

Feb 3rd, 2013
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  1. [6:33:42 AM] Milo: Everyone was in a frenzy. Well, mostly. A few chose not to associate, staying as far away from the confusion as possible, only coming to hear what had happened and leaving soon after. 'Something happened to Kurloz' was a good enough explanation, but for those who remained in order to assist, further detail was given. No one knew what could have triggered it, but Gamzee had taken it into his hands to make sure his dancestor remembered what 'critically injured' felt like. A couple speculated that perhaps they'd gotten into a fight and Kankri voiced worry over their 'Messiahs' perhaps meddling with their relationship - not that they were any quadrants or anything. The conversation quickly turned, however, to more important matters than what had set an already-psychotic clown off: since Kurloz would most certainly be down for the count, who would break the news to Mituna? It was almost immediately established that there was no way the yellowblood should even /see/ his matesprit until his... well, just about /all/ of him became a little less mangled, but with Mituna having obviously moved in with the now absent Capricorn, something would have to be done about him. They couldn't just let him be left alone wondering where he'd gone.
  3. A careful knock sounded on the door to Kurloz's hive a few hours later, Cronus shifting uncomfortably and worrying the cigarette in his mouth with shark's teeth. He wasn't sure how well he wanted to even be here, even though he knew no one aside from Mituna was even present. Anything that belonged to Kurloz, even the hive itself, creeped him the fuck out. But it'd taken him ages to convince everyone that he was best suited for the job, so there wasn't any backing out now. He wondered if he should break the news immediately or just.. wait it out and see how long it would take Mituna to ask. Shit.
  5. [6:44:57 AM] bangarang: The Gemini was safely tucked in the hive, busying himself with some... 'repairs' on his skateboard. Which basically amounted to him and a screwdriver repeatedly taking off and putting back on the wheels. Jerky hands made this a tedious task, so the hours had passed without him even noticing. Earlier, Kurloz had left to do somthing that Mituna hadn't entirely paid attention to the details of, and apparently had figured that the broken little yellowblood could handle himself. Which... wasn't like him. So when the knock sounded at the door of their hive he was... understandably confused. Concerned. Why would Kurloz knock? He stood unsteadily, trying to maintain his balance on feet that had fallen asleep, he made his way to the door, and pulled it open. Immediately he felt his stomach bottom out, staring up at Cronus. This wasn't okay. He didn't like this. A low ((and what he hoped was at least a little intimidating)) hiss left him, moving to close the door. "I d-don't like you," he greeted plainly, trying to keep himself calm and in control until the unwanted guest left. "B-bottom feeder. G-go away."
  7. [7:10:07 AM] Milo: Cronus's frown was immediate, foot forcing its way between the gap of the door. "Already with the insults? Stop being so needlessly /unpleasant/, I didn't even do anything," He snapped, finding it easier to be a bit more brave knowing nobody else was around to interrupt. "You don't even know why I'm here." Despite any attempts to keep closing the door, Cronus wormed his way through, crossing his arms. All he had to do was put up with Mituna's 'condition' long enough for the troll he used to be would wake up, remember the little flush-crush the seadweller used to hint at, then the yellowblood would try to pick it back up and would want him, right? There was a lot of time to work on it now, he supposed there was no reason to really rush. Be casual and make yourself at home, Cronus. You're probably gonna be here a while until you can convince the local retard to let you babysit him in /your/ hive instead. "You got any food? I'm starving." Not really, but most of them tended to eat for the sake of eating anyway. Felt like they were still alive and the empty-not-empty feeling of a dead stomach was too strange for any of them to ignore. Food, that's casual, right?
  9. A whine left him as Cronus asserted himself into the hive, stumbling back a little. "F-fuck, fffffuck I-" He twitched again, away from the intruder, hands pulling at the edges of his capelet nervously. He was losing his edge, the surge of adrenaline from the initial surprise fading quickly. "D-don't /l-like/ you," he said again, trying to emphasize that fact as much as he could. "D-don't /care/-" There wasn't any reason for him to be here in the first place, Mituna didn't care /why/ he was here, all he cared about was Cronus being in his personal space, his living space, the space he shared with his /matesprit/ - food? "Th-thorry," he grumbled, backing up a little more still. "D-don't h-have... any algae f-for - /fuck!/ - you. Thellth-thucker." Arms crossed in front of him, hands gripping his biceps. "G-go away. Fuck, g-go away." His anxiety was spiking and he didn't know where to go or what to do. Where was Kurloz? Cronus didn't deserve hospitality... At least not in his mind. But he paused, brows knitting as he looked at the floor, at his feet. "What d-do... do you want?" Quieter: "Wh-whereth... Nrrgn-" Jerk, twitch. "Wh.. where...?"
