
google snake script

Oct 16th, 2022
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  1. window.snake.more_menu = function() {
  2. window.snake_scheme_epic_cool = window.snake_scheme_epic_cool || { light_squares: '#AAD751', dark_squares: '#A2D149' };
  3. window.snake_scheme_epic_cool = window.snake_scheme_epic_cool || { light_squares: '#AAD751', dark_squares: '#A2D149' };
  6. // micro
  7. let img = new Image;
  8. img.src = '';
  9. img.width = 47;
  10. img.height = 47;
  11. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  13. // tiny
  14. img = new Image;
  15. img.src = '';
  16. img.width = 47;
  17. img.height = 47;
  18. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  20. // between small & standard
  21. img = new Image;
  22. img.src = '';
  23. img.width = img.height = 47;
  24. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  26. // super big
  27. img = new Image;
  28. img.src = '';
  29. img.width = 47;
  30. img.height = 47;
  31. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  33. // ultra big
  34. img = new Image;
  35. img.src = '';
  36. img.width = 47;
  37. img.height = 47;
  38. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  40. // humongous
  41. img = new Image;
  42. img.src = '';
  43. img.width = 47;
  44. img.height = 47;
  45. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  47. // too big
  48. img = new Image;
  49. img.src = '';
  50. img.width = 47;
  51. img.height = 47;
  52. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  54. // too big
  55. img = new Image;
  56. img.src = '';
  57. img.width = 47;
  58. img.height = 47;
  59. document.querySelector('#size').appendChild(img);
  62. /*--SPEEDS--*/
  64. // blursed
  65. img = new Image;
  66. img.src = '';
  67. img.width = 47;
  68. img.height = 47;
  69. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  70. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  74. // lightning
  75. img = new Image;
  76. img.src = '';
  77. img.width = 47;
  78. img.height = 47;
  79. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  80. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  82. // snail
  83. img = new Image;
  84. img.src = '';
  85. img.width = 47;
  86. img.height = 47;
  87. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  88. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  90. // fast-slow 2: faster and slower
  91. img = new Image;
  92. img.src = '';
  93. img.width = 47;
  94. img.height = 47;
  95. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  96. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  98. // desert bus
  99. img = new Image;
  100. img.src = '';
  101. img.width = 47;
  102. img.height = 47;
  103. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  104. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  106. // bullet
  107. img = new Image;
  108. img.src = '';
  109. img.width = 47;
  110. img.height = 47;
  111. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  112. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  114. // hyperbullet (red)
  115. img = new Image;
  116. img.src = '';
  117. img.width = 47;
  118. img.height = 47;
  119. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  120. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  122. // ultrabullet (purple)
  123. img = new Image;
  124. img.src = '';
  125. img.width = 47;
  126. img.height = 47;
  127. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  128. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  130. // yeetbullet (blue)
  131. img = new Image;
  132. img.src = '';
  133. img.width = 47;
  134. img.height = 47;
  135. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  136. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  138. // eternity
  139. img = new Image;
  140. img.src = '';
  141. img.width = 47;
  142. img.height = 47;
  143. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  144. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  146. // ultradeath
  147. img = new Image;
  148. img.src = '';
  149. img.width = 47;
  150. img.height = 47;
  151. img.class = 'DqMRee SsAred';
  152. document.querySelector('#speed').appendChild(img);
  155. /*--COUNTS--*/
  157. // 13
  158. img = new Image;
  159. img.src = '';
  160. img.width = 47;
  161. img.height = 47;
  162. document.querySelector('#count').appendChild(img);
  164. // 25
  165. img = new Image;
  166. img.src = '';
  167. img.width = 47;
  168. img.height = 47;
  169. document.querySelector('#count').appendChild(img);
  171. // 40 :rolling_eyes:
  172. img = new Image;
  173. img.src = '';
  174. img.width = 47;
  175. img.height = 47;
  176. document.querySelector('#count').appendChild(img);
  178. // 87
  179. img = new Image;
  180. img.src = '';
  181. img.width = 47;
  182. img.height = 47;
  183. document.querySelector('#count').appendChild(img);
  185. // apple bomb
  186. img = new Image;
  187. img.src = '';
  188. img.width = 47;
  189. img.height = 47;
  190. document.querySelector('#count').appendChild(img);
  192. // apple nuke
  193. img = new Image;
  194. img.src = '';
  195. img.width = 47;
  196. img.height = 47;
  197. document.querySelector('#count').appendChild(img);
  199. /* making do things */
  200. const scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
  201. for (let script of scripts) {
  202. if(script.src === '' || script.src.includes(''))continue;
  203. const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  204.'GET', script.src);
  205. req.onload = function () {
  206. const code = this.responseText;
  207. if (code.indexOf('trophy') === -1)
  208. return;
  210. const functio = code.match(
  211. /[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.prototype\.reset=function\(\){this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}=\[\];[^]*?Set\)}/
  212. )[0];
  213. const thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj = functio.match(
  214. /0!==this\.settings\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/
