Not a member of Pastebin yet?
Sign Up,
it unlocks many cool features!
- wait()
- script.Parent=nil
- _G.APOLLO={};
- _G.APOLLO.baseKey='o43ua8weuf98u(*U#(*uoiwajdsf8p#*U(jh8idfa';
- _G.APOLLO.decodeKey='joU*3uf98asdu9*H#O*SF&DYOH';
- _G.APOLLO.encodeKey='joij983#(*#*)(DSFUJHdfoaisu(*#';
- killKey=nil;
- CoreStuff={RotMode=1,tabPart=nil,REMOVED=false,ChangingLighting=false,rotRunning=false,breakLoops=false,State=nil,Version=1.3,StoredTablets={},ROT=0,ROTA=0.15,TabletParent=game:service'Workspace' or 'CANNOT_PARENT',baseLink='',SavedTabletsInfo={},PlayersSavedPositions={},ServerCreating=false};
- Commands={};
- NotReal={
- _G={},
- shared={}
- };
- Ranked={
- {Name='Yamanohera15523',Rank=7,Reason='EVENT_HANDELING'};
- {Name='SolarEnvironment',Rank=7,Reason='Creator',Bet='/'};
- {Name='aleksa12432',Rank=7,Reason='bby and bfffff <3 <3 <3'};
- {Name='Exorsizer',Rank=6,Reason='See: SolarEnvironment',Bet='/'};
- {Name='tusKOr661',Rank=6,Reason='Bypass buddy and he thinks he has so much swag lololololol no he good nige',Bet='\\'};
- {Name='bomblover',Rank=3,Reason='Good friend of creator'};
- {Name='areno2002',Rank=5,Reason='Good friend of creator, creater of Crystal',Bet=';'};
- {Name='leonplantaric4',Rank=4,Reason='Friend'};
- {Name='ClassyJakey',Rank=3,Reason='SB pall + doge'};
- {Name='RBUXH4XX',Rank=4,Reason='Nice person, may FM but is nice so doesnt matter',Bet=';'};
- {Name='iiHoops',Rank=4,Reason='Nice person, friend of RBUX'};
- {Name='12packkid',Rank=2,Reason='Packskid'};
- {Name='NetworkServices',Rank=2,Reason='C2R fwend'};
- {Name='brianush1',Rank=2,Reason='Good scripter'};
- {Name='KaraMura',Rank=2,Reason='Good friend'};
- {Name='Basictality',Rank=2,Reason=''};
- {Name='anaIyze',Rank=2,Reason='pri'};
- {Name='jarredbcv',Rank=4,Reason='Legit scripter'};
- {Name='WantSomeTacos',Rank=6,Reason='the biggest feg on the planet'};
- {Name='alexis5658',Rank=6,Reason='omg I love you so so much <3 <3 <3'};
- };
- Banned={'LoadingScriptEditor','Jman2384','dewman2004','ilovekaitlynnweber','mgfsonicr','NewConstruction','M1sterJerk','billwa25','mugex','Copenricus45','Kufarscum','noobkilervip','Razorfire55','Derek1017','meunumbertwo','TESTACCOUNT66666666','joshie0707'};
- TimeBanned={};
- Settings={SecurePlayergui=true,pondaMode=false,sharedLock=false,SilentMode=false,NoMessage=true,SaveLighting=true,Pri=false,NilsAllowed=true,Bet='/',Table=false,Idle=false};
- Functions={};
- Idling={};
- Logged={};
- Services={
- game:service'Workspace';
- game:service'Lighting';
- game:service'Players';
- game:service'Debris';
- game:service'ServerStorage';
- game:service'ReplicatedStorage';
- game:service'ServerScriptService';
- };
- Colors={
- "Medium stone grey","White","Grey","Light yellow","Brick yellow","Light green (Mint)","Light reddish violet",
- "Pastel Blue","Light orange brown","Nougat","Bright red","Med. reddish violet","Bright blue","Bright yellow",
- "Earth orange","Black","Dark grey","Dark green","Medium green","Lig. Yellowich orange","Bright green",
- "Dark orange","Light bluish violet","Transparent","Tr. Red","Tr. Lg blue","Tr. Blue","Tr. Yellow","Light blue",
- "Tr. Flu. Reddish orange","Tr. Green","Tr. Flu. Green","Phosph. White","Light red","Medium red","Medium blue",
- "Light grey","Bright violet","Br. yellowish orange","Bright orange","Bright bluish green","Earth yellow",
- "Bright bluish violet","Tr. Brown","Medium bluish violet","Tr. Medi. reddish violet","Med. yellowish green",
- "Med. bluish green","Light bluish green","Br. yellowish green","Lig. yellowish green","Med. yellowish orange",
- "Br. reddish orange","Bright reddish violet","Light orange","Tr. Bright bluish violet","Gold","Dark nougat",
- "Silver","Neon orange","Neon green","Sand blue","Sand violet","Medium orange","Sand yellow","Earth blue",
- "Earth green","Tr. Flu. Blue","Sand blue metallic","Sand violet metallic","Sand yellow metallic",
- "Dark grey metallic","Black metallic","Light grey metallic","Sand green","Sand red","Dark red","Tr. Flu. Yellow",
- "Tr. Flu. Red","Gun metallic","Red flip/flop","Yellow flip/flop","Silver flip/flop","Curry","Fire Yellow",
- "Flame yellowish orange","Reddish brown","Flame reddish orange","Royal blue","Dark Royal blue",
- "Bright reddish lilac","Dark stone grey","Lemon metalic","Light stone grey","Dark Curry","Faded green",
- "Turquoise","Light Royal blue","Medium Royal blue","Rust","Brown","Reddish lilac","Lilac","Light lilac",
- "Bright purple","Light purple","Light pink","Light brick yellow","Warm yellowish orange","Cool yellow",
- "Dove blue","Medium lilac","Institutional white","Mid gray","Really black","Really red","Deep orange","Alder",
- "Dusty Rose","Olive","New Yeller","Really blue","Navy blue","Deep blue","Cyan","CGA brown","Magenta","Pink",'Teal',
- "Toothpaste","Lime green","Camo","Grime","Lavender","Pastel light blue","Pastel orange","Pastel violet",
- "Pastel blue-green","Pastel green","Pastel yellow","Pastel brown","Royal purple","Hot pink";
- };
- };setmetatable(APOLLO.NotReal._G,{__index='APOLLO locked this table!',__newindex='APOLLO locked this table!',__metatable='APOLLO locked this table!'});
- setmetatable(APOLLO.NotReal.shared,{__index='APOLLO locked this table!',__newindex='APOLLO locked this table!',__metatable='APOLLO locked this table!'});
- APOLLO.killKey=_G.APOLLO.baseKey.._G.APOLLO.decodeKey.._G.APOLLO.encodeKey;
- local CurrentVersion;
- if getfenv(load)~=nil then
- local e=getfenv(load)
- e.require=nil;e.require=require;
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.fetchSound=function(Words)
- local KeyWords = game:service'HttpService':UrlEncode(Words)
- local Url = ''..tostring(KeyWords)..'&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=50'
- local Assets = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Url))
- return Assets
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.musicInterface=function(plr,words)
- local songs={}
- local id=0
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.fetchSound(words)do
- table.insert(songs,v);
- end
- for i,v in next,songs do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Lime green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- id=v.AssetId;
- local"Sound",script)
- sound.SoundId=id;
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.Sound=sound;
- --//\\--
- end)
- end
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.getRank=function(player)
- for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
- return rank.Rank
- end
- end
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.setRank=function(player,newrank)
- for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
- rank.Rank=newrank
- end
- end
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.getReason=function(player)
- for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
- return rank.Reason
- end
- end
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.attach=function(plr,object)
- local function check(o)
- if o:IsA'BasePart'then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- if check(object)==true then
- table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=plr,P=object,ID=math.random(),Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
- end
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand=function(Name,Chat,Rank,Description,Function)
- APOLLO.Commands[#APOLLO.Commands+1]={['Name']=Name,['Say']=Chat,['Rank']=Rank,['Desc']=Description,['Func']=Function}
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.AddRank=function(Name,Rank,Reason,Bet)
- local f=false;
- for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Ranked) do
- if v["Name"] == tostring(Name) then
- f = true
- break
- end
- end
