

Oct 12th, 2021
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text 13.49 KB | None | 0 0
  1. colour,0x00,1
  2. black,0x01,1
  3. white ,0x02,1
  4. blue,0x03,1
  5. green,0x04,1
  6. orange,0x05,1
  7. red,0x06,1
  8. yellow,0x07,1
  9. purple,0x08,1
  10. abort,0x09,1
  11. activate,0x0a,1
  12. begin,0x0b,1
  13. deactivate,0x0c,1
  14. destruct,0x0d,1
  15. go,0x0e,1
  16. move,0x0f,1
  17. off,0x10,1
  18. on,0x11,1
  19. open,0x12,1
  20. pull,0x13,1
  21. push,0x14,1
  22. reset,0x15,1
  23. run,0x16,1
  24. stop,0x17,1
  25. turn,0x18,1
  26. january,0x19,1
  27. february,0x1a,1
  28. march,0x1b,1
  29. april,0x1c,1
  30. may,0x1d,1
  31. june,0x1e,1
  32. july,0x1f,1
  33. august,0x20,1
  34. september,0x21,1
  35. october,0x22,1
  36. november,0x23,1
  37. december,0x24,1
  38. monday,0x25,1
  39. tuesday,0x26,1
  40. wednesday,0x27,1
  41. thursday,0x28,1
  42. friday,0x29,1
  43. saturday,0x2a,1
  44. sunday,0x2b,1
  45. a.m.,0x2c,1
  46. p.m.,0x2d,1
  47. date,0x2e,1
  48. day,0x2f,1
  49. hours,0x30,1
  50. month,0x31,1
  51. o'clock,0x32,1
  52. time,0x33,1
  53. week,0x34,1
  54. year,0x35,1
  55. zero,0x36,1
  56. one,0x37,1
  57. two,0x38,1
  58. three,0x39,1
  59. four,0x3a,1
  60. five,0x3b,1
  61. six,0x3c,1
  62. seven,0x3d,1
  63. eight,0x3e,1
  64. nine,0x3f,1
  65. ten,0x40,1
  66. eleven,0x41,1
  67. twelve,0x42,1
  68. thirteen,0x43,1
  69. fourteen,0x44,1
  70. fifteen,0x45,1
  71. sixteen,0x46,1
  72. seventeen,0x47,1
  73. eighteen,0x48,1
  74. nineteen,0x49,1
  75. twenty,0x4a,1
  76. thirty,0x4b,1
  77. forty,0x4c,1
  78. fifty,0x4d,1
  79. sixty,0x4e,1
  80. seventy,0x4f,1
  81. eighty,0x50,1
  82. ninety,0x51,1
  83. hundred,0x52,1
  84. thousand,0x53,1
  85. million,0x54,1
  86. north,0x55,1
  87. east,0x56,1
  88. south,0x57,1
  89. west,0x58,1
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  91. down,0x5a,1
  92. left,0x5b,1
  93. right,0x5c,1
  94. backward,0x5d,1
  95. forward,0x5e,1
  96. happy ,0x5f,1
  97. sad,0x60,1
  98. angry,0x61,1
  99. ac,0x62,1
  100. amps,0x63,1
  101. celsius,0x64,1
  102. centi,0x65,1
  103. cubic,0x66,1
  104. dc,0x67,1
  105. degrees,0x68,1
  106. diameter,0x69,1
  107. fahrenheit,0x6a,1
  108. farads,0x6b,1
  109. feet,0x6c,1
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  111. giga,0x6e,1
  112. gram,0x6f,1
  113. height,0x70,1
  114. hertz,0x71,1
  115. humidity,0x72,1
  116. inches,0x73,1
  117. kilo,0x74,1
  118. length,0x75,1
  119. light,0x76,1
  120. litre,0x77,1
  121. mega,0x78,1
  122. meters,0x79,1
  123. micro,0x7a,1
  124. milli,0x7b,1
  125. minutes,0x7c,1
  126. nano,0x7d,1
  127. newton,0x7e,1
  128. night,0x7f,1
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  130. per,0x81,1
  131. pico,0x82,1
  132. pitch,0x83,1
  133. pounds,0x84,1
  134. radius,0x85,1
