
Smart Run v2 (idea for Time Saver)

Nov 26th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. able to insert multiple preferred inputs in the INI, so it starts with the one at the top inserted in the dialog
  2. using down arrow key, it'll replace the inserted input with the next preferred input,
  3. if it doesn't exist it will just send the down arrow key instead to use the native input history list
  4. and it keeps count of how many times you went down in the native input history list, so that whenever you're at the top there,
  5. using up arrow key it will then instead insert the input at the bottom of the preferred inputs,
  6. using up arrow key at any preferred input to another input higher in the preferred inputs list is also possible.
  7. using up arrow key at the input at the top of the preferred inputs, could send the up arrow key but it won't change anything (custom nor native)
  9. It saves the latest used preferred input to the registry, by having a LButton hotkey with HotIf (MouseIsOverRunDialogAcceptBtn) and Enter hotkey with HotIf (WinActive(RunDialog)), both hotkeys can be dynamically created and removed, and they will compare the text detected within the edit control with each preferred input to see if there's a match that needs to be saved to the registry before it sends either LButton or Enter, and inserts that preferred input next time the run dialog opens, so you won't have to constantly use the arrow keys. Make sure that the comparisation isn't case-sensitive (capitalization)
  11. If that MouseOverControl isn't possible, then just use the same HotIf as the Enter hotkey on the LButton hotkey (as a side-effect this will make it change the latest used preferred input even when the run dialog didn't actually use it, which sucks but it's better than not having the LButton hotkey, even when you make an arrow hotkey to keep track, it would still suck b/c the user might have forgotten about the arrow key and just typed the other preferred input, which then won't be detected)
  13. Might wanna change the info in the configuration GUI that I made (double-press Win+R). After I have improved smart run. And I might need to change the multi-line comment at the top of Time Saver, the bit about configuring the preferred input. Since it will have to "add" preferred input instead (gotta change that too I guess), because there can be multiple preferrred inputs when smart run has been improved. However if you're gonna make the GUI become way more fancy with a list containing all the saved/unsaved preferred inputs, then you could still call it "configure preferred input(s)". But this is overkill, the user can just change the embedded INI
  15. [PreferredSmartRunInput]
  16. %LocalAppData%
  17. %AppData%
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