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- OhhCassie: Hai ^_^
- HollieMagentaRose: Hey Cassie :)
- OhhCassie: Hayy hun hru
- HollieMagentaRose: I'm good :) Feeling very relaxed. You?
- OhhCassie: I'm good just talking to my bf. He got off early :)
- HollieMagentaRose: Nawhh
- OhhCassie: yeaaaa XD
- HollieMagentaRose: Is someone getting lucky tonight? -chuckles-
- OhhCassie: lmao
- OhhCassie: maybee
- OhhCassie: were talkn about his day rn
- HollieMagentaRose: nawhhh
- OhhCassie: yeaa XD
- OhhCassie: so what are yall up to?
- HollieMagentaRose: I think bar was trying to fix a texture
- OhhCassie: ahh
- HollieMagentaRose: And im watching moviess
- OhhCassie: oo
- OhhCassie: wat movies?
- HollieMagentaRose: Umm
- HollieMagentaRose: The Host, Prometheus and now Snow white and the Huntsman
- OhhCassie: ooo I loved Snow white
- OhhCassie: I haven't seen the Host yet
- OhhCassie: or Promethius
- OhhCassie: but I've heard it's godo
- OhhCassie: good*
- HollieMagentaRose: It is :)
- OhhCassie: XD
- OhhCassie: I'll have to watch it sometime
- HollieMagentaRose: Yush :)
- OhhCassie: X
- OhhCassie: XD*
- OhhCassie: im watchn turbo
- HollieMagentaRose: Im watching one flew over the cuckoo's nest
- OhhCassie: lol
- Mina: King has arrived >:l
- HollieMagentaRose: Heya
- Mina: Hello =w=
- OhhCassie: Hiya
- OhhCassie: hayy
- OhhCassie: soraa
- SoraaHollowSide: Yes it is I *le bows for the people
- OhhCassie: huh?
- SoraaHollowSide: just being corny
- Mina: fail
- OhhCassie: lol
- OhhCassie: oh
- Mina: XD
- OhhCassie: and ikr
- OhhCassie: lmao
- OhhCassie: > Hru soraa?
- SoraaHollowSide: I'm good. off work next two days, family is leaving for four days house to myself : D and turning 21 the 4th
- OhhCassie: Dammn
- OhhCassie: niceeee
- SoraaHollowSide: mhm ^^
- OhhCassie: waiting for CC to get off away so we can rp
- OhhCassie: im bored
- OhhCassie: XD
- HollieMagentaRose: She's off work soon
- SoraaHollowSide: everyone got their characters all figured out huh?
- OhhCassie: most of us have
- SoraaHollowSide: awesome
- OhhCassie: ahhh ok XD
- OhhCassie: watchn turbo
- Mina: There
- Mina: Page is done >:l
- OhhCassie: ur character bio?
- Mina: Nope
- Mina: I don't rp
- OhhCassie: ohh
- Mina: Just here to make it beautiful
- OhhCassie: ok
- OhhCassie: lol
- OhhCassie: awee
- SoraaHollowSide: doing a great job as always ^^
- OhhCassie: XD
- Mina:
- Mina: Ugh
- Mina: So fucking delicious
- SoraaHollowSide: xD
- SoraaHollowSide: probably something gay
- Mina: Nope
- Mina: Straight
- Mina: So racist
- HollieMagentaRose: Incest
- Mina: hawt^
- Mina: Ok bed time for me
- Mina: Night everyone
- HollieMagentaRose: night night :)
- OhhCassie: Night hun
- OhhCassie: tc
- OhhCassie: you still watchn movies Hollie?
- HollieMagentaRose: nyuhh
- HollieMagentaRose: im in beds
- OhhCassie: ohh XD
- OhhCassie: just dozing off
- HollieMagentaRose: will be soon xD
- OhhCassie: XD
- OhhCassie: well ill brb
- OhhCassie: im hungry
- HollieMagentaRose: tyt
- SoraaHollowSide: so if we do roleplay tonight what do you want the scene to be? : 3
- SoraaHollowSide: like have you thought of a role you kinda want your character to become?
- OhhCassie: bk btw
- OhhCassie: what do you mean?
- SoraaHollowSide: I mean what I mean lol i dunno like if we roleplay where would you want to place your character?
- OhhCassie: well rn
- OhhCassie: She's in Muse's dreams
- OhhCassie: pf
- OhhCassie: I mean
- OhhCassie: Thailia's*
- SoraaHollowSide: oh? *tilts head* how's that going?
- OhhCassie: good sort of
- OhhCassie: CC!!!! <3
- WildMuse: ey ey :)
- OhhCassie: how was work?
- WildMuse: my feet are killing me lol
- OhhCassie: awee
- OhhCassie: boo
- WildMuse: and I'm starving so.. -sits and eats- xD
- HollieMagentaRose: im tired,,
- WildMuse: ..he's back.
- OhhCassie: XD
- SoraaHollowSide: I remember my first day of work
- OhhCassie: XD
- OhhCassie: care to finish where we left off mi lovely cc?
- WildMuse: Lemme like..
- WildMuse: get my shoes off
- WildMuse: eat
- OhhCassie: lol
- OhhCassie: ok
- WildMuse: and have a stiff drink
- OhhCassie: tyt
- SoraaHollowSide: *runs off to fetch something to chew on
- OhhCassie: XD
- SoraaHollowSide: Muse : D your avi looks like every girl I know that had sex in the school bathrooms during lunch : 3
- SoraaHollowSide: *patsher head and flees
- WildMuse: I'm just a tease.
- WildMuse: Noones getting between these legs.
- Bargoth: Excuse me for a moment
- WildMuse: tyt
- HollieMagentaRose: ugh sleepy
- Bargoth: Everything seems in order
- OhhCassie: o.o
- HollieMagentaRose: -Sprawls out on the cold stone table-
- Bargoth: I'm off to get a bite to eat
- WildMuse: take it easy.
- HollieMagentaRose: See you later.
