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- \documentclass[11pt]{article} % set main text size
- \usepackage[letterpaper, % set paper size to letterpaper. change to a4paper for resumes outside of North America
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- \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % format hyperlinks
- \usepackage{titlesec} % enable section title customization
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- % format bullet points: size, white space above and below, white space between bullets
- \renewcommand\labelitemi{$\vcenter{\hbox{\small$\bullet$}}$}
- \setlist[itemize]{itemsep=-2pt, leftmargin=12pt, topsep=6pt} %%% Test various topsep values to fix vertical spacing errors
- % resume starts here
- \begin{document}
- % name
- \centerline{\Huge John Doe}
- \vspace{5pt}
- % contact information
- \centerline{\href{}{} | \href{}{} | \href{\#wiki_portfolios}{}}
- \vspace{-10pt}
- % skills section
- \section*{Skills}
- \textbf{CAD:} Siemens NX, CATIA V5, SolidWorks \\
- \textbf{Analysis:} Thermal Desktop, Abaqus, LS-DYNA, STAR-CCM+
- \vspace{-6.5pt}
- % experience section
- \section*{Experience}
- \textbf{Job Title,} {Company} -- City, ST \hfill June 2022 -- Present \\
- \vspace{-9pt}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \textbf{STAR:} \textbf{S}ituation \textbf{T}ask \textbf{A}ction \textbf{R}esult: \href{}{\underline{article 1}}, \href{}{\underline{article 2}}
- \item \textbf{STAR:} Situation Task Action Result
- \item \textbf{STAR:} Situation Task Action Result
- \end{itemize}
- \textbf{Job Title,} {Company} -- City, ST \hfill Jan 2021 -- May 2022 \\
- \vspace{-9pt}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \textbf{XYZ:} Accomplished \textbf{X} as measured by \textbf{Y} by doing \textbf{Z}: \href{}{\underline{article 1}}, \href{}{\underline{article 2}}
- \item \textbf{XYZ:} Accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z
- \item \textbf{XYZ:} Accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z
- \end{itemize}
- \textbf{Job Title,} {Company} -- City, ST \hfill Aug 2014 -- Sept 2020 \\
- \vspace{-9pt}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \textbf{CAR:} \textbf{C}hallenge \textbf{A}ction \textbf{R}esult: \href{}{\underline{article 1}}, \href{}{\underline{article 2}}
- \item \textbf{CAR:} Challenge Action Result
- \item \textbf{CAR:} Challenge Action Result
- \end{itemize}
- \textbf{Job Title,} {Company} -- City, ST \hfill June 2014 -- July 2014 \\
- \vspace{-9pt}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Start each bullet with a \href{\#wiki_action_verbs}{\underline{strong, past-tense action verb}}
- \item Having trouble coming up with content for your bullet points? Read these: \href{\#wiki_having_trouble_coming_up_with_content_for_your_bullet_points.3F_ask_yourself_the_following_questions.3A}{\underline{link 1}}, \href{\#wiki_got_writer.27s_block_from_looking_at_star.2Fcar.2Fxyz.3F}{\underline{link 2}}, \href{}{\underline{link 3}}, \href{}{\underline{link 4}}
- \item Each bullet point should be 1--2 lines long and max 1 sentence long. Use \href{}{\underline{Quillbot}}, \href{}{\underline{LanguageTool}}, and \href{}{\underline{Hemingway Editor}} to help you \href{}{paraphrase and shorten them}
- \item Don't let bullets spill onto the next line with only 1--4 words on it, it's a huge waste of space \url{}
- \end{itemize}
- % \textbf{Job Title,} \href{}{Company} -- City, ST \hfill XXXX -- XXXX \\
- % \vspace{-9pt}
- \vspace{-18.5pt}
- % projects section
- \section*{Projects}
- \textbf{Project Title} \hfill \href{}{} \\
- \vspace{-9pt}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The more work experience you have, the less relevant outside-work projects tend to become
- \item If you have something that really stands out, consider listing it here
- \end{itemize}
- \textbf{Project Title} \hfill \href{}{} \\
- \vspace{-9pt}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Only list real projects, not mandatory school projects or trivial tutorial projects found online
- \item Something that someone uses to solve a problem
- \item Something that has users (can be just you, as long as you use it often) and is actively maintained and not just rotting in a GitHub repo, never to see a PR for the rest of its life
- \end{itemize}
- \textbf{Project Title} \hfill \href{}{} \\
- \vspace{-9pt}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Resume checklist: \url{}
- \item Google Docs version of this template: \url{}
- \end{itemize}
- % alternate formatting for projects section
- % \section*{Projects}
- % \begin{itemize}
- % \item \textbf{QuantSoftware Toolkit:} Open source Python library for data analysis and machine learning for finance
- % \item \textbf{GitHub Visualization:} Data visualization of Git Log data using D3 to analyze project trends over time
- % \item \textbf{Recommendation System:} Music and movie recommender systems using collaborative filtering on public datasets
- % \item \textbf{Mac Setup:} Book that gives step by step instructions on setting up developer environment on Mac OS
- % \end{itemize}
- \vspace{-18.5pt}
- % education section
- \section*{Education}
- \textbf{School} -- MS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill June 2006 \\
- \textbf{School} -- BS in Mechanical Engineering \hfill Apr 2004
- \end{document}
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