
File d'attente

May 1st, 2020
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  1. options:
  2. Bungeecord: False
  3. Jeu_Name: File d'attente
  4. MsgJoin: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &aVous avez rejoint la partie !
  5. MsgJoinOther: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &7%player% a rejoint la partie ! &5(%size of {FilePlayer::*}% / 20)
  6. NbrStart: 1
  7. NbrMax: 20
  8. Debut30: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 30 secondes !
  9. Debut15: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 15 secondes !
  10. Debut10: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 10 secondes !
  11. Debut5: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 5 secondes !
  12. Debut4: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 4 secondes !
  13. Debut3: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 3 secondes !
  14. Debut2: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 2 secondes !
  15. Debut1: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &6Début dans 1 seconde !
  16. Annulé: &9[&fFile d'attente&9} &cCompte à rebours annulé : Pas assez de personnes &8(%size of {FilePlayer::*}% / 20) !
  17. World: world
  18. MortAttacker: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &c%victim% &6est mort de la main de &a%attacker%
  19. MortOther: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &c%victim% &6est mort !
  20. MortJoueur: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &cVous êtes mort !
  21. MsgQuit: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &7Vous avez &cquitté &7la partie !
  22. MsgQuitOther: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &7%player% à &cquitté &7la partie ! &5(%size of {FilePlayer::*}% / 20)
  23. EnCours: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &7La partie est en cours !
  24. Win: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &5%loop-value% a gagné !
  25. Full: &9[&fFile d'attente&9] &cLe partie est complete !
  26. on join:
  27. set {_bungee} to "{@Bungeecord}"
  28. {_bungee} is "true"
  29. make player execute command "/§gamejoin"
  35. #959
  36. command /menu:
  37. trigger:
  38. set {_bungee} to "{@Bungeecord}"
  39. {_bungee} isn't "true"
  40. player's world is "{@World}"
  41. open chest with 1 rows named "&6Menu" to player
  42. wait 1 tick
  43. format slot 4 of player with a diamond named "&aRejoindre la file d'attente" to close then run [make player execute command "/§gamejoin"]
  44. on right click with a bed:
  45. player is holding a bed named "&cRetour au hub"
  46. player's world is "{@World}"
  47. make player execute command "/§gamequit"
  48. on quit:
  49. make player execute command "/§gamequit"
  50. on death:
  51. victim's world is "%{@World}%"
  52. send "{@MortJoueur}" to victim
  53. set death message to ""
  54. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  55. loop-value is a player
  56. if attacker is a player:
  57. send "{@MortAttacker}" to loop-value
  58. remove victim from {FilePlayer::*}
  59. make victim execute command "/§gamequitmort"
  60. damage was caused by lava, fire, fall or burning:
  61. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  62. loop-value is a player
  63. send "{@MortOther}" to loop-value
  64. command /setpos [<text>]:
  65. permission: op
  66. permission message: &cTu n'as pas la permission
  67. trigger:
  68. if arg 1 is not set:
  69. send "&cUsage: /setpos [File/Start]"
  70. stop
  71. if arg 1 is not "File" or "Start":
  72. send "&cUsage: /setpos [File/Start]"
  73. stop
  74. if arg 1 is "File":
  75. set {File} to player's location
  76. send "&aPosition de téléportation défini (File)"
  77. stop
  78. if arg 1 is "Start":
  79. set {Start} to player's location
  80. send "&aPosition de téléportation défini (Start)"
  81. command /§gamejoin:
  82. trigger:
  83. if {InGame} is not set:
  84. if {InFile.%player%} is not set:
  85. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrMax}:
  86. send "{@Full}"
  87. stop
  88. else:
  89. player's world is "%{@World}%"
  90. set {LastPos.%player%} to player's location
  91. set {InFile.%player%} to true
  92. add player to {FilePlayer::*}
  93. teleport player to {File}
  94. set slot 8 of player to a bed named "&cRetour au hub"
  95. wait 1 tick
  96. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  97. loop-value is a player
  98. send "{@MsgJoinOther}" to loop-value
  99. send "{@MsgJoin}" to player
  100. make player execute command "/§consolestart"
  101. else:
  102. send "&cTu es dans la file"
  103. stop
  104. else:
  105. send "{@EnCours}" to player
  106. command /§gamequit:
  107. trigger:
  108. if {InGame} is not set:
  109. if {InWait} is set:
  110. if size of {FilePlayer::*} = 2:
  111. if {InFile.%player%} is true:
  112. clear {InWait}
  113. clear {InFile.%player%}
  114. remove player from {FilePlayer::*}
  115. teleport player to {LastPos.%player%}
  116. clear sender's inventory
  117. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  118. send "{@MsgQuitOther}" to loop-value
  119. send "{@MsgQuit}" to sender
  120. else:
  121. if {InFile.%player%} is true:
  122. clear {InWait}
  123. clear {InFile.%player%}
  124. remove player from {FilePlayer::*}
  125. teleport player to {LastPos.%player%}
  126. clear sender's inventory
  127. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  128. send "{@MsgQuitOther}" to loop-value
  129. send "{@MsgQuit}" to sender
  130. else if {InFile.%player%} is not set:
