string.match
- local gsub = string.gsub
- local tableFind = table.find
- local useGetCh = Settings.Explorer.CopyPathUseGetChildren
- local formatLuaString = Lib.FormatLuaString
- while curObj do
- if curObj == game then
- path = "game"..path
- break
- end
- local className = curObj.ClassName
- local curName = ts(curObj)
- local indexName
- if match(curName,"^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
- indexName = "."..curName
- else
- local cleanName = formatLuaString(curName)
- indexName = '["'..cleanName..'"]'
- end
- local parObj = curObj.Parent
- if parObj then
- local fc = ffc(parObj,curName)
- if useGetCh and fc and fc ~= curObj then
- local parCh = getCh(parObj)
- local fcInd = tableFind(parCh,curObj)
- indexName = ":GetChildren()["..fcInd.."]"
- elseif parObj == game and API.Classes[className] and API.Classes[className].Tags.Service then
- indexName = ':GetService("'..className..'")'
- end
- elseif parObj == nil then
- local getnil = "local getNil = function(name, class) for _, v in next, getnilinstances() do if v.ClassName == class and v.Name == name then return v end end end"
- local gotnil = "\n\ngetNil(\"%s\", \"%s\")"
- indexName = getnil .. gotnil:format(curObj.Name, className)
- end
- path = indexName..path
- curObj = parObj
- end
- return path
- end
- Explorer.InitInsertObject = function()
- local context =
- context.SearchEnabled = true
- context.MaxHeight = 400
- context:ApplyTheme({
- ContentColor = Settings.Theme.Main2,
- OutlineColor = Settings.Theme.Outline1,
- DividerColor = Settings.Theme.Outline1,
- TextColor = Settings.Theme.Text,
- HighlightColor = Settings.Theme.ButtonHover
- })
- local classes = {}
- for i,class in next,API.Classes do
- local tags = class.Tags
- if not tags.NotCreatable and not tags.Service then
- local rmdEntry = RMD.Classes[class.Name]
- classes[#classes+1] = {class,rmdEntry and rmdEntry.ClassCategory or "Uncategorized"}
- end
- end
- table.sort(classes,function(a,b)
- if a[2] ~= b[2] then
- return a[2] < b[2]
- else
- return a[1].Name < b[1].Name
- end
- end)
- local function onClick(className)
- local sList = selection.List
- local instNew =
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- local obj = node.Obj
- Explorer.MakeNodeVisible(node,true)
- pcall(instNew,className,obj)
- end
- end
- local lastCategory = ""
- for i = 1,#classes do
- local class = classes[i][1]
- local rmdEntry = RMD.Classes[class.Name]
- local iconInd = rmdEntry and tonumber(rmdEntry.ExplorerImageIndex) or 0
- local category = classes[i][2]
- if lastCategory ~= category then
- context:AddDivider(category)
- lastCategory = category
- end
- context:Add({Name = class.Name, IconMap = Explorer.ClassIcons, Icon = iconInd, OnClick = onClick})
- end
- Explorer.InsertObjectContext = context
- end
- --[[
- Headers, Setups, Predicate, ObjectDefs
- ]]
- Explorer.SearchFilters = { -- TODO: Use data table (so we can disable some if funcs don't exist)
- Comparison = {
- ["isa"] = function(argString)
- local lower = string.lower
- local find = string.find
- local classQuery = string.split(argString)[1]
- if not classQuery then return end
- classQuery = lower(classQuery)
- local className
- for class,_ in pairs(API.Classes) do
- local cName = lower(class)
- if cName == classQuery then
- className = class
- break
- elseif find(cName,classQuery,1,true) then
- className = class
- end
- end
- if not className then return end
- return {
- Headers = {"local isa = game.IsA"},
- Predicate = "isa(obj,'"..className.."')"
- }
- end,
- ["remotes"] = function(argString)
- return {
- Headers = {"local isa = game.IsA"},
- Predicate = "isa(obj,'RemoteEvent') or isa(obj,'RemoteFunction')"
- }
- end,
- ["bindables"] = function(argString)
- return {
- Headers = {"local isa = game.IsA"},
- Predicate = "isa(obj,'BindableEvent') or isa(obj,'BindableFunction')"
- }
- end,
- ["rad"] = function(argString)
- local num = tonumber(argString)
- if not num then return end
- if not service.Players.LocalPlayer.Character or not service.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") or not service.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart:IsA("BasePart") then return end
- return {
- Headers = {"local isa = game.IsA", "local hrp = service.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart"},
- Setups = {"local hrpPos = hrp.Position"},
- ObjectDefs = {"local isBasePart = isa(obj,'BasePart')"},
- Predicate = "(isBasePart and (obj.Position-hrpPos).Magnitude <= "..num..")"
- }
- end,
- },
- Specific = {
- ["players"] = function()
- return function() return service.Players:GetPlayers() end
- end,
- ["loadedmodules"] = function()
- return env.getloadedmodules
- end,
- },
- Default = function(argString,caseSensitive)
- local cleanString = argString:gsub("\"","\\\""):gsub("\n","\\n")
- if caseSensitive then
- return {
- Headers = {"local find = string.find"},
- ObjectDefs = {"local objName = tostring(obj)"},
- Predicate = "find(objName,\"" .. cleanString .. "\",1,true)"
- }
- else
- return {
- Headers = {"local lower = string.lower","local find = string.find","local tostring = tostring"},
- ObjectDefs = {"local lowerName = lower(tostring(obj))"},
- Predicate = "find(lowerName,\"" .. cleanString:lower() .. "\",1,true)"
- }
- end
- end,
- SpecificDefault = function(n)
- return {
- Headers = {},
- ObjectDefs = {"local isSpec"..n.." = specResults["..n.."][node]"},
- Predicate = "isSpec"..n
- }
- end,
- }
- Explorer.BuildSearchFunc = function(query)
- local specFilterList,specMap = {},{}
- local finalPredicate = ""
- local rep = string.rep
- local formatQuery = query:gsub("\\."," "):gsub('".-"',function(str) return rep(" ",#str) end)
- local headers = {}
- local objectDefs = {}
- local setups = {}
- local find = string.find
- local sub = string.sub
- local lower = string.lower
- local match = string.match
- local ops = {
- ["("] = "(",
- [")"] = ")",
- ["||"] = " or ",
- ["&&"] = " and "
- }
- local filterCount = 0
- local compFilters = Explorer.SearchFilters.Comparison
- local specFilters = Explorer.SearchFilters.Specific
- local init = 1
- local lastOp = nil
- local function processFilter(dat)
- if dat.Headers then
- local t = dat.Headers
- for i = 1,#t do
- headers[t[i]] = true
- end
- end
- if dat.ObjectDefs then
- local t = dat.ObjectDefs
- for i = 1,#t do
- objectDefs[t[i]] = true
- end
- end
- if dat.Setups then
- local t = dat.Setups
- for i = 1,#t do
- setups[t[i]] = true
- end
- end
- finalPredicate = finalPredicate..dat.Predicate
- end
- local found = {}
- local foundData = {}
- local find = string.find
- local sub = string.sub
- local function findAll(str,pattern)
- local count = #found+1
- local init = 1
- local sz = #pattern
- local x,y,extra = find(str,pattern,init,true)
- while x do
- found[count] = x
- foundData[x] = {sz,pattern}
- count = count+1
- init = y+1
- x,y,extra = find(str,pattern,init,true)
- end
- end
- local start = tick()
- findAll(formatQuery,'&&')
- findAll(formatQuery,"||")
- findAll(formatQuery,"(")
- findAll(formatQuery,")")
- table.sort(found)
- table.insert(found,#formatQuery+1)
- local function inQuotes(str)
- local len = #str
- if sub(str,1,1) == '"' and sub(str,len,len) == '"' then
- return sub(str,2,len-1)
- end
- end
- for i = 1,#found do
- local nextInd = found[i]
- local nextData = foundData[nextInd] or {1}
- local op = ops[nextData[2]]
- local term = sub(query,init,nextInd-1)
- term = match(term,"^%s*(.-)%s*$") or "" -- Trim
- if #term > 0 then
- if sub(term,1,1) == "!" then
- term = sub(term,2)
- finalPredicate = finalPredicate.."not "
- end
- local qTerm = inQuotes(term)
- if qTerm then
- processFilter(Explorer.SearchFilters.Default(qTerm,true))
- else
- local x,y = find(term,"%S+")
- if x then
- local first = sub(term,x,y)
- local specifier = sub(first,1,1) == "/" and lower(sub(first,2))
- local compFunc = specifier and compFilters[specifier]
- local specFunc = specifier and specFilters[specifier]
- if compFunc then
- local argStr = sub(term,y+2)
- local ret = compFunc(inQuotes(argStr) or argStr)
- if ret then
- processFilter(ret)
- else
- finalPredicate = finalPredicate.."false"
- end
- elseif specFunc then
- local argStr = sub(term,y+2)
- local ret = specFunc(inQuotes(argStr) or argStr)
- if ret then
- if not specMap[term] then
- specFilterList[#specFilterList + 1] = ret
- specMap[term] = #specFilterList
- end
- processFilter(Explorer.SearchFilters.SpecificDefault(specMap[term]))
- else
- finalPredicate = finalPredicate.."false"
- end
- else
- processFilter(Explorer.SearchFilters.Default(term))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if op then
- finalPredicate = finalPredicate..op
- if op == "(" and (#term > 0 or lastOp == ")") then -- Handle bracket glitch
- return
- else
- lastOp = op
- end
- end
- init = nextInd+nextData[1]
- end
- local finalSetups = ""
- local finalHeaders = ""
- local finalObjectDefs = ""
- for setup,_ in next,setups do finalSetups = finalSetups..setup.."\n" end
- for header,_ in next,headers do finalHeaders = finalHeaders..header.."\n" end
- for oDef,_ in next,objectDefs do finalObjectDefs = finalObjectDefs..oDef.."\n" end
- local template = [==[
- local searchResults = searchResults
- local nodes = nodes
- local expandTable = Explorer.SearchExpanded
- local specResults = specResults
- local service = service
- %s
- local function search(root)
- %s
- local expandedpar = false
- for i = 1,#root do
- local node = root[i]
- local obj = node.Obj
- %s
- if %s then
- expandTable[node] = 0
- searchResults[node] = true
- if not expandedpar then
- local parnode = node.Parent
- while parnode and (not searchResults[parnode] or expandTable[parnode] == 0) do
- expandTable[parnode] = true
- searchResults[parnode] = true
- parnode = parnode.Parent
- end
- expandedpar = true
- end
- end
- if #node > 0 then search(node) end
- end
- end
- return search]==]
- local funcStr = template:format(finalHeaders,finalSetups,finalObjectDefs,finalPredicate)
- local s,func = pcall(loadstring,funcStr)
- if not s or not func then return nil,specFilterList end
- local env = setmetatable({["searchResults"] = searchResults, ["nodes"] = nodes, ["Explorer"] = Explorer, ["specResults"] = specResults,
- ["service"] = service},{__index = getfenv()})
- setfenv(func,env)
- return func(),specFilterList
- end
- Explorer.DoSearch = function(query)
- table.clear(Explorer.SearchExpanded)
- table.clear(searchResults)
- expanded = (#query == 0 and Explorer.Expanded or Explorer.SearchExpanded)
- searchFunc = nil
- if #query > 0 then
- local expandTable = Explorer.SearchExpanded
- local specFilters
- local lower = string.lower
- local find = string.find
- local tostring = tostring
- local lowerQuery = lower(query)
- local function defaultSearch(root)
- local expandedpar = false
- for i = 1,#root do
- local node = root[i]
- local obj = node.Obj
- if find(lower(tostring(obj)),lowerQuery,1,true) then
- expandTable[node] = 0
- searchResults[node] = true
- if not expandedpar then
- local parnode = node.Parent
- while parnode and (not searchResults[parnode] or expandTable[parnode] == 0) do
- expanded[parnode] = true
- searchResults[parnode] = true
- parnode = parnode.Parent
- end
- expandedpar = true
- end
- end
- if #node > 0 then defaultSearch(node) end
- end
- end
- if Main.Elevated then
- local start = tick()
- searchFunc,specFilters = Explorer.BuildSearchFunc(query)
- --print("BUILD SEARCH",tick()-start)
- else
- searchFunc = defaultSearch
- end
- if specFilters then
- table.clear(specResults)
- for i = 1,#specFilters do -- Specific search filers that returns list of matches
- local resMap = {}
- specResults[i] = resMap
- local objs = specFilters[i]()
- for c = 1,#objs do
- local node = nodes[objs[c]]
- if node then
- resMap[node] = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if searchFunc then
- local start = tick()
- searchFunc(nodes[game])
- searchFunc(nilNode)
- --warn(tick()-start)
- end
- end
- Explorer.ForceUpdate()
- end
- Explorer.ClearSearch = function()
- Explorer.GuiElems.SearchBar.Text = ""
- expanded = Explorer.Expanded
- searchFunc = nil
- end
- Explorer.InitSearch = function()
- local searchBox = Explorer.GuiElems.ToolBar.SearchFrame.SearchBox
- Explorer.GuiElems.SearchBar = searchBox
- Lib.ViewportTextBox.convert(searchBox)
- searchBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- Explorer.DoSearch(searchBox.Text)
- end)
- end
- Explorer.InitEntryTemplate = function()
- entryTemplate = create({
- {1,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0,0),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,0),Font=3,Name="Entry",,1,0,1),,250,0,20),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.35294118523598,0.68627452850342),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.49019610881805,0.73725491762161),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Indent",Parent={1},,20,0,0),,-20,1,0),}},
- {3,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="EntryName",Parent={2},,26,0,0),,-26,1,0),Text="Workspace",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {4,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,ClipsDescendants=true,Font=3,Name="Expand",Parent={2},,-20,0,0),,20,0,20),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {5,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5642383285",,16),,16),Name="Icon",Parent={4},,2,0,2),ScaleType=4,,16,0,16),}},
- {6,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxasset://textures/ClassImages.png",,0),,16),Name="Icon",Parent={2},,4,0,2),ScaleType=4,,16,0,16),}},
- })
- local sys =
- sys.AllowedButtons = {1,2}
- sys.OnDown:Connect(function(item,combo,button)
- local ind = table.find(listEntries,item)
- if not ind then return end
- local node = tree[ind + Explorer.Index]
- if not node then return end
- local entry = listEntries[ind]
- if button == 1 then
- if combo == 2 then
- if node.Obj:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") then
- ScriptViewer.ViewScript(node.Obj)
- elseif #node > 0 and expanded[node] ~= 0 then
- expanded[node] = not expanded[node]
- Explorer.Update()
- end
- end
- if Properties.SelectObject(node.Obj) then
- sys.IsRenaming = false
- return
- end
- sys.IsRenaming = selection.Map[node]
- if Lib.IsShiftDown() then
- if not selection.Piviot then return end
- local fromIndex = table.find(tree,selection.Piviot)
- local toIndex = table.find(tree,node)
- if not fromIndex or not toIndex then return end
- fromIndex,toIndex = math.min(fromIndex,toIndex),math.max(fromIndex,toIndex)
- local sList = selection.List
- for i = #sList,1,-1 do
- local elem = sList[i]
- if selection.ShiftSet[elem] then
- selection.Map[elem] = nil
- table.remove(sList,i)
- end
- end
- selection.ShiftSet = {}
- for i = fromIndex,toIndex do
- local elem = tree[i]
- if not selection.Map[elem] then
- selection.ShiftSet[elem] = true
- selection.Map[elem] = true
- sList[#sList+1] = elem
- end
- end
- selection.Changed:Fire()
- elseif Lib.IsCtrlDown() then
- selection.ShiftSet = {}
- if selection.Map[node] then selection:Remove(node) else selection:Add(node) end
- selection.Piviot = node
- sys.IsRenaming = false
- elseif not selection.Map[node] then
- selection.ShiftSet = {}
- selection:Set(node)
- selection.Piviot = node
- end
- elseif button == 2 then
- if Properties.SelectObject(node.Obj) then
- return
- end
- if not Lib.IsCtrlDown() and not selection.Map[node] then
- selection.ShiftSet = {}
- selection:Set(node)
- selection.Piviot = node
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- end
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end)
- sys.OnRelease:Connect(function(item,combo,button)
- local ind = table.find(listEntries,item)
- if not ind then return end
- local node = tree[ind + Explorer.Index]
- if not node then return end
- if button == 1 then
- if selection.Map[node] and not Lib.IsShiftDown() and not Lib.IsCtrlDown() then
- selection.ShiftSet = {}
- selection:Set(node)
- selection.Piviot = node
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- local id = sys.ClickId
- Lib.FastWait(sys.ComboTime)
- if combo == 1 and id == sys.ClickId and sys.IsRenaming and selection.Map[node] then
- Explorer.SetRenamingNode(node)
- end
- elseif button == 2 then
- Explorer.ShowRightClick()
- end
- end)
- Explorer.ClickSystem = sys
- end
- Explorer.InitDelCleaner = function()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local fw = Lib.FastWait
- while true do
- local processed = false
- local c = 0
- for _,node in next,nodes do
- if node.HasDel then
- local delInd
- for i = 1,#node do
- if node[i].Del then
- delInd = i
- break
- end
- end
- if delInd then
- for i = delInd+1,#node do
- local cn = node[i]
- if not cn.Del then
- node[delInd] = cn
- delInd = delInd+1
- end
- end
- for i = delInd,#node do
- node[i] = nil
- end
- end
- node.HasDel = false
- processed = true
- fw()
- end
- c = c + 1
- if c > 10000 then
- c = 0
- fw()
- end
- end
- if processed and not refreshDebounce then Explorer.PerformRefresh() end
- fw(0.5)
- end
- end)()
- end
- Explorer.UpdateSelectionVisuals = function()
- local holder = Explorer.SelectionVisualsHolder
- local isa = game.IsA
- local clone = game.Clone
- if not holder then
- holder ="ScreenGui")
- holder.Name = "ExplorerSelections"
- holder.DisplayOrder = Main.DisplayOrders.Core
- Lib.ShowGui(holder)
- Explorer.SelectionVisualsHolder = holder
- Explorer.SelectionVisualCons = {}
- local guiTemplate = create({
- {1,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,,100,0,100),}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.35294118523598,0.68627452850342),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={1},,-1,0,-1),,2,0,1),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.35294118523598,0.68627452850342),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={1},,-1,1,0),,2,0,1),}},
- {4,"Frame",{,0.35294118523598,0.68627452850342),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={1},,-1,0,0),,1,1,0),}},
- {5,"Frame",{,0.35294118523598,0.68627452850342),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={1},,0,0,0),,1,1,0),}},
- })
- Explorer.SelectionVisualGui = guiTemplate
- local boxTemplate ="SelectionBox")
- boxTemplate.LineThickness = 0.03
- boxTemplate.Color3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255)
- Explorer.SelectionVisualBox = boxTemplate
- end
- holder:ClearAllChildren()
- -- Updates theme
- for i,v in pairs(Explorer.SelectionVisualGui:GetChildren()) do
- v.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255)
- end
- local attachCons = Explorer.SelectionVisualCons
- for i = 1,#attachCons do
- attachCons[i].Destroy()
- end
- table.clear(attachCons)
- local partEnabled = Settings.Explorer.PartSelectionBox
- local guiEnabled = Settings.Explorer.GuiSelectionBox
- if not partEnabled and not guiEnabled then return end
- local svg = Explorer.SelectionVisualGui
- local svb = Explorer.SelectionVisualBox
- local attachTo = Lib.AttachTo
- local sList = selection.List
- local count = 1
- local boxCount = 0
- local workspaceNode = nodes[workspace]
- for i = 1,#sList do
- if boxCount > 1000 then break end
- local node = sList[i]
- local obj = node.Obj
- if node ~= workspaceNode then
- if isa(obj,"GuiObject") and guiEnabled then
- local newVisual = clone(svg)
- attachCons[count] = attachTo(newVisual,{Target = obj, Resize = true})
- count = count + 1
- newVisual.Parent = holder
- boxCount = boxCount + 1
- elseif isa(obj,"PVInstance") and partEnabled then
- local newBox = clone(svb)
- newBox.Adornee = obj
- newBox.Parent = holder
- boxCount = boxCount + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Explorer.Init = function()
- Explorer.ClassIcons = Lib.IconMap.newLinear("rbxasset://textures/ClassImages.png",16,16)
- Explorer.MiscIcons = Main.MiscIcons
- clipboard = {}
- selection =
- selection.ShiftSet = {}
- selection.Changed:Connect(Properties.ShowExplorerProps)
- Explorer.Selection = selection
- Explorer.InitRightClick()
- Explorer.InitInsertObject()
- Explorer.SetSortingEnabled(Settings.Explorer.Sorting)
- Explorer.Expanded = setmetatable({},{__mode = "k"})
- Explorer.SearchExpanded = setmetatable({},{__mode = "k"})
- expanded = Explorer.Expanded
- nilNode.Obj.Name = "Nil Instances"
- nilNode.Locked = true
- local explorerItems = create({
- {1,"Folder",{Name="ExplorerItems",}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ToolBar",Parent={1},,0,0,22),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.1176470592618,0.1176470592618),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="SearchFrame",Parent={2},,3,0,1),,-6,0,18),}},
- {4,"TextBox",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,ClearTextOnFocus=false,Font=3,Name="SearchBox",Parent={3},,0.39215689897537,0.39215689897537),PlaceholderText="Search workspace",,4,0,0),,-24,0,18),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {5,"UICorner",{,2),Parent={3},}},
- {6,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Reset",Parent={3},,-17,0,1),,16,0,16),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {7,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5034718129",,0.39215686917305,0.39215686917305),Parent={6},,16,0,16),}},
- {8,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Refresh",Parent={2},,-20,0,1),,18,0,18),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,Visible=false,}},
- {9,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5642310344",Parent={8},,3,0,3),,12,0,12),}},
- {10,"Frame",{,0.15686275064945,0.15686275064945),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ScrollCorner",Parent={1},,-16,1,-16),,16,0,16),Visible=false,}},
- {11,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="List",Parent={1},,0,0,23),,0,1,-23),}},
- })
- toolBar = explorerItems.ToolBar
- treeFrame = explorerItems.List
- Explorer.GuiElems.ToolBar = toolBar
- Explorer.GuiElems.TreeFrame = treeFrame
- scrollV =
- scrollV.WheelIncrement = 3
- scrollV.Gui.Position =,-16,0,23)
- scrollV:SetScrollFrame(treeFrame)
- scrollV.Scrolled:Connect(function()
- Explorer.Index = scrollV.Index
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end)
- scrollH =
- scrollH.Increment = 5
- scrollH.WheelIncrement = Explorer.EntryIndent
- scrollH.Gui.Position =,0,1,-16)
- scrollH.Scrolled:Connect(function()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end)
- local window =
- Explorer.Window = window
- window:SetTitle("Explorer")
- window.GuiElems.Line.Position =,0,0,22)
- Explorer.InitEntryTemplate()
- toolBar.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- treeFrame.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- explorerItems.ScrollCorner.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- scrollV.Gui.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- scrollH.Gui.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- -- Init stuff that requires the window
- Explorer.InitRenameBox()
- Explorer.InitSearch()
- Explorer.InitDelCleaner()
- selection.Changed:Connect(Explorer.UpdateSelectionVisuals)
- -- Window events
- window.GuiElems.Main:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):Connect(function()
- if Explorer.Active then
- Explorer.UpdateView()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end
- end)
- window.OnActivate:Connect(function()
- Explorer.Active = true
- Explorer.UpdateView()
- Explorer.Update()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end)
- window.OnRestore:Connect(function()
- Explorer.Active = true
- Explorer.UpdateView()
- Explorer.Update()
- Explorer.Refresh()
- end)
- window.OnDeactivate:Connect(function() Explorer.Active = false end)
- window.OnMinimize:Connect(function() Explorer.Active = false end)
- -- Settings
- autoUpdateSearch = Settings.Explorer.AutoUpdateSearch
- -- Fill in nodes
- nodes[game] = {Obj = game}
- expanded[nodes[game]] = true
- -- Nil Instances
- if env.getnilinstances then
- nodes[nilNode.Obj] = nilNode
- end
- Explorer.SetupConnections()
- local insts = getDescendants(game)
- if Main.Elevated then
- for i = 1,#insts do
- local obj = insts[i]
- local par = nodes[ffa(obj,"Instance")]
- if not par then continue end
- local newNode = {
- Obj = obj,
- Parent = par,
- }
- nodes[obj] = newNode
- par[#par+1] = newNode
- end
- else
- for i = 1,#insts do
- local obj = insts[i]
- local s,parObj = pcall(ffa,obj,"Instance")
- local par = nodes[parObj]
- if not par then continue end
- local newNode = {
- Obj = obj,
- Parent = par,
- }
- nodes[obj] = newNode
- par[#par+1] = newNode
- end
- end
- end
- return Explorer
- end
- return {InitDeps = initDeps, InitAfterMain = initAfterMain, Main = main}
- end,
- Properties = function()
- --[[
- Properties App Module
- The main properties interface
- ]]
- -- Common Locals
- local Main,Lib,Apps,Settings -- Main Containers
- local Explorer, Properties, ScriptViewer, Notebook -- Major Apps
- local API,RMD,env,service,plr,create,createSimple -- Main Locals
- local function initDeps(data)
- Main = data.Main
- Lib = data.Lib
- Apps = data.Apps
- Settings = data.Settings
- API = data.API
- RMD = data.RMD
- env = data.env
- service = data.service
- plr = data.plr
- create = data.create
- createSimple = data.createSimple
- end
- local function initAfterMain()
- Explorer = Apps.Explorer
- Properties = Apps.Properties
- ScriptViewer = Apps.ScriptViewer
- Notebook = Apps.Notebook
- end
- local function main()
- local Properties = {}
- local window, toolBar, propsFrame
- local scrollV, scrollH
- local categoryOrder
- local props,viewList,expanded,indexableProps,propEntries,autoUpdateObjs = {},{},{},{},{},{}
- local inputBox,inputTextBox,inputProp
- local checkboxes,propCons = {},{}
- local table,string = table,string
- local getPropChangedSignal = game.GetPropertyChangedSignal
- local getAttributeChangedSignal = game.GetAttributeChangedSignal
- local isa = game.IsA
- local getAttribute = game.GetAttribute
- local setAttribute = game.SetAttribute
- Properties.GuiElems = {}
- Properties.Index = 0
- Properties.ViewWidth = 0
- Properties.MinInputWidth = 100
- Properties.EntryIndent = 16
- Properties.EntryOffset = 4
- Properties.NameWidthCache = {}
- Properties.SubPropCache = {}
- Properties.ClassLists = {}
- Properties.SearchText = ""
- Properties.AddAttributeProp = {Category = "Attributes", Class = "", Name = "", SpecialRow = "AddAttribute", Tags = {}}
- Properties.SoundPreviewProp = {Category = "Data", ValueType = {Name = "SoundPlayer"}, Class = "Sound", Name = "Preview", Tags = {}}
- Properties.IgnoreProps = {
- ["DataModel"] = {
- ["PrivateServerId"] = true,
- ["PrivateServerOwnerId"] = true,
- ["VIPServerId"] = true,
- ["VIPServerOwnerId"] = true
- }
- }
- Properties.ExpandableTypes = {
- ["Vector2"] = true,
- ["Vector3"] = true,
- ["UDim"] = true,
- ["UDim2"] = true,
- ["CFrame"] = true,
- ["Rect"] = true,
- ["PhysicalProperties"] = true,
- ["Ray"] = true,
- ["NumberRange"] = true,
- ["Faces"] = true,
- ["Axes"] = true,
- }
- Properties.ExpandableProps = {
- ["Sound.SoundId"] = true
- }
- Properties.CollapsedCategories = {
- ["Surface Inputs"] = true,
- ["Surface"] = true
- }
- Properties.ConflictSubProps = {
- ["Vector2"] = {"X","Y"},
- ["Vector3"] = {"X","Y","Z"},
- ["UDim"] = {"Scale","Offset"},
- ["UDim2"] = {"X","X.Scale","X.Offset","Y","Y.Scale","Y.Offset"},
- ["CFrame"] = {"Position","Position.X","Position.Y","Position.Z",
- "RightVector","RightVector.X","RightVector.Y","RightVector.Z",
- "UpVector","UpVector.X","UpVector.Y","UpVector.Z",
- "LookVector","LookVector.X","LookVector.Y","LookVector.Z"},
- ["Rect"] = {"Min.X","Min.Y","Max.X","Max.Y"},
- ["PhysicalProperties"] = {"Density","Elasticity","ElasticityWeight","Friction","FrictionWeight"},
- ["Ray"] = {"Origin","Origin.X","Origin.Y","Origin.Z","Direction","Direction.X","Direction.Y","Direction.Z"},
- ["NumberRange"] = {"Min","Max"},
- ["Faces"] = {"Back","Bottom","Front","Left","Right","Top"},
- ["Axes"] = {"X","Y","Z"}
- }
- Properties.ConflictIgnore = {
- ["BasePart"] = {
- ["ResizableFaces"] = true
- }
- }
- Properties.RoundableTypes = {
- ["float"] = true,
- ["double"] = true,
- ["Color3"] = true,
- ["UDim"] = true,
- ["UDim2"] = true,
- ["Vector2"] = true,
- ["Vector3"] = true,
- ["NumberRange"] = true,
- ["Rect"] = true,
- ["NumberSequence"] = true,
- ["ColorSequence"] = true,
- ["Ray"] = true,
- ["CFrame"] = true
- }
- Properties.TypeNameConvert = {
- ["number"] = "double",
- ["boolean"] = "bool"
- }
- Properties.ToNumberTypes = {
- ["int"] = true,
- ["int64"] = true,
- ["float"] = true,
- ["double"] = true
- }
- Properties.DefaultPropValue = {
- string = "",
- bool = false,
- double = 0,
- UDim =,0),
- UDim2 =,0,0,0),
- BrickColor ="Medium stone grey"),
- Color3 =,1,1),
- Vector2 =,0),
- Vector3 =,0,0),
- NumberSequence =,
- ColorSequence =,1,1)),
- NumberRange =,
- Rect =,0,0,0)
- }
- Properties.AllowedAttributeTypes = {"string","boolean","number","UDim","UDim2","BrickColor","Color3","Vector2","Vector3","NumberSequence","ColorSequence","NumberRange","Rect"}
- Properties.StringToValue = function(prop,str)
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- if typeName == "string" or typeName == "Content" then
- return str
- elseif Properties.ToNumberTypes[typeName] then
- return tonumber(str)
- elseif typeName == "Vector2" then
- local vals = str:split(",")
- local x,y = tonumber(vals[1]),tonumber(vals[2])
- if x and y and #vals >= 2 then return,y) end
- elseif typeName == "Vector3" then
- local vals = str:split(",")
- local x,y,z = tonumber(vals[1]),tonumber(vals[2]),tonumber(vals[3])
- if x and y and z and #vals >= 3 then return,y,z) end
- elseif typeName == "UDim" then
- local vals = str:split(",")
- local scale,offset = tonumber(vals[1]),tonumber(vals[2])
- if scale and offset and #vals >= 2 then return,offset) end
- elseif typeName == "UDim2" then
- local vals = str:gsub("[{}]",""):split(",")
- local xScale,xOffset,yScale,yOffset = tonumber(vals[1]),tonumber(vals[2]),tonumber(vals[3]),tonumber(vals[4])
- if xScale and xOffset and yScale and yOffset and #vals >= 4 then return,xOffset,yScale,yOffset) end
- elseif typeName == "CFrame" then
- local vals = str:split(",")
- local s,result = pcall(,unpack(vals))
- if s and #vals >= 12 then return result end
- elseif typeName == "Rect" then
- local vals = str:split(",")
- local s,result = pcall(,unpack(vals))
- if s and #vals >= 4 then return result end
- elseif typeName == "Ray" then
- local vals = str:gsub("[{}]",""):split(",")
- local s,origin = pcall(,unpack(vals,1,3))
- local s2,direction = pcall(,unpack(vals,4,6))
- if s and s2 and #vals >= 6 then return,direction) end
- elseif typeName == "NumberRange" then
- local vals = str:split(",")
- local s,result = pcall(,unpack(vals))
- if s and #vals >= 1 then return result end
- elseif typeName == "Color3" then
- local vals = str:gsub("[{}]",""):split(",")
- local s,result = pcall(Color3.fromRGB,unpack(vals))
- if s and #vals >= 3 then return result end
- end
- return nil
- end
- Properties.ValueToString = function(prop,val)
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- if typeName == "Color3" then
- return Lib.ColorToBytes(val)
- elseif typeName == "NumberRange" then
- return val.Min..", "..val.Max
- end
- return tostring(val)
- end
- Properties.GetIndexableProps = function(obj,classData)
- if not Main.Elevated then
- if not pcall(function() return obj.ClassName end) then return nil end
- end
- local ignoreProps = Properties.IgnoreProps[classData.Name] or {}
- local result = {}
- local count = 1
- local props = classData.Properties
- for i = 1,#props do
- local prop = props[i]
- if not ignoreProps[prop.Name] then
- local s = pcall(function() return obj[prop.Name] end)
- if s then
- result[count] = prop
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- return result
- end
- Properties.FindFirstObjWhichIsA = function(class)
- local classList = Properties.ClassLists[class] or {}
- if classList and #classList > 0 then
- return classList[1]
- end
- return nil
- end
- Properties.ComputeConflicts = function(p)
- local maxConflictCheck = Settings.Properties.MaxConflictCheck
- local sList = Explorer.Selection.List
- local classLists = Properties.ClassLists
- local stringSplit = string.split
- local t_clear = table.clear
- local conflictIgnore = Properties.ConflictIgnore
- local conflictMap = {}
- local propList = p and {p} or props
- if p then
- local gName = p.Class.."."..p.Name
- autoUpdateObjs[gName] = nil
- local subProps = Properties.ConflictSubProps[p.ValueType.Name] or {}
- for i = 1,#subProps do
- autoUpdateObjs[gName.."."..subProps[i]] = nil
- end
- else
- table.clear(autoUpdateObjs)
- end
- if #sList > 0 then
- for i = 1,#propList do
- local prop = propList[i]
- local propName,propClass = prop.Name,prop.Class
- local typeData = prop.RootType or prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- local attributeName = prop.AttributeName
- local gName = propClass.."."..propName
- local checked = 0
- local subProps = Properties.ConflictSubProps[typeName] or {}
- local subPropCount = #subProps
- local toCheck = subPropCount + 1
- local conflictsFound = 0
- local indexNames = {}
- local ignored = conflictIgnore[propClass] and conflictIgnore[propClass][propName]
- local truthyCheck = (typeName == "PhysicalProperties")
- local isAttribute = prop.IsAttribute
- local isMultiType = prop.MultiType
- t_clear(conflictMap)
- if not isMultiType then
- local firstVal,firstObj,firstSet
- local classList = classLists[prop.Class] or {}
- for c = 1,#classList do
- local obj = classList[c]
- if not firstSet then
- if isAttribute then
- firstVal = getAttribute(obj,attributeName)
- if firstVal ~= nil then
- firstObj = obj
- firstSet = true
- end
- else
- firstVal = obj[propName]
- firstObj = obj
- firstSet = true
- end
- if ignored then break end
- else
- local propVal,skip
- if isAttribute then
- propVal = getAttribute(obj,attributeName)
- if propVal == nil then skip = true end
- else
- propVal = obj[propName]
- end
- if not skip then
- if not conflictMap[1] then
- if truthyCheck then
- if (firstVal and true or false) ~= (propVal and true or false) then
- conflictMap[1] = true
- conflictsFound = conflictsFound + 1
- end
- elseif firstVal ~= propVal then
- conflictMap[1] = true
- conflictsFound = conflictsFound + 1
- end
- end
- if subPropCount > 0 then
- for sPropInd = 1,subPropCount do
- local indexes = indexNames[sPropInd]
- if not indexes then indexes = stringSplit(subProps[sPropInd],".") indexNames[sPropInd] = indexes end
- local firstValSub = firstVal
- local propValSub = propVal
- for j = 1,#indexes do
- if not firstValSub or not propValSub then break end -- PhysicalProperties
- local indexName = indexes[j]
- firstValSub = firstValSub[indexName]
- propValSub = propValSub[indexName]
- end
- local mapInd = sPropInd + 1
- if not conflictMap[mapInd] and firstValSub ~= propValSub then
- conflictMap[mapInd] = true
- conflictsFound = conflictsFound + 1
- end
- end
- end
- if conflictsFound == toCheck then break end
- end
- end
- checked = checked + 1
- if checked == maxConflictCheck then break end
- end
- if not conflictMap[1] then autoUpdateObjs[gName] = firstObj end
- for sPropInd = 1,subPropCount do
- if not conflictMap[sPropInd+1] then
- autoUpdateObjs[gName.."."..subProps[sPropInd]] = firstObj
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if p then
- Properties.Refresh()
- end
- end
- -- Fetches the properties to be displayed based on the explorer selection
- Settings.Properties.ShowAttributes = true -- im making it true anyway since its useful by default and people complain
- Properties.ShowExplorerProps = function()
- local maxConflictCheck = Settings.Properties.MaxConflictCheck
- local sList = Explorer.Selection.List
- local foundClasses = {}
- local propCount = 1
- local elevated = Main.Elevated
- local showDeprecated,showHidden = Settings.Properties.ShowDeprecated,Settings.Properties.ShowHidden
- local Classes = API.Classes
- local classLists = {}
- local lower = string.lower
- local RMDCustomOrders = RMD.PropertyOrders
- local getAttributes = game.GetAttributes
- local maxAttrs = Settings.Properties.MaxAttributes
- local showingAttrs = Settings.Properties.ShowAttributes
- local foundAttrs = {}
- local attrCount = 0
- local typeof = typeof
- local typeNameConvert = Properties.TypeNameConvert
- table.clear(props)
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- local obj = node.Obj
- local class = node.Class
- if not class then class = obj.ClassName node.Class = class end
- local apiClass = Classes[class]
- while apiClass do
- local APIClassName = apiClass.Name
- if not foundClasses[APIClassName] then
- local apiProps = indexableProps[APIClassName]
- if not apiProps then apiProps = Properties.GetIndexableProps(obj,apiClass) indexableProps[APIClassName] = apiProps end
- for i = 1,#apiProps do
- local prop = apiProps[i]
- local tags = prop.Tags
- if (not tags.Deprecated or showDeprecated) and (not tags.Hidden or showHidden) then
- props[propCount] = prop
- propCount = propCount + 1
- end
- end
- foundClasses[APIClassName] = true
- end
- local classList = classLists[APIClassName]
- if not classList then classList = {} classLists[APIClassName] = classList end
- classList[#classList+1] = obj
- apiClass = apiClass.Superclass
- end
- if showingAttrs and attrCount < maxAttrs then
- local attrs = getAttributes(obj)
- for name,val in pairs(attrs) do
- local typ = typeof(val)
- if not foundAttrs[name] then
- local category = (typ == "Instance" and "Class") or (typ == "EnumItem" and "Enum") or "Other"
- local valType = {Name = typeNameConvert[typ] or typ, Category = category}
- local attrProp = {IsAttribute = true, Name = "ATTR_", AttributeName = name, DisplayName = name, Class = "Instance", ValueType = valType, Category = "Attributes", Tags = {}}
- props[propCount] = attrProp
- propCount = propCount + 1
- attrCount = attrCount + 1
- foundAttrs[name] = {typ,attrProp}
- if attrCount == maxAttrs then break end
- elseif foundAttrs[name][1] ~= typ then
- foundAttrs[name][2].MultiType = true
- foundAttrs[name][2].Tags.ReadOnly = true
- foundAttrs[name][2].ValueType = {Name = "string"}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- table.sort(props,function(a,b)
- if a.Category ~= b.Category then
- return (categoryOrder[a.Category] or 9999) < (categoryOrder[b.Category] or 9999)
- else
- local aOrder = (RMDCustomOrders[a.Class] and RMDCustomOrders[a.Class][a.Name]) or 9999999
- local bOrder = (RMDCustomOrders[b.Class] and RMDCustomOrders[b.Class][b.Name]) or 9999999
- if aOrder ~= bOrder then
- return aOrder < bOrder
- else
- return lower(a.Name) < lower(b.Name)
- end
- end
- end)
- -- Find conflicts and get auto-update instances
- Properties.ClassLists = classLists
- Properties.ComputeConflicts()
- --warn("CONFLICT",tick()-start)
- if #props > 0 then
- props[#props+1] = Properties.AddAttributeProp
- end
- Properties.Update()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end
- Properties.UpdateView = function()
- local maxEntries = math.ceil(propsFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y / 23)
- local maxX = propsFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local totalWidth = Properties.ViewWidth + Properties.MinInputWidth
- scrollV.VisibleSpace = maxEntries
- scrollV.TotalSpace = #viewList + 1
- scrollH.VisibleSpace = maxX
- scrollH.TotalSpace = totalWidth
- scrollV.Gui.Visible = #viewList + 1 > maxEntries
- scrollH.Gui.Visible = Settings.Properties.ScaleType == 0 and totalWidth > maxX
- local oldSize = propsFrame.Size
- propsFrame.Size =,(scrollV.Gui.Visible and -16 or 0),1,(scrollH.Gui.Visible and -39 or -23))
- if oldSize ~= propsFrame.Size then
- Properties.UpdateView()
- else
- scrollV:Update()
- scrollH:Update()
- if scrollV.Gui.Visible and scrollH.Gui.Visible then
- scrollV.Gui.Size =,16,1,-39)
- scrollH.Gui.Size =,-16,0,16)
- Properties.Window.GuiElems.Content.ScrollCorner.Visible = true
- else
- scrollV.Gui.Size =,16,1,-23)
- scrollH.Gui.Size =,0,0,16)
- Properties.Window.GuiElems.Content.ScrollCorner.Visible = false
- end
- Properties.Index = scrollV.Index
- end
- end
- Properties.MakeSubProp = function(prop,subName,valueType,displayName)
- local subProp = {}
- for i,v in pairs(prop) do
- subProp[i] = v
- end
- subProp.RootType = subProp.RootType or subProp.ValueType
- subProp.ValueType = valueType
- subProp.SubName = subProp.SubName and (subProp.SubName..subName) or subName
- subProp.DisplayName = displayName
- return subProp
- end
- Properties.GetExpandedProps = function(prop) -- TODO: Optimize using table
- local result = {}
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- local makeSubProp = Properties.MakeSubProp
- if typeName == "Vector2" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".X",{Name = "float"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Y",{Name = "float"})
- elseif typeName == "Vector3" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".X",{Name = "float"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Y",{Name = "float"})
- result[3] = makeSubProp(prop,".Z",{Name = "float"})
- elseif typeName == "CFrame" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".Position",{Name = "Vector3"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".RightVector",{Name = "Vector3"})
- result[3] = makeSubProp(prop,".UpVector",{Name = "Vector3"})
- result[4] = makeSubProp(prop,".LookVector",{Name = "Vector3"})
- elseif typeName == "UDim" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".Scale",{Name = "float"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Offset",{Name = "int"})
- elseif typeName == "UDim2" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".X",{Name = "UDim"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Y",{Name = "UDim"})
- elseif typeName == "Rect" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".Min.X",{Name = "float"},"X0")
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Min.Y",{Name = "float"},"Y0")
- result[3] = makeSubProp(prop,".Max.X",{Name = "float"},"X1")
- result[4] = makeSubProp(prop,".Max.Y",{Name = "float"},"Y1")
- elseif typeName == "PhysicalProperties" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".Density",{Name = "float"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Elasticity",{Name = "float"})
- result[3] = makeSubProp(prop,".ElasticityWeight",{Name = "float"})
- result[4] = makeSubProp(prop,".Friction",{Name = "float"})
- result[5] = makeSubProp(prop,".FrictionWeight",{Name = "float"})
- elseif typeName == "Ray" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".Origin",{Name = "Vector3"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Direction",{Name = "Vector3"})
- elseif typeName == "NumberRange" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".Min",{Name = "float"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Max",{Name = "float"})
- elseif typeName == "Faces" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".Back",{Name = "bool"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Bottom",{Name = "bool"})
- result[3] = makeSubProp(prop,".Front",{Name = "bool"})
- result[4] = makeSubProp(prop,".Left",{Name = "bool"})
- result[5] = makeSubProp(prop,".Right",{Name = "bool"})
- result[6] = makeSubProp(prop,".Top",{Name = "bool"})
- elseif typeName == "Axes" then
- result[1] = makeSubProp(prop,".X",{Name = "bool"})
- result[2] = makeSubProp(prop,".Y",{Name = "bool"})
- result[3] = makeSubProp(prop,".Z",{Name = "bool"})
- end
- if prop.Name == "SoundId" and prop.Class == "Sound" then
- result[1] = Properties.SoundPreviewProp
- end
- return result
- end
- Properties.Update = function()
- table.clear(viewList)
- local nameWidthCache = Properties.NameWidthCache
- local lastCategory
- local count = 1
- local maxWidth,maxDepth = 0,1
- local textServ = service.TextService
- local getTextSize = textServ.GetTextSize
- local font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- local size =,20)
- local stringSplit = string.split
- local entryIndent = Properties.EntryIndent
- local isFirstScaleType = Settings.Properties.ScaleType == 0
- local find,lower = string.find,string.lower
- local searchText = (#Properties.SearchText > 0 and lower(Properties.SearchText))
- local function recur(props,depth)
- for i = 1,#props do
- local prop = props[i]
- local propName = prop.Name
- local subName = prop.SubName
- local category = prop.Category
- local visible
- if searchText and depth == 1 then
- if find(lower(propName),searchText,1,true) then
- visible = true
- end
- else
- visible = true
- end
- if visible and lastCategory ~= category then
- viewList[count] = {CategoryName = category}
- count = count + 1
- lastCategory = category
- end
- if (expanded["CAT_"..category] and visible) or prop.SpecialRow then
- if depth > 1 then prop.Depth = depth if depth > maxDepth then maxDepth = depth end end
- if isFirstScaleType then
- local nameArr = subName and stringSplit(subName,".")