  215. )[0].replace('0!==', '');
  216. const pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll = functio.match(
  217. /this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\.push\([a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\(this,/
  218. )[0];
  219. const inevilmodesf = code.match(
  220. /[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}=function\(a\){return [a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\(a,2\)\|\|[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\(a,8\)\|\|[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\(a,9\)\|\|[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\(a,10\)}/
  221. )[0].match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/)[0];
  222. console.log(inevilmodesf);
  224. const apples = pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll.match(/this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/)[0];
  225. const modecheck = code.match(
  226. /[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}=function\(a,b\){return 15===a[^}]*?===b}/
  227. )[0].match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/)[0];
  232. const defaultTileLength = code.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}=[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\?175:135/)[0].match(
  233. /[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/
  234. )[0];console.log(defaultTileLength);
  235. const reg = new RegExp(`this\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}=${defaultTileLength}\\*a`);
  236. console.log(reg);
  237. const realTileLength = code.match(reg)[0].match(
  238. /this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/
  239. )[0];
  240. const speed = code.match(/switch\(this\.settings\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\){case 1:a=\.66/)[0].match(
  241. /this\.settings\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/
  242. )[0];
  244. let corrects_ = code.match(/s_=[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.prototype;\n?s_\.reset=function\(\)/)[0].match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.prototype/)[0];
  245. const soup = code.match(
  246. /s_\.tick=function\(\){[^]*?this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.keys,\n?this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\)}}}}/
  247. )[0];
  248. const f = soup.match(
  249. /:this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\+=1;this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\+\+;/
  250. )[0];
  251. eval('var _soup = 1.33;');
  252. eval('var _soep = 1.85;');
  253. eval(
  254. soup.replace('s_', corrects_).replace(
  255. f,
  256. f + `_soup = Math.random() < .5 ? .66 : 1.33;
  257. _soep = Math.random() < .5 ? .45 : 1.85;
  258. let _le;
  259. switch(${speed}) {
  260. case 1: _le = .66; break;
  261. case 2: _le = 1.33; break;
  262. case 3: _le = _soup; break;
  263. case 4: _le = .45; break;
  264. case 5: _le = 1.85; break;
  265. case 6: _le = _soep; break;
  266. case 7: _le = 18.5; break;
  267. case 8: _le = .35; break;
  268. case 9: _le = .25; break;
  269. case 10: _le = .15; break;
  270. case 11: _le = .05; break;
  271. case 12: _le = 26640; break;
  272. case 13: _le = .00001; break;
  273. default: _le = 1; break;
  274. }
  275. ${realTileLength} = ${defaultTileLength} * _le;
  276. `
  277. )
  278. );
  280. eval(
  281. functio.replace(
  282. `if(a)`,
  283. `
  284. if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} > 2) {
  285. if(!(${inevilmodesf}(this.settings))) {
  286. if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 3) {
  287. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 2));
  288. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 2));
  289. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 2));
  290. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 1));
  291. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 1));
  292. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 0));
  293. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 0));
  294. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 0));
  295. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, -1));
  296. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, -1));
  297. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, -2));
  298. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, -2));
  299. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, -2));
  300. } else if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 4) {
  301. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 2));
  302. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 2));
  303. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 2));
  304. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 2));
  305. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 2));
  306. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 1));
  307. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 1));
  308. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 1));
  309. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 1));
  310. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 1));
  311. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 0));
  312. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 0));
  313. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 0));
  314. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 0));
  315. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 0));
  316. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, -1));
  317. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, -1));
  318. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, -1));
  319. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, -1));
  320. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, -1));
  321. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, -2));
  322. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, -2));
  323. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, -2));
  324. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, -2));
