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- {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
- ----------------------
- -- The solution for --
- --
- module Main where
- import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<$>), (<*>))
- import Control.Exception (handle, throwIO)
- import Control.Monad (foldM, forM)
- import Data.Char (isSpace)
- import Data.Foldable (foldl')
- import Data.Function (on)
- import Data.List (sortBy)
- import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust)
- import Debug.Trace
- import Prelude hiding (exp, lookup, null)
- import System.IO.Error (isEOFError)
- import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
- import qualified Data.Map as M
- import qualified Data.Set as S
- import qualified Prelude as P (foldr, null)
- --
- type TimeTable = M.Map (Int, Int) Int
- data Ctx = Ctx
- { n :: Int -- total number of towns
- , e :: Int -- destination
- , m :: Int -- the number of routes
- , tt :: TimeTable -- time table for the trains
- } deriving (Eq, Show)
- newtype Node = Node Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
- newtype Dist = Dist Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
- -- Graph is the nodes and adjacency lists for all nodes
- data Graph = Graph
- { nodes :: S.Set Node
- , arcs :: Arcs
- } deriving (Show)
- type Arcs = M.Map Node [(Node, Dist)]
- type Path = M.Map Node (Node, Dist)
- type Explored = S.Set Node
- type PrioQueue = PSQ Node Dist
- main :: IO ()
- main = do
- ctx <- parseCtx
- len <- calc ctx
- print len
- ctx0 = Ctx
- { n = 5
- , e = 3
- , m = 4
- , tt = M.fromList
- [ ((1,1),5),((1,2),10)
- , ((2,2),10),((2,4),15)
- , ((3,2),35),((3,3),20),((3,4),17),((3,5),0)
- , ((4,1),2),((4,3),40),((4,4),45)
- ]
- }
- -- result is -1
- ctx1 = Ctx
- { n = 3
- , e = 2
- , m = 2
- , tt = M.fromList
- [ ((1,1),2),((1,2),20)
- , ((2,2),17),((2,3),23)
- ]
- }
- --undefined
- -- useful functions
- -- mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
- -- on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
- -- compare :: Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
- -- curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
- calc :: (Monad m) => Ctx -> m Int
- calc ctx@Ctx {..} = do
- -- use monad to make the syntax nicer
- g <- buildGraph ctx
- -- traceShowM g
- let col1 = buildCol ctx 1 -- all the nodes in the first column
- let nes = buildCol ctx e -- all the nodes in the column e
- if P.null col1 || P.null nes
- then return (-1)
- -- d0 = initial time delay
- else do
- let (x0, d0) = head col1
- let initial = Node x0
- path <- dijkstra g initial
- -- path is like
- -- fromList [ (Node 2, (Node 1, Dist 5)), (Node 7, (Node 2, Dist 0))]
- -- find the minimum distance for all nodes in column e, if reachable
- let ds = reachableDests path initial nes
- return $ if P.null ds
- then -1
- else d0 + minimum ds
- buildGraph :: Monad m => Ctx -> m Graph
- buildGraph ctx@Ctx{..} = do
- let nodes = S.fromList $ map Node [1 .. m * n]
- let arcs = buildArcs
- return $ Graph nodes arcs
- where
- buildArcs = do
- let mkEmpty x = (Node x, [] :: [(Node, Dist)])
- let arcs0 = M.fromList $ map mkEmpty [1 .. m * n]
- let arcs1 = foldl' updateArcsR arcs0 [1 .. m]
- let arcs2 = foldl' updateArcsC arcs1 [1 .. n]
- arcs2
- -- go by rows and update arcs
- updateArcsR as i = foldl' updateArcR as $ diffs $ buildRow ctx i
- -- go by columns and update arcs