  135. rate,0x86,1
  136. seconds,0x87,1
  137. sound,0x88,1
  138. speed,0x89,1
  139. temperature,0x8a,1
  140. volts,0x8b,1
  141. watts,0x8c,1
  142. weight,0x8d,1
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  144. alert,0x8f,1
  145. detected,0x90,1
  146. intruder,0x91,1
  147. security,0x92,1
  148. system,0x93,1
  149. warning,0x94,1
  150. clockwise,0x95,1
  151. counter,0x96,1
  152. divide,0x97,1
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  154. minus,0x99,1
  155. multiply,0x9a,1
  156. not,0x9b,1
  157. plus,0x9c,1
  158. square root,0x9d,1
  159. a,0x9e,1
  160. ahead,0x9f,1
  161. air,0xa0,1
  162. altitude,0xa1,1
  163. an,0xa2,1
  164. am,0xa3,1
  165. and,0xa4,1
  166. are,0xa5,1
  167. area,0xa6,1
  168. at,0xa7,1
  169. axis,0xa8,1
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  171. be ,0xaa,1
  172. bearing,0xab,1
  173. been,0xac,1
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  194. front,0xc1,1
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  196. goodbye,0xc3,1
  197. he ,0xc4,1
  198. hello,0xc5,1
  199. high,0xc6,1
  200. how,0xc7,1
  201. i,0xc8,1
  202. in ,0xc9,1
  203. incoming,0xca,1
  204. ing,0xcb,1
  205. inside,0xcc,1
  206. is,0xcd,1
  207. it,0xce,1
  208. laser,0xcf,1
  209. last,0xd0,1
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  211. locked,0xd2,1
  212. low,0xd3,1
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  214. message,0xd5,1
  215. mode,0xd6,1
  216. motor,0xd7,1
  217. new,0xd8,1
  218. next,0xd9,1
  219. nomincal,0xda,1
  220. object,0xdb,1
  221. obstacle,0xdc,1
  222. of,0xdd,1
  223. out,0xde,1
  224. outside,0xdf,1
  225. press,0xe0,1
  226. process,0xe1,1
  227. purge,0xe2,1
  228. range,0xe3,1
  229. rear,0xe4,1
  230. received,0xe5,1
  231. rising,0xe6,1
  232. sent,0xe7,1
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  234. she,0xe9,1
  235. sleep,0xea,1
  236. slow,0xeb,1
  237. stable,0xec,1
  238. start,0xed,1
  239. step,0xee,1
  240. stepper,0xef,1
  241. switch,0xf0,1
  242. tell,0xf1,1
  243. the,0xf2,1
  244. there,0xf3,1
  245. they,0xf4,1
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  250. we ,0xf9,1
  251. will,0xfa,1
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  253. you,0xfc,1
  254. zone,0xfd,1
  255. a,0x00,2
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  257. c,0x02,2
  258. d,0x03,2
  259. e,0x04,2
  260. f,0x05,2
  261. g,0x06,2
  262. h,0x07,2
  263. i,0x08,2
  264. j,0x09,2
  265. k,0x0a,2
  266. l,0x0b,2
  267. m,0x0c,2
  268. n,0x0d,2
  269. o,0x0e,2
  270. p,0x0f,2
  271. q,0x10,2
  272. r,0x11,2
  273. s,0x12,2
  274. t,0x13,2
  275. u,0x14,2
  276. v ,0x15,2
  277. w,0x16,2
  278. x,0x17,2
  279. y ,0x18,2
  280. z ,0x19,2
  281. a,0x1a,2
  282. b,0x1b,2
  283. c,0x1c,2
  284. d,0x1d,2
