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- // Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)'
- Shader "Lighting/Crepuscular Rays" {
- Properties{
- _MainTex("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
- _BlurTex("BlurTex (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
- _NumSamples("Number of Samples", Range(0, 1024)) = 128
- _Density("Density", Range(0, 1)) = 1.0
- _Weight("Weight", Range(0, 2)) = 1.0
- _Decay("Decay", Range(0, 1)) = 1.0
- _Exposure("Exposure", Range(0, 1)) = 1.0
- _Parameter("Kernel Offset", Range(0, 4)) = 1.0
- _Contrast("Contrast", Range(1, 5)) = 1.0
- _PerpendicularFalloff("Perpendicular Falloff Rate", Range(0.01, 1)) = 1.0
- _CosAngle("Angle", Float) = 1
- [IntRange] _StencilRef ("Stencil Ref", Range(0,255)) = 0
- _TintColor ("Tint Color", Color) = (.5, .5, .5, .5)
- _FrameValue("Frame remainder", Float) = 0
- [IntRange] _Frequency ("Frequency", Range(1,15)) = 1
- _fogInfluence("Fog Influence", Range(0,2)) = 0.5
- _fogSpeed("Fog Speed", Float) = 10.0
- }
- #include "UnityCG.cginc"
- #pragma target 2.0
- uniform sampler2D_half _MainTex;
- uniform sampler2D_half _BlurTex;
- uniform sampler2D _CameraDepthTexture;
- half3 _LightPos;
- half _NumSamples;
- half _Density;
- half _Weight;
- half _Decay;
- half _Exposure;
- half _Contrast;
- uniform half4 _Parameter;
- uniform half4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
- half4 _MainTex_ST;
- half _LightY;
- half _CosAngle;
- half4 _TintColor;
- half _PerpendicularFalloff;
- int _Frequency;
- float _fogInfluence;
- half _fogSpeed;
- struct appdata
- {
- float4 pos : POSITION;
- float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- struct v2f
- {
- float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
- float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- struct v2f_withBlurCoordsSGX
- {
- float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
- half2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
- half4 offs[3] : TEXCOORD1;
- };
- static const half curve[7] = { 0.0205, 0.0855, 0.232, 0.324, 0.232, 0.0855, 0.0205 }; // gauss'ish blur weights
- half rand(half2 co)
- {
- const half a = 2.9898f;
- const half b = 78.233f;
- const half c = 28.5453f;
- const half dt = dot(co.xy ,half2(a,b));
- const half sn = cos(abs(dt/3.14f));
- return cos(frac(sin(sn) * c)* ((_Time.w * _fogSpeed) * _fogInfluence));
- }
- ////////////// accumulator for rays /////////////////
- v2f vert( appdata v )
- {
- v2f o;
- o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos (v.pos);
- o.uv = v.uv;
- return o;
- }
- half4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR
- {
- // Calculate floattor from pixel to light source in screen space.
- half4 light = half4(,1);
- half2 deltaTexCoord = half2 (0,0);
- // get our y direction, and swap the direction the coordinates are plotted based on that
- // so that it looks correct regardless of current camera rotation- we decompose this
- //because it will not look right if we just add or subtract light.xy to i.uv
- deltaTexCoord = half2(light.y < 0.0h ? half2(i.uv.x + light.x, i.uv.y + light.y) : half2(i.uv.x - light.x, i.uv.y - light.y));
- // Divide by number of samples and scale by control factor.
- deltaTexCoord *= 1.0h / _NumSamples * _Density;
- // Store initial sample.
- half2 uv = i.uv;
- half3 color = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);
- // Set up illumination decay factor.
- half illuminationDecay = 1.0h;
- // Evaluate summation from Equation 3 NUM_SAMPLES iterations.
- float depth;
- half rate = _Frequency;
- for (int i = 1; i < _NumSamples + 1; i++)
- {
- // Step sample location along ray.
- uv -= deltaTexCoord;
- // Retrieve sample at new location.
- float sample = tex2D(_MainTex, uv);
- half randomFactor = rand(uv.yx)*_fogInfluence * _Contrast;
- float value = frac(i/rate);
- float cast = Linear01Depth(tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, uv)).r;
- //calc depth value
- depth = float(value !=0 ? float(cast * 1.5f):float(cast * (1-randomFactor)));
- // Apply sample attenuation scale/decay factors.
- sample *= illuminationDecay * (_Weight/ _NumSamples*4) * depth;
- sample *= 2.5h;
- // Accumulate combined color.