- updateArcsC as j = foldl' updateArcC as $ diffs $ buildCol ctx j
- reachableDests :: Path -> Node -> [(Int, t)] -> [Int]
- reachableDests path initial = mapMaybe $ calcDistance path initial . fstNode
- where
- fstNode (x, _) = Node x
- -- path, initial node, final node
- calcDistance :: Path -> Node -> Node -> Maybe Int
- calcDistance path initial = calcD 0
- where
- calcD acc x1 =
- if x1 == initial
- then Just acc
- else case M.lookup x1 path of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just (x, Dist d) -> calcD (acc + d) x
- -- update arcs using horizontal cell pair
- updateArcR as (n1, n2, d) =
- let n1s = fromJust $ M.lookup n1 as
- in M.insert n1 ((n2, d) : n1s) as
- -- update arcs using vertical cell pair
- updateArcC as (n1, n2, d) =
- if d == Dist 0 then
- -- insert two arcs, back and forward
- let n1s = fromJust $ M.lookup n1 as in
- let n2s = fromJust $ M.lookup n2 as in
- M.insert n1 ((n2, d) : n1s) $
- M.insert n2 ((n1, d) : n2s) as
- else
- let n1s = fromJust $ M.lookup n1 as in
- M.insert n1 ((n2, d) : n1s) as
- -- assumes the list is sorted by weights
- -- [((9,15),(14,17)),((14,17),(19,45))] -> [(Node 9,Node 14,Dist 2),(Node 14,Node 19,Dist 28)]
- diffs :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Node, Node, Dist)]
- diffs xs =
- let diffPair (n1, w1) (n2, w2) = (Node n1, Node n2, Dist $ w2 - w1)
- in zipWith diffPair xs (tail xs)
- -- return absolute node number
- -- e.g. for matrix 4x5
- -- cell (4,2) will be 17
- -- cell (3,5) will be 15
- cell :: Ctx -> Int -> Int -> Int
- cell ctx i j = (i - 1) * n ctx + j
- buildRow :: Ctx -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
- buildRow ctx@Ctx{..} i =
- let select j = (\w -> (cell ctx i j, w)) `fmap` M.lookup (i, j) tt
- in sortBy (compare `on` snd) $ mapMaybe select [1 .. n]
- buildCol :: Ctx -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
- buildCol ctx@Ctx{..} j =
- let select i = (\w -> (cell ctx i j, w)) `fmap` M.lookup (i, j) tt
- in sortBy (compare `on` snd) $ mapMaybe select [1 .. m]
- -------------------------------------------------------
- --------------- Dijkstra Algorithm---------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- some test for the algorithm
- kickDijkstra :: IO ()
- kickDijkstra = do
- let initial = Node 1
- g <- loadGraph "dijkstra.txt"
- traceShowM g
- p <- dijkstra g initial
- traceShowM p
- infinity :: Dist
- infinity = Dist 999999999
- dijkstra :: (Monad m) => Graph -> Node -> m Path
- dijkstra g initial = do
- let rest = S.delete initial $ nodes g
- let mkInf x = x :-> infinity
- let heap = fromList $ (initial :-> Dist 0) : map mkInf (S.toList rest)
- let path = M.singleton initial (initial, Dist 0) :: Path
- mainLoop g heap S.empty M.empty
- mainLoop :: (Monad m) => Graph -> PrioQueue -> Explored -> Path -> m Path
- mainLoop g heap exp path = do
- let bind' = findMin heap
- case bind' of
- Nothing ->
- return path
- Just (mn :-> md) ->
- -- warning: causes (Node 14,(Node 15,Dist 17)) which is wrong
- -- if md == infinity then return path else
- do
- -- found minimal node with the distance
- let heap1 = deleteMin heap
- let arcs' = M.lookup mn (arcs g)
- let (heap2, path2) = case arcs' of
- -- lookup into arcs in g for min node failed
- -- Nothing -> error "inconsistent data"
- Nothing -> (heap1, path)
- Just as ->
- -- skip already explored nodes
- let as1 = filter (\(n, _) -> S.notMember n exp) as in
