
Pokémon Elite Trainers Rate

Jul 1st, 2015
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  1. Lorelei - 10
  2. Agatha - 10
  3. Lance - 10
  4. Blue - 10
  5. Red - 10
  6. Will - 8
  7. Koga - 10
  8. Bruno - 8.5
  9. Karen - 10
  10. --
  11. Sidney - 8.5
  12. Phoebe - 6.5
  13. Glacia - 10
  14. Drake - 7.5
  15. Steven - 10
  16. Wallace - 0 (The Perez Hilton of the Pokémon franchise. Disgusting.)
  17. --
  18. Aaron - 0 (Not a fan of this guy.)
  19. Bertha - 4 (WAY too easy.)
  20. Flint - 3.5
  21. Lucian - 8
  22. Cynthia - 10 (The best Champion.)
  23. --
  24. Shauntal - 8.5
  25. Marshal - 7
  26. Grimsley - 8.5
  27. Caitlin - 8
  28. Alder - 5.5
  29. Iris - 0 (Overrated and Mediocre.)
  30. --
  31. Malva - 6
  32. Siebold - 6
  33. Wikstrom - 7
  34. Drasna - 10 (Her room is the best out of the Elite 4 in Kalos.)
  35. Diantha - 7.5
  37. Post Game Facility Bosses:
  38. Frontier Brain Noland - 10
  39. Frontier Brain Greta - 0 (Looks like Sia.)
  40. Frontier Brain Tucker - 0 (Wallace v2. No thanks.)
  41. Frontier Brain Lucy - 10 (An improved Jessie.)
  42. Frontier Brain Spenser - 10
  43. Frontier Brain Brandon - 0 (He looks like Bugsy, so that's an automatic 0.)
  44. Frontier Brain Anabel - 0 (A Sabrina Rip-off.)
  45. Tower Tycoon Palmer - 5
  46. Frontier Brain Thorton - 10
  47. Frontier Brain Dahlia - 10
  48. Frontier Brain Darach - 10
  49. Frontier Brain Argenta - 10
  50. Subway Bos Ingo - 5
  51. Subway Boss Emmet - 5
  52. Chatelaine Evelyn - 4
  53. Chatelaine Morgan - 9
  54. Chatelaine Dana - 10
  55. Chatelaine Nita - 0
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