- Bargoth: Just going to the kitchen
- WildMuse: oh
- WildMuse: lol
- HollieMagentaRose: You should really just brb then.. xD
- WildMuse: have fun in the kitchen
- WildMuse: LAWL
- Bargoth: back
- OhhCassie: wb
- Bargoth: thanks
- OhhCassie: np
- WildMuse: Welcome back.
- Bargoth: thanks
- HollieMagentaRose: asdrtgyu
- WildMuse: I gota rum and coke. Mhm
- WildMuse: That's Hollie speak for Welcome back :)
- ninjanate48: hi every one
- SoraaHollowSide: welcome ninja ^^
- OhhCassie: welcome back CC :)
- OhhCassie: Ello ninja
- WildMuse: Welcome, Ninja
- ninjanate48: :) what up every one?
- ninjanate48: cool room:)
- WildMuse: Thank you
- ninjanate48: :) so what is every one up to?
- WildMuse: you're like crushing my legs with your cross man.
- SoraaHollowSide: oh jesus
- SoraaHollowSide: it's jesus
- Bargoth: Hah
- ninjanate48: lol ooo srry and yes it is me :)
- SoraaHollowSide: except his facial expression be all "bitch took my waffles"
- ninjanate48: lol omg it does lol XD
- ninjanate48: i look mad lol
- SoraaHollowSide: Jesus was the original emo
- SoraaHollowSide: ever see a pic of him happy n shit?
- OhhCassie: welcome
- ninjanate48: ..... your right lol man that is some deep shit..... lol
- ninjanate48: hi beth
- WildMuse: Ello Thrall.
- SoraaHollowSide: all demons fold to Jesus
- SoraaHollowSide: he compels you
- SoraaHollowSide: tell em jesus
- ninjanate48: lol XD
- OhhCassie: lol
- SoraaHollowSide: j/k they wouldn't get it. you one compellin mutha fucka
- Bethrall: I think I'm going to go worship Satan
- OhhCassie: <ello
- ninjanate48: ooo ya all of them lol
- OhhCassie: and he left
- OhhCassie: poofm
- SoraaHollowSide: damn jesus!
- ninjanate48: lol ok lol me to
- WildMuse: Jesus scared him.
- ninjanate48: lol
- ninjanate48: what?
- SoraaHollowSide: ya'll see that? Jesus just turned that demon into dust. not even wearin any deoderant or nuthin
- SoraaHollowSide: xD
- ninjanate48: lol hi unhole
- SoraaHollowSide: I'm done
- WildMuse: DD!
- UnholyRoach: Ello Babes <3
- ninjanate48: XD i did!!!!! oooo noo i liked him....
- WildMuse: How are you tonight sweets?
- ninjanate48: danm my power
- ninjanate48: im good you?
- UnholyRoach: Im goood , about to drink.
- UnholyRoach: You?
- ninjanate48: lucky
- WildMuse: Drinkin already ;D
- WildMuse: Just got home from work like.. 45 min ago
- ninjanate48: all i have is water......;)
- UnholyRoach: Yuh. I just got home from dinner. I so full
- OhhCassie: lord
- ninjanate48: lol
- OhhCassie: >I hope we rp soon I need sumthn to do
- ninjanate48: ya me to
- WildMuse: I have a lot to do tonight.
- ninjanate48: i have a suit for nthis room that will work :)
- WildMuse: I have to set up the human sancturary.
- OhhCassie: CC
- OhhCassie: im invn up
- OhhCassie: u*
- OhhCassie: Im talkn to sumone who's interested in the rp
- ninjanate48: now i fitin
- UnholyRoach: I have to get up early in the am. take lil bro to the place so he can leave for bootcamp :{
- WildMuse: wait reinvite me
- ninjanate48: ya that suck bootcamp for what?
- UnholyRoach: Navy.
- OhhCassie: ok
- ninjanate48: ooo thats cool
- WildMuse: Cass
- WildMuse: awwww D
- WildMuse: DD*
- UnholyRoach: Mhm
- ninjanate48: lol
- Bargoth: What was that?
- ninjanate48: i fit in now
- UnholyRoach: *Sits on Bargoth's foot*
- Bargoth: Wait...
- SoraaHollowSide: please stop spamming sounds ^^
- Bargoth: Oh it's you...
- SoraaHollowSide: kind of ruining my video fun
- UnholyRoach: *Bats lashes*
- WildMuse: I think she wants candy again. Lawl
- Bargoth: Well... -takes out a bag of candy- This time I came prepared
- SoraaHollowSide: awe the imp : 3
- ninjanate48: mmmm candy :)- smiles- can i haave some?
- UnholyRoach: Yay.
- UnholyRoach: Sorry was making drink)
- UnholyRoach: *Wiggles on his foot while opening and closing her hands*
- Bargoth: -Drops the bag of candy for the roach- Here you go
- OhhCassie: o.o
- UnholyRoach: *Flails*
- UnholyRoach: Not very nice *Wiggles from underneath the bag*
- SoraaHollowSide: *blinks* she is in imp mode.... *preps the jars
- UnholyRoach: <.<
- UnholyRoach: Nuh
- UnholyRoach: Bargoth..
- WildMuse: -Has the hiccups- OH COME ON.
- UnholyRoach: *Is squished*
- WildMuse: -Picks up the bag- Oi. My poor DD
- UnholyRoach: *Wiggles* Bargoth is a big ol booger face.
- Bargoth: Hmph
- WildMuse: Lol.
- UnholyRoach: *She looks up at him with a little smirk* Mhm
- UnholyRoach: *Chews candy bag* You better have some yummy candies Mr. BoogerFace
- Bargoth: Hope you like black licorice
- UnholyRoach: Jagermeister candies.
- UnholyRoach: I win
- WildMuse: lol.
- WildMuse: He'll be back
- SoraaHollowSide: i have a feeling this battle has only begun
- WildMuse: He's usually in here more than I am.
- SoraaHollowSide: but, the demon lord may have met his match in a devilish little imp
- WildMuse: And possibly will be since I am working again.