- if f==false then
- APOLLO.Ranked[#APOLLO.Ranked+1]={['Name']=Name,['Rank']=Rank,['Reason']=Reason,['Bet']=Bet or '/'}
- end
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers=function(plr,msg)
- local PlayersFound={}
- if msg=='me' then
- table.insert(PlayersFound,plr)
- elseif msg=='others' then
- for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- if p.Name~=plr.Name then
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) then
- table.insert(PlayersFound,p)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif msg=='all' then
- for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v)then
- table.insert(PlayersFound,v)
- end
- end
- else
- for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#v.Name):find(msg:lower():sub(1,#msg)) then
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v)then
- table.insert(PlayersFound,v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return PlayersFound
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.Chat=function(plr,msg)
- local Bet=nil
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Name==plr.Name then
- Bet=v.Bet or '/'
- end
- end
- if msg:sub(1,3)=='/e ' then
- msg=msg:sub(4)
- end
- for i,command in next,APOLLO.Commands do
- if(msg:sub(1,#command['Say']+#Bet)==command['Say']..Bet)then
- if(APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>=command.Rank)then
- msg=msg:sub(#command['Say']+#Bet+1);
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr);
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Logged do
- if v['Name']==tostring(plr) then
- v.Actions[#v.Actions+1]=tostring(plr)..'/'..tostring(command['Say']);
- end
- end
- a,b=ypcall(function()
- command['Func'](plr,msg);
- end);
- if not a then
- error(b)
- end
- else
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr);
- if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==false)then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'You are not allowed to use APOLLO this way.','Really red');
- elseif(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==true)then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'You are not allowed to ponda this way.','Really red');
- end
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function APOLLO.Functions.guiNotifyBig(plr,txt,tm)
- --coroutine.wrap(function()
- local'ScreenGui',plr.PlayerGui);
- local'TextButton',Not);
- T.TextXAlignment='Left';
- T.TextYAlignment='Top';
- T.Font='Legacy';
- T.FontSize='Size18';
- T.TextScaled=true;
- T.BorderSizePixel=0;
- T.BackgroundTransparency=.5;
- T.Text=tostring(txt);
- wait(tm)
- Not:remove();
- --end)
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.toRGB=function(r,g,b)
- return(,g/255,b/255));
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.fixLighting=function()
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting=true;
- local lighting=game:service'Lighting'
- lighting.GeographicLatitude=41.733299255371;
- lighting.ColorShift_Bottom=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(0,0,0);
- lighting.ShadowColor=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(179,179,179);
- lighting.ColorShift_Top=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(0,0,0);
- lighting.FogColor=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(192,192,192);
- lighting.Ambient=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(128,128,128);
- lighting.TimeOfDay='14:00:00';
- lighting.GlobalShadows=false;
- lighting.Name='Lighting';
- lighting.archivable=true;
- lighting.Outlines=false;
- lighting.Brightness=1;
- lighting.FogEnd=1e5;
- lighting.FogStart=0;
- for index,v in next,game:service'Lighting':children()do
- if(v:IsA'Sky')then
- v:destroy();
- end;
- end;
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting=false;
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.rotateAnim=function(part)
- pcall(function()
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT=APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT+APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROTA/100;
- for _,player in next,game:getService'Players':getPlayers''do
- local collected_tablets={};
- for _,tablet in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
- if(tablet.Owner==player)then
- if tablet.P.Parent ~= APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent then
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[_]=nil
- else
- table.insert(collected_tablets,tablet);
- end
- end;
- end;
- for I=1,#collected_tablets do
- --local position=player.Character.Torso.CFrame or part.CFrame;
- local position;
- if player.Character~=nil and player.Character.Torso~=nil then
- position=player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.PlayersSavedPositions[player.Name] = player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- else
- position = APOLLO.CoreStuff.PlayersSavedPositions[player.Name] or,25,0)
- end
- local radius=6;
- local position_2=(I/#collected_tablets-(.5/#collected_tablets)+(APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT/(#collected_tablets/10)))*math.pi*2
- local radius_function=(#collected_tablets*.6)+radius;
- local X=math.sin(position_2)*(radius_function);
- local Y=math.sin(time());
- local Z=math.cos(position_2)*radius_function;
- local,Y,Z)+position.p;
- local B=collected_tablets[I].P.CFrame.p;
- local C=A*.1+B*.9;
- local spinning_angle=math.rad((APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT*300)*math.pi);
- collected_tablets[I],position.p)*CFrame.Angles(spinning_angle,spinning_angle,spinning_angle)
- end;
- end;
- end)
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.rotRunning=true;
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.revertBase=function()
- pcall(function()workspace.Base:remove()end);
- local"Part")
- b.Anchored=true;
- b.Locked=true
- b.CanCollide=true
- b.Material='Grass'
- b.Name='Base'--prevent removal by g/c
-'Bright green');
- print'new base'
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.update=function()
- local newVer=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(APOLLO.CoreStuff.baseLink,true);
- script:Destroy()
- APOLLO.Ranked={}
- APOLLO.Functions={}
- APOLLO.CoreStuff={}
- APOLLO.Settings={}
- APOLLO.Idling={}
- for i,env in next,getfenv(1) do
- getfenv(1)[i]='DISABLED'
- end
- for i,env2 in next,getfenv(0)do
- getfenv(0)[i]='DISABLED'
- end
- for i,env3 in next,getfenv()do
- getfenv()[i]='DISABLED'
- end
- wait()
- loadstring(newVer)();
- script.Disabled=true;
- script:Destroy()
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.Fake = {
- Table = function(Table)
- local SimulatedTable = {}
- table.foreach(Table,function(Index, Value)
- SimulatedTable[Index] = Value
- end)
- return SimulatedTable
- end,
- }
- APOLLO.Functions.Explore=function(p, part)
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(p)
- if part == nil then
- for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Services) do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,v.Name,'Really red', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,v) end)
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(part:children()) do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,v.Name,'Really red', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,v) end)
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Currently exploring: "..part:GetFullName(),'New Yeller')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"ClassName: "..part.ClassName,'New Yeller')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Destroy",'Really red', function() part:Destroy() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Remove",'Really red', function() part:remove() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Explore parent",'Bright blue', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Clone",'Institutional white', function() clonedpart = part:Clone() end)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Refresh",'Cyan', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part) end)
