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- #
- import os, re, sys, math, random, time, datetime
- #from os import walk
- from copy import deepcopy
- ### Activation Functions
- def grad_activation(x):
- fx = activation(x)
- return (fx * (1.0 - fx))
- def activation(x):
- op = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-x))
- return op
- ### Build Initial Weights and Structure
- def buildNN(Ninput, Nhidden, Noutput, w_scale):
- random.seed()
- w_dict = {}
- w_dict['hidden'] = {}
- w_dict['output'] = {}
- for j in xrange(0, Nhidden):
- w_dict['hidden'][j] = {}
- for i in xrange(0, Ninput+1): # add in extra bias weight
- w_dict['hidden'][j][i] = w_scale * random.uniform(-1, 1)
- for k in xrange(0, Noutput):
- w_dict['output'][k] = {}
- for j in xrange(0, Nhidden+1): # add in extra bias weight
- w_dict['output'][k][j] = w_scale * random.uniform(-1, 1)
- #print w_dict
- return w_dict
- def dotprod(A, B): # dictionaries
- dp = 0.0
- if len(A) != len(B):
- print "Major error, vectors don't match..."
- print len(A), len(B)
- for a in A.keys(): ## loop over keys
- dp+=A[a]*B[a]
- return dp
- def computeFF(w_dict, input_dict):
- #tmp_input = deepcopy(input_dict)
- act = {}
- act['hidden'] = {}
- act['output'] = {}
- bias_i = len(w_dict['hidden'][0]) - 1 ## Add in pure bias here
- #tmp_input[bias_i] = 1.0 ## FULL ACTIVATION
- input_dict[bias_i] = 1.0
- for j in w_dict['hidden']:
- dp = dotprod(w_dict['hidden'][j], input_dict)
- act['hidden'][j] = activation(dp)
- bias_h = len(w_dict['output'][0]) - 1
- act['hidden'][bias_h] = 1.0
- for k in w_dict['output']:
- dp = dotprod(w_dict['output'][k], act['hidden'])
- act['output'][k] = activation(dp)
- act['input'] = input_dict
- del act['hidden'][bias_h]
- del input_dict[bias_i]
- return act
- def computeMSE(target, actual):
- tot = 0.0
- for i in target:
- tot += (target[i] - actual[i])**2.0
- #print tot, len(target)
- return (tot / float(len(target)))
- def grad_output(act, target, grad_dict, w_dict):
- bias_h = len(w_dict['hidden'])
- #print "bias_h", bias_h
- deltas = {}
- for k in act['output']:
- delta = (target[k] - act['output'][k]) * grad_activation(act['output'][k])
- deltas[k] = delta
- for j in w_dict['hidden']:
- grad_dict['output'][k][j] += delta * act['hidden'][j]
- grad_dict['output'][k][bias_h] += delta
- return grad_dict, deltas
- def grad_hidden(act, target, grad_dict, w_dict, deltas_o):
- bias_i = len(act['input'])
- bias_h = len(act['hidden'])
- act['input'][bias_i] = 1.0
- act['hidden'][bias_h] = 1.0
- delta = {}
- #w_dict['hidden'].keys()[0]
- #for j in w_dict['hidden'][0]:
- for j in w_dict['hidden']:
- #print "j", j
- sum_d = 0.0
- for k in w_dict['output']:
- sum_d += deltas_o[k] * w_dict['output'][k][j]
- delta[j] = sum_d * grad_activation(act['hidden'][j])
- for j in w_dict['hidden']:
- for i in w_dict['hidden'][0]:
- #print j, i
- #print delta[j]
- grad_dict['hidden'][j][i] += delta[j] * act['input'][i]
- #grad_dict['hidden'][j][bias_i] += delta[j]
- del act['input'][bias_i]
- del act['hidden'][bias_h]
- return grad_dict
- def InitializeGrad(w_dict):
- grad = {}
- grad['output'] = {}
- grad['hidden'] = {}
- for k in w_dict['output']:
- grad['output'][k] = {}
- for j in w_dict['output'][k]:
- grad['output'][k][j] = 0.0
- for j in w_dict['hidden']:
- grad['hidden'][j] = {}
- for i in w_dict['hidden'][j]:
- grad['hidden'][j][i] = 0.0
- return grad
- def UpdateWeights(w_dict, grad, pgrad, rate, mom):
- ## do output first
- max_grad = 0
- for k in w_dict['output']:
- for j in w_dict['output'][k]:
- corr = rate * grad['output'][k][j] + mom * pgrad['output'][k][j]
- w_dict['output'][k][j] += corr
- pgrad['output'][k][j] = corr
- if abs(grad['output'][k][j]) > max_grad:
- max_grad = grad['output'][k][j]
- for j in w_dict['hidden']:
- for i in w_dict['hidden'][j]:
- corr = rate * grad['hidden'][j][i] + mom * pgrad['hidden'][j][i]
- w_dict['hidden'][j][i] += corr
- pgrad['hidden'][j][i] = corr
- if abs(grad['hidden'][j][i]) > max_grad:
- max_grad = grad['hidden'][j][i]
- return w_dict, abs(max_grad)
- def SumGrad(start, end, grad):
- grad_sum = {}
- grad_sum['output'] = {}
- for k in grad[start]['output']:
- grad_sum['output'][k] = {}
- for j in grad[start]['output'][k]:
- grad_sum['output'][k][j] = sum([float(grad[pres]['output'][k][j]) for pres in xrange(start, end)])
- grad_sum['hidden'] = {}
- for j in grad[start]['hidden']:
- grad_sum['hidden'][j] = {}
- for i in grad[start]['hidden'][j]:
- grad_sum['hidden'][j][i] = sum([float(grad[pres]['hidden'][j][i]) for pres in xrange(start, end)])
- return grad_sum
- def printNN(w_dict):
- # Print out our NN in a more pretty format
- op_str = ""
- for k in xrange(0,len(w_dict['output'])):
- for j in xrange(0,len(w_dict['output'][k])):
- op_str += "["+str(k)+","+str(j)+ "]: " + str("{:.3f}".format(float(w_dict['output'][k][j]))) + " "
- print "OP: " + op_str
- op_str = ""
- for j in xrange(0,len(w_dict['hidden'])):
- for i in xrange(0,len(w_dict['hidden'][j])):
- op_str += "["+str(j)+","+str(i)+ "]: " + str("{:.3f}".format(float(w_dict['hidden'][j][i]))) + " "
- print "HD: " + op_str
- def randomize(value, scale):
- if value <= 0:
- value += scale
- else:
- value -= scale
- return value
- def no_presentations(Npresentations, Nepochs):
- epoch_dict = {}
- current = Npresentations
- average_per_epoch = Npresentations / Nepochs
- print "Average presentations per Epoch: ", average_per_epoch
- for epoch in xrange(0, Nepochs):
- Nexamples = random.randint(1, average_per_epoch)
- if current - Nexamples > 0:
- current -= Nexamples
- else:
- Nexamples = current
- current = 0
- epoch_dict[epoch] = Nexamples
- return epoch_dict
- def SplitEpoch(presentations, NoSplits):
- rand_lst = []
- tot_lst = []
- for no in xrange(0, NoSplits-1):
- rand = random.randint(0, presentations/NoSplits)
- if sum(rand_lst) + rand > presentations:
- rand_lst.append(0)
- else:
- rand_lst.append(rand)
- rand_lst.append(presentations - sum(rand_lst))
- random.shuffle(rand_lst)
- total = 0
- tot_lst.append(total)
- for i in xrange(1, NoSplits+1):
- total = sum(rand_lst[0:i])
- tot_lst.append(total)
- return tot_lst
- def build_xor_train(Npresentations, Nepochs):
- scale = 0.1
- train_dict = {}
- epoch_dict = no_presentations(Npresentations, Nepochs)
- for epoch in epoch_dict:
- pres_per_epoch = epoch_dict[epoch]
- train_dict[epoch] = {}
- split_epoch = SplitEpoch(pres_per_epoch, 4)
- for i in xrange(0, len(split_epoch)-1):
- for pres in xrange(split_epoch[i], split_epoch[i+1]):
- a = random.randint(0,1)
- b = random.randint(0,1)
- c = a ^ b
- #print a, b, c
- train_dict[epoch][pres] = {}
- train_dict[epoch][pres]['input'] = {}
- train_dict[epoch][pres]['output'] = {}
- train_dict[epoch][pres]['input'][0] = randomize(a,scale)
- train_dict[epoch][pres]['input'][1] = randomize(b,scale)
- train_dict[epoch][pres]['output'][0] = randomize(c,scale)
- return train_dict
- def find_grad(epoch_train_dict, w_dict, rate, mom, grad=None):
- error = 0.0
- if grad == None:
- grad = {}
- grad = InitializeGrad(w_dict)
- print "Initalized gradients..."