- UnholyRoach: ;}
- UnholyRoach: Ill win his heart*Giggles*
- UnholyRoach: Muwhahaha
- WildMuse: He's a demon lord. Does he even have a heart? XD
- UnholyRoach: I will be his wittle heart
- SoraaHollowSide: there's the big teddy bear now : 3
- WildMuse: Welcome back
- Bargoth: Thanks, I got disconnected
- UnholyRoach: Bargoth <3
- UnholyRoach: *Clings to his leg*
- Bargoth: You love my leg, don't you?
- UnholyRoach: Mhmmmsss
- Bargoth: Well, fair enough.
- UnholyRoach: Slow
- SoraaHollowSide: hm
- SoraaHollowSide: so
- SoraaHollowSide: who wants to roleplay
- OhhCassie: Meee
- OhhCassie: :)
- SoraaHollowSide: there's one
- Bargoth: I think I should do some rp'ing as well
- SoraaHollowSide: there's 2
- UnholyRoach: *Nuzzles Bargoth *
- WildMuse: I'll go if someone thinks up a scene. Cause last night was a fail try before I wandered to Samael domain
- OhhCassie: lol
- OhhCassie: we still gotta
- OhhCassie: finish our dream scene cc
- WildMuse: I can do that anytime though.
- OhhCassie: true
- WildMuse: If the group wants to roleplay that takes command as we haven't had a good group roleplay in a while.
- OhhCassie: truee
- WildMuse: and you and I are constantly together :P
- Bargoth: If we go to the wastelands, Bargoth could appear in his human form
- WildMuse: True. I need a better room for the wastelands x.x
- WildMuse: I could...
- WildMuse: Pop up an abandoned city
- WildMuse: no furniture nut..
- UnholyRoach: Whaat do I do o.o
- WildMuse: but
- Bargoth: Actually...
- OhhCassie: That might work
- WildMuse: it;s a big room and all
- Bargoth: C.C., hold on a sec
- Bargoth: I want you to take a look at something
- WildMuse: Bar is turning me into eyes again xD
- WildMuse: Invite me if you want then :P
- OhhCassie: lol
- UnholyRoach: Confused -.-
- WildMuse: We're about to roleplay DD
- WildMuse: and we're looking for a neutral room to do it in
- UnholyRoach: Well what do I do :{
- SoraaHollowSide: you roleplay my imp : 3 xD
- WildMuse: XD
- UnholyRoach: Imp ? o.o
- WildMuse: Sora wants an imp so badly.
- OhhCassie: XD
- UnholyRoach: Whaat is a Imp though?
- WildMuse: A little demon
- UnholyRoach: OH shit
- UnholyRoach: I can do that :}
- WildMuse: XD
- UnholyRoach: SO I play a little sexay cute demon :}
- WildMuse: Sure :P
- OhhCassie: si
- UnholyRoach: 3333c
- UnholyRoach: 'p
- UnholyRoach: LK
- UnholyRoach: kitten
- UnholyRoach: Says hi
- UnholyRoach: I htink
- UnholyRoach: He walked all over my keys
- UnholyRoach: I should make a demon look too.
- UnholyRoach: I need to make another drink
- OhhCassie: tyt
- SoraaHollowSide: xD
- SoraaHollowSide: i just think it'll make adorable little scenes. Sora the more calm collected and serious person with a little playful imp flying around him
- UnholyRoach: Bak
- UnholyRoach: I can do that.
- UnholyRoach: :}
- UnholyRoach: I dont know how cute I can make myself look. *Passes all the latex and pvc items* Hmmz
- SoraaHollowSide: a solid question is
- SoraaHollowSide: just how small will you be?
- SoraaHollowSide: cuz I'm picturing Sora's own little tinkerbell xD
- UnholyRoach: Come here
- SoraaHollowSide: d'aw ^^ perfect
- SoraaHollowSide: not tinkerbell size but solid with me
- SoraaHollowSide: imps are suppose to be bigger anyways
- UnholyRoach: Oki, If I sit on most furniture no one will see me lol.
- UnholyRoach: If I go any smaller no one will see what I look like *Flips hair with a giggle*
- UnholyRoach: I also dont have creds for a smaller scaler
- WildMuse: What scale size is that now? It's pretty tine
- WildMuse: tiny
- Bargoth: I have one just as small
- WildMuse: I have a 30% I think
- UnholyRoach: I rather be this size because I still want to be seen lol.
- WildMuse: Welcome back.
- UnholyRoach: Wb<3
- OhhCassie: wb
- Bargoth: thanks
- Bargoth: So as I was saying...
- Bargoth: I can be small as well
- SoraaHollowSide: What's going to be your name?
- OhhCassie: aweee
- UnholyRoach: Noo Bar be big and strong like bull
- OhhCassie: hes so cute
- UnholyRoach: Ummm
- OhhCassie: -holds em-
- UnholyRoach: My name* Thinks*
- Bargoth: Thought I forgot about this, did you?
- OhhCassie: Aww hell
- OhhCassie: lol
- UnholyRoach: Shout out some names. I dont know.
- OhhCassie: Simmy!
- UnholyRoach: o.O
- UnholyRoach: Random
- OhhCassie: its from this book (the demon was called simmy)
- OhhCassie: she was sooc ute
- OhhCassie: cute*
- WildMuse: Thanna, Irony, Candalia, Syndel,
- SoraaHollowSide: if we are just throwing out cute characters names I chose Rika from higurashi < 3
- OhhCassie: or keko
- UnholyRoach: *Blinks*
- UnholyRoach: -.-
- UnholyRoach: Bf is throwing out some off the wall ghetto names.
- WildMuse: Charla, Londra, Echo, Shyne
- UnholyRoach: Then said I would play this part perfect since I am already short
- OhhCassie: Yuki
- Bargoth: Marianne
- SoraaHollowSide: i like Yuki ^^
- OhhCassie: XD
- OhhCassie: Yuki from Vampire Knight <3
- UnholyRoach: Yuki.. That sounds like Yucky lol
- UnholyRoach: Or am I pronouncing it wrong
- SoraaHollowSide: no it's close
- WildMuse: You-Key
- WildMuse: I think xD
- SoraaHollowSide: it means snow : 3
- SoraaHollowSide: and Sora means sky
- SoraaHollowSide: # themoreyouknow
- Bargoth: Shadow is Kage
- Bargoth: Light is apparently Raito, like in Death Note
- OhhCassie: OMg
- Bargoth: Storm is Arashi or Sutomu
- OhhCassie: I love that show
- Bargoth: Hey Sora, appreantly you know some Japanese, can you explain how Raito is supposed to read like Mun?