  285. e,0x1e,2
  286. f,0x1f,2
  287. g,0x20,2
  288. h,0x21,2
  289. i,0x22,2
  290. j,0x23,2
  291. k,0x24,2
  292. l,0x25,2
  293. m,0x26,2
  294. n,0x27,2
  295. o,0x28,2
  296. p,0x29,2
  297. q,0x2a,2
  298. r,0x2b,2
  299. s,0x2c,2
  300. t,0x2d,2
  301. u,0x2e,2
  302. v ,0x2f,2
  303. w,0x30,2
  304. x,0x31,2
  305. y ,0x32,2
  306. z ,0x33,2
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  308. b,0x35,2
  309. c,0x36,2
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  314. h,0x3b,2
  315. i,0x3c,2
  316. j,0x3d,2
  317. k,0x3e,2
  318. l,0x3f,2
  319. m,0x40,2
  320. n,0x41,2
  321. o,0x42,2
  322. p,0x43,2
  323. q,0x44,2
  324. r,0x45,2
  325. s,0x46,2
  326. t,0x47,2
  327. u,0x48,2
  328. v ,0x49,2
  329. w,0x4a,2
  330. x,0x4b,2
  331. y ,0x4c,2
  332. z ,0x4d,2
  333. a,0x4e,2
  334. b,0x4f,2
  335. c,0x50,2
  336. d,0x51,2
  337. e,0x52,2
  338. f,0x53,2
  339. g,0x54,2
  340. h,0x55,2
  341. i,0x56,2
  342. j,0x57,2
  343. k,0x58,2
  344. l,0x59,2
  345. m,0x5a,2
  346. n,0x5b,2
  347. o,0x5c,2
  348. p,0x5d,2
  349. q,0x5e,2
  350. r,0x5f,2
  351. s,0x60,2
  352. t,0x61,2
  353. u,0x62,2
  354. v ,0x63,2
  355. w,0x64,2
  356. x,0x65,2
  357. y ,0x66,2
  358. z ,0x67,2
  359. a,0x68,2
  360. b,0x69,2
  361. c,0x6a,2
  362. d,0x6b,2
  363. e,0x6c,2
  364. f,0x6d,2
  365. g,0x6e,2
  366. h,0x6f,2
  367. i,0x70,2
  368. j,0x71,2
  369. k,0x72,2
  370. l,0x73,2
  371. m,0x74,2
  372. n,0x75,2
  373. o,0x76,2
  374. p,0x77,2
  375. q,0x78,2
  376. r,0x79,2
  377. s,0x7a,2
  378. t,0x7b,2
  379. u,0x7c,2
  380. v ,0x7d,2
  381. w,0x7e,2
  382. x,0x7f,2
  383. y ,0x80,2
  384. z ,0x81,2
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  392. h,0x89,2
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  400. p,0x91,2
  401. q,0x92,2
  402. r,0x93,2
  403. s,0x94,2
  404. t,0x95,2
  405. u,0x96,2
  406. v ,0x97,2
  407. w,0x98,2
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  410. z ,0x9b,2
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  412. b,0x9d,2
  413. c,0x9e,2
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  415. e,0xa0,2
  416. f,0xa1,2
  417. g,0xa2,2
  418. h,0xa3,2
  419. i,0xa4,2
  420. j,0xa5,2
  421. k,0xa6,2
  422. l,0xa7,2
  423. m,0xa8,2
  424. n,0xa9,2
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  426. p,0xab,2
  427. q,0xac,2
  428. r,0xad,2
  429. s,0xae,2
  430. t,0xaf,2
  431. u,0xb0,2
  432. v ,0xb1,2
  433. w,0xb2,2
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  435. y ,0xb4,2
  436. z ,0xb5,2
  437. a,0xb6,2
  438. b,0xb7,2
  439. c,0xb8,2
  440. d,0xb9,2
  441. e,0xba,2
  442. f,0xbb,2
  443. g,0xbc,2
  444. h,0xbd,2
  445. i,0xbe,2
  446. j,0xbf,2
  447. k,0xc0,2
  448. l,0xc1,2
  449. m,0xc2,2
  450. n,0xc3,2
  451. o,0xc4,2
  452. p,0xc5,2