- local displayName = prop.DisplayName or (nameArr and nameArr[#nameArr]) or propName
- local nameWidth = nameWidthCache[displayName]
- if not nameWidth then nameWidth = getTextSize(textServ,displayName,14,font,size).X nameWidthCache[displayName] = nameWidth end
- local totalWidth = nameWidth + entryIndent*depth
- if totalWidth > maxWidth then
- maxWidth = totalWidth
- end
- end
- viewList[count] = prop
- count = count + 1
- local fullName = prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- if expanded[fullName] then
- local nextDepth = depth+1
- local expandedProps = Properties.GetExpandedProps(prop)
- if #expandedProps > 0 then
- recur(expandedProps,nextDepth)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- recur(props,1)
- inputProp = nil
- Properties.ViewWidth = maxWidth + 9 + Properties.EntryOffset
- Properties.UpdateView()
- end
- Properties.NewPropEntry = function(index)
- local newEntry = Properties.EntryTemplate:Clone()
- local nameFrame = newEntry.NameFrame
- local valueFrame = newEntry.ValueFrame
- local newCheckbox =
- newCheckbox.Gui.Position =,3,0,3)
- newCheckbox.Gui.Parent = valueFrame
- newCheckbox.OnInput:Connect(function()
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop then return end
- if prop.ValueType.Name == "PhysicalProperties" then
- Properties.SetProp(prop,newCheckbox.Toggled and true or nil)
- else
- Properties.SetProp(prop,newCheckbox.Toggled)
- end
- end)
- checkboxes[index] = newCheckbox
- local iconFrame = Main.MiscIcons:GetLabel()
- iconFrame.Position =,2,0,3)
- iconFrame.Parent = newEntry.ValueFrame.RightButton
- newEntry.Position =,0,0,23*(index-1))
- nameFrame.Expand.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then return end
- local fullName = (prop.CategoryName and "CAT_"..prop.CategoryName) or prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- Main.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(newEntry.NameFrame.Expand.Icon, expanded[fullName] and "Collapse_Over" or "Expand_Over")
- end)
- nameFrame.Expand.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then return end
- local fullName = (prop.CategoryName and "CAT_"..prop.CategoryName) or prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- Main.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(newEntry.NameFrame.Expand.Icon, expanded[fullName] and "Collapse" or "Expand")
- end)
- nameFrame.Expand.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop then return end
- local fullName = (prop.CategoryName and "CAT_"..prop.CategoryName) or prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- if not prop.CategoryName and not Properties.ExpandableTypes[prop.ValueType and prop.ValueType.Name] and not Properties.ExpandableProps[fullName] then return end
- expanded[fullName] = not expanded[fullName]
- Properties.Update()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end)
- nameFrame.PropName.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop then return end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not nameFrame.PropName.TextFits then
- local fullNameFrame = Properties.FullNameFrame
- local nameArr = string.split(prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or ""),".")
- local dispName = prop.DisplayName or nameArr[#nameArr]
- local sizeX = service.TextService:GetTextSize(dispName,14,Enum.Font.SourceSans,,20)).X
- fullNameFrame.TextLabel.Text = dispName
- --fullNameFrame.Position =,Properties.EntryIndent*(prop.Depth or 1) + Properties.EntryOffset,0,23*(index-1))
- fullNameFrame.Size =,sizeX + 4,0,22)
- fullNameFrame.Visible = true
- Properties.FullNameFrameIndex = index
- Properties.FullNameFrameAttach.SetData(fullNameFrame, {Target = nameFrame})
- Properties.FullNameFrameAttach.Enable()
- end
- end)
- nameFrame.PropName.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and Properties.FullNameFrameIndex == index then
- Properties.FullNameFrame.Visible = false
- Properties.FullNameFrameAttach.Disable()
- end
- end)
- valueFrame.ValueBox.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop then return end
- Properties.SetInputProp(prop,index)
- end)
- valueFrame.ColorButton.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop then return end
- Properties.SetInputProp(prop,index,"color")
- end)
- valueFrame.RightButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop then return end
- local fullName = prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- local inputFullName = inputProp and (inputProp.Class.."."..inputProp.Name..(inputProp.SubName or ""))
- if fullName == inputFullName and inputProp.ValueType.Category == "Class" then
- inputProp = nil
- Properties.SetProp(prop,nil)
- else
- Properties.SetInputProp(prop,index,"right")
- end
- end)
- nameFrame.ToggleAttributes.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- Settings.Properties.ShowAttributes = not Settings.Properties.ShowAttributes
- Properties.ShowExplorerProps()
- end)
- newEntry.RowButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- Properties.DisplayAddAttributeWindow()
- end)
- newEntry.EditAttributeButton.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- local prop = viewList[index + Properties.Index]
- if not prop then return end
- Properties.DisplayAttributeContext(prop)
- end)
- valueFrame.SoundPreview.ControlButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if Properties.PreviewSound and Properties.PreviewSound.Playing then
- Properties.SetSoundPreview(false)
- else
- local soundObj = Properties.FindFirstObjWhichIsA("Sound")
- if soundObj then Properties.SetSoundPreview(soundObj) end
- end
- end)
- valueFrame.SoundPreview.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent
- releaseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- end)
- local timeLine = newEntry.ValueFrame.SoundPreview.TimeLine
- local soundObj = Properties.FindFirstObjWhichIsA("Sound")
- if soundObj then Properties.SetSoundPreview(soundObj,true) end
- local function update(input)
- local sound = Properties.PreviewSound
- if not sound or sound.TimeLength == 0 then return end
- local mouseX = input.Position.X
- local timeLineSize = timeLine.AbsoluteSize
- local relaX = mouseX - timeLine.AbsolutePosition.X
- if timeLineSize.X <= 1 then return end
- if relaX < 0 then relaX = 0 elseif relaX >= timeLineSize.X then relaX = timeLineSize.X-1 end
- local perc = (relaX/(timeLineSize.X-1))
- sound.TimePosition = perc*sound.TimeLength
- timeLine.Slider.Position =,-4,0,-8)
- end
- update(input)
- mouseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- update(input)
- end
- end)
- end)
- newEntry.Parent = propsFrame
- return {
- Gui = newEntry,
- GuiElems = {
- NameFrame = nameFrame,
- ValueFrame = valueFrame,
- PropName = nameFrame.PropName,
- ValueBox = valueFrame.ValueBox,
- Expand = nameFrame.Expand,
- ColorButton = valueFrame.ColorButton,
- ColorPreview = valueFrame.ColorButton.ColorPreview,
- Gradient = valueFrame.ColorButton.ColorPreview.UIGradient,
- EnumArrow = valueFrame.EnumArrow,
- Checkbox = valueFrame.Checkbox,
- RightButton = valueFrame.RightButton,
- RightButtonIcon = iconFrame,
- RowButton = newEntry.RowButton,
- EditAttributeButton = newEntry.EditAttributeButton,
- ToggleAttributes = nameFrame.ToggleAttributes,
- SoundPreview = valueFrame.SoundPreview,
- SoundPreviewSlider = valueFrame.SoundPreview.TimeLine.Slider
- }
- }
- end
- Properties.GetSoundPreviewEntry = function()
- for i = 1,#viewList do
- if viewList[i] == Properties.SoundPreviewProp then
- return propEntries[i - Properties.Index]
- end
- end
- end
- Properties.SetSoundPreview = function(soundObj,noplay)
- local sound = Properties.PreviewSound
- if not sound then
- sound ="Sound")
- sound.Name = "Preview"
- sound.Paused:Connect(function()
- local entry = Properties.GetSoundPreviewEntry()
- if entry then Main.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(entry.GuiElems.SoundPreview.ControlButton.Icon, "Play") end
- end)
- sound.Resumed:Connect(function() Properties.Refresh() end)
- sound.Ended:Connect(function()
- local entry = Properties.GetSoundPreviewEntry()
- if entry then entry.GuiElems.SoundPreviewSlider.Position =,-4,0,-8) end
- Properties.Refresh()
- end)
- sound.Parent = window.Gui
- Properties.PreviewSound = sound
- end
- if not soundObj then
- sound:Pause()
- else
- local newId = sound.SoundId ~= soundObj.SoundId
- sound.SoundId = soundObj.SoundId
- sound.PlaybackSpeed = soundObj.PlaybackSpeed
- sound.Volume = soundObj.Volume
- if newId then sound.TimePosition = 0 end
- if not noplay then sound:Resume() end
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local previewTime = tick()
- Properties.SoundPreviewTime = previewTime
- while previewTime == Properties.SoundPreviewTime and sound.Playing do
- local entry = Properties.GetSoundPreviewEntry()
- if entry then
- local tl = sound.TimeLength
- local perc = sound.TimePosition/(tl == 0 and 1 or tl)
- entry.GuiElems.SoundPreviewSlider.Position =,-4,0,-8)
- end
- Lib.FastWait()
- end
- end)()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end
- end
- Properties.DisplayAttributeContext = function(prop)
- local context = Properties.AttributeContext
- if not context then
- context =
- context.Iconless = true
- context.Width = 80
- end
- context:Clear()
- context:Add({Name = "Edit", OnClick = function()
- Properties.DisplayAddAttributeWindow(prop)
- end})
- context:Add({Name = "Delete", OnClick = function()
- Properties.SetProp(prop,nil,true)
- Properties.ShowExplorerProps()
- end})
- context:Show()
- end
- Properties.DisplayAddAttributeWindow = function(editAttr)
- local win = Properties.AddAttributeWindow
- if not win then
- win =
- win.Alignable = false
- win.Resizable = false
- win:SetTitle("Add Attribute")
- win:SetSize(200,130)
- local saveButton =
- local nameLabel =
- nameLabel.Text = "Name"
- nameLabel.Position =,30,0,10)
- nameLabel.Size =,40,0,20)
- win:Add(nameLabel)
- local nameBox =
- nameBox.Position =,75,0,10)
- nameBox.Size =,120,0,20)
- win:Add(nameBox,"NameBox")
- nameBox.TextBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
- saveButton:SetDisabled(#nameBox:GetText() == 0)
- end)
- local typeLabel =
- typeLabel.Text = "Type"
- typeLabel.Position =,30,0,40)
- typeLabel.Size =,40,0,20)
- win:Add(typeLabel)
- local typeChooser =
- typeChooser.CanBeEmpty = false
- typeChooser.Position =,75,0,40)
- typeChooser.Size =,120,0,20)
- typeChooser:SetOptions(Properties.AllowedAttributeTypes)
- win:Add(typeChooser,"TypeChooser")
- local errorLabel =
- errorLabel.Text = ""
- errorLabel.Position =,5,1,-45)
- errorLabel.Size =,-10,0,20)
- errorLabel.TextColor3 = Settings.Theme.Important
- win.ErrorLabel = errorLabel
- win:Add(errorLabel,"Error")
- local cancelButton =
- cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
- cancelButton.Position =,-97,1,-25)
- cancelButton.Size =,92,0,20)
- cancelButton.OnClick:Connect(function()
- win:Close()
- end)
- win:Add(cancelButton)
- saveButton.Text = "Save"
- saveButton.Position =,5,1,-25)
- saveButton.Size =,92,0,20)
- saveButton.OnClick:Connect(function()
- local name = nameBox:GetText()
- if #name > 100 then
- errorLabel.Text = "Error: Name over 100 chars"
- return
- elseif name:sub(1,3) == "RBX" then
- errorLabel.Text = "Error: Name begins with 'RBX'"
- return
- end
- local typ = typeChooser.Selected
- local valType = {Name = Properties.TypeNameConvert[typ] or typ, Category = "DataType"}
- local attrProp = {IsAttribute = true, Name = "ATTR_", AttributeName = name, DisplayName = name, Class = "Instance", ValueType = valType, Category = "Attributes", Tags = {}}
- Settings.Properties.ShowAttributes = true
- Properties.SetProp(attrProp,Properties.DefaultPropValue[valType.Name],true,Properties.EditingAttribute)
- Properties.ShowExplorerProps()
- win:Close()
- end)
- win:Add(saveButton,"SaveButton")
- Properties.AddAttributeWindow = win
- end
- Properties.EditingAttribute = editAttr
- win:SetTitle(editAttr and "Edit Attribute "..editAttr.AttributeName or "Add Attribute")
- win.Elements.Error.Text = ""
- win.Elements.NameBox:SetText("")
- win.Elements.SaveButton:SetDisabled(true)
- win.Elements.TypeChooser:SetSelected(1)
- win:Show()
- end
- Properties.IsTextEditable = function(prop)
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- return typeName ~= "bool" and typeData.Category ~= "Enum" and typeData.Category ~= "Class" and typeName ~= "BrickColor"
- end
- Properties.DisplayEnumDropdown = function(entryIndex)
- local context = Properties.EnumContext
- if not context then
- context =
- context.Iconless = true
- context.MaxHeight = 200
- context.ReverseYOffset = 22
- Properties.EnumDropdown = context
- end
- if not inputProp or inputProp.ValueType.Category ~= "Enum" then return end
- local prop = inputProp
- local entry = propEntries[entryIndex]
- local valueFrame = entry.GuiElems.ValueFrame
- local enum = Enum[prop.ValueType.Name]
- if not enum then return end
- local sorted = {}
- for name,enum in next,enum:GetEnumItems() do
- sorted[#sorted+1] = enum
- end
- table.sort(sorted,function(a,b) return a.Name < b.Name end)
- context:Clear()
- local function onClick(name)
- if prop ~= inputProp then return end
- local enumItem = enum[name]
- inputProp = nil
- Properties.SetProp(prop,enumItem)
- end
- for i = 1,#sorted do
- local enumItem = sorted[i]
- context:Add({Name = enumItem.Name, OnClick = onClick})
- end
- context.Width = valueFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- context:Show(valueFrame.AbsolutePosition.X, valueFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y + 22)
- end
- Properties.DisplayBrickColorEditor = function(prop,entryIndex,col)
- local editor = Properties.BrickColorEditor
- if not editor then
- editor =
- editor.Gui.DisplayOrder = Main.DisplayOrders.Menu
- editor.ReverseYOffset = 22
- editor.OnSelect:Connect(function(col)
- if not editor.CurrentProp or editor.CurrentProp.ValueType.Name ~= "BrickColor" then return end
- if editor.CurrentProp == inputProp then inputProp = nil end
- Properties.SetProp(editor.CurrentProp,
- end)
- editor.OnMoreColors:Connect(function() -- TODO: Special Case BasePart.BrickColor to BasePart.Color
- editor:Close()
- local colProp
- for i,v in pairs(API.Classes.BasePart.Properties) do
- if v.Name == "Color" then
- colProp = v
- break
- end
- end
- Properties.DisplayColorEditor(colProp,editor.SavedColor.Color)
- end)
- Properties.BrickColorEditor = editor
- end
- local entry = propEntries[entryIndex]
- local valueFrame = entry.GuiElems.ValueFrame
- editor.CurrentProp = prop
- editor.SavedColor = col
- if prop and prop.Class == "BasePart" and prop.Name == "BrickColor" then
- editor:SetMoreColorsVisible(true)
- else
- editor:SetMoreColorsVisible(false)
- end
- editor:Show(valueFrame.AbsolutePosition.X, valueFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y + 22)
- end
- Properties.DisplayColorEditor = function(prop,col)
- local editor = Properties.ColorEditor
- if not editor then
- editor =
- editor.OnSelect:Connect(function(col)
- if not editor.CurrentProp then return end
- local typeName = editor.CurrentProp.ValueType.Name
- if typeName ~= "Color3" and typeName ~= "BrickColor" then return end
- local colVal = (typeName == "Color3" and col or
- if editor.CurrentProp == inputProp then inputProp = nil end
- Properties.SetProp(editor.CurrentProp,colVal)
- end)
- Properties.ColorEditor = editor
- end
- editor.CurrentProp = prop
- if col then
- editor:SetColor(col)
- else
- local firstVal = Properties.GetFirstPropVal(prop)
- if firstVal then editor:SetColor(firstVal) end
- end
- editor:Show()
- end
- Properties.DisplayNumberSequenceEditor = function(prop,seq)
- local editor = Properties.NumberSequenceEditor
- if not editor then
- editor =
- editor.OnSelect:Connect(function(val)
- if not editor.CurrentProp or editor.CurrentProp.ValueType.Name ~= "NumberSequence" then return end
- if editor.CurrentProp == inputProp then inputProp = nil end
- Properties.SetProp(editor.CurrentProp,val)
- end)
- Properties.NumberSequenceEditor = editor
- end
- editor.CurrentProp = prop
- if seq then
- editor:SetSequence(seq)
- else
- local firstVal = Properties.GetFirstPropVal(prop)
- if firstVal then editor:SetSequence(firstVal) end
- end
- editor:Show()
- end
- Properties.DisplayColorSequenceEditor = function(prop,seq)
- local editor = Properties.ColorSequenceEditor
- if not editor then
- editor =
- editor.OnSelect:Connect(function(val)
- if not editor.CurrentProp or editor.CurrentProp.ValueType.Name ~= "ColorSequence" then return end
- if editor.CurrentProp == inputProp then inputProp = nil end
- Properties.SetProp(editor.CurrentProp,val)
- end)
- Properties.ColorSequenceEditor = editor
- end
- editor.CurrentProp = prop
- if seq then
- editor:SetSequence(seq)
- else
- local firstVal = Properties.GetFirstPropVal(prop)
- if firstVal then editor:SetSequence(firstVal) end
- end
- editor:Show()
- end
- Properties.GetFirstPropVal = function(prop)
- local first = Properties.FindFirstObjWhichIsA(prop.Class)
- if first then
- return Properties.GetPropVal(prop,first)
- end
- end
- Properties.GetPropVal = function(prop,obj)
- if prop.MultiType then return "<Multiple Types>" end
- if not obj then return end
- local propVal
- if prop.IsAttribute then
- propVal = getAttribute(obj,prop.AttributeName)
- if propVal == nil then return nil end
- local typ = typeof(propVal)
- local currentType = Properties.TypeNameConvert[typ] or typ
- if prop.RootType then
- if prop.RootType.Name ~= currentType then
- return nil
- end
- elseif prop.ValueType.Name ~= currentType then
- return nil
- end
- else
- propVal = obj[prop.Name]
- end
- if prop.SubName then
- local indexes = string.split(prop.SubName,".")
- for i = 1,#indexes do
- local indexName = indexes[i]
- if #indexName > 0 and propVal then
- propVal = propVal[indexName]
- end
- end
- end
- return propVal
- end
- Properties.SelectObject = function(obj)
- if inputProp and inputProp.ValueType.Category == "Class" then
- local prop = inputProp
- inputProp = nil
- if isa(obj,prop.ValueType.Name) then
- Properties.SetProp(prop,obj)
- else
- Properties.Refresh()
- end
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- Properties.DisplayProp = function(prop,entryIndex)
- local propName = prop.Name
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- local tags = prop.Tags
- local gName = prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- local propObj = autoUpdateObjs[gName]
- local entryData = propEntries[entryIndex]
- local UDim2 = UDim2
- local guiElems = entryData.GuiElems
- local valueFrame = guiElems.ValueFrame
- local valueBox = guiElems.ValueBox
- local colorButton = guiElems.ColorButton
- local colorPreview = guiElems.ColorPreview
- local gradient = guiElems.Gradient
- local enumArrow = guiElems.EnumArrow
- local checkbox = guiElems.Checkbox
- local rightButton = guiElems.RightButton
- local soundPreview = guiElems.SoundPreview
- local propVal = Properties.GetPropVal(prop,propObj)
- local inputFullName = inputProp and (inputProp.Class.."."..inputProp.Name..(inputProp.SubName or ""))
- local offset = 4
- local endOffset = 6
- -- Offsetting the ValueBox for ValueType specific buttons
- if (typeName == "Color3" or typeName == "BrickColor" or typeName == "ColorSequence") then
- colorButton.Visible = true
- enumArrow.Visible = false
- if propVal then
- gradient.Color = (typeName == "Color3" and or (typeName == "BrickColor" and or propVal
- else
- gradient.Color =,1,1))
- end
- colorPreview.BorderColor3 = (typeName == "ColorSequence" and,1,1) or,0,0))
- offset = 22
- endOffset = 24 + (typeName == "ColorSequence" and 20 or 0)
- elseif typeData.Category == "Enum" then
- colorButton.Visible = false
- enumArrow.Visible = not prop.Tags.ReadOnly
- endOffset = 22
- elseif (gName == inputFullName and typeData.Category == "Class") or typeName == "NumberSequence" then
- colorButton.Visible = false
- enumArrow.Visible = false
- endOffset = 26
- else
- colorButton.Visible = false
- enumArrow.Visible = false
- end
- valueBox.Position =,offset,0,0)
- valueBox.Size =,-endOffset,1,0)
- -- Right button
- if inputFullName == gName and typeData.Category == "Class" then
- Main.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(guiElems.RightButtonIcon, "Delete")
- guiElems.RightButtonIcon.Visible = true
- rightButton.Text = ""
- rightButton.Visible = true
- elseif typeName == "NumberSequence" or typeName == "ColorSequence" then
- guiElems.RightButtonIcon.Visible = false
- rightButton.Text = "..."
- rightButton.Visible = true
- else
- rightButton.Visible = false
- end
- -- Displays the correct ValueBox for the ValueType, and sets it to the prop value
- if typeName == "bool" or typeName == "PhysicalProperties" then
- valueBox.Visible = false
- checkbox.Visible = true
- soundPreview.Visible = false
- checkboxes[entryIndex].Disabled = tags.ReadOnly
- if typeName == "PhysicalProperties" and autoUpdateObjs[gName] then
- checkboxes[entryIndex]:SetState(propVal and true or false)
- else
- checkboxes[entryIndex]:SetState(propVal)
- end
- elseif typeName == "SoundPlayer" then
- valueBox.Visible = false
- checkbox.Visible = false
- soundPreview.Visible = true
- local playing = Properties.PreviewSound and Properties.PreviewSound.Playing
- Main.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(soundPreview.ControlButton.Icon, playing and "Pause" or "Play")
- else
- valueBox.Visible = true
- checkbox.Visible = false
- soundPreview.Visible = false
- if propVal ~= nil then
- if typeName == "Color3" then
- valueBox.Text = "["..Lib.ColorToBytes(propVal).."]"
- elseif typeData.Category == "Enum" then
- valueBox.Text = propVal.Name
- elseif Properties.RoundableTypes[typeName] and Settings.Properties.NumberRounding then
- local rawStr = Properties.ValueToString(prop,propVal)
- valueBox.Text = rawStr:gsub("-?%d+%.%d+",function(num)
- return tostring(tonumber(("%."..Settings.Properties.NumberRounding.."f"):format(num)))
- end)
- else
- valueBox.Text = Properties.ValueToString(prop,propVal)
- end
- else
- valueBox.Text = ""
- end
- valueBox.TextColor3 = tags.ReadOnly and Settings.Theme.PlaceholderText or Settings.Theme.Text
- end
- end
- Properties.Refresh = function()
- local maxEntries = math.max(math.ceil((propsFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y) / 23),0)
- local maxX = propsFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local valueWidth = math.max(Properties.MinInputWidth,maxX-Properties.ViewWidth)
- local inputPropVisible = false
- local isa = game.IsA
- local UDim2 = UDim2
- local stringSplit = string.split
- local scaleType = Settings.Properties.ScaleType
- -- Clear connections
- for i = 1,#propCons do
- propCons[i]:Disconnect()
- end
- table.clear(propCons)
- -- Hide full name viewer
- Properties.FullNameFrame.Visible = false
- Properties.FullNameFrameAttach.Disable()
- for i = 1,maxEntries do
- local entryData = propEntries[i]
- if not propEntries[i] then entryData = Properties.NewPropEntry(i) propEntries[i] = entryData end
- local entry = entryData.Gui
- local guiElems = entryData.GuiElems
- local nameFrame = guiElems.NameFrame
- local propNameLabel = guiElems.PropName
- local valueFrame = guiElems.ValueFrame
- local expand = guiElems.Expand
- local valueBox = guiElems.ValueBox
- local propNameBox = guiElems.PropName
- local rightButton = guiElems.RightButton
- local editAttributeButton = guiElems.EditAttributeButton
- local toggleAttributes = guiElems.ToggleAttributes
- local prop = viewList[i + Properties.Index]
- if prop then
- local entryXOffset = (scaleType == 0 and scrollH.Index or 0)
- entry.Visible = true
- entry.Position =,-entryXOffset,0,entry.Position.Y.Offset)
- entry.Size = == 0 and 0 or 1, scaleType == 0 and Properties.ViewWidth + valueWidth or 0,0,22)
- if prop.SpecialRow then
- if prop.SpecialRow == "AddAttribute" then
- nameFrame.Visible = false
- valueFrame.Visible = false
- guiElems.RowButton.Visible = true
- end
- else
- -- Revert special row stuff
- nameFrame.Visible = true
- guiElems.RowButton.Visible = false
- local depth = Properties.EntryIndent*(prop.Depth or 1)
- local leftOffset = depth + Properties.EntryOffset
- nameFrame.Position =,leftOffset,0,0)
- propNameLabel.Size =,-2 - (scaleType == 0 and 0 or 6),1,0)
- local gName = (prop.CategoryName and "CAT_"..prop.CategoryName) or prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- if prop.CategoryName then
- entry.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Main1
- valueFrame.Visible = false
- propNameBox.Text = prop.CategoryName
- propNameBox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
- expand.Visible = true
- propNameBox.TextColor3 = Settings.Theme.Text
- nameFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- nameFrame.Size =,0,1,0)
- editAttributeButton.Visible = false
- local showingAttrs = Settings.Properties.ShowAttributes
- toggleAttributes.Position =,-85-leftOffset,0,0)
- toggleAttributes.Text = (showingAttrs and "[Setting: ON]" or "[Setting: OFF]")
- toggleAttributes.TextColor3 = Settings.Theme.Text
- toggleAttributes.Visible = (prop.CategoryName == "Attributes")
- else
- local propName = prop.Name
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- local tags = prop.Tags
- local propObj = autoUpdateObjs[gName]
- local attributeOffset = (prop.IsAttribute and 20 or 0)
- editAttributeButton.Visible = (prop.IsAttribute and not prop.RootType)
- toggleAttributes.Visible = false
- -- Moving around the frames
- if scaleType == 0 then
- nameFrame.Size =,Properties.ViewWidth - leftOffset - 1,1,0)
- valueFrame.Position =,Properties.ViewWidth,0,0)
- valueFrame.Size =,valueWidth - attributeOffset,1,0)
- else
- nameFrame.Size =,-leftOffset - 1,1,0)
- valueFrame.Position =,0,0,0)
- valueFrame.Size =,-attributeOffset,1,0)
- end
- local nameArr = stringSplit(gName,".")