- SoraaHollowSide: i don't know japanese : D
- SoraaHollowSide: i watch anime
- SoraaHollowSide: it just happens
- Bargoth: Oh well
- Bargoth: I just realized, I never did add you, did I?
- UnholyRoach: I used to go by the name Sadi
- Bargoth: And since you love to climb on my foot so much...
- WildMuse: DD is my honey <3
- WildMuse: So is Hollie <3
- UnholyRoach: *Bats lashes* Mhmmm
- WildMuse: Even thoguh they hate eachother
- UnholyRoach: Ew
- WildMuse: XD
- WildMuse: though*
- UnholyRoach: She started it lmao
- UnholyRoach: Nipple hater
- UnholyRoach: *Gulps drink*
- UnholyRoach: Warning: Will be rusty at the roleplay. Been way to long since I have done anything that was real roleplay.. Like 2 years
- UnholyRoach: or more.
- WildMuse: S'ok.
- Bargoth: Hey C.C., we still need 2 more Demon Lords right?
- WildMuse: Well..
- WildMuse: I'm interviewing a possible right now for Arcus.
- Bargoth: Then we only need one more
- WildMuse: -nods-
- Bargoth: I might try to find someone
- WildMuse: Alright. I'll ask my gf too if she's still interested in it.
- Bargoth: I'll have to dig into old roleplayers I knew
- UnholyRoach: I kinda like the name Kali too.
- Bargoth: From what I've seen, demonic society seems rather patriarchial, so the 4th demon lord should also be a male
- UnholyRoach: Or Luci
- Bargoth: Of course I might be wrong
- WildMuse: Yeah.
- WildMuse: Iyou're wrong.
- WildMuse: But that's because I dislike being told women can't be what they wanna be.
- WildMuse: xD
- UnholyRoach: Sadi, Luci, or Kali so far
- SoraaHollowSide: it feels wrong to not have one female demon lord
- UnholyRoach: I must like 4 letter words with I at the end o.o
- SoraaHollowSide: I made the character Lilith into this roleplay indirectly xD
- Bargoth: Well I guess it can happen
- Bargoth: You're right, Lilith is a fine example
- WildMuse: Of course it can happen. Women are actually far nastier then men are when they are battle ready and hungry for a fight.
- SoraaHollowSide: aren't demons not evenm suppose to be gender based anyways traditionally?
- WildMuse: Haven't you ever played an MMO against women players?
- WildMuse: Nasty lot.
- SoraaHollowSide: they are gender neutral and possess whoever
- Bargoth: Of course, we already deviate quite a bit from the traditional idea of demons so
- WildMuse: I like deviating from the norm. It wouldn't a a different or original story line if it were like everything else.
- Bargoth: You're right, this is Lyk Zofpsiolu, not the Holy Bible
- UnholyRoach: *Huffs*
- WailyRoseSummerrain: ello:)
- WildMuse: Ello Rose. The other lil imp xD
- WailyRoseSummerrain: :D
- WailyRoseSummerrain: hows everyone?
- OhhCassie: ello
- WildMuse: Doing okay <3
- WildMuse: How are you?
- WailyRoseSummerrain: tired its 2am lol
- SoraaHollowSide: Imp's imps everywhere
- Bargoth: I guess they are quite popular
- WailyRoseSummerrain: :P
- Bargoth: I can be one as well
- WailyRoseSummerrain: i started a trend XD
- SoraaHollowSide: I will prepare the jars
- WailyRoseSummerrain: lol
- WailyRoseSummerrain: -hides-
- UnholyRoach: IF its that popular I dont wanna be one lmao.
- WailyRoseSummerrain: hehe
- Bargoth: So, are we going to rp?
- UnholyRoach: Wha about the name Verin. Demon of Impatience .. I am very impatient
- OhhCassie: we have our Arcus
- Bargoth: Where is he?
- WildMuse: Indeed we do.
- WailyRoseSummerrain: o.0
- WildMuse: Bethrall.
- WildMuse: Made the cut
- WildMuse: to play Arcus.
- UnholyRoach: I dont know *Huffs*
- UnholyRoach: I am picky
- Bargoth: So where is he?
- WildMuse: I was speaking with him in a PR.
- WildMuse: or PC
- WildMuse: or whatever they call it.
- OhhCassie: yeaa
- OhhCassie: and he gave us this sample
- Bargoth: I would like to meet him
- OhhCassie: still got chills cc
- Bargoth: Is he good?
- Bargoth: How good is he?
- WildMuse: He wants to write his biography first. -nods-
- OhhCassie: mhm
- Bargoth: I'll brb
- WailyRoseSummerrain: tyt
- OhhCassie: tyt
- UnholyRoach: <.<
- SoraaHollowSide: well
- OhhCassie: were here
- SoraaHollowSide: if you kids wanna roleplay, I'm at least in the underworld top level : D
- WildMuse: Bar made a wastelands room :)
- UnholyRoach: *She stares at CC*
- WailyRoseSummerrain: kids ?
- WailyRoseSummerrain: lol
- WildMuse: -Tugs DD into a hug-
- SoraaHollowSide: ^^ link or is it in portal?
- UnholyRoach: *FLails * I dont know what my name should be bitch :{*Huggles her hard before sliding her hand down to CC's tight bootay*
- Bargoth: Alright back
- WailyRoseSummerrain: wb
- Bargoth: Thanks
- Bargoth: Oh yeah, I made the wastelands room
- WildMuse: @_@ -molestercated again-
- Bargoth: It's not me this time
- Bethrall: Hey, guys
- WildMuse: Welcome Thrall.
- Bargoth: Ah, Bethrall
- WailyRoseSummerrain: hello:)
- WildMuse: Everyone please meet our newest member Thrall.. aka.. Arcus.