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  455. s,0xc8,2
  456. t,0xc9,2
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  458. v ,0xcb,2
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  461. y ,0xce,2
  462. z ,0xcf,2
  463. alfa,0xd0,2
  464. bravo,0xd1,2
  465. charlie,0xd2,2
  466. delta,0xd3,2
  467. echo,0xd4,2
  468. foxtrot,0xd5,2
  469. golf,0xd6,2
  470. hotel,0xd7,2
  471. india,0xd8,2
  472. juliett,0xd9,2
  473. kilo,0xda,2
  474. lima,0xdb,2
  475. mike,0xdc,2
  476. november,0xdd,2
  477. oscar,0xde,2
  478. papa,0xdf,2
  479. quebec,0xe0,2
  480. romeo,0xe1,2
  481. sierra,0xe2,2
  482. tango,0xe3,2
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  484. victor,0xe5,2
  485. whiskey,0xe6,2
  486. zx-ray,0xe7,2
  487. yankee,0xe8,2
  488. zulu,0xe9,2
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  492. colon,0xed,2
  493. comma,0xee,2
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  495. end,0xf0,2
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  497. escape,0xf2,2
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  523. anti,0x0e,3
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  525. apartment,0x10,3
  526. apocalypse,0x11,3
  527. apollo,0x12,3
  528. arbeitszimmer,0x13,3
  529. arduino,0x14,3
  530. arm,0x15,3
  531. armed ,0x16,3
  532. array,0x17,3
  533. arrived,0x18,3
  534. asshole,0x19,3
  535. assist,0x1a,3
  536. austria,0x1b,3
  537. average,0x1c,3
  538. bad- german,0x1d,3
  539. balcony,0x1e,3
  540. bar,0x1f,3
  541. barn,0x20,3
  542. barometric,0x21,3
  543. battery,0x22,3
  544. bay,0x23,3
  545. beach,0x24,3
  546. beer,0x25,3
  547. before,0x26,3
  548. beleuchtung,0x27,3
  549. big,0x28,3
  550. bit,0x29,3
  551. blizzard,0x2a,3
  552. board,0x2b,3
  553. body,0x2c,3
  554. boiler,0x2d,3
  555. boo,0x2e,3
  556. boom,0x2f,3
  557. boson,0x30,3
  558. both,0x31,3
  559. boy,0x32,3
  560. breakfast,0x33,3
  561. bridge,0x34,3
  562. buddy,0x35,3
  563. bugger,0x36,3
  564. buy,0x37,3
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  568. calm,0x3b,3
  569. camera,0x3c,3
  570. canada,0x3d,3
  571. captain,0x3e,3
  572. card,0x3f,3
  573. carrier,0x40,3
  574. case,0x41,3
  575. cat,0x42,3
  576. central,0x43,3
  577. charge,0x44,3
  578. charging,0x45,3
  579. che,0x46,3
  580. cheese,0x47,3
  581. chevron,0x48,3
  582. china,0x49,3
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  592. command,0x53,3
  593. communications,0x54,3
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  595. connection,0x56,3
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  597. correct,0x58,3
  598. countdown,0x59,3
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  601. cyan,0x5c,3
  602. cyanide,0x5d,3
  603. cyclonic,0x5e,3
  604. damn,0x5f,3
  605. dance,0x60,3
  606. danger,0x61,3
  607. de,0x62,3