  11. [7:32:17 AM] Milo: He was trying to blow off the fact that he was basically being treated like trash, chalking it up to 'the retard doesn't know he's retarded' or something along those lines. "Mit, don't be like that." His tone was flat, annoyed. Tired of listening to the shit spewing out of his protein chute. "I'm not going anywhere, for your information, I was /invited/ to stay." Not really, but sort of? Whatever, it wasn't like Mituna would ever know the difference. Then the Gemini was clearly asking about Kurloz. Cronus shifted uneasily, then straightened. "He's busy. I'm only gonna ask one more time of you got any food. I'm your guest, you're /supposed/ to already be starting something to eat, but I'm doing you the favour of fixing something myself seeing as you're incapable of doing anything." The way he spoke held no real scorn, just careless and full of that 'I know you can't help it' tone.
  13. [7:42:07 AM] bangarang: Biting back another retort he quieted at the comment about being invited to stay. And Kurloz being busy. Too busy for him? He frowned deeper, sighing and waving his hand a little awkwardly toward the nutrient center. Mituna was never really trusted around things that could hurt him since the incident; using sharp objects to prepare food for himself seemed like a bad idea with how little control he had over his actions. As Cronus left the room he kicke his skateboard in agitation and sudden anger, turning around at least three times before he decided that he /did/ want to 'supervise', and he stomped into the other room, arms folded, still pouting. He was... really upset. Upset that this intruder had all but barged in, intended to stay, and that his matesprit was busy and hadn't told him he wouldn't be back. "I d-don't... don't nnnnnneed thomeone here," he defended weakly. "I... I c-can..." Fingers gripped the edge of the counter tightly, Mituna swallowing. Nerves were fraying more and more by the second. "C-can be by my... mythelf." Why hadn't Latula come to look after him? He felt a painful pang in his stomach and chest. Was she mad at him? Mad enough to let this creep of all trolls come here? Ouch.
  15. [7:53:05 AM] Milo: "/Thank/ you. See? That was me being polite. Like guests are supposed to be to their-" He frowned a little, looking Mituna over, "-host. I guess." Cronus spent no time making his way to the nutrient centre, poking through things until starting some noodles. He was even making enough for the yellowblood, figuring the fuck probably hadn't eaten since Kurloz had left. Wasn't he just being such a good caretaker? "And yeah, you do. Everyone knows you can't be alone and you don't even like being alone in the first place." It was so easy to be as mean as he pleased to this pathetic, retarded shell of a pissblood anymore. "You wouldn't be able to be alone for as long as it's gonna take for him to fix himse-- for him to /not be busy/ anyway." Extra emphasis was added as he corrected himself. For Mituna, this was probably going to be a long, often upsetting wait.
  17. [8:02:15 AM] bangarang: Regardless of whether or not he /liked/ being by himself... Well, he didn't have a convincing argument. He knew full and well he couldn't be left alone, but he... But Cronus was the last troll he wanted to see, the last troll he wanted to be in the care of. His fingers actually hurt he was gripping so hard, not wanting to do /anything/ that looked weak, pathetic, or unintentional in front of this guy. "Wh-why.... buthy." Tone had little inflection - he figured if he spoke as clearly as possible, he wouldn't seem like such a waste of space and maybe Cronus would see he was a big boy and really could look after himself. "Alwayth... tellth me... wh- nnnnnhhhh-" Cringe, and he whined. Trying to focus under so much pressure just made him dizzy and made his head hurt. He sat on one of the stools at the counter, resting his forehead against the countertop. He felt like crying. Was he already? He couldn't tell, his eyes had burned since Cronus walked in.
  19. [8:13:54 AM] Milo: Cronus waited for those noodles to finish until he responded. First, a plate for Mituna, a fork tucked into the pile and a cup of whatever this mildly-gross-but-tolerable-he-supposed fizzy drink Kurloz was so fond of was. On second thought, he stabbed a straw into said cup, remembering his difficulty with those oversized teeth. Did he still need to be fed, or could he handle himself now? Guess he'd find out. Taking a helping and filling a cup for himself, the seadweller casually made his way back to plop down on one of the soft piles. He didn't notice that this particular pile was waiting to be washed (a task Kurloz had actually planned to get to after his time with Gamzee, oops), smelling faintly of genetic material and sweat. Some things were better left unknown. "Now," Cronus finally replied around a forkful of noodles, "Tall, dark, and creepy is /busy/ because I don't fucking know. According to Kan, he's gonna be busy for a while. You're lucky someone even remembered you live here now." He practically growled, not in any hurry to get his harassment on just yet - they had time, after all. So. Much. Time. The royalblood could, luckily, afford to relax.