- Bargoth: Welcome to the fold
- OhhCassie: Hiii XD
- OhhCassie: again
- Bethrall: Thank you
- Bethrall: How goes the recruiting?
- OhhCassie: good actually
- Bethrall: There is one more demon lord spot to be filled... right?
- WildMuse: I got another demon lord tonight.
- Bargoth: Bethrall, I hear you'll be playing my colleague in this rp
- WildMuse: I'm fricking giddy
- Bargoth: With you in, there's one more spot left
- Bethrall: Ah, good to meet you then
- Bethrall: What's is your character?
- OhhCassie: XD
- Bethrall: Minus the extra "is"
- UnholyRoach: *Blinks*
- OhhCassie: lol
- Bargoth: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bargoth, the Demon Lord of Fire and the Prince of Chaos.
- Bethrall: Very impressive, it's an honor
- Bargoth: My domain is The Abyss
- Bargoth: It''s an honor to me as well
- Bargoth: As a Demon Lord you get to have your own domain, a pocket kingdom if you will
- Bethrall: Hmm, which will Arcus have?
- Bargoth: CC?
- WailyRoseSummerrain: shes working on her other room
- SoraaHollowSide: welcome to the group ^^ sorry late
- Bargoth: I think your element is Water, and your domain is Corruption
- Bargoth: As in you're the Prince of Corruption
- Bethrall: Ah, okay
- Bargoth: I might be wrong, best to verify with CC
- UnholyRoach: I have no name yet -.-
- Bargoth: I thought you decided on Kali
- WailyRoseSummerrain: what name do you want?
- WildMuse: Yes.
- UnholyRoach: I didnt . I said like 6 names
- UnholyRoach: Sadi , Kali, Verin, Or Luci
- UnholyRoach: 4 names
- WailyRoseSummerrain: all nice names
- SoraaHollowSide: Luci
- SoraaHollowSide: my vote
- UnholyRoach: I used to go by Sadi
- UnholyRoach: Verin is Demon of Impatience.
- UnholyRoach: Even bf next to me said oh fuck ya thats you.
- WailyRoseSummerrain: verin is different and easy to remember
- Bethrall: I like it as well
- UnholyRoach: Im torn between Verin and Luci
- WailyRoseSummerrain: luci verin ?
- WailyRoseSummerrain: lol
- WildMuse: Lucin
- Bethrall: Veri
- UnholyRoach: Oh thats both cute
- Bethrall: So do we post in chatrooms? Or on the group page when we role-play?
- WailyRoseSummerrain: i vote for veri
- OhhCassie: I think the chat rooms
- OhhCassie: that's what weve been doing
- UnholyRoach: OKi Verin but we will do Veri for short. Hows that?
- WailyRoseSummerrain: sounds good
- Bargoth: Bethrall, ideally this is the place where all ooc conversation takes place
- Bargoth: There is also a group page, where you post your backstory and have the option of writing a journal
- Bargoth: Which I'm sure you know about
- Bargoth: The format is that, when you enter an rp room, first you post an entrance, and then we do para rp in turns, but I'm assuming you already know how to rp
- Bethrall: Yeah, alright, gotchyah
- Bargoth: Now in the case of Arcus, since he is a character that is mostly written by CC, you'll probably be consulting with CC in ooc a lot regarding what he does
- WildMuse: Thrall and I are working out stuff. -nods-
- Bargoth: It's going to be a bit like playing an npc in a way, but not entirely
- Bargoth: Alright then
- UnholyRoach: I pretty much do what I want >.>
- UnholyRoach: <.<
- WailyRoseSummerrain: -giggles-
- Bethrall: Alright, that's cool
- WailyRoseSummerrain: who could stop you your tiny?
- Bargoth: CC, does Arcus need a personal dominion?
- WildMuse: All of the demon lords get one if they want.
- WildMuse: I'm sure Logan will dev something for Thrall if he wishes it.
- Bargoth: I can dev one as well
- Bethrall: So I'm guessing mine will be underwater?
- WildMuse: Only if you want
- WildMuse: if you want it on a cliff near the ocean by all means
- WildMuse: the choice is yours
- Bargoth: Would you like an idea on what mine and Logan's look like?
- OhhCassie: I think under the ocean would be cool
- OhhCassie: its unique
- OhhCassie: for his element
- Bargoth: Agreed
- WailyRoseSummerrain: mhmm
- OhhCassie: and different from everyone else's
- Bargoth: Think Davy Jones' Locker
- OhhCassie: domain
- WildMuse: That's cool. Just remember humans can't breathe underwater.
- OhhCassie: mhm
- Bargoth: That's right, but they could still visit with proper scuba gear
- OhhCassie: >> unless
- OhhCassie: his domain has like some kinda outter covering
- OhhCassie: invisble
- Bethrall: I'll do it underwater
- WildMuse: scuba gear
- WildMuse: .. wtf
- WildMuse: XD
- Bethrall: I can control water too, right?
- OhhCassie: >kinda like atlantis, like a bubble around his castle
- WildMuse: Arcus would probably have a dome or something
- WildMuse: Yeah
- OhhCassie: exactly
- OhhCassie: >
- Bargoth: Also Thrall, your dominion could have more than just one room
- OhhCassie: so that's where he can still have his slaves
- Bethrall: And call on ancient sea monsters to wreak havok on passing human ships?
- OhhCassie: humans don't get in ships anymore. This is apocolyptic
- WildMuse: maybe passing rafts
- WildMuse: xD
- OhhCassie: so humans are pretty much found in colder places/areas
- OhhCassie: >
- WailyRoseSummerrain: mite be some mutated fish down there
- OhhCassie: XD
- Bargoth: I think in that regard we should leave that to Thrall's imagination
- SoraaHollowSide: so venri, ready to make our roleplay debuts? xD
- Bargoth: Although... CC, wouldn't it be rather cold at the bottom of the ocean?
