

Mar 11th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. TITSUP, abbr.:
  2. Total Inability To Sell Usual Products
  3. Total Inability ToTalkTalk to Server Upsets Pipex
  4. Total Inability To Support Usual Performance
  5. Trains' Inability To Support Usual Passengers
  6. Total Inability To Support Users' Passwords
  7. Total Inability To Supply Users' Payment-history
  8. Total Inability To Support Users' Payments
  9. Turning Its Toes Skywards Under Pressure
  10. total inability to snap usual photographs
  11. Total Inability To Support Usual Postings
  12. total inability to support usual politicking
  13. Total Inability To Support Usual Pecuniary activity
  14. Troubled Instagram! Text Somebody Urgently Please
  15. Total inability to sell users phones
  16. Trying ... It's Thinking ... Something? Ugh. Phhhh(lakey)!
  17. Total Inability To Stand Up Petition
  18. Tottering Infrastructure Totally Stuffs User Phones
  19. Total Inability To Schedule User Plans
  20. Traffic Is Totally Screwed Up, Pal
  21. Total Inability To Send Users Pages
  22. Timing Is Terrible Say Users Plaintively
  23. Total Inability To Support Usual Payday
  24. Total Inability To Shuffle money Using Phone
  25. Total Inability To Serve Up Pr0n
  26. Try Installing The Software Under Pressure
  27. Total Inability To Sort User Payments
  28. Transfers Into Traders Seem Utterly Pants
  29. Total Inability To Serve User Passwords
  30. Total Inability To Send User Packets
  31. Teams Is Totally Stuffed, Users Protest
  32. Total Inability To Sum Up Polling
  33. Total Inability To Service User Pipelines
  34. Total Inability To Save Up Pennies
  35. Total Inability To Service User Pulls
  36. Total Inability To Support Users with the Particulars
  37. Transfer Into Temporary Sub-domain Utter Pants
  38. Tottering Infrastructure Topples Steve's Uneconomical Phones
  39. Tottering Infrastructure Topples Software User Programming
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