  608. dead,0x63,3
  609. deci,0x64,3
  610. defence,0x65,3
  611. delivery,0x66,3
  612. denied,0x67,3
  613. depressed,0x68,3
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  616. dining,0x6b,3
  617. dinner,0x6c,3
  618. disable,0x6d,3
  619. do,0x6e,3
  620. doctor,0x6f,3
  621. dog,0x70,3
  622. don't,0x71,3
  623. doorbell,0x72,3
  624. drink,0x73,3
  625. dutch,0x74,3
  626. dynamics,0x75,3
  627. eighth,0x76,3
  628. either,0x77,3
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  633. encryption,0x7c,3
  634. enemy,0x7d,3
  635. engineering,0x7e,3
  636. enigma,0x7f,3
  637. entrance,0x80,3
  638. epsilon,0x81,3
  639. er,0x82,3
  640. error,0x83,3
  641. escape,0x84,3
  642. established,0x85,3
  643. eta,0x86,3
  644. evacuate,0x87,3
  645. every,0x88,3
  646. exit,0x89,3
  647. exterminate,0x8a,3
  648. facebook,0x8b,3
  649. factor,0x8c,3
  650. fan,0x8d,3
  651. fault,0x8e,3
  652. fifth,0x8f,3
  653. filament,0x90,3
  654. filter,0x91,3
  655. fire,0x92,3
  656. floor,0x93,3
  657. flower,0x94,3
  658. flur,0x95,3
  659. fog,0x96,3
  660. foo,0x97,3
  661. for,0x98,3
  662. forget,0x99,3
  663. fourth,0x9a,3
  664. fuck,0x9b,3
  665. fuel,0x9c,3
  666. gain,0x9d,3
  667. game,0x9e,3
  668. gaming,0x9f,3
  669. gamma,0xa0,3
  670. garden,0xa1,3
  671. gas,0xa2,3
  672. germany,0xa3,3
  673. get dunked on,0xa4,3
  674. get ,0xa5,3
  675. girl,0xa6,3
  676. god,0xa7,3
  677. goober,0xa8,3
  678. good,0xa9,3
  679. google,0xaa,3
  680. gps,0xab,3
  681. grass,0xac,3
  682. greys,0xad,3
  683. great,0xae,3
  684. groovy,0xaf,3
  685. guest,0xb0,3
  686. guidance,0xb1,3
  687. gust,0xb2,3
  688. half,0xb3,3
  689. halt,0xb4,3
  690. hand,0xb5,3
  691. have,0xb6,3
  692. head,0xb7,3
  693. heart,0xb8,3
  694. hearts,0xb9,3
  695. heat,0xba,3
  696. heater,0xbb,3
  697. hecto,0xbc,3
  698. here,0xbd,3
  699. hinge,0xbe,3
  700. hit,0xbf,3
  701. hold,0xc0,3
  702. horizontal,0xc1,3
  703. hot,0xc2,3
  704. hot tub,0xc3,3
  705. hunt,0xc4,3
  706. hunter,0xc5,3
  707. hurricane,0xc6,3
  708. icy,0xc7,3
  709. idea,0xc8,3
  710. identified,0xc9,3
  711. identity,0xca,3
  712. if,0xcb,3
  713. ignore,0xcc,3
  714. incoming,0xcd,3
  715. index,0xce,3
  716. initiate,0xcf,3
  717. internet,0xd0,3
  718. iota,0xd1,3
  719. iron,0xd2,3
  720. ish,0xd3,3
  721. italy,0xd4,3
  722. jacks,0xd5,3
  723. japan,0xd6,3
  724. jester,0xd7,3
  725. jesus,0xd8,3
  726. joker,0xd9,3
  727. kai,0xda,3
  728. kappa,0xdb,3
  729. kiaora,0xdc,3
  730. key,0xdd,3
  731. keyboard,0xde,3
  732. keypad,0xdf,3
  733. keys,0xe0,3
  734. kids,0xe1,3
  735. kinderzimmer,0xe2,3
  736. king,0xe3,3
  737. kitchen,0xe4,3
  738. kitty,0xe5,3
  739. knife,0xe6,3
  740. kuche,0xe7,3
  741. lake,0xe8,3
  742. lamda,0xe9,3
  743. lame,0xea,3
  744. late,0xeb,3
  745. latitude,0xec,3
