
Dogs Are The Most Moe Hack V2

May 28th, 2019
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  1. document.getElementById('contactinfo').innerHTML = "<a href='#' onclick='processHax()'>follow me on twitter @i_am_agm</a>"; function processHax() { var it1 = confirm('Pet Hack Process Started...'); if (it1 == true) { var test = confirm('Process Complete!'); if (test == false) { stop(); } else { var opt = confirm('Would you like to Add Pets or Set Pets? Add = OK | Set = Cancel'); if (opt == false) { var it2 = prompt('How Many Pets?'); dog_site.pets = it2; confirm('Successfully Set Pets To : '+it2); } else { var num1 = Number(dog_site.pets); var num2 = Number(prompt('How Many Pets?')); var fin = num1+num2; dog_site.pets = fin; confirm('Successfully Added : '+num2+' Pets'); } } } else { confirm('Process Failed'); }; }; confirm('Click The Follow Me On Twitter Text To Activate! Enjoy! If You Forget What To Do, Press Alt.'); window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false);
  3. function checkKeyPressed(evt) {
  4. if (evt.keyCode == "18") {
  5. confirm('Click The Follow Me On Twitter Text To Activate! Enjoy! If You Forget What To Do, Press Alt.');
  6. }
  7. };
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