- propNameBox.Text = prop.DisplayName or nameArr[#nameArr]
- propNameBox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- entry.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Main2
- valueFrame.Visible = true
- expand.Visible = typeData.Category == "DataType" and Properties.ExpandableTypes[typeName] or Properties.ExpandableProps[gName]
- propNameBox.TextColor3 = tags.ReadOnly and Settings.Theme.PlaceholderText or Settings.Theme.Text
- -- Display property value
- Properties.DisplayProp(prop,i)
- if propObj then
- if prop.IsAttribute then
- propCons[#propCons+1] = getAttributeChangedSignal(propObj,prop.AttributeName):Connect(function()
- Properties.DisplayProp(prop,i)
- end)
- else
- propCons[#propCons+1] = getPropChangedSignal(propObj,propName):Connect(function()
- Properties.DisplayProp(prop,i)
- end)
- end
- end
- -- Position and resize Input Box
- local beforeVisible = valueBox.Visible
- local inputFullName = inputProp and (inputProp.Class.."."..inputProp.Name..(inputProp.SubName or ""))
- if gName == inputFullName then
- nameFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.ListSelection
- nameFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- if typeData.Category == "Class" or typeData.Category == "Enum" or typeName == "BrickColor" then
- valueFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.TextBox
- valueFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- valueBox.Visible = true
- else
- inputPropVisible = true
- local scale = (scaleType == 0 and 0 or 0.5)
- local offset = (scaleType == 0 and Properties.ViewWidth-scrollH.Index or 0)
- local endOffset = 0
- if typeName == "Color3" or typeName == "ColorSequence" then
- offset = offset + 22
- end
- if typeName == "NumberSequence" or typeName == "ColorSequence" then
- endOffset = 20
- end
- inputBox.Position =,offset,0,entry.Position.Y.Offset)
- inputBox.Size =,-offset-endOffset-attributeOffset,0,22)
- inputBox.Visible = true
- valueBox.Visible = false
- end
- else
- nameFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Main1
- nameFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- valueFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Main1
- valueFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- valueBox.Visible = beforeVisible
- end
- end
- -- Expand
- if prop.CategoryName or Properties.ExpandableTypes[prop.ValueType and prop.ValueType.Name] or Properties.ExpandableProps[gName] then
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(expand) then
- Main.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(expand.Icon, expanded[gName] and "Collapse_Over" or "Expand_Over")
- else
- Main.MiscIcons:DisplayByKey(expand.Icon, expanded[gName] and "Collapse" or "Expand")
- end
- expand.Visible = true
- else
- expand.Visible = false
- end
- end
- entry.Visible = true
- else
- entry.Visible = false
- end
- end
- if not inputPropVisible then
- inputBox.Visible = false
- end
- for i = maxEntries+1,#propEntries do
- propEntries[i].Gui:Destroy()
- propEntries[i] = nil
- checkboxes[i] = nil
- end
- end
- Properties.SetProp = function(prop,val,noupdate,prevAttribute)
- local sList = Explorer.Selection.List
- local propName = prop.Name
- local subName = prop.SubName
- local propClass = prop.Class
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- local attributeName = prop.AttributeName
- local rootTypeData = prop.RootType
- local rootTypeName = rootTypeData and rootTypeData.Name
- local fullName = prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- local Vector3 = Vector3
- for i = 1,#sList do
- local node = sList[i]
- local obj = node.Obj
- if isa(obj,propClass) then
- pcall(function()
- local setVal = val
- local root
- if prop.IsAttribute then
- root = getAttribute(obj,attributeName)
- else
- root = obj[propName]
- end
- if prevAttribute then
- if prevAttribute.ValueType.Name == typeName then
- setVal = getAttribute(obj,prevAttribute.AttributeName) or setVal
- end
- setAttribute(obj,prevAttribute.AttributeName,nil)
- end
- if rootTypeName then
- if rootTypeName == "Vector2" then
- setVal = == ".X" and setVal) or root.X, (subName == ".Y" and setVal) or root.Y)
- elseif rootTypeName == "Vector3" then
- setVal = == ".X" and setVal) or root.X, (subName == ".Y" and setVal) or root.Y, (subName == ".Z" and setVal) or root.Z)
- elseif rootTypeName == "UDim" then
- setVal = == ".Scale" and setVal) or root.Scale, (subName == ".Offset" and setVal) or root.Offset)
- elseif rootTypeName == "UDim2" then
- local rootX,rootY = root.X,root.Y
- local X_UDim = (subName == ".X" and setVal) or == ".X.Scale" and setVal) or rootX.Scale, (subName == ".X.Offset" and setVal) or rootX.Offset)
- local Y_UDim = (subName == ".Y" and setVal) or == ".Y.Scale" and setVal) or rootY.Scale, (subName == ".Y.Offset" and setVal) or rootY.Offset)
- setVal =,Y_UDim)
- elseif rootTypeName == "CFrame" then
- local rootPos,rootRight,rootUp,rootLook = root.Position,root.RightVector,root.UpVector,root.LookVector
- local pos = (subName == ".Position" and setVal) or == ".Position.X" and setVal) or rootPos.X, (subName == ".Position.Y" and setVal) or rootPos.Y, (subName == ".Position.Z" and setVal) or rootPos.Z)
- local rightV = (subName == ".RightVector" and setVal) or == ".RightVector.X" and setVal) or rootRight.X, (subName == ".RightVector.Y" and setVal) or rootRight.Y, (subName == ".RightVector.Z" and setVal) or rootRight.Z)
- local upV = (subName == ".UpVector" and setVal) or == ".UpVector.X" and setVal) or rootUp.X, (subName == ".UpVector.Y" and setVal) or rootUp.Y, (subName == ".UpVector.Z" and setVal) or rootUp.Z)
- local lookV = (subName == ".LookVector" and setVal) or == ".LookVector.X" and setVal) or rootLook.X, (subName == ".RightVector.Y" and setVal) or rootLook.Y, (subName == ".RightVector.Z" and setVal) or rootLook.Z)
- setVal = CFrame.fromMatrix(pos,rightV,upV,-lookV)
- elseif rootTypeName == "Rect" then
- local rootMin,rootMax = root.Min,root.Max
- local min = == ".Min.X" and setVal) or rootMin.X, (subName == ".Min.Y" and setVal) or rootMin.Y)
- local max = == ".Max.X" and setVal) or rootMax.X, (subName == ".Max.Y" and setVal) or rootMax.Y)
- setVal =,max)
- elseif rootTypeName == "PhysicalProperties" then
- local rootProps =
- local density = (subName == ".Density" and setVal) or (root and root.Density) or rootProps.Density
- local friction = (subName == ".Friction" and setVal) or (root and root.Friction) or rootProps.Friction
- local elasticity = (subName == ".Elasticity" and setVal) or (root and root.Elasticity) or rootProps.Elasticity
- local frictionWeight = (subName == ".FrictionWeight" and setVal) or (root and root.FrictionWeight) or rootProps.FrictionWeight
- local elasticityWeight = (subName == ".ElasticityWeight" and setVal) or (root and root.ElasticityWeight) or rootProps.ElasticityWeight
- setVal =,friction,elasticity,frictionWeight,elasticityWeight)
- elseif rootTypeName == "Ray" then
- local rootOrigin,rootDirection = root.Origin,root.Direction
- local origin = (subName == ".Origin" and setVal) or == ".Origin.X" and setVal) or rootOrigin.X, (subName == ".Origin.Y" and setVal) or rootOrigin.Y, (subName == ".Origin.Z" and setVal) or rootOrigin.Z)
- local direction = (subName == ".Direction" and setVal) or == ".Direction.X" and setVal) or rootDirection.X, (subName == ".Direction.Y" and setVal) or rootDirection.Y, (subName == ".Direction.Z" and setVal) or rootDirection.Z)
- setVal =,direction)
- elseif rootTypeName == "Faces" then
- local faces = {}
- local faceList = {"Back","Bottom","Front","Left","Right","Top"}
- for _,face in pairs(faceList) do
- local val
- if subName == "."..face then
- val = setVal
- else
- val = root[face]
- end
- if val then faces[#faces+1] = Enum.NormalId[face] end
- end
- setVal =
- elseif rootTypeName == "Axes" then
- local axes = {}
- local axesList = {"X","Y","Z"}
- for _,axe in pairs(axesList) do
- local val
- if subName == "."..axe then
- val = setVal
- else
- val = root[axe]
- end
- if val then axes[#axes+1] = Enum.Axis[axe] end
- end
- setVal =
- elseif rootTypeName == "NumberRange" then
- setVal = == ".Min" and setVal or root.Min, subName == ".Max" and setVal or root.Max)
- end
- end
- if typeName == "PhysicalProperties" and setVal then
- setVal = root or
- end
- if prop.IsAttribute then
- setAttribute(obj,attributeName,setVal)
- else
- obj[propName] = setVal
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- if not noupdate then
- Properties.ComputeConflicts(prop)
- end
- end
- Properties.InitInputBox = function()
- inputBox = create({
- {1,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="InputBox",,200,0,22),Visible=false,ZIndex=2,}},
- {2,"TextBox",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.51764708757401,1),BorderSizePixel=0,ClearTextOnFocus=false,Font=3,Parent={1},,0.69803923368454,0.69803923368454),,3,0,0),,-6,1,0),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,ZIndex=2,}},
- })
- inputTextBox = inputBox.TextBox
- inputBox.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.TextBox
- inputBox.Parent = Properties.Window.GuiElems.Content.List
- inputTextBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- if not inputProp then return end
- local prop = inputProp
- inputProp = nil
- local val = Properties.StringToValue(prop,inputTextBox.Text)
- if val then Properties.SetProp(prop,val) else Properties.Refresh() end
- end)
- inputTextBox.Focused:Connect(function()
- inputTextBox.SelectionStart = 1
- inputTextBox.CursorPosition = #inputTextBox.Text + 1
- end)
- Lib.ViewportTextBox.convert(inputTextBox)
- end
- Properties.SetInputProp = function(prop,entryIndex,special)
- local typeData = prop.ValueType
- local typeName = typeData.Name
- local fullName = prop.Class.."."..prop.Name..(prop.SubName or "")
- local propObj = autoUpdateObjs[fullName]
- local propVal = Properties.GetPropVal(prop,propObj)
- if prop.Tags.ReadOnly then return end
- inputProp = prop
- if special then
- if special == "color" then
- if typeName == "Color3" then
- inputTextBox.Text = propVal and Properties.ValueToString(prop,propVal) or ""
- Properties.DisplayColorEditor(prop,propVal)
- elseif typeName == "BrickColor" then
- Properties.DisplayBrickColorEditor(prop,entryIndex,propVal)
- elseif typeName == "ColorSequence" then
- inputTextBox.Text = propVal and Properties.ValueToString(prop,propVal) or ""
- Properties.DisplayColorSequenceEditor(prop,propVal)
- end
- elseif special == "right" then
- if typeName == "NumberSequence" then
- inputTextBox.Text = propVal and Properties.ValueToString(prop,propVal) or ""
- Properties.DisplayNumberSequenceEditor(prop,propVal)
- elseif typeName == "ColorSequence" then
- inputTextBox.Text = propVal and Properties.ValueToString(prop,propVal) or ""
- Properties.DisplayColorSequenceEditor(prop,propVal)
- end
- end
- else
- if Properties.IsTextEditable(prop) then
- inputTextBox.Text = propVal and Properties.ValueToString(prop,propVal) or ""
- inputTextBox:CaptureFocus()
- elseif typeData.Category == "Enum" then
- Properties.DisplayEnumDropdown(entryIndex)
- elseif typeName == "BrickColor" then
- Properties.DisplayBrickColorEditor(prop,entryIndex,propVal)
- end
- end
- Properties.Refresh()
- end
- Properties.InitSearch = function()
- local searchBox = Properties.GuiElems.ToolBar.SearchFrame.SearchBox
- Lib.ViewportTextBox.convert(searchBox)
- searchBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
- Properties.SearchText = searchBox.Text
- Properties.Update()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end)
- end
- Properties.InitEntryStuff = function()
- Properties.EntryTemplate = create({
- {1,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),,0.1294117718935,0.1294117718935),Font=3,Name="Entry",,1,0,1),,250,0,22),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.35294118523598,0.68627452850342),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.49019610881805,0.73725491762161),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="NameFrame",Parent={1},,20,0,0),,-40,1,0),}},
- {3,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="PropName",Parent={2},,2,0,0),,-2,1,0),Text="Anchored",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextTransparency=0.10000000149012,TextTruncate=1,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {4,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,ClipsDescendants=true,Font=3,Name="Expand",Parent={2},,-20,0,1),,20,0,20),Text="",TextSize=14,Visible=false,}},
- {5,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5642383285",,16),,16),Name="Icon",Parent={4},,2,0,2),ScaleType=4,,16,0,16),}},
- {6,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=4,Name="ToggleAttributes",Parent={2},,-85,0,0),,85,0,22),Text="[SETTING: OFF]",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextTransparency=0.10000000149012,Visible=false,}},
- {7,"Frame",{,0.35294118523598,0.68627452850342),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.49019607901573,0.73725491762161),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ValueFrame",Parent={1},,-100,0,0),,80,1,0),}},
- {8,"Frame",{,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),,0.49019610881805,0.73725491762161),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={7},,-1,0,0),,1,1,0),}},
- {9,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="ColorButton",Parent={7},,20,0,22),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,Visible=false,}},
- {10,"Frame",{,1,1),,0,0),Name="ColorPreview",Parent={9},,5,0,6),,10,0,10),}},
- {11,"UIGradient",{Parent={10},}},
- {12,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="EnumArrow",Parent={7},,-16,0,3),,16,0,16),Visible=false,}},
- {13,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={12},,8,0,9),,1,0,1),}},
- {14,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={12},,7,0,8),,3,0,1),}},
- {15,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={12},,6,0,7),,5,0,1),}},
- {16,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="ValueBox",Parent={7},,4,0,0),,-8,1,0),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextTransparency=0.10000000149012,TextTruncate=1,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {17,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="RightButton",Parent={7},,-20,0,0),,20,0,22),Text="...",,1,1),TextSize=14,Visible=false,}},
- {18,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="SettingsButton",Parent={7},,-20,0,0),,20,0,22),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,Visible=false,}},
- {19,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="SoundPreview",Parent={7},,0,1,0),Visible=false,}},
- {20,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="ControlButton",Parent={19},,20,0,22),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {21,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5642383285",,16),,16),Name="Icon",Parent={20},,2,0,3),ScaleType=4,,16,0,16),}},
- {22,"Frame",{,0.3137255012989,0.3137255012989),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="TimeLine",Parent={19},,26,0.5,-1),,-34,0,2),}},
- {23,"Frame",{,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.1294117718935,0.1294117718935),Name="Slider",Parent={22},,-4,0,-8),,8,0,18),}},
- {24,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="EditAttributeButton",Parent={1},,-20,0,0),,20,0,22),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {25,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5034718180",ImageTransparency=0.20000000298023,Name="Icon",Parent={24},,2,0,3),,16,0,16),}},
- {26,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="RowButton",Parent={1},,0,1,0),Text="Add Attribute",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextTransparency=0.10000000149012,Visible=false,}},
- })
- local fullNameFrame =
- local label =
- label.Parent = fullNameFrame.Gui
- label.Position =,2,0,0)
- label.Size =,-4,1,0)
- fullNameFrame.Visible = false
- fullNameFrame.Parent = window.Gui
- Properties.FullNameFrame = fullNameFrame
- Properties.FullNameFrameAttach = Lib.AttachTo(fullNameFrame)
- end
- Properties.Init = function() -- TODO: MAKE BETTER
- local guiItems = create({
- {1,"Folder",{Name="Items",}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ToolBar",Parent={1},,0,0,22),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.1176470592618,0.1176470592618),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="SearchFrame",Parent={2},,3,0,1),,-6,0,18),}},
- {4,"TextBox",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,ClearTextOnFocus=false,Font=3,Name="SearchBox",Parent={3},,0.39215689897537,0.39215689897537),PlaceholderText="Search properties",,4,0,0),,-24,0,18),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {5,"UICorner",{,2),Parent={3},}},
- {6,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Reset",Parent={3},,-17,0,1),,16,0,16),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {7,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5034718129",,0.39215686917305,0.39215686917305),Parent={6},,16,0,16),}},
- {8,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Refresh",Parent={2},,-20,0,1),,18,0,18),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,Visible=false,}},
- {9,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5642310344",Parent={8},,3,0,3),,12,0,12),}},
- {10,"Frame",{,0.15686275064945,0.15686275064945),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ScrollCorner",Parent={1},,-16,1,-16),,16,0,16),Visible=false,}},
- {11,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="List",Parent={1},,0,0,23),,0,1,-23),}},
- })
- -- Vars
- categoryOrder = API.CategoryOrder
- for category,_ in next,categoryOrder do
- if not Properties.CollapsedCategories[category] then
- expanded["CAT_"..category] = true
- end
- end
- expanded["Sound.SoundId"] = true
- -- Init window
- window =
- Properties.Window = window
- window:SetTitle("Properties")
- toolBar = guiItems.ToolBar
- propsFrame = guiItems.List
- Properties.GuiElems.ToolBar = toolBar
- Properties.GuiElems.PropsFrame = propsFrame
- Properties.InitEntryStuff()
- -- Window events
- window.GuiElems.Main:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):Connect(function()
- if Properties.Window:IsContentVisible() then
- Properties.UpdateView()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end
- end)
- window.OnActivate:Connect(function()
- Properties.UpdateView()
- Properties.Update()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end)
- window.OnRestore:Connect(function()
- Properties.UpdateView()
- Properties.Update()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end)
- -- Init scrollbars
- scrollV =
- scrollV.WheelIncrement = 3
- scrollV.Gui.Position =,-16,0,23)
- scrollV:SetScrollFrame(propsFrame)
- scrollV.Scrolled:Connect(function()
- Properties.Index = scrollV.Index
- Properties.Refresh()
- end)
- scrollH =
- scrollH.Increment = 5
- scrollH.WheelIncrement = 20
- scrollH.Gui.Position =,0,1,-16)
- scrollH.Scrolled:Connect(function()
- Properties.Refresh()
- end)
- -- Setup Gui
- window.GuiElems.Line.Position =,0,0,22)
- toolBar.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- propsFrame.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- guiItems.ScrollCorner.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- scrollV.Gui.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- scrollH.Gui.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- Properties.InitInputBox()
- Properties.InitSearch()
- end
- return Properties
- end
- return {InitDeps = initDeps, InitAfterMain = initAfterMain, Main = main}
- end,
- ScriptViewer = function()
- --[[
- Script Viewer App Module
- A script viewer that is basically a notepad
- ]]
- -- Common Locals
- local Main,Lib,Apps,Settings -- Main Containers
- local Explorer, Properties, ScriptViewer, Notebook -- Major Apps
- local API,RMD,env,service,plr,create,createSimple -- Main Locals
- local function initDeps(data)
- Main = data.Main
- Lib = data.Lib
- Apps = data.Apps
- Settings = data.Settings
- API = data.API
- RMD = data.RMD
- env = data.env
- service = data.service
- plr = data.plr
- create = data.create
- createSimple = data.createSimple
- end
- local function initAfterMain()
- Explorer = Apps.Explorer
- Properties = Apps.Properties
- ScriptViewer = Apps.ScriptViewer
- Notebook = Apps.Notebook
- end
- local function main()
- local ScriptViewer = {}
- local window, codeFrame
- local PreviousScr = nil
- ScriptViewer.ViewScript = function(scr)
- local success, source = pcall(env.decompile or function() end, scr)
- if not success or not source then source, PreviousScr = "-- DEX - Source failed to decompile", nil else PreviousScr = scr end
- codeFrame:SetText(source)
- window:Show()
- end
- ScriptViewer.Init = function()
- window =
- window:SetTitle("Script Viewer")
- window:Resize(500,400)
- ScriptViewer.Window = window
- codeFrame =
- codeFrame.Frame.Position =,0,0,20)
- codeFrame.Frame.Size =,0,1,-20)
- codeFrame.Frame.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- local copy ="TextButton",window.GuiElems.Content)
- copy.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- copy.Size =,0,0,20)
- copy.Text = "Copy to Clipboard"
- copy.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- copy.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- local source = codeFrame:GetText()
- setclipboard(source)
- end)
- local save ="TextButton",window.GuiElems.Content)
- save.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- save.Position =,0,0,0)
- save.Size =,0,0,20)
- save.Text = "Save to File"
- save.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- save.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- local source = codeFrame:GetText()
- local filename = "Place_""_Script_"..os.time()..".txt"
- writefile(filename,source)
- if movefileas then -- TODO: USE ENV
- movefileas(filename,".txt")
- end
- end)
- local dumpbtn ="TextButton",window.GuiElems.Content)
- dumpbtn.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- dumpbtn.Position =,0,0,0)
- dumpbtn.Size =,0,0,20)
- dumpbtn.Text = "Dump Functions"
- dumpbtn.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- dumpbtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if PreviousScr ~= nil then
- pcall(function()
- -- thanks King.Kevin#6025 you'll obviously be credited (no discord tag since that can easily be impersonated)
- local getgc = getgc or get_gc_objects
- local getupvalues = (debug and debug.getupvalues) or getupvalues or getupvals
- local getconstants = (debug and debug.getconstants) or getconstants or getconsts
- local getinfo = (debug and (debug.getinfo or or getinfo
- local original = ("\n-- // Function Dumper made by King.Kevin\n-- // Script Path: %s\n\n--[["):format(PreviousScr:GetFullName())
- local dump = original
- local functions, function_count, data_base = {}, 0, {}
- function functions:add_to_dump(str, indentation, new_line)
- local new_line = new_line or true
- dump = dump .. ("%s%s%s"):format(string.rep(" ", indentation), tostring(str), new_line and "\n" or "")
- end
- function functions:get_function_name(func)
- local n = getinfo(func).name
- return n ~= "" and n or "Unknown Name"
- end
- function functions:dump_table(input, indent, index)
- local indent = indent < 0 and 0 or indent
- functions:add_to_dump(("%s [%s] %s"):format(tostring(index), tostring(typeof(input)), tostring(input)), indent - 1)
- local count = 0
- for index, value in pairs(input) do
- count = count + 1
- if type(value) == "function" then
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [function] = %s"):format(count, functions:get_function_name(value)), indent)
- elseif type(value) == "table" then
- if not data_base[value] then
- data_base[value] = true
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [table]:"):format(count), indent)
- functions:dump_table(value, indent + 1, index)
- else
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [table] (Recursive table detected)"):format(count), indent)
- end
- else
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [%s] = %s"):format(count, tostring(typeof(value)), tostring(value)), indent)
- end
- end
- end
- function functions:dump_function(input, indent)
- functions:add_to_dump(("\nFunction Dump: %s"):format(functions:get_function_name(input)), indent)
- functions:add_to_dump(("\nFunction Upvalues: %s"):format(functions:get_function_name(input)), indent)
- for index, upvalue in pairs(getupvalues(input)) do
- if type(upvalue) == "function" then
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [function] = %s"):format(index, functions:get_function_name(upvalue)), indent + 1)
- elseif type(upvalue) == "table" then
- if not data_base[upvalue] then
- data_base[upvalue] = true
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [table]:"):format(index), indent + 1)
- functions:dump_table(upvalue, indent + 2, index)
- else
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [table] (Recursive table detected)"):format(index), indent + 1)
- end
- else
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [%s] = %s"):format(index, tostring(typeof(upvalue)), tostring(upvalue)), indent + 1)
- end
- end
- functions:add_to_dump(("\nFunction Constants: %s"):format(functions:get_function_name(input)), indent)
- for index, constant in pairs(getconstants(input)) do
- if type(constant) == "function" then
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [function] = %s"):format(index, functions:get_function_name(constant)), indent + 1)
- elseif type(constant) == "table" then
- if not data_base[constant] then
- data_base[constant] = true
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [table]:"):format(index), indent + 1)
- functions:dump_table(constant, indent + 2, index)
- else
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [table] (Recursive table detected)"):format(index), indent + 1)
- end
- else
- functions:add_to_dump(("%d [%s] = %s"):format(index, tostring(typeof(constant)), tostring(constant)), indent + 1)
- end
- end
- end
- for _, _function in pairs(getgc()) do
- if typeof(_function) == "function" and getfenv(_function).script and getfenv(_function).script == PreviousScr then
- functions:dump_function(_function, 0)
- functions:add_to_dump("\n" .. ("="):rep(100), 0, false)
- end
- end
- local source = codeFrame:GetText()
- if dump ~= original then source = source .. dump .. "]]" end
- codeFrame:SetText(source)
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- return ScriptViewer
- end
- return {InitDeps = initDeps, InitAfterMain = initAfterMain, Main = main}
- end,
- Lib = function()
- --[[
- Lib Module
- Container for functions and classes
- ]]
- -- Common Locals
- local Main,Lib,Apps,Settings -- Main Containers
- local Explorer, Properties, ScriptViewer, Notebook -- Major Apps
- local API,RMD,env,service,plr,create,createSimple -- Main Locals
- local function initDeps(data)
- Main = data.Main
- Lib = data.Lib
- Apps = data.Apps
- Settings = data.Settings
- API = data.API
- RMD = data.RMD
- env = data.env
- service = data.service
- plr = data.plr
- create = data.create
- createSimple = data.createSimple
- end
- local function initAfterMain()
- Explorer = Apps.Explorer
- Properties = Apps.Properties
- ScriptViewer = Apps.ScriptViewer
- Notebook = Apps.Notebook
- end
- local function main()
- local Lib = {}
- local renderStepped = service.RunService.RenderStepped
- local signalWait = renderStepped.wait
- local PH = newproxy() -- Placeholder, must be replaced in constructor
- local SIGNAL = newproxy()
- -- Usually for classes that work with a Roblox Object
- local function initObj(props,mt)
- local type = type
- local function copy(t)
- local res = {}
- for i,v in pairs(t) do
- if v == SIGNAL then
- res[i] =
- elseif type(v) == "table" then
- res[i] = copy(v)
- else
- res[i] = v
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- local newObj = copy(props)
- return setmetatable(newObj,mt)
- end
- local function getGuiMT(props,funcs)
- return {__index = function(self,ind) if not props[ind] then return funcs[ind] or self.Gui[ind] end end,
- __newindex = function(self,ind,val) if not props[ind] then self.Gui[ind] = val else rawset(self,ind,val) end end}
- end
- -- Functions
- Lib.FormatLuaString = (function()
- local string = string
- local gsub = string.gsub
- local format = string.format
- local char = string.char
- local cleanTable = {['"'] = '\\"', ['\\'] = '\\\\'}
- for i = 0,31 do
- cleanTable[char(i)] = "\\"..format("%03d",i)
- end
- for i = 127,255 do
- cleanTable[char(i)] = "\\"..format("%03d",i)
- end
- return function(str)
- return gsub(str,"[\"\\\0-\31\127-\255]",cleanTable)
- end
- end)()
- Lib.CheckMouseInGui = function(gui)
- if gui == nil then return false end
- local mouse = Main.Mouse
- local guiPosition = gui.AbsolutePosition
- local guiSize = gui.AbsoluteSize
- return mouse.X >= guiPosition.X and mouse.X < guiPosition.X + guiSize.X and mouse.Y >= guiPosition.Y and mouse.Y < guiPosition.Y + guiSize.Y
- end
- Lib.IsShiftDown = function()
- return service.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) or service.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.RightShift)
- end
- Lib.IsCtrlDown = function()
- return service.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) or service.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.RightControl)
- end
- Lib.CreateArrow = function(size,num,dir)
- local max = num
- local arrowFrame = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Arrow",
- Size =,size,0,size)
- })
- if dir == "up" then
- for i = 1,num do
- local newLine = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundColor3 =,220/255,220/255),
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Position =,math.floor(size/2)-(i-1),0,math.floor(size/2)+i-math.floor(max/2)-1),
- Size =,i+(i-1),0,1),
- Parent = arrowFrame
- })
- end
- return arrowFrame
- elseif dir == "down" then
- for i = 1,num do
- local newLine = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundColor3 =,220/255,220/255),
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Position =,math.floor(size/2)-(i-1),0,math.floor(size/2)-i+math.floor(max/2)+1),
- Size =,i+(i-1),0,1),
- Parent = arrowFrame
- })
- end
- return arrowFrame
- elseif dir == "left" then
- for i = 1,num do
- local newLine = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundColor3 =,220/255,220/255),
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Position =,math.floor(size/2)+i-math.floor(max/2)-1,0,math.floor(size/2)-(i-1)),
- Size =,1,0,i+(i-1)),
- Parent = arrowFrame
- })
- end
- return arrowFrame
- elseif dir == "right" then
- for i = 1,num do
- local newLine = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundColor3 =,220/255,220/255),
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Position =,math.floor(size/2)-i+math.floor(max/2)+1,0,math.floor(size/2)-(i-1)),
- Size =,1,0,i+(i-1)),
- Parent = arrowFrame
- })
- end
- return arrowFrame
- end
- error("r u ok")
- end
- Lib.ParseXML = (function()
- local func = function()
- -- Only exists to parse RMD
- -- from
- local string, print, pairs = string, print, pairs
- --
- local trim = function(s)
- local from = s:match"^%s*()"
- return from > #s and "" or s:match(".*%S", from)
- end
- local gtchar = string.byte('>', 1)
- local slashchar = string.byte('/', 1)
- local D = string.byte('D', 1)
- local E = string.byte('E', 1)
- function parse(s, evalEntities)
- -- remove comments
- s = s:gsub('<!%-%-(.-)%-%->', '')
- local entities, tentities = {}
- if evalEntities then
- local pos = s:find('<[_%w]')
- if pos then
- s:sub(1, pos):gsub('<!ENTITY%s+([_%w]+)%s+(.)(.-)%2', function(name, q, entity)
- entities[#entities+1] = {name=name, value=entity}
- end)
- tentities = createEntityTable(entities)
- s = replaceEntities(s:sub(pos), tentities)
- end
- end
- local t, l = {}, {}
- local addtext = function(txt)
- txt = txt:match'^%s*(.*%S)' or ''
- if #txt ~= 0 then
- t[#t+1] = {text=txt}
- end
- end
- s:gsub('<([?!/]?)([-:_%w]+)%s*(/?>?)([^<]*)', function(type, name, closed, txt)
- -- open
- if #type == 0 then
- local a = {}
- if #closed == 0 then
- local len = 0
- for all,aname,_,value,starttxt in string.gmatch(txt, "(.-([-_%w]+)%s*=%s*(.)(.-)%3%s*(/?>?))") do
- len = len + #all
- a[aname] = value
- if #starttxt ~= 0 then
- txt = txt:sub(len+1)
- closed = starttxt
- break
- end
- end
- end
- t[#t+1] = {tag=name, attrs=a, children={}}
- if closed:byte(1) ~= slashchar then
- l[#l+1] = t
- t = t[#t].children
- end
- addtext(txt)
- -- close
- elseif '/' == type then
- t = l[#l]
- l[#l] = nil
- addtext(txt)
- elseif '!' == type then
- if E == name:byte(1) then
- txt:gsub('([_%w]+)%s+(.)(.-)%2', function(name, q, entity)
- entities[#entities+1] = {name=name, value=entity}
- end, 1)
- end
- -- elseif '?' == type then
- -- print('? ' .. name .. ' // ' .. attrs .. '$$')
- -- elseif '-' == type then
- -- print('comment ' .. name .. ' // ' .. attrs .. '$$')
- -- else
- -- print('o ' .. #p .. ' // ' .. name .. ' // ' .. attrs .. '$$')
- end
- end)
- return {children=t, entities=entities, tentities=tentities}
- end
- function parseText(txt)
- return parse(txt)
- end
- function defaultEntityTable()
- return { quot='"', apos='\'', lt='<', gt='>', amp='&', tab='\t', nbsp=' ', }
- end
- function replaceEntities(s, entities)
- return s:gsub('&([^;]+);', entities)
- end
- function createEntityTable(docEntities, resultEntities)
- entities = resultEntities or defaultEntityTable()
- for _,e in pairs(docEntities) do
- e.value = replaceEntities(e.value, entities)
- entities[] = e.value
- end
- return entities
- end
- return parseText
- end
- local newEnv = setmetatable({},{__index = getfenv()})
- setfenv(func,newEnv)
- return func()
- end)()
- Lib.FastWait = function(s)
- if not s then return signalWait(renderStepped) end
- local start = tick()
- while tick() - start < s do signalWait(renderStepped) end
- end
- Lib.ButtonAnim = function(button,data)
- local holding = false
- local disabled = false
- local mode = data and data.Mode or 1
- local control = {}
- if mode == 2 then
- local lerpTo = data.LerpTo or,0,0)
- local delta = data.LerpDelta or 0.2
- control.StartColor = data.StartColor or button.BackgroundColor3
- control.PressColor = data.PressColor or control.StartColor:lerp(lerpTo,delta)
- control.HoverColor = data.HoverColor or control.StartColor:lerp(control.PressColor,0.6)
- control.OutlineColor = data.OutlineColor
- end
- button.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if disabled then return end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not holding then
- if mode == 1 then
- button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4
- elseif mode == 2 then
- button.BackgroundColor3 = control.HoverColor
- end
- elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- holding = true
- if mode == 1 then
- button.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- elseif mode == 2 then
- button.BackgroundColor3 = control.PressColor
- if control.OutlineColor then button.BorderColor3 = control.PressColor end
- end
- end
- end)
- button.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if disabled then return end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not holding then
- if mode == 1 then
- button.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- elseif mode == 2 then
- button.BackgroundColor3 = control.StartColor
- end
- elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- holding = false
- if mode == 1 then
- button.BackgroundTransparency = Lib.CheckMouseInGui(button) and 0.4 or 1
- elseif mode == 2 then
- button.BackgroundColor3 = Lib.CheckMouseInGui(button) and control.HoverColor or control.StartColor
- if control.OutlineColor then button.BorderColor3 = control.OutlineColor end
- end
- end
- end)
- control.Disable = function()
- disabled = true
- holding = false
- if mode == 1 then
- button.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- elseif mode == 2 then
- button.BackgroundColor3 = control.StartColor
- end
- end
- control.Enable = function()
- disabled = false
- end
- return control
- end
- Lib.FindAndRemove = function(t,item)
- local pos = table.find(t,item)
- if pos then table.remove(t,pos) end
- end
- Lib.AttachTo = function(obj,data)
- local target,posOffX,posOffY,sizeOffX,sizeOffY,resize,con
- local disabled = false
- local function update()
- if not obj or not target then return end
- local targetPos = target.AbsolutePosition
- local targetSize = target.AbsoluteSize
- obj.Position =,targetPos.X + posOffX,0,targetPos.Y + posOffY)
- if resize then obj.Size =,targetSize.X + sizeOffX,0,targetSize.Y + sizeOffY) end
- end
- local function setup(o,data)
- obj = o
- data = data or {}
- target = data.Target
- posOffX = data.PosOffX or 0
- posOffY = data.PosOffY or 0
- sizeOffX = data.SizeOffX or 0
- sizeOffY = data.SizeOffY or 0
- resize = data.Resize or false
- if con then con:Disconnect() con = nil end
- if target then
- con = target.Changed:Connect(function(prop)
- if not disabled and prop == "AbsolutePosition" or prop == "AbsoluteSize" then
- update()
- end
- end)
- end
- update()
- end
- setup(obj,data)
- return {
- SetData = function(obj,data)
- setup(obj,data)
- end,
- Enable = function()
- disabled = false
- update()
- end,
- Disable = function()
- disabled = true
- end,
- Destroy = function()
- con:Disconnect()
- con = nil
- end,
- }
- end
- Lib.ProtectedGuis = {}
- Lib.ShowGui = function(gui)
- if env.protectgui then
- env.protectgui(gui)
- end
- gui.Parent = Main.GuiHolder
- end
- Lib.ColorToBytes = function(col)
- local round = math.round
- return string.format("%d, %d, %d",round(col.r*255),round(col.g*255),round(col.b*255))
- end
- Lib.ReadFile = function(filename)
- if not env.readfile then return end
- local s,contents = pcall(env.readfile,filename)
- if s and contents then return contents end
- end
- Lib.DeferFunc = function(f,...)
- signalWait(renderStepped)
- return f(...)
- end
- Lib.LoadCustomAsset = function(filepath)
- if not env.getcustomasset or not env.isfile or not env.isfile(filepath) then return end
- return env.getcustomasset(filepath)
- end
- Lib.FetchCustomAsset = function(url,filepath)
- if not env.writefile then return end
- local s,data = pcall(game.HttpGet,game,url)
- if not s then return end
- env.writefile(filepath,data)
- return Lib.LoadCustomAsset(filepath)
- end
- -- Classes
- Lib.Signal = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- local disconnect = function(con)
- local pos = table.find(con.Signal.Connections,con)
- if pos then table.remove(con.Signal.Connections,pos) end
- end
- funcs.Connect = function(self,func)
- if type(func) ~= "function" then error("Attempt to connect a non-function") end
- local con = {
- Signal = self,
- Func = func,
- Disconnect = disconnect
- }
- self.Connections[#self.Connections+1] = con
- return con
- end
- funcs.Fire = function(self,...)
- for i,v in next,self.Connections do
- xpcall(coroutine.wrap(v.Func),function(e) warn(e.."\n"..debug.traceback()) end,...)