  131. send "&cTu n'es pas dans la file"
  132. else:
  133. if {InFile.%player%} is true:
  134. remove player from {FilePlayer::*}
  135. clear {InFile.%player%}
  136. teleport player to {LastPos.%player%}
  137. clear sender's inventory
  138. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  139. loop-value is a player
  140. send "{@MsgQuitOther}" to loop-value
  141. send "{@MsgQuit}" to sender
  142. if size of {FilePlayer::*} = 1:
  143. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  144. loop-value is a player
  145. broadcast "{@Win}"
  146. heal loop-value
  147. clear {InFile.%loop-value%}
  148. teleport loop-value to {LastPos.%loop-value%}
  149. clear {FilePlayer::*}
  150. clear {InGame}
  151. else if {InFile.%player%} is not set:
  152. send "&cTu n'es pas dans la file"
  153. command /§gamequitmort:
  154. trigger:
  155. if {InFile.%player%} is true:
  156. remove player from {FilePlayer::*}
  157. clear {InFile.%player%}
  158. teleport player to {LastPos.%player%}
  159. clear sender's inventory
  160. if size of {FilePlayer::*} = 1:
  161. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  162. loop-value is a player
  163. broadcast "{@Win}"
  164. heal loop-value
  165. teleport loop-value to {LastPos.%loop-value%}
  166. clear {InFile.%loop-value%}
  167. clear {FilePlayer::*}
  168. clear {InGame}
  169. clear {InWait}
  170. command /leave:
  171. trigger:
  172. make player execute command "/§gamequit"
  173. on script load:
  174. clear {InWait}
  175. command /§consolestart:
  176. trigger:
  177. {InWait} is not set
  178. if {InGame} is true:
  179. send "&4ERREUR" to console
  180. stop
  181. else:
  182. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  183. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  184. loop-value is a player
  185. send "{@Debut30}" to loop-value
  186. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  187. set {InWait} to true
  188. wait 15 seconds
  189. {InWait} is true
  190. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  191. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  192. loop-value is a player
  193. send "{@Debut15}" to loop-value
  194. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  195. wait 5 seconds
  196. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  197. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  198. loop-value is a player
  199. send "{@Debut10}" to loop-value
  200. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  201. wait 5 seconds
  202. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  203. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  204. loop-value is a player
  205. send "{@Debut5}" to loop-value
  206. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  207. wait 1 seconds
  208. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  209. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  210. loop-value is a player
  211. send "{@Debut4}" to loop-value
  212. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  213. wait 1 seconds
  214. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  215. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  216. loop-value is a player
  217. send "{@Debut3}" to loop-value
  218. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  219. wait 1 seconds
  220. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  221. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  222. loop-value is a player
  223. send "{@Debut2}" to loop-value
  224. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  225. wait 1 seconds
  226. if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}:
  227. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  228. loop-value is a player
  229. send "{@Debut1}" to loop-value
  230. play "CLICK" to loop-value at volume 0.2
  231. wait 1 seconds
  232. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  233. clear {InWait}
  234. loop-value is a player
  235. teleport loop-value to {Start}
  236. set {InGame} to true
  237. clear loop-value's inventory
  238. send "&aGl" to loop-value
  239. else:
  240. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  241. loop-value is a player
  242. send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value
  243. clear {InWait}
  244. stop
  245. else:
  246. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  247. loop-value is a player
  248. send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value
  249. clear {InWait}
  250. stop
  251. else:
  252. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  253. loop-value is a player
  254. send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value
  255. clear {InWait}
  256. stop
  257. else:
  258. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  259. loop-value is a player
  260. send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value
  261. clear {InWait}
  262. stop
  263. else:
  264. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  265. loop-value is a player
  266. send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value
  267. clear {InWait}
  268. stop
  269. else:
  270. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  271. loop-value is a player
  272. send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value
  273. clear {InWait}
  274. stop
  275. else:
  276. loop {FilePlayer::*}:
  277. loop-value is a player
  278. send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value
  279. clear {InWait}
  280. stop
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