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- CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[crud_bdds_getItems]
- @filters CRUDFilterParameter READONLY,
- @sort sql_variant,
- @direction nvarchar(8),
- @page int,
- @pageSize int,
- @username nvarchar(32)
- AS
- declare @langID int
- select @langID = try_cast(Value as int) from @filters where [Key]='langID'
- -- от этих суммы и даты мы считаем начало Остатков на период
- declare @beginSum int = 0
- declare @beginDate datetime = '2010-06-01'
- -- спецполя для нее: icon_age, prev_age, prevcolor_age, color_age, backcolor_age, desc_name, color, barPercent_age, barClass_age, badge_age
- declare @result TABLE(
- id nvarchar(max),
- name nvarchar(max),
- p1 decimal(18,0),
- p2 decimal(18,0),
- p3 decimal(18,0),
- p4 decimal(18,0),
- ptotal decimal(18,0),
- colTitle_p1 nvarchar(max),
- colTitle_p2 nvarchar(max),
- colTitle_p3 nvarchar(max),
- colTitle_p4 nvarchar(max),
- colTitle_ptotal nvarchar(max)
- )
- -- извлекаем доп параметры из URL
- declare @filterPeriodType nvarchar(128) = '' -- years, months, weeks
- declare @filterProjectType nvarchar(128) = '' -- falcon, other
- declare @itemID nvarchar(128) = '', @subType nvarchar(128) = '', @curType nvarchar(128) = '', @curItemID int = 0
- select @filterPeriodType = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'hide_periodType'
- select @filterProjectType = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'hide_projectType'
- if(isnull(@filterProjectType, '')='') set @filterProjectType = 'all'
- if(isnull(@filterPeriodType, '')='') set @filterPeriodType = 'months'
- select @itemID = Value from @filters where [Key] = 'itemID'
- set @subType = iif(isnull(@itemID, '')='', 'contragents', '')
- set @curType = iif(isnull(@itemID, '')<>'', dbo.str_splitPart(@itemID, '_', 1), '')
- set @curItemID =try_cast(iif(isnull(@itemID, '')<>'', dbo.str_splitPart(@itemID, '_', 2), '') as int)
- declare @projectIDs table (id int)
- insert into @projectIDs
- select id from tst_projects
- where (@filterProjectType='all' or @filterProjectType='falcon' and typeID = 1 or @filterProjectType<>'falcon' and typeID <> 1)
- and id not in (85,52,204)
- union
- select NULL id
- set datefirst 1;
- declare @date date = dateadd(month, -1, getdate()), @date2 date, @date3 date, @date4 date, @date5 date
- if(isnull(@filterPeriodType, 'months')='months' ) begin
- set @date = dateadd(month, -3, getdate())
- set @date = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @date), 0)
- set @date2 = DATEADD(month, 1, @date)
- set @date3 = DATEADD(month, 2, @date)
- set @date4 = DATEADD(month, 3, @date)
- set @date5 = DATEADD(month, 4, @date)
- end
- if(@filterPeriodType='quarters') begin
- set @date = dateadd(qq, -3, getdate())
- set @date = DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq, 0,@date), 0)
- set @date2 = DATEADD(qq, 1, @date)
- set @date3 = DATEADD(qq, 2, @date)
- set @date4 = DATEADD(qq, 3, @date)
- set @date5 = DATEADD(qq, 4, @date)
- end
- if(@filterPeriodType='years') begin
- set @date = dateadd(year, -2, getdate())
- set @date = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, @date) - 1, 0)
- set @date2 = DATEADD(year, 1, @date)
- set @date3 = DATEADD(year, 2, @date)
- set @date4 = DATEADD(year, 3, @date)
- set @date5 = DATEADD(year, 4, @date)
- end
- if(isnull(@curType, '')='') begin
- insert into @result
- select id, name,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = and factPayed>@date and factPayed < @date2 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p1,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = and factPayed>@date2 and factPayed < @date3 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p2,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = and factPayed>@date3 and factPayed < @date4 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p3,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = and factPayed>@date4 and factPayed < @date5 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p4,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = and factPayed>@date and factPayed < @date5 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) ptotal,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date) colTitle_p1,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date2) colTitle_p2,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date3) colTitle_p3,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date4) colTitle_p4,
- iif(@langID=1, 'TOTAL', 'ИТОГО') colTitle_ptotal
- from tst_finTypes t where id <3
- end
- if(@curType='contragents') begin
- insert into @result
- select id, name,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = @curItemID and ( and @curItemID=1 or and @curItemID=2 ) and factPayed>@date and factPayed < @date2 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs)), 0) p1,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = @curItemID and ( and @curItemID=1 or and @curItemID=2 ) and factPayed>@date2 and factPayed < @date3 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs)), 0) p2,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = @curItemID and ( and @curItemID=1 or and @curItemID=2 ) and factPayed>@date3 and factPayed < @date4 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs)), 0) p3,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = @curItemID and ( and @curItemID=1 or and @curItemID=2 ) and factPayed>@date4 and factPayed < @date5 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs)), 0) p4,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where typeID = @curItemID and ( and @curItemID=1 or and @curItemID=2 ) and factPayed>@date and factPayed < @date5 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs)), 0) ptotal,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date) colTitle_p1,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date2) colTitle_p2,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date3) colTitle_p3,