- end
- end
- local mt = {
- __index = funcs,
- __tostring = function(self)
- return "Signal: " .. tostring(#self.Connections) .. " Connections"
- end
- }
- local function new()
- local obj = {}
- obj.Connections = {}
- return setmetatable(obj,mt)
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.Set = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- funcs.Add = function(self,obj)
- if self.Map[obj] then return end
- local list = self.List
- list[#list+1] = obj
- self.Map[obj] = true
- self.Changed:Fire()
- end
- funcs.AddTable = function(self,t)
- local changed
- local list,map = self.List,self.Map
- for i = 1,#t do
- local elem = t[i]
- if not map[elem] then
- list[#list+1] = elem
- map[elem] = true
- changed = true
- end
- end
- if changed then self.Changed:Fire() end
- end
- funcs.Remove = function(self,obj)
- if not self.Map[obj] then return end
- local list = self.List
- local pos = table.find(list,obj)
- if pos then table.remove(list,pos) end
- self.Map[obj] = nil
- self.Changed:Fire()
- end
- funcs.RemoveTable = function(self,t)
- local changed
- local list,map = self.List,self.Map
- local removeSet = {}
- for i = 1,#t do
- local elem = t[i]
- map[elem] = nil
- removeSet[elem] = true
- end
- for i = #list,1,-1 do
- local elem = list[i]
- if removeSet[elem] then
- table.remove(list,i)
- changed = true
- end
- end
- if changed then self.Changed:Fire() end
- end
- funcs.Set = function(self,obj)
- if #self.List == 1 and self.List[1] == obj then return end
- self.List = {obj}
- self.Map = {[obj] = true}
- self.Changed:Fire()
- end
- funcs.SetTable = function(self,t)
- local newList,newMap = {},{}
- self.List,self.Map = newList,newMap
- table.move(t,1,#t,1,newList)
- for i = 1,#t do
- newMap[t[i]] = true
- end
- self.Changed:Fire()
- end
- funcs.Clear = function(self)
- if #self.List == 0 then return end
- self.List = {}
- self.Map = {}
- self.Changed:Fire()
- end
- local mt = {__index = funcs}
- local function new()
- local obj = setmetatable({
- List = {},
- Map = {},
- Changed =
- },mt)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.IconMap = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- funcs.GetLabel = function(self)
- local label ="ImageLabel")
- self:SetupLabel(label)
- return label
- end
- funcs.SetupLabel = function(self,obj)
- obj.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- obj.ImageRectOffset =,0)
- obj.ImageRectSize =,self.IconSizeY)
- obj.ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Crop
- obj.Size =,self.IconSizeX,0,self.IconSizeY)
- end
- funcs.Display = function(self,obj,index)
- obj.Image = self.MapId
- if not self.NumX then
- obj.ImageRectOffset =*index, 0)
- else
- obj.ImageRectOffset =*(index % self.NumX), self.IconSizeY*math.floor(index / self.NumX))
- end
- end
- funcs.DisplayByKey = function(self,obj,key)
- if self.IndexDict[key] then
- self:Display(obj,self.IndexDict[key])
- end
- end
- funcs.SetDict = function(self,dict)
- self.IndexDict = dict
- end
- local mt = {}
- mt.__index = funcs
- local function new(mapId,mapSizeX,mapSizeY,iconSizeX,iconSizeY)
- local obj = setmetatable({
- MapId = mapId,
- MapSizeX = mapSizeX,
- MapSizeY = mapSizeY,
- IconSizeX = iconSizeX,
- IconSizeY = iconSizeY,
- NumX = mapSizeX/iconSizeX,
- IndexDict = {}
- },mt)
- return obj
- end
- local function newLinear(mapId,iconSizeX,iconSizeY)
- local obj = setmetatable({
- MapId = mapId,
- IconSizeX = iconSizeX,
- IconSizeY = iconSizeY,
- IndexDict = {}
- },mt)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new, newLinear = newLinear}
- end)()
- Lib.ScrollBar = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- local user = service.UserInputService
- local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
- local checkMouseInGui = Lib.CheckMouseInGui
- local createArrow = Lib.CreateArrow
- local function drawThumb(self)
- local total = self.TotalSpace
- local visible = self.VisibleSpace
- local index = self.Index
- local scrollThumb = self.GuiElems.ScrollThumb
- local scrollThumbFrame = self.GuiElems.ScrollThumbFrame
- if not (self:CanScrollUp() or self:CanScrollDown()) then
- scrollThumb.Visible = false
- else
- scrollThumb.Visible = true
- end
- if self.Horizontal then
- scrollThumb.Size =,0,1,0)
- if scrollThumb.AbsoluteSize.X < 16 then
- scrollThumb.Size =,16,1,0)
- end
- local fs = scrollThumbFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local bs = scrollThumb.AbsoluteSize.X
- scrollThumb.Position =*(fs-bs)/fs,0,0,0)
- else
- scrollThumb.Size =,0,visible/total,0)
- if scrollThumb.AbsoluteSize.Y < 16 then
- scrollThumb.Size =,0,0,16)
- end
- local fs = scrollThumbFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y
- local bs = scrollThumb.AbsoluteSize.Y
- scrollThumb.Position =,0,self:GetScrollPercent()*(fs-bs)/fs,0)
- end
- end
- local function createFrame(self)
- local newFrame = createSimple("Frame",{Style=0,Active=true,,0),,0.35294118523598,0.35294118523598),BackgroundTransparency=0,,0.16470588743687,0.20784315466881),BorderSizePixel=0,ClipsDescendants=false,Draggable=false,,-16,0,0),Rotation=0,Selectable=false,,16,1,0),SizeConstraint=0,Visible=true,ZIndex=1,Name="ScrollBar",})
- local button1 = nil
- local button2 = nil
- if self.Horizontal then
- newFrame.Size =,0,0,16)
- button1 = createSimple("ImageButton",{
- Parent = newFrame,
- Name = "Left",
- Size =,16,0,16),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- AutoButtonColor = false
- })
- createArrow(16,4,"left").Parent = button1
- button2 = createSimple("ImageButton",{
- Parent = newFrame,
- Name = "Right",
- Position =,-16,0,0),
- Size =,16,0,16),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- AutoButtonColor = false
- })
- createArrow(16,4,"right").Parent = button2
- else
- newFrame.Size =,16,1,0)
- button1 = createSimple("ImageButton",{
- Parent = newFrame,
- Name = "Up",
- Size =,16,0,16),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- AutoButtonColor = false
- })
- createArrow(16,4,"up").Parent = button1
- button2 = createSimple("ImageButton",{
- Parent = newFrame,
- Name = "Down",
- Position =,0,1,-16),
- Size =,16,0,16),
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- AutoButtonColor = false
- })
- createArrow(16,4,"down").Parent = button2
- end
- local scrollThumbFrame = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Parent = newFrame
- })
- if self.Horizontal then
- scrollThumbFrame.Position =,16,0,0)
- scrollThumbFrame.Size =,-32,1,0)
- else
- scrollThumbFrame.Position =,0,0,16)
- scrollThumbFrame.Size =,0,1,-32)
- end
- local scrollThumb = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundColor3 =,120/255,120/255),
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Parent = scrollThumbFrame
- })
- local markerFrame = createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- Name = "Markers",
- Size =,0,1,0),
- Parent = scrollThumbFrame
- })
- local buttonPress = false
- local thumbPress = false
- local thumbFramePress = false
- --local thumbColor =,120/255,120/255)
- --local thumbSelectColor =,140/255,140/255)
- button1.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not buttonPress and self:CanScrollUp() then button1.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 end
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or not self:CanScrollUp() then return end
- buttonPress = true
- button1.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- if self:CanScrollUp() then self:ScrollUp() self.Scrolled:Fire() end
- local buttonTick = tick()
- local releaseEvent
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- if checkMouseInGui(button1) and self:CanScrollUp() then button1.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 else button1.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end
- buttonPress = false
- end)
- while buttonPress do
- if tick() - buttonTick >= 0.3 and self:CanScrollUp() then
- self:ScrollUp()
- self.Scrolled:Fire()
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- button1.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not buttonPress then button1.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end
- end)
- button2.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not buttonPress and self:CanScrollDown() then button2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 end
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or not self:CanScrollDown() then return end
- buttonPress = true
- button2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- if self:CanScrollDown() then self:ScrollDown() self.Scrolled:Fire() end
- local buttonTick = tick()
- local releaseEvent
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- if checkMouseInGui(button2) and self:CanScrollDown() then button2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 else button2.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end
- buttonPress = false
- end)
- while buttonPress do
- if tick() - buttonTick >= 0.3 and self:CanScrollDown() then
- self:ScrollDown()
- self.Scrolled:Fire()
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- button2.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not buttonPress then button2.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end
- end)
- scrollThumb.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not thumbPress then scrollThumb.BackgroundTransparency = 0.2 scrollThumb.BackgroundColor3 = self.ThumbSelectColor end
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- local dir = self.Horizontal and "X" or "Y"
- local lastThumbPos = nil
- buttonPress = false
- thumbFramePress = false
- thumbPress = true
- scrollThumb.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- local mouseOffset = mouse[dir] - scrollThumb.AbsolutePosition[dir]
- local mouseStart = mouse[dir]
- local releaseEvent
- local mouseEvent
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- if mouseEvent then mouseEvent:Disconnect() end
- if checkMouseInGui(scrollThumb) then scrollThumb.BackgroundTransparency = 0.2 else scrollThumb.BackgroundTransparency = 0 scrollThumb.BackgroundColor3 = self.ThumbColor end
- thumbPress = false
- end)
- self:Update()
- mouseEvent = user.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and thumbPress and releaseEvent.Connected then
- local thumbFrameSize = scrollThumbFrame.AbsoluteSize[dir]-scrollThumb.AbsoluteSize[dir]
- local pos = mouse[dir] - scrollThumbFrame.AbsolutePosition[dir] - mouseOffset
- if pos > thumbFrameSize then
- pos = thumbFrameSize
- elseif pos < 0 then
- pos = 0
- end
- if lastThumbPos ~= pos then
- lastThumbPos = pos
- self:ScrollTo(math.floor(0.5+pos/thumbFrameSize*(self.TotalSpace-self.VisibleSpace)))
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- end)
- scrollThumb.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and not thumbPress then scrollThumb.BackgroundTransparency = 0 scrollThumb.BackgroundColor3 = self.ThumbColor end
- end)
- scrollThumbFrame.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or checkMouseInGui(scrollThumb) then return end
- local dir = self.Horizontal and "X" or "Y"
- local scrollDir = 0
- if mouse[dir] >= scrollThumb.AbsolutePosition[dir] + scrollThumb.AbsoluteSize[dir] then
- scrollDir = 1
- end
- local function doTick()
- local scrollSize = self.VisibleSpace - 1
- if scrollDir == 0 and mouse[dir] < scrollThumb.AbsolutePosition[dir] then
- self:ScrollTo(self.Index - scrollSize)
- elseif scrollDir == 1 and mouse[dir] >= scrollThumb.AbsolutePosition[dir] + scrollThumb.AbsoluteSize[dir] then
- self:ScrollTo(self.Index + scrollSize)
- end
- end
- thumbPress = false
- thumbFramePress = true
- doTick()
- local thumbFrameTick = tick()
- local releaseEvent
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- thumbFramePress = false
- end)
- while thumbFramePress do
- if tick() - thumbFrameTick >= 0.3 and checkMouseInGui(scrollThumbFrame) then
- doTick()
- end
- wait()
- end
- end)
- newFrame.MouseWheelForward:Connect(function()
- self:ScrollTo(self.Index - self.WheelIncrement)
- end)
- newFrame.MouseWheelBackward:Connect(function()
- self:ScrollTo(self.Index + self.WheelIncrement)
- end)
- self.GuiElems.ScrollThumb = scrollThumb
- self.GuiElems.ScrollThumbFrame = scrollThumbFrame
- self.GuiElems.Button1 = button1
- self.GuiElems.Button2 = button2
- self.GuiElems.MarkerFrame = markerFrame
- return newFrame
- end
- funcs.Update = function(self,nocallback)
- local total = self.TotalSpace
- local visible = self.VisibleSpace
- local index = self.Index
- local button1 = self.GuiElems.Button1
- local button2 = self.GuiElems.Button2
- self.Index = math.clamp(self.Index,0,math.max(0,total-visible))
- if self.LastTotalSpace ~= self.TotalSpace then
- self.LastTotalSpace = self.TotalSpace
- self:UpdateMarkers()
- end
- if self:CanScrollUp() then
- for i,v in pairs(button1.Arrow:GetChildren()) do
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- end
- else
- button1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- for i,v in pairs(button1.Arrow:GetChildren()) do
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- if self:CanScrollDown() then
- for i,v in pairs(button2.Arrow:GetChildren()) do
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- end
- else
- button2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- for i,v in pairs(button2.Arrow:GetChildren()) do
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- drawThumb(self)
- end
- funcs.UpdateMarkers = function(self)
- local markerFrame = self.GuiElems.MarkerFrame
- markerFrame:ClearAllChildren()
- for i,v in pairs(self.Markers) do
- if i < self.TotalSpace then
- createSimple("Frame",{
- BackgroundTransparency = 0,
- BackgroundColor3 = v,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Position = self.Horizontal and,0,1,-6) or,-6,i/self.TotalSpace,0),
- Size = self.Horizontal and,1,0,6) or,6,0,1),
- Name = "Marker"..tostring(i),
- Parent = markerFrame
- })
- end
- end
- end
- funcs.AddMarker = function(self,ind,color)
- self.Markers[ind] = color or,0,0)
- end
- funcs.ScrollTo = function(self,ind,nocallback)
- self.Index = ind
- self:Update()
- if not nocallback then
- self.Scrolled:Fire()
- end
- end
- funcs.ScrollUp = function(self)
- self.Index = self.Index - self.Increment
- self:Update()
- end
- funcs.ScrollDown = function(self)
- self.Index = self.Index + self.Increment
- self:Update()
- end
- funcs.CanScrollUp = function(self)
- return self.Index > 0
- end
- funcs.CanScrollDown = function(self)
- return self.Index + self.VisibleSpace < self.TotalSpace
- end
- funcs.GetScrollPercent = function(self)
- return self.Index/(self.TotalSpace-self.VisibleSpace)
- end
- funcs.SetScrollPercent = function(self,perc)
- self.Index = math.floor(perc*(self.TotalSpace-self.VisibleSpace))
- self:Update()
- end
- funcs.Texture = function(self,data)
- self.ThumbColor = data.ThumbColor or,0,0)
- self.ThumbSelectColor = data.ThumbSelectColor or,0,0)
- self.GuiElems.ScrollThumb.BackgroundColor3 = data.ThumbColor or,0,0)
- self.Gui.BackgroundColor3 = data.FrameColor or,0,0)
- self.GuiElems.Button1.BackgroundColor3 = data.ButtonColor or,0,0)
- self.GuiElems.Button2.BackgroundColor3 = data.ButtonColor or,0,0)
- for i,v in pairs(self.GuiElems.Button1.Arrow:GetChildren()) do
- v.BackgroundColor3 = data.ArrowColor or,0,0)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(self.GuiElems.Button2.Arrow:GetChildren()) do
- v.BackgroundColor3 = data.ArrowColor or,0,0)
- end
- end
- funcs.SetScrollFrame = function(self,frame)
- if self.ScrollUpEvent then self.ScrollUpEvent:Disconnect() self.ScrollUpEvent = nil end
- if self.ScrollDownEvent then self.ScrollDownEvent:Disconnect() self.ScrollDownEvent = nil end
- self.ScrollUpEvent = frame.MouseWheelForward:Connect(function() self:ScrollTo(self.Index - self.WheelIncrement) end)
- self.ScrollDownEvent = frame.MouseWheelBackward:Connect(function() self:ScrollTo(self.Index + self.WheelIncrement) end)
- end
- local mt = {}
- mt.__index = funcs
- local function new(hor)
- local obj = setmetatable({
- Index = 0,
- VisibleSpace = 0,
- TotalSpace = 0,
- Increment = 1,
- WheelIncrement = 1,
- Markers = {},
- GuiElems = {},
- Horizontal = hor,
- LastTotalSpace = 0,
- Scrolled =
- },mt)
- obj.Gui = createFrame(obj)
- obj:Texture({
- ThumbColor = Color3.fromRGB(60,60,60),
- ThumbSelectColor = Color3.fromRGB(75,75,75),
- ArrowColor =,1,1),
- FrameColor = Color3.fromRGB(40,40,40),
- ButtonColor = Color3.fromRGB(75,75,75)
- })
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.Window = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- local static = {MinWidth = 200, FreeWidth = 200}
- local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
- local sidesGui,alignIndicator
- local visibleWindows = {}
- local leftSide = {Width = 300, Windows = {}, ResizeCons = {}, Hidden = true}
- local rightSide = {Width = 300, Windows = {}, ResizeCons = {}, Hidden = true}
- local displayOrderStart
- local sideDisplayOrder
- local sideTweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- local tweens = {}
- local isA = game.IsA
- local theme = {
- MainColor1 = Color3.fromRGB(52,52,52),
- MainColor2 = Color3.fromRGB(45,45,45),
- Button = Color3.fromRGB(60,60,60)
- }
- local function stopTweens()
- for i = 1,#tweens do
- tweens[i]:Cancel()
- end
- tweens = {}
- end
- local function resizeHook(self,resizer,dir)
- local guiMain = self.GuiElems.Main
- resizer.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if not self.Dragging and not self.Resizing and self.Resizable and self.ResizableInternal then
- local isH = dir:find("[WE]") and true
- local isV = dir:find("[NS]") and true
- local signX = dir:find("W",1,true) and -1 or 1
- local signY = dir:find("N",1,true) and -1 or 1
- if self.Minimized and isV then return end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- resizer.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent
- local offX = mouse.X - resizer.AbsolutePosition.X
- local offY = mouse.Y - resizer.AbsolutePosition.Y
- self.Resizing = resizer
- resizer.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- releaseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- self.Resizing = false
- resizer.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end
- end)
- mouseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if self.Resizable and self.ResizableInternal and input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- self:StopTweens()
- local deltaX = input.Position.X - resizer.AbsolutePosition.X - offX
- local deltaY = input.Position.Y - resizer.AbsolutePosition.Y - offY
- if guiMain.AbsoluteSize.X + deltaX*signX < self.MinX then deltaX = signX*(self.MinX - guiMain.AbsoluteSize.X) end
- if guiMain.AbsoluteSize.Y + deltaY*signY < self.MinY then deltaY = signY*(self.MinY - guiMain.AbsoluteSize.Y) end
- if signY < 0 and guiMain.AbsolutePosition.Y + deltaY < 0 then deltaY = -guiMain.AbsolutePosition.Y end
- guiMain.Position = guiMain.Position +,(signX < 0 and deltaX or 0),0,(signY < 0 and deltaY or 0))
- self.SizeX = self.SizeX + (isH and deltaX*signX or 0)
- self.SizeY = self.SizeY + (isV and deltaY*signY or 0)
- guiMain.Size =,self.SizeX,0,self.Minimized and 20 or self.SizeY)
- --if isH then self.SizeX = guiMain.AbsoluteSize.X end
- --if isV then self.SizeY = guiMain.AbsoluteSize.Y end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- resizer.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and self.Resizing ~= resizer then
- resizer.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end
- end)
- end
- local updateWindows
- local function moveToTop(window)
- local found = table.find(visibleWindows,window)
- if found then
- table.remove(visibleWindows,found)
- table.insert(visibleWindows,1,window)
- updateWindows()
- end
- end
- local function sideHasRoom(side,neededSize)
- local maxY = sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.Y - (math.max(0,#side.Windows - 1) * 4)
- local inc = 0
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do
- inc = inc + (v.MinY or 100)
- if inc > maxY - neededSize then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function getSideInsertPos(side,curY)
- local pos = #side.Windows + 1
- local range = {0,sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.Y}
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do
- local midPos = v.PosY + v.SizeY/2
- if curY <= midPos then
- pos = i
- range[2] = midPos
- break
- else
- range[1] = midPos
- end
- end
- return pos,range
- end
- local function focusInput(self,obj)
- if isA(obj,"GuiButton") then
- obj.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
- moveToTop(self)
- end)
- elseif isA(obj,"TextBox") then
- obj.Focused:Connect(function()
- moveToTop(self)
- end)
- end
- end
- local createGui = function(self)
- local gui = create({
- {1,"ScreenGui",{Name="Window",}},
- {2,"Frame",{Active=true,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Main",Parent={1},,0,0.40000000596046,0),,300,0,300),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Content",Parent={2},,0,0,20),,0,1,-20),ClipsDescendants=true}},
- {4,"Frame",{BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(33,33,33),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={3},,0,0,1),}},
- {5,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="TopBar",Parent={2},,0,0,20),}},
- {6,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={5},,5,0,0),,-10,0,20),Text="Window",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {7,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Close",Parent={5},,-18,0,2),,16,0,16),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {8,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5054663650",Parent={7},,3,0,3),,10,0,10),}},
- {9,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={7},}},
- {10,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Minimize",Parent={5},,-36,0,2),,16,0,16),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {11,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://5034768003",Parent={10},,3,0,3),,10,0,10),}},
- {12,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={10},}},
- {13,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Image="rbxassetid://1427967925",Name="Outlines",Parent={2},,-5,0,-5),ScaleType=1,,10,1,10),,6,25,25),,20,0,20),}},
- {14,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="ResizeControls",Parent={2},,-5,0,-5),,10,1,10),}},
- {15,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="North",Parent={14},,5,0,0),,-10,0,5),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {16,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="South",Parent={14},,5,1,-5),,-10,0,5),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {17,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="NorthEast",Parent={14},,-5,0,0),,5,0,5),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {18,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="East",Parent={14},,-5,0,5),,5,1,-10),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {19,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="West",Parent={14},,0,0,5),,5,1,-10),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {20,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="SouthEast",Parent={14},,-5,1,-5),,5,0,5),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {21,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="NorthWest",Parent={14},,5,0,5),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {22,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.27450981736183,0.27450981736183),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="SouthWest",Parent={14},,0,1,-5),,5,0,5),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- })
- local guiMain = gui.Main
- local guiTopBar = guiMain.TopBar
- local guiResizeControls = guiMain.ResizeControls
- self.GuiElems.Main = guiMain
- self.GuiElems.TopBar = guiMain.TopBar
- self.GuiElems.Content = guiMain.Content
- self.GuiElems.Line = guiMain.Content.Line
- self.GuiElems.Outlines = guiMain.Outlines
- self.GuiElems.Title = guiTopBar.Title
- self.GuiElems.Close = guiTopBar.Close
- self.GuiElems.Minimize = guiTopBar.Minimize
- self.GuiElems.ResizeControls = guiResizeControls
- self.ContentPane = guiMain.Content
- guiTopBar.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and self.Draggable then
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent
- local maxX = sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.X
- local initX = guiMain.AbsolutePosition.X
- local initY = guiMain.AbsolutePosition.Y
- local offX = mouse.X - initX
- local offY = mouse.Y - initY
- local alignInsertPos,alignInsertSide
- guiDragging = true
- releaseEvent = clonerefs(game:GetService("UserInputService")).InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- guiDragging = false
- alignIndicator.Parent = nil
- if alignInsertSide then
- local targetSide = (alignInsertSide == "left" and leftSide) or (alignInsertSide == "right" and rightSide)
- self:AlignTo(targetSide,alignInsertPos)
- end
- end
- end)
- mouseEvent = clonerefs(game:GetService("UserInputService")).InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and self.Draggable and not self.Closed then
- if self.Aligned then
- if leftSide.Resizing or rightSide.Resizing then return end
- local posX,posY = input.Position.X-offX,input.Position.Y-offY
- local delta = math.sqrt((posX-initX)^2 + (posY-initY)^2)
- if delta >= 5 then
- self:SetAligned(false)
- end
- else
- local inputX,inputY = input.Position.X,input.Position.Y
- local posX,posY = inputX-offX,inputY-offY
- if posY < 0 then posY = 0 end
- guiMain.Position =,posX,0,posY)
- if self.Resizable and self.Alignable then
- if inputX < 25 then
- if sideHasRoom(leftSide,self.MinY or 100) then
- local insertPos,range = getSideInsertPos(leftSide,inputY)
- alignIndicator.Indicator.Position =,-15,0,range[1])
- alignIndicator.Indicator.Size =,40,0,range[2]-range[1])
- Lib.ShowGui(alignIndicator)
- alignInsertPos = insertPos
- alignInsertSide = "left"
- return
- end
- elseif inputX >= maxX - 25 then
- if sideHasRoom(rightSide,self.MinY or 100) then
- local insertPos,range = getSideInsertPos(rightSide,inputY)
- alignIndicator.Indicator.Position =,maxX-25,0,range[1])
- alignIndicator.Indicator.Size =,40,0,range[2]-range[1])
- Lib.ShowGui(alignIndicator)
- alignInsertPos = insertPos
- alignInsertSide = "right"
- return
- end
- end
- end
- alignIndicator.Parent = nil
- alignInsertPos = nil
- alignInsertSide = nil
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- guiTopBar.Close.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if self.Closed then return end
- self:Close()
- end)
- guiTopBar.Minimize.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if self.Closed then return end
- if self.Aligned then
- self:SetAligned(false)
- else
- self:SetMinimized()
- end
- end)
- guiTopBar.Minimize.MouseButton2Click:Connect(function()
- if self.Closed then return end
- if not self.Aligned then
- self:SetMinimized(nil,2)
- guiTopBar.Minimize.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end
- end)
- guiMain.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not self.Aligned and not self.Closed then
- moveToTop(self)
- end
- end)
- guiMain:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsolutePosition"):Connect(function()
- local absPos = guiMain.AbsolutePosition
- self.PosX = absPos.X
- self.PosY = absPos.Y
- end)
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.North,"N")
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.NorthEast,"NE")
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.East,"E")
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.SouthEast,"SE")
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.South,"S")
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.SouthWest,"SW")
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.West,"W")
- resizeHook(self,guiResizeControls.NorthWest,"NW")
- guiMain.Size =,self.SizeX,0,self.SizeY)
- gui.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(obj) focusInput(self,obj) end)
- local descs = gui:GetDescendants()
- for i = 1,#descs do
- focusInput(self,descs[i])
- end
- self.MinimizeAnim = Lib.ButtonAnim(guiTopBar.Minimize)
- self.CloseAnim = Lib.ButtonAnim(guiTopBar.Close)
- return gui
- end
- local function updateSideFrames(noTween)
- stopTweens()
- leftSide.Frame.Size =,leftSide.Width,1,0)
- rightSide.Frame.Size =,rightSide.Width,1,0)
- leftSide.Frame.Resizer.Position =,leftSide.Width,0,0)
- rightSide.Frame.Resizer.Position =,-5,0,0)
- --leftSide.Frame.Visible = (#leftSide.Windows > 0)
- --rightSide.Frame.Visible = (#rightSide.Windows > 0)
- --[[if #leftSide.Windows > 0 and leftSide.Frame.Position ==,-leftSide.Width-5,0,0) then
- leftSide.Frame:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.3,true)
- elseif #leftSide.Windows == 0 and leftSide.Frame.Position ==,0,0,0) then
- leftSide.Frame:TweenPosition(,-leftSide.Width-5,0,0),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.3,true)
- end
- local rightTweenPos = (#rightSide.Windows == 0 and,5,0,0) or,-rightSide.Width,0,0))
- rightSide.Frame:TweenPosition(rightTweenPos,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.3,true)]]
- local leftHidden = #leftSide.Windows == 0 or leftSide.Hidden
- local rightHidden = #rightSide.Windows == 0 or rightSide.Hidden
- local leftPos = (leftHidden and,-leftSide.Width-10,0,0) or,0,0,0))
- local rightPos = (rightHidden and,10,0,0) or,-rightSide.Width,0,0))
- sidesGui.LeftToggle.Text = leftHidden and ">" or "<"
- sidesGui.RightToggle.Text = rightHidden and "<" or ">"
- if not noTween then
- local function insertTween(...)
- local tween = service.TweenService:Create(...)
- tweens[#tweens+1] = tween
- tween:Play()
- end
- insertTween(leftSide.Frame,sideTweenInfo,{Position = leftPos})
- insertTween(rightSide.Frame,sideTweenInfo,{Position = rightPos})
- insertTween(sidesGui.LeftToggle,sideTweenInfo,{Position =,#leftSide.Windows == 0 and -16 or 0,0,-36)})
- insertTween(sidesGui.RightToggle,sideTweenInfo,{Position =,#rightSide.Windows == 0 and 0 or -16,0,-36)})
- else
- leftSide.Frame.Position = leftPos
- rightSide.Frame.Position = rightPos
- sidesGui.LeftToggle.Position =,#leftSide.Windows == 0 and -16 or 0,0,-36)
- sidesGui.RightToggle.Position =,#rightSide.Windows == 0 and 0 or -16,0,-36)
- end
- end
- local function getSideFramePos(side)
- local leftHidden = #leftSide.Windows == 0 or leftSide.Hidden
- local rightHidden = #rightSide.Windows == 0 or rightSide.Hidden
- if side == leftSide then
- return (leftHidden and,-leftSide.Width-10,0,0) or,0,0,0))
- else
- return (rightHidden and,10,0,0) or,-rightSide.Width,0,0))
- end
- end
- local function sideResized(side)
- local currentPos = 0
- local sideFramePos = getSideFramePos(side)
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do
- v.SizeX = side.Width
- v.GuiElems.Main.Size =,side.Width,0,v.SizeY)
- v.GuiElems.Main.Position =,sideFramePos.X.Offset,0,currentPos)
- currentPos = currentPos + v.SizeY+4
- end
- end
- local function sideResizerHook(resizer,dir,side,pos)
- local mouse = Main.Mouse
- local windows = side.Windows
- resizer.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if not side.Resizing then
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- resizer.BackgroundColor3 = theme.MainColor2
- elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent
- local offX = mouse.X - resizer.AbsolutePosition.X
- local offY = mouse.Y - resizer.AbsolutePosition.Y
- side.Resizing = resizer
- resizer.BackgroundColor3 = theme.MainColor2
- releaseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- side.Resizing = false
- resizer.BackgroundColor3 = theme.Button
- end
- end)
- mouseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if not resizer.Parent then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- side.Resizing = false
- return
- end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- if dir == "V" then
- local delta = input.Position.Y - resizer.AbsolutePosition.Y - offY
- if delta > 0 then
- local neededSize = delta
- for i = pos+1,#windows do
- local window = windows[i]
- local newSize = math.max(window.SizeY-neededSize,(window.MinY or 100))
- neededSize = neededSize - (window.SizeY - newSize)
- window.SizeY = newSize
- end
- windows[pos].SizeY = windows[pos].SizeY + math.max(0,delta-neededSize)
- else
- local neededSize = -delta
- for i = pos,1,-1 do
- local window = windows[i]
- local newSize = math.max(window.SizeY-neededSize,(window.MinY or 100))
- neededSize = neededSize - (window.SizeY - newSize)
- window.SizeY = newSize
- end
- windows[pos+1].SizeY = windows[pos+1].SizeY + math.max(0,-delta-neededSize)
- end
- updateSideFrames()
- sideResized(side)
- elseif dir == "H" then
- local maxWidth = math.max(300,sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.X-static.FreeWidth)
- local otherSide = (side == leftSide and rightSide or leftSide)
- local delta = input.Position.X - resizer.AbsolutePosition.X - offX
- delta = (side == leftSide and delta or -delta)
- local proposedSize = math.max(static.MinWidth,side.Width + delta)
- if proposedSize + otherSide.Width <= maxWidth then
- side.Width = proposedSize
- else
- local newOtherSize = maxWidth - proposedSize
- if newOtherSize >= static.MinWidth then
- side.Width = proposedSize
- otherSide.Width = newOtherSize
- else
- side.Width = maxWidth - static.MinWidth
- otherSide.Width = static.MinWidth
- end
- end
- updateSideFrames(true)
- sideResized(side)
- sideResized(otherSide)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- resizer.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and side.Resizing ~= resizer then
- resizer.BackgroundColor3 = theme.Button
- end
- end)
- end
- local function renderSide(side,noTween) -- TODO: Use existing resizers
- local currentPos = 0
- local sideFramePos = getSideFramePos(side)
- local template = side.WindowResizer:Clone()
- for i,v in pairs(side.ResizeCons) do v:Disconnect() end
- for i,v in pairs(side.Frame:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "WindowResizer" then v:Destroy() end end
- side.ResizeCons = {}
- side.Resizing = nil
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do
- v.SidePos = i
- local isEnd = i == #side.Windows
- local size =,side.Width,0,v.SizeY)
- local pos =,sideFramePos.X.Offset,0,currentPos)
- Lib.ShowGui(v.Gui)
- --v.GuiElems.Main:TweenSizeAndPosition(size,pos,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.3,true)
- if noTween then
- v.GuiElems.Main.Size = size
- v.GuiElems.Main.Position = pos
- else
- local tween = service.TweenService:Create(v.GuiElems.Main,sideTweenInfo,{Size = size, Position = pos})
- tweens[#tweens+1] = tween
- tween:Play()
- end
- currentPos = currentPos + v.SizeY+4
- if not isEnd then
- local newTemplate = template:Clone()
- newTemplate.Position =,-side.Width,0,currentPos-4)
- side.ResizeCons[#side.ResizeCons+1] = v.Gui.Main:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Size"):Connect(function()
- newTemplate.Position =,-side.Width,0, v.GuiElems.Main.Position.Y.Offset + v.GuiElems.Main.Size.Y.Offset)
- end)
- side.ResizeCons[#side.ResizeCons+1] = v.Gui.Main:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Position"):Connect(function()
- newTemplate.Position =,-side.Width,0, v.GuiElems.Main.Position.Y.Offset + v.GuiElems.Main.Size.Y.Offset)
- end)
- sideResizerHook(newTemplate,"V",side,i)
- newTemplate.Parent = side.Frame
- end
- end
- --side.Frame.Back.Position =,0,0,0)
- --side.Frame.Back.Size =,side.Width,1,0)
- end
- local function updateSide(side,noTween)
- local oldHeight = 0
- local currentPos = 0
- local neededSize = 0
- local windows = side.Windows
- local height = sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.Y - (math.max(0,#windows - 1) * 4)
- for i,v in pairs(windows) do oldHeight = oldHeight + v.SizeY end
- for i,v in pairs(windows) do
- if i == #windows then
- v.SizeY = height-currentPos
- neededSize = math.max(0,(v.MinY or 100)-v.SizeY)
- else
- v.SizeY = math.max(math.floor(v.SizeY/oldHeight*height),v.MinY or 100)
- end
- currentPos = currentPos + v.SizeY
- end
- if neededSize > 0 then
- for i = #windows-1,1,-1 do
- local window = windows[i]
- local newSize = math.max(window.SizeY-neededSize,(window.MinY or 100))
- neededSize = neededSize - (window.SizeY - newSize)
- window.SizeY = newSize
- end
- local lastWindow = windows[#windows]
- lastWindow.SizeY = (lastWindow.MinY or 100)-neededSize
- end
- renderSide(side,noTween)
- end
- updateWindows = function(noTween)
- updateSideFrames(noTween)
- updateSide(leftSide,noTween)
- updateSide(rightSide,noTween)
- local count = 0
- for i = #visibleWindows,1,-1 do
- visibleWindows[i].Gui.DisplayOrder = displayOrderStart + count
- Lib.ShowGui(visibleWindows[i].Gui)
- count = count + 1
- end
- --[[local leftTweenPos = (#leftSide.Windows == 0 and,-leftSide.Width-5,0,0) or,0,0,0))
- leftSide.Frame:TweenPosition(leftTweenPos,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.3,true)
- local rightTweenPos = (#rightSide.Windows == 0 and,5,0,0) or,-rightSide.Width,0,0))
- rightSide.Frame:TweenPosition(rightTweenPos,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.3,true)]]
- end
- funcs.SetMinimized = function(self,set,mode)
- local oldVal = self.Minimized
- local newVal
- if set == nil then newVal = not self.Minimized else newVal = set end
- self.Minimized = newVal
- if not mode then mode = 1 end
- local resizeControls = self.GuiElems.ResizeControls
- local minimizeControls = {"North","NorthEast","NorthWest","South","SouthEast","SouthWest"}
- for i = 1,#minimizeControls do
- local control = resizeControls:FindFirstChild(minimizeControls[i])
- if control then control.Visible = not newVal end
- end
- if mode == 1 or mode == 2 then
- self:StopTweens()
- if mode == 1 then
- self.GuiElems.Main:TweenSize(,self.SizeX,0,newVal and 20 or self.SizeY),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.25,true)
- else
- local maxY = sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.Y
- local newPos =,self.PosX,0,newVal and math.min(maxY-20,self.PosY + self.SizeY - 20) or math.max(0,self.PosY - self.SizeY + 20))
- self.GuiElems.Main:TweenPosition(newPos,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.25,true)
- self.GuiElems.Main:TweenSize(,self.SizeX,0,newVal and 20 or self.SizeY),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.25,true)
- end
- self.GuiElems.Minimize.ImageLabel.Image = newVal and "rbxassetid://5060023708" or "rbxassetid://5034768003"
- end
- if oldVal ~= newVal then
- if newVal then
- self.OnMinimize:Fire()
- else
- self.OnRestore:Fire()
- end
- end
- end
- funcs.Resize = function(self,sizeX,sizeY)
- self.SizeX = sizeX or self.SizeX
- self.SizeY = sizeY or self.SizeY
- self.GuiElems.Main.Size =,self.SizeX,0,self.SizeY)
- end
- funcs.SetSize = funcs.Resize
- funcs.SetTitle = function(self,title)
- self.GuiElems.Title.Text = title
- end
- funcs.SetResizable = function(self,val)
- self.Resizable = val
- self.GuiElems.ResizeControls.Visible = self.Resizable and self.ResizableInternal
- end
- funcs.SetResizableInternal = function(self,val)
- self.ResizableInternal = val
- self.GuiElems.ResizeControls.Visible = self.Resizable and self.ResizableInternal
- end
- funcs.SetAligned = function(self,val)
- self.Aligned = val
- self:SetResizableInternal(not val)
- self.GuiElems.Main.Active = not val
- self.GuiElems.Main.Outlines.Visible = not val
- if not val then
- for i,v in pairs(leftSide.Windows) do if v == self then table.remove(leftSide.Windows,i) break end end
- for i,v in pairs(rightSide.Windows) do if v == self then table.remove(rightSide.Windows,i) break end end
- if not table.find(visibleWindows,self) then table.insert(visibleWindows,1,self) end
- self.GuiElems.Minimize.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://5034768003"
- self.Side = nil
- updateWindows()
- else
- self:SetMinimized(false,3)
- for i,v in pairs(visibleWindows) do if v == self then table.remove(visibleWindows,i) break end end
- self.GuiElems.Minimize.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://5448127505"
- end
- end
- funcs.Add = function(self,obj,name)
- if type(obj) == "table" and obj.Gui and obj.Gui:IsA("GuiObject") then
- obj.Gui.Parent = self.ContentPane
- else
- obj.Parent = self.ContentPane
- end
- if name then self.Elements[name] = obj end
- end
- funcs.GetElement = function(self,obj,name)
- return self.Elements[name]
- end
- funcs.AlignTo = function(self,side,pos,size,silent)
- if table.find(side.Windows,self) or self.Closed then return end
- size = size or self.SizeY
- if size > 0 and size <= 1 then
- local totalSideHeight = 0
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do totalSideHeight = totalSideHeight + v.SizeY end
- self.SizeY = (totalSideHeight > 0 and totalSideHeight * size * 2) or size
- else
- self.SizeY = (size > 0 and size or 100)
- end
- self:SetAligned(true)
- self.Side = side
- self.SizeX = side.Width
- self.Gui.DisplayOrder = sideDisplayOrder + 1
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do v.Gui.DisplayOrder = sideDisplayOrder end
- pos = math.min(#side.Windows+1, pos or 1)
- self.SidePos = pos
- table.insert(side.Windows, pos, self)
- if not silent then
- side.Hidden = false
- end
- updateWindows(silent)
- end
- funcs.Close = function(self)
- self.Closed = true
- self:SetResizableInternal(false)
- Lib.FindAndRemove(leftSide.Windows,self)
- Lib.FindAndRemove(rightSide.Windows,self)
- Lib.FindAndRemove(visibleWindows,self)
- self.MinimizeAnim.Disable()
- self.CloseAnim.Disable()
- self.ClosedSide = self.Side
- self.Side = nil
- self.OnDeactivate:Fire()
- if not self.Aligned then
- self:StopTweens()
- local ti =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- local closeTime = tick()
- self.LastClose = closeTime
- self:DoTween(self.GuiElems.Main,ti,{Size =,self.SizeX,0,20)})
- self:DoTween(self.GuiElems.Title,ti,{TextTransparency = 1})
- self:DoTween(self.GuiElems.Minimize.ImageLabel,ti,{ImageTransparency = 1})
- self:DoTween(self.GuiElems.Close.ImageLabel,ti,{ImageTransparency = 1})
- Lib.FastWait(0.2)
- if closeTime ~= self.LastClose then return end
- self:DoTween(self.GuiElems.TopBar,ti,{BackgroundTransparency = 1})
- self:DoTween(self.GuiElems.Outlines,ti,{ImageTransparency = 1})
- Lib.FastWait(0.2)
- if closeTime ~= self.LastClose then return end
- end
- self.Aligned = false
- self.Gui.Parent = nil
- updateWindows(true)
- end
- funcs.Hide = funcs.Close
- funcs.IsVisible = function(self)
- return not self.Closed and ((self.Side and not self.Side.Hidden) or not self.Side)
- end
- funcs.IsContentVisible = function(self)
- return self:IsVisible() and not self.Minimized
- end
- funcs.Focus = function(self)
- moveToTop(self)
- end
- funcs.MoveInBoundary = function(self)
- local posX,posY = self.PosX,self.PosY
- local maxX,maxY = sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.X,sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.Y
- posX = math.min(posX,maxX-self.SizeX)
- posY = math.min(posY,maxY-20)
- self.GuiElems.Main.Position =,posX,0,posY)
- end
- funcs.DoTween = function(self,...)
- local tween = service.TweenService:Create(...)
