

Feb 20th, 2022
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  1. Liam Nakamura's birth brought no joy. It probably would have, if his mother was there to experience the phase past the process. She passed away during her first born which lead to a negative twist in the timeline. Liam's parents had a great loving relationship for a few years. Liam's father considered it a lucky match, as it happened during the lowest point in his life. Little did he know, it would lead him back down there. During the beginning, her presence was uplifting and he recovered his life from being miserable to renting a small apartment and having a job. The whole thing happened in Los Santos. He was attached to her, considered her his angel and savior but not religiously. That's what destroyed him.
  3. Him and the momma had no plans of expanding their family 3 years into being together so Liam's appearance was a big shock factor to both of them. However, momma took it lighter than the father did. She accepted it and decided to revolve her life around the pregnancy whereas the father was constantly begging for an abortion. He wasn't abusive, he wasn't aggressive. After all, he loved her more than he loved god. He was Christian. He just wanted to focus on making progress in his own life after the recovery but after months of emotional struggle, he finally fully accepted momma's choice. Sweet woman. She wasn't prepared for the pain. They were excited for the birth of Liam, name that momma herself picked for him. The fact it was a male baby helped in being accepted and loved my the father. He wanted a son whom he would make successful, the exact opposite of himself. The day came and much like Liam's appearance, Liam's arrival was also a shock factor. When his mother passed, his father dove back to the lowest point in his life. Depression overtook his emotions, actions, mind, everything. He couldn't accept Liam anymore. He considered Liam a demon, the opposite of an angel, who took the life of his savior. Religion had really affected his mind. He was a slumped alcoholic who, not long later, lost his job and apartment. He became homeless. On the other hand, Liam grew up in an orphanage. Whilst growing up, he thought his parents could support his growth so that's why they put him in the orphanage. It was lies. He got to enjoy the day that completed 18 years of life but the next day wasn't easy. He was informed about the real reason he ended up there and about everything else.
  5. He's 20 now. Released from the orphanage and currently working at a gas station. He blames himself for the downfall of his parents but he what keeps him sane is the thought that his mother loved him before he was born. Based on the way she was described, he believed she would've given up her life for him. He's just holding on, ignoring his father's presence in the world. He doesn't want to associate himself with the father. He doesn't want to see him at all.
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