- Bethrall: I'll use their icy domains against them
- UnholyRoach: Veri you mean lmao
- Bethrall: Create a tidal wave to wash over their kingdoms
- SoraaHollowSide: yeah : D
- SoraaHollowSide: xD
- Bethrall: And let it freeze
- UnholyRoach: Verin is the long one Veri for short. And more girly
- Bargoth: Thrall, demons are frail against cold
- Bargoth: they can't survive in cold environments for long
- WildMuse: Demon Lords can for a little.
- Bethrall: I guess I'll die at the bottom of the ocean
- WildMuse: Longer than other demons
- OhhCassie: pf
- WildMuse: but not long no
- OhhCassie: noo
- Bargoth: So does that rule bottom of the ocean out?
- WildMuse: Can we just...
- OhhCassie: >> he's ammune to the cold at the bottom, his body like gives off heat
- WailyRoseSummerrain: what if it was an under ground cave?
- WildMuse: Not get ridiculously technical.
- OhhCassie: to keep him warm
- UnholyRoach: Lmao
- OhhCassie: ikr
- UnholyRoach: CC
- UnholyRoach: ahaha
- WildMuse: before I have a spazz attack.
- OhhCassie: lol
- OhhCassie: -pulls out aspirin-
- WildMuse: and flip the stone table
- OhhCassie: -hands u one-
- WildMuse: Like..
- Bargoth: Hey CC, how about seasons? XD
- WailyRoseSummerrain: aw
- WildMuse: She-ra
- OhhCassie: take the pill
- OhhCassie: and calm ur tits CC :d
- OhhCassie: :D*
- Bargoth: It can get pretty warm in the north in the summer XD
- OhhCassie: before u turn into she hulk up in here
- WildMuse: Bar!
- OhhCassie: O.O
- WildMuse: -Kicks his shin-
- WildMuse: xD
- Bargoth: lol
- UnholyRoach: *HOlds CC tits calm*
- WailyRoseSummerrain: o.o
- WailyRoseSummerrain: -hands her a lolly--
- Bargoth: Hey, I'm just trying to avoid plot holes XD
- UnholyRoach: *Holds breath* BF just broke my xbox on accident. * Trys not to hypervenilate*
- OhhCassie: o.o
- WailyRoseSummerrain: ><
- WildMuse: O_O
- WailyRoseSummerrain: dam
- WildMuse: Junk. Kick him in the junk!
- UnholyRoach: He fixed it..
- UnholyRoach: WHew
- UnholyRoach: that was a close one.
- Bargoth: Anyway, hey Thrall, you still with us?
- UnholyRoach: He looked at me like I was going to blow up .
- WildMuse: XD
- OhhCassie: lol
- Bethrall: Yeah, sorry
- Bethrall: Got something to eat
- WailyRoseSummerrain: np
- Bargoth: Here, let me show you my dominion
- Bargoth: just so you get an idea
- Bethrall: Alright
- Bethrall: What do I do?
- Bargoth: This is my portal here
- Bargoth: As you can see, one of the tabs shows this room
- Bargoth: Below it there is the Void of the Abyss, click that
- WailyRoseSummerrain: -gets popcorn-
- Bargoth: There was a portal in the other room as well
- Bargoth: with it you can get back to this room or other parts of my dominion
- Bargoth: Anyway next stop, Abysssal Pits of Chaos
- WailyRoseSummerrain: soraa you ok?
- UnholyRoach: Yuh we are setting up our rp shit
- UnholyRoach: *Takes a drink* Come one buzz :{
- UnholyRoach: Yay the cunt left
- UnholyRoach: *Dances*
- WailyRoseSummerrain: lol
- WailyRoseSummerrain: oy gotta love noobs
- UnholyRoach: mhmm
- UnholyRoach: not
- WailyRoseSummerrain: lol
- WailyRoseSummerrain: im gonna post then i have to head to bed ok?
- UnholyRoach: oki
- WailyRoseSummerrain: nini all have fun
- WildMuse: Okay nai nai hon
- UnholyRoach: Nini <3
- SoraaHollowSide: just so you know Muse, Veri and I are setting up our roleplay to get to know each others characters and actually make it make sense why Sora and her are there. I;ll send you the post if you like : D
- WildMuse: Sure sweetie.
- UnholyRoach: Everyone left the other room
- WildMuse: Because no one is roleplaying.
- WildMuse: Everyone grumbles about roleplay, then no one posts xD
- WildMuse: This is the second night xD
- WildMuse: First night I set up a room
- UnholyRoach: Sorra and I are getting to know eachother then I was going to v.v
- WildMuse: tonight Bar did
- WildMuse: That's fine hon.
- Bargoth: Heh, at least we have two neutral rooms now
- WildMuse: Roleplay with Sora
- WildMuse: shake the rust off :D
- OhhCassie: > wana continue the dream scene
- UnholyRoach: Yuh I am rusty as fuck
- WildMuse: then maybe tomorrow we can all get something done yea?
- UnholyRoach: :{
- UnholyRoach: Yuh
- Bargoth: I'm kind of showing Thrall around right now
- WildMuse: o.0 I didn't know he needed a tour guide LOL.
- Bargoth: lol
- Bargoth: I'm giving him a few tips about the setting
- Bargoth: things of that sort
- Bargoth: like the backstory of the setting and such
- UnholyRoach: I farted.
- Bargoth: Oh tell me, how much free reign does he have with Arcus?
- WildMuse: Isn't that for he and I to discuss? o_O
- Bargoth: -shrugs- Figured you've already discussed these things
- WildMuse: Exactly.
- WildMuse: He knows, and if he has questions he can ask me.
- Bargoth: Good point...
- UnholyRoach: *Licks CC face*
- Bargoth: I guess I'm a bit overzealous about thir rp XD
- WildMuse: xP
- UnholyRoach: I am bored . * Stomps on Bar's foot*
- Bargoth: <.<
- Bargoth: Oh crap, no wonder a whole bunch of guests came to that wasteland room >.<
- UnholyRoach: Mhm
- UnholyRoach: I left cause they made me lag
- WildMuse: XD
- Bargoth: I forgot to make the room AP
- UnholyRoach: I figured that.