- (updateHeap heap1 md as1, updatePath path mn as1)
- let exp2 = S.insert mn exp
- -- traceShowM $ "node=(" ++ show mn ++ "," ++ show md ++ "\theap2=" ++ show heap2
- mainLoop g heap2 exp2 path2
- updatePath :: Path -> Node -> [(Node, Dist)] -> Path
- updatePath path minNode = foldl' yo path
- where
- yo :: Path -> (Node, Dist) -> Path
- yo p (n, d) = M.insert n (minNode, d) p
- -- updateHeap takes minDist to newly explored node,
- -- and list of all edges from the new node
- updateHeap :: PrioQueue -> Dist -> [(Node, Dist)] -> PrioQueue
- updateHeap heap minDist = foldl' go heap
- where
- -- e is the old distance was in the queue
- up d e =
- let Dist md = minDist in
- let Dist nd = d in
- min e $ Dist (md + nd)
- go :: PrioQueue -> (Node, Dist) -> PrioQueue
- go h (n, d) = adjust (up d) n h
- -- Example file
- --1 2:10 3:20
- --2 4:15 5:50
- --3 4:30
- --4 5:30
- --5 6:5
- --6 7:2
- --7
- loadGraph :: String -> IO Graph
- loadGraph path = do
- ls <- (map (BS.split '\t') . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile path
- let g = Graph S.empty M.empty
- foldM processLine g ls
- where
- conv (x, y) = (Node x, Dist y)
- processLine :: (Monad m) => Graph -> [BS.ByteString] -> m Graph
- processLine g (x:xs) = do
- let an = Node $ convert x
- let as = map (conv . splitter) xs
- let updateArcs old (n, d) =
- case M.lookup an old of
- Just ns -> M.insert an ((n, d):ns) old
- Nothing -> M.insert an [] old
- let updateDists old (n, d) = M.insert (an, n) d old
- let nodes1 = S.insert an (nodes g)
- let arcs1 = foldl' updateArcs (M.insert an [] $ arcs g) as
- return $ Graph nodes1 arcs1
- processLine g [] = error "processLine"
- convert :: BS.ByteString -> Int
- convert = maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt
- splitter :: BS.ByteString -> (Int, Int)
- splitter c = (convert x, convert y)
- where
- (x:y:_) = BS.split ':' c
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------- stuff for parsing ---------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- getWord :: IO String
- getWord =
- handle handleEOF $ do
- c <- getChar
- if isSpace c
- then return []
- else (c :) <$> getWord
- where
- handleEOF e =
- if isEOFError e
- then return []
- else throwIO e
- readWord :: Read a => IO a
- readWord = getWord >>= readIO
- readList :: Read a => String -> [a]
- readList = map read . words
- -- carry the route number
- parseRoute :: Int -> IO (Int, [(Int,Int)])
- parseRoute ri = do
- (ki :: Int) <- readWord
- stops <-
- forM [1 .. ki] $ \_ -> do
- x <- readWord
- y <- readWord
- return (x, y)
- return (ri, stops)
- -- example input
- --5 3 4
- --2 1 5 2 10
- --2 2 10 4 15
- --4 2 35 3 20 4 17 5 0
- --3 1 2 3 40 4 45
- parseCtx :: IO Ctx
- parseCtx = do
- n <- readWord
- e <- readWord
- m <- readWord
- rawTts <- mapM parseRoute [1 .. m]
- let tt = foldl' updateTt M.empty rawTts
- return Ctx {..}
- where
- -- updateTt :: TimeTable -> (Int, [(Int, Int)]) -> TimeTable
- updateTt tt (ri, stops) = foldl' (updateTtRow ri) tt stops
- -- updateTtRow :: Int -> TimeTable -> (Int, Int) -> TimeTable
- updateTtRow ri tt (i, t) = M.insert (ri, i) t tt
- -------------------------------------------------------
- --------------- Priority Queue ------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------
- -- the priority queue is adapted from
- --
- -- | @k :-> p@ binds the key @k@ with the priority @p@.