- self.Tweens[#self.Tweens+1] = tween
- tween:Play()
- end
- funcs.StopTweens = function(self)
- for i,v in pairs(self.Tweens) do
- v:Cancel()
- end
- self.Tweens = {}
- end
- funcs.Show = function(self,data)
- return static.ShowWindow(self,data)
- end
- funcs.ShowAndFocus = function(self,data)
- static.ShowWindow(self,data)
- service.RunService.RenderStepped:wait()
- self:Focus()
- end
- static.ShowWindow = function(window,data)
- data = data or {}
- local align = data.Align
- local pos = data.Pos
- local size = data.Size
- local targetSide = (align == "left" and leftSide) or (align == "right" and rightSide)
- if not window.Closed then
- if not window.Aligned then
- window:SetMinimized(false)
- elseif window.Side and not data.Silent then
- static.SetSideVisible(window.Side,true)
- end
- return
- end
- window.Closed = false
- window.LastClose = tick()
- window.GuiElems.Title.TextTransparency = 0
- window.GuiElems.Minimize.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0
- window.GuiElems.Close.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 0
- window.GuiElems.TopBar.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- window.GuiElems.Outlines.ImageTransparency = 0
- window.GuiElems.Minimize.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://5034768003"
- window.GuiElems.Main.Active = true
- window.GuiElems.Main.Outlines.Visible = true
- window:SetMinimized(false,3)
- window:SetResizableInternal(true)
- window.MinimizeAnim.Enable()
- window.CloseAnim.Enable()
- if align then
- window:AlignTo(targetSide,pos,size,data.Silent)
- else
- if align == nil and window.ClosedSide then -- Regular open
- window:AlignTo(window.ClosedSide,window.SidePos,size,true)
- static.SetSideVisible(window.ClosedSide,true)
- else
- if table.find(visibleWindows,window) then return end
- -- TODO: make better
- window.GuiElems.Main.Size =,window.SizeX,0,20)
- local ti =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- window:StopTweens()
- window:DoTween(window.GuiElems.Main,ti,{Size =,window.SizeX,0,window.SizeY)})
- window.SizeY = size or window.SizeY
- table.insert(visibleWindows,1,window)
- updateWindows()
- end
- end
- window.ClosedSide = nil
- window.OnActivate:Fire()
- end
- static.ToggleSide = function(name)
- local side = (name == "left" and leftSide or rightSide)
- side.Hidden = not side.Hidden
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do
- if side.Hidden then
- v.OnDeactivate:Fire()
- else
- v.OnActivate:Fire()
- end
- end
- updateWindows()
- end
- static.SetSideVisible = function(s,vis)
- local side = (type(s) == "table" and s) or (s == "left" and leftSide or rightSide)
- side.Hidden = not vis
- for i,v in pairs(side.Windows) do
- if side.Hidden then
- v.OnDeactivate:Fire()
- else
- v.OnActivate:Fire()
- end
- end
- updateWindows()
- end
- static.Init = function()
- displayOrderStart = Main.DisplayOrders.Window
- sideDisplayOrder = Main.DisplayOrders.SideWindow
- sidesGui ="ScreenGui")
- local leftFrame = create({
- {1,"Frame",{Active=true,Name="LeftSide",,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,}},
- {2,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2549019753933,0.2549019753933),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Resizer",Parent={1},,5,1,0),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={2},,0,0,0),,1,1,0),}},
- {4,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2549019753933,0.2549019753933),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="WindowResizer",Parent={1},,-300,0,0),,0,0,4),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {5,"Frame",{,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={4},,0,0,1),}},
- })
- leftSide.Frame = leftFrame
- leftFrame.Position =,-leftSide.Width-10,0,0)
- leftSide.WindowResizer = leftFrame.WindowResizer
- leftFrame.WindowResizer.Parent = nil
- leftFrame.Parent = sidesGui
- local rightFrame = create({
- {1,"Frame",{Active=true,Name="RightSide",,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,}},
- {2,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2549019753933,0.2549019753933),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Resizer",Parent={1},,5,1,0),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={2},,4,0,0),,1,1,0),}},
- {4,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2549019753933,0.2549019753933),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="WindowResizer",Parent={1},,-300,0,0),,0,0,4),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {5,"Frame",{,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={4},,0,0,1),}},
- })
- rightSide.Frame = rightFrame
- rightFrame.Position =,10,0,0)
- rightSide.WindowResizer = rightFrame.WindowResizer
- rightFrame.WindowResizer.Parent = nil
- rightFrame.Parent = sidesGui
- sideResizerHook(leftFrame.Resizer,"H",leftSide)
- sideResizerHook(rightFrame.Resizer,"H",rightSide)
- alignIndicator ="ScreenGui")
- alignIndicator.DisplayOrder = Main.DisplayOrders.Core
- local indicator ="Frame",alignIndicator)
- indicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255)
- indicator.BorderSizePixel = 0
- indicator.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
- indicator.Name = "Indicator"
- local corner ="UICorner",indicator)
- corner.CornerRadius =,10)
- local leftToggle = create({{1,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),BorderMode=2,Font=10,Name="LeftToggle",,0,0,-36),,16,0,36),Text="<",,1,1),TextSize=14,}}})
- local rightToggle = leftToggle:Clone()
- rightToggle.Name = "RightToggle"
- rightToggle.Position =,-16,0,-36)
- Lib.ButtonAnim(leftToggle,{Mode = 2,PressColor = Color3.fromRGB(32,32,32)})
- Lib.ButtonAnim(rightToggle,{Mode = 2,PressColor = Color3.fromRGB(32,32,32)})
- leftToggle.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- static.ToggleSide("left")
- end)
- rightToggle.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- static.ToggleSide("right")
- end)
- leftToggle.Parent = sidesGui
- rightToggle.Parent = sidesGui
- sidesGui:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):Connect(function()
- local maxWidth = math.max(300,sidesGui.AbsoluteSize.X-static.FreeWidth)
- leftSide.Width = math.max(static.MinWidth,math.min(leftSide.Width,maxWidth-rightSide.Width))
- rightSide.Width = math.max(static.MinWidth,math.min(rightSide.Width,maxWidth-leftSide.Width))
- for i = 1,#visibleWindows do
- visibleWindows[i]:MoveInBoundary()
- end
- updateWindows(true)
- end)
- sidesGui.DisplayOrder = sideDisplayOrder - 1
- Lib.ShowGui(sidesGui)
- updateSideFrames()
- end
- local mt = {__index = funcs}
- = function()
- local obj = setmetatable({
- Minimized = false,
- Dragging = false,
- Resizing = false,
- Aligned = false,
- Draggable = true,
- Resizable = true,
- ResizableInternal = true,
- Alignable = true,
- Closed = true,
- SizeX = 300,
- SizeY = 300,
- MinX = 200,
- MinY = 200,
- PosX = 0,
- PosY = 0,
- GuiElems = {},
- Tweens = {},
- Elements = {},
- OnActivate =,
- OnDeactivate =,
- OnMinimize =,
- OnRestore =
- },mt)
- obj.Gui = createGui(obj)
- return obj
- end
- return static
- end)()
- Lib.ContextMenu = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- local mouse
- local function createGui(self)
- local contextGui = create({
- {1,"ScreenGui",{DisplayOrder=1000000,Name="Context",ZIndexBehavior=1,}},
- {2,"Frame",{Active=true,,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),Name="Main",Parent={1},,-100,0.5,-150),,200,0,100),}},
- {3,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={2},}},
- {4,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),Name="Container",Parent={2},,1,0,1),,-2,1,-2),}},
- {5,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={4},}},
- {6,"ScrollingFrame",{Active=true,,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,,0,0,0),Name="List",Parent={4},,2,0,2),,0,0),ScrollBarThickness=4,,-4,1,-4),VerticalScrollBarInset=1,}},
- {7,"UIListLayout",{Parent={6},SortOrder=2,}},
- {8,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="SearchFrame",Parent={4},,0,0,24),Visible=false,}},
- {9,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.1176470592618,0.1176470592618),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="SearchContainer",Parent={8},,3,0,3),,-6,0,18),}},
- {10,"TextBox",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="SearchBox",Parent={9},,0.39215689897537,0.39215689897537),PlaceholderText="Search",,4,0,0),,-8,0,18),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {11,"UICorner",{,2),Parent={9},}},
- {12,"Frame",{,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={8},,0,1,0),,0,0,1),}},
- {13,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.49019610881805,0.73725491762161),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Entry",Parent={1},,0,0,22),Text="",TextSize=14,Visible=false,}},
- {14,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="EntryName",Parent={13},,24,0,0),,-24,1,0),Text="Duplicate",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {15,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Shortcut",Parent={13},,24,0,0),,-30,1,0),Text="Ctrl+D",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {16,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0),,16),Name="Icon",Parent={13},,2,0,3),ScaleType=4,,16,0,16),}},
- {17,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={13},}},
- {18,"Frame",{,0.21568629145622,0.21568629145622),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Divider",Parent={1},,0,0,20),,0,0,7),Visible=false,}},
- {19,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={18},,0,0.5,0),,0,0,1),}},
- {20,"TextLabel",{,0.5),,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="DividerName",Parent={18},,2,0.5,0),,-4,1,0),Text="Objects",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextTransparency=0.60000002384186,TextXAlignment=0,Visible=false,}},
- })
- self.GuiElems.Main = contextGui.Main
- self.GuiElems.List = contextGui.Main.Container.List
- self.GuiElems.Entry = contextGui.Entry
- self.GuiElems.Divider = contextGui.Divider
- self.GuiElems.SearchFrame = contextGui.Main.Container.SearchFrame
- self.GuiElems.SearchBar = self.GuiElems.SearchFrame.SearchContainer.SearchBox
- Lib.ViewportTextBox.convert(self.GuiElems.SearchBar)
- self.GuiElems.SearchBar:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
- local lower,find = string.lower,string.find
- local searchText = lower(self.GuiElems.SearchBar.Text)
- local items = self.Items
- local map = self.ItemToEntryMap
- if searchText ~= "" then
- local results = {}
- local count = 1
- for i = 1,#items do
- local item = items[i]
- local entry = map[item]
- if entry then
- if not item.Divider and find(lower(item.Name),searchText,1,true) then
- results[count] = item
- count = count + 1
- else
- entry.Visible = false
- end
- end
- end
- table.sort(results,function(a,b) return a.Name < b.Name end)
- for i = 1,#results do
- local entry = map[results[i]]
- entry.LayoutOrder = i
- entry.Visible = true
- end
- else
- for i = 1,#items do
- local entry = map[items[i]]
- if entry then entry.LayoutOrder = i entry.Visible = true end
- end
- end
- local toSize = self.GuiElems.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + 6
- self.GuiElems.List.CanvasSize =,0,0,toSize-6)
- end)
- return contextGui
- end
- funcs.Add = function(self,item)
- local newItem = {
- Name = item.Name or "Item",
- Icon = item.Icon or "",
- Shortcut = item.Shortcut or "",
- OnClick = item.OnClick,
- OnHover = item.OnHover,
- Disabled = item.Disabled or false,
- DisabledIcon = item.DisabledIcon or "",
- IconMap = item.IconMap,
- OnRightClick = item.OnRightClick
- }
- if self.QueuedDivider then
- local text = self.QueuedDividerText and #self.QueuedDividerText > 0 and self.QueuedDividerText
- self:AddDivider(text)
- end
- self.Items[#self.Items+1] = newItem
- self.Updated = nil
- end
- funcs.AddRegistered = function(self,name,disabled)
- if not self.Registered[name] then error(name.." is not registered") end
- if self.QueuedDivider then
- local text = self.QueuedDividerText and #self.QueuedDividerText > 0 and self.QueuedDividerText
- self:AddDivider(text)
- end
- self.Registered[name].Disabled = disabled
- self.Items[#self.Items+1] = self.Registered[name]
- self.Updated = nil
- end
- funcs.Register = function(self,name,item)
- self.Registered[name] = {
- Name = item.Name or "Item",
- Icon = item.Icon or "",
- Shortcut = item.Shortcut or "",
- OnClick = item.OnClick,
- OnHover = item.OnHover,
- DisabledIcon = item.DisabledIcon or "",
- IconMap = item.IconMap,
- OnRightClick = item.OnRightClick
- }
- end
- funcs.UnRegister = function(self,name)
- self.Registered[name] = nil
- end
- funcs.AddDivider = function(self,text)
- self.QueuedDivider = false
- local textWidth = text and service.TextService:GetTextSize(text,14,Enum.Font.SourceSans,,20)).X or nil
- table.insert(self.Items,{Divider = true, Text = text, TextSize = textWidth and textWidth+4})
- self.Updated = nil
- end
- funcs.QueueDivider = function(self,text)
- self.QueuedDivider = true
- self.QueuedDividerText = text or ""
- end
- funcs.Clear = function(self)
- self.Items = {}
- self.Updated = nil
- end
- funcs.Refresh = function(self)
- for i,v in pairs(self.GuiElems.List:GetChildren()) do
- if not v:IsA("UIListLayout") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- local map = {}
- self.ItemToEntryMap = map
- local dividerFrame = self.GuiElems.Divider
- local contextList = self.GuiElems.List
- local entryFrame = self.GuiElems.Entry
- local items = self.Items
- for i = 1,#items do
- local item = items[i]
- if item.Divider then
- local newDivider = dividerFrame:Clone()
- newDivider.Line.BackgroundColor3 = self.Theme.DividerColor
- if item.Text then
- newDivider.Size =,0,0,20)
- newDivider.Line.Position =,item.TextSize,0.5,0)
- newDivider.Line.Size =,-item.TextSize,0,1)
- newDivider.DividerName.TextColor3 = self.Theme.TextColor
- newDivider.DividerName.Text = item.Text
- newDivider.DividerName.Visible = true
- end
- newDivider.Visible = true
- map[item] = newDivider
- newDivider.Parent = contextList
- else
- local newEntry = entryFrame:Clone()
- newEntry.BackgroundColor3 = self.Theme.HighlightColor
- newEntry.EntryName.TextColor3 = self.Theme.TextColor
- newEntry.EntryName.Text = item.Name
- newEntry.Shortcut.Text = item.Shortcut
- if item.Disabled then
- newEntry.EntryName.TextColor3 =,150/255,150/255)
- newEntry.Shortcut.TextColor3 =,150/255,150/255)
- end
- if self.Iconless then
- newEntry.EntryName.Position =,2,0,0)
- newEntry.EntryName.Size =,-4,0,20)
- newEntry.Icon.Visible = false
- else
- local iconIndex = item.Disabled and item.DisabledIcon or item.Icon
- if item.IconMap then
- if type(iconIndex) == "number" then
- item.IconMap:Display(newEntry.Icon,iconIndex)
- elseif type(iconIndex) == "string" then
- item.IconMap:DisplayByKey(newEntry.Icon,iconIndex)
- end
- elseif type(iconIndex) == "string" then
- newEntry.Icon.Image = iconIndex
- end
- end
- if not item.Disabled then
- if item.OnClick then
- newEntry.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- item.OnClick(item.Name)
- if not item.NoHide then
- self:Hide()
- end
- end)
- end
- if item.OnRightClick then
- newEntry.MouseButton2Click:Connect(function()
- item.OnRightClick(item.Name)
- if not item.NoHide then
- self:Hide()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- newEntry.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- newEntry.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- end
- end)
- newEntry.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- newEntry.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end
- end)
- newEntry.Visible = true
- map[item] = newEntry
- newEntry.Parent = contextList
- end
- end
- self.Updated = true
- end
- funcs.Show = function(self,x,y)
- -- Initialize Gui
- local elems = self.GuiElems
- elems.SearchFrame.Visible = self.SearchEnabled
- elems.List.Position =,2,0,2 + (self.SearchEnabled and 24 or 0))
- elems.List.Size =,-4,1,-4 - (self.SearchEnabled and 24 or 0))
- if self.SearchEnabled and self.ClearSearchOnShow then elems.SearchBar.Text = "" end
- self.GuiElems.List.CanvasPosition =,0)
- if not self.Updated then
- self:Refresh() -- Create entries
- end
- -- Vars
- local reverseY = false
- local x,y = x or mouse.X, y or mouse.Y
- local maxX,maxY = mouse.ViewSizeX,mouse.ViewSizeY
- -- Position and show
- if x + self.Width > maxX then
- x = self.ReverseX and x - self.Width or maxX - self.Width
- end
- elems.Main.Position =,x,0,y)
- elems.Main.Size =,self.Width,0,0)
- self.Gui.DisplayOrder = Main.DisplayOrders.Menu
- Lib.ShowGui(self.Gui)
- -- Size adjustment
- local toSize = elems.List.UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y + 6 -- Padding
- if self.MaxHeight and toSize > self.MaxHeight then
- elems.List.CanvasSize =,0,0,toSize-6)
- toSize = self.MaxHeight
- else
- elems.List.CanvasSize =,0,0,0)
- end
- if y + toSize > maxY then reverseY = true end
- -- Close event
- local closable
- if self.CloseEvent then self.CloseEvent:Disconnect() end
- self.CloseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if not closable or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- if not Lib.CheckMouseInGui(elems.Main) then
- self.CloseEvent:Disconnect()
- self:Hide()
- end
- end)
- -- Resize
- if reverseY then
- elems.Main.Position =,x,0,y-(self.ReverseYOffset or 0))
- local newY = y - toSize - (self.ReverseYOffset or 0)
- y = newY >= 0 and newY or 0
- elems.Main:TweenSizeAndPosition(,self.Width,0,toSize),,x,0,y),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.2,true)
- else
- elems.Main:TweenSize(,self.Width,0,toSize),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,0.2,true)
- end
- -- Close debounce
- Lib.FastWait()
- if self.SearchEnabled and self.FocusSearchOnShow then elems.SearchBar:CaptureFocus() end
- closable = true
- end
- funcs.Hide = function(self)
- self.Gui.Parent = nil
- end
- funcs.ApplyTheme = function(self,data)
- local theme = self.Theme
- theme.ContentColor = data.ContentColor or Settings.Theme.Menu
- theme.OutlineColor = data.OutlineColor or Settings.Theme.Menu
- theme.DividerColor = data.DividerColor or Settings.Theme.Outline2
- theme.TextColor = data.TextColor or Settings.Theme.Text
- theme.HighlightColor = data.HighlightColor or Settings.Theme.Main1
- self.GuiElems.Main.BackgroundColor3 = theme.OutlineColor
- self.GuiElems.Main.Container.BackgroundColor3 = theme.ContentColor
- end
- local mt = {__index = funcs}
- local function new()
- if not mouse then mouse = Main.Mouse or service.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() end
- local obj = setmetatable({
- Width = 200,
- MaxHeight = nil,
- Iconless = false,
- SearchEnabled = false,
- ClearSearchOnShow = true,
- FocusSearchOnShow = true,
- Updated = false,
- QueuedDivider = false,
- QueuedDividerText = "",
- Items = {},
- Registered = {},
- GuiElems = {},
- Theme = {}
- },mt)
- obj.Gui = createGui(obj)
- obj:ApplyTheme({})
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.CodeFrame = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- local typeMap = {
- [1] = "String",
- [2] = "String",
- [3] = "String",
- [4] = "Comment",
- [5] = "Operator",
- [6] = "Number",
- [7] = "Keyword",
- [8] = "BuiltIn",
- [9] = "LocalMethod",
- [10] = "LocalProperty",
- [11] = "Nil",
- [12] = "Bool",
- [13] = "Function",
- [14] = "Local",
- [15] = "Self",
- [16] = "FunctionName",
- [17] = "Bracket"
- }
- local specialKeywordsTypes = {
- ["nil"] = 11,
- ["true"] = 12,
- ["false"] = 12,
- ["function"] = 13,
- ["local"] = 14,
- ["self"] = 15
- }
- local keywords = {
- ["and"] = true,
- ["break"] = true,
- ["do"] = true,
- ["else"] = true,
- ["elseif"] = true,
- ["end"] = true,
- ["false"] = true,
- ["for"] = true,
- ["function"] = true,
- ["if"] = true,
- ["in"] = true,
- ["local"] = true,
- ["nil"] = true,
- ["not"] = true,
- ["or"] = true,
- ["repeat"] = true,
- ["return"] = true,
- ["then"] = true,
- ["true"] = true,
- ["until"] = true,
- ["while"] = true,
- ["plugin"] = true
- }
- local builtIns = {
- ["delay"] = true,
- ["elapsedTime"] = true,
- ["require"] = true,
- ["spawn"] = true,
- ["tick"] = true,
- ["time"] = true,
- ["typeof"] = true,
- ["UserSettings"] = true,
- ["wait"] = true,
- ["warn"] = true,
- ["game"] = true,
- ["shared"] = true,
- ["script"] = true,
- ["workspace"] = true,
- ["assert"] = true,
- ["collectgarbage"] = true,
- ["error"] = true,
- ["getfenv"] = true,
- ["getmetatable"] = true,
- ["ipairs"] = true,
- ["loadstring"] = true,
- ["newproxy"] = true,
- ["next"] = true,
- ["pairs"] = true,
- ["pcall"] = true,
- ["print"] = true,
- ["rawequal"] = true,
- ["rawget"] = true,
- ["rawset"] = true,
- ["select"] = true,
- ["setfenv"] = true,
- ["setmetatable"] = true,
- ["tonumber"] = true,
- ["tostring"] = true,
- ["type"] = true,
- ["unpack"] = true,
- ["xpcall"] = true,
- ["_G"] = true,
- ["_VERSION"] = true,
- ["coroutine"] = true,
- ["debug"] = true,
- ["math"] = true,
- ["os"] = true,
- ["string"] = true,
- ["table"] = true,
- ["bit32"] = true,
- ["utf8"] = true,
- ["Axes"] = true,
- ["BrickColor"] = true,
- ["CFrame"] = true,
- ["Color3"] = true,
- ["ColorSequence"] = true,
- ["ColorSequenceKeypoint"] = true,
- ["DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo"] = true,
- ["Enum"] = true,
- ["Faces"] = true,
- ["Instance"] = true,
- ["NumberRange"] = true,
- ["NumberSequence"] = true,
- ["NumberSequenceKeypoint"] = true,
- ["PathWaypoint"] = true,
- ["PhysicalProperties"] = true,
- ["Random"] = true,
- ["Ray"] = true,
- ["Rect"] = true,
- ["Region3"] = true,
- ["Region3int16"] = true,
- ["TweenInfo"] = true,
- ["UDim"] = true,
- ["UDim2"] = true,
- ["Vector2"] = true,
- ["Vector2int16"] = true,
- ["Vector3"] = true,
- ["Vector3int16"] = true
- }
- local builtInInited = false
- local richReplace = {
- ["'"] = "'",
- ["\""] = """,
- ["<"] = "<",
- [">"] = ">",
- ["&"] = "&"
- }
- local tabSub = "\205"
- local tabReplacement = (" %s%s "):format(tabSub,tabSub)
- local tabJumps = {
- [("[^%s] %s"):format(tabSub,tabSub)] = 0,
- [(" %s%s"):format(tabSub,tabSub)] = -1,
- [("%s%s "):format(tabSub,tabSub)] = 2,
- [("%s [^%s]"):format(tabSub,tabSub)] = 1,
- }
- local tweenService = service.TweenService
- local lineTweens = {}
- local function initBuiltIn()
- local env = getfenv()
- local type = type
- local tostring = tostring
- for name,_ in next,builtIns do
- local envVal = env[name]
- if type(envVal) == "table" then
- local items = {}
- for i,v in next,envVal do
- items[i] = true
- end
- builtIns[name] = items
- end
- end
- local enumEntries = {}
- local enums = Enum:GetEnums()
- for i = 1,#enums do
- enumEntries[tostring(enums[i])] = true
- end
- builtIns["Enum"] = enumEntries
- builtInInited = true
- end
- local function setupEditBox(obj)
- local editBox = obj.GuiElems.EditBox
- editBox.Focused:Connect(function()
- obj:ConnectEditBoxEvent()
- obj.Editing = true
- end)
- editBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- obj:DisconnectEditBoxEvent()
- obj.Editing = false
- end)
- editBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
- local text = editBox.Text
- if #text == 0 or obj.EditBoxCopying then return end
- editBox.Text = ""
- obj:AppendText(text)
- end)
- end
- local function setupMouseSelection(obj)
- local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
- local codeFrame = obj.GuiElems.LinesFrame
- local lines = obj.Lines
- codeFrame.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local fontSizeX,fontSizeY = math.ceil(obj.FontSize/2),obj.FontSize
- local relX = mouse.X - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.X
- local relY = mouse.Y - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y
- local selX = math.round(relX / fontSizeX) + obj.ViewX
- local selY = math.floor(relY / fontSizeY) + obj.ViewY
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent,scrollEvent
- local scrollPowerV,scrollPowerH = 0,0
- selY = math.min(#lines-1,selY)
- local relativeLine = lines[selY+1] or ""
- selX = math.min(#relativeLine, selX + obj:TabAdjust(selX,selY))
- obj.SelectionRange = {{-1,-1},{-1,-1}}
- obj:MoveCursor(selX,selY)
- obj.FloatCursorX = selX
- local function updateSelection()
- local relX = mouse.X - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.X
- local relY = mouse.Y - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y
- local sel2X = math.max(0,math.round(relX / fontSizeX) + obj.ViewX)
- local sel2Y = math.max(0,math.floor(relY / fontSizeY) + obj.ViewY)
- sel2Y = math.min(#lines-1,sel2Y)
- local relativeLine = lines[sel2Y+1] or ""
- sel2X = math.min(#relativeLine, sel2X + obj:TabAdjust(sel2X,sel2Y))
- if sel2Y < selY or (sel2Y == selY and sel2X < selX) then
- obj.SelectionRange = {{sel2X,sel2Y},{selX,selY}}
- else
- obj.SelectionRange = {{selX,selY},{sel2X,sel2Y}}
- end
- obj:MoveCursor(sel2X,sel2Y)
- obj.FloatCursorX = sel2X
- obj:Refresh()
- end
- releaseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- scrollEvent:Disconnect()
- obj:SetCopyableSelection()
- --updateSelection()
- end
- end)
- mouseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local upDelta = mouse.Y - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y
- local downDelta = mouse.Y - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y - codeFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y
- local leftDelta = mouse.X - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.X
- local rightDelta = mouse.X - codeFrame.AbsolutePosition.X - codeFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- scrollPowerV = 0
- scrollPowerH = 0
- if downDelta > 0 then
- scrollPowerV = math.floor(downDelta*0.05) + 1
- elseif upDelta < 0 then
- scrollPowerV = math.ceil(upDelta*0.05) - 1
- end
- if rightDelta > 0 then
- scrollPowerH = math.floor(rightDelta*0.05) + 1
- elseif leftDelta < 0 then
- scrollPowerH = math.ceil(leftDelta*0.05) - 1
- end
- updateSelection()
- end
- end)
- scrollEvent = clonerefs(game:GetService("RunService")).RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if scrollPowerV ~= 0 or scrollPowerH ~= 0 then
- obj:ScrollDelta(scrollPowerH,scrollPowerV)
- updateSelection()
- end
- end)
- obj:Refresh()
- end
- end)
- end
- local function makeFrame(obj)
- local frame = create({
- {1,"Frame",{,0.15686275064945,0.15686275064945),BorderSizePixel = 0,,-300,0.5,-200),,600,0,400),}},
- })
- local elems = {}
- local linesFrame ="Frame")
- linesFrame.Name = "Lines"
- linesFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- linesFrame.Size =,0,1,0)
- linesFrame.ClipsDescendants = true
- linesFrame.Parent = frame
- local lineNumbersLabel ="TextLabel")
- lineNumbersLabel.Name = "LineNumbers"
- lineNumbersLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- lineNumbersLabel.Font = Enum.Font.Code
- lineNumbersLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Right
- lineNumbersLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
- lineNumbersLabel.ClipsDescendants = true
- lineNumbersLabel.RichText = true
- lineNumbersLabel.Parent = frame
- local cursor ="Frame")
- cursor.Name = "Cursor"
- cursor.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(220,220,220)
- cursor.BorderSizePixel = 0
- cursor.Parent = frame
- local editBox ="TextBox")
- editBox.Name = "EditBox"
- editBox.MultiLine = true
- editBox.Visible = false
- editBox.Parent = frame
- lineTweens.Invis = tweenService:Create(cursor,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{BackgroundTransparency = 1})
- lineTweens.Vis = tweenService:Create(cursor,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quart,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{BackgroundTransparency = 0})
- elems.LinesFrame = linesFrame
- elems.LineNumbersLabel = lineNumbersLabel
- elems.Cursor = cursor
- elems.EditBox = editBox
- elems.ScrollCorner = create({{1,"Frame",{,0.15686275064945,0.15686275064945),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ScrollCorner",,-16,1,-16),,16,0,16),Visible=false,}}})
- elems.ScrollCorner.Parent = frame
- linesFrame.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- obj:SetEditing(true,input)
- end
- end)
- obj.Frame = frame
- obj.Gui = frame
- obj.GuiElems = elems
- setupEditBox(obj)
- setupMouseSelection(obj)
- return frame
- end
- funcs.GetSelectionText = function(self)
- if not self:IsValidRange() then return "" end
- local selectionRange = self.SelectionRange
- local selX,selY = selectionRange[1][1], selectionRange[1][2]
- local sel2X,sel2Y = selectionRange[2][1], selectionRange[2][2]
- local deltaLines = sel2Y-selY
- local lines = self.Lines
- if not lines[selY+1] or not lines[sel2Y+1] then return "" end
- if deltaLines == 0 then
- return self:ConvertText(lines[selY+1]:sub(selX+1,sel2X), false)
- end
- local leftSub = lines[selY+1]:sub(selX+1)
- local rightSub = lines[sel2Y+1]:sub(1,sel2X)
- local result = leftSub.."\n"
- for i = selY+1,sel2Y-1 do
- result = result..lines[i+1].."\n"
- end
- result = result..rightSub
- return self:ConvertText(result,false)
- end
- funcs.SetCopyableSelection = function(self)
- local text = self:GetSelectionText()
- local editBox = self.GuiElems.EditBox
- self.EditBoxCopying = true
- editBox.Text = text
- editBox.SelectionStart = 1
- editBox.CursorPosition = #editBox.Text + 1
- self.EditBoxCopying = false
- end
- funcs.ConnectEditBoxEvent = function(self)
- if self.EditBoxEvent then
- self.EditBoxEvent:Disconnect()
- end
- self.EditBoxEvent = service.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then return end
- local keycodes = Enum.KeyCode
- local keycode = input.KeyCode
- local function setupMove(key,func)
- local endCon,finished
- endCon = service.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.KeyCode ~= key then return end
- endCon:Disconnect()
- finished = true
- end)
- func()
- Lib.FastWait(0.5)
- while not finished do func() Lib.FastWait(0.03) end
- end
- if keycode == keycodes.Down then
- setupMove(keycodes.Down,function()
- self.CursorX = self.FloatCursorX
- self.CursorY = self.CursorY + 1
- self:UpdateCursor()
- self:JumpToCursor()
- end)
- elseif keycode == keycodes.Up then
- setupMove(keycodes.Up,function()
- self.CursorX = self.FloatCursorX
- self.CursorY = self.CursorY - 1
- self:UpdateCursor()
- self:JumpToCursor()
- end)
- elseif keycode == keycodes.Left then
- setupMove(keycodes.Left,function()
- local line = self.Lines[self.CursorY+1] or ""
- self.CursorX = self.CursorX - 1 - (line:sub(self.CursorX-3,self.CursorX) == tabReplacement and 3 or 0)
- if self.CursorX < 0 then
- self.CursorY = self.CursorY - 1
- local line2 = self.Lines[self.CursorY+1] or ""
- self.CursorX = #line2
- end
- self.FloatCursorX = self.CursorX
- self:UpdateCursor()
- self:JumpToCursor()
- end)
- elseif keycode == keycodes.Right then
- setupMove(keycodes.Right,function()
- local line = self.Lines[self.CursorY+1] or ""
- self.CursorX = self.CursorX + 1 + (line:sub(self.CursorX+1,self.CursorX+4) == tabReplacement and 3 or 0)
- if self.CursorX > #line then
- self.CursorY = self.CursorY + 1
- self.CursorX = 0
- end
- self.FloatCursorX = self.CursorX
- self:UpdateCursor()
- self:JumpToCursor()
- end)
- elseif keycode == keycodes.Backspace then
- setupMove(keycodes.Backspace,function()
- local startRange,endRange
- if self:IsValidRange() then
- startRange = self.SelectionRange[1]
- endRange = self.SelectionRange[2]
- else
- endRange = {self.CursorX,self.CursorY}
- end
- if not startRange then
- local line = self.Lines[self.CursorY+1] or ""
- self.CursorX = self.CursorX - 1 - (line:sub(self.CursorX-3,self.CursorX) == tabReplacement and 3 or 0)
- if self.CursorX < 0 then
- self.CursorY = self.CursorY - 1
- local line2 = self.Lines[self.CursorY+1] or ""
- self.CursorX = #line2
- end
- self.FloatCursorX = self.CursorX
- self:UpdateCursor()
- startRange = startRange or {self.CursorX,self.CursorY}
- end
- self:DeleteRange({startRange,endRange},false,true)
- self:ResetSelection(true)
- self:JumpToCursor()
- end)
- elseif keycode == keycodes.Delete then
- setupMove(keycodes.Delete,function()
- local startRange,endRange
- if self:IsValidRange() then
- startRange = self.SelectionRange[1]
- endRange = self.SelectionRange[2]
- else
- startRange = {self.CursorX,self.CursorY}
- end
- if not endRange then
- local line = self.Lines[self.CursorY+1] or ""
- local endCursorX = self.CursorX + 1 + (line:sub(self.CursorX+1,self.CursorX+4) == tabReplacement and 3 or 0)
- local endCursorY = self.CursorY
- if endCursorX > #line then
- endCursorY = endCursorY + 1
- endCursorX = 0
- end
- self:UpdateCursor()
- endRange = endRange or {endCursorX,endCursorY}
- end
- self:DeleteRange({startRange,endRange},false,true)
- self:ResetSelection(true)
- self:JumpToCursor()
- end)
- elseif service.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then
- if keycode == keycodes.A then
- self.SelectionRange = {{0,0},{#self.Lines[#self.Lines],#self.Lines-1}}
- self:SetCopyableSelection()
- self:Refresh()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- funcs.DisconnectEditBoxEvent = function(self)
- if self.EditBoxEvent then
- self.EditBoxEvent:Disconnect()
- end
- end
- funcs.ResetSelection = function(self,norefresh)
- self.SelectionRange = {{-1,-1},{-1,-1}}
- if not norefresh then self:Refresh() end
- end
- funcs.IsValidRange = function(self,range)
- local selectionRange = range or self.SelectionRange
- local selX,selY = selectionRange[1][1], selectionRange[1][2]
- local sel2X,sel2Y = selectionRange[2][1], selectionRange[2][2]
- if selX == -1 or (selX == sel2X and selY == sel2Y) then return false end
- return true
- end
- funcs.DeleteRange = function(self,range,noprocess,updatemouse)
- range = range or self.SelectionRange
- if not self:IsValidRange(range) then return end
- local lines = self.Lines
- local selX,selY = range[1][1], range[1][2]
- local sel2X,sel2Y = range[2][1], range[2][2]
- local deltaLines = sel2Y-selY
- if not lines[selY+1] or not lines[sel2Y+1] then return end
- local leftSub = lines[selY+1]:sub(1,selX)
- local rightSub = lines[sel2Y+1]:sub(sel2X+1)
- lines[selY+1] = leftSub..rightSub
- local remove = table.remove
- for i = 1,deltaLines do
- remove(lines,selY+2)
- end
- if range == self.SelectionRange then self.SelectionRange = {{-1,-1},{-1,-1}} end
- if updatemouse then
- self.CursorX = selX
- self.CursorY = selY
- self:UpdateCursor()
- end
- if not noprocess then
- self:ProcessTextChange()
- end
- end
- funcs.AppendText = function(self,text)
- self:DeleteRange(nil,true,true)
- local lines,cursorX,cursorY = self.Lines,self.CursorX,self.CursorY
- local line = lines[cursorY+1]
- local before = line:sub(1,cursorX)
- local after = line:sub(cursorX+1)
- text = text:gsub("\r\n","\n")
- text = self:ConvertText(text,true) -- Tab Convert
- local textLines = text:split("\n")
- local insert = table.insert
- for i = 1,#textLines do
- local linePos = cursorY+i
- if i > 1 then insert(lines,linePos,"") end
- local textLine = textLines[i]
- local newBefore = (i == 1 and before or "")
- local newAfter = (i == #textLines and after or "")
- lines[linePos] = newBefore..textLine..newAfter
- end
- if #textLines > 1 then cursorX = 0 end
- self:ProcessTextChange()
- self.CursorX = cursorX + #textLines[#textLines]
- self.CursorY = cursorY + #textLines-1
- self:UpdateCursor()
- end
- funcs.ScrollDelta = function(self,x,y)
- self.ScrollV:ScrollTo(self.ScrollV.Index + y)
- self.ScrollH:ScrollTo(self.ScrollH.Index + x)
- end
- -- x and y starts at 0
- funcs.TabAdjust = function(self,x,y)
- local lines = self.Lines
- local line = lines[y+1]
- x=x+1
- if line then
- local left = line:sub(x-1,x-1)
- local middle = line:sub(x,x)
- local right = line:sub(x+1,x+1)
- local selRange = (#left > 0 and left or " ") .. (#middle > 0 and middle or " ") .. (#right > 0 and right or " ")
- for i,v in pairs(tabJumps) do
- if selRange:find(i) then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- funcs.SetEditing = function(self,on,input)
- self:UpdateCursor(input)
- if on then
- if self.Editable then
- self.GuiElems.EditBox.Text = ""
- self.GuiElems.EditBox:CaptureFocus()
- end
- else
- self.GuiElems.EditBox:ReleaseFocus()
- end
- end
- funcs.CursorAnim = function(self,on)
- local cursor = self.GuiElems.Cursor
- local animTime = tick()
- self.LastAnimTime = animTime
- if not on then return end
- lineTweens.Invis:Cancel()
- lineTweens.Vis:Cancel()
- cursor.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while self.Editable do
- Lib.FastWait(0.5)
- if self.LastAnimTime ~= animTime then return end
- lineTweens.Invis:Play()
- Lib.FastWait(0.4)
- if self.LastAnimTime ~= animTime then return end
- lineTweens.Vis:Play()
- Lib.FastWait(0.2)
- end
- end)()
- end
- funcs.MoveCursor = function(self,x,y)
- self.CursorX = x
- self.CursorY = y
- self:UpdateCursor()
- self:JumpToCursor()
- end
- funcs.JumpToCursor = function(self)
- self:Refresh()
- end
- funcs.UpdateCursor = function(self,input)
- local linesFrame = self.GuiElems.LinesFrame
- local cursor = self.GuiElems.Cursor
- local hSize = math.max(0,linesFrame.AbsoluteSize.X)
- local vSize = math.max(0,linesFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y)
- local maxLines = math.ceil(vSize / self.FontSize)
- local maxCols = math.ceil(hSize / math.ceil(self.FontSize/2))
- local viewX,viewY = self.ViewX,self.ViewY
- local totalLinesStr = tostring(#self.Lines)
- local fontWidth = math.ceil(self.FontSize / 2)
- local linesOffset = #totalLinesStr*fontWidth + 4*fontWidth
- if input then
- local linesFrame = self.GuiElems.LinesFrame
- local frameX,frameY = linesFrame.AbsolutePosition.X,linesFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y
- local mouseX,mouseY = input.Position.X,input.Position.Y
- local fontSizeX,fontSizeY = math.ceil(self.FontSize/2),self.FontSize
- self.CursorX = self.ViewX + math.round((mouseX - frameX) / fontSizeX)
- self.CursorY = self.ViewY + math.floor((mouseY - frameY) / fontSizeY)
- end
- local cursorX,cursorY = self.CursorX,self.CursorY
- local line = self.Lines[cursorY+1] or ""
- if cursorX > #line then cursorX = #line
- elseif cursorX < 0 then cursorX = 0 end
- if cursorY >= #self.Lines then
- cursorY = math.max(0,#self.Lines-1)
- elseif cursorY < 0 then
- cursorY = 0
- end
- cursorX = cursorX + self:TabAdjust(cursorX,cursorY)
- -- Update modified
- self.CursorX = cursorX
- self.CursorY = cursorY
- local cursorVisible = (cursorX >= viewX) and (cursorY >= viewY) and (cursorX <= viewX + maxCols) and (cursorY <= viewY + maxLines)
- if cursorVisible then
- local offX = (cursorX - viewX)
- local offY = (cursorY - viewY)
- cursor.Position =,linesOffset + offX*math.ceil(self.FontSize/2) - 1,0,offY*self.FontSize)
- cursor.Size =,1,0,self.FontSize+2)
- cursor.Visible = true
- self:CursorAnim(true)
- else
- cursor.Visible = false
- end
- end
- funcs.MapNewLines = function(self)
- local newLines = {}
- local count = 1
- local text = self.Text
- local find = string.find
- local init = 1
- local pos = find(text,"\n",init,true)
- while pos do
- newLines[count] = pos
- count = count + 1
- init = pos + 1
- pos = find(text,"\n",init,true)
- end
- self.NewLines = newLines
- end
- funcs.PreHighlight = function(self)
- local start = tick()
- local text = self.Text:gsub("\\\\"," ")
- --print("BACKSLASH SUB",tick()-start)
- local textLen = #text
- local found = {}
- local foundMap = {}
- local extras = {}
- local find = string.find
- local sub = string.sub
- self.ColoredLines = {}
- local function findAll(str,pattern,typ,raw)
- local count = #found+1
- local init = 1
- local x,y,extra = find(str,pattern,init,raw)
- while x do
- found[count] = x
- foundMap[x] = typ
- if extra then
- extras[x] = extra
- end
- count = count+1
- init = y+1
- x,y,extra = find(str,pattern,init,raw)
- end
- end
- local start = tick()
- findAll(text,'"',1,true)
- findAll(text,"'",2,true)
- findAll(text,"%[(=*)%[",3)
- findAll(text,"--",4,true)
- table.sort(found)
- local newLines = self.NewLines
- local curLine = 0
- local lineTableCount = 1
- local lineStart = 0
- local lineEnd = 0
- local lastEnding = 0
- local foundHighlights = {}
- for i = 1,#found do
- local pos = found[i]
- if pos <= lastEnding then continue end
- local ending = pos
- local typ = foundMap[pos]
- if typ == 1 then
- ending = find(text,'"',pos+1,true)
- while ending and sub(text,ending-1,ending-1) == "\\" do
- ending = find(text,'"',ending+1,true)
- end
- if not ending then ending = textLen end
- elseif typ == 2 then
- ending = find(text,"'",pos+1,true)
- while ending and sub(text,ending-1,ending-1) == "\\" do
- ending = find(text,"'",ending+1,true)
- end
- if not ending then ending = textLen end
- elseif typ == 3 then
- _,ending = find(text,"]"..extras[pos].."]",pos+1,true)
- if not ending then ending = textLen end
- elseif typ == 4 then
- local ahead = foundMap[pos+2]
- if ahead == 3 then
- _,ending = find(text,"]"..extras[pos+2].."]",pos+1,true)
- if not ending then ending = textLen end
- else
- ending = find(text,"\n",pos+1,true) or textLen
- end
- end
- while pos > lineEnd do
- curLine = curLine + 1
- --lineTableCount = 1
- lineEnd = newLines[curLine] or textLen+1
- end
- while true do
- local lineTable = foundHighlights[curLine]
- if not lineTable then lineTable = {} foundHighlights[curLine] = lineTable end
- lineTable[pos] = {typ,ending}
- --lineTableCount = lineTableCount + 1
- if ending > lineEnd then
- curLine = curLine + 1
- lineEnd = newLines[curLine] or textLen+1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- lastEnding = ending
- --if i < 200 then print(curLine) end
- end
- self.PreHighlights = foundHighlights
- --print(tick()-start)
- --print(#found,curLine)
- end
- funcs.HighlightLine = function(self,line)
- local cached = self.ColoredLines[line]
- if cached then return cached end
- local sub = string.sub
- local find = string.find
- local match = string.match
- local highlights = {}
- local preHighlights = self.PreHighlights[line] or {}
- local lineText = self.Lines[line] or ""
- local lineLen = #lineText
- local lastEnding = 0
- local currentType = 0
- local lastWord = nil
- local wordBeginsDotted = false
- local funcStatus = 0
- local lineStart = self.NewLines[line-1] or 0
- local preHighlightMap = {}
- for pos,data in next,preHighlights do
- local relativePos = pos-lineStart
- if relativePos < 1 then
- currentType = data[1]
- lastEnding = data[2] - lineStart
- --warn(pos,data[2])
- else
- preHighlightMap[relativePos] = {data[1],data[2]-lineStart}
- end
- end
- for col = 1,#lineText do
- if col <= lastEnding then highlights[col] = currentType continue end
- local pre = preHighlightMap[col]
- if pre then
- currentType = pre[1]
- lastEnding = pre[2]
- highlights[col] = currentType
- wordBeginsDotted = false
- lastWord = nil
- funcStatus = 0
- else
- local char = sub(lineText,col,col)
- if find(char,"[%a_]") then
- local word = match(lineText,"[%a%d_]+",col)
- local wordType = (keywords[word] and 7) or (builtIns[word] and 8)
- lastEnding = col+#word-1
- if wordType ~= 7 then
- if wordBeginsDotted then
- local prevBuiltIn = lastWord and builtIns[lastWord]
- wordType = (prevBuiltIn and type(prevBuiltIn) == "table" and prevBuiltIn[word] and 8) or 10
- end
- if wordType ~= 8 then
- local x,y,br = find(lineText,"^%s*([%({\"'])",lastEnding+1)
- if x then
- wordType = (funcStatus > 0 and br == "(" and 16) or 9
- funcStatus = 0
- end
- end
- else
- wordType = specialKeywordsTypes[word] or wordType
- funcStatus = (word == "function" and 1 or 0)
- end
- lastWord = word
- wordBeginsDotted = false
- if funcStatus > 0 then funcStatus = 1 end
- if wordType then
- currentType = wordType
- highlights[col] = currentType
- else
- currentType = nil
- end
- elseif find(char,"%p") then
- local isDot = (char == ".")