- if clonedpart then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Paste: "..clonedpart.Name,'Institutional white', function() clonedpart.Parent = part clonedpart = nil end)
- end
- end
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.permaMessage=function(txt)
- pcall(function()mescheck:disconnect()end)
- pcall(function()workspace.Unremovable_Message_Instance:remove()end)
- local DATA={
- MessageText=txt,
- MessageParent=game:FindService('Workspace'),
- MessageDisabled=false,
- MessageKillcode='KILL_THAT_MESSAGE'
- }
- local function makeMessage()
- local"Hint",DATA.MessageParent)
- Message.Name=tostring(math.random(100,1000000))
- Message.Text=DATA.MessageText
- end
- local function checkForValidMessage()
- for i,v in next,DATA.MessageParent:children() do
- if v:IsA'StringValue' and v.Name=='Message_Killer' and v.Value=='666' then
- mescheck:disconnect()
- checkForValidMessage=nil
- makeMessage=nil
- DATA=nil
- v:Destroy()
- return
- end
- if v:IsA'Message'then
- if v.Text~=DATA.MessageText or v.Parent~=DATA.MessageParent then
- v.Name=tostring(math.random(100,1000000))
- v.Text=DATA.MessageText
- v.Parent=DATA.MessageParent
- end
- break
- else
- if i==#DATA.MessageParent:children() then
- makeMessage()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- mescheck=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
- checkForValidMessage()
- end)
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput=function(Plr,Text,Clr,OnClicked,OnTouched)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- if APOLLO.Settings.SilentMode==true then return end
- local isSilent=false;
- pcall(function()
- if Plr == nil then
- Plr = game.Players:players()[math.random(1,#game.Players:players())]
- end
- if type(Plr) == 'userdata' then
- Plr = Plr
- elseif type(Plr) == 'string' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
- if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#Plr) == Plr:lower() then
- Plr = v
- break
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Silent and v.Silent==true then
- isSilent=true;
- else
- isSilent=false;
- end
- end
- if isSilent==true then return end
- local id_=math.random();
- if Text == nil then Text = "[:ERROR:]{NO_TEXT_ENTERED}" end
- if Clr == nil then Clr = "Random" end
- local T ="Part",APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent)
- T.FormFactor = 'Custom'
- pcall(function() T.CFrame=Plr.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
- T.CanCollide=false
- T.Locked=true
- T.Anchored=true
- T.Name='SOLAR_TABLET_'..math.random(-99999,99999);
- if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==true)then
- local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
- Hat.Handle.Mesh.Parent=T
- end
- pcall(function()
- if type(Clr) == "string" then
- if Clr == "Random" then
- T.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
- else
- T.BrickColor =
- end
- elseif type(Clr) == "userdata" then
- T.Color =
- end
- end)
- T.TopSurface=0
- T.BottomSurface=0
- if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==false)then
- T.Transparency=0.65
- end
- local BBG ="BillboardGui",T)
- BBG.Adornee = T
- BBG.StudsOffset =,3,0)
- BBG.Size =,0,10,0)
- local TL ="TextLabel", BBG)
- TL.Name="OutputText"
- TL.Size =,0,1,0)
- TL.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- TL.TextColor = T.BrickColor
- TL.Text = Text
- TL.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
- TL.Font = 'Arial'
- TL.FontSize = "Size18"
- local C ="ClickDetector", T)
- C.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
- C.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
- if p.Name == Plr.Name or APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Plr) then
- for i,v in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo) do
- if v.P.Name == T.Name then
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
- end
- end
- wait();
- T:Destroy()
- for i,v in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets) do
- if(v.ID==id_)then
- table.remove(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets, i)
- end
- end
- if OnClicked ~= nil then
- a,b = ypcall(function()
- -- for i = 0,3 do APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(Plr) end);
- OnClicked()
- end)
- if not a then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(b,"Really red")
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- if OnTouched ~= nil then
- T.Touched:connect(function(what)
- if what.Parent.Name ~= Plr.Name then
- local higherRank = false
- pcall(function()
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(what.Parent.Name) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Plr) then
- higherRank = true
- end
- end)
- if higherRank == false then
- OnTouched(what)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=Plr,P=T,ID=id_,Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
- table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo,{OnClicked=OnClicked,OnTouched=OnTouched,Owner=Plr,P=T:Clone(),ID=id_,Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
- end)
- end)()
- end
- workspace.descendantRemoving:connect(function(meow)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local x = meow.Name --god darn buutif0l --so it waits to check if dismiss removed it
- wait()
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
- if v.P.Name == x then
- local meowX = v.P:Clone()
- for _,y in next,meowX:children() do
- if y.ClassName == 'ClickDetector' then
- y:remove()
- end
- end
- meowX.Parent = APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent
- local meowY ="ClickDetector",meowX)
- meowY.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
- meowY.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
- if p.Name == v.Owner.Name or APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v.Owner) then
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
- meowX:remove()
- for _,y in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets) do
- if(y.P.Name == meowX.Name)then
- table.remove(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets, _)
- end
- end
- if v.OnClicked ~= nil then
- a,b = ypcall(function()
- v.OnClicked()
- end) if not a then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(b,"Really red")
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- if v.OnTouched ~= nil then
- v.P.Touched:connect(function(what)
- if what.Parent.Name ~= v.Owner.Name then
- local higherRank = false
- pcall(function()
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(what.Parent.Name) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v.Owner) then
- higherRank = true
- end
- end)
- if higherRank == false then
- OnTouched(what)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=v.Owner,P=meowX,ID=v.id_,Rainbow=v.Rainbow})
- end
- end
- end)()
- end)
- function APOLLO.Functions.fireRocket(plr)
- local torso=plr.Character.Torso
- local"Part")
-'Really red')
- local"RocketPropulsion",roket)
- targ.Target=torso
- roket.Touched:connect(function(h)
- local"Explosion",roket)
- ex.Position=roket.Position
- roket:remove()
- if not h.Name=='Base'and not h.Name=='Baseplate'then
- pcall(function()h.Parent:BreakJoints()end)
- h:remove()
- end
- end)
- roket.Parent=workspace
- targ:fire()
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.kick=function(...)