- data Binding k p = k :-> p deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
- infix 0 :->
- key :: Binding k p -> k
- key (k :-> _) = k
- prio :: Binding k p -> p
- prio (_ :-> p) = p
- data PSQ k p = Void | Winner k p (LTree k p) k
- instance (Show k, Show p, Ord k, Ord p) => Show (PSQ k p) where
- show = show . toAscList
- --show Void = "[]"
- --show (Winner k1 p lt k2) = "Winner "++show k1++" "++show p++" ("++show lt++") "++show k2
- -- | /O(1)/ The number of bindings in a queue.
- size :: PSQ k p -> Int
- size Void = 0
- size (Winner _ _ lt _) = 1 + size' lt
- -- | /O(1)/ True if the queue is empty.
- null :: PSQ k p -> Bool
- null Void = True
- null (Winner {}) = False
- -- | /O(log n)/ The priority of a given key, or Nothing if the key is not
- -- bound.
- lookup :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> PSQ k p -> Maybe p
- lookup k q =
- case tourView q of
- Null -> fail "PSQueue.lookup: Empty queue"
- Single k' p
- | k == k' -> return p
- | otherwise -> fail "PSQueue.lookup: Key not found"
- tl `Play` tr
- | k <= maxKey tl -> lookup k tl
- | otherwise -> lookup k tr
- empty :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p
- empty = Void
- -- | O(1) Build a queue with one binding.
- singleton :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> p -> PSQ k p
- singleton k p = Winner k p Start k
- -- | /O(log n)/ Insert a binding into the queue.
- insert :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- insert k p q =
- case tourView q of
- Null -> singleton k p
- Single k' p' ->
- case compare k k' of
- LT -> singleton k p `play` singleton k' p'
- EQ -> singleton k p
- GT -> singleton k' p' `play` singleton k p
- tl `Play` tr
- | k <= maxKey tl -> insert k p tl `play` tr
- | otherwise -> tl `play` insert k p tr
- -- | /O(log n)/ Remove a binding from the queue.
- delete :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- delete k q =
- case tourView q of
- Null -> empty
- Single k' p
- | k == k' -> empty
- | otherwise -> singleton k' p
- tl `Play` tr
- | k <= maxKey tl -> delete k tl `play` tr
- | otherwise -> tl `play` delete k tr
- -- | /O(log n)/ Adjust the priority of a key.
- adjust :: (Ord p, Ord k) => (p -> p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- adjust f = adjustWithKey (\_ p -> f p)
- -- | /O(log n)/ Adjust the priority of a key.
- adjustWithKey :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (k -> p -> p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- adjustWithKey f k q =
- case tourView q of
- Null -> empty
- Single k' p
- | k == k' -> singleton k' (f k p)
- | otherwise -> singleton k' p
- tl `Play` tr
- | k <= maxKey tl -> adjustWithKey f k tl `unsafePlay` tr
- | otherwise -> tl `unsafePlay` adjustWithKey f k tr
- -- | /O(log n)/ The expression (@update f k q@) updates the
- -- priority @p@ bound @k@ (if it is in the queue). If (@f p@) is 'Nothing',
- -- the binding is deleted. If it is (@'Just' z@), the key @k@ is bound
- -- to the new priority @z@.
- update :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (p -> Maybe p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- update f = updateWithKey (\_ p -> f p)
- -- | /O(log n)/. The expression (@updateWithKey f k q@) updates the
- -- priority @p@ bound @k@ (if it is in the queue). If (@f k p@) is 'Nothing',
- -- the binding is deleted. If it is (@'Just' z@), the key @k@ is bound
- -- to the new priority @z@.
- updateWithKey :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (k -> p -> Maybe p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- updateWithKey f k q =
- case tourView q of
- Null -> empty
- Single k' p
- | k==k' -> case f k p of
- Nothing -> empty
- Just p' -> singleton k p'
- | otherwise -> singleton k' p
- tl `Play` tr
- | k <= maxKey tl -> updateWithKey f k tl `unsafePlay` tr
- | otherwise -> tl `unsafePlay` updateWithKey f k tr
- -- | /O(n)/ The keys of a priority queue
- keys :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [k]
- keys = map key . toList
- -- | /O(n log n)/ Build a queue from a list of bindings.
