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- As root:
- #1--------------Make sure Fedora is up to date--------------
- dnf -y update
- #2--------------Install necessary prerequisites--------------
- dnf -y install autoconf libtool gcc gcc-c++ make cmake git wget p7zip p7zip-plugins ncurses-devel openssl openssl-devel mariadb mariadb-server mariadb-devel readline-devel zlib-devel bzip2-devel boost-devel screen zeromq glib2-devel libcurl-devel tar gmp-devel
- #3--------------Make MariaDB start at boot and start MariaDB now--------------
- systemctl enable --now mariadb
- #4--------------Create a user called trinitycorewow to run the TrinityCore Server--------------
- useradd -m -G wheel trinitycorewow
- passwd trinitycorewow
- #5--------------Become the user trinitycorewow--------------
- sudo -i -u trinitycorewow
- #6--------------Change the directory to the home of trinitycorewow--------------
- cd /home/trinitycorewow
- #7--------------Set up the configuration for MariaDB--------------
- sudo mysql_secure_installation
- #8--------------Clone the repository of TrinityCore's 3.3.5 branch--------------
- git clone -b 3.3.5 git://
- #9--------------Create the build directory for TrinityCore and change directories--------------
- mkdir /home/trinitycorewow/TrinityCore/build && cd /home/trinitycorewow/TrinityCore/build
- #10--------------Create a Build Directory and generate a makefile--------------
- cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/trinitycorewow/server -DCONF_DIR=/home/trinitycorewow/server/etc -DTOOLS=1 -DWITH_WARNINGS=1
- #11--------------Make and install TrinityCore--------------
- make
- make install
- #11--------------Download the latest SQL Database for World and Hotfixes for TrinityCore and extract the archive--------------
- cd /home/trinitycorewow/server
- wget
- 7z e TDB_full_world_335.21061_2021_06_15.7z
- #11--------------Create database user called trinity and create the auth,characters,hotfixes,world databases--------------
- mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u root -p < sql/create/create_mysql.sql
- #12--------------Import tables to the characters, auth, world, hotfixes database--------------
- mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u trinity -p characters < sql/base/characters_database.sql
- mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u trinity -p auth < sql/base/auth_database.sql
- mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u trinity -p world < TDB_full_world_335.21061_2021_06_15.7z
- #15--------------Realmlist configuration(In this section you give the IP address and name of the realm)--------------
- mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u trinity -p auth -e "UPDATE realmlist SET address='SETTHEIPOFTHEREALM' WHERE id='1';"
- mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u trinity -p auth -e "UPDATE realmlist SET name='SETTHENAMEOFTHEREALM' WHERE id='1';"
- #18--------------OPTIONAL STEPS TO GET DBC, Maps, MMaps, and VMaps QUICKER(Below)--------------
- #18a--------------Go to trinitycorewow home folder--------------
- cd ~
- #18b--------------Get a tool to download from
- wget
- tar -zxvf megatools-1.9.95.tar.gz
- #18c--------------Make and install the megatools--------------
- cd megatools-1.9.95
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- #18d--------------Go to the Folder where DBC, Maps, MMaps, and VMaps need to be copied--------------
- cd ~/server/data/
- #18e--------------Get archives of DBC, Maps, MMaps, VMaps and extract them and remove the leftovers--------------
- megadl --path=. '!JZoglIYI!csV28gokYUh4RCsLMfqEW4IhtbaeKNdLH_iWOd_OaPM'
- 7z x dbc.7z
- megadl --path=. '!dUYhCSxQ!yEFQC9q5RMNXyaT-QTHKMWhU5nROKDfjKWTs5Y_gngc'
- 7z x maps.7z
- megadl --path=. '!EFYkhAIY!H9ZxLV25Dsc0ZBjZKEFcVVpxfIyEWcbtLVX56Vhxb_s'
- 7z x mmaps.7z
- megadl --path=. '!lYo1SSIT!oJE3nJHsAVusE5AOVUDZ8U-dn0QV5Wo3spKoUpASZiE'
- 7z x vmaps.7z
- rm *.7z
- #18--------------OPTIONAL STEPS TO GET DONE QUICKER(Above)--------------
- #19--------------If you do not have the DBC, Maps, MMaps, and VMaps already and you did not follow the quick route to obtaining them, you will need to extract them yourself--------------
- #--------------SKIP THIS IF YOU ALREADY GOT YOUR DBC, MAPS, MMAPS, and VMAPS(Below)--------------
- cd <your WoW client directory>
- /home/trinitycorewow/server/bin/mapextractor
- cp -r dbc maps /home/trinitycorewow/server/data
- /home/trinitycorewow/server/bin/vmap4extractor
- mkdir vmaps
- mkdir mmaps
- /home/trinitycorewow/server/bin/vmap4assembler Buildings vmaps
- cp -r vmaps /home/trinitycorewow/server/data
- /home/trinitycorewow/server/bin/mmaps_generator
- cp -r mmaps /home/trinitycorewow/server/data
- #--------------SKIP THIS IF YOU ALREADY GOT YOUR DBC, MAPS, MMAPS, and VMAPS(Above)--------------
- #20--------------Copy worldserver and bnetserver .dist files to just .conf--------------
- cd ~/server/etc
- cp worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.conf
- cp bnetserver.conf.dist bnetserver.conf
- sed worldserver.conf -re 's/^(DataDir = )"\."$/\1"../data"/' -i
- #21--------------Go the Server Binary Directory and launch bnetserver and worldserver--------------
- cd ~/server/bin
- screen -dmS bnetserver
- screen -S bnetserver -X stuff 'cd ~/server/bin\n ./bnetserver\n'
- screen -dmS worldserver
- screen -S worldserver -X stuff 'cd ~/server/bin\n ./worldserver\n'
- screen -r worldserver
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