
Doumi - 68

Dec 17th, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

소꿉친구 --- Publisher Link --- By 활화산 & J&B

~ Doumi / Helper ~

Notable Characters:

Name (Nickname) Situation / Job Relationship
Jae Wook (MC) Office Worker Single
Jeong Seol-Hee (FMC) Mascot & Doumi Single
Seo Joo-Heon (Seo) Chief of MC's section Single
Cho Kwang-ki (Joe) Team Leader Single
Yoo-Won Parlor Massage Single
Kwon Yongdae (Pimp) Owner of the Karaoke Single
Lee Pil Sung (Killer) Murderer Singe

Chapter - 67

(TLN: Not the usual quality.. This chapter was too much.. It's becoming a truly annoying manhua..)

Amusement Park Pimp x PT x FMC

FMC asks Pimp why they're here so suddenly, he tells her how just wanted to have fun with PT today and acts like a bad customer telling her to open the door and to take care of her gusts.. She tells him how he asked her recently where she was working and if he's coming her on purpose. He's even more angry now that she knows he came on purpose and tells her to shut up and to open the door quickly..
PT looks at FMC and puts an act too.. FMC is surprised by their strong reaction and wonders what's going on.


Amusement Park Pimp x PT x FMC x Coworker

FMC resumes her work and greets the next customers asking them to come in. Pimp complains about FMC's pretty face and how she's ruining. FMC tells him to stop joking and to keep walking.
He smiles telling her that it's not the attitude she should show to guests who have already waited 2 hours.. He asks her if he shouldn't be the one complaining about something.

She looks coldly at him and tells him how he can fuck off if he's dissatisfied with something.. He tells her how she isn't just acting ruthlessly at the store but even here.. He laughs saying how he thought she'll act differently in the 'world of dreams and hopes'.

Coworker is hearing a commotion outside the office and wonders if FMC is talking with her friends..

Pimp asks where PT want to go, she tells him how they must go into the first raw and how she really wants to go there.. Pimp is a bit worried about this and asks her if they really must go for the first seat.
She hugs his arm saying how a roller coaster means nothing if they aren't in the front row.. Pimp starts to be really afraid and tells her how they should go for the middle seats.. She pulls his arm and walks towards the front row of the wagon while saying how there is no sensation in the middle.

Pimp is still trying to avoid going in the first row.. PT taunts him about him being a roller coaster enthusiast.. He says how every person have different taste, she keeps making fun of him saying how he tried so hard to come here to see FMC he shouldn't look like a bitch at the final moment.. Meh talk between them how he'll kill her if she doesn't shut up mouth..

FMC looks at PT and Pimp having a fight, she thinks how they're dating and never thought he was interested in PT and how it's great if the can go on a date..

Pimp looks at FMC's working and wonders why she's doing this kind of job.. How it doesn't fit her look and how she should stop working in this filthy place (coz your karaoke club is 'clean' smh..)

Dude is complaining like a prick about how it's already a fucking long wait but even after 2 hours she's still taking her time to talk with her friends.. Prick is calling her a bitch, asks her why she's so sluggish and to fucking work quickly.. He complains about her working alone and how they should bring more staff.. FMC is explaining him how waiting 2 hours is a standard when they'is so many people visiting the park.

She explains him her work and how it doesn't make sense to have more than 2 employees here.. SHe tells him to lower his voice and to watch his tone in front of his own son.. Dude is even more angered..
He keeps calling her a bitch and how she shouldn't talk back to her guests.. More bitching about him being older (I can't stand this Asian way of thinking, always respecting the elder even when the dude is an ass..)

She sighs knowing it's a bad day.. Dude keeps raging on how the bitch dared to sigh.. Pimp the white knight is standing for FMC..
Pimp calls the dude an 'uncle' and asks him what's wrong with him, how he's delaying everyone and how shouldn't swear like a bitch. Pimp is angry and face the dude.. More swearing from each other and dude asks Pimp why he's taking the side of this pretty bitch (FMC)..

Fight about to start but PT tells him how he shouldn't create such a commotion at FMC's work.. He looks at the son and walks back toward the first row..

FMC is pretty angry against Pimp for what he did and how she might lose his job because of him, meh arguing between them.. PT tries to talk to FMC privately and to defend Pimp's case.. FMC doesn't care and says how she might be fired because of him and he made the whole situation much worse.
She says how there were already a lot of complaints about her unkind attitude compared to her coworker and now it's getting even more shitty for her.

Pimp asks for a mic and says how he'll resolve the whole situation and to trust him..

Pimp is greeting and apologizing the customers for the inconvenience he made earlier.. The guests are wondering who the fuck he is and why someone not being of the staff can make an announcement.
Pimp is introducing FMC as his little sister and says how he wen too far when someone insulted her and how it's a normal reaction for a family member.
The wife of the dude is scolding him for talking like that to her brother.. Pimp keeps apologizing and explaining the situation. Coworker is surprised because he thought FMC hadn't a brother. Pimp tells them how he prepared a gift for them if they're to bored by the waiting.. He tells them how FMC is a great singer and she'll make their waiting less boring..

They're all cheering for FMC.. She doesn't want to sing and feel pretty shy.. She asks PT if Pimp is drunk and to make him stop is shit right now.. PT tells her how she already know she can't stop him so she must sing.

Pimp is still hyping the crowd saying how he'll give free pass to the people listening to her song quietly, FMC tells him to stop making empty promise and tells the crowd hos they mustn't listen to his bullshit because he's drunk.

Pimp holds FMC's arm asking her if this atmosphere is better.. He shows him the dude from earlier and tells her how he wants her to sing now.. Dude is thinking how she can sing whatever shit she wants he only cares about the free pass.

Pimp tells her how they'll be happy after hearing her singing, she says how he should blabbering nonsense.. He tells her how he was really shocked when he first heard her sing..

Flashback at the karaoke

She's singing with MC.. Well apparently FMC has a low voice / tone instead of MC who has a high voice / tone..
Pimp is wondering who is singing with the bitch (MC) and he's surprised to learn it's FMC.. He thinks how this sissy song sounds bloody hell good when it's FMC that's interpreting it..

Amusement Park Pimp x PT x FMC

He tells her to just sing a bit because if she doesn't, the crowd will be really pissed off.. She sighs saying she has no more choice but to do it..
She takes the mic, the public is pleased about this.. FMC tells to Pimp how she'll kill him for what he just did, he says how he'll accept his punishment but she has to sing first.

She looks at the public.. saying how there is so many fathers present.. so she'll interpret a short trot song..

(Trot (트로트, RR: teuroteu), also known by the onomatopoetic term Ppongjjak (뽕짝), is a genre of Korean popular music, known for its use of repetitive rhythm and vocal inflections. Originating in Korea during Japanese colonial rule in the first half of the 20th century, Trot was influenced by many genres of Korean, Japanese, U.S. and European music.)
The name "trot" is a shortened form of "foxtrot," a style of ballroom dance that influenced the simple two-beat rhythm of Trot music. Trot and foxtrot do not share any other notable characteristics.

Example of Trot's song

To be continued..
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