- fromList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => [Binding k p] -> PSQ k p
- fromList = P.foldr (\(k:->p) q -> insert k p q) empty
- -- | /O(n)/ Build a queue from a list of bindings in order of
- -- ascending keys. The precondition that the keys are ascending is not checked.
- fromAscList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => [Binding k p] -> PSQ k p
- fromAscList = fromDistinctAscList . stripEq
- where stripEq [] = []
- stripEq (x:xs) = stripEq' x xs
- stripEq' x' [] = [x']
- stripEq' x' (x:xs)
- | x' == x = stripEq' x' xs
- | otherwise = x' : stripEq' x xs
- -- | /O(n)/ Build a queue from a list of distinct bindings in order of
- -- ascending keys. The precondition that keys are distinct and ascending is not checked.
- fromDistinctAscList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => [Binding k p] -> PSQ k p
- fromDistinctAscList = foldm unsafePlay empty . map (\(k:->p) -> singleton k p)
- -- Folding a list in a binary-subdivision scheme.
- foldm :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
- foldm f e x
- | P.null x = e
- | otherwise = fst (rek (length x) x)
- where
- rek 1 (a : as) = (a, as)
- rek n as = (a1 `f` a2, as2)
- where
- m = n `div` 2
- (a1, as1) = rek (n - m) as
- (a2, as2) = rek m as1
- -- | /O(n)/ Convert a queue to a list.
- toList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
- toList = toAscList
- -- | /O(n)/ Convert a queue to a list in ascending order of keys.
- toAscList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
- toAscList q = seqToList (toAscLists q)
- toAscLists :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)
- toAscLists q = case tourView q of
- Null -> emptySequ
- Single k p -> singleSequ (k :-> p)
- tl `Play` tr -> toAscLists tl <> toAscLists tr
- -- | /O(n)/ Convert a queue to a list in descending order of keys.
- toDescList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [ Binding k p ]
- toDescList q = seqToList (toDescLists q)
- toDescLists :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)
- toDescLists q = case tourView q of
- Null -> emptySequ
- Single k p -> singleSequ (k :-> p)
- tl `Play` tr -> toDescLists tr <> toDescLists tl
- -- | /O(1)/ The binding with the lowest priority.
- findMin :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Maybe (Binding k p)
- findMin Void = Nothing
- findMin (Winner k p t m) = Just (k :-> p)
- -- | /O(log n)/ Remove the binding with the lowest priority.
- deleteMin :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- deleteMin Void = Void
- deleteMin (Winner k p t m) = secondBest t m
- -- | /O(log n)/ Retrieve the binding with the least priority, and the rest of
- -- the queue stripped of that binding.
- minView :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Maybe (Binding k p, PSQ k p)
- minView Void = Nothing
- minView (Winner k p t m) = Just ( k :-> p , secondBest t m )
- secondBest :: (Ord k, Ord p) => LTree k p -> k -> PSQ k p
- secondBest Start _m = Void
- secondBest (LLoser _ k p tl m tr) m' = Winner k p tl m `play` secondBest tr m'
- secondBest (RLoser _ k p tl m tr) m' = secondBest tl m `play` Winner k p tr m'
- -- | /O(r(log n - log r)/ @atMost p q@ is a list of all the bindings in @q@ with
- -- priority less than @p@, in order of ascending keys.
- -- Effectively,
- -- @ atMost p' q = filter (\\(k:->p) -> p<=p') . toList @
- atMost :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
- atMost pt q = seqToList (atMosts pt q)
- atMosts :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)
- atMosts _pt Void = emptySequ
- atMosts pt (Winner k p t _) = prune k p t
- where
- prune _k _p _t
- | p > pt = emptySequ
- | otherwise = traverse k p t
- traverse _k _p Start = singleSequ (k :-> p)
- traverse _k _p (LLoser _ k' p' tl _m tr) = prune k' p' tl <> traverse k p tr
- traverse _k _p (RLoser _ k' p' tl _m tr) = traverse k p tl <> prune k' p' tr
- -- | /O(r(log n - log r))/ @atMostRange p (l,u) q@ is a list of all the bindings in
- -- @q@ with a priority less than @p@ and a key in the range @(l,u)@ inclusive.