  21. [8:24:39 AM] bangarang: Mituna generally tended not to accept /anything/ from Cronus, but since he'd watched him make it himself he didn't really see it as a danger. Shaking hands took the plate and cup, Mituna's focus so intense he wasn't even allowing himself to blink. He sat down - in the same room, but not nearby Cronus, taking a sip of the fizzy sugar water and attempting to feed himself. H-he normally wasn't this bad, fucking shit. He was nervous. Scared. Terrified of the other troll that was in his hive, watching him eat, watching him fuck up and prove beyond all doubt that he did need help. It was embarrassing, it was horrible. Ugh, no - he could feel hot tears of frustration welling in his eyes, the Gemini shovelling food into his mouth to the best of his abilities to try and hide the fact that he was crying. Hair covered a good portion of this, too - hopefully they wouldn't fall, hopefully they wouldn't be seen. He may have been a little rude sometimes, but Mituna had feelings too - and they were more easily hurt than ever. "N-not creepy," he mumbled as defiantly as he could manage with his mouth full.
  23. [8:55:24 AM] Milo: "He is creepy, your opinion doesn't even count. Retards aren't even allowed in a majority of decision-making because they don't really even have a thought process anyway, they just -do weird shit- because they can't help it. So yes, general consensus says that he is fucking creepy." He said it that time, not needing to check himself in the single company of Mituna. A disgusted and undoubtedly irritated look was sent the Gemini's way as he watched him struggle to eat. "You don't look like you really got that going very well, chief." Cronus sighed dramatically, taking his things over to sit too closely next to his charge. "Here," His own food and drink was set down, the seadweller taking the fork a little forcefully from Mituna's hand. A well-spun fork of noodes was poking at his lips a moment later. "You gotta open your mouth if you're gonna eat, don't be stupid- though I guess you can't help it most of the time anyway, can you?"
  25. [4:15:29 PM] bangarang: Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry - don't respond, don't cry, don't look at him - he can't hurt you if you can't see him, he's not there. He's not being insulting... But he was, Cronus was being insulting and awful and why was he in his hive please get out and let him be. He wanted Kurloz back more than anything. Not even to do anything to Cronus necessarily - just to be here, with him, and not... gone. Ugh his hand was shaking - he couldn't get his food into his mouth. He was too frustrated, too upset. When Cronus took the fork from him he whimpered, gripping the front of his capelet and huffing a little. Eyes watched the seadweller's face as he spoke, brows knitting a little as he reluctantly let himself be fed. Chewing slowly, he swallowed and sighed in frustration. "Wh-why..." he mumbled, rubbing his face, huffing again. "M-mean... I don't..." So Mituna hadn't been the nicest Cronus. But why was he being awful...? Especially if he was here to take care of him... especially if he seemed to like him so much."Th-thtop. Thorry." He couldn't deal with Kurloz being gone /and/ Cronus being so mean to him.
  27. [7:46:46 AM] Milo: Surprisingly, there was no real malice in his expression as he spoke, harsh words simply leaving him without thought; it was so /easy/ to just let meanness roll off his tongue regarding Mituna anymore. The old flush was there, of course it was, but.. well, one could understand that he'd be frustrated, especially now that the yellowblood's terrifying moirail had now become his even more terrifying matesprit. There was no way Cronus would ever get a chance now and worse, no way Mituna would ever be the troll he used to be and possibly give him the time of night. He stewed in his thoughts a moment upon being called 'mean', just focussing on making sure the Gemini continued eating until he acted too full to keep accepting the fork. "There, that's better, isn't it? You're supposed to /eat/ when you're hungry." A wave of his hand, words dismissive, then he finished his own, now pretty cold, plate. He didn't mind. Then he was done, their dishes set off to the side, and Cronus didn't hesitate to drape an arm over the other's shoulders, now pleasantly warm with the sensation of feeling food in his stomach. "Don't worry, Mit, he'll be fine." Like he was more trying to convince /himself/ of that; he didn't /want/ Kurloz to be fine, didn't want him to come back at all. A mutter, "Not like being put through the wringer wasn't something he wasn't asking for anyway, with a descendant like that," offhand and figuring Mituna would probably not understand. Hands touched at the smaller troll's shoulders and chest in the meantime, the seadweller starting to grow rather.. handsy as he not-so-casually sought attention from Mituna.
