
Python: Just Quick References

Sep 9th, 2023 (edited)
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Python 1.56 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Python: Just Quick References And Somewhat Updates (Maybe For At Least Every Monday)...
  3. TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Plotly, Theano, OpenCV, Flask, Pygame
  5. 1. Linear Regression
  6. 2. Logistic Regression
  7. 3. K-nearest neighbors
  8. 4. Decision Trees
  9. 5. Random Forest
  10. 6. Gradient Boosting
  11. 7. Support Vector Machines
  12. 8. Naive Bayes
  13. 9. K-means Clustering
  14. 10. Hierarchical Clustering
  15. 11. Association rule learning
  16. 12. Apriori algorithm
  17. 13. Principal component analysis
  18. 14. Independent component analysis
  19. 15. Singular value decomposition
  20. 16. Convolutional Neural Networks
  21. 17. Recurrent Neural Networks
  22. 18. Long short-term memory networks
  23. 19. Gated Recurrent Units
  24. 20. Autoencoders
  25. 21. Generative Adversarial Networks
  26. 22. Deep Belief Networks
  27. 23. Extreme Gradient Boosting
  28. 24. AdaBoost
  29. 25. Gaussian Mixture Models
  30. 26. Multilayer Perceptron
  31. 27. Optimized subset regression
  32. 28. Time series forecasting (ARIMA, SARIMA)
  33. 29. Hidden Markov Models
  34. 30. Locally weighted regression
  35. 31. Reinforcement Learning
  36. 32. Monte Carlo Tree Search
  37. 33. Evolutionary Algorithms
  38. 34. Particle Swarm Optimization
  39. 35. Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
  40. 36. Ant Colony Optimization
  41. 37. Genetic Algorithms
  42. 38. Differential Evolution
  43. 39. Simulated Annealing
  44. 40. Tabu Search
  45. 41. Hill Climbing
  46. 42. Newton's Method
  47. 43. Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
  48. 44. Newton-Raphson Method
  49. 45. Bayesian Optimization
  50. 46. Direct Search
  51. 47. Boundary Optimization
  52. 48. Simplex Method
  53. 49. Quadratic Programming
  54. 50. Markov Chain Monte Carlo
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