- -- Effectively,
- -- @ atMostRange p' (l,u) q = filter (\\(k:->p) -> l<=k && k<=u ) . 'atMost' p' @
- atMostRange :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> (k, k) -> PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
- atMostRange pt (kl, kr) q = seqToList (atMostRanges pt (kl, kr) q)
- atMostRanges :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> (k, k) -> PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)
- atMostRanges _pt _range Void = emptySequ
- atMostRanges pt range@(kl, kr) (Winner k p t _) = prune k p t
- where
- prune _k _p _t
- | p > pt = emptySequ
- | otherwise = traverse k p t
- traverse _k _p Start
- | k `inrange` range = singleSequ (k :-> p)
- | otherwise = emptySequ
- traverse _k _p (LLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) =
- guard (kl <= m) (prune k' p' tl) <> guard (m <= kr) (traverse k p tr)
- traverse _k _p (RLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) =
- guard (kl <= m) (traverse k p tl) <> guard (m <= kr) (prune k' p' tr)
- inrange :: (Ord a) => a -> (a, a) -> Bool
- a `inrange` (l, r) = l <= a && a <= r
- ------- Internals -----
- type Size = Int
- data LTree k p = Start
- | LLoser {-# UNPACK #-}!Size !k !p (LTree k p) !k (LTree k p)
- | RLoser {-# UNPACK #-}!Size !k !p (LTree k p) !k (LTree k p)
- size' :: LTree k p -> Size
- size' Start = 0
- size' (LLoser s _ _ _ _ _) = s
- size' (RLoser s _ _ _ _ _) = s
- left, right :: LTree a b -> LTree a b
- left Start = error "left: empty loser tree"
- left (LLoser _ _ _ tl _ _ ) = tl
- left (RLoser _ _ _ tl _ _ ) = tl
- right Start = error "right: empty loser tree"
- right (LLoser _ _ _ _ _ tr) = tr
- right (RLoser _ _ _ _ _ tr) = tr
- maxKey :: PSQ k p -> k
- maxKey Void = error "maxKey: empty queue"
- maxKey (Winner _k _p _t m) = m
- lloser, rloser :: k -> p -> LTree k p -> k -> LTree k p -> LTree k p
- lloser k p tl m tr = LLoser (1 + size' tl + size' tr) k p tl m tr
- rloser k p tl m tr = RLoser (1 + size' tl + size' tr) k p tl m tr
- --balance factor
- omega :: Int
- omega = 4
- lbalance, rbalance ::
- (Ord k, Ord p) => k-> p -> LTree k p -> k -> LTree k p -> LTree k p
- lbalance k p l m r
- | size' l + size' r < 2 = lloser k p l m r
- | size' r > omega * size' l = lbalanceLeft k p l m r
- | size' l > omega * size' r = lbalanceRight k p l m r
- | otherwise = lloser k p l m r
- rbalance k p l m r
- | size' l + size' r < 2 = rloser k p l m r
- | size' r > omega * size' l = rbalanceLeft k p l m r
- | size' l > omega * size' r = rbalanceRight k p l m r
- | otherwise = rloser k p l m r
- lbalanceLeft k p l m r
- | size' (left r) < size' (right r) = lsingleLeft k p l m r
- | otherwise = ldoubleLeft k p l m r
- lbalanceRight k p l m r
- | size' (left l) > size' (right l) = lsingleRight k p l m r
- | otherwise = ldoubleRight k p l m r
- rbalanceLeft k p l m r
- | size' (left r) < size' (right r) = rsingleLeft k p l m r
- | otherwise = rdoubleLeft k p l m r
- rbalanceRight k p l m r
- | size' (left l) > size' (right l) = rsingleRight k p l m r
- | otherwise = rdoubleRight k p l m r
- lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
- | p1 <= p2 = lloser k1 p1 (rloser k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- | otherwise = lloser k2 p2 (lloser k1 p1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- lsingleLeft _ _ _ _ Start = error "lsingleLeft"
- lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
- rloser k2 p2 (lloser k1 p1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
- rloser k1 p1 (rloser k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- rsingleLeft _ _ _ _ Start = error "rsingleLeft"
- rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
- rloser k2 p2 (rloser k1 p1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- lsingleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lloser k2 p2 t1 m1 (lloser k1 p1 t2 m2 t3)
- lsingleRight _ _ Start _ _ = error "lsingleRight"
- lsingleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lloser k1 p1 t1 m1 (lloser k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
- rsingleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lloser k2 p2 t1 m1 (rloser k1 p1 t2 m2 t3)
- rsingleRight k1 p1 Start m2 t3 = error "rsingleRight"
- rsingleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- | p1 <= p2 = rloser k1 p1 t1 m1 (lloser k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
- | otherwise = rloser k2 p2 t1 m1 (rloser k1 p1 t2 m2 t3)
- ldoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
- lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (lsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
- ldoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 Start = error "ldoubleLeft"
- ldoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
- lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (rsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
- ldoubleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lsingleRight k1 p1 (lsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- ldoubleRight k1 p1 Start m2 t3 = error "ldoubleRight"
- ldoubleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- lsingleRight k1 p1 (rsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- rdoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
- rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (lsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
- rdoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 Start = error "rdoubleLeft"
- rdoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
- rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (rsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
- rdoubleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- rsingleRight k1 p1 (lsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- rdoubleRight k1 p1 Start m2 t3 = error "rdoubleRight"
- rdoubleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
- rsingleRight k1 p1 (rsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
- play :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- Void `play` t' = t'
- t `play` Void = t
- Winner k p t m `play` Winner k' p' t' m'
- | p <= p' = Winner k p (rbalance k' p' t m t') m'
- | otherwise = Winner k' p' (lbalance k p t m t') m'
- unsafePlay :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
- Void `unsafePlay` t' = t'
- t `unsafePlay` Void = t
- Winner k p t m `unsafePlay` Winner k' p' t' m'
- | p <= p' = Winner k p (rbalance k' p' t m t') m'
- | otherwise = Winner k' p' (lbalance k p t m t') m'
- data TourView k p = Null | Single k p | PSQ k p `Play` PSQ k p
- tourView :: (Ord k) => PSQ k p -> TourView k p
- tourView Void = Null
- tourView (Winner k p Start _m) = Single k p
- tourView (Winner k p (RLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) m') =
- Winner k p tl m `Play` Winner k' p' tr m'
- tourView (Winner k p (LLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) m') =
- Winner k' p' tl m `Play` Winner k p tr m'
- -- Hughes's efficient sequence type --
- emptySequ :: Sequ a
- singleSequ :: a -> Sequ a
- (<>) :: Sequ a -> Sequ a -> Sequ a
- seqFromList :: [a] -> Sequ a
- seqFromListT :: ([a] -> [a]) -> Sequ a
- seqToList :: Sequ a -> [a]
- infixr 5 <>
- newtype Sequ a = Sequ ([a] -> [a])
- emptySequ = Sequ id
- singleSequ a = Sequ (\as -> a : as)
- Sequ x1 <> Sequ x2 = Sequ (x1 . x2)
- seqFromList as = Sequ (\as' -> as ++ as')
- seqFromListT = Sequ
- seqToList (Sequ x) = x []
- instance Show a => Show (Sequ a) where
- showsPrec d a = showsPrec d (seqToList a)
- guard :: Bool -> Sequ a -> Sequ a
- guard False _as = emptySequ
- guard True as = as
- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Identity instances for Functor and Monad
- newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
- instance Functor Identity where
- fmap f m = Identity (f (runIdentity m))
- instance Applicative Identity where
- pure = Identity
- (<*>) (Identity f) (Identity a) = Identity (f a)
- instance Monad Identity where
- return = Identity
- m >>= k = k (runIdentity m)
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