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- program new;
- type
- _TOpenItem = record
- Loc:TPoint;
- Weight:Integer;
- end;
- _TOpenSet = array of _TOpenItem;
- _AStarData = record
- open, closed:Boolean;
- scoreA, scoreB: Integer;
- Trace:TPoint;
- Isset:Boolean;
- end;
- _AStarDataArr = array of array of _AStarData;
- // A heap-structure based on Python's heap implementation.
- procedure _TOpenSet._siftUp(pos: Integer);
- var
- endpos, startpos, childpos, rightpos: Integer;
- newitem: _TOpenItem;
- begin
- endpos := Length(Self);
- startpos := pos;
- newitem := Self[pos];
- // Move the smaller child up until hitting a leaf.
- childpos := 2 * pos + 1; // leftmost child
- while (childpos < endpos) do
- begin
- // Set childpos to index of smaller child.
- rightpos := childpos + 1;
- if (rightpos < endpos) and (Self[childpos].Weight >= Self[rightpos].Weight) then
- childpos := rightpos;
- // Move the smaller child up.
- Self[pos] := Self[childpos];
- pos := childpos;
- childpos := 2 * pos + 1;
- end;
- // This (`pos`) node/leaf is empty. So we can place "newitem" in here, then
- // push it up to its final place (by sifting its parents down).
- Self[pos] := newitem;
- Self._siftDown(startpos, pos);
- end;
- // Follow the path to the root, moving parents down until finding a place newitem `pos` fits.
- procedure _TOpenSet._siftDown(startpos, pos: Integer);
- var
- parentpos: Integer;
- parent,newitem: _TOpenItem;
- begin
- newitem := Self[pos]
- while pos > startpos do
- begin
- parentpos := (pos - 1) shr 1;
- parent := Self[parentpos];
- if (newitem.Weight < parent.Weight) then
- begin
- Self[pos] := parent;
- pos := parentpos;
- continue;
- end;
- Break;
- end;
- Self[pos] := newitem;
- end;
- // Push the item onto heap, maintaining the heap invariant
- procedure _TOpenSet.HeapPush(Item:_TOpenItem);
- var L:Integer;
- begin
- L := Length(Self);
- SetLength(Self, L+1);
- Self[L] := item;
- Self._siftDown(0, L);
- end;
- function _TOpenSet.Pop(): _TOpenItem;
- begin
- Result := Self[High(Self)];
- SetLength(Self, High(Self));
- end;
- // Pop the smallest item off the heap, maintaining the heap invariant.
- function _TOpenSet.HeapPop(): _TOpenItem;
- var
- lastelt:_TOpenItem;
- begin
- lastelt := Self.pop();
- if Length(self) > 0 then
- begin
- Result := Self[0];
- Self[0] := lastelt;
- Self._siftup(0);
- end else
- Result := lastelt;
- end;
- // Calculate the distance between p1, and p2 using Squared euclidean.
- function SqEuclidean(p1, p2:TPoint): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Round(Sqr(p1.x-p2.x) + Sqr(p1.y-p2.y));
- end;
- // Fills AdjArr with the 4 adjacent points
- procedure GetAdjacent(var AdjArr:TPointArray; Pt:TPoint);
- begin
- AdjArr[0] := Point(Pt.x-1,pt.y);
- AdjArr[2] := Point(Pt.x+1,pt.y);
- AdjArr[1] := Point(Pt.x,pt.y-1);
- AdjArr[3] := Point(Pt.x,pt.y+1);
- end;
- (*
- Walks the path we came from backwards from current (goal) until it can't walk
- further. When it reaches "the end" it will return the path reversed (Start->Goal).
- *)
- function BacktracePath(Paths:_AStarDataArr; Curr:TPoint): TPointArray;
- var L:Integer;
- begin
- SetLength(Result, 1);
- Result[0] := Curr;
- L := 1;
- while True do
- begin
- Curr := paths[curr.y][curr.x].Trace;
- SetLength(Result, L+1);
- Result[L] := Curr;
- Inc(L);
- if (paths[curr.y][curr.x].Isset = False) then Break;
- end;
- InvertTPA(Result); //Reverse the list (bad name)
- end;
- (*
- AStar search algorithm modified to explicity work with Image-maze.
- This implementation is mostly ment as an example, there is multiple ways
- to notably speed it up, and possibly simplify it.
- *)
- function AStar(Maze: Integer; Start, Goal:TPoint; Color:Integer): TPointArray;
- var
- hsize,score,i,j,W,H: Integer;
- Data: _AStarDataArr;
- OpenSet: _TOpenSet;
- HPt: _TOpenItem;
- Adj,Pt:TPoint;
- Neighbors:TPointArray;
- begin
- SetLength(Neighbors, 4);
- GetBitmapSize(Maze, W,H);
- // init 2D array to keep track of data
- SetLength(Data, H, W);
- // start distace Start -> Goal.
- Data[start.y][start.x].ScoreB := SqEuclidean(Start, Goal);
- // init the openset with Start-coord
- SetLength(OpenSet, 1);
- OpenSet[0].Loc := start;
- OpenSet[0].Weight := Data[start.y][start.x].ScoreB;
- HSize := 1;
- Dec(W); Dec(H);
- //while openset is not empty
- while (HSize > 0) do
- begin
- // pop the smallest item from openset
- HPt := OpenSet.HeapPop(); //PopMin(OpenSet);
- Pt := HPt.Loc;
- Dec(HSize);
- //if current = goal then return path.
- if (Pt.x = Goal.x) and (Pt.y = Goal.y) then
- begin
- Result := BacktracePath(Data, Goal);
- Exit;
- end;
- // "remove" current point
- Data[Pt.y][Pt.x].Open := False;
- Data[Pt.y][Pt.x].Closed := True;
- // for each neighbor check if we can/should walk it
- GetAdjacent(Neighbors, Pt)
- for j:=0 to 3 do
- begin
- Adj := Neighbors[j];
- // out of range, or wall
- if not(InRange(Adj.x, 0, W) and InRange(Adj.y, 0, H)) or
- (FastGetPixel(Maze, Adj.x, Adj.y) <> Color) then
- Continue;
- Score := (Data[Pt.y][Pt.x].ScoreA + 1);
- if (Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].Closed = True) and (Score >= Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].ScoreA) then
- Continue;
- if ((Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].Open = False) or
- (Score < Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].ScoreA)) then
- begin
- Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].Trace := Pt; //Used when we backtrace.
- Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].Isset := True; //Used when we backtrace.
- // keep track over scores || used to evaluate best direction.
- Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].ScoreA := Score;
- Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].ScoreB := (Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].ScoreA + SqEuclidean(Adj, Goal));
- // if not already added to the openset then add it and Increase HSize
- if (Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].Open = False) then
- begin
- HPt.Loc := Adj;
- HPt.Weight := Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].ScoreB;
- OpenSet.HeapPush(HPt);
- Data[Adj.y][Adj.x].Open := True;
- Inc(HSize);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //------------
- var
- bmp, W, H: Integer;
- Path:TPointArray;
- begin
- bmp := LoadBitmap(AppPath + 'tests/maze.png');
- Path := AStar(bmp, Point(0,44), Point(148,0), $FFFFFF);
- DrawTPABitmap(bmp, path, $FF);
- GetBitmapSize(BMP, W,H);
- DisplayDebugImgWindow(W,H);
- DrawBitmapDebugImg(bmp);
- FreeBitmap(bmp);
- end.
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