- [dbo].[as_periodName] (@filterPeriodType, @date4) colTitle_p4,
- 'ИТОГО' colTitle_ptotal
- from tst_customers ctr
- where exists (select id from tst_finances where (fromID = and @curItemID=1 and typeID=1 or toID = and @curItemID=2 and typeID =2) and factPayed > @date and factPayed < @date5 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs))
- end
- -- 1 SELECT - сами данные
- select *,
- p1 prev_p2,
- p2 prev_p3,
- p3 prev_p4,
- '<b>'+cast(ptotal as nvarchar)+'</b>' ptotal,
- iif(@subType='', '','<div class="as-table" data-code="bdds" data-itemID="'+@subType+ '_'+cast(id as nvarchar)+'"></div>') sub_name
- from @result
- order by
- case when @sort = 'name' and @direction = 'down' then name end desc,
- case when @sort = 'name' and @direction = 'up' then name end asc,
- case when @sort = 'p1' and @direction = 'down' then p1 end desc,
- case when @sort = 'p1' and @direction = 'up' then p1 end asc,
- case when @sort = 'p2' and @direction = 'down' then p2 end desc,
- case when @sort = 'p2' and @direction = 'up' then p2 end asc,
- case when @sort = 'p3' and @direction = 'down' then p3 end desc,
- case when @sort = 'p3' and @direction = 'up' then p3 end asc,
- case when @sort = 'p4' and @direction = 'down' then p4 end desc,
- case when @sort = 'p4' and @direction = 'up' then p4 end asc,
- case when @sort = 'ptotal' and @direction = 'down' then ptotal end desc,
- case when @sort = 'ptotal' and @direction = 'up' then ptotal end asc
- OFFSET @PageSize * (@Page - 1) ROWS
- -- 2 SELECT - кол-во в таблице
- select count(*) from @result
- -- 3 SELECT Дополнительные настройки таблицы
- select 1 HideTitleCount, iif(@curType='contragents', iif(@curItemID=1,iif(@langID=1, 'Incomes by contragents', 'Приходы по контрагентам'),
- iif(@langID=1, 'Outcomes by contragents', 'Расходы по контрагентам')),
- iif(@langID=1, 'Cashflow report', 'Денежный поток (БДДС)')) Title,
- '' TitleTooltip, 'h3' headerTag
- -- 4 SELECT Данные для подвала страницы или данные для Ганта/Канбана (если установлен ViewType в 3 SELECT)
- if(isnull(@curType, '')='') begin
- select x1,
- iif(try_cast(p1 as float)>0, '<span class="text-success">'+cast(p1 as nvarchar)+'</span>', '<span class="text-danger">'+cast(p1 as nvarchar)+'</span>') p1,
- iif(try_cast(p2 as float)>0, '<span class="text-success">'+cast(p2 as nvarchar)+'</span>', '<span class="text-danger">'+cast(p2 as nvarchar)+'</span>') p2,
- iif(try_cast(p3 as float)>0, '<span class="text-success">'+cast(p3 as nvarchar)+'</span>', '<span class="text-danger">'+cast(p3 as nvarchar)+'</span>') p3,
- iif(try_cast(p4 as float)>0, '<span class="text-success">'+cast(p4 as nvarchar)+'</span>', '<span class="text-danger">'+cast(p4 as nvarchar)+'</span>') p4,
- pTotal,
- isHead
- from (
- select iif(@langID=1, 'At period start', 'НА НАЧАЛО ПЕРИОДА') x1,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p1,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date2 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p2,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date3 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p3,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date4 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p4,
- '' ptotal,
- 1 ord,
- 1 isHead
- union
- select iif(@langID=1, 'Saldo', 'САЛЬДО') x1,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@date and factPayed < @date2 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p1,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@date2 and factPayed < @date3 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p2,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@date3 and factPayed < @date4 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p3,
- isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@date4 and factPayed < @date5 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p4,
- '' ptotal,
- 2 ord,
- 0 isHead
- union
- select iif(@langID=1, 'At period end', 'НА КОНЕЦ ПЕРИОДА') x1,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum(isnull([sum], 0) * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date2 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p1,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date3 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p2,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date4 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p3,
- @beginSum + isnull((select cast(sum([sum] * iif(typeID=1, 1, -1))/1000 as decimal(18,0)) from tst_finances where factPayed>@beginDate and factPayed < @date5 and projectID in (select id from @projectIDs) ), 0) p4,
- '' ptotal,
- 3 ord,
- 0 isHead
- ) t1 order by ord
- end
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