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- <?php
- function print_type(&$type) {
- //var_dump($type, $type->getName());
- if (!is_null($type)) {
- if ($type instanceof ReflectionNamedType) {
- echo ($type->allowsNull()?'?':'').$type->getName().' ';
- }
- else if ($type instanceof ReflectionUnionType) {
- $str='';
- foreach($type as $t) {
- $str.=($type->allowsNull()?'?':'').$type->getName().' | ';
- }
- $str=substr($str,0, -3);
- echo $str;
- }
- }
- }
- function print_argument(&$prm)
- {
- if($prm->isOptional()) echo '[';
- //if($prm->allowsNull()) echo 'NULL '; // NOTE : it is now handled by print_type
- //if($prm->canBePassedByValue()) echo 'BYVALUE '; // NOTE : it is the default, opposite is isPassedByReference
- //$type = $prm->getClass(); // NOTE : it has now merged into getType
- /*if(!is_null($type)) echo $c->name.' ';
- else if(method_exists($prm, 'hasType') && $prm->hasType()) echo $prm->getType().' ';
- else if($prm->isArray()) echo 'array ';// else echo 'string '; //*/ // NOTE : it is now merged into getType
- $type=$prm->getType();
- print_type($type);
- if($prm->isPassedByReference()) echo '&';
- echo '$'.$prm->name;//.' ';
- if($prm->isOptional()) {
- if($prm->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
- $value=$prm->getDefaultValue();
- if(is_array($value)) {
- echo '=array(';
- foreach($value as $key2=>$value2) {
- //echo $key2.' => '.$value2.', ';
- echo $key2.' => '.var_export($value2, true).', ';
- }
- echo ')';
- }
- else {
- //if(!is_null($value)) echo '='.$value;
- if(!is_null($value)) echo '='.var_export($value, true);
- else echo '=null';
- }
- }
- echo ']';
- }
- }
- function print_function(&$fct)
- {
- if(method_exists($fct, 'hasReturnType') && $fct->hasReturnType()) echo $fct->getReturnType().' ';
- echo $fct->name.'(';
- //var_dump($fct->getNumberOfRequiredParameters(),$fct->getNumberOfParameters());
- $prms=$fct->getParameters();
- $prms_c=count($prms);
- for($i=0;$i<$prms_c;++$i) {
- $prm=&$prms[$i];
- print_argument($prm);
- if($i+1<$prms_c) echo ', ';
- }
- echo ')<br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- function print_class_method(&$mth)
- {
- if($mth->isAbstract()) echo 'abstract ';
- //if($mth->isConstructor()) echo 'constr ';
- //if($mth->isDestructor()) echo 'destr ';
- if($mth->isFinal()) echo 'final ';
- if($mth->isPrivate()) echo 'private ';
- if($mth->isProtected()) echo 'protected ';
- if($mth->isPublic()) echo 'public ';
- if($mth->isStatic()) echo 'static ';
- //var_dump($mth, $mth->getReturnType());
- if(method_exists($mth, 'hasReturnType') && $mth->hasReturnType()) {
- //echo $mth->getReturnType().' ';
- $type=$mth->getReturnType();
- print_type($type);
- }
- echo $mth->name.'(';
- $prms=$mth->getParameters();
- $prms_c=count($prms);
- for($j=0;$j<$prms_c;++$j) {
- $prm=&$prms[$j];
- print_argument($prm);
- if($j+1<$prms_c) echo ', ';
- }
- echo ')<br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- function print_class_properties(&$prop)
- {
- $prop->setAccessible(true);
- if($prop->isPrivate()) echo 'private ';
- if($prop->isProtected()) echo 'protected ';
- if($prop->isPublic()) echo 'public ';
- if($prop->isStatic()) echo 'static ';
- echo $prop->name;
- if($prop->isStatic()) echo ' = '.($prop->isDefault()?'<span style="text-color: green">':'<span style="text-color: red">').var_export($prop->getValue(), true).'</span>';
- echo '<br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- ////////////////////////////
- if(!isset($action)) $action='list_ext';
- if(array_key_exists('action',$_GET)) $action=$_GET['action'];
- $class='';
- if(array_key_exists('class',$_GET)) $class=$_GET['class'];
- $ext='';
- if(array_key_exists('ext',$_GET)) $ext=$_GET['ext'];
- function cmp_name($ar1, $ar2) {
- return strnatcasecmp($ar1->name, $ar2->name);
- }
- function cmp_getname($ar1, $ar2) {
- return strnatcasecmp($ar1->getName(), $ar2->getName());
- }
- $exts=get_loaded_extensions();
- if($action=='')
- {
- echo 'action must be defined : list_proj or list_ext by default.';
- }
- else if($action=='list_proj')
- {
- if(!isset($classes) || !is_array($classes) || !isset($functions) || !is_array($functions))
- {
- echo 'you must list the $classes and the $functions.<br/>'."\r\n";
- die();
- }
- echo '<h1>Classes</h1>'."\r\n";
- echo "\r\n";
- natcasesort($classes);
- foreach($classes as $class) {
- echo '<a href="?action=desc_class&class='.$class.'">'.$class.'</a><br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo '<h1>Functions</h1>'."\r\n";
- foreach($functions as $function) {
- $fct=new ReflectionFunction($function);
- print_function($fct);
- }
- }
- else if($action=='list_ext') {
- echo '<h1>Extensions</h1>'."\r\n";
- echo "\r\n";
