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- -- Z-controller spi
- zc_spi_start <= '1' when cpu_a_bus(7 downto 0)=X"57" and cpu_iorq_n='0' and cpu_m1_n='1' and loader_act='0' and is_flash_not_sd='0' else '0';
- zc_wr_en <= '1' when cpu_a_bus(7 downto 0)=X"57" and cpu_iorq_n='0' and cpu_m1_n='1' and cpu_wr_n='0' and loader_act='0' and is_flash_not_sd='0' else '0';
- port77_wr <= '1' when cpu_a_bus(7 downto 0)=X"77" and cpu_iorq_n='0' and cpu_m1_n='1' and cpu_wr_n='0' and loader_act='0' and is_flash_not_sd='0' else '0';
- process (port77_wr, loader_act, reset, clk_bus)
- begin
- if loader_act='1' or reset='1' then
- zc_cs_n <= '1';
- elsif clk_bus'event and clk_bus='1' then
- if port77_wr='1' then
- zc_cs_n <= cpu_do_bus(1);
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- U_ZC_SPI: entity work.zc_spi -- SD
- port map(
- DI => cpu_do_bus,
- START => zc_spi_start,
- WR_EN => zc_wr_en,
- CLC => clk_bus, --clk_cpu,
- MISO => DATA0,
- DO => zc_do_bus,
- SCK => zc_sclk,
- MOSI => zc_mosi
- );
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