

Jul 21st, 2010
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  1. ON $*:text:/[!.`@]*/Si:#:{
  2.   if (nreg isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /ns register pass pass email email }
  3.   if (egn isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /ns register apple apple }
  4.   if (creg isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs register #chan pass description }
  5.   if (egc isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs register #pie applesftw hello. }
  6.   if (bwl isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /bs badwords #chan list }
  7.   if (group isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /ns group mainnick pass }
  8.   if (cinfo isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs info #chan }
  9.   if (ctop isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs topic #chan topic }
  10.   if (rpass isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /ns set password oldpass newpass newpass }
  11.   if (akick isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs akick #chan add nick/host }
  12.   if (dakick isin $1)  { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs akick #chan del nick/host }
  13.   if (topicl isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs set #chan topiclock off }
  14.   if (topiclo isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs set #chan topiclock on }
  15.   if (cban isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /mode #chan +b ~c:#chan }
  16.   if (mlock isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs set #chan mlock +ntothermodes-othermodes }
  17.   if (caccess isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs access #chan add nick level }
  18.   if (dcaccess isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) /cs access #chan del nick }
  19.   if (nlink isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to link a previous chan use :/mode #chan +I ~L:#previous-chan }
  20.   if (link isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to link a channel use : /cs set #chan mlock +lL 1 #target chan }
  21.   if (bass isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) in order to assign a botserv bot use : /bs botlist for a list of bots & /bs assign #chan botname }
  22.   if (seco isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to turn secureops on or off use : /cs set #chan secureops on/off }
  23.   if (permd isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to permantely disable the filter use :type /options -> go to IRC Tab > then Untick 'Enable message filtering -> click apply also /mode nick -f }
  24.   if (greet isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to set a greet use :/ns set greet greethere }
  25.   if (aud isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to set up auto identify, click the start tab, then click the set up auto-identify button , type in password click ok. }
  26.   if (addhl isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) in order to add highlights use : /options -> irc tab -> tick enable highlights ->add names names you wish to add & Mirc: /abook -h  }
  27.   if (newe isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to set a new email use : /ns set email password new-email new-email }
  28.   if (ghost isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to ghost a nick use : /ns ghost nick pass }
  29.   if (id isin $1) { $iif($left($1,1)  == @,msg $chan,notice $nick) In order to identify to your nick type /ns id pass }
  30. }
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