  325. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, -2));
  326. } else if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 5) {
  327. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 2));
  328. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 2));
  329. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 2));
  330. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 2));
  331. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 2));
  332. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 1));
  333. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 1));
  334. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 1));
  335. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 1));
  336. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 1));
  337. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 0));
  338. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 0));
  339. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 0));
  340. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 0));
  341. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 0));
  342. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, -1));
  343. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, -1));
  344. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, -1));
  345. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, -1));
  346. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, -1));
  347. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, -2));
  348. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, -2));
  349. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, -2));
  350. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, -2));
  351. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, -2));
  352. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, -3));
  353. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, -3));
  354. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, -3));
  355. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, -3));
  356. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, -3));
  357. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 2, -2));
  358. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 2, -1));
  359. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 2, 0));
  360. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 2, 1));
  361. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 2, 2));
  362. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 1, 3));
  363. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 3));
  364. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 3));
  365. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -2, 3));
  366. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -3, 3));
  367. } else if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 6) {
  368. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  369. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, -4));
  370. }
  371. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  372. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, -3));
  373. }
  374. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  375. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, -2));
  376. }
  377. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  378. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, -1));
  379. }
  380. for (i=-3;i<3;i++) {
  381. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, 0));
  382. }
  383. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  384. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, 1));
  385. }
  386. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  387. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, 2));
  388. }
  389. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  390. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, 3));
  391. }
  392. for (i=-7;i<3;i++) {
  393. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i, 4));
  394. }
  395. } else if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 7) {
  396. for (i=0;i<200;i++) {
  397. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 0));
  398. }
  399. } else if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 8) {
  400. for (i=0;i<10000;i++) {
  401. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} -1, 0));
  402. }
  403. } else
  404. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 100000, 1));
  405. } else {
  406. if(${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} < 7)
  407. for(
  408. let i = 0; i < (
  409. ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 3
  410. ? 13
  411. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 4
  412. ? 25
  413. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 5
  414. ? 40
  415. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 6
  416. ? 100
  417. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 7
  418. ? 0
  419. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 8
  420. ? 0
  421. : 0
  422. ); i++
  423. ) {
  424. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i - ~~((
  425. ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 3
  426. ? 13
  427. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 4
  428. ? 25
  429. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 5
  430. ? 40
  431. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 6
  432. ? 100
  433. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 7
  434. ? 0
  435. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 8
  436. ? 0
  437. : 0
  438. ) / 1.25), -4));
  439. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} i- ~~((
  440. ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 3
  441. ? 13
  442. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 4
  443. ? 25
  444. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 5
  445. ? 40
  446. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 6
  447. ? 100
  448. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 7
  449. ? 0
