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- <?php
- if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
- exit; // Exit if accessed directly
- }
- class WPF_Contact_Form_7 extends WPF_Integrations_Base {
- /**
- * Gets things started
- *
- * @access public
- * @return void
- */
- public function init() {
- $this->slug = 'cf7';
- add_filter( 'wpcf7_editor_panels', array( $this, 'add_panel' ) );
- add_action( 'wpcf7_after_save', array( $this, 'save_form' ) );
- add_action( 'wpcf7_mail_sent', array( $this, 'send_data' ), 5 );
- }
- /**
- * Adds panel to CF7 settings page
- *
- * @access public
- * @return array Panels
- */
- public function add_panel( $panels ) {
- $panels['wp-fusion-tab'] = array(
- 'title' => 'WP Fusion',
- 'callback' => array( $this, 'add_form' )
- );
- return $panels;
- }
- /**
- * Adds form content to panel
- *
- * @access public
- * @return mixed Panel content
- */
- public function add_form( $info ) {
- wp_nonce_field( 'cf7_wpf_nonce', 'cf7_wpf_nonce' );
- $post_id = $info->id();
- $content = $info->prop( 'form' );
- $inputs = array();
- // Get inputs from saved form config
- preg_match_all( "/\[.*\]/", $content, $matches );
- foreach ( $matches[0] as $input ) {
- $input = substr( $input, 1, - 1 );
- $input = str_replace( '*', '', $input );
- $elements = explode( ' ', $input );
- if ( ! ( $elements[1] == '"Send"' ) ) {
- $inputs[ $elements[1] ] = $elements[0];
- }
- }
- $settings = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'cf7_wpf_settings', true );
- if( empty( $settings ) ) {
- $settings = array();
- }
- echo '<h2>' . wp_fusion()->crm->name . ' Settings</h2>';
- echo '<fieldset><legend>For each field in the form, select a field to sync with in ' . wp_fusion()->crm->name . '</legend>';
- echo '<table id="wpf-cf7-table">';
- echo '<tbody id="wp-fusion-inputs">';
- foreach ( $inputs as $name => $type ) {
- $capital_name = str_replace( '-', ' ', $name );
- if( ! isset( $settings[ $name ] ) ) {
- $settings[ $name ] = array( 'crm_field' => '' );
- }
- if ( ! isset( $settings[ $name ]['crm_field'] ) ) {
- $settings[ $name ]['crm_field'] = '';
- }
- echo '<tr id="input-row">';
- echo '<td><label> ' . ucwords( $capital_name ) . ' <label></td>';
- echo '<td><label for ="cf7_wpf_settings"> ' . $type . ' <label></td>';
- echo '<td class="crm-field">';
- wpf_render_crm_field_select( $settings[ $name ]['crm_field'], 'cf7_wpf_settings', $name );
- echo '</td>';
- echo '</tr>';
- }
- echo '</tbody>';
- echo '</table>';
- $multiselect = $name;
- if ( isset( $settings['tags'] ) ) {
- $multiselect = $settings['tags'];
- }
- echo '<p class="description"><label for="tags">Apply the following tags when the form is submitted:</label><br />';
- wpf_render_tag_multiselect( array( 'setting' => $multiselect, 'meta_name' => 'cf7_wpf_settings', 'field_id' => 'tags' ) );
- echo '</p>';
- echo '</fieldset>';
- }
- /**
- * Save WPF settings fields
- * @access public
- *
- * @param unknown $contact_form
- */
- public function save_form( $contact_form ) {
- if ( empty( $_POST ) || ! isset( $_POST['cf7_wpf_nonce'] ) ) {
- return;
- }
- $post_id = $contact_form->id();
- update_post_meta( $post_id, 'cf7_wpf_settings', $_POST['cf7_wpf_settings'] );
- }
- /**
- * Send data to CRM on form submission
- *
- * @access public
- * @return array Classes
- */
- public function send_data( $contact_form ) {
- $contact_form_id = $contact_form->id();
- $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
- $posted_data = $submission->get_posted_data();
- $wpf_settings = get_post_meta( $contact_form_id, 'cf7_wpf_settings', true );
- if ( empty( $wpf_settings ) ) {
- return;
- }
- $email_address = false;
- $update_data = array();
- foreach ( $posted_data as $key => $value ) {
- if ( ! isset( $wpf_settings[ $key ] ) || empty( $wpf_settings[ $key ]['crm_field'] ) || empty( $value ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- $type = 'text';
- if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
- $value = implode( ', ', $value );
- $type = 'multiselect';
- }
- if ( is_email( $value ) ) {
- $email_address = $value;
- }
- $value = apply_filters( 'wpf_format_field_value', $value, $type, $wpf_settings[ $key ]['crm_field'] );
- $update_data[ $wpf_settings[ $key ]['crm_field'] ] = $value;
- }
- if ( ! isset( $wpf_settings['tags'] ) ) {
- $wpf_settings['tags'] = array();
- }
- $args = array(
- 'email_address' => $email_address,
- 'update_data' => $update_data,
- 'apply_tags' => $wpf_settings['tags'],
- 'integration_slug' => 'cf7',
- 'integration_name' => 'Contact Form 7',
- 'form_id' => $contact_form_id,
- 'form_title' => get_the_title( $contact_form_id ),
- 'form_edit_link' => admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpcf7&post=' . $contact_form_id . '&action=edit' )
- );
- require_once WPF_DIR_PATH . 'includes/integrations/class-forms-helper.php';
- $contact_id = WPF_Forms_Helper::process_form_data( $args );
- }
- }
- new WPF_Contact_Form_7;
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