- color += sample;
- // Update exponential decay factor.
- illuminationDecay *= _Decay;
- }
- // Output final color with a further scale control factor.
- return (max(half4(color * _Exposure, 1), 0.15h));
- }
- /////////////// SGX Horizontal Blur /////////////////////////////
- v2f_withBlurCoordsSGX vertBlurHorizontalSGX (appdata_img v)
- {
- v2f_withBlurCoordsSGX o;
- o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
- o.uv = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xy, _MainTex_ST);
- const half offsetMagnitude = _MainTex_TexelSize.x * _Parameter.x;
- o.offs[0] = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xyxy + offsetMagnitude * half4(-3.0h, 0.0h, 3.0h, 0.0h), _MainTex_ST);
- o.offs[1] = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xyxy + offsetMagnitude * half4(-2.0h, 0.0h, 2.0h, 0.0h), _MainTex_ST);
- o.offs[2] = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xyxy + offsetMagnitude * half4(-1.0h, 0.0h, 1.0h, 0.0h), _MainTex_ST);
- return o;
- }
- /////////////// SGX Vertical Blur /////////////////////////////
- v2f_withBlurCoordsSGX vertBlurVerticalSGX (appdata_img v)
- {
- v2f_withBlurCoordsSGX o;
- o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
- o.uv = half4(UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xy, _MainTex_ST),1,1);
- const half offsetMagnitude = _MainTex_TexelSize.y * _Parameter.x;
- o.offs[0] = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xyxy + offsetMagnitude * half4(0.0h, -3.0h, 0.0h, 3.0h), _MainTex_ST);
- o.offs[1] = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xyxy + offsetMagnitude * half4(0.0h, -2.0h, 0.0h, 2.0h), _MainTex_ST);
- o.offs[2] = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xyxy + offsetMagnitude * half4(0.0h, -1.0h, 0.0h, 1.0h), _MainTex_ST);
- return o;
- }
- ///////////// SGX Frag //////////////////////////////////////
- half4 fragBlurSGX ( v2f_withBlurCoordsSGX i ) : SV_Target
- {
- half2 uv = i.uv.xy;
- half4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv) * curve[3];
- for( int l = 0; l < 3; l++ )
- {
- const half4 tapA = tex2D(_MainTex, i.offs[l].xy);
- const half4 tapB = tex2D(_MainTex, i.offs[l].zw);
- color += (tapA + tapB) * curve[l];
- }
- return color;
- }
- /////////////// Composition /////////////////////////////
- v2f vertFinal(appdata i)
- {
- v2f o = (v2f)0;
- o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(i.pos);
- o.uv = (i.uv);
- return o;
- }
- half4 fragFinal(v2f i) : SV_Target
- {
- half4 light = half4(,1);
- _CosAngle = 1- abs(cos(light.z));
- const fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
- fixed4 sample = tex2D(_BlurTex, i.uv);
- const fixed contrast = _Contrast;
- const fixed4 finalSample = (((col) + (sample * 0.4h)) - 0.5h) * contrast + 0.445h; //final sampled color
- const fixed4 finalColor = (col + (col * 0.04h) - 0.01h); //final modulated base color
- fixed4 blitColor = lerp(finalSample, finalColor, (1 - _CosAngle - _PerpendicularFalloff)); //use falloff to fade effect out when _CosAngle nears 1 to mask artifacts
- return blitColor;
- }
- //
- v2f vertStencil(appdata v)
- {
- v2f o;
- o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos (v.pos);
- o.uv = v.uv;
- return o;
- }
- half4 fragStencil (v2f i) : SV_Target
- {
- fixed4 col = _TintColor;
- return col;
- }
- ////// Passes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- SubShader {
- ZTest Always
- Cull Off
- //0- calculate low resolution rays
- Pass {
- #pragma vertex vert
- #pragma fragment frag
- #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
- }
- //2- vertical blur
- Pass {
- #pragma vertex vertBlurVerticalSGX
- #pragma fragment fragBlurSGX
- #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
- }
- //3- horizontal Blur
- Pass {
- #pragma vertex vertBlurHorizontalSGX
- #pragma fragment fragBlurSGX
- #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
- }
- Pass //4- composition
- {
- #pragma vertex vertFinal
- #pragma fragment fragFinal
- #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
- }
- Pass {
- Stencil{
- Ref [_StencilRef]
- Comp Equal
- Pass Keep
- }
- #pragma vertex vertStencil
- #pragma fragment fragStencil
- #pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest
- }
- }
- }
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