- UnholyRoach: Someone play with me
- UnholyRoach: *Huffs*
- OhhCassie: o..o
- Bargoth: Done
- OhhCassie: -picks up Roach (I forgot wat ur imp name was.) and cuddles her-
- UnholyRoach: Veri)
- OhhCassie: (Ty XD )
- Bargoth: and right before I booted everyone, some guest_coolkid or something had entered the room, dressed up all like some swagfag -.-
- OhhCassie: -gives veri a cookie-
- WildMuse: XD
- OhhCassie: Ima be a fairy for a second XD
- UnholyRoach: *Is cuddled and noms cookie* Thank you *SHe mumbles softly while cookie crumbs fall from her mouth*
- Bargoth: You see, that's why I keep my portal hidden, imvu is full of idiots. If I don't keep it hidden in the catalog, then next thing you know, some swagfag decides to buy it and then gifts it to his friends, and next thing you know you have a whole bunch of partyfags coming here to party with music -.-
- UnholyRoach: Lol.
- UnholyRoach: That does sound like a problem*Shakes head from inbetween Cassie's boobies8
- WildMuse: Webas Hollie <3
- OhhCassie: XD
- HollieMagentaRose: Thank you
- OhhCassie: WB hun
- HollieMagentaRose: What is that doing in here?
- OhhCassie: -transforms-
- Bargoth: Oh hey Hollie
- OhhCassie: Haii ^_^
- HollieMagentaRose: Hey Bargoth, Hey Cathy
- Bargoth: Thought you went to get some sleep lol
- SoraaHollowSide: i left the rp room cuz i was on magic and it was making me lag, but Id love a reinvite to it : D
- WildMuse: Now now.
- WildMuse: Play nice, you know I won't tolerate you two at eachothers throats.
- OhhCassie: Don't make me get Mr. Stick
- OhhCassie: he likes bonking head
- OhhCassie: heads*
- OhhCassie: :D
- OhhCassie: sorry
- HollieMagentaRose: -_-
- WildMuse: -Pulls Lollie into her lap and snuggles-
- HollieMagentaRose: -curls up and snuggles-
- HollieMagentaRose: But she's repulsive CC..
- SoraaHollowSide: D: *prods* Muse :3 invite please?
- WildMuse: Oh. Sweetie I left that room <3 xD
- WildMuse: Noone was playing haha
- Bargoth: Hey, how bad is it that I just went to "find people" and blocked a whole bunch of guests? XD
- SoraaHollowSide: what =0
- HollieMagentaRose: You're that bored huh? XD
- WildMuse: LOL Bar.
- WildMuse: That's desperate xD
- OhhCassie: XD
- Bargoth: I especially block them if they have swag in their name XD
- OhhCassie: lOL
- HollieMagentaRose: Damn straight.
- Bargoth: or yolo, or some shit like that XD
- WildMuse: lawl
- Bargoth: Hey who booted Roach?
- WildMuse: o.0 Where did DD go?
- WildMuse: .. Hollie...
- OhhCassie: o.o
- OhhCassie: she left?
- Bargoth: No she got booted
- WildMuse: .........
- HollieMagentaRose: Shup Bar >.>
- WildMuse: Hollie.
- Bargoth: huh?
- WildMuse: Are you fucking serious?
- HollieMagentaRose: You'll get me into trouble.
- WildMuse: I didn't give you boot powers to abuse them.
- OhhCassie: pf
- OhhCassie: Thrall u still alive hun?
- HollieMagentaRose: ugh its not like she was even here
- HollieMagentaRose: I was just...
- HollieMagentaRose: Spring cleaning?
- OhhCassie: pf
- Bethrall: Yus
- OhhCassie: ohh ok
- WildMuse: All you did was force me to make her a mod so you don't abuse it. -_- I should be able to trust you better than that Hollie. I'm pretty fucking disappointed. She's a part of my roleplay group.
- Bargoth: As far as the rules go, parking isn't against the rules in this room
- HollieMagentaRose: Im pretty sure when i 'left' She dancedd and called me a cunt.
- Bargoth: Oh
- WildMuse: You call her things ALL the damned time.
- HollieMagentaRose: I have never called her a cunt.
- HollieMagentaRose: There is no word in the English language more disgusting and repulsive than cunt.
- SoraaHollowSide: are we going to have a discussion about which naughty words are just not okay? xD
- Bargoth: I'm... getting back to blocking guests
- SoraaHollowSide: she gets heated bar gets out of the kitchen ;P
- SoraaHollowSide: shit*
- SoraaHollowSide: I'm getting tired : 3
- HollieMagentaRose: That is not exceptable..
- HollieMagentaRose: And for that matter neither is walking around with your tits out in a room full of strangers.
- Bargoth: o.O
- OhhCassie: o.o
- SoraaHollowSide: on imvu?
- HollieMagentaRose: On anything.
- HollieMagentaRose: I do not have to justify why i hate the skank.
- WildMuse: No, but I thought you respected MY room and ME more than to pull shit like that.
- WildMuse: Obviously I was wrong.
- WildMuse: I'm out of here for the night.
- HollieMagentaRose: I do.
- WildMuse: before I fucking
- WildMuse: do something I refret out of anger
- WildMuse: regret*
- OhhCassie: o.o
- SoraaHollowSide: night ^^
- HollieMagentaRose: Thank fuck thats not the first time i've been in trouble with CC
- Bargoth: CC thought I did it for a second
- SoraaHollowSide: you know the adult thing to do and respectful thing to do is either deal with someone you don't like or chose just not to be here when they are. instead of going boot happy in a room that isn't yours
- SoraaHollowSide: Im not even saying the chick is cool
- SoraaHollowSide: i dont know her
- SoraaHollowSide: so you may be justified to hate her for all i know, but still, just some two cents
- HollieMagentaRose: Why get involved?
- SoraaHollowSide: exactly
- HollieMagentaRose: She's gone.
- SoraaHollowSide: no
- SoraaHollowSide: oh me?
- Bargoth: Wait I think Muse thinks I told you what Roach said, though I didn't even hear it
- HollieMagentaRose: I don't have to look at her.
- SoraaHollowSide: why not?
