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- # python 3.11
- import random
- from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt_client
- # from paho.mqtt import publish as publish # Not needed if we always use client
- from buildhat import Matrix, ForceSensor
- ##############################################################################
- ##############################################################################
- # -----------------------#
- # MQTT Configuration #
- # -----------------------#
- broker = '' # IP of your broker
- port = 1883 # Port for MQTT (default is 1883)
- topic = "test/relay" # Topic to subscribe/publish to
- # We create a random ID just so multiple clients on the same broker
- # don't stomp on each other:
- client_id = f'subscribe-{random.randint(0, 100)}'
- # Username / password for the broker (if needed)
- username = 'USERNAME_HERE'
- password = '************'
- # -----------------------#
- # BuildHat Configuration #
- # -----------------------#
- # Create a matrix on port 'B' (adjust as needed for your setup)
- matrix = Matrix('B')
- matrix.clear(("yellow", 10))
- # Create a ForceSensor on port 'C'
- button = ForceSensor('C')
- # This will indicate the relay state:
- buttonFlag = 1
- # -----------------------#
- # The Big Global Client #
- # -----------------------#
- #
- # We declare 'client' here. We'll fill it in `connect_mqtt()`.
- # This is so that any function that needs it can do `global client`.
- client = None
- ##############################################################################
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- def connect_mqtt():
- """
- Connects to the MQTT broker exactly once and assigns the resulting
- mqtt_client.Client instance to the global 'client'.
- Returns the same client, but we also store it in the global variable.
- """
- global client # Tells Python we're referring to the global variable above.
- def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
- """
- Callback that fires when a connection to the broker is established.
- """
- if rc == 0:
- print("Connected to MQTT Broker!")
- # As an example, we publish a greeting on a different topic:
- client.publish("test/time", "HI from PI!")
- else:
- print(f"Failed to connect. Return code={rc}")
- # Actually create the client object
- client = mqtt_client.Client(client_id)
- # Assign credentials
- client.username_pw_set(username, password)
- # Assign the on_connect callback
- client.on_connect = on_connect
- # Connect to the broker
- client.connect(broker, port)
- return client
- def subscribe():
- """
- Sets up subscription to a topic and defines how incoming messages are handled.
- """
- global client # We'll need the client to call subscribe on it
- def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
- """
- Callback that fires when a message arrives on a topic we subscribed to.
- """
- print(f"Received `{msg.payload.decode()}` from `{msg.topic}` topic")
- # If the received payload is '1', turn the matrix green, else red.
- # (Adjust logic if your messages are strings other than '1'/'0')
- if msg.payload.decode() == '1':
- matrix.clear(("green", 10))
- else:
- matrix.clear(("red", 10))
- # Subscribe to the desired topic
- client.subscribe(topic)
- # Assign the on_message callback
- client.on_message = on_message
- ##############################################################################
- ##############################################################################
- def publish_message():
- """
- Publishes the current state of 'buttonFlag' to the MQTT broker.
- """
- global client # We'll need the global client
- print("Publishing message:", buttonFlag)
- client.publish(topic, buttonFlag)
- ##############################################################################
- ##############################################################################
- def handle_pressed(force):
- """
- Called automatically when the ForceSensor on port 'C' is pressed.
- We'll flip the buttonFlag from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 and then publish.
- """
- global buttonFlag # Tells Python to use the global variable
- if force > 10:
- print("Button Pressed!")
- # Flip the state of buttonFlag
- if buttonFlag == 1:
- buttonFlag = 0
- matrix.clear(("red", 10))
- else:
- buttonFlag = 1
- matrix.clear(("green", 10))
- # Now publish our updated buttonFlag via MQTT
- publish_message()
- ##############################################################################
- # MAIN LOOP (run) #
- ##############################################################################
- def run():
- """
- Main entry-point for our script. Connect to MQTT, subscribe,
- and start the loop forever.
- """
- global client # We'll store the client in the global variable
- # 1. Connect once
- connect_mqtt()
- # 2. Subscribe once
- subscribe()
- # 3. Start an infinite loop to process messages and keep the connection open
- client.loop_forever()
- # Assign our 'handle_pressed' function to be called when the ForceSensor is pressed
- button.when_pressed = handle_pressed
- ##############################################################################
- ##############################################################################
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- run()
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