  450. : ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 8
  451. ? 0
  452. : 0
  453. ) / 1.25), 4));
  455. }
  456. else {
  457. for(let i = 0; i < (
  458. ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} === 7
  459. ? 200
  460. : 20000
  461. ); i++)
  462. ${pafihwotyhopyplacetheiopafsjafijplesllllllll} 0, 0));
  463. }
  464. }
  468. } else if(a)
  469. `
  470. ).replace(
  471. 'Set)}',
  472. `Set);
  473. if(${modecheck}(this.settings, 2) && ${thjaselcdtctedaboupplelcountthingffjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj} > 3) {
  474. console.log('te');
  475. for(let __i___ = 0; __i___ < ${apples}.length; __i___ += 2) {
  476. ${apples}[__i___].type = ${apples}[__i___ + 1].type = ~~(Math.random() * 21);
  477. }
  478. }
  479. }`
  480. )
  481. );
  486. eval(
  487. code.match(
  488. /s_\.reset=function\(\){this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}=null;[^]*?!0\)\)}/
  489. )[0].replace('s_', corrects_).replace(/{case 1:a=\.66[^}]*?1}/, `{
  490. case 1: a = .66; break a;
  491. case 2: a = 1.33; break a;
  492. case 3: a = _soup; break a;
  493. case 4: a = .45; break a;
  494. case 5: a = 1.85; break a;
  495. case 6: a = _soep; break a;
  496. case 7: a = 18.5; break a;
  497. case 8: a = .35; break a;
  498. case 9: a = .25; break a;
  499. case 10: a = .15; break a;
  500. case 11: a = .05; break a;
  501. case 12: a = 26640; break a;
  502. case 13: a = .00001; break a;
  503. default: a = 1; break a;
  504. }`)
  505. );
  507. // const fishes = code.match(
  508. // /[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}=function\(a\){[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\.call\(this,a\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\);var b=this;this\.settings[^]*?h6Ousc[^]*?\(\)\)}/
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  545. if(count_ === 6) {
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  550. __c.width = __c.height = 47;
  551. = 'position:fixed;top: 10px;';
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  560. = 'position:fixed;top: 10px;';
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  575. const meat = code.match(
  576. /[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}=function\(a\){a\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\.clearRect\(0,0,[^]*?0\),0,b\)}/
  577. )[0];
  578. const ul = meat.match(
  579. /var b=a\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\.width/
  580. )[0].replace('var b=', '');
  581. const mDb = meat.match(
  582. /a\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}\.render/g
  583. )[1].replace('.render', '');
  584. const Na = meat.match(
  585. /1===a\.settings\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,6}/
  586. )[0].replace('1===', '');
  587. eval(
  588. meat.replace(
  589. '&&',
  590. '?'
  591. ).replace(
  592. 'd));',
  593. `d)) : ${Na} !== 0 && (${mDb}.context.drawImage(document.querySelector('#speed').children[${Na}], ${ul} - 80, c.y - 80, 80, 80));`
  594. )
  595. );
  597. let latests_ = code.match(
  598. /s_=[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.prototype;\n?s_\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}=function\(\){var a=this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\("IoE5Ec[^]*?200\)}/
  599. )[0].match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.prototype/)[0];
  602. const c = code.match(
  603. /s_\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}=function\(\){var a=[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\(this\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\.canvas\);[^]*?a\)}}/
  604. )[0].replace('s_', latests_);
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  606. /f\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}=new [a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\(Math\.floor\(b\/f\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\),Math\.floor\(c\/f\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}\)\)\);/
  607. )[0];
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  609. const beeeeeeaniebaby = `[...document.querySelector('#size').children].indexOf(document.querySelector('#size').getElementsByClassName('tuJOWd')[0])`;
  610. eval(
  611. c.replace(
  612. dec,
  613. `${dec.match(/f\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}/)} = {
  614. width: (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 3 ? 5 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 4 ? 7 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 5 ? 12 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 6 ? 37 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 7 ? 64 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 8 ? 105 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 9 ? 168 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 10 ? 600 : Math.floor(b/${wa}),
  615. height: (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 3 ? 4 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 4 ? 6 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 5 ? 11 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 6 ? 32 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 7 ? 56 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 8 ? 92 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 9 ? 147 : (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) === 10 ? 530 : Math.floor(c/${wa})
  616. });
  617. let squareSize = 600 / (${dec.match(/f\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}/)}).width;
  618. if(squareSize * (${dec.match(/f\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}/)}).height > 530)
  619. squareSize = 530 / (${dec.match(/f\.[a-zA-Z0-9_$]{1,8}/)}).height;
  620. squareSize = squareSize * .98;
  621. if(squareSize > 1)squareSize = ~~squareSize;
  622. (${beeeeeeaniebaby}) >= 3 && (${wa} = squareSize);
  623. `
  624. )
  625. );
  627. };
  628. req.send();
  629. }
  630. };
  634. //window.snake.more_menu();
Tags: google snake
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