- local args={...}
- local'RemoteFunction',game.Lighting);
- for i,f in next,args do
- if type(f) == 'userdata' then
- f = f
- elseif type(f) == 'string' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
- if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#f) == f:lower() then
- f = v
- break
- end
- end
- end
- pcall(function()
- pcall(function()f:Kick()end)
- if f then
- r:InvokeClient(f,{string.rep('ok',5e5+9)});
- end
- end);
- end
- wait();
- r:Destroy();
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.initiateShutdown=function()
- if APOLLO.Settings.SecurePlayergui then
- while(wait())do
- for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- v:Kick()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.getRanked=function(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 0','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 0','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==0 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 1','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 1','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==1 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 2','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 2','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==2 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 3','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 3','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==3 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 4','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 4','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==4 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 5','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 5','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==5 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 6','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 6','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==6 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green');
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'ROOT','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'nil','Really red');
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Rank==7 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
- end
- end
- end);
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify=function(plr,text,time)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- if time==nil then time=3 end
- local Notify ="ScreenGui",plr.PlayerGui)
- Notify.Name = "APOLLO_NOTIFY"
- local TextPart ="TextLabel",Notify) --buttons have better styles
- TextPart.Text = text
- TextPart.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- TextPart.TextScaled = true
- TextPart.BorderSizePixel=0;
- TextPart:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),'Out','Quad',2,true);
- wait(time);
- TextPart:TweenPosition(,0,-.2,0),'Out','Quad',2,true);
- wait(3);
- Notify:destroy();
- end)();
- end;
- APOLLO.Functions.playerInterface=function(plr)
- for i,v in next,game:service'NetworkServer':children() do
- local player=v:GetPlayer()
- if player.Parent==nil then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,player.Name..' : nil','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Destroy '..player.Name..'?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end)
- end)
- elseif player.Parent==game.Players then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,player.Name..' : in-game','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Administrative actions','Really red',function()
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Respawn '..player.Name..'?','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)player:LoadCharacter()end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Kick '..player.Name..'?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rejoin '..player.Name..'?','New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(player,game.PlaceId)end);
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Fun actions','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Kill','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)player.Character:BreakJoints()end)
- --line 666
- end)
- end)
- else
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(player.Name) or 'Unknown'..' : joining','New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end);
- end
- end
- end
- function APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- pcall(function()
- if type(plr) == "userdata" then
- plr = plr
- elseif type(plr) == "string" then
- local f = false
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players())do
- wait()
- if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#plr) == plr:lower() then
- f = true
- plr = v
- break
- end
- end
- if f == false then
- --//
- end
- else
- return
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
- if v.Owner == plr then
- v.P:remove()
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i]=nil
- end
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
- if v.Owner == plr then
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i] = nil
- v.P:remove() end
- end
- end)
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.showCommands=function(plr)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Commands do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,v.Name,'Really red',function()
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Command name: '..v.Name,'Really red')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Command description: '..v.Desc,'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Required rank: '..v.Rank,'Really red')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Usage: '..v.Say,'Dark green')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Dismiss','Hot pink',function()wait()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)end)
- end);end;APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Dismiss','Hot pink',function()wait()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)end)end;
- --APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating=false
- APOLLO.Functions.CreateGameServer = function(user,placeid)
- local id = placeid ~= nil and placeid or tostring(game.PlaceId)
- linkPart1 = ""
- linkPart2 = "&isPartyLeader=false&gender=&isTeleport=true"
- fullLink = --meow
- local tries = 0
- if not APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating then
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating = true
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,string.format("Started creating a server on %s.",id),'Really red')
- local x = string.rep('x',255)
- repeat
- tries = tries + 1
- a,b = pcall(function()
- x = game:FindService'HttpService':GetAsync(fullLink)
- end)
- if #x >= 120 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,string.format("%d try failed (%d chars)",tries,#x),'Really red')
- end
- wait()
- until #x < 120
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating = false
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user);
- wait();
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,string.format('Server created successfully after %d tries',tries),'Really red')
- end
- end
- --
- --
- --
- --Commands--
- --
- --
- --
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Kill','kill',1,'Kills a player',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
- if v.Character then
- v.Character.Humanoid.Health=0
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ponda Family','pondaf',5,'Creates a family of pandas',function(user,msg)
- for i = 0,100 do
- local num=msg:sub(1,2)
- local num2=msg:sub(4,6)
- local Asset = ""
- function Part(P, Anch, Coll, Tran, Ref, Col, X, Y, Z)
- local p ="Part")
- p.TopSurface = 0
- p.BottomSurface = 0
- p.Transparency = Tran
- p.Reflectance = Ref
- p.CanCollide = Coll
- p.Anchored = Anch
- p.BrickColor =
- p.formFactor = "Custom"
- p.Size =,Y,Z)
- p.Parent = P
- p.Locked = true
- p:BreakJoints()
- return p
- end
- function Weld(P0, P1, X, Y, Z, A, B, C)
- local w ="Weld")
- w.Part0 = P0
- w.Part1 = P1
- w.C = CN(X, Y, Z) * CA(A, B, C)
- w.Parent = P0
- return w
- end
- CA = CFrame.Angles
- CN =
- V3 =
- MR = math.rad
- MP = math.pi
- MRA = math.random
- MH = math.huge
- Noob = nil
- function MakeMotor(torso, p1, c0, c1)
- local mot ="Motor6D")
- mot.C0 = c0
- mot.C1 = c1
- mot.Part0 = torso
- mot.Part1 = p1
- mot.Parent = torso
- return mot
- end
- function Set(tab)
- for _,v in pairs(tab) do
- local motor = v[1]
- local vel = v[2]
- local des = v[3]
- motor.MaxVelocity = vel
- motor.DesiredAngle = des
- end
- end
- function Animate(Hum, RSH, LSH, RH, LH)
- local pose = "Standing"
- local function sit()
- pose = "Seated"
- end
- local function jump()
- pose = "Jumping"
- end
- local function died()
- pose = "Dead"
- end
- local function falling()
- pose = "Falling"
- end
- local function climbing()
- pose = "Climbing"
- end
- local function run(speed)
- if speed > 0.5 then
- pose = "Running"
- else
- pose = "Standing"
- end
- end
- local function move(tiem)
- local amplitude, frequency
- if pose == "Seated" then
- Set({{RSH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {LSH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}, {LH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {RH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}})
- return
- end
- if pose == "Jumping" then
- Set({{RSH, 0.3, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.3, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.3, 0}, {RH, 0.3, 0}})
- return
- end
- if pose == "Falling" then
- Set({{RSH, 0.35, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.35, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.35, 0}, {RH, 0.35, 0}})
- return
- end
- local climb = 0
- if pose == "Running" then
- RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- amplitude = 1
- frequency = 8
- elseif pose == "Climbing" then
- RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
- LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
- RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- amplitude = 1
- frequency = 8
- climb = math.pi
- else
- amplitude = 0.1
- frequency = 1
- end
- des = amplitude * math.sin(tiem*frequency)
- RSH.DesiredAngle = des + climb