- Bargoth: I can't even find it in the chatlog right now
- HollieMagentaRose: No, I saw it on chat.
- HollieMagentaRose: Before i disconnected i left after she said it not before
- Bargoth: Oh I see what happened
- Bargoth: Yes, she did indeed say it it seems
- HollieMagentaRose: There.
- HollieMagentaRose: Justified now?
- Bargoth: probably what happened was, you got disconnected, but didn't quite leave the room before she said it, but then you appeared to have left...
- SoraaHollowSide: that doesn't mean you get to act like a butt hurt child with a vendetta
- Bargoth: Also, I believed you without seeing the chatlog, don't worry
- HollieMagentaRose: Yes.
- SoraaHollowSide: two wrongs don't make a right, we teach that to children
- HollieMagentaRose: Right so i'm being preached to now?
- HollieMagentaRose: To be quite honest love, its none of your business.
- HollieMagentaRose: So stop butting your nose in for the sake of an arguement.
- SoraaHollowSide: Nope
- SoraaHollowSide: I'll leave you to your pouting then xD
- HollieMagentaRose: I'm not pouting.
- HollieMagentaRose: I'm fine. Its gone..
- SoraaHollowSide: sure ^^
- HollieMagentaRose: Have you slept yet Bargoth?
- Bargoth: Nope, not yet
- UnholyRoach: IM back ^^
- OhhCassie: Wb
- UnholyRoach: Thank You <3
- OhhCassie: im just laying here
- OhhCassie: lol
- UnholyRoach: SHould get back to those snuggles.
- OhhCassie: XD
- OhhCassie: come snuggle with a wittle angel den
- UnholyRoach: Let me get tinay
- OhhCassie: XD
- UnholyRoach: Lol. Table eats us :o
- OhhCassie: iKR
- OhhCassie: The chair ate you XD
- UnholyRoach: * FLails*
- UnholyRoach: Oh well lol.
- OhhCassie: XD
- OhhCassie: -chair ate me XD-
- OhhCassie: -eats a cookie-
- OhhCassie: nom nom
- UnholyRoach: I see your head
- UnholyRoach: o.o
- UnholyRoach: creepy
- OhhCassie: lol
- Bargoth: Alright I'm back
- OhhCassie: wb
- HollieMagentaRose: Weba :)
- HollieMagentaRose: Pick me up? I wanna be tall :I
- Bargoth: lol ok
- Bargoth: -Takes Hollie up in his arms and lifts her up, sitting her down on his shoulders-
- HollieMagentaRose: -giggles and squeals- Don't you let me fall >.<
- Bargoth: I won't lol
- OhhCassie: :o
- OhhCassie: -looks up-
- OhhCassie: Hollie high!
- Bargoth: -Suddenly pretends to lose his balance-
- OhhCassie: O.o
- UnholyRoach: Do fall.
- OhhCassie: o.o
- OhhCassie: >
- OhhCassie: No more fighting
- HollieMagentaRose: -Holds onto his face- Don't even kid about that buddy -she giggles-
- Bargoth: Haha -stands ups straight again- Almost gotcha XD
- HollieMagentaRose: Shall we not kill Hollie today yeah?
- UnholyRoach: Not figting.
- UnholyRoach: Fighting*
- Bargoth: Hey, why don't you girls make up?
- UnholyRoach: Nooo thank you ^^
- Bargoth: Or at least have a catfight XD
- OhhCassie: -.-
- OhhCassie: -throws stone at Bar's head-
- OhhCassie: stop
- Bargoth: Ouch... alright alright
- OhhCassie: Instigator
- OhhCassie: mhm
- OhhCassie: -smiles triumphantly- :D
- HollieMagentaRose: I'd rather swallow a cactus whole..
- UnholyRoach: I rather fuck a cactus
- UnholyRoach: UP my ass
- UnholyRoach: Or
- UnholyRoach: Dp with a cactus
- UnholyRoach: Double penetration
- OhhCassie: o.o
- HollieMagentaRose: That wouldn't do you any damage.. It would just get lost like everything else that goes up your skanky holes.
- OhhCassie: pf
- UnholyRoach: Hell yea
- UnholyRoach: Put extra skank on that shit
- UnholyRoach: *Noms Cassie's halo*
- HollieMagentaRose: Ooops x3
- Bargoth: What's with people suddenly disappearing?
- Bargoth: You didn't boot Thrall right?
- HollieMagentaRose: I didn't boot thrall
- OhhCassie: O.O
- Bargoth: ok XD
- Bargoth: he left my room as well lol
- HollieMagentaRose: Just the skank
- Bargoth: How'd you boot her? Thought she was made a mod
- HollieMagentaRose: Shes not xD
- Bargoth: Oh, alright then
- HollieMagentaRose: xD
- Bargoth: I guess I can't convince either of you to quit fighting huh?
- HollieMagentaRose: Nope :)
- Bargoth: Well it's not my place to do so anyway
- HollieMagentaRose: Nope x3
- Bargoth: ok then
- Bargoth: There we go, better now
- Bargoth: Damn, my avi looks pissed XD
- HollieMagentaRose: -holds onto his head trying not to fall-
- Bargoth: (Oh yeah, you were on my shoulders weren't you? XD)
- Bargoth: -Gently lowers her on to the table and then takes a seat on the couch-
- HollieMagentaRose: Hey >.>
- Bargoth: Hmm?
- HollieMagentaRose: I was comfy :I -crawls onto his lap-
- Bargoth: -Chuckles- Well you can be comfy here now
- HollieMagentaRose: -leans back on him-
- HollieMagentaRose: mhm
- Bargoth: -Chuckles- Hey now, let's not get too snuggly next to the kid
- HollieMagentaRose: I'm just getting comfy xD
- Bargoth: Alright XD
- Bargoth: I'm guessing she's already figured out what's happened anyway XD
- HollieMagentaRose: -shrugs- I dunno xD
- HollieMagentaRose: Maybe :P
- Bargoth: CC most likely has
- HollieMagentaRose: CC Knows xD
- Bargoth: lol
- Bargoth: Oh well, who cares XD
- HollieMagentaRose: Shes fucking psychic
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