- mse_dict = {}
- mse_dict[0] = {}
- count = 0
- for pres in epoch_train_dict:
- pgrad = deepcopy(grad)
- count+=1
- act_dict = {}
- act_dict = computeFF(w_dict, epoch_train_dict[pres]['input'])
- grad, deltas_o = grad_output(act_dict, epoch_train_dict[pres]['output'], grad, w_dict)
- grad = grad_hidden(act_dict, epoch_train_dict[pres]['output'], grad, w_dict, deltas_o)
- mse_dict[pres] = computeMSE(epoch_train_dict[pres]['output'], act_dict['output'])
- if count > 0:
- #print "Update Weights..."
- w_dict, max_grad = UpdateWeights(w_dict, pgrad, grad, rate, mom)
- if len(mse_dict) > 0:
- error = sum(mse_dict.values())/float(len(mse_dict))
- return float(error), grad, w_dict
- def evaluate_XOR(w_dict):
- #net = {}
- net = computeFF(w_dict, {0:0.0, 1:0.0})
- print {0:0.0, 1:0.0}, net['output']
- #net = {}
- net = computeFF(w_dict, {0:0.0, 1:1.0})
- print {0:0.0, 1:1.0}, net['output']
- #net = {}
- net = computeFF(w_dict, {0:1.0, 1:0.0})
- print {0:1.0, 1:0.0}, net['output']
- #net = {}
- net = computeFF(w_dict, {0:1.0, 1:1.0})
- print {0:1.0, 1:1.0}, net['output']
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #### Neural Network Structure Parameters for three layers ####
- Ninput = 2
- Nhidden = 2
- Noutput = 1
- Weight = 4 #Range of weights for each node, between -Weight and Weight
- ##############################################################
- output = False
- Npresentations = 4000000
- Nepochs = 100000
- grad_tol = 0.001
- error_tol = 0.0001
- rate = 0.001
- mom = 0.1
- fraction_epoch = 0.10
- min_epoch = fraction_epoch * Nepochs
- batch_update = False # update after iteration
- w_dict = buildNN(Ninput, Nhidden, Noutput, Weight)
- print w_dict
- print "Press Enter..."
- raw_input()
- xor_train = build_xor_train(Npresentations, Nepochs)
- w_init = deepcopy(w_dict)
- if output:
- print "Initial Evaluation"
- evaluate_XOR(w_dict)
- print "============================"
- grad = None
- total_pres = 0
- exit_type = 'NO'
- Nepoch_exit = fraction_epoch*Nepochs
- Nepoch_exit = min_epoch
- with open("error.txt", 'w+') as fout:
- for epoch in xor_train:
- if len(xor_train[epoch]) > 0:
- if output:
- print "Epoch: ", epoch, " Presentations: ", len(xor_train[epoch]), " Epoch: ", epoch, " of: ", len(xor_train)
- print "========BEFORE========="
- printNN(w_dict)
- print "========BEFORE========="
- error, grad, w_dict = find_grad(xor_train[epoch], w_dict, rate, mom, grad)
- print "Error: ", error
- total_pres += len(xor_train[epoch])
- if output:
- print "========AFTER========="
- printNN(w_dict)
- print "========AFTER========="
- print "Error: ", error
- fout.write(str(total_pres) + " " + str(error)+"\n")
- if error <= error_tol and epoch > Nepoch_exit:
- print "E: ", error,
- print total_pres
- print "==================================================================="
- print "Error Tolerance Reached"
- print "==================================================================="
- exit_type = 'MSE'
- break
- if exit_type == 'MSE':
- evaluate_XOR(w_dict)
- print "Initial"
- evaluate_XOR(w_init)
- print "Final"
- evaluate_XOR(w_dict)
- print w_dict
- print time.ctime()
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