  746. leg,0xed,3
  747. leonardo,0xee,3
  748. less,0xef,3
  749. let's,0xf0,3
  750. licht,0xf1,3
  751. lid,0xf2,3
  752. life,0xf3,3
  753. limit,0xf4,3
  754. limited,0xf5,3
  755. line,0xf6,3
  756. linear,0xf7,3
  757. little,0xf8,3
  758. live,0xf9,3
  759. lizard,0xfa,3
  760. log on,0xfb,3
  761. log out,0xfc,3
  762. longitude,0xfd,3
  763. lost,0x00,4
  764. lower,0x01,4
  765. lowered,0x02,4
  766. madam,0x03,4
  767. made,0x04,4
  768. magenta,0x05,4
  769. magic,0x06,4
  770. mail,0x07,4
  771. make,0x08,4
  772. man,0x09,4
  773. maneuvre,0x0a,4
  774. matter,0x0b,4
  775. maximum,0x0c,4
  776. measurement,0x0d,4
  777. memory,0x0e,4
  778. midnight,0x0f,4
  779. miles,0x10,4
  780. mind,0x11,4
  781. minimum,0x12,4
  782. mission,0x13,4
  783. modem,0x14,4
  784. monster,0x15,4
  785. morning,0x16,4
  786. morty,0x17,4
  787. most,0x18,4
  788. mountain,0x19,4
  789. mower,0x1a,4
  790. multi,0x1b,4
  791. my ,0x1c,4
  792. name,0x1d,4
  793. narrow,0x1e,4
  794. neither,0x1f,4
  795. network,0x20,4
  796. nibble,0x21,4
  797. ninth,0x22,4
  798. no,0x23,4
  799. noon,0x24,4
  800. nor,0x25,4
  801. now,0x26,4
  802. nozzle,0x27,4
  803. occluded,0x28,4
  804. office,0x29,4
  805. officer,0x2a,4
  806. offline,0x2b,4
  807. oh,0x2c,4
  808. ok,0x2d,4
  809. omega,0x2e,4
  810. omicron,0x2f,4
  811. opened,0x30,4
  812. order,0x31,4
  813. outlet,0x32,4
  814. overlord,0x33,4
  815. package,0x34,4
  816. packet,0x35,4
  817. page,0x36,4
  818. palm,0x37,4
  819. panel,0x38,4
  820. paper,0x39,4
  821. party,0x3a,4
  822. pascals,0x3b,4
  823. past,0x3c,4
  824. path,0x3d,4
  825. pepper,0x3e,4
  826. percent,0x3f,4
  827. period,0x40,4
  828. phi,0x41,4
  829. photon,0x42,4
  830. pie,0x43,4
  831. piss,0x44,4
  832. pizza,0x45,4
  833. please ,0x46,4
  834. point,0x47,4
  835. pool,0x48,4
  836. poor,0x49,4
  837. post,0x4a,4
  838. power,0x4b,4
  839. pre,0x4c,4
  840. press,0x4d,4
  841. pressure,0x4e,4
  842. print,0x4f,4
  843. proceed,0x50,4
  844. progress,0x51,4
  845. pump,0x52,4
  846. qualify,0x53,4
  847. quarter,0x54,4
  848. queen,0x55,4
  849. radio,0x56,4
  850. rain,0x57,4
  851. raise,0x58,4
  852. raspberry,0x59,4
  853. ratio,0x5a,4
  854. reached,0x5b,4
  855. reactor,0x5c,4
  856. reboot,0x5d,4
  857. recall,0x5e,4
  858. recording,0x5f,4
  859. reflected,0x60,4
  860. regroup,0x61,4
  861. release,0x62,4
  862. repeat,0x63,4
  863. request,0x64,4
  864. respond,0x65,4
  865. result,0x66,4
  866. resume,0x67,4
  867. revolutions,0x68,4
  868. rewind,0x69,4
  869. rfid,0x6a,4
  870. rick,0x6b,4
  871. rise,0x6c,4
  872. river,0x6d,4
  873. robot,0x6e,4
  874. rock,0x6f,4
  875. roger,0x70,4
  876. roll,0x71,4
  877. roof,0x72,4
  878. room,0x73,4
  879. rotate,0x74,4
  880. router,0x75,4
  881. russia,0x76,4
  882. salon,0x77,4