  29. [2:43:25 PM] bangarang: It... it was true? Mituna really couldn't remember anything from before the accident. Had there been an interest? The way he was acting now, made it seem like a flushcrush was a thing that the seadweller had simply fabricated out of nowhere. A lot of the trolls had a hard time accepting Mituna like he was, now. Really, the only trolls that seemed to hardly notice were Porrim, Latula, and of course Kurloz. Horuss and Rufioh were cordial, but they were too busy with themselves to really pay him any mind. Sigh. Not something he wanted to think about without his matesprit here to comfort him. Finished eating he sighed again, slumping a little. Why hadn't Porrim come? At least she was comforting and soft, if a little preachy. Noding distantly at the promise of him being fine he rubbed his eyes uneasily, really actually not wanting to cry. It was so frustrating an upsetting and he - huh? Curious look was given at the offhanded comment. He... was talking about..? Oh, no - He felt himself freeze, frame locking up as Cronus' hands wandered over his form. Not this, not this. "Th-thtop," he warned in a wavering tone. Nothing good could come of this. Even if he could remember 'before' - now, there was nothing but ill-intentions in those wandering touches.
  31. [6:49:08 AM] Milo: Cronus especially had trouble accepting the way Mituna was now. In the past, he'd flushed hard for the Gemini only to be met with the accident, almost completely changing the only troll he actually thought he could hold his red quadrant steady with. It was hard having to watch the yellowblood flounder about, his difficulty with speaking and the inability to really behave normally proving to be the most difficult part. He'd been a pretty cool guy once, shame that person was pretty much gone now, but that didn't mean he had to back off. No, Cronus was just desperate enough to continue his pursuit, slowly reaching up behind the other to sneak the zipper of his bodysuit down his back. Highblood-cold fingers met lowblood-warm flesh, rubbing his spine and around his shoulderblades. "No, you don't want me to stop, you just say that because it's your reaction to everything I do." He sounded hurt, his free hand traveling along his still-clothed chest, over his stomach, down between his legs. "I just wanna make you feel good, Mit, that's all. Friends do this for each other sometimes."
  33. [7:00:29 AM] bangarang: Mituna may have had recollections of this, briefly, in the past - but things were harder to grasp and recall in the state he was now. But if Cronus would just stop being so detestable maybe... maybe the Gemini could actually remember the better things. As it stood he made unwanted advances and caused Mituna to feel nothing but discomfort. Like now - a whimper and shiver raced over him at the cold touch, twitching as he opened and closed his hands desperately. N-no, he did want him to stop - this didn't feel good, it didn't feel right. "P-pleathe thtop..." His cheeks were heating up in frustration and shame, the yellowblood squirming with discomfort as he grabbed at the wandering hand, shaking his head. "No, n-no no-" They weren't friends. Not anymore. Not with how Cronus had treated him since the accident. He despised everything about the seadweller, and likely would continue doing so unless he managed to have some miraculous change of heart and treat him like a troll instead of a... a... thing. A thing that was incapable of taking care of even himself. It hurt his feelings. He had those still, at least.
  35. [7:20:56 AM] Milo: To be fair, Mituna very much /was/ incapable of taking care of himself. Guy couldn't even get out of his own clothing. Could barely manage to feed himself, and if Cronus hadn't been there to so graciously assist, the pissblood would have probably made the most ridiculous mess trying. He idly wondered if, since this was apparently Mituna's new place of residence, Kurloz even took proper care of him or just let him slobber food all over himself. "Shut your mouth, you don't even know what you want anyway. Remember when we had to spend four nights convincing you that you needed to sleep, then you went and fell asleep standing? Hit your face real good on that table?" The seadweller had an example to turn literally anything Mituna had to say against himself. As the Gemini grabbed at him, he bat him away and returned to his touches; there wasn't anyone here to stop him, least of all Mituna himself, so he'd do whatever the hell he pleased.
  37. [7:31:14 AM] bangarang: That was the mistake most of the other trolls made, too. Sure, Mituna may have had a hard time with things, but what did anyone gain from drawing attention to it, or making him feel bad about it? It was already bad enough he couldn't double-die. Everyone just made it worse. He whimpered again, shaking his head. Okay, so he'd been reluctant to sleep - but wouldn't anyone, after experiencing what he did? The whole process had been a nightmare. Learning to cope with his disability, and his body not responding to him was worse than dying and staying dead, that was for sure. Hands jerked unsteadily as he was bat away, more whimpers and whines leaving him. This wasn't good. He needed to stop. "D-don't want.. n-not.. nnngh, n-nithe - pleathe-" He tried to get up, to get away, but Cronus was such a stres-inducing terror that Mituna was having a harder time than usual controlling himself. His tears were loose, now, tracing hot lines down his hotter cheeks. "C-Cronuth-th, pleathe, wh- fffffuck, th-thtop..." Why wasn't his matesprit here? What happened to him? Why was no one helping?