- local isNum = isDot and find(sub(lineText,col+1,col+1),"%d")
- highlights[col] = (isNum and 6 or 5)
- if not isNum then
- local dotStr = isDot and match(lineText,"%.%.?%.?",col)
- if dotStr and #dotStr > 1 then
- currentType = 5
- lastEnding = col+#dotStr-1
- wordBeginsDotted = false
- lastWord = nil
- funcStatus = 0
- else
- if isDot then
- if wordBeginsDotted then
- lastWord = nil
- else
- wordBeginsDotted = true
- end
- else
- wordBeginsDotted = false
- lastWord = nil
- end
- funcStatus = ((isDot or char == ":") and funcStatus == 1 and 2) or 0
- end
- end
- elseif find(char,"%d") then
- local _,endPos = find(lineText,"%x+",col)
- local endPart = sub(lineText,endPos,endPos+1)
- if (endPart == "e+" or endPart == "e-") and find(sub(lineText,endPos+2,endPos+2),"%d") then
- endPos = endPos + 1
- end
- currentType = 6
- lastEnding = endPos
- highlights[col] = 6
- wordBeginsDotted = false
- lastWord = nil
- funcStatus = 0
- else
- highlights[col] = currentType
- local _,endPos = find(lineText,"%s+",col)
- if endPos then
- lastEnding = endPos
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self.ColoredLines[line] = highlights
- return highlights
- end
- funcs.Refresh = function(self)
- local start = tick()
- local linesFrame = self.Frame.Lines
- local hSize = math.max(0,linesFrame.AbsoluteSize.X)
- local vSize = math.max(0,linesFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y)
- local maxLines = math.ceil(vSize / self.FontSize)
- local maxCols = math.ceil(hSize / math.ceil(self.FontSize/2))
- local gsub = string.gsub
- local sub = string.sub
- local viewX,viewY = self.ViewX,self.ViewY
- local lineNumberStr = ""
- for row = 1,maxLines do
- local lineFrame = self.LineFrames[row]
- if not lineFrame then
- lineFrame ="Frame")
- lineFrame.Name = "Line"
- lineFrame.Position =,0,0,(row-1)*self.FontSize)
- lineFrame.Size =,0,0,self.FontSize)
- lineFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
- lineFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- local selectionHighlight ="Frame")
- selectionHighlight.Name = "SelectionHighlight"
- selectionHighlight.BorderSizePixel = 0
- selectionHighlight.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Syntax.SelectionBack
- selectionHighlight.Parent = lineFrame
- local label ="TextLabel")
- label.Name = "Label"
- label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- label.Font = Enum.Font.Code
- label.TextSize = self.FontSize
- label.Size =,0,0,self.FontSize)
- label.RichText = true
- label.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- label.TextColor3 = self.Colors.Text
- label.ZIndex = 2
- label.Parent = lineFrame
- lineFrame.Parent = linesFrame
- self.LineFrames[row] = lineFrame
- end
- local relaY = viewY + row
- local lineText = self.Lines[relaY] or ""
- local resText = ""
- local highlights = self:HighlightLine(relaY)
- local colStart = viewX + 1
- local richTemplates = self.RichTemplates
- local textTemplate = richTemplates.Text
- local selectionTemplate = richTemplates.Selection
- local curType = highlights[colStart]
- local curTemplate = richTemplates[typeMap[curType]] or textTemplate
- -- Selection Highlight
- local selectionRange = self.SelectionRange
- local selPos1 = selectionRange[1]
- local selPos2 = selectionRange[2]
- local selRow,selColumn = selPos1[2],selPos1[1]
- local sel2Row,sel2Column = selPos2[2],selPos2[1]
- local selRelaX,selRelaY = viewX,relaY-1
- if selRelaY >= selPos1[2] and selRelaY <= selPos2[2] then
- local fontSizeX = math.ceil(self.FontSize/2)
- local posX = (selRelaY == selPos1[2] and selPos1[1] or 0) - viewX
- local sizeX = (selRelaY == selPos2[2] and selPos2[1]-posX-viewX or maxCols+viewX)
- lineFrame.SelectionHighlight.Position =,posX*fontSizeX,0,0)
- lineFrame.SelectionHighlight.Size =,sizeX*fontSizeX,1,0)
- lineFrame.SelectionHighlight.Visible = true
- else
- lineFrame.SelectionHighlight.Visible = false
- end
- -- Selection Text Color for first char
- local inSelection = selRelaY >= selRow and selRelaY <= sel2Row and (selRelaY == selRow and viewX >= selColumn or selRelaY ~= selRow) and (selRelaY == sel2Row and viewX < sel2Column or selRelaY ~= sel2Row)
- if inSelection then
- curType = -999
- curTemplate = selectionTemplate
- end
- for col = 2,maxCols do
- local relaX = viewX + col
- local selRelaX = relaX-1
- local posType = highlights[relaX]
- -- Selection Text Color
- local inSelection = selRelaY >= selRow and selRelaY <= sel2Row and (selRelaY == selRow and selRelaX >= selColumn or selRelaY ~= selRow) and (selRelaY == sel2Row and selRelaX < sel2Column or selRelaY ~= sel2Row)
- if inSelection then
- posType = -999
- end
- if posType ~= curType then
- local template = (inSelection and selectionTemplate) or richTemplates[typeMap[posType]] or textTemplate
- if template ~= curTemplate then
- local nextText = gsub(sub(lineText,colStart,relaX-1),"['\"<>&]",richReplace)
- resText = resText .. (curTemplate ~= textTemplate and (curTemplate .. nextText .. "</font>") or nextText)
- colStart = relaX
- curTemplate = template
- end
- curType = posType
- end
- end
- local lastText = gsub(sub(lineText,colStart,viewX+maxCols),"['\"<>&]",richReplace)
- --warn("SUB",colStart,viewX+maxCols-1)
- if #lastText > 0 then
- resText = resText .. (curTemplate ~= textTemplate and (curTemplate .. lastText .. "</font>") or lastText)
- end
- if self.Lines[relaY] then
- lineNumberStr = lineNumberStr .. (relaY == self.CursorY and ("<b>"..relaY.."</b>\n") or relaY .. "\n")
- end
- lineFrame.Label.Text = resText
- end
- for i = maxLines+1,#self.LineFrames do
- self.LineFrames[i]:Destroy()
- self.LineFrames[i] = nil
- end
- self.Frame.LineNumbers.Text = lineNumberStr
- self:UpdateCursor()
- --print("REFRESH TIME",tick()-start)
- end
- funcs.UpdateView = function(self)
- local totalLinesStr = tostring(#self.Lines)
- local fontWidth = math.ceil(self.FontSize / 2)
- local linesOffset = #totalLinesStr*fontWidth + 4*fontWidth
- local linesFrame = self.Frame.Lines
- local hSize = linesFrame.AbsoluteSize.X
- local vSize = linesFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y
- local maxLines = math.ceil(vSize / self.FontSize)
- local totalWidth = self.MaxTextCols*fontWidth
- local scrollV = self.ScrollV
- local scrollH = self.ScrollH
- scrollV.VisibleSpace = maxLines
- scrollV.TotalSpace = #self.Lines + 1
- scrollH.VisibleSpace = math.ceil(hSize/fontWidth)
- scrollH.TotalSpace = self.MaxTextCols + 1
- scrollV.Gui.Visible = #self.Lines + 1 > maxLines
- scrollH.Gui.Visible = totalWidth > hSize
- local oldOffsets = self.FrameOffsets
- self.FrameOffsets = and -16 or 0, scrollH.Gui.Visible and -16 or 0)
- if oldOffsets ~= self.FrameOffsets then
- self:UpdateView()
- else
- scrollV:ScrollTo(self.ViewY,true)
- scrollH:ScrollTo(self.ViewX,true)
- if scrollV.Gui.Visible and scrollH.Gui.Visible then
- scrollV.Gui.Size =,16,1,-16)
- scrollH.Gui.Size =,-16,0,16)
- self.GuiElems.ScrollCorner.Visible = true
- else
- scrollV.Gui.Size =,16,1,0)
- scrollH.Gui.Size =,0,0,16)
- self.GuiElems.ScrollCorner.Visible = false
- end
- self.ViewY = scrollV.Index
- self.ViewX = scrollH.Index
- self.Frame.Lines.Position =,linesOffset,0,0)
- self.Frame.Lines.Size =,-linesOffset+oldOffsets.X,1,oldOffsets.Y)
- self.Frame.LineNumbers.Position =,fontWidth,0,0)
- self.Frame.LineNumbers.Size =,#totalLinesStr*fontWidth,1,oldOffsets.Y)
- self.Frame.LineNumbers.TextSize = self.FontSize
- end
- end
- funcs.ProcessTextChange = function(self)
- local maxCols = 0
- local lines = self.Lines
- for i = 1,#lines do
- local lineLen = #lines[i]
- if lineLen > maxCols then
- maxCols = lineLen
- end
- end
- self.MaxTextCols = maxCols
- self:UpdateView()
- self.Text = table.concat(self.Lines,"\n")
- self:MapNewLines()
- self:PreHighlight()
- self:Refresh()
- --self.TextChanged:Fire()
- end
- funcs.ConvertText = function(self,text,toEditor)
- if toEditor then
- return text:gsub("\t",(" %s%s "):format(tabSub,tabSub))
- else
- return text:gsub((" %s%s "):format(tabSub,tabSub),"\t")
- end
- end
- funcs.GetText = function(self) -- TODO: better (use new tab format)
- local source = table.concat(self.Lines,"\n")
- return self:ConvertText(source,false) -- Tab Convert
- end
- funcs.SetText = function(self,txt)
- txt = self:ConvertText(txt,true) -- Tab Convert
- local lines = self.Lines
- table.clear(lines)
- local count = 1
- for line in txt:gmatch("([^\n\r]*)[\n\r]?") do
- local len = #line
- lines[count] = line
- count = count + 1
- end
- self:ProcessTextChange()
- end
- funcs.MakeRichTemplates = function(self)
- local floor = math.floor
- local templates = {}
- for name,color in pairs(self.Colors) do
- templates[name] = ('<font color="rgb(%s,%s,%s)">'):format(floor(color.r*255),floor(color.g*255),floor(color.b*255))
- end
- self.RichTemplates = templates
- end
- funcs.ApplyTheme = function(self)
- local colors = Settings.Theme.Syntax
- self.Colors = colors
- self.Frame.LineNumbers.TextColor3 = colors.Text
- self.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = colors.Background
- end
- local mt = {__index = funcs}
- local function new()
- if not builtInInited then initBuiltIn() end
- local scrollV =
- local scrollH =
- scrollH.Gui.Position =,0,1,-16)
- local obj = setmetatable({
- FontSize = 15,
- ViewX = 0,
- ViewY = 0,
- Colors = Settings.Theme.Syntax,
- ColoredLines = {},
- Lines = {""},
- LineFrames = {},
- Editable = true,
- Editing = false,
- CursorX = 0,
- CursorY = 0,
- FloatCursorX = 0,
- Text = "",
- PreHighlights = {},
- SelectionRange = {{-1,-1},{-1,-1}},
- NewLines = {},
- FrameOffsets =,0),
- MaxTextCols = 0,
- ScrollV = scrollV,
- ScrollH = scrollH
- },mt)
- scrollV.WheelIncrement = 3
- scrollH.Increment = 2
- scrollH.WheelIncrement = 7
- scrollV.Scrolled:Connect(function()
- obj.ViewY = scrollV.Index
- obj:Refresh()
- end)
- scrollH.Scrolled:Connect(function()
- obj.ViewX = scrollH.Index
- obj:Refresh()
- end)
- makeFrame(obj)
- obj:MakeRichTemplates()
- obj:ApplyTheme()
- scrollV:SetScrollFrame(obj.Frame.Lines)
- scrollV.Gui.Parent = obj.Frame
- scrollH.Gui.Parent = obj.Frame
- obj:UpdateView()
- obj.Frame:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):Connect(function()
- obj:UpdateView()
- obj:Refresh()
- end)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.Checkbox = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- local c3 = Color3.fromRGB
- local v2 =
- local ud2s = UDim2.fromScale
- local ud2o = UDim2.fromOffset
- local ud =
- local max = math.max
- local new =
- local TweenSize = new("Frame").TweenSize
- local ti =
- local delay = delay
- local function ripple(object, color)
- local circle = new('Frame')
- circle.BackgroundColor3 = color
- circle.BackgroundTransparency = 0.75
- circle.BorderSizePixel = 0
- circle.AnchorPoint = v2(0.5, 0.5)
- circle.Size = ud2o()
- circle.Position = ud2s(0.5, 0.5)
- circle.Parent = object
- local rounding = new('UICorner')
- rounding.CornerRadius = ud(1)
- rounding.Parent = circle
- local abssz = object.AbsoluteSize
- local size = max(abssz.X, abssz.Y) * 5/3
- TweenSize(circle, ud2o(size, size), "Out", "Quart", 0.4)
- service.TweenService:Create(circle, ti(0.4, Enum.EasingStyle.Quart, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play()
- service.Debris:AddItem(circle, 0.4)
- end
- local function initGui(self,frame)
- local checkbox = frame or create({
- {1,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Checkbox",,3,0,3),,16,0,16),}},
- {2,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ripples",Parent={1},,0,1,0),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.10196078568697,0.10196078568697),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="outline",Parent={1},,16,0,16),}},
- {4,"Frame",{,0.14117647707462,0.14117647707462),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="filler",Parent={3},,1,0,1),,14,0,14),}},
- {5,"Frame",{,0.90196084976196,0.90196084976196),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="top",Parent={4},,16,0,0),}},
- {6,"Frame",{,1),,0.90196084976196,0.90196084976196),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="bottom",Parent={4},,0,0,14),,16,0,0),}},
- {7,"Frame",{,0.90196084976196,0.90196084976196),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="left",Parent={4},,0,0,16),}},
- {8,"Frame",{,0),,0.90196084976196,0.90196084976196),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="right",Parent={4},,14,0,0),,0,0,16),}},
- {9,"Frame",{,0.5),,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="checkmark",Parent={4},,0,0.5,0),,0,0,20),}},
- {10,"ImageLabel",{,0.5),,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Image="rbxassetid://6234266378",Parent={9},,0,0.5,0),ScaleType=3,,15,0,11),}},
- {11,"ImageLabel",{,0.5),,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://6401617475",,0.69803923368454,0.98431372642517),Name="checkmark2",Parent={4},,0,0.5,0),,12,0,12),Visible=false,}},
- {12,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://6425281788",ImageTransparency=0.20000000298023,Name="middle",Parent={4},ScaleType=2,,0,1,0),,2,0,2),Visible=false,}},
- {13,"UICorner",{,2),Parent={3},}},
- })
- local outline = checkbox.outline
- local filler = outline.filler
- local checkmark = filler.checkmark
- local ripples_container = checkbox.ripples
- -- walls
- local top, bottom, left, right =, filler.bottom, filler.left, filler.right
- self.Gui = checkbox
- self.GuiElems = {
- Top = top,
- Bottom = bottom,
- Left = left,
- Right = right,
- Outline = outline,
- Filler = filler,
- Checkmark = checkmark,
- Checkmark2 = filler.checkmark2,
- Middle = filler.middle
- }
- checkbox.InputBegan:Connect(function(i)
- if i.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local release
- release = service.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- release:Disconnect()
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(checkbox) then
- if self.Style == 0 then
- ripple(ripples_container, self.Disabled and self.Colors.Disabled or self.Colors.Primary)
- end
- if not self.Disabled then
- self:SetState(not self.Toggled,true)
- else
- self:Paint()
- end
- self.OnInput:Fire()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- self:Paint()
- end
- funcs.Collapse = function(self,anim)
- local guiElems = self.GuiElems
- if anim then
- TweenSize(guiElems.Top, ud2o(14, 14), "In", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- TweenSize(guiElems.Bottom, ud2o(14, 14), "In", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- TweenSize(guiElems.Left, ud2o(14, 14), "In", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- TweenSize(guiElems.Right, ud2o(14, 14), "In", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- else
- guiElems.Top.Size = ud2o(14, 14)
- guiElems.Bottom.Size = ud2o(14, 14)
- guiElems.Left.Size = ud2o(14, 14)
- guiElems.Right.Size = ud2o(14, 14)
- end
- end
- funcs.Expand = function(self,anim)
- local guiElems = self.GuiElems
- if anim then
- TweenSize(guiElems.Top, ud2o(14, 0), "InOut", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- TweenSize(guiElems.Bottom, ud2o(14, 0), "InOut", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- TweenSize(guiElems.Left, ud2o(0, 14), "InOut", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- TweenSize(guiElems.Right, ud2o(0, 14), "InOut", "Quart", 4/15, true)
- else
- guiElems.Top.Size = ud2o(14, 0)
- guiElems.Bottom.Size = ud2o(14, 0)
- guiElems.Left.Size = ud2o(0, 14)
- guiElems.Right.Size = ud2o(0, 14)
- end
- end
- funcs.Paint = function(self)
- local guiElems = self.GuiElems
- if self.Style == 0 then
- local color_base = self.Disabled and self.Colors.Disabled
- guiElems.Outline.BackgroundColor3 = color_base or (self.Toggled and self.Colors.Primary) or self.Colors.Secondary
- local walls_color = color_base or self.Colors.Primary
- guiElems.Top.BackgroundColor3 = walls_color
- guiElems.Bottom.BackgroundColor3 = walls_color
- guiElems.Left.BackgroundColor3 = walls_color
- guiElems.Right.BackgroundColor3 = walls_color
- else
- guiElems.Outline.BackgroundColor3 = self.Disabled and self.Colors.Disabled or self.Colors.Secondary
- guiElems.Filler.BackgroundColor3 = self.Disabled and self.Colors.DisabledBackground or self.Colors.Background
- guiElems.Checkmark2.ImageColor3 = self.Disabled and self.Colors.DisabledCheck or self.Colors.Primary
- end
- end
- funcs.SetState = function(self,val,anim)
- self.Toggled = val
- if self.OutlineColorTween then self.OutlineColorTween:Cancel() end
- local setStateTime = tick()
- self.LastSetStateTime = setStateTime
- if self.Toggled then
- if self.Style == 0 then
- if anim then
- self.OutlineColorTween = service.TweenService:Create(self.GuiElems.Outline, ti(4/15, Enum.EasingStyle.Circular, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {BackgroundColor3 = self.Colors.Primary})
- self.OutlineColorTween:Play()
- delay(0.15, function()
- if setStateTime ~= self.LastSetStateTime then return end
- self:Paint()
- TweenSize(self.GuiElems.Checkmark, ud2o(14, 20), "Out", "Bounce", 2/15, true)
- end)
- else
- self.GuiElems.Outline.BackgroundColor3 = self.Colors.Primary
- self:Paint()
- self.GuiElems.Checkmark.Size = ud2o(14, 20)
- end
- self:Collapse(anim)
- else
- self:Paint()
- self.GuiElems.Checkmark2.Visible = true
- self.GuiElems.Middle.Visible = false
- end
- else
- if self.Style == 0 then
- if anim then
- self.OutlineColorTween = service.TweenService:Create(self.GuiElems.Outline, ti(4/15, Enum.EasingStyle.Circular, Enum.EasingDirection.In), {BackgroundColor3 = self.Colors.Secondary})
- self.OutlineColorTween:Play()
- delay(0.15, function()
- if setStateTime ~= self.LastSetStateTime then return end
- self:Paint()
- TweenSize(self.GuiElems.Checkmark, ud2o(0, 20), "Out", "Quad", 1/15, true)
- end)
- else
- self.GuiElems.Outline.BackgroundColor3 = self.Colors.Secondary
- self:Paint()
- self.GuiElems.Checkmark.Size = ud2o(0, 20)
- end
- self:Expand(anim)
- else
- self:Paint()
- self.GuiElems.Checkmark2.Visible = false
- self.GuiElems.Middle.Visible = self.Toggled == nil
- end
- end
- end
- local mt = {__index = funcs}
- local function new(style)
- local obj = setmetatable({
- Toggled = false,
- Disabled = false,
- OnInput =,
- Style = style or 0,
- Colors = {
- Background = c3(36,36,36),
- Primary = c3(49,176,230),
- Secondary = c3(25,25,25),
- Disabled = c3(64,64,64),
- DisabledBackground = c3(52,52,52),
- DisabledCheck = c3(80,80,80)
- }
- },mt)
- initGui(obj)
- return obj
- end
- local function fromFrame(frame)
- local obj = setmetatable({
- Toggled = false,
- Disabled = false,
- Colors = {
- Background = c3(36,36,36),
- Primary = c3(49,176,230),
- Secondary = c3(25,25,25),
- Disabled = c3(64,64,64),
- DisabledBackground = c3(52,52,52)
- }
- },mt)
- initGui(obj,frame)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new, fromFrame}
- end)()
- Lib.BrickColorPicker = (function()
- local funcs = {}
- local paletteCount = 0
- local mouse = service.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local hexStartX = 4
- local hexSizeX = 27
- local hexTriangleStart = 1
- local hexTriangleSize = 8
- local bottomColors = {
- Color3.fromRGB(17,17,17),
- Color3.fromRGB(99,95,98),
- Color3.fromRGB(163,162,165),
- Color3.fromRGB(205,205,205),
- Color3.fromRGB(223,223,222),
- Color3.fromRGB(237,234,234),
- Color3.fromRGB(27,42,53),
- Color3.fromRGB(91,93,105),
- Color3.fromRGB(159,161,172),
- Color3.fromRGB(202,203,209),
- Color3.fromRGB(231,231,236),
- Color3.fromRGB(248,248,248)
- }
- local function isMouseInHexagon(hex)
- local relativeX = mouse.X - hex.AbsolutePosition.X
- local relativeY = mouse.Y - hex.AbsolutePosition.Y
- if relativeX >= hexStartX and relativeX < hexStartX + hexSizeX then
- relativeX = relativeX - 4
- local relativeWidth = (13-math.min(relativeX,26 - relativeX))/13
- if relativeY >= hexTriangleStart + hexTriangleSize*relativeWidth and relativeY < hex.AbsoluteSize.Y - hexTriangleStart - hexTriangleSize*relativeWidth then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function hexInput(self,hex,color)
- hex.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and isMouseInHexagon(hex) then
- self.OnSelect:Fire(color)
- self:Close()
- end
- end)
- hex.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement and isMouseInHexagon(hex) then
- self.OnPreview:Fire(color)
- end
- end)
- end
- local function createGui(self)
- local gui = create({
- {1,"ScreenGui",{Name="BrickColor",}},
- {2,"Frame",{Active=true,,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),,0.1294117718935,0.1294117718935),Parent={1},,0,0.40000000596046,0),,337,0,380),}},
- {3,"TextButton",{,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="MoreColors",Parent={2},,5,1,-30),,-10,0,25),Text="More Colors",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {4,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Image="rbxassetid://1281023007",,0.33333334326744,0.49803924560547),Name="Hex",Parent={2},,35,0,35),Visible=false,}},
- })
- local colorFrame = gui.Frame
- local hex = colorFrame.Hex
- for row = 1,13 do
- local columns = math.min(row,14-row)+6
- for column = 1,columns do
- local nextColor = BrickColor.palette(paletteCount).Color
- local newHex = hex:Clone()
- newHex.Position =, (column-1)*25-(columns-7)*13+3*26 + 1, 0, (row-1)*23 + 4)
- newHex.ImageColor3 = nextColor
- newHex.Visible = true
- hexInput(self,newHex,nextColor)
- newHex.Parent = colorFrame
- paletteCount = paletteCount + 1
- end
- end
- for column = 1,12 do
- local nextColor = bottomColors[column]
- local newHex = hex:Clone()
- newHex.Position =, (column-1)*25-(12-7)*13+3*26 + 3, 0, 308)
- newHex.ImageColor3 = nextColor
- newHex.Visible = true
- hexInput(self,newHex,nextColor)
- newHex.Parent = colorFrame
- paletteCount = paletteCount + 1
- end
- colorFrame.MoreColors.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- self.OnMoreColors:Fire()
- self:Close()
- end)
- self.Gui = gui
- end
- funcs.SetMoreColorsVisible = function(self,vis)
- local colorFrame = self.Gui.Frame
- colorFrame.Size =,337,0,380 - (not vis and 33 or 0))
- colorFrame.MoreColors.Visible = vis
- end
- funcs.Show = function(self,x,y,prevColor)
- self.PrevColor = prevColor or self.PrevColor
- local reverseY = false
- local x,y = x or mouse.X, y or mouse.Y
- local maxX,maxY = mouse.ViewSizeX,mouse.ViewSizeY
- Lib.ShowGui(self.Gui)
- local sizeX,sizeY = self.Gui.Frame.AbsoluteSize.X,self.Gui.Frame.AbsoluteSize.Y
- if x + sizeX > maxX then x = self.ReverseX and x - sizeX or maxX - sizeX end
- if y + sizeY > maxY then reverseY = true end
- local closable = false
- if self.CloseEvent then self.CloseEvent:Disconnect() end
- self.CloseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if not closable or input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- if not Lib.CheckMouseInGui(self.Gui.Frame) then
- self.CloseEvent:Disconnect()
- self:Close()
- end
- end)
- if reverseY then
- local newY = y - sizeY - (self.ReverseYOffset or 0)
- y = newY >= 0 and newY or 0
- end
- self.Gui.Frame.Position =,x,0,y)
- Lib.FastWait()
- closable = true
- end
- funcs.Close = function(self)
- self.Gui.Parent = nil
- self.OnCancel:Fire()
- end
- local mt = {__index = funcs}
- local function new()
- local obj = setmetatable({
- OnPreview =,
- OnSelect =,
- OnCancel =,
- OnMoreColors =,
- PrevColor =,0,0)
- },mt)
- createGui(obj)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.ColorPicker = (function() -- TODO: Convert to newer class model
- local funcs = {}
- local function new()
- local newMt = setmetatable({},{})
- newMt.OnSelect =
- newMt.OnCancel =
- newMt.OnPreview =
- local guiContents = create({
- {1,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="Content",,0,0,20),,0,1,-20),}},
- {2,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="BasicColors",Parent={1},,5,0,5),,180,0,200),}},
- {3,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={2},,0,0,-5),,0,0,26),Text="Basic Colors",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {4,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Blue",Parent={1},,-63,0,255),,52,0,16),}},
- {5,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={4},,2,0,0),,50,0,16),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {6,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ArrowFrame",Parent={5},,-16,0,0),,16,1,0),}},
- {7,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Up",Parent={6},,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {8,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={7},,16,0,8),}},
- {9,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={8},,8,0,3),,1,0,1),}},
- {10,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={8},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {11,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={8},,6,0,5),,5,0,1),}},
- {12,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Down",Parent={6},,0,0,8),,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {13,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={12},,16,0,8),}},
- {14,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={13},,8,0,5),,1,0,1),}},
- {15,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={13},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {16,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={13},,6,0,3),,5,0,1),}},
- {17,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={4},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Blue:",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {18,"Frame",{,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),BorderSizePixel=0,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="ColorSpaceFrame",Parent={1},,-261,0,4),,222,0,202),}},
- {19,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),BorderSizePixel=0,Image="rbxassetid://1072518406",Name="ColorSpace",Parent={18},,1,0,1),,220,0,200),}},
- {20,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Scope",Parent={19},,210,0,190),,20,0,20),}},
- {21,"Frame",{,0,0),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={20},,9,0,0),,2,0,20),}},
- {22,"Frame",{,0,0),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={20},,0,0,9),,20,0,2),}},
- {23,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="CustomColors",Parent={1},,5,0,210),,180,0,90),}},
- {24,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={23},,0,0,20),Text="Custom Colors (RC = Set)",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {25,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Green",Parent={1},,-63,0,233),,52,0,16),}},
- {26,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={25},,2,0,0),,50,0,16),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
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- {31,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={29},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {32,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={29},,6,0,5),,5,0,1),}},
- {33,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Down",Parent={27},,0,0,8),,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
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- {35,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={34},,8,0,5),,1,0,1),}},
- {36,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={34},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {37,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={34},,6,0,3),,5,0,1),}},
- {38,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={25},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Green:",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {39,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Hue",Parent={1},,-180,0,211),,52,0,16),}},
- {40,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={39},,2,0,0),,50,0,16),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
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- {42,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Up",Parent={41},,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
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- {44,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={43},,8,0,3),,1,0,1),}},
- {45,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={43},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {46,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={43},,6,0,5),,5,0,1),}},
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- {50,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={48},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {51,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={48},,6,0,3),,5,0,1),}},
- {52,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={39},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Hue:",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
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- {54,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Red",Parent={1},,-63,0,211),,52,0,16),}},
- {55,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={54},,2,0,0),,50,0,16),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {56,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ArrowFrame",Parent={55},,-16,0,0),,16,1,0),}},
- {57,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Up",Parent={56},,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {58,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={57},,16,0,8),}},
- {59,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={58},,8,0,3),,1,0,1),}},
- {60,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={58},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {61,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={58},,6,0,5),,5,0,1),}},
- {62,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Down",Parent={56},,0,0,8),,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {63,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={62},,16,0,8),}},
- {64,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={63},,8,0,5),,1,0,1),}},
- {65,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={63},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {66,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={63},,6,0,3),,5,0,1),}},
- {67,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={54},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Red:",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {68,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Sat",Parent={1},,-180,0,233),,52,0,16),}},
- {69,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={68},,2,0,0),,50,0,16),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {70,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ArrowFrame",Parent={69},,-16,0,0),,16,1,0),}},
- {71,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Up",Parent={70},,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {72,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={71},,16,0,8),}},
- {73,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={72},,8,0,3),,1,0,1),}},
- {74,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={72},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {75,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={72},,6,0,5),,5,0,1),}},
- {76,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Down",Parent={70},,0,0,8),,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {77,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={76},,16,0,8),}},
- {78,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={77},,8,0,5),,1,0,1),}},
- {79,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={77},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {80,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={77},,6,0,3),,5,0,1),}},
- {81,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={68},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Sat:",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {82,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Val",Parent={1},,-180,0,255),,52,0,16),}},
- {83,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={82},,2,0,0),,50,0,16),Text="255",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {84,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ArrowFrame",Parent={83},,-16,0,0),,16,1,0),}},
- {85,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Up",Parent={84},,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {86,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={85},,16,0,8),}},
- {87,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={86},,8,0,3),,1,0,1),}},
- {88,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={86},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {89,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={86},,6,0,5),,5,0,1),}},
- {90,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Down",Parent={84},,0,0,8),,0,0,8),Text="",TextSize=14,}},
- {91,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={90},,16,0,8),}},
- {92,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={91},,8,0,5),,1,0,1),}},
- {93,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={91},,7,0,4),,3,0,1),}},
- {94,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={91},,6,0,3),,5,0,1),}},
- {95,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={82},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Val:",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {96,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Font=3,Name="Cancel",Parent={1},,-105,1,-28),,100,0,25),Text="Cancel",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {97,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Font=3,Name="Ok",Parent={1},,-210,1,-28),,100,0,25),Text="OK",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {98,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Image="rbxassetid://1072518502",Name="ColorStrip",Parent={1},,-30,0,5),,13,0,200),}},
- {99,"Frame",{,0.3137255012989,0.3137255012989),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ArrowFrame",Parent={1},,-16,0,1),,5,0,208),}},
- {100,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={99},,-2,0,-4),,8,0,16),}},
- {101,"Frame",{,0,0),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={100},,2,0,8),,1,0,1),}},
- {102,"Frame",{,0,0),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={100},,3,0,7),,1,0,3),}},
- {103,"Frame",{,0,0),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={100},,4,0,6),,1,0,5),}},
- {104,"Frame",{,0,0),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={100},,5,0,5),,1,0,7),}},
- {105,"Frame",{,0,0),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={100},,6,0,4),,1,0,9),}},
- })
- local window =
- window.Resizable = false
- window.Alignable = false
- window:SetTitle("Color Picker")
- window:Resize(450,330)
- for i,v in pairs(guiContents:GetChildren()) do
- v.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- end
- newMt.Window = window
- newMt.Gui = window.Gui
- local pickerGui = window.Gui.Main
- local pickerTopBar = pickerGui.TopBar
- local pickerFrame = pickerGui.Content
- local colorSpace = pickerFrame.ColorSpaceFrame.ColorSpace
- local colorStrip = pickerFrame.ColorStrip
- local previewFrame = pickerFrame.Preview
- local basicColorsFrame = pickerFrame.BasicColors
- local customColorsFrame = pickerFrame.CustomColors
- local okButton = pickerFrame.Ok
- local cancelButton = pickerFrame.Cancel
- local closeButton = pickerTopBar.Close
- local colorScope = colorSpace.Scope
- local colorArrow = pickerFrame.ArrowFrame.Arrow
- local hueInput = pickerFrame.Hue.Input
- local satInput = pickerFrame.Sat.Input
- local valInput = pickerFrame.Val.Input
- local redInput = pickerFrame.Red.Input
- local greenInput = pickerFrame.Green.Input
- local blueInput = pickerFrame.Blue.Input
- local user = clonerefs(game:GetService("UserInputService"))
- local mouse = clonerefs(game:GetService("Players")).LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local hue,sat,val = 0,0,1
- local red,green,blue = 1,1,1
- local chosenColor =,0,0)
- local basicColors = {,0,0),,0,0),,0.33333334326744,0),,0.33333334326744,0),,0.66666668653488,0),,0.66666668653488,0),,1,0),,1,0),,0,0.49803924560547),,0,0.49803924560547),,0.33333334326744,0.49803924560547),,0.33333334326744,0.49803924560547),,0.66666668653488,0.49803924560547),,0.66666668653488,0.49803924560547),,1,0.49803924560547),,1,0.49803924560547),,0,1),,0,1),,0.33333334326744,1),,0.33333334326744,1),,0.66666668653488,1),,0.66666668653488,1),,1,1),,1,1),,0,0),,0,0),,0.33333334326744,0),,0.33333334326744,0),,0.66666668653488,0),,0.66666668653488,0),,1,0),,1,0),,0,0.49803924560547),,0,0.49803924560547),,0.33333334326744,0.49803924560547),,0.33333334326744,0.49803924560547),,0.66666668653488,0.49803924560547),,0.66666668653488,0.49803924560547),,1,0.49803924560547),,1,0.49803924560547),,0,1),,0,1),,0.33333334326744,1),,0.33333334326744,1),,0.66666668653488,1),,0.66666668653488,1),,1,1),,1,1)}
- local customColors = {}
- local function updateColor(noupdate)
- local relativeX,relativeY,relativeStripY = 219 - hue*219, 199 - sat*199, 199 - val*199
- local hsvColor = Color3.fromHSV(hue,sat,val)
- if noupdate == 2 or not noupdate then
- hueInput.Text = tostring(math.ceil(359*hue))
- satInput.Text = tostring(math.ceil(255*sat))
- valInput.Text = tostring(math.floor(255*val))
- end
- if noupdate == 1 or not noupdate then
- redInput.Text = tostring(math.floor(255*red))
- greenInput.Text = tostring(math.floor(255*green))
- blueInput.Text = tostring(math.floor(255*blue))
- end
- chosenColor =,green,blue)
- colorScope.Position =,relativeX-9,0,relativeY-9)
- colorStrip.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(hue,sat,1)
- colorArrow.Position =,-2,0,relativeStripY-4)
- previewFrame.BackgroundColor3 = chosenColor
- newMt.Color = chosenColor
- newMt.OnPreview:Fire(chosenColor)
- end
- local function colorSpaceInput()
- local relativeX = mouse.X - colorSpace.AbsolutePosition.X
- local relativeY = mouse.Y - colorSpace.AbsolutePosition.Y
- if relativeX < 0 then relativeX = 0 elseif relativeX > 219 then relativeX = 219 end
- if relativeY < 0 then relativeY = 0 elseif relativeY > 199 then relativeY = 199 end
- hue = (219 - relativeX)/219
- sat = (199 - relativeY)/199
- local hsvColor = Color3.fromHSV(hue,sat,val)
- red,green,blue = hsvColor.r,hsvColor.g,hsvColor.b
- updateColor()
- end
- local function colorStripInput()
- local relativeY = mouse.Y - colorStrip.AbsolutePosition.Y
- if relativeY < 0 then relativeY = 0 elseif relativeY > 199 then relativeY = 199 end
- val = (199 - relativeY)/199
- local hsvColor = Color3.fromHSV(hue,sat,val)
- red,green,blue = hsvColor.r,hsvColor.g,hsvColor.b
- updateColor()
- end
- local function hookButtons(frame,func)
- frame.ArrowFrame.Up.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- frame.ArrowFrame.Up.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local releaseEvent,runEvent
- local startTime = tick()
- local pressing = true
- local startNum = tonumber(frame.Text)
- if not startNum then return end
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- pressing = false