  883. salty,0x78,4
  884. santa,0x79,4
  885. say,0x7a,4
  886. scan,0x7b,4
  887. scared,0x7c,4
  888. scary,0x7d,4
  889. schwifty,0x7e,4
  890. science,0x7f,4
  891. scissors,0x80,4
  892. sea,0x81,4
  893. second,0x82,4
  894. self,0x83,4
  895. sensor,0x84,4
  896. sensors,0x85,4
  897. set,0x86,4
  898. seventh,0x87,4
  899. sheep,0x88,4
  900. shift,0x89,4
  901. shop,0x8a,4
  902. shut,0x8b,4
  903. shutter,0x8c,4
  904. sick,0x8d,4
  905. side,0x8e,4
  906. sieverts,0x8f,4
  907. sigma,0x90,4
  908. signal,0x91,4
  909. sir,0x92,4
  910. siri,0x93,4
  911. sixth,0x94,4
  912. sleeping,0x95,4
  913. sleet,0x96,4
  914. smiling,0x97,4
  915. snow,0x98,4
  916. soldering,0x99,4
  917. someone,0x9a,4
  918. sour,0x9b,4
  919. soylent,0x9c,4
  920. spades,0x9d,4
  921. spain,0x9e,4
  922. speak,0x9f,4
  923. speakers,0xa0,4
  924. spicy,0xa1,4
  925. spin,0xa2,4
  926. spock,0xa3,4
  927. squanch,0xa4,4
  928. squared,0xa5,4
  929. stairs,0xa6,4
  930. states,0xa7,4
  931. stay,0xa8,4
  932. steady,0xa9,4
  933. steckdose,0xaa,4
  934. storm,0xab,4
  935. street,0xac,4
  936. subtract,0xad,4
  937. sucks,0xae,4
  938. sun,0xaf,4
  939. sunny,0xb0,4
  940. surface,0xb1,4
  941. sweet,0xb2,4
  942. sync,0xb3,4
  943. systems,0xb4,4
  944. tab,0xb5,4
  945. taco,0xb6,4
  946. tank,0xb7,4
  947. target,0xb8,4
  948. tao,0xb9,4
  949. telegram,0xba,4
  950. tenth,0xbb,4
  951. terminate,0xbc,4
  952. terrified,0xbd,4
  953. tesla,0xbe,4
  954. thanks,0xbf,4
  955. them,0xc0,4
  956. then,0xc1,4
  957. theta,0xc2,4
  958. thin,0xc3,4
  959. thinking,0xc4,4
  960. third,0xc5,4
  961. threema,0xc6,4
  962. thud,0xc7,4
  963. thunder,0xc8,4
  964. timer,0xc9,4
  965. tinjaw,0xca,4
  966. today,0xcb,4
  967. tomorrow,0xcc,4
  968. tower,0xcd,4
  969. transmission,0xce,4
  970. treat,0xcf,4
  971. tree,0xd0,4
  972. trick,0xd1,4
  973. tune,0xd2,4
  974. turn,0xd3,4
  975. twitter,0xd4,4
  976. typhoon,0xd5,4
  977. un,0xd6,4
  978. under,0xd7,4
  979. united,0xd8,4
  980. uno,0xd9,4
  981. until,0xda,4
  982. upsilon,0xdb,4
  983. us,0xdc,4
  984. user,0xdd,4
  985. valley,0xde,4
  986. valve,0xdf,4
  987. vertical,0xe0,4
  988. victim,0xe1,4
  989. visibility,0xe2,4
  990. vision,0xe3,4
  991. visitor,0xe4,4
  992. volume,0xe5,4
  993. wait,0xe6,4
  994. wall,0xe7,4
  995. was,0xe8,4
  996. water,0xe9,4
  997. way,0xea,4
  998. well,0xeb,4
  999. whatsapp,0xec,4
  1000. while,0xed,4
  1001. who,0xee,4
  1002. wide,0xef,4
  1003. wind,0xf0,4
  1004. with,0xf1,4
  1005. wohnzimmer,0xf2,4
  1006. woman,0xf3,4
  1007. word,0xf4,4
  1008. words,0xf5,4
  1009. yaw,0xf6,4
  1010. yes,0xf7,4
  1011. yesterday,0xf8,4
  1012. yikes,0xf9,4
  1013. youtube,0xfa,4
  1014. zed,0xfb,4
  1015. zeta,0xfc,4
  1016. z - wilhelm scream,0xfd,4
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