

Sep 14th, 2024
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  1. [Alias]
  2. HD0:=C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate (Polish)
  3. CD1:=C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate (Polish)\data\
  4. CD2:=C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate (Polish)\data\
  5. CD3:=C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate (Polish)\data\
  6. CD4:=C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate (Polish)\data\
  7. CD5:=C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate (Polish)\data\
  8. CD6:=C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate (Polish)\data\
  9. [Movies]
  10. BG4LOGO=1
  11. TSRLOGO=1
  12. BILOGO=1
  13. INFELOGO=1
  14. INTRO=1
  15. DEATHAND=1
  16. [Program Options]
  17. Maximum Frame Rate=30
  18. Path Search Nodes=4000
  19. Tooltips=45
  20. Translucent Shadows=1
  21. Sprite Mirror=0
  22. Gamma Correction=0
  23. Brightness Correction=0
  24. Volume Movie=80
  25. Volume Music=30
  26. Volume Voices=80
  27. Volume Ambients=80
  28. Volume SFX=80
  29. SoftSrcKeyBltFast=0
  30. SoftBltFast=0
  31. SoftSrcKeyBlt=0
  32. SoftBlt=0
  33. SoftMirrorBlt=0
  34. Strref On=0
  35. BitsPerPixel=32
  36. Full Screen=1
  37. [MissionPack]
  38. HardDrive=1
  39. [Game Options]
  40. Memory Access=100
  41. Footsteps=1
  42. Mouse Scroll Speed=19
  43. GUI Feedback Level=5
  44. Locator Feedback Level=3
  45. Bored Timeout=3000
  46. Always Dither=1
  47. Subtitles=0
  48. Keyboard Scroll Speed=44
  49. Command Sounds Frequency=2
  50. Selection Sounds Frequency=3
  51. Effect Text Level=62
  52. Infravision=0
  53. Weather=1
  54. Tutorial State=1
  55. Attack Sounds=1
  56. Auto Pause State=0
  57. Difficulty Level=3
  58. Quick Item Mapping=1
  59. Environmental Audio=1
  60. Memory Level=1
  61. Inventory Pause Warning=1
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