- end)
- startNum = startNum + 1
- func(startNum)
- while pressing do
- if tick()-startTime > 0.3 then
- startNum = startNum + 1
- func(startNum)
- end
- wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end)
- frame.ArrowFrame.Up.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- frame.ArrowFrame.Up.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end
- end)
- frame.ArrowFrame.Down.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- frame.ArrowFrame.Down.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local releaseEvent,runEvent
- local startTime = tick()
- local pressing = true
- local startNum = tonumber(frame.Text)
- if not startNum then return end
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- pressing = false
- end)
- startNum = startNum - 1
- func(startNum)
- while pressing do
- if tick()-startTime > 0.3 then
- startNum = startNum - 1
- func(startNum)
- end
- wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end)
- frame.ArrowFrame.Down.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- frame.ArrowFrame.Down.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- end
- end)
- end
- colorSpace.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- end)
- mouseEvent = user.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- colorSpaceInput()
- end
- end)
- colorSpaceInput()
- end
- end)
- colorStrip.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local releaseEvent,mouseEvent
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- end)
- mouseEvent = user.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- colorStripInput()
- end
- end)
- colorStripInput()
- end
- end)
- local function updateHue(str)
- local num = tonumber(str)
- if num then
- hue = math.clamp(math.floor(num),0,359)/359
- local hsvColor = Color3.fromHSV(hue,sat,val)
- red,green,blue = hsvColor.r,hsvColor.g,hsvColor.b
- hueInput.Text = tostring(hue*359)
- updateColor(1)
- end
- end
- hueInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() updateHue(hueInput.Text) end) hookButtons(hueInput,updateHue)
- local function updateSat(str)
- local num = tonumber(str)
- if num then
- sat = math.clamp(math.floor(num),0,255)/255
- local hsvColor = Color3.fromHSV(hue,sat,val)
- red,green,blue = hsvColor.r,hsvColor.g,hsvColor.b
- satInput.Text = tostring(sat*255)
- updateColor(1)
- end
- end
- satInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() updateSat(satInput.Text) end) hookButtons(satInput,updateSat)
- local function updateVal(str)
- local num = tonumber(str)
- if num then
- val = math.clamp(math.floor(num),0,255)/255
- local hsvColor = Color3.fromHSV(hue,sat,val)
- red,green,blue = hsvColor.r,hsvColor.g,hsvColor.b
- valInput.Text = tostring(val*255)
- updateColor(1)
- end
- end
- valInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() updateVal(valInput.Text) end) hookButtons(valInput,updateVal)
- local function updateRed(str)
- local num = tonumber(str)
- if num then
- red = math.clamp(math.floor(num),0,255)/255
- local newColor =,green,blue)
- hue,sat,val = Color3.toHSV(newColor)
- redInput.Text = tostring(red*255)
- updateColor(2)
- end
- end
- redInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() updateRed(redInput.Text) end) hookButtons(redInput,updateRed)
- local function updateGreen(str)
- local num = tonumber(str)
- if num then
- green = math.clamp(math.floor(num),0,255)/255
- local newColor =,green,blue)
- hue,sat,val = Color3.toHSV(newColor)
- greenInput.Text = tostring(green*255)
- updateColor(2)
- end
- end
- greenInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() updateGreen(greenInput.Text) end) hookButtons(greenInput,updateGreen)
- local function updateBlue(str)
- local num = tonumber(str)
- if num then
- blue = math.clamp(math.floor(num),0,255)/255
- local newColor =,green,blue)
- hue,sat,val = Color3.toHSV(newColor)
- blueInput.Text = tostring(blue*255)
- updateColor(2)
- end
- end
- blueInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() updateBlue(blueInput.Text) end) hookButtons(blueInput,updateBlue)
- local colorChoice ="TextButton")
- colorChoice.Name = "Choice"
- colorChoice.Size =,25,0,18)
- colorChoice.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(55,55,55)
- colorChoice.Text = ""
- colorChoice.AutoButtonColor = false
- local row = 0
- local column = 0
- for i,v in pairs(basicColors) do
- local newColor = colorChoice:Clone()
- newColor.BackgroundColor3 = v
- newColor.Position =,1 + 30*column,0,21 + 23*row)
- newColor.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- red,green,blue = v.r,v.g,v.b
- local newColor =,green,blue)
- hue,sat,val = Color3.toHSV(newColor)
- updateColor()
- end)
- newColor.Parent = basicColorsFrame
- column = column + 1
- if column == 6 then row = row + 1 column = 0 end
- end
- row = 0
- column = 0
- for i = 1,12 do
- local color = customColors[i] or,0,0)
- local newColor = colorChoice:Clone()
- newColor.BackgroundColor3 = color
- newColor.Position =,1 + 30*column,0,20 + 23*row)
- newColor.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- local curColor = customColors[i] or,0,0)
- red,green,blue = curColor.r,curColor.g,curColor.b
- hue,sat,val = Color3.toHSV(curColor)
- updateColor()
- end)
- newColor.MouseButton2Click:Connect(function()
- customColors[i] = chosenColor
- newColor.BackgroundColor3 = chosenColor
- end)
- newColor.Parent = customColorsFrame
- column = column + 1
- if column == 6 then row = row + 1 column = 0 end
- end
- okButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() newMt.OnSelect:Fire(chosenColor) window:Close() end)
- okButton.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then okButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4 end end)
- okButton.InputEnded:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then okButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0 end end)
- cancelButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() newMt.OnCancel:Fire() window:Close() end)
- cancelButton.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then cancelButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.4 end end)
- cancelButton.InputEnded:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then cancelButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0 end end)
- updateColor()
- newMt.SetColor = function(self,color)
- red,green,blue = color.r,color.g,color.b
- hue,sat,val = Color3.toHSV(color)
- updateColor()
- end
- newMt.Show = function(self)
- self.Window:Show()
- end
- return newMt
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.NumberSequenceEditor = (function()
- local function new() -- TODO: Convert to newer class model
- local newMt = setmetatable({},{})
- newMt.OnSelect =
- newMt.OnCancel =
- newMt.OnPreview =
- local guiContents = create({
- {1,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="Content",,0,0,20),,0,1,-20),}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Time",Parent={1},,40,0,210),,60,0,20),}},
- {3,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),ClipsDescendants=true,Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={2},,2,0,0),,58,0,20),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {4,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={2},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Time",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {5,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Font=3,Name="Close",Parent={1},,-90,0,210),,80,0,20),Text="Close",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {6,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Font=3,Name="Reset",Parent={1},,-180,0,210),,80,0,20),Text="Reset",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {7,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Font=3,Name="Delete",Parent={1},,380,0,210),,80,0,20),Text="Delete",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {8,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Name="NumberLineOutlines",Parent={1},,10,0,20),,-20,0,170),}},
- {9,"Frame",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),Name="NumberLine",Parent={1},,10,0,20),,-20,0,170),}},
- {10,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Value",Parent={1},,170,0,210),,60,0,20),}},
- {11,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={10},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Value",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {12,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),ClipsDescendants=true,Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={10},,2,0,0),,58,0,20),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {13,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Envelope",Parent={1},,300,0,210),,60,0,20),}},
- {14,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),ClipsDescendants=true,Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={13},,2,0,0),,58,0,20),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {15,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={13},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Envelope",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- })
- local window =
- window.Resizable = false
- window:Resize(680,265)
- window:SetTitle("NumberSequence Editor")
- newMt.Window = window
- newMt.Gui = window.Gui
- for i,v in pairs(guiContents:GetChildren()) do
- v.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- end
- local gui = window.Gui
- local pickerGui = gui.Main
- local pickerTopBar = pickerGui.TopBar
- local pickerFrame = pickerGui.Content
- local numberLine = pickerFrame.NumberLine
- local numberLineOutlines = pickerFrame.NumberLineOutlines
- local timeBox = pickerFrame.Time.Input
- local valueBox = pickerFrame.Value.Input
- local envelopeBox = pickerFrame.Envelope.Input
- local deleteButton = pickerFrame.Delete
- local resetButton = pickerFrame.Reset
- local closeButton = pickerFrame.Close
- local topClose = pickerTopBar.Close
- local points = {{1,0,3},{8,0.05,1},{5,0.6,2},{4,0.7,4},{6,1,4}}
- local lines = {}
- local eLines = {}
- local beginPoint = points[1]
- local endPoint = points[#points]
- local currentlySelected = nil
- local currentPoint = nil
- local resetSequence = nil
- local user = clonerefs(game:GetService("UserInputService"))
- local mouse = clonerefs(game:GetService("Players")).LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- for i = 2,10 do
- local newLine ="Frame")
- newLine.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- newLine.BackgroundColor3 =,96/255,96/255)
- newLine.BorderSizePixel = 0
- newLine.Size =,1,1,0)
- newLine.Position =,0,0,0)
- newLine.Parent = numberLineOutlines
- end
- for i = 2,4 do
- local newLine ="Frame")
- newLine.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- newLine.BackgroundColor3 =,96/255,96/255)
- newLine.BorderSizePixel = 0
- newLine.Size =,0,0,1)
- newLine.Position =,0,(i-1)/(5-1),0)
- newLine.Parent = numberLineOutlines
- end
- local lineTemp ="Frame")
- lineTemp.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
- lineTemp.BorderSizePixel = 0
- lineTemp.Size =,1,0,1)
- local sequenceLine ="Frame")
- sequenceLine.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
- sequenceLine.BorderSizePixel = 0
- sequenceLine.Size =,1,0,0)
- for i = 1,numberLine.AbsoluteSize.X do
- local line = sequenceLine:Clone()
- eLines[i] = line
- line.Name = "E"..tostring(i)
- line.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- line.BackgroundColor3 =,44/255,28/255)
- line.Position =,i-1,0,0)
- line.Parent = numberLine
- end
- for i = 1,numberLine.AbsoluteSize.X do
- local line = sequenceLine:Clone()
- lines[i] = line
- line.Name = tostring(i)
- line.Position =,i-1,0,0)
- line.Parent = numberLine
- end
- local envelopeDrag ="Frame")
- envelopeDrag.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- envelopeDrag.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
- envelopeDrag.BorderSizePixel = 0
- envelopeDrag.Size =,7,0,20)
- envelopeDrag.Visible = false
- envelopeDrag.ZIndex = 2
- local envelopeDragLine ="Frame",envelopeDrag)
- envelopeDragLine.Name = "Line"
- envelopeDragLine.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
- envelopeDragLine.BorderSizePixel = 0
- envelopeDragLine.Position =,3,0,0)
- envelopeDragLine.Size =,1,0,20)
- envelopeDragLine.ZIndex = 2
- local envelopeDragTop,envelopeDragBottom = envelopeDrag:Clone(),envelopeDrag:Clone()
- envelopeDragTop.Parent = numberLine
- envelopeDragBottom.Parent = numberLine
- local function buildSequence()
- local newPoints = {}
- for i,v in pairs(points) do
- table.insert(newPoints,[2],v[1],v[3]))
- end
- newMt.Sequence =
- newMt.OnSelect:Fire(newMt.Sequence)
- end
- local function round(num,places)
- local multi = 10^places
- return math.floor(num*multi + 0.5)/multi
- end
- local function updateInputs(point)
- if point then
- currentPoint = point
- local rawT,rawV,rawE = point[2],point[1],point[3]
- timeBox.Text = round(rawT,(rawT < 0.01 and 5) or (rawT < 0.1 and 4) or 3)
- valueBox.Text = round(rawV,(rawV < 0.01 and 5) or (rawV < 0.1 and 4) or (rawV < 1 and 3) or 2)
- envelopeBox.Text = round(rawE,(rawE < 0.01 and 5) or (rawE < 0.1 and 4) or (rawV < 1 and 3) or 2)
- local envelopeDistance = numberLine.AbsoluteSize.Y*(point[3]/10)
- envelopeDragTop.Position =,point[4].Position.X.Offset-1,0,point[4].Position.Y.Offset-envelopeDistance-17)
- envelopeDragTop.Visible = true
- envelopeDragBottom.Position =,point[4].Position.X.Offset-1,0,point[4].Position.Y.Offset+envelopeDistance+2)
- envelopeDragBottom.Visible = true
- end
- end
- envelopeDragTop.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or not currentPoint or Lib.CheckMouseInGui(currentPoint[4].Select) then return end
- local mouseEvent,releaseEvent
- local maxSize = numberLine.AbsoluteSize.Y
- local mouseDelta = math.abs(envelopeDragTop.AbsolutePosition.Y - mouse.Y)
- envelopeDragTop.Line.Position =,2,0,0)
- envelopeDragTop.Line.Size =,3,0,20)
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- envelopeDragTop.Line.Position =,3,0,0)
- envelopeDragTop.Line.Size =,1,0,20)
- end)
- mouseEvent = user.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local topDiff = (currentPoint[4].AbsolutePosition.Y+2)-(mouse.Y-mouseDelta)-19
- local newEnvelope = 10*(math.max(topDiff,0)/maxSize)
- local maxEnvelope = math.min(currentPoint[1],10-currentPoint[1])
- currentPoint[3] = math.min(newEnvelope,maxEnvelope)
- newMt:Redraw()
- buildSequence()
- updateInputs(currentPoint)
- end
- end)
- end)
- envelopeDragBottom.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or not currentPoint or Lib.CheckMouseInGui(currentPoint[4].Select) then return end
- local mouseEvent,releaseEvent
- local maxSize = numberLine.AbsoluteSize.Y
- local mouseDelta = math.abs(envelopeDragBottom.AbsolutePosition.Y - mouse.Y)
- envelopeDragBottom.Line.Position =,2,0,0)
- envelopeDragBottom.Line.Size =,3,0,20)
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- envelopeDragBottom.Line.Position =,3,0,0)
- envelopeDragBottom.Line.Size =,1,0,20)
- end)
- mouseEvent = user.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local bottomDiff = (mouse.Y+(20-mouseDelta))-(currentPoint[4].AbsolutePosition.Y+2)-19
- local newEnvelope = 10*(math.max(bottomDiff,0)/maxSize)
- local maxEnvelope = math.min(currentPoint[1],10-currentPoint[1])
- currentPoint[3] = math.min(newEnvelope,maxEnvelope)
- newMt:Redraw()
- buildSequence()
- updateInputs(currentPoint)
- end
- end)
- end)
- local function placePoint(point)
- local newPoint ="Frame")
- newPoint.Name = "Point"
- newPoint.BorderSizePixel = 0
- newPoint.Size =,5,0,5)
- newPoint.Position =,math.floor((numberLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1) * point[2])-2,0,numberLine.AbsoluteSize.Y*(10-point[1])/10-2)
- newPoint.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
- local newSelect ="Frame")
- newSelect.Name = "Select"
- newSelect.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- newSelect.BackgroundColor3 =,44/255,28/255)
- newSelect.Position =,-2,0,-2)
- newSelect.Size =,9,0,9)
- newSelect.Parent = newPoint
- newPoint.Parent = numberLine
- newSelect.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- for i,v in pairs(points) do v[4].Select.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end
- newSelect.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- updateInputs(point)
- end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not currentlySelected then
- currentPoint = point
- local mouseEvent,releaseEvent
- currentlySelected = true
- newSelect.BackgroundColor3 =,191/255,59/255)
- local oldEnvelope = point[3]
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- currentlySelected = nil
- newSelect.BackgroundColor3 =,44/255,28/255)
- end)
- mouseEvent = user.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local maxX = numberLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1
- local relativeX = mouse.X - numberLine.AbsolutePosition.X
- if relativeX < 0 then relativeX = 0 end
- if relativeX > maxX then relativeX = maxX end
- local maxY = numberLine.AbsoluteSize.Y-1
- local relativeY = mouse.Y - numberLine.AbsolutePosition.Y
- if relativeY < 0 then relativeY = 0 end
- if relativeY > maxY then relativeY = maxY end
- if point ~= beginPoint and point ~= endPoint then
- point[2] = relativeX/maxX
- end
- point[1] = 10-(relativeY/maxY)*10
- local maxEnvelope = math.min(point[1],10-point[1])
- point[3] = math.min(oldEnvelope,maxEnvelope)
- newMt:Redraw()
- updateInputs(point)
- for i,v in pairs(points) do v[4].Select.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end
- newSelect.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- buildSequence()
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- return newPoint
- end
- local function placePoints()
- for i,v in pairs(points) do
- v[4] = placePoint(v)
- end
- end
- local function redraw(self)
- local numberLineSize = numberLine.AbsoluteSize
- table.sort(points,function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
- for i,v in pairs(points) do
- v[4].Position =,math.floor((numberLineSize.X-1) * v[2])-2,0,(numberLineSize.Y-1)*(10-v[1])/10-2)
- end
- lines[1].Size =,1,0,0)
- for i = 1,#points-1 do
- local fromPoint = points[i]
- local toPoint = points[i+1]
- local deltaY = toPoint[4].Position.Y.Offset-fromPoint[4].Position.Y.Offset
- local deltaX = toPoint[4].Position.X.Offset-fromPoint[4].Position.X.Offset
- local slope = deltaY/deltaX
- local fromEnvelope = fromPoint[3]
- local nextEnvelope = toPoint[3]
- local currentRise = math.abs(slope)
- local totalRise = 0
- local maxRise = math.abs(toPoint[4].Position.Y.Offset-fromPoint[4].Position.Y.Offset)
- for lineCount = math.min(fromPoint[4].Position.X.Offset+1,toPoint[4].Position.X.Offset),toPoint[4].Position.X.Offset do
- if deltaX == 0 and deltaY == 0 then return end
- local riseNow = math.floor(currentRise)
- local line = lines[lineCount+3]
- if line then
- if totalRise+riseNow > maxRise then riseNow = maxRise-totalRise end
- if math.sign(slope) == -1 then
- line.Position =,lineCount+2,0,fromPoint[4].Position.Y.Offset + -(totalRise+riseNow)+2)
- else
- line.Position =,lineCount+2,0,fromPoint[4].Position.Y.Offset + totalRise+2)
- end
- line.Size =,1,0,math.max(riseNow,1))
- end
- totalRise = totalRise + riseNow
- currentRise = currentRise - riseNow + math.abs(slope)
- local envPercent = (lineCount-fromPoint[4].Position.X.Offset)/(toPoint[4].Position.X.Offset-fromPoint[4].Position.X.Offset)
- local envLerp = fromEnvelope+(nextEnvelope-fromEnvelope)*envPercent
- local relativeSize = (envLerp/10)*numberLineSize.Y
- local line = eLines[lineCount + 3]
- if line then
- line.Position =,lineCount+2,0,lines[lineCount+3].Position.Y.Offset-math.floor(relativeSize))
- line.Size =,1,0,math.floor(relativeSize*2))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- newMt.Redraw = redraw
- local function loadSequence(self,seq)
- resetSequence = seq
- for i,v in pairs(points) do if v[4] then v[4]:Destroy() end end
- points = {}
- for i,v in pairs(seq.Keypoints) do
- local maxEnvelope = math.min(v.Value,10-v.Value)
- local newPoint = {v.Value,v.Time,math.min(v.Envelope,maxEnvelope)}
- newPoint[4] = placePoint(newPoint)
- table.insert(points,newPoint)
- end
- beginPoint = points[1]
- endPoint = points[#points]
- currentlySelected = nil
- redraw()
- envelopeDragTop.Visible = false
- envelopeDragBottom.Visible = false
- end
- newMt.SetSequence = loadSequence
- timeBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- local point = currentPoint
- local num = tonumber(timeBox.Text)
- if point and num and point ~= beginPoint and point ~= endPoint then
- num = math.clamp(num,0,1)
- point[2] = num
- redraw()
- buildSequence()
- updateInputs(point)
- end
- end)
- valueBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- local point = currentPoint
- local num = tonumber(valueBox.Text)
- if point and num then
- local oldEnvelope = point[3]
- num = math.clamp(num,0,10)
- point[1] = num
- local maxEnvelope = math.min(point[1],10-point[1])
- point[3] = math.min(oldEnvelope,maxEnvelope)
- redraw()
- buildSequence()
- updateInputs(point)
- end
- end)
- envelopeBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- local point = currentPoint
- local num = tonumber(envelopeBox.Text)
- if point and num then
- num = math.clamp(num,0,5)
- local maxEnvelope = math.min(point[1],10-point[1])
- point[3] = math.min(num,maxEnvelope)
- redraw()
- buildSequence()
- updateInputs(point)
- end
- end)
- local function buttonAnimations(button,inverse)
- button.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then button.BackgroundTransparency = (inverse and 0.5 or 0.4) end end)
- button.InputEnded:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then button.BackgroundTransparency = (inverse and 1 or 0) end end)
- end
- numberLine.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and #points < 20 then
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(envelopeDragTop) or Lib.CheckMouseInGui(envelopeDragBottom) then return end
- for i,v in pairs(points) do
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(v[4].Select) then return end
- end
- local maxX = numberLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1
- local relativeX = mouse.X - numberLine.AbsolutePosition.X
- if relativeX < 0 then relativeX = 0 end
- if relativeX > maxX then relativeX = maxX end
- local maxY = numberLine.AbsoluteSize.Y-1
- local relativeY = mouse.Y - numberLine.AbsolutePosition.Y
- if relativeY < 0 then relativeY = 0 end
- if relativeY > maxY then relativeY = maxY end
- local raw = relativeX/maxX
- local newPoint = {10-(relativeY/maxY)*10,raw,0}
- newPoint[4] = placePoint(newPoint)
- table.insert(points,newPoint)
- redraw()
- buildSequence()
- end
- end)
- deleteButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if currentPoint and currentPoint ~= beginPoint and currentPoint ~= endPoint then
- for i,v in pairs(points) do
- if v == currentPoint then
- v[4]:Destroy()
- table.remove(points,i)
- break
- end
- end
- currentlySelected = nil
- redraw()
- buildSequence()
- updateInputs(points[1])
- end
- end)
- resetButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if resetSequence then
- newMt:SetSequence(resetSequence)
- buildSequence()
- end
- end)
- closeButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- window:Close()
- end)
- buttonAnimations(deleteButton)
- buttonAnimations(resetButton)
- buttonAnimations(closeButton)
- placePoints()
- redraw()
- newMt.Show = function(self)
- window:Show()
- end
- return newMt
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.ColorSequenceEditor = (function() -- TODO: Convert to newer class model
- local function new()
- local newMt = setmetatable({},{})
- newMt.OnSelect =
- newMt.OnCancel =
- newMt.OnPreview =
- newMt.OnPickColor =
- local guiContents = create({
- {1,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="Content",,0,0,20),,0,1,-20),}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Name="ColorLine",Parent={1},,10,0,5),,-20,0,70),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,1,1),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Gradient",Parent={2},,0,1,0),}},
- {4,"UIGradient",{Parent={3},}},
- {5,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Arrows",Parent={1},,1,0,73),,-2,0,16),}},
- {6,"Frame",{,0,0),BackgroundTransparency=0.5,BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Cursor",Parent={1},,10,0,0),,1,0,80),}},
- {7,"Frame",{,0.14901961386204,0.14901961386204),,0.12549020349979,0.12549020349979),Name="Time",Parent={1},,40,0,95),,100,0,20),}},
- {8,"TextBox",{,0.25098040699959,0.25098040699959),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.37647062540054,0.37647062540054),ClipsDescendants=true,Font=3,Name="Input",Parent={7},,2,0,0),,98,0,20),Text="0",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=0,}},
- {9,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={7},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Time",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {10,"Frame",{,1,1),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),Name="ColorBox",Parent={1},,220,0,95),,20,0,20),}},
- {11,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Title",Parent={10},,-40,0,0),,34,1,0),Text="Color",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {12,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Close",Parent={1},,-90,0,95),,80,0,20),Text="Close",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {13,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Reset",Parent={1},,-180,0,95),,80,0,20),Text="Reset",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {14,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),,0.21568627655506,0.21568627655506),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Delete",Parent={1},,280,0,95),,80,0,20),Text="Delete",,0.86274516582489,0.86274516582489),TextSize=14,}},
- {15,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Arrow",Parent={1},,16,0,16),Visible=false,}},
- {16,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={15},,8,0,3),,1,0,2),}},
- {17,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={15},,7,0,5),,3,0,2),}},
- {18,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={15},,6,0,7),,5,0,2),}},
- {19,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={15},,5,0,9),,7,0,2),}},
- {20,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={15},,4,0,11),,9,0,2),}},
- })
- local window =
- window.Resizable = false
- window:Resize(650,150)
- window:SetTitle("ColorSequence Editor")
- newMt.Window = window
- newMt.Gui = window.Gui
- for i,v in pairs(guiContents:GetChildren()) do
- v.Parent = window.GuiElems.Content
- end
- local gui = window.Gui
- local pickerGui = gui.Main
- local pickerTopBar = pickerGui.TopBar
- local pickerFrame = pickerGui.Content
- local colorLine = pickerFrame.ColorLine
- local gradient = colorLine.Gradient.UIGradient
- local arrowFrame = pickerFrame.Arrows
- local arrow = pickerFrame.Arrow
- local cursor = pickerFrame.Cursor
- local timeBox = pickerFrame.Time.Input
- local colorBox = pickerFrame.ColorBox
- local deleteButton = pickerFrame.Delete
- local resetButton = pickerFrame.Reset
- local closeButton = pickerFrame.Close
- local topClose = pickerTopBar.Close
- local user = clonerefs(game:GetService("UserInputService"))
- local mouse = clonerefs(game:GetService("Players")).LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local colors = {{,0,1),0},{,0.9,0.2),0.2},{,0.5,0.9),0.7},{,1,1),1}}
- local resetSequence = nil
- local beginPoint = colors[1]
- local endPoint = colors[#colors]
- local currentlySelected = nil
- local currentPoint = nil
- local sequenceLine ="Frame")
- sequenceLine.BorderSizePixel = 0
- sequenceLine.Size =,1,1,0)
- newMt.Sequence =,1,1))
- local function buildSequence(noupdate)
- local newPoints = {}
- table.sort(colors,function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
- for i,v in pairs(colors) do
- table.insert(newPoints,[2],v[1]))
- end
- newMt.Sequence =
- if not noupdate then newMt.OnSelect:Fire(newMt.Sequence) end
- end
- local function round(num,places)
- local multi = 10^places
- return math.floor(num*multi + 0.5)/multi
- end
- local function updateInputs(point)
- if point then
- currentPoint = point
- local raw = point[2]
- timeBox.Text = round(raw,(raw < 0.01 and 5) or (raw < 0.1 and 4) or 3)
- colorBox.BackgroundColor3 = point[1]
- end
- end
- local function placeArrow(ind,point)
- local newArrow = arrow:Clone()
- newArrow.Position =,ind-1,0,0)
- newArrow.Visible = true
- newArrow.Parent = arrowFrame
- newArrow.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- cursor.Visible = true
- cursor.Position =,9 + newArrow.Position.X.Offset,0,0)
- end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- updateInputs(point)
- if point == beginPoint or point == endPoint or currentlySelected then return end
- local mouseEvent,releaseEvent
- currentlySelected = true
- releaseEvent = user.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then return end
- mouseEvent:Disconnect()
- releaseEvent:Disconnect()
- currentlySelected = nil
- cursor.Visible = false
- end)
- mouseEvent = user.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local maxSize = colorLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1
- local relativeX = mouse.X - colorLine.AbsolutePosition.X
- if relativeX < 0 then relativeX = 0 end
- if relativeX > maxSize then relativeX = maxSize end
- local raw = relativeX/maxSize
- point[2] = relativeX/maxSize
- updateInputs(point)
- cursor.Visible = true
- cursor.Position =,9 + newArrow.Position.X.Offset,0,0)
- buildSequence()
- newMt:Redraw()
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- newArrow.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- cursor.Visible = false
- end
- end)
- return newArrow
- end
- local function placeArrows()
- for i,v in pairs(colors) do
- v[3] = placeArrow(math.floor((colorLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1) * v[2]) + 1,v)
- end
- end
- local function redraw(self)
- gradient.Color = newMt.Sequence or,1,1))
- for i = 2,#colors do
- local nextColor = colors[i]
- local endPos = math.floor((colorLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1) * nextColor[2]) + 1
- nextColor[3].Position =,endPos,0,0)
- end
- end
- newMt.Redraw = redraw
- local function loadSequence(self,seq)
- resetSequence = seq
- for i,v in pairs(colors) do if v[3] then v[3]:Destroy() end end
- colors = {}
- currentlySelected = nil
- for i,v in pairs(seq.Keypoints) do
- local newPoint = {v.Value,v.Time}
- newPoint[3] = placeArrow(v.Time,newPoint)
- table.insert(colors,newPoint)
- end
- beginPoint = colors[1]
- endPoint = colors[#colors]
- currentlySelected = nil
- updateInputs(colors[1])
- buildSequence(true)
- redraw()
- end
- newMt.SetSequence = loadSequence
- local function buttonAnimations(button,inverse)
- button.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then button.BackgroundTransparency = (inverse and 0.5 or 0.4) end end)
- button.InputEnded:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then button.BackgroundTransparency = (inverse and 1 or 0) end end)
- end
- colorLine.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and #colors < 20 then
- local maxSize = colorLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1
- local relativeX = mouse.X - colorLine.AbsolutePosition.X
- if relativeX < 0 then relativeX = 0 end
- if relativeX > maxSize then relativeX = maxSize end
- local raw = relativeX/maxSize
- local fromColor = nil
- local toColor = nil
- for i,col in pairs(colors) do
- if col[2] >= raw then
- fromColor = colors[math.max(i-1,1)]
- toColor = colors[i]
- break
- end
- end
- local lerpColor = fromColor[1]:lerp(toColor[1],(raw-fromColor[2])/(toColor[2]-fromColor[2]))
- local newPoint = {lerpColor,raw}
- newPoint[3] = placeArrow(newPoint[2],newPoint)
- table.insert(colors,newPoint)
- updateInputs(newPoint)
- buildSequence()
- redraw()
- end
- end)
- colorLine.InputChanged:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local maxSize = colorLine.AbsoluteSize.X-1
- local relativeX = mouse.X - colorLine.AbsolutePosition.X
- if relativeX < 0 then relativeX = 0 end
- if relativeX > maxSize then relativeX = maxSize end
- cursor.Visible = true
- cursor.Position =,10 + relativeX,0,0)
- end
- end)
- colorLine.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- local inArrow = false
- for i,v in pairs(colors) do
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(v[3]) then
- inArrow = v[3]
- end
- end
- cursor.Visible = inArrow and true or false
- if inArrow then cursor.Position =,9 + inArrow.Position.X.Offset,0,0) end
- end
- end)
- timeBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
- local point = currentPoint
- local num = tonumber(timeBox.Text)
- if point and num and point ~= beginPoint and point ~= endPoint then
- num = math.clamp(num,0,1)
- point[2] = num
- buildSequence()
- redraw()
- end
- end)
- colorBox.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- local editor = newMt.ColorPicker
- if not editor then
- editor =
- editor.Window:SetTitle("ColorSequence Color Picker")
- editor.OnSelect:Connect(function(col)
- if currentPoint then
- currentPoint[1] = col
- end
- buildSequence()
- redraw()
- end)
- newMt.ColorPicker = editor
- end
- editor.Window:ShowAndFocus()
- end
- end)
- deleteButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if currentPoint and currentPoint ~= beginPoint and currentPoint ~= endPoint then
- for i,v in pairs(colors) do
- if v == currentPoint then
- v[3]:Destroy()
- table.remove(colors,i)
- break
- end
- end
- currentlySelected = nil
- updateInputs(colors[1])
- buildSequence()
- redraw()
- end
- end)
- resetButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if resetSequence then
- newMt:SetSequence(resetSequence)
- end
- end)
- closeButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- window:Close()
- end)
- topClose.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- window:Close()
- end)
- buttonAnimations(deleteButton)
- buttonAnimations(resetButton)
- buttonAnimations(closeButton)
- placeArrows()
- redraw()
- newMt.Show = function(self)
- window:Show()
- end
- return newMt
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.ViewportTextBox = (function()
- local textService = clonerefs(game:GetService("TextService"))
- local props = {
- OffsetX = 0,
- TextBox = PH,
- CursorPos = -1,
- Gui = PH,
- View = PH
- }
- local funcs = {}
- funcs.Update = function(self)
- local cursorPos = self.CursorPos or -1
- local text = self.TextBox.Text
- if text == "" then self.TextBox.Position =,0,0,0) return end
- if cursorPos == -1 then return end
- local cursorText = text:sub(1,cursorPos-1)
- local pos = nil
- local leftEnd = -self.TextBox.Position.X.Offset
- local rightEnd = leftEnd + self.View.AbsoluteSize.X
- local totalTextSize = textService:GetTextSize(text,self.TextBox.TextSize,self.TextBox.Font,,100)).X
- local cursorTextSize = textService:GetTextSize(cursorText,self.TextBox.TextSize,self.TextBox.Font,,100)).X
- if cursorTextSize > rightEnd then
- pos = math.max(-1,cursorTextSize - self.View.AbsoluteSize.X + 2)
- elseif cursorTextSize < leftEnd then
- pos = math.max(-1,cursorTextSize-2)
- elseif totalTextSize < rightEnd then
- pos = math.max(-1,totalTextSize - self.View.AbsoluteSize.X + 2)
- end
- if pos then
- self.TextBox.Position =,-pos,0,0)
- self.TextBox.Size =,pos,1,0)
- end
- end
- funcs.GetText = function(self)
- return self.TextBox.Text
- end
- funcs.SetText = function(self,text)
- self.TextBox.Text = text
- end
- local mt = getGuiMT(props,funcs)
- local function convert(textbox)
- local obj = initObj(props,mt)
- local view ="Frame")
- view.BackgroundTransparency = textbox.BackgroundTransparency
- view.BackgroundColor3 = textbox.BackgroundColor3
- view.BorderSizePixel = textbox.BorderSizePixel
- view.BorderColor3 = textbox.BorderColor3
- view.Position = textbox.Position
- view.Size = textbox.Size
- view.ClipsDescendants = true
- view.Name = textbox.Name
- textbox.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- textbox.Position =,0,0,0)
- textbox.Size =,0,1,0)
- textbox.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- textbox.Name = "Input"
- obj.TextBox = textbox
- obj.View = view
- obj.Gui = view
- textbox.Changed:Connect(function(prop)
- if prop == "Text" or prop == "CursorPosition" or prop == "AbsoluteSize" then
- local cursorPos = obj.TextBox.CursorPosition
- if cursorPos ~= -1 then obj.CursorPos = cursorPos end
- obj:Update()
- end
- end)
- obj:Update()
- view.Parent = textbox.Parent
- textbox.Parent = view
- return obj
- end
- local function new()
- local textBox ="TextBox")
- textBox.Size =,100,0,20)
- textBox.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.TextBox
- textBox.BorderColor3 = Settings.Theme.Outline3
- textBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false
- textBox.TextColor3 = Settings.Theme.Text
- textBox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- textBox.TextSize = 14
- textBox.Text = ""
- return convert(textBox)
- end
- return {new = new, convert = convert}
- end)()
- Lib.Label = (function()
- local props,funcs = {},{}
- local mt = getGuiMT(props,funcs)
- local function new()
- local label ="TextLabel")
- label.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- label.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- label.TextColor3 = Settings.Theme.Text
- label.TextTransparency = 0.1
- label.Size =,100,0,20)
- label.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- label.TextSize = 14
- local obj = setmetatable({
- Gui = label
- },mt)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.Frame = (function()
- local props,funcs = {},{}
- local mt = getGuiMT(props,funcs)
- local function new()
- local fr ="Frame")
- fr.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Main1
- fr.BorderColor3 = Settings.Theme.Outline1
- fr.Size =,50,0,50)
- local obj = setmetatable({
- Gui = fr
- },mt)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.Button = (function()
- local props = {
- Gui = PH,
- Anim = PH,
- Disabled = false,
- OnClick = SIGNAL,
- OnDown = SIGNAL,
- OnUp = SIGNAL,
- AllowedButtons = {1}
- }
- local funcs = {}
- local tableFind = table.find
- funcs.Trigger = function(self,event,button)
- if not self.Disabled and tableFind(self.AllowedButtons,button) then
- self["On"..event]:Fire(button)
- end
- end
- funcs.SetDisabled = function(self,dis)
- self.Disabled = dis
- if dis then
- self.Anim:Disable()
- self.Gui.TextTransparency = 0.5
- else
- self.Anim.Enable()
- self.Gui.TextTransparency = 0
- end
- end
- local mt = getGuiMT(props,funcs)
- local function new()
- local b ="TextButton")
- b.AutoButtonColor = false
- b.TextColor3 = Settings.Theme.Text
- b.TextTransparency = 0.1
- b.Size =,100,0,20)
- b.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- b.TextSize = 14