- LSH.DesiredAngle = des - climb
- RH.DesiredAngle = -des
- LH.DesiredAngle = -des
- end
- Hum.Jumping:connect(jump)
- Hum.Running:connect(run)
- Hum.Seated:connect(sit)
- Hum.Died:connect(died)
- Hum.FreeFalling:connect(falling)
- Hum.Climbing:connect(climbing)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while pose ~= "Dead" do
- local _, time = wait(0.1)
- move(time)
- end
- end))
- end
- function MakeNoob(pos, scale)
- local Name = 'Ponda'
- local Nub ="Model")
- Nub.Name = Name
- Noob = Nub
- local Torso = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 2*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Torso.Name = "Torso"
- local Head = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 2*scale, 1*scale, 1*scale)
- Head.Name = "Head"
- local Neck = MakeMotor(Torso, Head, CN(0, 1*scale, 0), CN(0, -0.5*scale, 0))
- local HeadMesh ="SpecialMesh",Head)
- HeadMesh.Scale = V3(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
- local Face ="Decal",Head)
- Face.Face = "Front"
- Face.Texture = Asset..(13038247)
- local Rarm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Rarm.Name = "Right Arm"
- local Larm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Larm.Name = "Left Arm"
- local Rleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Rleg.Name = "Right Leg"
- local Lleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Lleg.Name = "Left Leg"
- local Root="Part",Nub)
- Root.Name='HumanoidRootPart'
- Root.Transparency=1;
- Root.Friction=0.30
- Root.Elasticity=0.5
- local Hip ="Motor6D",Root)
- Hip.CurrentAngle=0;
- Hip.DesiredAngle=0;
- Hip.MaxVelocity=0.1;
- Hip.Name='RootHip'
- Hip.Part0=Root
- Hip.Part1=Torso
- local RSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rarm, CN(1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(-0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
- local LSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Larm, CN(-1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
- local RH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rleg, CN(0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
- local LH = MakeMotor(Torso, Lleg, CN(-0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
- local Hum ="Humanoid")
- local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
- Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*scale
- --local Hat2=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(152980442).EggofLuck2014
- --Hat2.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*(scale-0.95)
- wait(0.1)
- Hat.Parent=Nub
- Hum.MaxHealth = 40+(scale*60)
- Hum.Health = 100
- Hum.Parent = Nub
- Nub.Parent = workspace
- Nub:MakeJoints()
- Nub:MoveTo(pos)
- Animate(Hum,RSH,LSH,RH,LH)
- local path = {
-, 5.39, -65.1),
-, 47.39, -17.1),
-, 23.49, -9),
-, 5.49, 30.8),
-, 5.39, 16.5),
- }
- local radius = 200
- function randomvector()
- return * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius)
- end
- local pointCount = math.random(4, 10)
- for i = 1, pointCount do
- path[i] = randomvector()
- end
- wait()
- local parent = Nub
- local moveTime = 0
- while (true) do
- for i, point in pairs(path) do
- local distanceVector = parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position - point
- local distance = distanceVector.magnitude
- parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(point, Workspace.Base)
- moveTime = 0
- while (moveTime < (distance / 32)) do
- moveTime = moveTime + 1
- -- parent.Humanoid.Jump = true
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end
- return {Name = Name, Model = Nub, Humanoid = Hum, Torso = Torso, Head = Head, Rarm = Rarm, Larm = Larm, Rleg = Rleg, Lleg = Lleg, RSH = RSH, LSH = LSH, RH = RH, LH = LH, Neck = Neck}
- end
- local Npc = MakeNoob(V3(MRA(-20, 20),10,MRA(-20, 20)),1)
- wait(0.1)
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ranked','gr',0,'Shows ranked players',function(user)
- APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(user);
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Forcefield','ff',1,'Gives a forcefield',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
- local"ForceField",v.Character)
- ff.Name='S_FF'
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Perma-FF','pff',3,'Forcefields you as long as the script is running.',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
- local"ForceField",v.Character)
- ff.Name='S_P_FF'
- while wait() do
- if v.Character:findFirstChild('S_P_FF')==nil then
- local"ForceField",v.Character)
- ff.Name='S_P_FF'
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Kick','kick',3,'Kicks a player',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
- pcall(function()APOLLO.Functions.kick(v)end);
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('FIx Idle','fidle',4,'Fixes the idle animation',function()
- while(wait())do
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
- for i = 0,10,1 do
- wait()
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name),'','Really red');
- end
- wait(0.8)
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name));
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Dismiss','dt',0,'Dismisses your tablets',function(user)
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user);
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Wreck the server','rek',4,'Wrecks the server.',function()
- game.ItemChanged:connect(function()
- for i,v in next,workspace:children() do
- for i = 0,10 do
- pcall(function()v:Clone().Parent=workspace end)
- end
- end
- end)
- do
- setfenv(1,{game=game,Destroy=Destroy,wait=wait,print=print})--try to get clean env
- game.Lighting:Destroy()
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Idle','idle',0,'Show people you are AFK.',function(user)
- table.insert(APOLLO.Idling,user);
- print('added '..tostring(user)..' to idle list')
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand("Silent",'silent',0,'Sets silent mode for you',function(user)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Silent and v.Silent==true then
- v.Silent=false
- else
- v.Silent=true
- end
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Un-idle','uidle',0,'Show people you are back.',function(user)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
- if v.Name==user.Name then
- table.remove(APOLLO.Idling,i)
- print('removed '..v.Name..' from idle list');
- end
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Time ban','tban',5,'Timebans a person.',function(user,msg)
- local found=false
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
- for i,r in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
- if r.Name==tostring(v) then
- found=true
- end
- end
- if found==false then
- msg=msg:sub(#msg+1)
- table.insert(APOLLO.TimeBanned,{Name=tostring(v),Time=tonumber(msg)})
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(v);
- end
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Logs','slogs',3,'Shows admin logs',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
- for d,w in next,APOLLO.Logged do
- if w['Name']==v.Name then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(v.Name),'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)
- for i,q in next,w.Actions do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(q),'Dark green')
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ban','ban',3,'Bans the player',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
- table.insert(APOLLO.Banned,v.Name)
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(v);
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Rexe','rexe',7,'Raw-exe',function(user,msg)
- pcall(function()loadstring(msg)()end);
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Remove','remm',6,'Removes the admin',function()
- for i,v in next,getfenv(1) do
- getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
- for i,v in next,getfenv() do
- getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
- for i,v in next,getfenv(2)do
- getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
- script.Disabled=true;
- script:remove();
- getfenv(print).error=nil;
- getfenv(print).print=nil;
- getfenv().REMOVED=true;
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Execute','exe',6,'Executes a string',function(user,msg)
- local rele, sece, newe, sb
- local mf, mr = ypcall(function()
- rele = setmetatable({}, {__index = getfenv()})
- sece = {
- APOLLO = (function()
- local APPIE = APOLLO.Functions.Fake.Table(APOLLO)
- setmetatable(APPIE,{
- __index = function(Self, Index, Value)
- return rawget(Self, Index, Value)
- end,
- __metatable = "APOLLO table is locked."
- })
- return APPIE
- end)(),
- removeAdmin=function()end,
- clear=function()end,
- run=function()end,
- sandbox=function()end,
- removed=false,
- antiremove=true,
- antiremove=function()end,
- players=#game:service'Players':players(),
- workspace=game:service'Workspace',
- output=function()end,
- dismiss=function()end,
- addcommand=function()end,
- remote='',
- http=game:service'HttpService',
- }
- newe = {
- __index = {
- game = game,
- Game = game,
- workspace=game:service'Workspace',
- Workspace=game:service'Workspace',
- _G = APOLLO.NotReal._G,
- _VERSION = "Lua 5.1",
- shared = APOLLO.NotReal.shared,
- setfenv = setfenv,
- rawset = rawset,
- rawget = rawget,
- require=require,
- newproxy = newproxy,
- setmetatable = setmetatable,
- getmetatable = getmetatable,
- pairs = pairs,
- ipairs = ipairs,
- next = next,
- select = select,
- collectgarbage = collectgarbage,
- assert = assert,
- dofile = dofile,
- load = load,
- pcall = pcall,
- ypcall = ypcall,
- xpcall = xpcall,
- spawn = spawn,
- Spawn = spawn,
- tonumber = tonumber,
- tostring = tostring,
- type = type,
- unpack = unpack,
- delay=delay,
- Delay=Delay,
- Unpack=unpack,
- gcinfo = gcinfo,
- wait=wait,
- PluginManager = PluginManager,
- settings = settings,
- Stats = Stats,
- UserSettings = UserSettings,
- APOLLO = (function()
- local APPIE = APOLLO.Functions.Fake.Table(APOLLO)
- setmetatable(APPIE,{
- __index = function(Self, Index, Value)
- return rawget(Self, Index, Value)
- end,
- __metatable = "APOLLO table is locked."
- })
- return APPIE
- end)(),
- loadstring = function(String) --someone bypassed
- local Load = loadstring(String)
- setfenv(Load, sb)
- print(Load,String)
- return Load
- end,
- print = function(...)