  39. [7:45:02 PM] Milo: "I don't care," Cronus deadpanned, taking the initiative to slide his hands up Mituna's arms and starting to tug his clothing off. "What's wrong, all I wanna do is make you more comfortable-" He was down to the bodysuit at this point, "-I'm being such a fucking /considerate friend/ and this is how you're treating me. Really, Mit, do you want us to just leave you to starve by yourself for a quarter-sweep? Because that's probably how long it'll take for that creepy skeleton fucker to come back." That's right, Mituna, you're in for a long trip through hell. Once he'd yanked the Gemini's clothing off his feet, Cronus slithered back up his body, a dangerous look in those dead-white eyes. He was practically purring when he spoke, running his palm up and down Mituna's stomach. "That's better too, right? Full stomach, no tight or /restricting/ clothes, a seadweller to make sure you don't get too hot. You like the feel of highbloods' skin, don't you?"
  41. [8:05:32 PM] bangarang: Struggling the best he could to keep his clothes on, he shook his head and whined more. No, stop, this wasn't what friends did - Tears still fell, nearly begging him in an intelligible babble to stop, /please/ stop, he didn't like this. "R-rather th...thhhtarve-" he spat, but the span of time hit him and he stopped struggling, staring at Cronus with worried, wet eyes. Th-that long? Why was he going to be busy for so long? How could he leave him with... /this/ troll? Even Kankri would be better than this. Kankri at least wouldn't - ! Another loud whimper followed as his clothes were fully off, clawing weakly at the front of the seadweller's shirt in protest. A full-body shiver ran through him at the hand, stomach twitching away from the cold touch resulting in a full-body jerk that made him pull the Aquaruis' shirt. "N-not yourth - not... n-nnnnnnot you...!" Not a bottom-feeder's touch. He groaned lengthily, gripping the side of his head, squeezing his eyes shut, squeezing more tears down his face. "F-find him... I'll... m-matethprit... f-find..." As soon as he saw the opportunity ((and could get his legs to work again)) he'd make a run for it and find Kurloz. He had to.
  43. [2/11/2013 12:18:52 AM | Edited 12:19:24 AM] Milo: Cronus did eventually stop, in the middle of grasping the smaller troll's bulge, ready to coerce him via bare-skinned stimulation. "Why are you crying? I'm taking care of you." He seemed a little upset, fins flattening as the obvious distaste for his gracious assistance was shown such open distaste. "This is a thing /normal/ trolls do, you know. Pretty sure that 'accident' of yours took away your ability to know that sort of stuff, though, so you probably don't." His fingers were gripping Mituna's flaccid bulge, rubbing with his thumb just as he would if he were teasing himself into arousal, slow and gentle. Using his other hand to press his charge against the pile, holding him down by his chest, the Aquarius leaned in to kiss along his jaw and lap deliciously warm lowblooded tears from the yellowblood's cheeks. "Kurloz and Latula both have done this to you, I know they have. /Relax/, Mit." He purred, nibbling at his ear, his neck, all the while increasing the movement along his bulge. He wasn't going anywhere, wasn't finding anyone. Not yet, anyway.
  45. [2/11/2013 12:39:06 AM] bangarang: "N-no-" Squirming again, he did his best to push Cronus away, but no part of him seemed to be cooperating - much like when he first got... broke. He was terrified then, and he was terrified now - body refusing to take part in his attempts to fight back. N-normal? This wasn't normal -! He was pretty sure crying and trying his hardest to get away... didn't fall under what people referred to as 'normal'. Stop making fun of him, too - fuck! That also made this really hard to accept. Sure, Latula and Kurloz had done it but they had never... with... such contempt? So many unecessary insults. Full-body shudders ran through him, groans of serious disdain (but unfortunately, as the nature of the beast worked (in that broken head of his) they were groans of unwanted arousal too) loud and helpless as he struggled. He couldn't relax. There were no words to describe how much he /hated/ Cronus. It hadn't been 100% before this, hardly; there were times Mituna even felt fucking /bad/ for being so mean to him. But this sort-of sealed the whole deal. "Why...! th-thtop!" he whined continuously, the weight on his chest making him claustrophobic and freak out even worse.
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