- b.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Button
- b.BorderColor3 = Settings.Theme.Outline2
- local obj = initObj(props,mt)
- obj.Gui = b
- obj.Anim = Lib.ButtonAnim(b,{Mode = 2, StartColor = Settings.Theme.Button, HoverColor = Settings.Theme.ButtonHover, PressColor = Settings.Theme.ButtonPress, OutlineColor = Settings.Theme.Outline2})
- b.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() obj:Trigger("Click",1) end)
- b.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() obj:Trigger("Down",1) end)
- b.MouseButton1Up:Connect(function() obj:Trigger("Up",1) end)
- b.MouseButton2Click:Connect(function() obj:Trigger("Click",2) end)
- b.MouseButton2Down:Connect(function() obj:Trigger("Down",2) end)
- b.MouseButton2Up:Connect(function() obj:Trigger("Up",2) end)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.DropDown = (function()
- local props = {
- Gui = PH,
- Anim = PH,
- Context = PH,
- Selected = PH,
- Disabled = false,
- CanBeEmpty = true,
- Options = {},
- GuiElems = {},
- OnSelect = SIGNAL
- }
- local funcs = {}
- funcs.Update = function(self)
- local options = self.Options
- if #options > 0 then
- if not self.Selected then
- if not self.CanBeEmpty then
- self.Selected = options[1]
- self.GuiElems.Label.Text = options[1]
- else
- self.GuiElems.Label.Text = "- Select -"
- end
- else
- self.GuiElems.Label.Text = self.Selected
- end
- else
- self.GuiElems.Label.Text = "- Select -"
- end
- end
- funcs.ShowOptions = function(self)
- local context = self.Context
- context.Width = self.Gui.AbsoluteSize.X
- context.ReverseYOffset = self.Gui.AbsoluteSize.Y
- context:Show(self.Gui.AbsolutePosition.X, self.Gui.AbsolutePosition.Y + context.ReverseYOffset)
- end
- funcs.SetOptions = function(self,opts)
- self.Options = opts
- local context = self.Context
- local options = self.Options
- context:Clear()
- local onClick = function(option) self.Selected = option self.OnSelect:Fire(option) self:Update() end
- if self.CanBeEmpty then
- context:Add({Name = "- Select -", OnClick = function() self.Selected = nil self.OnSelect:Fire(nil) self:Update() end})
- end
- for i = 1,#options do
- context:Add({Name = options[i], OnClick = onClick})
- end
- self:Update()
- end
- funcs.SetSelected = function(self,opt)
- self.Selected = type(opt) == "number" and self.Options[opt] or opt
- self:Update()
- end
- local mt = getGuiMT(props,funcs)
- local function new()
- local f ="TextButton")
- f.AutoButtonColor = false
- f.Text = ""
- f.Size =,100,0,20)
- f.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.TextBox
- f.BorderColor3 = Settings.Theme.Outline3
- local label =
- label.Position =,2,0,0)
- label.Size =,-22,1,0)
- label.TextTruncate = Enum.TextTruncate.AtEnd
- label.Parent = f
- local arrow = create({
- {1,"Frame",{BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="EnumArrow",,-16,0,2),,16,0,16),}},
- {2,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={1},,8,0,9),,1,0,1),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={1},,7,0,8),,3,0,1),}},
- {4,"Frame",{,0.86274510622025,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Parent={1},,6,0,7),,5,0,1),}},
- })
- arrow.Parent = f
- local obj = initObj(props,mt)
- obj.Gui = f
- obj.Anim = Lib.ButtonAnim(f,{Mode = 2, StartColor = Settings.Theme.TextBox, LerpTo = Settings.Theme.Button, LerpDelta = 0.15})
- obj.Context =
- obj.Context.Iconless = true
- obj.Context.MaxHeight = 200
- obj.Selected = nil
- obj.GuiElems = {Label = label}
- f.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() obj:ShowOptions() end)
- obj:Update()
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- Lib.ClickSystem = (function()
- local props = {
- LastItem = PH,
- OnDown = SIGNAL,
- OnRelease = SIGNAL,
- AllowedButtons = {1},
- Combo = 0,
- MaxCombo = 2,
- ComboTime = 0.5,
- Items = {},
- ItemCons = {},
- ClickId = -1,
- LastButton = ""
- }
- local funcs = {}
- local tostring = tostring
- local disconnect = function(con)
- local pos = table.find(con.Signal.Connections,con)
- if pos then table.remove(con.Signal.Connections,pos) end
- end
- funcs.Trigger = function(self,item,button)
- if table.find(self.AllowedButtons,button) then
- if self.LastButton ~= button or self.LastItem ~= item or self.Combo == self.MaxCombo or tick() - self.ClickId > self.ComboTime then
- self.Combo = 0
- self.LastButton = button
- self.LastItem = item
- end
- self.Combo = self.Combo + 1
- self.ClickId = tick()
- local release
- release = service.UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType["MouseButton"..button] then
- release:Disconnect()
- if Lib.CheckMouseInGui(item) and self.LastButton == button and self.LastItem == item then
- self["OnRelease"]:Fire(item,self.Combo,button)
- end
- end
- end)
- self["OnDown"]:Fire(item,self.Combo,button)
- end
- end
- funcs.Add = function(self,item)
- if table.find(self.Items,item) then return end
- local cons = {}
- cons[1] = item.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() self:Trigger(item,1) end)
- cons[2] = item.MouseButton2Down:Connect(function() self:Trigger(item,2) end)
- self.ItemCons[item] = cons
- self.Items[#self.Items+1] = item
- end
- funcs.Remove = function(self,item)
- local ind = table.find(self.Items,item)
- if not ind then return end
- for i,v in pairs(self.ItemCons[item]) do
- v:Disconnect()
- end
- self.ItemCons[item] = nil
- table.remove(self.Items,ind)
- end
- local mt = {__index = funcs}
- local function new()
- local obj = initObj(props,mt)
- return obj
- end
- return {new = new}
- end)()
- return Lib
- end
- return {InitDeps = initDeps, InitAfterMain = initAfterMain, Main = main}
- end
- }
- -- Main vars
- local Main, Explorer, Properties, ScriptViewer, DefaultSettings, Notebook, Serializer, Lib
- local API, RMD
- -- Default Settings
- DefaultSettings = (function()
- local rgb = Color3.fromRGB
- return {
- Explorer = {
- _Recurse = true,
- Sorting = true,
- TeleportToOffset =,0,0),
- ClickToRename = true,
- AutoUpdateSearch = true,
- AutoUpdateMode = 0, -- 0 Default, 1 no tree update, 2 no descendant events, 3 frozen
- PartSelectionBox = true,
- GuiSelectionBox = true,
- CopyPathUseGetChildren = true
- },
- Properties = {
- _Recurse = true,
- MaxConflictCheck = 50,
- ShowDeprecated = false,
- ShowHidden = false,
- ClearOnFocus = false,
- LoadstringInput = true,
- NumberRounding = 3,
- ShowAttributes = false,
- MaxAttributes = 50,
- ScaleType = 1 -- 0 Full Name Shown, 1 Equal Halves
- },
- Theme = {
- _Recurse = true,
- Main1 = rgb(52,52,52),
- Main2 = rgb(45,45,45),
- Outline1 = rgb(33,33,33), -- Mainly frames
- Outline2 = rgb(55,55,55), -- Mainly button
- Outline3 = rgb(30,30,30), -- Mainly textbox
- TextBox = rgb(38,38,38),
- Menu = rgb(32,32,32),
- ListSelection = rgb(11,90,175),
- Button = rgb(60,60,60),
- ButtonHover = rgb(68,68,68),
- ButtonPress = rgb(40,40,40),
- Highlight = rgb(75,75,75),
- Text = rgb(255,255,255),
- PlaceholderText = rgb(100,100,100),
- Important = rgb(255,0,0),
- ExplorerIconMap = "",
- MiscIconMap = "",
- Syntax = {
- Text = rgb(204,204,204),
- Background = rgb(36,36,36),
- Selection = rgb(255,255,255),
- SelectionBack = rgb(11,90,175),
- Operator = rgb(204,204,204),
- Number = rgb(255,198,0),
- String = rgb(173,241,149),
- Comment = rgb(102,102,102),
- Keyword = rgb(248,109,124),
- Error = rgb(255,0,0),
- FindBackground = rgb(141,118,0),
- MatchingWord = rgb(85,85,85),
- BuiltIn = rgb(132,214,247),
- CurrentLine = rgb(45,50,65),
- LocalMethod = rgb(253,251,172),
- LocalProperty = rgb(97,161,241),
- Nil = rgb(255,198,0),
- Bool = rgb(255,198,0),
- Function = rgb(248,109,124),
- Local = rgb(248,109,124),
- Self = rgb(248,109,124),
- FunctionName = rgb(253,251,172),
- Bracket = rgb(204,204,204)
- },
- }
- }
- end)()
- -- Vars
- local Settings = {}
- local Apps = {}
- local env = {}
- local service = setmetatable({},{__index = function(self,name)
- local serv = clonerefs(game:GetService(name))
- self[name] = serv
- return serv
- end})
- local plr = service.Players.LocalPlayer or service.Players.PlayerAdded:wait()
- local create = function(data)
- local insts = {}
- for i,v in pairs(data) do insts[v[1]] =[2]) end
- for _,v in pairs(data) do
- for prop,val in pairs(v[3]) do
- if type(val) == "table" then
- insts[v[1]][prop] = insts[val[1]]
- else
- insts[v[1]][prop] = val
- end
- end
- end
- return insts[1]
- end
- local createSimple = function(class,props)
- local inst =
- for i,v in next,props do
- inst[i] = v
- end
- return inst
- end
- Main = (function()
- local Main = {}
- Main.ModuleList = {"Explorer","Properties","ScriptViewer"}
- Main.Elevated = false
- Main.MissingEnv = {}
- Main.Version = "" -- Beta 1.0.0
- Main.Mouse = plr:GetMouse()
- Main.AppControls = {}
- Main.Apps = Apps
- Main.MenuApps = {}
- Main.DisplayOrders = {
- SideWindow = 8,
- Window = 10,
- Menu = 100000,
- Core = 101000
- }
- Main.GetInitDeps = function()
- return {
- Main = Main,
- Lib = Lib,
- Apps = Apps,
- Settings = Settings,
- API = API,
- RMD = RMD,
- env = env,
- service = service,
- plr = plr,
- create = create,
- createSimple = createSimple
- }
- end
- Main.Error = function(str)
- if rconsoleprint then
- rconsoleprint("DEX ERROR: "..tostring(str).."\n")
- wait(9e9)
- else
- error(str)
- end
- end
- Main.LoadModule = function(name)
- if Main.Elevated then -- If you don't have filesystem api then ur outta luck tbh
- local control
- if EmbeddedModules then -- Offline Modules
- control = EmbeddedModules[name]()
- if not control then Main.Error("Missing Embedded Module: " end
- end
- Main.AppControls[name] = control
- control.InitDeps(Main.GetInitDeps())
- local moduleData = control.Main()
- Apps[name] = moduleData
- return moduleData
- else
- local module = script:WaitForChild("Modules"):WaitForChild(name,2)
- if not module then Main.Error("CANNOT FIND MODULE " end
- local control = require(module)
- Main.AppControls[name] = control
- control.InitDeps(Main.GetInitDeps())
- local moduleData = control.Main()
- Apps[name] = moduleData
- return moduleData
- end
- end
- Main.LoadModules = function()
- for i,v in pairs(Main.ModuleList) do
- local s,e = pcall(Main.LoadModule,v)
- if not s then
- Main.Error("FAILED LOADING " + v + " CAUSE " + e)
- end
- end
- -- Init Major Apps and define them in modules
- Explorer = Apps.Explorer
- Properties = Apps.Properties
- ScriptViewer = Apps.ScriptViewer
- Notebook = Apps.Notebook
- local appTable = {
- Explorer = Explorer,
- Properties = Properties,
- ScriptViewer = ScriptViewer,
- Notebook = Notebook
- }
- Main.AppControls.Lib.InitAfterMain(appTable)
- for i,v in pairs(Main.ModuleList) do
- local control = Main.AppControls[v]
- if control then
- control.InitAfterMain(appTable)
- end
- end
- end
- Main.InitEnv = function()
- setmetatable(env, {__newindex = function(self, name, func)
- if not func then Main.MissingEnv[#Main.MissingEnv + 1] = name return end
- rawset(self, name, func)
- end})
- -- file
- env.readfile = readfile
- env.writefile = writefile
- env.appendfile = appendfile
- env.makefolder = makefolder
- env.listfiles = listfiles
- env.loadfile = loadfile
- env.saveinstance = saveinstance
- -- debug
- env.getupvalues = debug.getupvalues or getupvals
- env.getconstants = debug.getconstants or getconsts
- env.islclosure = islclosure or is_l_closure
- env.checkcaller = checkcaller
- env.getreg = getreg
- env.getgc = getgc
- -- other
- env.setfflag = setfflag
- env.decompile = decompile
- env.protectgui = protect_gui or (syn and syn.protect_gui)
- env.gethui = gethui
- env.setclipboard = setclipboard
- env.getnilinstances = getnilinstances or get_nil_instances
- env.getloadedmodules = getloadedmodules
- if identifyexecutor then Main.Executor = identifyexecutor() end
- Main.GuiHolder = Main.Elevated and service.CoreGui or plr:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui")
- setmetatable(env, nil)
- end
- Main.LoadSettings = function()
- local s,data = pcall(env.readfile or error,"DexSettings.json")
- if s and data and data ~= "" then
- local s,decoded = service.HttpService:JSONDecode(data)
- if s and decoded then
- for i,v in next,decoded do
- end
- else
- -- TODO: Notification
- end
- else
- Main.ResetSettings()
- end
- end
- Main.ResetSettings = function()
- local function recur(t,res)
- for set,val in pairs(t) do
- if type(val) == "table" and val._Recurse then
- if type(res[set]) ~= "table" then
- res[set] = {}
- end
- recur(val,res[set])
- else
- res[set] = val
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- recur(DefaultSettings,Settings)
- end
- Main.FetchAPI = function()
- local api,rawAPI
- if Main.Elevated then
- if Main.LocalDepsUpToDate() then
- local localAPI = Lib.ReadFile("dex/rbx_api.dat")
- if localAPI then
- rawAPI = localAPI
- else
- Main.DepsVersionData[1] = ""
- end
- end
- rawAPI = rawAPI or game:HttpGet(""..Main.RobloxVersion.."-API-Dump.json")
- else
- if script:FindFirstChild("API") then
- rawAPI = require(script.API)
- else
- error("NO API EXISTS")
- end
- end
- Main.RawAPI = rawAPI
- api = service.HttpService:JSONDecode(rawAPI)
- local classes,enums = {},{}
- local categoryOrder,seenCategories = {},{}
- local function insertAbove(t,item,aboveItem)
- local findPos = table.find(t,item)
- if not findPos then return end
- table.remove(t,findPos)
- local pos = table.find(t,aboveItem)
- if not pos then return end
- table.insert(t,pos,item)
- end
- for _,class in pairs(api.Classes) do
- local newClass = {}
- newClass.Name = class.Name
- newClass.Superclass = class.Superclass
- newClass.Properties = {}
- newClass.Functions = {}
- newClass.Events = {}
- newClass.Callbacks = {}
- newClass.Tags = {}
- if class.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(class.Tags) do newClass.Tags[tag] = true end end
- for __,member in pairs(class.Members) do
- local newMember = {}
- newMember.Name = member.Name
- newMember.Class = class.Name
- newMember.Security = member.Security
- newMember.Tags ={}
- if member.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(member.Tags) do newMember.Tags[tag] = true end end
- local mType = member.MemberType
- if mType == "Property" then
- local propCategory = member.Category or "Other"
- propCategory = propCategory:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")
- if not seenCategories[propCategory] then
- categoryOrder[#categoryOrder+1] = propCategory
- seenCategories[propCategory] = true
- end
- newMember.ValueType = member.ValueType
- newMember.Category = propCategory
- newMember.Serialization = member.Serialization
- table.insert(newClass.Properties,newMember)
- elseif mType == "Function" then
- newMember.Parameters = {}
- newMember.ReturnType = member.ReturnType.Name
- for c,param in pairs(member.Parameters) do
- table.insert(newMember.Parameters,{Name = param.Name, Type = param.Type.Name})
- end
- table.insert(newClass.Functions,newMember)
- elseif mType == "Event" then
- newMember.Parameters = {}
- for c,param in pairs(member.Parameters) do
- table.insert(newMember.Parameters,{Name = param.Name, Type = param.Type.Name})
- end
- table.insert(newClass.Events,newMember)
- end
- end
- classes[class.Name] = newClass
- end
- for _,class in pairs(classes) do
- class.Superclass = classes[class.Superclass]
- end
- for _,enum in pairs(api.Enums) do
- local newEnum = {}
- newEnum.Name = enum.Name
- newEnum.Items = {}
- newEnum.Tags = {}
- if enum.Tags then for c,tag in pairs(enum.Tags) do newEnum.Tags[tag] = true end end
- for __,item in pairs(enum.Items) do
- local newItem = {}
- newItem.Name = item.Name
- newItem.Value = item.Value
- table.insert(newEnum.Items,newItem)
- end
- enums[enum.Name] = newEnum
- end
- local function getMember(class,member)
- if not classes[class] or not classes[class][member] then return end
- local result = {}
- local currentClass = classes[class]
- while currentClass do
- for _,entry in pairs(currentClass[member]) do
- result[#result+1] = entry
- end
- currentClass = currentClass.Superclass
- end
- table.sort(result,function(a,b) return a.Name < b.Name end)
- return result
- end
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Behavior","Tuning")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Appearance","Data")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Attachments","Axes")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Cylinder","Slider")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Localization","Jump Settings")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Surface","Motion")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Surface Inputs","Surface")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Part","Surface Inputs")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Assembly","Surface Inputs")
- insertAbove(categoryOrder,"Character","Controls")
- categoryOrder[#categoryOrder+1] = "Unscriptable"
- categoryOrder[#categoryOrder+1] = "Attributes"
- local categoryOrderMap = {}
- for i = 1,#categoryOrder do
- categoryOrderMap[categoryOrder[i]] = i
- end
- return {
- Classes = classes,
- Enums = enums,
- CategoryOrder = categoryOrderMap,
- GetMember = getMember
- }
- end
- Main.FetchRMD = function()
- local rawXML
- if Main.Elevated then
- if Main.LocalDepsUpToDate() then
- local localRMD = Lib.ReadFile("dex/rbx_rmd.dat")
- if localRMD then
- rawXML = localRMD
- else
- Main.DepsVersionData[1] = ""
- end
- end
- rawXML = rawXML or game:HttpGet("")
- else
- if script:FindFirstChild("RMD") then
- rawXML = require(script.RMD)
- else
- error("NO RMD EXISTS")
- end
- end
- Main.RawRMD = rawXML
- local parsed = Lib.ParseXML(rawXML)
- local classList = parsed.children[1].children[1].children
- local enumList = parsed.children[1].children[2].children
- local propertyOrders = {}
- local classes,enums = {},{}
- for _,class in pairs(classList) do
- local className = ""
- for _,child in pairs(class.children) do
- if child.tag == "Properties" then
- local data = {Properties = {}, Functions = {}}
- local props = child.children
- for _,prop in pairs(props) do
- local name =
- name = name:sub(1,1):upper()
- data[name] = prop.children[1].text
- end
- className = data.Name
- classes[className] = data
- elseif child.attrs.class == "ReflectionMetadataProperties" then
- local members = child.children
- for _,member in pairs(members) do
- if member.attrs.class == "ReflectionMetadataMember" then
- local data = {}
- if member.children[1].tag == "Properties" then
- local props = member.children[1].children
- for _,prop in pairs(props) do
- if prop.attrs then
- local name =
- name = name:sub(1,1):upper()
- data[name] = prop.children[1].text
- end
- end
- if data.PropertyOrder then
- local orders = propertyOrders[className]
- if not orders then orders = {} propertyOrders[className] = orders end
- orders[data.Name] = tonumber(data.PropertyOrder)
- end
- classes[className].Properties[data.Name] = data
- end
- end
- end
- elseif child.attrs.class == "ReflectionMetadataFunctions" then
- local members = child.children
- for _,member in pairs(members) do
- if member.attrs.class == "ReflectionMetadataMember" then
- local data = {}
- if member.children[1].tag == "Properties" then
- local props = member.children[1].children
- for _,prop in pairs(props) do
- if prop.attrs then
- local name =
- name = name:sub(1,1):upper()
- data[name] = prop.children[1].text
- end
- end
- classes[className].Functions[data.Name] = data
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _,enum in pairs(enumList) do
- local enumName = ""
- for _,child in pairs(enum.children) do
- if child.tag == "Properties" then
- local data = {Items = {}}
- local props = child.children
- for _,prop in pairs(props) do
- local name =
- name = name:sub(1,1):upper()
- data[name] = prop.children[1].text
- end
- enumName = data.Name
- enums[enumName] = data
- elseif child.attrs.class == "ReflectionMetadataEnumItem" then
- local data = {}
- if child.children[1].tag == "Properties" then
- local props = child.children[1].children
- for _,prop in pairs(props) do
- local name =
- name = name:sub(1,1):upper()
- data[name] = prop.children[1].text
- end
- enums[enumName].Items[data.Name] = data
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return {Classes = classes, Enums = enums, PropertyOrders = propertyOrders}
- end
- Main.ShowGui = function(gui)
- if env.protectgui then
- env.protectgui(gui)
- end
- gui.Parent = Main.GuiHolder
- end
- Main.CreateIntro = function(initStatus) -- TODO: Must theme and show errors
- local gui = create({
- {1,"ScreenGui",{Name="Intro",}},
- {2,"Frame",{Active=true,,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Main",Parent={1},,-175,0.5,-100),,350,0,200),}},
- {3,"Frame",{,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,ClipsDescendants=true,Name="Holder",Parent={2},,0,1,0),}},
- {4,"UIGradient",{Parent={3},Rotation=30,{,1,0),,1,0),}),}},
- {5,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=4,Name="Title",Parent={3},,-190,0,15),,100,0,50),Text="Dex",,1,1),TextSize=50,TextTransparency=1,}},
- {6,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Desc",Parent={3},,-230,0,60),,180,0,25),Text="Ultimate Debugging Suite",,1,1),TextSize=18,TextTransparency=1,}},
- {7,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="StatusText",Parent={3},,20,0,110),,180,0,25),Text="Fetching API",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextTransparency=1,}},
- {8,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="ProgressBar",Parent={3},,110,0,145),,0,0,4),}},
- {9,"Frame",{,0.56078433990479,0.86274510622025),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Bar",Parent={8},,0,1,0),}},
- {10,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://2764171053",,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),Parent={8},ScaleType=1,,0,1,0),,2,254,254),}},
- {11,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Creator",Parent={2},,-110,1,-20),,105,0,20),Text="Developed by Moon",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {12,"UIGradient",{Parent={11},{,1,0),,1,0),}),}},
- {13,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Version",Parent={2},,-110,1,-35),,105,0,20),Text=Main.Version,,1,1),TextSize=14,TextXAlignment=1,}},
- {14,"UIGradient",{Parent={13},{,1,0),,1,0),}),}},
- {15,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Image="rbxassetid://1427967925",Name="Outlines",Parent={2},,-5,0,-5),ScaleType=1,,10,1,10),,6,25,25),,20,0,20),}},
- {16,"UIGradient",{Parent={15},Rotation=-30,{,1,0),,1,0),}),}},
- {17,"UIGradient",{Parent={2},Rotation=-30,{,1,0),,1,0),}),}},
- })
- Main.ShowGui(gui)
- local backGradient = gui.Main.UIGradient
- local outlinesGradient = gui.Main.Outlines.UIGradient
- local holderGradient = gui.Main.Holder.UIGradient
- local titleText = gui.Main.Holder.Title
- local descText = gui.Main.Holder.Desc
- local versionText = gui.Main.Version
- local versionGradient = versionText.UIGradient
- local creatorText = gui.Main.Creator
- local creatorGradient = creatorText.UIGradient
- local statusText = gui.Main.Holder.StatusText
- local progressBar = gui.Main.Holder.ProgressBar
- local tweenS = service.TweenService
- local renderStepped = service.RunService.RenderStepped
- local signalWait = renderStepped.wait
- local fastwait = function(s)
- if not s then return signalWait(renderStepped) end
- local start = tick()
- while tick() - start < s do signalWait(renderStepped) end
- end
- statusText.Text = initStatus
- local function tweenNumber(n,ti,func)
- local tweenVal ="IntValue")
- tweenVal.Value = 0
- tweenVal.Changed:Connect(func)
- local tween = tweenS:Create(tweenVal,ti,{Value = n})
- tween:Play()
- tween.Completed:Connect(function()
- tweenVal:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- local ti =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- tweenNumber(100,ti,function(val)
- val = val/200
- local start =,0)
- local a1 =,0)
- local a2 =,val+math.min(0.05,val)),1)
- if a1.Time == a2.Time then a2 = a1 end
- local b1 =,0)
- local b2 =,1-val-math.min(0.05,val)),1)
- if b1.Time == b2.Time then b2 = b1 end
- local goal =,0)
- backGradient.Transparency ={start,a1,a2,b2,b1,goal})
- outlinesGradient.Transparency ={start,a1,a2,b2,b1,goal})
- end)
- fastwait(0.4)
- tweenNumber(100,ti,function(val)
- val = val/166.66
- local start =,0)
- local a1 =,0)
- local a2 =,1)
- local goal =,1)
- holderGradient.Transparency ={start,a1,a2,goal})
- end)
- tweenS:Create(titleText,ti,{Position =,60,0,15), TextTransparency = 0}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(descText,ti,{Position =,20,0,60), TextTransparency = 0}):Play()
- local function rightTextTransparency(obj)
- tweenNumber(100,ti,function(val)
- val = val/100
- local a1 =,0)
- local a2 =,1-val-0.01),1)
- if a1.Time == a2.Time then a2 = a1 end
- local start =,a1 == a2 and 0 or 1)
- local goal =,0)
- obj.Transparency ={start,a2,a1,goal})
- end)
- end
- rightTextTransparency(versionGradient)
- rightTextTransparency(creatorGradient)
- fastwait(0.9)
- local progressTI =,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
- tweenS:Create(statusText,progressTI,{Position =,20,0,120), TextTransparency = 0}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(progressBar,progressTI,{Position =,60,0,145), Size =,100,0,4)}):Play()
- fastwait(0.25)
- local function setProgress(text,n)
- statusText.Text = text
- tweenS:Create(progressBar.Bar,progressTI,{Size =,0,1,0)}):Play()
- end
- local function close()
- tweenS:Create(titleText,progressTI,{TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(descText,progressTI,{TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(versionText,progressTI,{TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(creatorText,progressTI,{TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(statusText,progressTI,{TextTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(progressBar,progressTI,{BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(progressBar.Bar,progressTI,{BackgroundTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenS:Create(progressBar.ImageLabel,progressTI,{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play()
- tweenNumber(100,,Enum.EasingStyle.Back,Enum.EasingDirection.In),function(val)
- val = val/250
- local start =,0)
- local a1 =,0)
- local a2 =,0.601+val),1)
- if a1.Time == a2.Time then a2 = a1 end
- local goal =,a1 == a2 and 0 or 1)
- holderGradient.Transparency ={start,a1,a2,goal})
- end)
- fastwait(0.5)
- gui.Main.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- outlinesGradient.Rotation = 30
- tweenNumber(100,ti,function(val)
- val = val/100
- local start =,1)
- local a1 =,1)
- local a2 =,val+math.min(0.05,val)),0)
- if a1.Time == a2.Time then a2 = a1 end
- local goal =,a1 == a2 and 1 or 0)
- outlinesGradient.Transparency ={start,a1,a2,goal})
- holderGradient.Transparency ={start,a1,a2,goal})
- end)
- fastwait(0.45)
- gui:Destroy()
- end
- return {SetProgress = setProgress, Close = close}
- end
- Main.CreateApp = function(data)
- if Main.MenuApps[data.Name] then return end -- TODO: Handle conflict
- local control = {}
- local app = Main.AppTemplate:Clone()
- local iconIndex = data.Icon
- if data.IconMap and iconIndex then
- if type(iconIndex) == "number" then
- data.IconMap:Display(app.Main.Icon,iconIndex)
- elseif type(iconIndex) == "string" then
- data.IconMap:DisplayByKey(app.Main.Icon,iconIndex)
- end
- elseif type(iconIndex) == "string" then
- app.Main.Icon.Image = iconIndex
- else
- app.Main.Icon.Image = ""
- end
- local function updateState()
- app.Main.BackgroundTransparency = data.Open and 0 or (Lib.CheckMouseInGui(app.Main) and 0 or 1)
- app.Main.Highlight.Visible = data.Open
- end
- local function enable(silent)
- if data.Open then return end
- data.Open = true
- updateState()
- if not silent then
- if data.Window then data.Window:Show() end
- if data.OnClick then data.OnClick(data.Open) end
- end
- end
- local function disable(silent)
- if not data.Open then return end
- data.Open = false
- updateState()
- if not silent then
- if data.Window then data.Window:Hide() end
- if data.OnClick then data.OnClick(data.Open) end
- end
- end
- updateState()
- local ySize = service.TextService:GetTextSize(data.Name,14,Enum.Font.SourceSans,,999999)).Y
- app.Main.Size =,0,0,math.clamp(46+ySize,60,74))
- app.Main.AppName.Text = data.Name
- app.Main.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- app.Main.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- app.Main.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.ButtonHover
- end
- end)
- app.Main.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- app.Main.BackgroundTransparency = data.Open and 0 or 1
- app.Main.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Theme.Button
- end
- end)
- app.Main.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if data.Open then disable() else enable() end
- end)
- local window = data.Window
- if window then
- window.OnActivate:Connect(function() enable(true) end)
- window.OnDeactivate:Connect(function() disable(true) end)
- end
- app.Visible = true
- app.Parent = Main.AppsContainer
- Main.AppsFrame.CanvasSize =,0,0,Main.AppsContainerGrid.AbsoluteCellCount.Y*82 + 8)
- control.Enable = enable
- control.Disable = disable
- Main.MenuApps[data.Name] = control
- return control
- end
- Main.SetMainGuiOpen = function(val)
- Main.MainGuiOpen = val
- Main.MainGui.OpenButton.Text = val and "X" or "Dex"
- if val then Main.MainGui.OpenButton.MainFrame.Visible = true end
- Main.MainGui.OpenButton.MainFrame:TweenSize(val and,224,0,200) or,0,0,0),Enum.EasingDirection.Out,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.2,true)
- --Main.MainGui.OpenButton.BackgroundTransparency = val and 0 or (Lib.CheckMouseInGui(Main.MainGui.OpenButton) and 0 or 0.2)
- service.TweenService:Create(Main.MainGui.OpenButton,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{BackgroundTransparency = val and 0 or (Lib.CheckMouseInGui(Main.MainGui.OpenButton) and 0 or 0.2)}):Play()
- if Main.MainGuiMouseEvent then Main.MainGuiMouseEvent:Disconnect() end
- if not val then
- local startTime = tick()
- Main.MainGuiCloseTime = startTime
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- Lib.FastWait(0.2)
- if not Main.MainGuiOpen and startTime == Main.MainGuiCloseTime then Main.MainGui.OpenButton.MainFrame.Visible = false end
- end)()
- else
- Main.MainGuiMouseEvent = service.UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and not Lib.CheckMouseInGui(Main.MainGui.OpenButton) and not Lib.CheckMouseInGui(Main.MainGui.OpenButton.MainFrame) then
- Main.SetMainGuiOpen(false)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- Main.CreateMainGui = function()
- local gui = create({
- {1,"ScreenGui",{IgnoreGuiInset=true,Name="MainMenu",}},
- {2,"TextButton",{,0),AutoButtonColor=false,,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=4,Name="OpenButton",Parent={1},,0,0,2),,32,0,32),Text="Dex",,1,1),TextSize=16,TextTransparency=0.20000000298023,}},
- {3,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={2},}},
- {4,"Frame",{,0),,0.17647059261799,0.17647059261799),ClipsDescendants=true,Name="MainFrame",Parent={2},,0,1,-4),,224,0,200),}},
- {5,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={4},}},
- {6,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),Name="BottomFrame",Parent={4},,0,1,-24),,0,0,24),}},
- {7,"UICorner",{,4),Parent={6},}},
- {8,"Frame",{,0.20392157137394,0.20392157137394),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="CoverFrame",Parent={6},,0,0,4),}},
- {9,"Frame",{,0.1294117718935,0.1294117718935),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Line",Parent={8},,0,0,-1),,0,0,1),}},
- {10,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Settings",Parent={6},,-48,0,0),,24,1,0),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {11,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://6578871732",ImageTransparency=0.20000000298023,Name="Icon",Parent={10},,4,0,4),,16,0,16),}},
- {12,"TextButton",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Font=3,Name="Information",Parent={6},,-24,0,0),,24,1,0),Text="",,1,1),TextSize=14,}},
- {13,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://6578933307",ImageTransparency=0.20000000298023,Name="Icon",Parent={12},,4,0,4),,16,0,16),}},
- {14,"ScrollingFrame",{Active=true,,0),,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,,0.1294117718935,0.1294117718935),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="AppsFrame",Parent={4},,0,0,0),,0,0),ScrollBarThickness=4,,222,1,-25),}},
- {15,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="Container",Parent={14},,7,0,8),,-14,0,2),}},
- {16,"UIGridLayout",{,66,0,74),Parent={15},SortOrder=2,}},
- {17,"Frame",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Name="App",Parent={1},,100,0,100),Visible=false,}},
- {18,"TextButton",{AutoButtonColor=false,,0.2352941185236,0.2352941185236),BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="Main",Parent={17},,0,0,60),Text="",,0,0),TextSize=14,}},
- {19,"ImageLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,Image="rbxassetid://6579106223",,32),Name="Icon",Parent={18},,-16,0,4),ScaleType=4,,32,0,32),}},
- {20,"TextLabel",{,1,1),BackgroundTransparency=1,BorderSizePixel=0,Font=3,Name="AppName",Parent={18},,2,0,38),,-4,1,-40),Text="Explorer",,1,1),TextSize=14,TextTransparency=0.10000000149012,TextTruncate=1,TextWrapped=true,TextYAlignment=0,}},
- {21,"Frame",{,0.66666668653488,1),BorderSizePixel=0,Name="Highlight",Parent={18},,0,1,-2),,0,0,2),}},
- })
- Main.MainGui = gui
- Main.AppsFrame = gui.OpenButton.MainFrame.AppsFrame
- Main.AppsContainer = Main.AppsFrame.Container
- Main.AppsContainerGrid = Main.AppsContainer.UIGridLayout
- Main.AppTemplate = gui.App
- Main.MainGuiOpen = false
- local openButton = gui.OpenButton
- openButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.2
- openButton.MainFrame.Size =,0,0,0)
- openButton.MainFrame.Visible = false
- openButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- Main.SetMainGuiOpen(not Main.MainGuiOpen)
- end)
- openButton.InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- service.TweenService:Create(Main.MainGui.OpenButton,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play()
- end
- end)
- openButton.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then
- service.TweenService:Create(Main.MainGui.OpenButton,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{BackgroundTransparency = Main.MainGuiOpen and 0 or 0.2}):Play()
- end
- end)
- -- Create Main Apps
- Main.CreateApp({Name = "Explorer", IconMap = Main.LargeIcons, Icon = "Explorer", Open = true, Window = Explorer.Window})
- Main.CreateApp({Name = "Properties", IconMap = Main.LargeIcons, Icon = "Properties", Open = true, Window = Properties.Window})
- Main.CreateApp({Name = "Script Viewer", IconMap = Main.LargeIcons, Icon = "Script_Viewer", Window = ScriptViewer.Window})
- local cptsOnMouseClick = nil
- Main.CreateApp({Name = "Click part to select", IconMap = Main.LargeIcons, Icon = 6, OnClick = function(callback)
- if callback then
- local mouse = Main.Mouse
- cptsOnMouseClick = mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
- pcall(function()
- local object = mouse.Target
- if nodes[object] then
- selection:Set(nodes[object])
- Explorer.ViewNode(nodes[object])
- end
- end)
- end)
- else if cptsOnMouseClick ~= nil then cptsOnMouseClick:Disconnect() cptsOnMouseClick = nil end end
- end})
- Lib.ShowGui(gui)
- end
- Main.SetupFilesystem = function()
- if not env.writefile or not env.makefolder then return end
- local writefile, makefolder = env.writefile, env.makefolder
- makefolder("dex")
- makefolder("dex/assets")
- makefolder("dex/saved")
- makefolder("dex/plugins")
- makefolder("dex/ModuleCache")
- end
- Main.LocalDepsUpToDate = function()
- return Main.DepsVersionData and Main.ClientVersion == Main.DepsVersionData[1]
- end
- Main.Init = function()
- Main.Elevated = pcall(function() local a = clonerefs(game:GetService("CoreGui")):GetFullName() end)
- Main.InitEnv()
- Main.LoadSettings()
- Main.SetupFilesystem()
- -- Load Lib
- local intro = Main.CreateIntro("Initializing Library")
- Lib = Main.LoadModule("Lib")
- Lib.FastWait()
- -- Init other stuff
- --Main.IncompatibleTest()
- -- Init icons
- Main.MiscIcons ="rbxassetid://6511490623",256,256,16,16)
- Main.MiscIcons:SetDict({
- Reference = 0, Cut = 1, Cut_Disabled = 2, Copy = 3, Copy_Disabled = 4, Paste = 5, Paste_Disabled = 6,
- Delete = 7, Delete_Disabled = 8, Group = 9, Group_Disabled = 10, Ungroup = 11, Ungroup_Disabled = 12, TeleportTo = 13,
- Rename = 14, JumpToParent = 15, ExploreData = 16, Save = 17, CallFunction = 18, CallRemote = 19, Undo = 20,
- Undo_Disabled = 21, Redo = 22, Redo_Disabled = 23, Expand_Over = 24, Expand = 25, Collapse_Over = 26, Collapse = 27,
- SelectChildren = 28, SelectChildren_Disabled = 29, InsertObject = 30, ViewScript = 31, AddStar = 32, RemoveStar = 33, Script_Disabled = 34,
- LocalScript_Disabled = 35, Play = 36, Pause = 37, Rename_Disabled = 38
- })
- Main.LargeIcons ="rbxassetid://6579106223",256,256,32,32)
- Main.LargeIcons:SetDict({
- Explorer = 0, Properties = 1, Script_Viewer = 2,
- })
- -- Fetch version if needed
- intro.SetProgress("Fetching Roblox Version",0.2)
- if Main.Elevated then
- local fileVer = Lib.ReadFile("dex/deps_version.dat")
- Main.ClientVersion = Version()
- if fileVer then
- Main.DepsVersionData = string.split(fileVer,"\n")
- if Main.LocalDepsUpToDate() then
- Main.RobloxVersion = Main.DepsVersionData[2]
- end
- end
- Main.RobloxVersion = Main.RobloxVersion or game:HttpGet("")
- end
- -- Fetch external deps
- intro.SetProgress("Fetching API",0.35)
- API = Main.FetchAPI()
- Lib.FastWait()
- intro.SetProgress("Fetching RMD",0.5)
- RMD = Main.FetchRMD()
- Lib.FastWait()
- -- Save external deps locally if needed
- if Main.Elevated and env.writefile and not Main.LocalDepsUpToDate() then
- env.writefile("dex/deps_version.dat",Main.ClientVersion.."\n"..Main.RobloxVersion)
- env.writefile("dex/rbx_api.dat",Main.RawAPI)
- env.writefile("dex/rbx_rmd.dat",Main.RawRMD)
- end
- -- Load other modules
- intro.SetProgress("Loading Modules",0.75)
- Main.AppControls.Lib.InitDeps(Main.GetInitDeps()) -- Missing deps now available
- Main.LoadModules()
- Lib.FastWait()
- -- Init other modules
- intro.SetProgress("Initializing Modules",0.9)
- Explorer.Init()
- Properties.Init()
- ScriptViewer.Init()
- Lib.FastWait()
- -- Done
- intro.SetProgress("Complete",1)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- Lib.FastWait(1.25)
- intro.Close()
- end)()
- -- Init window system, create main menu, show explorer and properties
- Lib.Window.Init()
- Main.CreateMainGui()
- Explorer.Window:Show({Align = "right", Pos = 1, Size = 0.5, Silent = true})
- Properties.Window:Show({Align = "right", Pos = 2, Size = 0.5, Silent = true})
- Lib.DeferFunc(function() Lib.Window.ToggleSide("right") end)
- end
- return Main
- end)()
- -- Start
- Main.Init()
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