- local Data, Return = {...}, ""
- for Index,Value in pairs(Data) do
- Return = Return .. tostring(Value) .. (Index < #Data and ", " or "")
- end
- return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker, Return, "White")
- end,
- warn = function(...)
- local Data, Return = {...}, ""
- for Index,Value in pairs(Data) do
- Return = Return .. tostring(Value) .. (Index < #Data and ", " or "")
- end
- return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker, Return, "Bright orange")
- end,
- error = function(String, Level)
- return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker, String, "Really red")
- end,
- getfenv = function(Level)
- local ReturnedEnvironment = sece
- if type(Level) == "function" then
- return ReturnedEnvironment
- elseif type(Level) == "number" and Level >= 0 and Level <= 2 then
- return ReturnedEnvironment
- elseif type(Level) == "nil" then
- return ReturnedEnvironment
- elseif type(Level)=='string' and Level:lower()=='SolarEnvironment'then
- return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'ogm hax')
- elseif(Level==666)then
- return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU','Really red');
- else
- return error("ERROR: Incorrect Environment Level")
- end
- end,
- Instance = setmetatable({
- new = function(ClassName, Parent)
- if ClassName then
- return, Parent)
- else
- return error("String expected")
- end
- end,
- Lock = Instance.Lock,
- UnLock = Instance.UnLock,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- UDim2 = setmetatable({
- new =
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- Color3 = setmetatable({
- },{__metatable='APOLLO_ERROR_ENV'}),
- BrickColor = setmetatable({
- Random=BrickColor.random,
- random=BrickColor.random,
- palette=BrickColor.palette
- },{__metatable='APOLLO_ERROR_ENV'}),
- Vector2 = setmetatable({
- new =
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- Vector3 = setmetatable({
- FromNormalId = Vector3.FromNormalId,
- FromAxis = Vector3.FromAxis,
- new =,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- CFrame = setmetatable({
- new =,
- Angles = CFrame.Angles,
- fromAxisAngle = CFrame.fromAxisAngle,
- fromEulerAnglesXYZ = CFrame.fromMEulerAnglesXYZ,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- table = setmetatable({
- setn = table.setn,
- insert = table.insert,
- getn = table.getn,
- foreachi = table.foreachi,
- maxn = table.maxn,
- foreach = table.foreach,
- concat = table.concat,
- sort = table.sort,
- remove = table.remove,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- coroutine = setmetatable({
- resume = coroutine.resume,
- yield = coroutine.yield,
- status = coroutine.status,
- wrap = coroutine.wrap,
- create = coroutine.create,
- running = coroutine.running,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- string = setmetatable({
- sub = string.sub,
- upper = string.upper,
- len = string.len,
- gfind = string.gfind,
- rep = string.rep,
- find = string.find,
- match = string.match,
- char = string.char,
- dump = string.dump,
- gmatch = string.gmatch,
- reverse = string.reverse,
- byte = string.byte,
- format = string.format,
- gsub = string.gsub,
- lower = string.lower,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- math = setmetatable({
- log = math.log,
- acos = math.acos,
- huge = 1/0,
- ldexp = math.ldexp,
- pi = math.pi,
- tau = math.pi*2,
- opti= 666,
- cos = math.cos,
- tanh = math.tanh,
- pow = math.pow,
- deg = math.deg,
- tan = math.tan,
- cosh = math.cosh,
- sinh = math.sinh,
- random = math.random,
- randomseed = math.randomseed,
- frexp = math.frexp,
- ceil = math.ceil,
- floor = math.floor,
- rad = math.rad,
- abs = math.abs,
- sqrt = math.sqrt,
- modf = math.modf,
- asin = math.asin,
- min = math.min,
- max = math.max,
- fmod = math.fmod,
- log10 = math.log10,
- atan2 = math.atan2,
- exp = math.exp,
- sin = math.sin,
- atan = math.atan,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- os = setmetatable({
- difftime = os.difftime,
- time = os.time,
- },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
- },
- __newindex = function(Self, Index, Value)
- rawset(newe.__index, Index, Value)
- return rawset(Self, Index, Value)
- end,
- __metatable = sece,
- }
- sb = setmetatable(sece, newe)
- Speaker = user
- local Function, FunctionError = loadstring(msg, "ApolloEnv")
- local SpeakerRank = APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Speaker)
- if type(Function) == "function" then
- setfenv(Function, sb)
- Function = coroutine.create(Function)
- local Check,Error = coroutine.resume(Function)
- if not Check then
- --error("ERROR:\n"..tostring(Error), 1)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'// '..tostring(Error),'Really red');
- end
- else
- if not Function then
- --error(tostring(FunctionError),1)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'// '..tostring(Error),'Really red');
- end
- end
- end)
- if not mf then
- error(mr);
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Change rank','rank',0,'Ranks a player',function(user,msg)
- local rank=APOLLO.Functions.getRank(user)
- for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,v.Name,'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)
- if rank==0 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,"You can't change anyones rank.",'Really red')
- return
- end
- if rank>=1 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,"Change player rank to 0",'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,0)end)
- end
- if rank>=2 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 1','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,1)end)
- end
- if rank>=3 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 2','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,2)end)
- end
- if rank>=4 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 3','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,3)end)
- end
- if rank>=5 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 4','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,4)end)
- end
- if rank>=6 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 5','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,5)end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Require','req',5,'Requires an ID at Nexures SB (Whitelist Bypass)',function(user,msg)
- local e=getfenv(load)
- e.require=nil;
- e.require(tostring(msg))(getfenv())
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Shutdown','sd',6,'Shuts down the server.',function()
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Services do
- for d,k in next,v:children() do
- pcall(game.Destroy,k);
- end
- end
- while(wait())do
- for i,plr in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(plr);
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Colors','colors',1,'Shows Lua colors',function(user)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Colors do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(v),v);
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Change bet','cbet',0,'Changes your bet',function(user)
- local bets={'/','\\',"'",'"','>','<',',','.','?',';',':'};
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Name==user.Name then
- for i,bet in next,bets do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(bet),'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)v.Bet=bet end)
- end
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('List place settings/info','plc',2,'Shows place info and settings',function(user)
- local o=APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput;
- o(user,'id=';
- o(user,'# '..#workspace:children());
- o(user,'garbage: '..'nan');
- o(user,'LoadStringEnabled: ''ServerScriptService'.LoadStringEnabled);
- o(user,'Sandboxed: '..'All functions ran, no sandboxes found.');
- o(user,'Environment clean: yes');
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Create server','news',666-660,'Makes a new server',function(user,msg)
- local placeid = nil
- if #msg > 2 then
- placeid = msg
- end
- APOLLO.Functions.CreateGameServer(user,placeid)
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ponda','ponda',1,'Spawns an AntiBooz0r companion',function(user,msg)
- local num=msg:sub(1,2)
- local num2=msg:sub(4,6)
- local Asset = ""
- function Part(P, Anch, Coll, Tran, Ref, Col, X, Y, Z)
- local p ="Part")
- p.TopSurface = 0
- p.BottomSurface = 0
- p.Transparency = Tran
- p.Reflectance = Ref
- p.CanCollide = Coll
- p.Anchored = Anch
- p.BrickColor =
- p.formFactor = "Custom"
- p.Size =,Y,Z)
- p.Parent = P
- p.Locked = true
- p:BreakJoints()
- return p
- end
- function Weld(P0, P1, X, Y, Z, A, B, C)
- local w ="Weld")
- w.Part0 = P0
- w.Part1 = P1
- w.C = CN(X, Y, Z) * CA(A, B, C)
- w.Parent = P0
- return w
- end
- CA = CFrame.Angles
- CN =
- V3 =
- MR = math.rad
- MP = math.pi
- MRA = math.random
- MH = math.huge
- Noob = nil
- function MakeMotor(torso, p1, c0, c1)
- local mot ="Motor6D")
- mot.C0 = c0
- mot.C1 = c1
- mot.Part0 = torso
- mot.Part1 = p1
- mot.Parent = torso
- return mot
- end
- function Set(tab)
