
what is a furry summary

Jan 7th, 2023
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  1. the person who believes they are an animal is refereed to generally as an "other-kin", i have no personal experience with it, and honestly don't consider myself to be that relm or group.
  2. furry-ness is kinda painted clearly what it is, which is a "fandom" aka the "furry fandom". it's essentially a form of either self or creative exploration from my exp.
  3. examples of non-sexual content that is furry is: mickey-mouse, whinny-the-pooh, donald duck, tony the tiger, etcetc. and being a furry is essentially saying: *i really like this creative decision*. because sure, you can have Sidney Crosby on a cereal box, but isn’t that sorta the boring easy way out?
  5. Other use it as a way to use it as self expression, to experiment with gender and sexual expression over experimenting and draging your name threw the mud, because keep this in mind; the world in a lot of areas is massively LGTB+ phobic, or due to a plethora of circumstances might not be able to express themselfs freely. While hiding behind an anon character is a way someone can experience this form of self expression/freedom many urn for.
  7. Or really, it can just be fun to play with characters who have what would be deemed “super-powers” or “handicaps” without needing some bs sci-fi reason. (i’m aware how cringe this sounds at a glance) but judy hops is un-ironically one of the most empowering females in modern cinema because she has a genuine “handicap” that she can’t wash away, and wants to be in this group of people who actively discourage her. But she overcomes the odds and proves she’s able to be respected in a field where her “handicap” is seen as a massive detriment, while if you look at something like the new charlies angel film, that movie is empowering to woman because “hahaha, men are stupid and woman can do things men do! Look at all these idiots!”. I’m not a huge fan of disney, or how a lot of movies push that “empowerment angle”, but if they’re going to do it, i think it’s fair to criticize what is good and bad about how they do it.
  9. My last main thing to address the kink side every single fandom has it’s sexual side. don’t get me started on how my hero academia as an example, which there is much... “fanart” of. With furries becauase of the reasons above, sexual exploration is much more common, and because of the not inherently real nature of furrys, these kinks are pushed to extremes because they aren’t real. The best way i can think about it, is you know how gore and explosions are often massively overdone in a means to make it more “entertaining”? With furries and kinks it’s mainly in that same manner.
  11. And because i don’t have a good way to tie this in atm, being a furry is nothing to do with being sexually attracted to animals. Those are another group referred to as “zoophiles”, which furries often hate. There is overlap due to one wanting to do something despicable, then inherently knowing they shouldn’t or can’t so they try to get as close as possible while being wthin the margin of the law, and those people are often chased out or at least publicly denounced or hated on in some sorta matter.if you have any other questions i’ll be happy to answer as someone who has been in the fandom for around 5 years, and although i cannot speak for everyone, i’ll try to comment in a general as possible response.
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