- natcasesort($exts);
- foreach($exts as $ext) {
- echo '<a href="?action=desc_ext&ext='.$ext.'">'.$ext.'</a><br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- }
- elseif($action=='desc_ext'&&$ext!='') {
- $e=new ReflectionExtension($ext);
- echo '<h1>'.$e->getName().'</h1>';
- if($e->getVersion()!=NULL) echo 'Version = '.var_export($e->getVersion(), true);
- echo "\r\n";
- echo "\r\n";
- //$cls=$e->getClassNames();
- $cls=$e->getClasses();
- natcasesort($cls);
- //usort($cls, 'cmp_getname');
- //uasort($cls, 'cmp_getname');
- echo '<h2>Classes</h2>'."\r\n";
- foreach($cls as $cl) {
- $cln=$cl->getName();
- if($cl->isInterface()) echo 'interface ';
- if($cl->isTrait()) echo 'trait ';
- if($cl->isAbstract()) echo 'abstract ';
- if(!$cl->isInstantiable()) echo 'non-instantiable ';
- echo '<a href="?action=desc_class&class='.$cln.'">'.$cln.'</a><br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo "\r\n";
- $dps=$e->getDependencies();
- echo '<h2>Dependancies</h2>'."\r\n";
- echo '<pre>'.var_export($dps,true).'</pre>'."\r\n";
- $fcts=$e->getFunctions();
- natcasesort($fcts);
- //usort($fcts, 'cmp_name');
- //uasort($fcts, 'cmp_name');
- echo '<h2>Functions</h2>'."\r\n";
- foreach($fcts as $fct) {
- print_function($fct);
- }
- echo "\r\n";
- $cts=$e->getConstants();//NOTE : Don't sort (constants are grouped)
- echo '<h2>Constants</h2>'."\r\n";
- foreach($cts as $ct=>$vl) {
- echo $ct.' = '.var_export($vl,true).'<br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo "\r\n";
- $inis=$e->getINIEntries();
- echo '<h2>INI entries</h2>'."\r\n";
- foreach($inis as $ini=>$vl) {
- echo $ini.' = '.var_export($vl,true).'<br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo "\r\n";
- }
- elseif($action=='desc_class'&&$class!='') {
- $cl=new ReflectionClass($class);
- echo '<h2>'.$cl->getName().'</h2>'."\r\n";
- $ext=$cl->getExtension();
- if($ext!==NULL) {
- echo 'Defined in extension <a href="?action=desc_ext&ext='.$ext->getName().'">'.$ext->getName().'</a><br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- $doc=$cl->getDocComment();
- if($doc!==FALSE) echo substr_replace(array("\r\n"),array('<br/>'."\r\n"),$doc).'<br/>'."\r\n";
- echo '<h2>Traits</h2>'."\r\n";
- $ts=$cl->getTraits();
- foreach($ts as $t) {
- //echo $t->getName().'<br/>'."\r\n";
- echo '<a href="?action=desc_class&class='.$t->getName().'">'.$t->getName().'</a><br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo '<h2>Trait Aliases</h2>'."\r\n";
- $tas=$cl->getTraitAliases();
- foreach($tas as $ta_new => $ta_old) {
- //echo $ta_new->getName().' from '.$ta_old->getName().'<br/>'."\r\n";
- echo $ta_new->getName().' from '.'<a href="?action=desc_class&class='.$ta_old->getName().'">'.$ta_old->getName().'</a><br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo '<h2>Interfaces</h2>'."\r\n";
- $is=$cl->getInterfaces();
- foreach($is as $i) {
- //echo $i->getName().'<br/>'."\r\n";
- echo '<a href="?action=desc_class&class='.$i->getName().'">'.$i->getName().'</a><br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo '<h2>Parent classes</h2>'."\r\n";
- //$pc=$cl->getParentClass();
- $pc=$cl;
- while(($pc=$pc->getParentClass())!=NULL) {
- //do {
- echo '<a href="?action=desc_class&class='.$pc->getName().'">'.$pc->getName().'</a>, '."\r\n";
- }
- //while(($pc=$pc->getParentClass())!=NULL);
- $cts=$cl->getConstants();//NOTE : Don't sort (constants are grouped)
- echo '<h2>Constants</h2>'."\r\n";
- foreach($cts as $ct=>$vl) {
- echo $ct.' = '.var_export($vl,true).'<br/>'."\r\n";
- }
- echo "\r\n";
- echo '<h3>Methods</h3>'."\r\n";
- //$ct=$cl->getConstructor();//NOTE : useless
- $mths=$cl->getMethods();
- natcasesort($mths);
- //usort($mths, 'cmp_name');
- //uasort($mths, 'cmp_name');
- $mths_c=count($mths);
- $inherit=false;
- for($i=0;$i<$mths_c;++$i) {
- $mth=&$mths[$i];
- if(!$inherit && $mth->getDeclaringClass()->getName()!=$cl->getName()) {
- echo '<h3>Inherited Methods</h3>'."\r\n";
- $inherit=true;
- }
- print_class_method($mth);
- }
- echo '<h3>Properties</h3>'."\r\n";
- $props=$cl->getProperties();
- $props_c=count($props);
- for($i=0;$i<$props_c;++$i) {
- $prop=&$props[$i];
- print_class_properties($prop);
- }
- echo '<h3>Static Properties</h3>'."\r\n";
- $sprops=$cl->getStaticProperties();
- foreach($sprops as $sprop=>$sprop_v) {
- //$sprop_i=new ReflectionProperty($cl->getName(), $sprop);
- //print_class_properties($sprop_i);
- var_dump($sprop);
- //print_r($sprop_v);
- var_export($sprop_v);
- }
- echo '<h3>Default Properties</h3>'."\r\n";
- $dps=$cl->getDefaultProperties();
- echo '<pre>';print_r($dps);echo '</pre>'."\r\n";
- }
- else {
- echo '[ERROR]';
- }
- ?>
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