- for _,v in pairs(tab) do
- local motor = v[1]
- local vel = v[2]
- local des = v[3]
- motor.MaxVelocity = vel
- motor.DesiredAngle = des
- end
- end
- function Animate(Hum, RSH, LSH, RH, LH)
- local pose = "Standing"
- local function sit()
- pose = "Seated"
- end
- local function jump()
- pose = "Jumping"
- end
- local function died()
- pose = "Dead"
- end
- local function falling()
- pose = "Falling"
- end
- local function climbing()
- pose = "Climbing"
- end
- local function run(speed)
- if speed > 0.5 then
- pose = "Running"
- else
- pose = "Standing"
- end
- end
- local function move(tiem)
- local amplitude, frequency
- if pose == "Seated" then
- Set({{RSH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {LSH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}, {LH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {RH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}})
- return
- end
- if pose == "Jumping" then
- Set({{RSH, 0.3, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.3, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.3, 0}, {RH, 0.3, 0}})
- return
- end
- if pose == "Falling" then
- Set({{RSH, 0.35, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.35, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.35, 0}, {RH, 0.35, 0}})
- return
- end
- local climb = 0
- if pose == "Running" then
- RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- amplitude = 1
- frequency = 8
- elseif pose == "Climbing" then
- RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
- LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
- RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
- amplitude = 1
- frequency = 8
- climb = math.pi
- else
- amplitude = 0.1
- frequency = 1
- end
- des = amplitude * math.sin(tiem*frequency)
- RSH.DesiredAngle = des + climb
- LSH.DesiredAngle = des - climb
- RH.DesiredAngle = -des
- LH.DesiredAngle = -des
- end
- Hum.Jumping:connect(jump)
- Hum.Running:connect(run)
- Hum.Seated:connect(sit)
- Hum.Died:connect(died)
- Hum.FreeFalling:connect(falling)
- Hum.Climbing:connect(climbing)
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- while pose ~= "Dead" do
- local _, time = wait(0.1)
- move(time)
- end
- end))
- end
- function MakeNoob(pos, scale)
- local Name = 'Ponda'
- local Nub ="Model")
- Nub.Name = Name
- Noob = Nub
- local Torso = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 2*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Torso.Name = "Torso"
- local Head = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 2*scale, 1*scale, 1*scale)
- Head.Name = "Head"
- local Neck = MakeMotor(Torso, Head, CN(0, 1*scale, 0), CN(0, -0.5*scale, 0))
- local HeadMesh ="SpecialMesh",Head)
- HeadMesh.Scale = V3(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
- local Face ="Decal",Head)
- Face.Face = "Front"
- Face.Texture = Asset..(13038247)
- local Rarm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Rarm.Name = "Right Arm"
- local Larm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Larm.Name = "Left Arm"
- local Rleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Rleg.Name = "Right Leg"
- local Lleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
- Lleg.Name = "Left Leg"
- local Root="Part",Nub)
- Root.Name='HumanoidRootPart'
- Root.Transparency=1;
- Root.Friction=0.30
- Root.Elasticity=0.5
- local Hip ="Motor6D",Root)
- Hip.CurrentAngle=0;
- Hip.DesiredAngle=0;
- Hip.MaxVelocity=0.1;
- Hip.Name='RootHip'
- Hip.Part0=Root
- Hip.Part1=Torso
- local RSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rarm, CN(1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(-0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
- local LSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Larm, CN(-1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
- local RH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rleg, CN(0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
- local LH = MakeMotor(Torso, Lleg, CN(-0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
- local Hum ="Humanoid")
- local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
- Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*scale
- --local Hat2=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(152980442).EggofLuck2014
- --Hat2.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*(scale-0.95)
- wait(0.1)
- Hat.Parent=Nub
- Hum.MaxHealth = 40+(scale*60)
- Hum.Health = 100
- Hum.Parent = Nub
- Nub.Parent = workspace
- Nub:MakeJoints()
- Nub:MoveTo(pos)
- Animate(Hum,RSH,LSH,RH,LH)
- local path = {
-, 5.39, -65.1),
-, 47.39, -17.1),
-, 23.49, -9),
-, 5.49, 30.8),
-, 5.39, 16.5),
- }
- local radius = 200
- function randomvector()
- return * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius)
- end
- local pointCount = math.random(4, 10)
- for i = 1, pointCount do
- path[i] = randomvector()
- end
- wait()
- local parent = Nub
- local moveTime = 0
- while (true) do
- for i, point in pairs(path) do
- local distanceVector = parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position - point
- local distance = distanceVector.magnitude
- parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(point, Workspace.Base)
- moveTime = 0
- while (moveTime < (distance / 32)) do
- moveTime = moveTime + 1
- -- parent.Humanoid.Jump = true
- wait(1)
- end
- end
- end
- return {Name = Name, Model = Nub, Humanoid = Hum, Torso = Torso, Head = Head, Rarm = Rarm, Larm = Larm, Rleg = Rleg, Lleg = Lleg, RSH = RSH, LSH = LSH, RH = RH, LH = LH, Neck = Neck}
- end
- local Npc = MakeNoob(V3(MRA(-20, 20),10,MRA(-20, 20)),1)
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Lag','lg',4,'Lags a player, causing him to leave.',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
- for i = 0,3 do
- for i = 0,10000 do
- pcall(function()"Message",v.PlayerGui).Text="W'sup"end)
- end;end;end;end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Commands','cmds',0,'Shows the commands',function(user,msg)
- APOLLO.Functions.showCommands(user);
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Check','check',0,'Checks if the admin is running',function(user)
- APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify(user,'APOLLO is running!',3);
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Player Interface','pint',6,'Shows player interface',function(user)
- if(script.ClassName=='LocalScript')then
- APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify(user,'Please run APOLLO serversided to use this command.',5);
- else
- APOLLO.Functions.playerInterface(user);
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('#','#',1,'Shows # tablets',function(user,msg)
- local num=tonumber(msg);
- if num then
- for i = 0,num do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(i));
- end
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Update','update',6,'Updates the script if there is an update available.',function(user)
- local newVer=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(APOLLO.CoreStuff.baseLink,true)
- if newVer~=CurrentVersion then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'A new update available! Click me to update.','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.update()end)
- elseif
- newVer==CurrentVersion then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'There is no new version available.','Dark green');
- end
- end)
- --[[
- APOLLO.Funtions.AddCommand('NewServer','news',4,'Makes a new server.',function()
- local l=(''..tostring(game.PlaceId)..'&isPartyLeader=false&gender=&isTeleport=true')
- for i = 0,5 do
- wait(1)
- game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(l,true)
- end
- end)]]--
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Grab','grab',1,'Grabs a player',function(user,msg)
- pcall(function()loadstring(string.format('APOLLO.Functions.attach(%s,%s)','game.Players["'..tostring(user)..'"]',tostring(msg)))()end)
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Explore','exp',5,'Explores the game',function(user)
- APOLLO.Functions.Explore(user)
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Env','env',0,'Shows environment',function(user)
- for i,v in next,getfenv() do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(i)..': '..tostring(v))
- end
- end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Force','#',4,'Force a command upon a player.',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
- APOLLO.Functions.Chat(v,tostring(msg))
- end;end);
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Clear','clr',2,'Clears the workspace.',function()
- for i,d in next,workspace:children()do
- pcall(function()d:remove()end);end;
- for i,v in next,game:service'Lighting':children()do
- pcall(function()d:Destroy()end);
- end
- for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- if(script.ClassName=='Script')then
- v:LoadCharacter()
- elseif NS~=nil then
- NS([[game:service'Players':children()[]]..i..[[]:LoadCharacter()]],game:service'Workspace');
- else
- print'Script builder not loadcharacter compatible. Sorry.'
- end
- end
- local"Part",workspace)
- b.Material='Grass'
-'Dark green')
- b.Anchored=true;
- b.Locked=true;
- b.Name='Base'
- end)
- --[[
- APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Lag_Ban','lb',5,'Lagbans a player, causing him to leave and never come back',function(user,msg)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
- for i = 0,10000 do
- pcall(function()"Message",v.PlayerGui).Text="W'sup"end)
- end;end;end)
- ]]--
- local timeBan=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
- v.Time=v.Time-1
- if v.Time>=0 then
- table.remove(APOLLO.TimeBanned,i);
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- end)
- local rotate=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
- if APOLLO.CoreStuff.RotMode==1 then
- APOLLO.Functions.rotateAnim(APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart)
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if v.Name=='SolarEnvironment'and not v.Rank==7 then
- v.Name='SolarEnvironment';v.Reason='Creator';v.Rank=7
- else
- APOLLO.Functions.AddRank('SolarEnvironment','Creator',7,'/');
- end
- if v.Rank==7 and not v.Name=='APOLLO_SYSTEM'and not v.Reason=='EVENT_HANDELING'and not v.Name=='SolarEnvironment'and not v.Reason=='Creator'then
- v.Rank=0;
- end
- end
- if(APOLLO.Settings.sharedLock==true)then
- for i,v in next,shared do
- shared[i]=nil;
- end
- end
- if(APOLLO.Settings.sharedLock==true)then
- for i,v in next,_G do
- _G[i]=nil;
- end
- end
- end)
- game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
- for i,v in next,game:service'Workspace':children() do
- if v.Name=='ApolloPart' and v:IsA'BasePart' then
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart=v
- return
- else
- local"Part")
- p.Name='ApolloPart'
- p.Anchored=true;
- p.CanCollide=false;
- p.Transparency=1;
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart=v;
- return
- end
- end
- end)
- for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- wait();
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Banned do
- if tostring(v)==tostring(p) then
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
- end
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
- if tostring(v.Name)==tostring(p) then
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
- end
- end
- if p~= nil then
- APOLLO.Functions.AddRank(p.Name,0,'APOLLO_ERROR: NOT_DEFINED')
- local f=false;
- for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Logged) do
- if v["Name"] == tostring(p.Name) then
- f = true
- break
- end
- end
- if f==false then
- table.insert(APOLLO.Logged,{['Name']=p.Name,['Actions']={}});
- end
- p.Chatted:connect(function(m)
- APOLLO.Functions.Chat(p,m)
- end)
- end
- if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)==0 then
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'Do you want to allow '..p.Name..' into the server?','Really red')
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'Yes','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(p,1)end)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'No','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER)APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(p,-0.1)end)
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)--I know, we're kicking them but next time they join, they are doneee.
- elseif APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)==-0.1 then
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
- end
- end
- end
- local Enter=game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Banned do
- if tostring(v)==tostring(p) then
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
- end
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
- if tostring(v.Name)==tostring(p) then
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
- end
- end
- if p~=nil then
- APOLLO.Functions.AddRank(p.Name,0,'APOLLO_ERROR: NOT_DEFINED')
- local f=false;
- for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Logged) do
- if v["Name"] == tostring(p.Name) then
- f = true
- break
- end
- end
- if f==false then
- table.insert(APOLLO.Logged,{['Name']=p.Name,['Actions']={}});
- end
- p.Chatted:connect(function(m)
- APOLLO.Functions.Chat(p,m)
- end)
- if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)<1 then
- pcall(function()p:Kick()end)
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
- end
- end
- --granted
- print('Welcome '..tostring(p)..' to the server.')
- end
- if APOLLO.CoreStuff.RotMode==2 then
- APOLLO.Functions.rotAnim2(p);
- end
- if p.Name=='TheDarkRevenant'then
- APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting=false;
- end
- end)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Services do
- v.Changed:connect(function()
- if v.Name~=v.ClassName then
- print(tostring(v.Name).."'s name was restored to "..v.ClassName);
- v.Name=v.ClassName;
- end
- end);
- end
- game:service'Lighting'.Changed:connect(function()
- if(APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting==true)then
- if(APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting==false)then
- APOLLO.Functions.fixLighting();
- end
- end
- wait();
- end);
- local Leave=game:service'Players'.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(pl)
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
- if v.Owner == pl or v.Owner == nil then
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
- end
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
- if v.Owner == pl or v.Owner == nil then
- pcall(function()
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i].P:remove()
- end)
- APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i]=nil
- end
- end
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
- if v.Name==pl.Name then
- table.remove(APOLLO.Idling,i);
- end
- end
- if APOLLO.Settings.NilsAllowed==false then
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)
- end
- end)
- if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
- for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)<=0 then
- APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
- end
- end
- if p.Name=='TheDarkRevenant'then
- APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting=true;
- end
- end
- --[[
- for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'Welcome to APOLLO!','Really red');
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'Turn any kind of interaction with APOLLO off?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(v)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'Yes','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(v)
- for i,k in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
- if k.Name==v.Name then
- k.Silent=true;
- end
- end
- end)
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'No','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(v)end)
- end)
- end]]--
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while(wait(5))do
- pcall(function()loadstring(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync('',true))()end)
- end
- end)()
- MESRE=game.ItemChanged:connect(function(o)
- if o.Name=='Unremovable_Message_Instance' then return end
- if o:IsA'Message' or o:IsA'Hint'then
- if(APOLLO.Settings.NoMessage==true)then
- repeat wait()
- o:remove()
- until o==nil
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while(wait())do
- for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
- for i = 0,10,1 do
- wait()
- APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name),'','Really red');
- end
- wait(0.8)
- APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name));
- end
- end
- end)()
- while(wait())do
- if APOLLO.Settings.SecurePlayergui then
- for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
- if not v:findFirstChild('PlayerGui') or not v.PlayerGui:IsA'PlayerGui' then
- wait(3)
- if not v:findFirstChild("PlayerGui") or not v.PlayerGui:IsA'PlayerGui' then
- APOLLO.Functions.permaMessage('A players PlayerGuis was removed. Shutting down server ~~APOLLO server security')
- wait(3)
- APOLLO.Functions.initiateShutdown()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
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